Sample Report on Resourcing & Talent Planning by Global Assignment Help

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Sample Report on

Resourcing & Talent Planning

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 RECRUTIMENT STRATEGIES OF GOOGLE............................................................................ 1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 7 EMPLOYEE RETENTION AT GOOGLE .................................................................................... 8 RECOMMENDATION FOR STRENGTHENING EMPLOYEE RETENTION STRATEGY . 14 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 17

TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Principles for reward management ................................................................................ 11

INTRODUCTION Resourcing and talent management are the most crucial processes of an organization and to manage such processes, employee management comes first (Sheehan, 2005). The present research report is thus made with the purpose of analysing what activities and strategies Google has undertaken to recruit and retain efficient talent. The study entirely will emphasize on recruitment and retention strategies of skilled talents. Moreover it has also been observed that Google has managed its operations in efficient manner and this is the main reason that they are now able to deliver successful services to the services. Since recruitment is the process in which firm has to select the best candidate as per the capability level. It has also been observed that Google is also emphasizing on talent management process in which they motivate and encourage workforces to manage their skills and capacities for longer period. Since Google has been motivating and encouraging its workforces through several processes such as training and development and this is the main reason that workforces of Google are highly satisfied with the work conditions prevailing at the organization (Poskey, 2010). However Google is majorly emphasizing on its recruitment and selection process since competition for talent is ever greater than the previous years. The company has also started recruiting people outside the nation for the purpose of underpinning operational management.

RECRUTIMENT STRATEGIES OF GOOGLE Attracting the employees is a very important prospect of organizational working which has to be paid a lot of attention to by management of the company. This is so because of reason that it is a process which requires that if proper attention is not paid to, then would bring harmful results to the workplace (Weaver & TreviĹˆo, 2001). Considering the fact that Google’s operations are highly specialized, management has taken stringent steps through which they can attract the best talent. To do so, the company takes help of various measures through which talent of the employees is measured on various scales. In this regard, one way to attract and employ the best persons in the company is that the candidates are made to undergo very strict sessions wherein their various skills Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

related to work are evaluated and assessed (Khatri, 2001). The employees who want to work in Google are required to possess a lot of skills and talents, such as that they should be team players, should be proficient in the work that they have to do at Google, along with passionate approach to work (Stewart and Knowles, 2000). But of all major emphasis by the company is given on making sure that the prospective employees possess the capability to think out of box and provide the company with new and innovative ideas through which not only organizational working can be improved to a great extent, but also the process or attaining goals and objectives be made simpler (Pattanayak, 2005). Google for a long time has been the company which has constantly been near the top ranker in terms of the best employer (Pelletier and Bligh, 2008). But there are a lot of initiatives and aspects to it, which have helped the company, become what it is today. It is a very well known fact that today Google is one of the best firms to work for all around the world. One of the reasons that supports is that the management has realized the fact that human resources are the most vital assets to a firm; and for the purpose of attracting best talents from all around the world, very strict measures have been taken (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005). There are numerous points which help in this aspect. One of them is that the employees get a lot of facilities for the work that they do and time spent while in office. Over the years, presence of these many amenities and facilities to the employees has made it one of the most desirable companies to work for. For instance, staff can conduct a meeting over a game of golf; or if they get too tired from sitting in front of the computer, they can take a stroll in the park (Schuler and Jackson, 2005). Other than that there are many more activities which can be performed by the employees. Further to help and support the employees, they are also allowed to start their pet projects with resources of the company. Such factors have proved to be very beneficial and useful in attracting the best talent from all corners of the globe (Schweyer, 2010). Other than this for making sure that it gets only the best employees, special steps have been taken by the company for same purpose (Boxall and Purcell, 2003). In this regard it may not be wrong to say that the companies follow a very strict approach to recruiting and selecting Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

employees. The management and HR department have developed various attributes that the candidates must possess so as to get selected. One of them is that they should be creative and must have the ability to think out of box (Debrah, 2001). The main concept behind it can be understood by analyzing mission and goals of the company. Its main target is to be known as one of the top most companies in the world in terms of innovation. Therefore attempt of the management is on making sure that they hire only those people at the workplace, who can support such objectives. But apart from this the management also pay attention to recruiting those people who possess good knowledge of the area that they are being selected for (Lane and Kangulec, 2010). This means that for being selected to work in Google, the candidate must not only be creative but also they should possess good knowledge of their subject area.

