Marketing In Travel & Tourism Industry Sample Document

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TABLE OF CONTENTS TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Concepts of Marketing .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Impact of Marketing Environment ................................................................................... 3 1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand ....................................................... 5 1.4 Principles of Market Segmentation ................................................................................. 6 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Importance of Strategic Marketing Planning .................................................................. 8 2.2 Relevance of Marketing Research and Information ......................................................... 9 2.3 Influence of marketing on society .................................................................................. 10 TASK 3 ..........................................................................................................................................11 3.1 Issues in the element of marketing mix.......................................................................... 11 3.2 Importance of service sector mix element ..................................................................... 13 3.3 concept of total tourism product .................................................................................... 14 TASK 4 ..........................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Integrated nature and role of promotion mix ................................................................. 15 4.2 Plan for promotional campaign ...................................................................................... 18 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................18 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................19

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TASK 1 1.1 Concepts of Marketing

Illustration 1: Concepts of marketing (Source: Concepts of marketing, 2016) There are different type of marketing concepts identified which plays very effective role in terms of setting the direction of marketing personnel towards the specific approach. The applications of the same with reference to the given case scenario is depicted in below: 

Needs, wants and demands: These all concepts can be consider as synonym of each other. Here, the given element of marketing depict about the needs and wants of the customers. This element state that before carrying out the production of any type of goods and services, the manager of firm must analyses the needs and demands of its customers. The given thing will be applied in the particular case scenario (Bradley, 2005). Here, before making the final plan for the tour package in Morocco and Egypt, the manager of cited firm must analyse the needs and demands of its respective buyers. For example, some

will state that they would like to do adventure tourism in some will say that they want to perform the basis of given opinions destination


Morocco and Egypt. However,

religious tour in the countries. Thus, here on

only the Thomas Cook must make decision about the travel

with respect to the Morocco and Egypt. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:


Products: It is the second element of marketing which gives description about the products and services which firm will offer to its respective buyers. Here, in the given element the manager of Thomas Cook will make the decision regarding the type of services being offered by it to the respective buyers while organizing tours in Morocco and Egypt. For example, with respect to the given tour services could be a tour guide, free breakfast, discount on tickets and chance to get the stay in famous five star hotel which is located in any of the given destination.


Value, satisfaction and quality: The given concept of marketing is used for the purpose to give immense experience of services to the buyers. Here, the satisfaction of customers will be enhanced if they firm deliver services more than the expected one (Kim, Lehto and Morrison, 2007). Thus, in order to raise the satisfaction of Thomas Cook buyers, it is required by the manager that it must gather the feedback from the customers of other firm who had performed tour in the given destinations. Thus, through this way only manager can assess the pros and cons of the respective tour. On the basis of this, Thomas Cook can plan an effective tour. This will not only enhance the satisfaction of customers, but it will also make the buyers feel like that they are valued. However, the manager of Thomas Cook should constantly make efforts

in terms of improving the quality of services which is being delivered by it. Through this also, satisfaction of buyers will be maintained. Exchange, transaction and relationships: Exchange is the activity one individual get something in exchange of doing some work. scenario, exchange will be in monetary terms. client in return of

in which

With respect to given case

Here, Thomas Cook will get payment from its

organizing tours for them. However, with an aim to deliver the given

services Thomas Cook will have to form an agreement with all the hotels where customers will stay while getting tour in Morocco and Egypt. element of marketing state that firm must This can be





developed an effective relationship with its buyers.

developed by Thomas Cook by delivering the services in a manner which is being

promised by it.

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Markets: In the given element, manager will have to make the decision about the market where it can present its products and services. Thus, for Thomas Cook market would be all the buyers who wanted to perform tour in Morocco and Egypt (Pan, MacLaurin and Crotts, 2007)

1.2 Impact of Marketing Environment The marketing environment of an organisation is known as the factors and items that affects the capability to construct and maintain relationship with customers. The marketing environment for the given company can be affected by micro environment and macro environment factors (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick, Mayer and Johnston, 2009). Presenting here the detailed study on micro and macro environment factors affecting the travel and tourism business of Thomas cook and its effect on the current packaged tour to Morocco and Egypt.  Micro Environment : The micro marketing environment relates to the the marketing within the company. They are suppliers,

factors affecting

competitors, customers, public and

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Illustration 2: Micro environment (Source: Micro environment, 2016) Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

