Sample Report On Project Management For Business By Global Assignment Help

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Table of Contents Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................3 Task 1 .........................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Background and principles of project management ........................................................................3 1.2 Viability of Community centre project ............................................................................................4 1.3 Principles behind project management systems and procedures.....................................................5 1.4 Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post project appraisals.................6 Task 2 .........................................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Appropriate organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of participants within a project ...7 2.2 Control and Coordinate a project ....................................................................................................9 2.3 Assess project leadership requirement and qualities .....................................................................10 2.4 Plan and specify human resource requirement ..............................................................................10 Task 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Prepare Project Plans ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Project Scheduling, estimation and cost control techniques .........................................................12 3.3 Analyse the methods used to measure project performance..........................................................13 3.4 Explain the project change control procedure ...............................................................................13 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................13 references .................................................................................................................................................15

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INTRODUCTION There are different perspectives related to project management for different purposes such as for business, it can refers to activities of planning, controlling, organising and managing of available resources to for attain best possible outcomes (Barber and Warn, 2005). For manager's purpose, it can be defined as the the application of knowledge and skills to conduct or execute a project in appropriate manner. Present study focuses on analysing and evaluating the steps that managers of Peak Ltd undertakes for executing the student community centre project. Peak Ltd is a consultancy and construction firm which operates in Alton, UK. In regards to the present project, study entails various aspects of project management as well as different appraisal techniques to evaluate viability and feasibility of the project. The main purpose of researcher for conducting present study is to enhance the knowledge and skills regarding project management. Furthermore, various project management techniques has been focused in order to evaluate the accurate duration and practicability of the student community centre. Thereafter, report consist of different project based control procedure for minimizing the risks and uncertainties associated with the projection.

TASK 1 1.1 Background and principles of project management There are certain specific principles of project management that managers have to undertake before executing a project (Atkinson, 2011). However, according to the present case study senior managers of Peak Ltd are planning to develop a student community centre. The main objective of developing a community centre is to provide student of Birkbeck college central hub as well as a meeting place so that students can improve their skills and competencies regarding several aspects. Therefore, it is very crucial for the top level management of Peak Ltd to ensure that all the principles of project management are followed in appropriate manner to attain desired results. These are: 

Vision and Mission – Vision and Mission are crucial for the managers to understand before executing any project. However, the principle of PM states that, individuals associated with the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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project should have end within their mind so that they can execute activities accordingly (Sui and Chuvessiriporn, 2013). For Peak Ltd managers and engineers associated with it should understand the vision of Birkbeck College so that company can develop community centre where students can conduct various activities appropriately. 

Enterprise Perspective – Before forecasting the procedure of completing the cited project it is important for the managers of Peak Ltd to analyse the perspective of top level management of Birkbeck college so that community centre can be developed appropriately and students can execute their activities effectively.

Risk management – It is the responsibility of engineer or the project manager to analyse and evaluate all the aspects of work so that risks and uncertainties associated with it can be managed and minimized (Baker, Murphy and Fisher, 2008).

1.2 Viability of Community centre project Initial investment: £400000 Year

Cash flows













Net present value: Years

Cash flows

Discount rate 6%






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Initial investment


Net present value


Payback: Yeas

Cash flows

Payback period



















From the use of investment appraisal techniques, feasibility and viability of Community centre has been evaluated. However, from the above calculation of Net present value and Payback period techniques it can be stated that, cited project is not viable for Birkbeck College. Justification to this statement is the results generated by the means of both techniques. NPV is showing results in negative whereas payback period is stating that project will regain its initial investment in 6th year. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Oracle Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Both the above calculations are not showing feasible outcomes for the college therefore it can be recommended that management should not invest in this work. Furthermore, NPV is considered as the most appropriate and faithful tool to identify the feasibility of project and most of the managers use this technique to generate accurate results. On the other hand, in spite of being not such reliable tool, Payback period is indicating community centre project is not feasible for top level management of Birkbeck college. Looking at the student growth perspective executing this project can be the reason for senior managers of cited college to develop community centre.

