Quality Management Analysis In Health And Social Care Sector

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Managing Quality

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................3 1.1: Perspective of stakeholders in HSC regarding quality .........................................................3 1.2: Role of external agencies in setting standards ......................................................................4 1.3: Impact of poor service quality on HSC stakeholders ...........................................................4 TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................5 2.1: Standards that exist in HSC for measuring quality ...............................................................5 2.2: Different approaches to implement quality systems .............................................................6 2.3: Potential barrier to delivery of quality HSC services ...........................................................6 TASK 3A ........................................................................................................................................7 3.1: Effectiveness of systems, policies and procedures used in a HSC setting in achieving quality in the services offered ......................................................................................................7 3.2: Factors that influence the achievement of quality in HSC service .......................................7 3.3: Ways in which HSC service could be improve ....................................................................8 TASK 3B .........................................................................................................................................9 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................13 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................14

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INTRODUCTION Health and Social Care (HSC) is a sector who is responsible for providing quality services and care to various users. The treatment is provided by number of health care professionals, specialist, nurses and carers. However, the most critical aspect is to maintain the quality standards and procedures at workplace settings. There are number of bodies in UK who provide standards for offering quality care and management in HSC (Santiago, 2014). All the health care organizations make use of quality frameworks as a benchmark which supports continuous improvement. The report focuses on presenting different perspective of quality, its strategies, policies and procedures and methodologies for evaluating HSC service quality. The analysis has been made by using provided case studies. The scenario of South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, Scottish Improvement Plan and NHS practices has been used for effective evaluation of HSC services and quality care.

TASK 1 1.1: Perspective of stakeholders in HSC regarding quality The people who have direct and indirect role in the organisation are called as stakeholders. This is inclusive of patients, regulatory bodies, doctors, senior staff etc. According to the given case study of PCT, the responsible members are inclusive of Care Quality Commission (CQC), those two auxiliary nurses who were involved in given case and Mrs Adams who was frail and vulnerable 92-yr old service user were stakeholders. The main objective of PCT like other health care organisations is to provide effective care and treatment (Büyüközkan and Çifçi, 2012). This is achieved by ensuring quality work performance. However, the perspective to provide or using the quality care may differ from service user to giver. In other words, quality refers to fitness, which is meant for fulfilling certain requirements. There are different hierarchies in every firm. Every level is obliged to follow some guidelines on meeting standards at work. For CQC, the stakeholders are trustees, care takers, nurses, local government, supporting staff, authorities and professional doctors. For health and social care, these are having some responsibilities and they are having the different perspectives which help in generating awareness as well as improve the healthcare services in the hospitals. In this context, trustees are Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

responsible for providing the financial support to care centre. It helps in developing of new care services and run the different functions in effective manner. Along with the trustees of CQC are rising the funds so that hospital will able to deliver the best treatment to the patients. On the other hand, local authorities of mentioned organization are having their own some roles and responsibilities. They provides the sources of funds to CQC for buying the new technologies and machines for curing of service users. Beside this, the care takers, professional doctors, nurses etc are responsible for giving the best treatment to the patients and deliver the well being to the community.

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Regarding quality, the work of health care professionals, specialists etc. are to prepare and make themselves update with continuous update with the learning about quality. They must be aware about sustainable and high quality care management in the organisation (James and Savitz, 2011). As per SERVQUAL instrument, they assure reliability which is an ability to carry out the promised services accurately and dependably. There are regulatory and governing bodies that play role of auditing and monitoring. They work to check the achievement of work with laws, subsequent regulations and code of conducts. As per SERVQUAL instrument, the objective of head bodies is to provide tangible requirements such as physical instruments at care centre, equipments and appearance of staff (Büyüközkan, Çifçi and Güleryüz, 2011). As per given case, CQC has warned employers at HSC employers to work for improving the standards and quality care. The perspective of patient is to receive quality care and services. Assurance of Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

SERVQUAL instrument which implies ability of carer to build trust and confidence in patients is essential.

