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Sample Report On Public Relations

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 ASSIGNMENT 1 ............................................................................................................................ 1 Role of PR to travel and tourism................................................................................................. 1 Range of publics within a travel and tourism context................................................................. 3 Importance of public relation to travel and tourism to tourist organization ............................... 4 Range of public relation and promotional skills ......................................................................... 4 Public relation plan with objectives ............................................................................................ 6 Evolution of public relation plan ................................................................................................ 7 ASSIGNMENT 2 ............................................................................................................................ 9 Range of use of media in public relation .................................................................................... 9 Relationship between public relation and media ........................................................................ 9 Media used with different PR techniques in tourism and travel context .................................. 10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 12 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 13

INTRODUCTION Travel and tourism is continuously serving to public, which is hard to manage. This is the reason tourism organizations are hiring PR persons and using PR and promotion. It provides better opportunity to business and help in building brand image. In this researcher will focus on PR activities of Thomas Cook Group Plc while working in Australia. It is British Global travel and tourism firm that provide wide range of services. Company control its business from England. Organization was shaped on 19 June 2007 with combination of Thomas Cook AG and My Travel Group Plc (Laskin, 2012). The holder of Thomas Cook Ag has purchased 52% distribute of new group. Firm offers services in travel and tourism sector with services of travels, hospitality, etc. It has some divisions that serve in tourism industry like, vacation division, trade, airlines, etc. Australia is island of Tasmania with holding of various small islands. Tourism is a key part of Australia and plays a important role in nation economy. Australian government is also targeting international market by using PR and promotions. There are some popular destinations in Australia like, coastal cities of Sydney and Melbourne. It also includes some high profile regional tourist destinations like, Queensland, gold coast, ski ranges and Great Barrier Reef (Meng, 2014). This paper will also spot on use of media in public relations that can be applied to travel and tourism. Furthermore, it also consist public relation plan for Thomas Cook Group Plc.

ASSIGNMENT 1 Role of PR to travel and tourism Public relation is part of promotional mix and closely related to advertising. It makes people aware about products, business. It is kind of attraction activity that help organizations in enhance of business. Public relation plays a key role in tourism and travel industry by providing supportive marketing activities for better integrated marketing communication. Tourism industry is divided in several sectors like, travel, tourist destinations, hotels and restaurants (Kruckeberg, 2005). These all sectors have their specific audience and they can use different PR strategies for growth in business. The most important role of public relation is to build positive perception Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

about destination between customers. Thomas Cook Group Plc can use PR to target audience and attract them to visit Australia. The success of business is depends on how company is conveying their message to public.

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Other than this, public relation another role is to attract customers and make them feel entertained or comfortable after visiting the Australia. The primary role of PR in Thomas Cook Group Plc is to provide effective support to marketing activities and expect increase in sales. It will reduce cost of firm and motivate to have better relation with public for improvement or growth in business. Public relation will also motivate company to meet the expectation of Australia tourism by having a boost in number of visitors. It is a different marketing tool and technique that will help Thomas Cook in better promotion of its services while working in Australia (Kruckeberg, 2005). This will also create a better opportunity for company to launch new services and have increase in visitors to destination. It has also been identified that Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

competition is increasing day by day and it became essential for firm to use public relation tools. It also creates awareness about current products and service between customers. The aim of public relation is to build good reputation of brand and destination with having a more attention. It improves control and reduces the cost of advertising. Range of publics within a travel and tourism context Public relation is also known as complementary method to media advertising that helps travel and tourism industry in promotion of business. It has been identified that public relation tools is viewed as positive and essential element for sector. The efficient public relation tool work for establishing reliability within firm before taking an action for media and other methods. Thomas Cook is motivated to exploit wide range of innovative subjects. Other explanation might be that Public relation is all about changing opinion and behaviour of customers towards brand and destination. It is necessary for Thomas Cook Group Plc to maintain goodwill and have mutual understanding between company and its public or customers. Public relation is a two way communication activity that helps in development of idea and transforms it into business. The range of public in travel and tourism industry is depending on targeted audiences (Hill, 2013). It is because company can target customers of different segments according to needs of destinations. For example, Thomas cook is targeting leisure travellers to have visit in Australia. While on other side, company is also targeting business travellers who are visiting Australia for business purpose. In this situation company is having range of public that is divided in two segments. It is also important for organization to develop mutual understanding between public with having a consideration of local residents, policy makers, other industry and business. The range of public can also boost the business of tourism industry in Australia by having an alignment of activities with meeting the needs of local authorities. It is necessary for Thomas Cook Group Plc to have strong relationship with local public. Company can focus on local travel operators and businesses for better services in car rentals, hotel services, etc (Khodarahmi, 2009). Other than this, the green business practice will also help firm in building relation with local public of Australia and that will boost the business of Thomas Cook Group Plc. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Importance of public relation to travel and tourism to tourist organization Public relation is one of important promotional tool that can boost business of Thomas Cook Group Plc while working in Australia. It works for multiple purposes like, promotion of event, promotion of destination, enhancing reputation, make business responsible. Other than this, it will also detract attention of public from different negative activities. This is essential for company because it can be used as alternative promotional tool. It aim is to promote business and destination with creating a positive impact on public. This will also help business in promotion of new activities with having change in objectives, management, etc (Bernays, 2013). Thomas Cook Group Plc can give promotion through use of press in different manner like, press release, conference, sponsorships, etc. Public relation is important for company because it helps in gaining competitive edge with new innovation in business. While on other hand public relation tool also improve communication system of firm. It is necessary for every business to have better internal and external communication. This tool can be used in both communications. It will improve morale of employees and improvement in morale lead to increase in quality of services. Thomas Cook Group Plc can use public relation tool for having a better communication with customers and shareholders. This can be done through use of media releases, conferences and special invitation to holders at sponsored events. Other than this, public relation is also essential for company because it will create awareness between public about Australia as well as company working (Bernays, 2013). This also builds trust between all shareholders and customers. It also protects organization from any crisis that can affect business. For example, company was promoting his service in Australia in wrong way and that is affecting the business, in this case effective PR of Thomas cook will identify the reason behind failure and motivate to have promotion in correct way without any occurs of cultural or other issue. This will also improve the satisfaction level of customer and local authorities. Range of public relation and promotional skills It has been identified that success of effective public relation activity need some skills that is engaged with people. It is important for business to have better quality of information. The Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

