A Sample report on Study Skills by Academic Experts

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the current research, it can be analyzed that Ethical Consumerism helps in motivating people to think that the products that they purchase should be produced and sourced without damaging the society and environment. Also, it has been assessed that consumers are taught that they should buy the goods of companies which believe that child labor and ineffective working conditions is a crime. Moreover, the study also describes individual behavior that focuses on positive buying and considers customers to purchase the goods that are produced through ethical investment. Also, research focuses on the top management of firm that needs to provide good working conditions to employees so that they can be satisfied and promote business in order to enhance the sales of firm.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1 BRIEF OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL CONSUMERISM ............................................................. 1 DETAILED OVERVIEW OF OXFAM CLAIMING TO OPERATE ETHICALLY ................................................. 3 FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR ...................................................................... 5 CONCLUSION ................................................................. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 6 FINAL REFLECTION AND PDP ................................... 7 REFERENCES ............................................................... 11

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ILLUSTRATION INDEX Illustration 1: Ethical consumerism .................................................................................................2 Illustration 2: Oxfam bank ...............................................................................................................3

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INTRODUCTION Ethical consumerism helps in motivating people to think that the products that they purchase should be produced and sourced without damaging the society and environment. For instance, consumers are taught that should buy the goods of companies which believe that child labor and ineffective working conditions are a crime. However, through such type of practice, it helps in overcoming the negative impact on society and environment (Cottrell and Morris, 2012). In the present study, Oxfam has been undertaken which is working as a NGO for the welfare of community in order to provide a better living standard to people. Moreover, the research analyzes different areas that claim to operate ethically in the market. It also aims on focusing that there are varied factors that influence the purchasing behavior of consumers by carrying out primary research (Segers and et.al., 2013).

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BRIEF OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL CONSUMERISM Ethical consumerism can be stated as the moral purchasing which is practiced by consumers through positive buying of ethical products and boycotting the negative purchasing Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: help@globalassignmenthelp.com Global Assignment Help experts offer best quality Online Assignment Help to the students at an affordable price.

that harms or damages the environment or society (Ethical consumerism meaning, 2014). Ethical consumerism is a behavior that is adopted by people nowadays in order to promote the buying behavior of ethical products and services. The individual behavior focuses on positive buying that considers customers to purchase the goods that are produced through ethical investment (Edwards and et.al., 2014). Thus, in order to attract ethical buyers, businesses need to promote their products with focusing on the labels and standards which state that the purchased product is ethical in nature. Businesses are also required to focus on eliminating child labor and ineffective working conditions to labor. It is because; if business carries out such activity then ethical buyers would not move towards purchasing the product and thus, it decreases the sale of companies. Therefore, it is essential for the firm to maintain quality standards and labels so that it does not affect the decision of consumers and profitability of firm (Griffiths, 2012). Organizations nowadays promote ethical consumerism so that they can attract customers and would earn high revenues. Thus, top management of firm needs to provide good working conditions to employees so that they can be satisfied and promote the business in order to enhance the sales of firm. In the present era, ethical consumerism is a emerging market that provides consumers a different standard of living in society (Cox and et.al., 2007). It involves different merchandise such as banking, finance, energy, food, drinks and fashion etc.

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Illustration 1: Ethical consumerism (Source: Kneale, 2014)

DETAILED OVERVIEW OF OXFAM CLAIMING TO OPERATE ETHICALLY Oxfam is directly working with different communities in order to influence the people to become powerful. Main aim of business is to provide individual the right to carry out their rights and also, to empower them for managing their own lives. Also, it ensures that people living below poverty line should enhance their living standard (Moreira and et.al., 2013). Oxfam is an international association that involves around 17 businesses working in approximately 94 countries worldwide in order to overcome and find a solution to poverty. Its main program has three motives to improve the upliftment of community that is living in poverty for long time, carrying out humanitarian work and providing assistance to people affected from natural disaster. Business also obtains specific vision to create the world free from poverty (Koprowska, 2010). Thus, in order to fulfill such aim, it organizes varied development programs, workshops, campaigns and so on. However, it also helps business to maintain the transparency and accountability in order to achieve the desired results. Hence, through carrying out such humanitarian activities, business claims to operate its business ethically. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: help@globalassignmenthelp.com Global Assignment Help experts offer best quality Online Assignment Help to the students at an affordable price.