Supplier: They are the individual who fulfils raw material related demand of firm. With respect to the given holiday supplier of Thomas Cook will be the hotels and tour guide. These all suppliers can cause significant impact upon the Morocco and Egypt holiday trip. This is because, the satisfaction of Thomas Cook customers largely depends upon the services of these individuals only ((Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006)). For example, the supplier of the firm will not provide high quality of services then in the given situation satisfaction of buyers will be impacted in a negative way. Due to this, brand image of Thomas Cook will be impacted.

Customers:The person who uses the goods and services will be called as buyers. The decision regarding the type of package which needs to be adopt by the firm largely depends upon the buyers only. For

who belong to the age group of 16-25 year will the buyers who are




prefer to do the adventurous tours. Likewise,

coming with their family will like to have combination of both

adventurous and site scene tours. Thus, the needs and demands of the will also lead to cause the necessary impact upon the

different buyers

holiday trip of Thomas Cook (Thomas

Cook, 2015). 

Competitors: They are the individual who give tough competition to the other person which produces the similar type of goods and services (Yilmaz and Bititci, 2006). The Morocco and Egypt holiday plan of Thomas Cook will be impacted through the strategic of cited firm rivalries. For example, competitors of Thomas Cook has decided to organise the tours within given countries only in which it is offering different additional services such as free tour guides and taxi fares etc. The given will lead to impact the holiday plan of Thomas Cook. This is because, as per its rivalry corporation will have to perform changes in its own plan also. However, if not done then it became difficult for the enterprise with regard to attract large number of customers in an effectual manner.

Macro Environment : It consists of factors which are external but it causes significant impact upon the operation of firm.

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Illustration 3: Macro environmental factor (Source: Macro environmental factor, 2016) 

Demographic forces: It depicts about the elements of population such as age, sex, race and level of education. The given element will also influence the Thomas Cook holiday trip. For example customers of age group between 10 to 30 are offered the trips for enjoyment, business, adventure etc. For age group 30 -60 marketing is based on the nature of people within this age group. They mostly prefer business trips and family tours. The age group above 60 mostly prefer pilgrims, so they are offered with the similar packages along with all the leisures provided to them. The mentioned company has arranged this package tour to Morocco and Egypt for the different age groups (Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006).


Economic forces: The economic condition country will also cause significant impact upon the pricing strategy of Morocco and Egypt holiday trip. For example, the manager of Thomas Cook has decided to set high prices for the given trip. The given thing will not being

implemented by the firm if condition like recession impact the given situation firm will have to set


the different nations. Thus, in

low prices for the respective holiday(Uzama,

2009). Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

Political forces: This describes about the political condition of nation. It includes the factors such as change in rate of interest and tax rate. For example, government where Thomas Cook is operation has increased the rate of taxes upon holiday services. Thus, with an aim to cover the given cost, cited firm will have to increase the prices of Morocco and Egypt holiday trip. If this is not done then in this situation cited firm will incur losses.

1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand Four factors assessed which lead to cause impact upon customer motivation and demand. 

Cultural: It is the set of basic values, behaviour and want which customers learned from their families. It includes the factors such as buyers social class and religion. The services which Thomas Cook is giving is largely depends upon the social class of respective buyers. For example, the firm has planned to take the group of Indian customers in the given destination. Then in this circumstance, firm will have mould its services as per given buyers only (Cravens and Piercy, 2008). For instance, it is seen that many of the Indian customers does not prefer to eat non-vegeterian food. Thus, Thomas Cook has to make arrangement for the given type of customers. This is because if not made then demand with respect to the given holiday trip can vary significantly.

Social:It state about the society where buyers belong. The demand of the customers with respect to the given services is influenced through the given factor also. For example, the formation of Morocco and Egypt

depends upon different social factors such as family,



individual person and young

individuals (Tasci and Gartner, 2007). This lead to influence the demand of buyers also. For example, people who have huge family will prefer to perform travel at economic holiday package. In this situation, manager of Thomas Cook will have to prepare economic holiday package for the respective destination. 