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Kindly Contact us at: 1.3 Principles behind project management systems and procedures In general terms, system of project management can refers to the approach of planning or forecasting, organising and making optimum utilisation of available resources to generate best possible outcomes (Dainty, Cheng and Moore, 2005). However, various authors have defined that, management of project is based upon its significance and edification. At present there are different principles of project management which posses great significance in executing and completing a project. These are: 

Principle of Commitment – According to the present case, this principle assure and motivate Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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fair mutual commitment between both Peak Ltd and Birkbeck Ltd. 

Principle of Success – It is one of major principles that managers has to undertake because, by the means of this people associated with the project can be assured of viability and feasibility of executing the work (Iles and Hayers, 2005). As in the present case, Community centre project is not feasible for Birkbeck in terms of financial aspect but for development of student it is fruitful to execute.

Principle of control – This principle focuses on ensuring that work is managed and controlled by managers appropriately as well as it is heading towards right direction for its successful run.

The Trade off principle – This principle is related to the scope, quality, time and cost of student community centre. However, this also highlights that higher the risk taken better the outcomes are. Therefore, it is the responsibility of managers and engineers of Peak Ltd to ensure that they are taking risk which is feasible enough to generate fruitful results.

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Illustration 1: Framework of project management system 1.4 Key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post project appraisals Project termination can be defined as the situation where project is supposed to be closed or finalized because there may be no more need of conducting the project (Thite, 2010). However, project termination is one of the major decision that team members of project management has to undertake. This decision is made after evaluating each aspect associated with the project. According to the present given scenario, it is the responsibility of project manager of Peak Ltd to ensure that project is terminated after all the stipulations or deliverables are satisfied such as: training and procedure manuals, equipments, brochure and data etc. In context to this, there are three steps/ key elements involved in terminating the project like student community centre. These are: 

Extinction – This element indicates that, project is terminated after its completion or all the deliverables are provided to its desired customer or client.

Inclusion – By the means of this, project manager has to terminate project completely as well as Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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disseminate the equipments and machinery associated with it (Odusami, 2012). 

Integration – In this process of terminating the project, manager has to give all the resources, personnel and function to its is original company.

Conducting a post project appraisal: For conducting a post project appraisal there are various steps that project management team has to follow such as:

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First step is gather all the key reviews and feedbacks regarding the project so that strengths and weaknesses can be evaluated.

Thereafter, project manager can conduct a meeting with his or her team members so that detailed discussion can be made and potential measures can be undertaken (Cleland and Ireland, 2008).

After that, project manager has to distribute the survey regarding potential measure so that other associated people can also understand and improve their skills and competencies. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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TASK 2 2.1 Appropriate organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of participants within a project According to the given scenario, Peak Ltd Company is a construction and consultancy firm. Therefore, managers have to play different roles and responsibilities in order to perform and manager its business operations. In regards to this, the most appropriate organisational structure for Peak Ltd Company would be project based structure (Turner, 2014). Rationale to this structure is that it helps top level management in controlling different aspects of functioning appropriately. The main purpose of using this structure is that it provides authorities and responsibilities to functional managers in order to carry out corporation activities smartly and effectively.

Illustration 2: Organizational Structure of Peak Limited Company Various role required for completing a project: Roles Project manager

Responsibilities 

Forecasting and plotting the approaches

Using resources adequately

Defining the time or duration of the project

Evaluating costs related to activities

Developing appropriate budget for the allocation of funds

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Project sponsor

Making and managing relationship with vendors

Before investing make sure that all the needs are necessary for future functioning.

Adequate availability of funds

Making realistic and smart decisions for attain best possible outcomes (Kerzner, 2013).

Project team members

Skills and knowledge regarding evaluating and analysing the needs and wants of executing projects.

Ensuring that available resources are used in effective and efficient manner.

Following all the rules and regulations to commence project in appropriate manner.

Person Specification of Project Manager: 


It is important for making appropriate decision in adverse situation.

Essential skills and knowledge

Essential aptitude

Experience required in the field of construction.

Skills regarding planning and forecasting of project activities.

Interacting skills

Adequate knowledge regarding field of construction.

Creative and innovative in terms of executing work.

Ability to handle adverse situation and make feasible decisions.