1.2: Role of external agencies in setting standards PCT is a service provider organization who, as per case study, has failed in its duty by making patient to grave risk. After the incidence of Mrs. Adam's accident from large sling, under the care of two nurses who were there for her, a risk assessment is demanded. National Health Service (NHS) in UK is responsible for maintaining the health care quality and workplace settings. Similarly, the role of Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for monitoring and regulating the care services and arrangements in the HSC service organization (Kongstvedt, 2012). They look after and make sure the organizational effectiveness and efficiency in maintaining standard for care treatment. On the other side, National institute for health and clinical excellence (NICE) provides guidance, formulate standards and manage national database with the intention of improving healthcare services and deliver well being to the community. The given case scenario was about the scenario of a coroner's verdict, happened in September 2007 which was recorded as 'accidental death to which neglect contributed'. The role of external agencies in setting standards to prevent the re-occurrence of the ugly incidence was evidenced (Bloom, 2015). It was when after this incident, CQC warned HSC staff to PCT to bring improvement in standards and quality provided to stakeholders. Another role played by the governing body of UK was of adhering the responsibility of solving this case. As analyzed from case study that on breaching section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, guilty should be there. Therefore, as an effective role player to ensure nonoccurrence of this ugly incidence in the future, South Birmingham PCT was fined a total of ÂŁ20000. They ordered them to pay the cost of ÂŁ17500 at respective court (Hass, 2013). This signifies the role of external agencies in maintaining care and quality standards.

1.3: Impact of poor service quality on HSC stakeholders Every health and social care organisation plays major role in providing services. It should be driven by quality so that patients and service users can trust on them. The term poor service Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

quality refers to inappropriate treatment by health care providers, improper functioning of equipments and machineries used in treatment, possibility of risky environment etc. Poor quality service can cause great impact on the various stakeholders who are directly or indirectly associated with the organisation. There are various effective outcomes which can be brought about with good quality at workplace settings and services. It leads to improvise patients treatment and care. It supports management of increasing demand of programs that fosters improvement in handling health inequalities. As analysed from the recent trends' observation of HSC sector, it can be said that impact of poor services quality can be seen on older, disable, mental, palliative, maternity population (Radnor, Holweg and Waring, 2012). According to the given case study, impact of poor service quality on stakeholders can be evidenced. CQC which is responsible for timely monitoring is affected as they warned PCT after the incident. It shows lacking of investigation procedure by the department. PCT was fine with big amount. It caused impact on its financial management as an expenditure. With the death of Mrs Adam, the reputation of health care professionals and doctors were badly affected. This may affect the likeliness of future service users. Similarly, the management is held responsible for not using the proper communication techniques at PCT. Therefore, it tends to reflect negative image and goodwill of the care organisation. It, thereby, affects the number of stakeholders and their involvement at PCT.

TASK 2 2.1: Standards that exist in HSC for measuring quality As analysed from the case study, improvement plan 'Vision 2020' of Scotland is to achieve sustainable quality in delivery of health care service. With the implementation of the Quality Strategy, there are associated various actions plans. This is inclusive of set of standards that are part of accomplishing the aim of approach of person centred, safe, and effective and quality infrastructure elements. Following are some standards that are defined to incorporate quality element in the workplace: Internal standards Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

Minimum standards: As per scenario, selection of key drivers have been made by keeping in mind this element. The use of Quality Driver Model signifies maximum benefit from minimum HSC standards (Ganguli and Roy, 2011). Use of best practices: The application of person centre approach refers to their consideration for planning good use of practices. It includes an integrated approach and prevention motto as its two major factors. External standards Benchmarking: It is significant which for this plan is scheduled by formulating an objective that no patient should go home until cured properly. Legislation: Vision 2020 can be achieved when the health and safety act for regulations of Scotland, care and quality Commission are all put into action. Tangible standards Codes of practice: The management relies on working with a concept of anticipation and selfmanagement for doing work (Yoder-Wise, 2014). Performance Indicators: Quality Ambitions indicated in Quality Driven Model is a clear indication of improving health care services.

2.2: Different approaches to implement quality systems Various approaches that can be used to implement quality system for the successful achievement of Vision 2020 at Scotland. The achievement of this strategic plan is to gain improvement in efficiency and financial sustainability. The approaches which are used by various health care organisations of Scotland are Total Quality Management (TQM), Benchmarking etc (Oakland, 2014). which are responsible for measuring the quality assurance and implementation at work. They assure the workplace safety and exercise of all actions plan as per set standards. Clinical audit is another approach which can be used at an internal level by the health care professionals and carers. As per given case study, it has been analysed that implementation of the Quality Strategy is followed where the objective of providing everyone with homely care and system is provided.

