Use of Smart information Technology on Work Place

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Technology Workplace


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INTRODUCTION Business environment is expanding its roots from domestic environments to international environments with help of technology. The workplace environment has been largely benefited by smart technologies like smart mobile-phones, emails, video conferencing, etc. The use of information technology has also supported these business processes with regards to storing, restoring or transferring of information. In this report, the use of two smart technologies i.e. web based email and smartphones and tablets in the workplace for enhancing efficiency and employability has been depicted. Furthermore, the benefits which are assessed with help of collaboration of the communications technology has also been depicted in the assessment.

PART 1: Ability to evaluate appropriate use of technology Workplace is a surrounding that requires proper support and collaboration by the employees and other individuals. Considering the current scenario of business environments, the impact of globalisation and industrialisation is quite massive. One of the major contributors in this development is technology (Bargiela-Chiappini and Nickerson, 2014). With help of technology, people are able to communicate and transfer information from one place to another. Information technology has completely transformed the entire functioning and business scenario. Some of the major technical advancements which have taken place in the past few years include: ⚍



Faster transportation (air and water transport)


Developments in research

1. Web based Email and its usefulness in workplace Google and Yahoo are one of the largest email service providers in the world. Their functions are just not limited to the place of origin but in every country and region. Email is the technology that has diminished the use of handwritten letters and postcards. The workplace requires complete connectivity because each and every business function is dependent over the process of communication (Chen, Hu, and Hwang 2014). Google is the global leader and manufacturer of different software and hardware. The smartphones or tablets which are being If you are looking for online assignment writing service in UK, Visit our website and hire our expert to avail quality academic writing service.


operated by individuals in various scenarios are also operable because of the software application developed by Google i.e. android. The extension provided by Yahoo is .ymail and yahoomail. However, Google provides email with an extension The email services which are provided by these companies have loads of benefits in terms of workplace efficiency. The emails are very quick like, individuals will sent the message to the receiver and within fraction of seconds the message will be delivered. A Report on Use of Smart Technology on Workplace

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2. Office applications online Office applications is a massive tool which is used for creating documents in the digital forms. The functions which are performed with help of this tool include maintenance of accounts, performing basic calculations, maintaining journals, publishing books, articles, magazine designs, etc. With such widespread applications, the business organisations can earn a lot without getting affected or threatened by the errors which occur with manual handling (Uzzi, 2014). Microsoft Windows is the world leader and pioneer of the Office application suites. It provides functioning on both online and offline platforms. On the other hand, Apache OpenOffice has collection of 6 great tools that help in supporting the execution of different document operations. Unlike earlier times when humans or If you are looking for online assignment writing service in UK, Visit our website and hire our expert to avail quality academic writing service.


employees used to write all the documents and records with their daily entries and fill books and papers as a form of collection, technology has reduced these extra efforts. The information is stored in digital form and is easily transferable over different functioning mediums like emails, blogs or on smartphones through cloud computing platforms (Curran, Fenton and Freedman, 2016). These two suites have been helpful in reducing hard work because of availability of functions like spell-checker, autocorrect, built-in dictionary, etc. Furthermore, these global leaders have provided the organisations an option for compatibility over different platforms and usability in different modes. The international standards which have been defined for reducing unethical practises have helped to maintain the authenticity of these Office Application Suites. The convenience and affordability has helped in increasing efficiency and productivity of workplace. Time consumption for performing certain operations has also reduced through these technological inventions.

PART 2: B) Possibilities for communication and collaboration in the workplace with help of social networks Smart technology at work place helps for making it ensure that all the necessary practices should be performed effectively. With this it is required that systematic and organized procedure should be used for making use of advanced technology. Social networking sites provides innovative platform that could be used by business organization for developing and designing effective communication channel in the organization (Bryman, 2015). With this, collaboration among individuals can also be enhanced so that they should be directed towards achievement of goals in the company. Globalization has paved the ways for making use of technology and leading organization of world are making use of this technology so that effective communication channel can be designed and developed in the company. Various social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, You tube and Twitter can also be used so that strong presence of the company on social media platform can be ensured. By making use of these sites consumers can be attracted and informed about the diverse range of products and services that are being offered by the company (Hal and Antonopoulos, If you are looking for online assignment writing service in UK, Visit our website and hire our expert to avail quality academic writing service.