Ability to mould as per the needs and wants situations or

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tasks (Burke, 2013).

2.2 Control and Coordinate a project In general terms, controlling and coordinating is essential for executing and accomplishing a project effectively. Accordingly to the given case study, top level management of Peak Ltd has the responsibility of having effective project planning to attain desired results and outcomes. There are various basic need of project such as planning and plotting, availability of resources and funds so that work can be completed efficiently. Furthermore, it is very important for managers to undertake appropriate techniques in order to commence project. Apart from it, adequate availability of resources such as sand, bricks, stone, cement, water tank and labour etc (Turner, 2014). as well as there should be a pre-determined time duration under which project needs to be completed. In addition to it there are various steps which are important for the project manager to follow in regards to minimize the issues and hurdles associated with the project. In initial stage, structure of project is framed on the basis of which whole project is executed. Further, resources are gathered. Thereafter, planning of each activity regarding student community centre is being executed by keeping in mind the resource availability. During this stage all the roles and responsibilities are assigned to the employees so that they can execute their work appropriately (Meredith and Mantel Jr, 2011). In parallel to execution of project, manager has the duty of monitoring and controlling each activity to evaluate the feasibility of project. By the means of proper controlling project manager is able to create better coordination between activities so that student community centre can be developed in appropriate manner. However, the last stage consist of termination of project in which above stated key elements are to be followed by the managers of Peak Ltd. 2.3 Assess project leadership requirement and qualities There are different leadership requirements and qualities that a project manager should posses such as: Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Oracle Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Communication – Having effective communication skills will help project manager in motivating and encouraging the employees to perform their respective tasks and operations effectively. In a construction project there are several vendors and labour through which project manager has to interact effectively (Cleland and King, 2006).

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Vision – Before initiating for a project it is important for project manager to keep purpose of the project in mind.

Enthusiasm – It is important for project manager to have positive approach towards his or her work so that they can lead employees or labour associated with the project effectively and generate best possible outcomes.

Delegation – Project manager should possess the skill to delegate right job to right people so that tasks or operations can be completed appropriately. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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2.4 Plan and specify human resource requirement In construction field three types of human resources are required such as: 

Engineer – These people are highly skilled and knowledgeable which execute the strategic and designing aspect of the project such as student community centre (Gaddis, 2009). Furthermore, these engineer have the main task to provide ideas related to structure and resources required so that student so that project can be completed appropriately.

Labour – These are people who execute the planning and forecasting of engineers. There are three types of labour: ◦ Skilled labour – Carpenters and electricians are the one who are highly skilled in their profession (Organisational structure, 2010). ◦ Semi-Skilled labour – These people are important for the company as they play the crucial roles in developing a building such as water supplying and cementing. ◦ Unskilled labour – They act as a supporting role to semi-skilled labour.

Contractor – They are the people who manages all the activities at the site. Furthermore, there are certain specific roles that contractors has to play such as completing project on time, making sure about the availability of resources in developing the building.

TASK 3 3.1 Prepare Project Plans Activities



Site inspection

3 day


Finalizing the land

1 days


Design finalization

5 days


Negotiating with suppliers

4 days





required 7 days

2, 3

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materials Allocating resources Monitoring

3 days construction 3 days

4, 5 6


Gantt chart:

Network Diagram:

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From the above network diagram the time required to complete the can be evaluated. Therefore, estimation of days required by project manager of Peak Ltd to accomplish student community centre project are: 5+7+3+3 = 18 days. 3.2 Project Scheduling, estimation and cost control techniques In general terms, project scheduling can be defined as the process or method of executing or conducting a project in systematic manner. The main purpose of project manager in scheduling tasks and operations is that it provides detailed information related to resources required. There are different significances of project scheduling which are as follows: 

Documentation – Having better scheduling of project activities helps in defining accurate days required to complete the project and on that basis proper documentation can be made and distributed to the people associated so that each tasks and operations can be done in effective manner (Barber and Warn, 2005).

Quality – Project scheduling helps in improving quality of the project because it ensures that until first task is completed in quality manner second task is not started.

Financial – Undertaking project scheduling assist manager in making optimum utilisation of available funds and money and minimise the financial risks and uncertainties in near future.