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2.3: Potential barrier to delivery of quality HSC services As per the given case study, the action plan for successful implementation of Vision 2020 is very challenging. According to the provided model, there is need to bring change in the system of the health and care organisations of Scotland. It is achieved with an aim to bring the world class leadership to maintain health care quality. Most of the UK population is old which shows rise in vulnerable people who demand care and treatment (Yoder-Wise, 2014). There is possibility of rise in fund need. Increase in quality of health services means high cost which may become barrier for getting service users. There are people who belong to other nation. They might carry different perception. Alike every sector, health care organisation also treats every service user as significant. According to the case study, there is a challenge of changing demography of the Scotland. In that case, implementation of quality element with respect to different group of people, age, class, sex, race etc. becomes tough (McColl-Kennedy and et.al., 2012). The practice of right aspect for right people for prevention and cure of diseases may not be same. In that case, working on single plan with similar objectives may create potential barrier. Challenges of Scotland's public health which is demanding in terms of care and other health issues are still needed to be solved. In that case, application of quality model cannot be kept as a priority.

TASK 3A 3.1: Effectiveness of systems, policies and procedures used in a HSC setting in achieving quality in the services offered As per the given case study of NHS where the implementation of systems, policies and procedures used is to ensure better outcome for patients and service users. NHS makes use of Care Quality Improvement (CQI) process is advantageous for all health and social care organisation. They work for analysing, assessing and improving the quality of services and care to ample of service users. With the help of this tool, team work can be seen (Tinetti, Fried and Boyd, 2012). The work constantly to manage the services and care by increasing the number of staff. There are certain number of issues that came across the NHS with respect to enhancing the participation of the more processed and quality based work. Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

As evidenced from the given case study that an organisation make use of Person Centred Approach (PCA). It implies that proper care and treatment is being provided to service user before he left from the hospital. The aspect mainly focus in respect to mental health patients who are socially excluded and are stigmatised. With the approach such as quality improvement through people participation is also one way. BY making people work together on single aim, the efforts are made to bring more improvement in achieving quality in the services offered at NHS.

3.2: Factors that influence the achievement of quality in HSC service The factors that support the achievement of quality in HSC services at NHS are evidenced from the provided case study. As per case study, there uses person centred approach which refers to focusing on core individual as a major objective in course of providing services. There is a factor which was criticized by the WHO and they believed the major reason for the rise in person's psychology, change in lifestyle, food habits etc. are responsible for increasing diseases and patients record. Another way which can be effectively used is the proper communication channels. With the objective of proper methods, the various health care professionals, service providers can interact and make effective decisions. Patients have access the full right to know about every piece of information with respect to their treatment and care. NHS provides them the right to access the same which act as a factor that influence the achievement of quality in HSC service (Toussaint and Berry, 2013). The factor called implementation of technical care with the use of equipments and machineries are the way by which quality factor can be maintained at hospital workplace settings.

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3.3: Ways in which HSC service could be improve There are various ways by which HSC service could be improve in the following areas at NHS. They are stated as follows: 

Customer's Service: There can be used better communication method in the organization. By fostering better health and care services and streamlining internal process, better customer service can be made. Proper recording of patients information is another way by which customer service can be made.

Empowering service users: The way by which service users and patients can be empowered is by developing better communication. Providing adequate information about things that they want is also another way to empower service others.

Functional quality: By using standards which are defined for the quality management, better quality can be made at NHS (LAS, 2014). By giving professional training, quality can be managed.

Putting people first: By using person centred approach, patients can be focused for getting work done. This is a way by which improvement can be made in similar regards.

Valuing front line staff: Providing them recognition for their work is the best way by which employees at front line staff can be valued.

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Internally generated standards exceeding minimum standards: Conducting meeting and carrying out assessment of workplace processes is the best way by which standards can be generated to maximum level.

TASK 3B Foxley House and Firstlings, both are cares home which are providing the health and social care services to the old age people. Both are also supplying various facilities and services to the customers in more appropriate manner. The common health and social care services of both organization is dementia. For conducting the market survey of Foxley House and Firstlings care homes, a questionnaire has prepared which has filled by customers who are using the facilities of dementia care services. The whole questionnaire will be formulated on the bases of SERVQUAL five dimension tools which know as quality measurement instrument. Questionnaire 1. Demographic information Name:_______________ Age:_____________________ 2. How often you are visiting the hospital for taking the health care services? 