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Workplace environment is also very big factor that plays an important role in attracting the best talents. This facet also has been well covered by management at Google. Its founders had realized the fact that in order to achieve and maintain high productivity and performance levels, a “fear free” environment has to be developed (Marrewijk and Timmers, 2003). In this regard they have created such an environment at the workplace, where employees can do whatever (only ethical) they want to. The employees are free in terms that they can take a break if they so wish to, as they are allowed to spend one-fifth of the amount spent in office. This means that if they feel tired, they can take a walk or relax in the park; or play a round of pool. Even they can take a nap in the ‘Nap Pods’ (Claus, 2003). In this regard it may not be wrong to say that the company culture at Google is very flexible, friendly and employee oriented (York, 2009). Additionally, earlier practices which were used by the company so as to recruit the most talented of employees, they were asked some brain teaser questions, which were very hard to solve (Mello, 2006). The main reason behind asking such questions was that through it the hiring manager or recruiter could easily identify those prospective employees who think out of the box and test them for their originality. After all these are the qualities that Google looks to find in employees. Furthermore the recruitment process at the company is very long (Soliman and Spooner, 2000). Several steps are followed so as to find the best candidate and recruit them at the workplace. A candidate who applies for the post of software engineer in the company, firstly has to undergo a round of telephonic interview, where they are asked some questions related to coding, algorithms, etc (Madsen, Mosakowski and Zaheer, 2003). If they are selected for the next round, are called to Google’s office and asked to code right on the spot and write them on a whiteboard. Through this method, their ability to handle pressure and being instantaneous can be judged. While in the last stage, a candidate’s feedback is sent to the hiring committee which mostly consists of engineers. They are entrusted with the responsibility to take the final decision (McDowell, 2012). Some more steps which have been taken by the company so as to attract and recruit the best employees is that they pay a lot of attention to grades that the candidates have attained during their educational career. Google since a long time has always looked to hire persons with ‘straight Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

A’s’ and ‘double 800s’ on their SAT’s (Hansell, 2007). It also now has taken the help of technology, as a special system has been developed so as to scrutinize and analyze the numerous job applications that it receives every month. The main motto behind developing such an approach to recruitment is that the management is looking to make hiring process much easier and simpler. Through this system, the recruiting manager would not have to evaluate the applications manually; rather the new system itself would do the work (Lyman and O’Brien, 2003). Pay and compensation is another very big factor that comes into play when looking to recruit people at the workplace (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002). In this regard as well, Google has the top spot, mainly because of reason that it provides good salaries, along with incentives to employees. It is a very well known fact that if an organization wants to recruit the best talents, then attention has to be paid to fact that they must be paid a handsome sum of money (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2005). This aspect is the one which attracts a great number of candidates. This fact becomes all the more important considering the uncertainty in the present environment. In this context, Google provides a very good salary to employees (Hughes, 2002). It can be supported through fact that in the recent times, company has recruited many people from all around the world at very high salaries. The management has recognized the fact that it is one of the most important factors that support in hiring an individual at the workplace. At Google, performance and productivity is everything that it strives for. The same concept can also be seen in the recruitment and hiring process of the company (Voydanoff, 2004). The management at Google always has fired those employees who have not performed as per the standards. The company has not been afraid in this regard, as it can be supported through fact that many a times they have terminated even those employees, who possess a great academic record, or are very experienced (Lou, 2007). In this regard it may not be wrong to say that at the end of day, management just wants to see the result; nothing else. The main objective behind it is that the company is looking to make sure that they only hire those employees who have the right mix of talent and abilities, as future of the firm is dependent on fact how well their employees perform and to what extent are they productive (Guest, 2001). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