PERT is defined as Program Evaluation and Review Technique, which is a statistical tool used to show Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Oracle Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

the estimated time required for project to completed (Sui and Chuvessiriporn, 2013). This techniques helps in creating network diagram and critical path by the means of which estimated time require for constructing student community centre can be analysed.

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Kindly Contact us at: 3.3 Analyse the methods used to measure project performance The main aim of using project management techniques is that it assist in evaluating the gaps between actual and budgeted performance. Due to this, project management is considered as crucial for managers as well as it assist in indulging potential measures for fulfilling the gaps and attaining budgeted results. There are various performance measurement tools such as: 

Performance review


Trend analysis


Earned value analysis In context to this stated techniques, performance review methods helps project manager in

organising meetings on weekly or monthly basis in order to evaluate the feasibility of project run. On than this, trend analysis techniques helps in examining the results over a period for determining the performance of project in near future (Baker, Murphy and Fisher, 2008). Lastly, earned value analysis Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Oracle Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

helps in identifying the results on the basis of figures. In other words, this approach shows how much the project will earn in desired time. 3.4 Explain the project change control procedure Project change can be defined as the procedure by the means of which managers mould their operations as per the needs and wants of situation to generate best possible outcomes. However, the project change control procedure includes three crucial stages such as: 

Proposing a change – It is the duty of project manager to analyse and evaluate the current trends and environment and if require potential change can be proposed (Meredith and Mantel Jr, 2011).

Summary of Impact – During this, stage, project manager has to carry out all the detailed information related to the impact of change of the student community centre project.

Decisions – This is the most crucial step of all, after generating all the information regarding current situation in market as well as evaluating implication of changes on the project, manager can make feasible and smart decisions to generate best possible outcomes (Cleland and King, 2006).

CONCLUSION In conclusion to the above presented report it can be sated that, project management play vital role in executing and conducting tasks and operations. Further, study entails effective use of investment appraisal techniques in order to help top level management of Birkbeck College to make decision regarding viability and feasibility of the future investment. Thereafter, report illustrates the qualities, skills and competencies required by a project manager to execute the activities. In addition to it, using project management technique actual days required by Peak Ltd managers in completing the student community centre project has been evaluated and lastly, study highlights project change control procedures to modify project as per needs and wants of situation.

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REFERENCES Journal Atkinson, R., 2011. Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time to accept other success criteria. International journal of project management. 17(6). pp. 337-342. Baker, B. N., Murphy, D. C. and Fisher, D., 2008. Factors affecting project success. Project Management Handbook, Second Edition. 22(1/2). pp. 902 - 919. Barber, E. and Warn, J., 2005. Leadership in project management: from firefighter to firelighter. Management Decision. Journal of Project Management. 43(7/8). pp. 1032 - 1039. Dainty, A. R., Cheng, M. I. and Moore, D. R., 2005. Competency-based model for predicting construction project managers’ performance. Journal of Management in Engineering. 21(1). pp. 2 - 9. Iles, P. and Hayers, P., 2005. Managing diversity in transnational project teams: A tentative model and case study. Journal of managerial Psychology. 12(2). pp. 95 - 117. Odusami, K. T., 2012. Perceptions of construction professionals concerning important skills of effective project leaders. Journal of Management in Engineering. 18(2). pp. 61 - 67. Sui, P. L. and Chuvessiriporn, C., 2013. Ancient Thai battlefield strategic principles: lessons for leadership qualities in construction project management. International Journal of Project Management. 15(3). pp. 133 - 140. Thite, M., 2010. Leadership styles in information technology projects. International Journal of Project Management. 18(4). pp. 235 - 241. Books Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. Routeldge. Cleland, D. I. and Ireland, L. R., 2008. Project management: strategic design and implementation (Vol. 4). Singapore: McGraw-Hill. Cleland, D. I. and King, W. R., 2006. Systems analysis and project management. McGraw-Hill. Gaddis, P. O., 2009. The project manager. Harvard University. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Oracle Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Kerzner, H. R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons. Meredith, J. R. and Mantel Jr, S. J., 2011. Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons.

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