better quality of information will motivate firm to have better understanding of needs and helps in promotion of services. Other than this, it has also determined that PR person must have ability of recognizing opportunities. The important part to study is person creativity and result of activity. The better creativity will decrease the business of competitors (Henslowe, 2003). Improvement in these skills occurs from education, experience, study and practice in travel and tourism industry.

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Kindly Contact us at: It has also been spotted that effective PR and promotion skills include use of technology in effective manner before use having an approach of competitors. It is because technology will allow Thomas Cook to target customers of world. It includes company website, social networks and blogs to have better relation with public. This skill can be applied by firm in practice of public relation. Company can have traditional press release and media kits to have flow of information and attract more customers to Australia. The most critical skill is finding information to have better understanding of needs. Media and press is only interested in colourful and well written information or stories. This shows that company PR has to find correct information that is useful for media as well as customers. The information must present to PR person in right way and data must be valuable otherwise, this will affect operation of firm and its promotion activity (Smith, 2004). Effective Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

public relation also requires correct ability to present information. For example, The PR person is not well skilled in presentation and he is presenting information to media. In this case media or public can get confused due to less writing skills, grammar problems, etc. It is essential for Thomas Cook Group Plc to ensure that person is having an ability to write grammatically correct, and present information in innovative manner. Public relation plan with objectives PR plan for cultural tourism It has been identified that the Australia visit is incomplete without visiting top destinations which consist history, culture and heritage of nation. The history, culture and heritage are major consideration in terms of policy that these also help in attracting more customers. The tourist destinations are those places where person decide to stay and have better experience of different features (Bowen, 2014.). Australia is island and consist number of beaches that can attract more visitors to nation. Thomas Cook Group Plc can have campaign for promotion for tourism in Australia with consideration of cultural aspects. General objective of cultural tourism The major aim of campaign is to improve domestic tourism in Australia through exclusive promotion of cultural activities. Other than this, the general objective of this plan and campaign are: 

To boost cultural tourism as a form of tourism to have increase in nation identity and individuality.

To establish a tourism activity that can represent the cultural aspects of Australia.

To encourage people towards cultural visits and activities and improve the portfolio of travel and tourism sector.

To express cultural strength of nation to world with having contribution in economy.

Target market The campaign can be classified in three categories like, high street, cosmopolitans and discoverers. It has been identified that high street and cosmopolitans are more attracted towards

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art and culture of different nations. While on other side, discoverers will visit Australia for new experiences (John Foster, 2005). Types of media to be used There are number of promotional channels that can be used by Thomas Cook Group Plc for campaign such as, electronic media. Electronic media is consisting of social media, blogs, media outreach, social sites, etc. It has been determined that high streets mostly follow tourism trends, so company can promote its service over corporate blogs and social media. While on other hand, to attract discoverers company can organize events, concerts to attract more customers (Kent, 2008). Budget Resource Campaign materials Promotional activities PR activities Other activities TOTAL

Amount ÂŁ 81, 389.58 24, 116.88 16, 277.92 40, 694.79 162, 479.17

Evolution of public relation plan It is necessary for every firm to have evolution of different activities. It can be done through monitoring. Other than this, evaluation of campaign is classified in formative, process and outcome. This is to identify that whether the key public has understood the message of campaign. Thomas Cook Group Plc can develop semi-structured questionnaire to understand the level of success. This process is conducted after outcome of campaign (Green, 2007). It will also make understand company about behaviour of public that is beneficial can be helpful for company. Company has promoted the campaign and also conducted evaluation process of activity. In evaluation process it has been identified that company has used various communication channels for promotion. Campaign has allowed company to find an economical way to target audience and have increase in business. The evaluation of plan has also spotted that there is increase in number of customers or visitors to Australia. Thomas Cook Group Plc has achieved

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its goal and had an increase in business. High streets and discoverers became more trustworthy towards company and they are using their services to have visit in Australia (Green, 2007).