The company provides a very healthy working environment to the employees, so as to make sure that they work properly and give their best performance (Afiouni, 2013). In this regard the management at Google pays attention to making sure that the employees work in cross cultural teams, so as to make them interact with different people and thus try to improve the different skills that they possess. Herein it can further be noted that some of the many steps which have been taken by the company so as to attract best talents, is to providing them with the best pay and additionally or complementary services (Budhwar and Sparrow, 2002). The company has gone on to the extent that it provides food to the employees and that too free of cost. This means that the organization has made efforts so as to ensure that different needs of the staff members if fulfilled to a great extent. This is another major reason as to why people want to work at Google. Due to this very reason, candidates have wanted to work with the company (Peùa, 2002). Also a major part of attention of the management is on ensuring that the tasks performed by employees are well compensated for (Ahmad and Schroeder, 2002). They provide a lot of amenities, facilities, wealth and luxury to the staff members. Nevertheless, the recruitment process was also far beyond ordinary. Several people who have had experience in the Google recruitment process narrates that the experience was totally nerve-wracking (Ordiz and et,al, 2003). One applicant who underwent interviews for Google has had five to seven interviews in one day for two to three straight days. That applicant claims that the interviews were really tough with some of the brightest people in the world, conducting the interviews filled with brain teasers, algorithmic problems, and IQ tests (Shore and Tashchian, 2002). Not only is Google’s recruitment process quality oriented, but also is its selection and hiring process. Google is known for various unique approaches that it has utilized in order to attract the cream of the crop or the best of the bests (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2005). One way is through employment branding. Google has so successfully utilized their brand in order to attract the most talented and highly-competent individuals in the world. Because of their claim of providing the best employee-employer experience supported by the many perks, benefits and high salaries that Google employees get to enjoy, Google became the most desired companies for men Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

and women in the world (Ware and Grantham, 2003). The secret to be selected as a Google employee is that one has to think a lot like an “engineer�. Apparently, Google expects their employees to be highly quantitative and highly analytical as well as highly capable of dealing with too many data all at the same time (York, 2009). During the interviews, an applicant must also be able to demonstrate his skill or capacity by writing codes, intelligently analyzing case studies and brain teasers and solving algorithmic problems on the spot. Also, Google is searching for applicants who are highly practical and are capable of making something out of nothing that people can make use of (Prince, 2011).

CONCLUSION Recruitment, Selection and Retention is such an aspect of organizational working which must be paid a lot of attention to by the management. This is so because of reason that if there are any mistakes in it, then the company may have to suffer by a big margin. It can be supported through fact that if attention is not paid when recruiting and selecting personnel in the company, and if proper measures are not taken so as to retain them, then it can prove to be very costly to the firm. During the study it was seen that Google, the internet giant, has constantly been ranked as world’s one of most preferred organization in the world. There were a lot of reasons found that have helped the company to reach such a position. During the analysis, it was seen that for management at Google have realized the fact that human resources are the most integral assets for them. It is due to this very reason; they put a lot of emphasis on recruitment and selection process as well as retention strategies adopted. For the purpose of ensuring that the company recruits and hires the best employee at workplace, management in accordance with the HR department have developed such methods through which they can filter out the best candidates and then hire them. Also there are a lot many factors that contribute to making Google one of the best employers in the world. One of them is the working and company culture. Such a culture has been developed at the workplace which not only makes the employees happy, but also motivates them to give their best. In the same context Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

they provide various kinds of facilities to the employees. Further employee retention is an aspect to which the company again pays a lot of attention to. It was found during the study that to retain employees at the workplace, company provides them with stock options, this way their dedication and loyalty to the organization can be improved by a considerable margin.

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EMPLOYEE RETENTION AT GOOGLE Google Inc being an American multinational public corporation invested huge resources in managing the interest of employees and up to some extent they have also passed it. Hence employee retention has becoming the major aspect of organizations since human resources are the only possessions that help in managing varied range of services (Dhar, 2008). Earlier, organizations were not very much aware about the policy of employee retention which further leads into huge attrition rate. The concept of employee retention does not just mean to stay back employee in the organization as it does not work in motivating the employees to stay for longer period (Milner, 2001). It is quite apparent that motivated employees always work in better and

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appropriate manner thus it is very much crucial for the firms to foster employee retention policy. Moreover it also needs several sorts of motivational benefits to be provided as without it, retention is difficult to maintain (Nicholson, 2003). Organization of effective training and development programs for the employees helps the organization to reach up to full potential. This reduces the requirement to hire personnel outside from the organization, as this is a cost effective task and it effectively manages the people of the organization Human resource department in IT has been facing a huge challenge while finding qualified and experienced team leaders and members (Gorey, 2011). While many candidates are interviewed; however only few matches the level of skills required and yet only a few amid them wishes to change their job roles. Many of the companies are also identified who spend enough money and time to retain human assets and many often ignore the significance of retention. The problem of retention has been increasing often with the ratio of competition. As per the views of Ben Popper, the employees of Google have left the company over the last few months so that to work at Facebook and Twitter. Thus for the purpose of retaining employees for longer period, Google started offering lavish raises, stock options and promotions (Cartwright, 2005). The top authorities of Google want to snare best talents; therefore the company has started taking outside interviews. Retaining the employees and skilled talents as well can help Google to avail opportunities and this in turn also leads to the achievement of competitive advantage. This also results in increasing the availability of huge market share and hence also develops the chances of organizational productivity. In addition to this, to retain the employees in an organization it is required to maintain proper motivation system so that it directly motivates the employees towards their work (Armstong, 2008). The concept of employee retention states that organization needs to create value for the work done by workforces as it also assists them in increasing their performance ability. Here is the description of some significant aspects which Google needs to consider only for the motive of managing employee retention strategies even for longer period. The organization