Extremely often

Very often

Moderately often

Slightly often

Not at all

3. Does the care center have the proper facilities for customers to deliver the health care services? 



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Don't know

4. Are the doctors and other health care practitioners available in care centre to attend you? 



Don't know

5. At what extent, are you satisfied with the quality and reliability of health care service of care organization? 

Extremely satisfied

Moderate satisfied


Moderate dissatisfied

Extremely dissatisfied

6. Are the social care workers willing to help the customers in selection of care home services? 



7. At which level, do you believe that the health care workers of care home give the individual attention to the customers during providing the services? 




8. Did the care home have able to develop the trust and confidence in the customers by answering their quarries? 



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Don't know

9. Please provide your important suggestions to bring the improvements in the existing services. _____________________________________________________________________________ Reflective essay based on the market survey experiences Completing the marketing survey in the context of Foxley House and Firstlings care homes has been given great learning opportunities to me. This exercise helps me to learn and know the team work effectiveness, time management and creativity for preparing the questionnaires. This reflective easy will express my experience throughout the market survey, knowledge, skills and attitude which I gained. The content of the following work help me to understand the SERVQUAL five dimensions which are important for quality management of services. These elements are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. From the market survey experience, I have found that all five dimensions are not equal. These elements are more important for the service providers. For the organizations, it is not possible for them to give the equal attention on five dimensions. Previously, I did not know the knowledge about the importance of the marketing survey in the aspect of features of products and services in care homes respect. But after conducting the survey, I have realized that marketing survey is an important factor for every organization and it is a basic requirement to analyze the position of business in competitive environment. The market survey method has beneficial for me in both personal and professional levels. At professional plane, this experience has improved my skills of preparing the questionnaire and knowing the new methods of data collection from primary resources. It also brings the improvements in my writing skills which will be good for me in near future. On personal bases, I have able to manage the time to meet the deadlines of research as well as it has also boosted my confidence level. On the other hand, to represent the outcome after analysing and compare the gather information, I have used Power Point Presentation. This tool helps in presenting my results in more appropriate and understandable manner. It is a good visual aid for presenting the data and information in various form such as images, points, charts, tables etc. The benefits which I have found after using Power Point Presentation are create colourful and attractive slides by using the Global Assignment Help is on of the most leading assignment writing service providers in UK. Students can avail online assignment help in UK at very nominal price.

different kinds of templates and themes, easy to compare the information with the other visual aids, eliminate the requirements of the handouts for carrying out the information. Along with this, it becomes easy for me to display the results on slides in front of the large audience by creating the visuals aids. After conducting a market survey experiences, I have evaluated my strengths and weaknesses which are as follows.

Strengths: 


Easily understand the things

Effective time management

Self motivate

Flexible and adjustable according to the situation

Positive attitude

Self learner

Trying to learn new things

Weaknesses: 

Lack of good communication skills

Poor leadership quality

Less patience

Sometime avoid to take responsibilities During and after conducting the survey and presenting the results by using Power Point

Presentation, I have found that there are various skills and knowledge gain by me during the entire process. Along with this, it is also enhancing by research and analysis skills that will help me in future in professional life. These all are my strengths which I have gained during this assignment. Beside this, there are some things which are required improvements in survey, PPT and whole report. 

Improvements in PPT

Reduce the over use of different slides or effects

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Add only points which clearly define outcomes

Increase the more use of headlines

Minimize the number of slides

Increase more figures, charts and tables to make the presentation more understandable.

Improvements in survey

Make the survey question related to the theme of research

Use close ended options to get the right results

Increase the use of specific sampling technique

Develop the questions on the basis of objectives

Improvements in report

Use the grammatical error detection option to resolve the grammatical issues.

CONCLUSION On the basis of the report, it can be concluded that quality standards are of great significance in the health and social care organization. Various aspects of maintaining and addressing the workplace standards have been analyzed with the use of various approaches and models. Moreover, the Bench marking, TQM and Quality control are some approaches which play vital role in managing quality at work. Further, record keeping is one of the major quality and safety related standard and it ensures that patients are not getting quality related issues and services or incorrect care and treatment from hospitals or practitioners.

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REFERENCES Journals and Books               

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