Illustrat ion 2: Oxfam bank (Source: Wong, 2014)

There are different approaches identified and evaluated by Oxfam with regard to become social and ethical. It is as follows

Equality act- It is an effective legislation passed in 2010 by UK government. The main aim of such act is to provide equality to workers at the workplace by providing equal rights and opportunities in order to improve their skills and quality. Thus, Oxfam also involves this act in order to develop proper functioning and to execute the best practices with attaining the desired results (White, MacDonnell and Ellard, 2012). Business provides equality among workers so that they can be satisfied from their job and would provide the best results in terms of profitability.

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Not for profit approach- Here, it can be stated that Oxfam operates its business not for profit and provides community a better chance of improving their living standard. Thus, working as a not for profit approach, it relays on donations and grants from big corporate houses in order to support the community as a social cause. Hence, company uses such amount in order to support the poor people to overcome poverty and to enhance their standard of living (Singh, Iglesias and Batista-Foguet, 2012).

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FACTORS INFLUENCE CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR There are varied factors that affect the individual's buying behavior at the time of purchasing merchandise. Thus, in the present study, research has been carried out on students of GSM London. The main purpose of carrying out this research is to identify the buying behavior of individual (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte, 2012). In relation to this, there are three major factors that influence the buying behavior of GSM students. It is as follows

Personal factors- It involves different personal factors that affect the purchasing behavior of individual such as age, religion and sex. For example, it can be evaluated that

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the needs and wants of purchasing ethical products differs as per their age. It is a crucial factor that influences the tastes and preferences of consumers. Likewise, the aged people will prefer to consume food which is not so spicy as compared to young people who prefer to try something chilly and spicy. Thus, carrying out survey on the taste and preference of GSM students analyzed that they prefer to consume different products but which are sold ethically in the market (Davies, Lee and Ahonkhai, 2012). 

Social factors- It is another critical factor that affects the purchasing decision of buyers. The families of GSM students are also involved in survey and by analyzing their responses; it has been found that they are loyal towards purchasing ethical goods so that poor people can be safeguarded (Bucic, Harris and Arli, 2012). Thus, buying behavior of people is changing and focusing on adopting ethical goods and services as their main aim is to promote poor people to enhance their living standard.

CONCLUSION From the above study, it can be articulated that each and every business is required to develop ethical consumerism concept in order to produce products or services. Further, the main purpose of adopting such concept by Oxfam is to overcome the poor people from poverty and to improve their standard of living. Thus, Oxfam carries out its business which is totally based on fair practices that helps in serving the clients well and attains the best results. Business also undertakes varied approaches such as unethical practices; equality act etc. in order to serve the people better and also, to improve the overall image of enterprise. At last, business carries out research on GSM students in order to analyze buying behavior of consumers.

RECOMMENDATIONS It has been suggested that Oxfam is required to generate more transparency and sustainability in the firm with an aim that individual is required to be aware about the ethical morality concept. Also, business is required to differentiate its corporate brand image from its rivals. Through following ethical consumerism, it reflects that business is trying to provide

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ethical products and services to consumers and overcome the poverty. Enterprise should also follow ethical culture within corporation and provide equal opportunities to employees so that they can enhance their standard of living and would enhance productivity of firm. Oxfam needs to improve its awareness of corporate ethics and should recognize themselves among consumers which would help them to build trust among stakeholders.

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FINAL REFLECTION AND PDP Through carrying out this particular research, it helped in reflecting my own performance and development during the whole semester. Further, there is a lot of learning to be gained by me during the complete semester regarding performance (Leonidou and et.al., 2013). It also supported me to improve my knowledge and skills so that ethical consumerism concept can be effectively understood by me during the whole semester. Further, I have also tried to find company that follows ethical morality concept so that it would in improving my knowledge. It also developed my communication and analytical skills. Through enhancing such skills, it helped me in improving my presentation skill that assisted me to effectively present my views in front of them so that they could understand my view point towards ethical consumerism (Carrington, Neville and Whitwell, 2010). However, at the time of starting semester, I was not able to find