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not only needs to consider monetary benefits; however a small recognition and appraisal can also motivate them to work harder and in competitive manner. An organization can only attract new employees when it has satisfied the existing employees. Hence this leads in development of efficiency and productivity and at the same time it also manages recruitment process (Corapi, 2012). It is required for every organization to pay attention towards the interests of the employees that whether they are satisfied with their job or not. The current scenario shows that now day’s organizations do not use the traditional strategies to retain the employees and to increase their motivation level. However for the purpose of acquiring competitive advantage and long term sustainability, Google must have to maintain good and cooperate relationships with the workforces. Reward system, performance appraisal systems and employee engagement policies are some of the crucial elements which recline under employee retention (Fante, 2008). It has been observed in many cases of Google that the company has arranged reward system so that large pool of employees and skilled talents can be retained. Google has been maintaining suitable criteria for reward system which is further mentioned in below parts. Google is seemed to follow appropriate principles for reward design as that also considers the contribution of each and every employee in goal achievement. There is a strong relationship between reward system and motivation of employees and this further assists in retaining employees for longer period (Nicholson, 2003). To reward the workforce, it is crucial to analyse his or her personal attributes and performance forces which might them work for total contribution. According to expectance theory, an employee in order to get benefits puts lots of efforts at workplace since it also assists in attaining organizational goals smoothly and successfully.

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Figure 1: Principles for reward management (Source: Cartwright, 2005) For managing employee retention, it is must for Google to comprehend the nature of reinforcement theory which states that employee can be motivated after they get high payment and promotions from the reward system (Sheehan, 2005). The firm also needs to provide several sorts of fringe benefits such as accommodation, extra for overtime and remuneration benefits. Reward system ensures social culture of Google as when policy is fair, employees will be more dedicated to work hard in an ethical manner. Reward alone cannot work in retaining employees as this also requires several sorts of parameters to be followed else it will result in arising of conflicts. This system states that how much the employees are awarded for their contribution. There must be a proper reward system so that it can motivate the employees to give their best to the organization. Hence it is essential for Google to run the process on continuous manner as through this, development facets can be found out (Saunders, 2009). Raising salary is not just the motive of

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reward system as a slight recognition of employee amongst all the team is quite enough. It further works more efficiently as compared to monetary benefits. Similarly, performance appraisal systems also needs to be conducted at Google as through this, criteria of appropriate performance can be figured out and thus it could also work in measuring the contribution of each and every employee in goals achievement (Poskey, 2010). Currently it is observed that Google manages performance appraisal process with the help of direct surveillance and monitoring process; however at the same time this also leads the firm to identify roadblocks and ineffectiveness from the performance level. The top level authorities of Google encourage the employees to put their best efforts by facilitating improvements in current job roles. The major competitors of Google Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo are also adopting similar criteria of performance management system since it assists in encouraging the employees to get contribute more in organizational development. This also assists in recruiting efficient and talented employees amid the selected candidates as through this, current practices can be managed appropriately (Popper, 2010).