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It has also increased the awareness between customers about local destinations. This has positively affected the economy of nation. Company has also gained competitive edge in hard market, it also provides an ability to manage various activities for better success of business. Other than this, public relation will also improve communication system of firm and motivate firm to meet the expectations of customers. Improvement in communication system has also improved relation between company and public. It has also spotted that campaign has also improved relation between stakeholder and employees. The individual benefit of activity is that employees are now more experienced and well skilled. Media has become more interested in press releases and conference that are related to tourism and travel industry (Henslowe, 2003). This has also improved the skills of public relation person, he became well skilled in writing press release.

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ASSIGNMENT 2 Range of use of media in public relation It is necessary for every firm PR to have proper use of communication channel for better success of business. Public relation characteristics have changed, it is not about meeting people face to face. It is about use of internet and other tools to have better relation with public. There are some channels of communication such as, printed media, broadcasting, electronic media and sponsorship. Firstly, printed media means Thomas Cook Group Plc can target its customers with having a proper use of news papers, magazines, journals and catalogues. These mediums play a key role in advertising. For example, company has acquired new hotel in Australia then firm can have press release in news papers (Henslowe, 2003). Other than this, company can also give advertisement in magazines and other print media. Printed press have an ability to cover large amount of public at very low cost or low investment. Secondly, come to broadcasting, it includes radio, television, cinema, etc. In this, communication medium company can broadcast information or service on these channels. Television has ability to cover large number of public in less time. It is interactive in nature and boosts the sale of firm. Radio is listened by number of audience, public can hear news and other information at anywhere with having a use of radio over phone (Green, 2007). Thomas Cook can also advertise its service and information over television and in middle of movie intervals. Other than this, the most effective medium is electronic medium. In this medium company can promote its products and service at very low cost with having a use of website, social media, direct e-mail, etc. This will provide live customers on real time operation for having a boost in business. At last, organization can also use sponsorship as one of promotion medium. In this Thomas Cook will invest money in some events, concerts, social activities, etc. Relationship between public relation and media The relationship between media and public relation industry is very crucial and complex. But it can also be said that this relationship is necessary for both industry for better operation. The media is believes to be support system of public relation industry because it flows information between customers. Media industry is one of medium to flow a information in Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

audience. The public relation department of every organization need help of media industry for publish of information. This assists the organizations to create the most significant path for communication with the community (Henslowe, 2003). The media provides return, so the supply of public relation and organization is depend on media. Other explanation might be that public relation provides material to circulate and air information. The principal aim is to build contact between organizations, the media and PR departments can organize the information which the media want. Media and public relation both are support system for each other that help organizations in boosting their business. The absence of any factor can affect the business of organization. In other words, it can be said that the changes in one industry will affect the working of another one. One of the generally vital tools for bringing comfortable condition to medium is the press release. The principal provider of information and content is the UK and Australia Press association.

The Press union supplies information about all the trade organizations and

customers can promise to its information and reports (Smith, 2004). Most of the Press society information is shaped by its system of staff counting journalists and photographers. This possesses objectivity that assists to create its reputation. The independence of the Press union is negotiated by its connection with the PR industry. Media used with different PR techniques in tourism and travel context It is suitable for the community relative officers to outline the best medium to operate in order to come up with finest grades. For example, a number of stories are superiorly suitable for newspapers as different to the television when they approach to public. This time PR person needs to establish which one is more opportune. Thomas cook can choose electronic media for promotion of business. It includes various electronic mediums to have advertisement of service and products. It includes social media, networking, mobile, direct mail.

It will improve

communication system of organization for better convenience and flow of information (Smith, 2004). In other words, it can be said that use of social media will help company in compilation of information. Organization can garb more attention of potential customers and increase the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Probability Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

image brand. This will also allow firm to respond to public in more effective and efficient manner.

The use of internet and social media will also reduce the cost of traditional

advertisement. In this medium company can boost the business by promoting its business over various websites, blogs, etc (Theaker, 2004). This will improve customer service and customers can have direct contact with organization. Customers can have information about tour plans and other information about Australia tour thorough video chat, etc. In this, company can hire customer representative for better experience of guests. It will also improve the loyalty of company and motivate customers for retention.

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For example, Thomas Cook Group Plc has launched new service for attraction in Australia and company is promoting its service over social networking sites other internet mediums. This will allow customers to have direct contact with firm and reduce the investment as well as increase the loyalty of business (Theaker, 2004). This shows that electronic media is best medium to have success in business.

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CONCLUSION As per above study it can be concluded that public relation plays an important role in every business and helps in business expansion as well as growth. This will also allow Thomas Cook Group Plc to have quick profit with having a consideration of changes in circumstances. There are several communication mediums that organization can use for have success and effective public relation such as, print media, social media, broadcasting, etc. It has also been identified that it is necessary for every firm to have great relationship with media industry and PR industry. It is because both plays a role of supportive system and boost the business of travel and tourism industry.

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