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myself competent enough to understand the term related to ethical consumerism. But later, after the completion of semester I was skilled enough to analyze the importance of such concept. With the help of such study, my communication skills were enhanced. During the semester, I found a lot of enhancement in my knowledge regarding ethical consumerism. This particular semester supported me in improving my communication skills and helping other people to understand the same. Thus, through carrying out this report, it guided me to effectively analyze the concept and identify its importance in order to implement it within businesses. In this particular semester, my research skills were improved as I searched varied companies that implement ethical consumerism in different sectors such as finance, food, fashion etc. It is essential for business to follow such concept in order to attract the consumers and to satisfy their needs. Furthermore, through carrying out the research, I was able to understand the concept of producing ethical merchandise and deliver it to poor people so that they can improve their standard of living. Further, in order to carry out the selected topic, it helped me to direct my efforts towards selecting Oxfam which is a nonprofit enterprise that promotes ethical consumerism concept. Thus, such research supported me to improve my analytical and communication skills. It helped me to become competent and take decision in order to implement different practices such as equality act so that I can effectively overcome the issues faced by individuals working within firm. Through attending such session, it also helped me to develop my skills and knowledge and attain desired goals and objectives. I also analyzed that I need to enhance my conflict management skill so that it would guide me to improve my coordination among team members and provide them proper responsibilities in order to achieve the desired results. I also found issues at the time of selecting enterprise which claims to run ethically. From the list of ethically operating companies, I adopted Oxfam which is a NGO that works ethically in order to serve poor people and achieve objectives. Through carrying out above practices, it helped me to enhance my performance skills and thus, I obtained the best outcomes. Also, this semester helped me to enhance my presentation skills as I was needed to prepare an oral presentation which is likely to be given in front of

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colleagues. Thus, I made sincere efforts to develop such skills and thus, become competent enough to overcome the problems faced in order to attain the desired results. Hence, it can be assessed that this whole semester helped me to learn different things so that I can improve my skills and knowledge in order to build my future endeavor. Moreover, it also helped me to work excessively on my inefficiencies so that I can improve them in future and would attain the desired goals. It helped me to understand ethical consumerism concept and its importance by adopting within enterprises to improve the living standard of poor people. Following are the different areas in which I need to enhance my skills. Thus, for that, I need to develop personal development plan in order to attain the desired goals. Following is the personal development planSkills to be




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REFERENCES Books and Journals Bucic, T., Harris, J. and Arli, D., 2012. Ethical consumers among the millennials: A crossnational study. Journal of Business Ethics. 110(1). pp. 113-131. Carrington, M. J., Neville, B. A. and Whitwell, G. J., 2010. Why ethical consumers don’t walk their talk: Towards a framework for understanding the gap between the ethical purchase intentions and actual buying behaviour of ethically minded consumers. Journal of Business Ethics. 97(1). pp.139-158. Cottrell, S. and Morris, N., 2012. Study skills connected: using technology to support your studies. Palgrave Macmillan. Cox, D. B. and et.al., 2007. A study of managerial derailment characteristics and personality preferences. Journal of Management Development. 26(9). pp.857 – 873. Davies, I. A., Lee, Z. and Ahonkhai, I., 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury?. Journal of Business Ethics. 106(1). pp.37-51. Edwards, A. J. and et. al., 2014. Learning and study strategies: Issues in assessment, instruction, and evaluation. Elsevier. Griffiths, M., 2012. Study skills and dyslexia in the secondary school: a practical approach. Routledge. Kneale, P. E., 2014. Study Skills for Geography Students: A Practical Guide 2nd Edition. Routledge. Koprowska, J., 2010. Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work. 3rd. ed. SAGE. Leonidou, L. C. and et. al., 2013. Business unethicality as an impediment to consumer trust: The moderating role of demographic and cultural characteristics. Journal of business ethics. 112(3). pp. 397-415. Moreira, P. A. and et. al., 2013. Predictors of academic performance and school engagement— Integrating persistence, motivation and study skills perspectives using person-centered and variable-centered approaches. Learning and Individual Differences. 24. pp. 117-125. Segers, M. and et. al., 2013. Employee Motivation for Personal Development Plan Effectiveness. European Journal of Training and Development. 37(6).

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Singh, J. J., Iglesias, O. and Batista-Foguet, J. M., 2012. Does having an ethical brand matter? The influence of consumer perceived ethicality on trust, affect and loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics. 111(4). pp. 541-549. Solomon, M., Russell-Bennett, R. and Previte, J., 2012. Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. White, K., MacDonnell, R. and Ellard, J. H., 2012. Belief in a just world: Consumer intentions and behaviors toward ethical products. Journal of Marketing. 76(1). pp. 103-118. Wong, L., 2014. Essential study skills. Cengage Learning. Online Ethical

consumerism meaning. 2014. [Online]. Available through: <http://www.knowmore.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ethical_Consumerism>. [Accessed on 30th October 2015].

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