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In the year 2005, it has been observed that Google has faced huge number of employee attrition only because of not getting any kind of motivational benefits from organization’s side and which is also impacting their performance productivity. Since Google does not have any kind of training programs for the employees; therefore it directly reduces the morale of employees and this also restricts them to contribute efforts in organizational development (Nicholson, 2003). From past many years, Google has been facing such issue and after a research it came to know that it is the absence of monetary and other benefits which leads in employee switch over to other companies. However at the same time, Google has been controlling the issue in straightforward manner by recruiting only right people to right job. This also develops creativity and innovativeness amongst work processes. In the year 2005, Microsoft (MSFT) began suing Google to stern the tide of mitigating workers. Google at that time tried a lot through several offbeat strategies to keep talented employees around (Milner, 2001). To retain such talents, Google has hooked up distinct processes to distribute 20% extra profits within the extra and overtimes. The company for such purpose is also including middle employees in decision making process so that they do not feel ignored; hence the top level management considers ideas and opinions of middle level subordinates. Employees of Google claims that they are provide with so much of routine work so from where will they get time to attend training session. And to reduce such problem, most of the senior level authorities have tried to facilitate regular review process so that the efficiency of each and every one could be found out (Kirshenbaum and Weisberg, 2002). The most important part here in Google is to motivate and retain employees through managing and integrating with their cultural aspects. This is the main reason that Google has been maintaining transparency, autonomy and cultural integration into account and hence it directly contributes in organizational sustainability. It is very much essential for the organization to maintain the interest of employees as that will only develop sustainability aspects and moreover it also leads in enhancing efficiency of management. The importance of employees in an organization cannot be explained as they provide intangible benefits to the organization (Gorey, 2011). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

In order to stop issues related to employee turnover, the organization needs to implement employee retention strategy in which should emphasize highly on retaining the skilled talents by providing them some benefits such as bonus and incentives after the competition of specified period. After a certain time period, Google will definitely realize the contribution of such productive strategies. More than that, Google is also emphasizing on performance appraisal systems with some of the measured criteria (Fante, 2008). All the same level employees are allowed to present their views and advices on decision making process and they are even guided very well to come out the negative as well as positive factors of employees. Currently, Google has been managing performance management system for encouraging the employees to come out with better results. Fair and accurate measurement criteria needs to be followed by maintaining the interest of employees and all should have to equally contribute in it (Engle, and, 2008). To retain the best talent in operational department, Google has been maintaining direct contact with the workforces which in turn also facilitates proper communication and hence improves employer - employee relations.





RETENTION STRATEGY Management and organization must look after their employees’ interest to build good employee relation and to make them work effectively and efficiently. By adopting all the given above strategies management and organization can retain best talent. Hence from the entire discussion, it is evident that employees of Google need to be managed in appropriate manner so that they could help the company to reach towards potential goals (Employee Retention of Google, 2011). Thus to support such aspect, here is the brief discussion of some recommendations which Google could consider and therefore it will also result in organizational development. Thus it is suggested to Google to provide equal opportunities to all the people who are working at same time as this highly protects morale. Discrimination and preference system should be avoided up to all extent so that employees could develop their motivational aspects and this also assists in Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

encouraging the level of faith in them. Similarly Google needs to find out basic reasons which are resulting into employee turnover (Dhar, 2008).

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It is also recommended to Google to impart training to all the same level employees through the motive of giving them a chance to prove their efficiency. The management should start emphasizing on training and development session so that they could enhance the morale of workforces and this will also work in developing growth and progress facets. Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge however many workforces in the hotel find the opportunities expensive (Corapi, 2012). The management is also suggested to start motivational programs as this seems to be an encouraging part for the organization and similarly retains workforces for longer period. In most of the cases training also works in motivating the employees with the help of guidance of expertise and thus they could become productive element for the organization. It is the contribution of training and development session only that assists Google to maximize the faith of customers in organizational policy (Cartwright, 2005). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Architecture Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

The current practices of Google has been emphasizing on managing efficient talent in the organization by considering employee engagement policies. All the employees are allowed o organize several types of events at distinct occasions so that employees can also interact with each other which develops team bonding. It is very much essential for the organizational members of Google to encourage the existing workforces to attend training and coaching sessions since it is organized for their benefit only (Armstrong and, 2011). Hence to retain employees for organizational productivity, it is must for Google to encourage the employees to get advice from experts since it will also assist in enhancing the level of profitability. It is also recommended to Google to organize some engagement session for the employees so that they could help in managing team bonding level. Hence to manage personal interest of employees, Google needs to change the management policies after certain period of time and this will also assist in fostering encouragement level of workforces. Google is also recommended to make favourable changes in recruitment and selection process in terms of improvements as it will also assist in enhancing the life cycle of business (Armstong, 2008). The organization is also essential to invest in employee orientation program as this develops eagerness amid them and it can also be assumed that through employee orientation program, effectiveness can be increased.

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