2016). Along with this, attractive advertisements can also be published so that traffic on the website of the firm can be enhanced. Along with this, regular interaction with the buyers can be made so that their feedback can be taken for improving the practices that are being followed in the organization. Reviews of buyers can be taken and on the basis of that weak performing areas of business can be identified (Jensen, 2013). Measures can be taken for enhancing the performance of the firm so that profitability and financial revenues earned by the company can be enhanced. It will aid for ensuring long term growth and success of the firm. Likewise social networking sites also be taken for making communication with the internal stakeholders of the business. Suppliers can be given orders and it will offer a easier and affordable platform. Use of social networking sites can also be taken so that improvements can be made in the communication practices that are being adopted in the firm (Brantlinger, 2016). Daily activities that are need to be performed by the firm so that required operational activities can be carried out easily. Similarly Facebook page for the company can be created and membership can be provided to staff members. Policies and norms that are essential to be followed can be informed to employees (Hewson and Stewart, 2016). It will aid for making appropriate discipline in the company and peace and harmony in the company can be maintained. However it is critical that security and safety of information should be maintained so that use of social networking sites can be taken in safe manner. Incidents of cyber crime have increased and it is critical that protective measures should be taken for ensuring the safety of information through social networking sites. Likewise, IT consultancy firm can also provides guidelines that could Smart technology at work place helps for making it ensure that all the necessary practices should be performed effectively. With this it is required that systematic and organized procedure should be used for making use of advanced technology. Social networking sites provides innovative platform that could be used by business organization for developing and designing effective communication channel in the organization (Bryman, 2015). With this, collaboration among individuals can also be enhanced so that they should be directed towards achievement of goals in the company. Globalization has paved the ways for making use of technology and leading organization of world are making use of this If you are looking for online assignment writing service in UK, Visit our website and hire our expert to avail quality academic writing service.


technology so that effective communication channel can be designed and developed in the company.

CONCLUSION Through this report, one can understand the benefits which are attained by the workplace in terms of efficiency and productivity when technology is introduced. The dominance of Google and Yahoo has been witnessed by every business organisation. Furthermore, office suites provider which include Apache OpenOffice and Microsoft Windows Office have contributed in reducing the pain and liabilities which occurred with manual typing and handling of documents. The communication process has been enhanced through the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with respect to the workplace scenario.

A Report on Use of Smart Technology on Workplace

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Books and Journals

Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and Nickerson, C.R., 2014. Writing business: Genres, media and discourses. Routledge. Brantlinger, P., 2016. Bread and circuses. Cornell University Press. Bryman, A., 2015. Social research methods. Oxford university press. Chen, H., De, P., Hu, Y.J. and Hwang, B.H., 2014. Wisdom of crowds: The value of stock opinions transmitted through social media. Review of Financial Studies, 27(5), pp.13671403. Curran, J., Fenton, N. and Freedman, D., 2016. Misunderstanding the internet. Routledge. Fox, J. and Rooney, M.C., 2015. The Dark Triad and trait self-objectification as predictors of men’s use and self-presentation behaviors on social networking sites. Personality and Individual Differences, 76, pp.161-165. Hall, A. and Antonopoulos, G.A., 2016. Introduction. In Fake Meds Online (pp. 1-17). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Hewson, C. and Stewart, D.W., 2016. Internet research methods. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Jensen, K.B. ed., 2013. A handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Routledge. Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R. and Richard, M.O., 2013. To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), pp.76-82. Oh, H.J., Ozkaya, E. and LaRose, R., 2014. How does online social networking enhance life satisfaction? The relationships among online supportive interaction, affect, perceived social support, sense of community, and life satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, pp.69-78. Uzzi, B., 2014. Towards a Network Perspective on Organizational Decline☆☆ This chapter is a reprint of the article “Towards a Network Perspective on Organizational Decline” published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Volume 17 Issue 7/8 (1997). In Collaboration and Competition in Business Ecosystems (pp. 351-387). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

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