Personal:It entails about the characteristic which are specific to the persons. For example, some individuals have very lavishing lifestyle, then their way of selecting the specific Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

product of firm will depend upon the given factor only. Thus, the behaviour of buyers will also influence through the lifestyle related factor in an effective way (Doole and Lowe, 2008). Thus, Thomas Cook should consider the given aspect also while designing its services for respective holiday. 

Psychological: It is the way of thinking of an individual. The demand of buyer is also affected through the motivation related factor. In this context, it is assessed that if some buyer have motivation to get trip in Morocco and Egypt, then their demand with respect to the given type of holiday packages will be increases significantly.

1.4 Principles of Market Segmentation Market segmentation is the process of dividing whole group of buyers into different sub segments. Thus, it can be said that it is beneficial for the corporation such as Thomas Cook with regard to perform the segmentation of its market in an effective manner. It is depicted in below: 

It enables firm with regard to choose its adversing tactics in a strategic way. For instance, firm has segmented its market on the basis of age group of buyers. Then as per given factor cited firm can choose its adversing means. For

instance, in order to lure young buyers means 

such as Facebook and you tube can be used.

It helps the corporation with regard to perform significant improvement in the sales and profits by adopting strategic market tactic. In addition to this, with an aim to form different principles of market

manager of Thomas Cook can take help from the MASH criteria only an effective holiday 


criteria. Thus, on the basis of given

segmentation can be performed by cited firm with regard to the

services being offered by it.

Measurable: This criteria depict that the basis of segmentation which is being chosen by the firm must be measurable. For example, Thomas Cook has selected demographic basis for its Morocco and Egypt holiday trip. Then, for the firm it is essential that it must gather the proper information about the given basis. For instance, 50% buyers belongs to 16-20 age category and 12% buyers belongs to 45-50 age group.

Accessible:The segmentation which is being selected by Thomas Cook must be accessible. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

Substantial: Here, in the criteria manager of firm will have to make the decision that the segmentation criteria which is being selected by it must be important. This is means that the segmentation criteria which Thomas Cook has selected should help in yielding high amount of profits and sales.

Homogeneous: It depicts about the interaction between segmentations.

Marketing planning is the comprehensive blueprint which gives




marketing efforts which is being carried out by the firm during the time. The main purpose of marketing planning is to set the direction of firm towards the specific direction. SOSTAC is the marketing planning model which plays very effective role in terms of formaing an effective marketing plan for the firm in an effectual way. The segmentation are of four types such as demographic, geographic, behavioural, psycho graphic etc. However, company is using following methods for the purpose to segment its market with respect holiday trip to Morocco and Egypt (Ginsber and Bloom, 2004). 

On the basis of geographical location: The company has planned this holiday for not only UK public but also for the other nations. The company has made an advertisement on its website and the complete information about tour has been posted there (Snepenger, King, Marshall and Uysal, 2006). So the people all over the world can have the chance to join the trip.

On the basis of demographic condition: The said company has made the tour plan for the different category of people. Like people with different age groups, income differentiation, different life styles are provided with facilities to avail the plans as per their requirements.

On the basis of psychology: The mentioned group knows that the people will choose this trip only when they are satisfied with their needs (Ginsberg and Bloom, 2004). Different people have their different psychology. Suppose if a buyer needs to have economy class seats and the other buyer wants a business class seats, so the company has made a plan which will satisfy the wants of all the buyers.

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TASK 2 2.1 Importance of Strategic Marketing Planning Marketing planning is the blue print which helps in setting the direction of marketing team of the firm. In accordance with the given context, the process of strategic marketing planning is identified which can be used by Thomas Cook with an aim to prepare the tactical plan with regard to the Morocco and Egypt holiday trip. For the given process SOSTAC MODEL is applied. The detailed explanation about the same is depicted in below: 

Situation: It describes about the present situation of Thomas Cook. The company has appointed marketing manager for planning the trip to Morocco and Egypt. The marketing planning is important to grab the attention of customers from this holiday plan.

Objective: With respect to the given scenario, objective of Thomas Cook manager is to attract large number of buyers towards the given trip.

Strategy: The above mentioned objectives can be accomplished with the help of different marketing means such as newspapers, television and Facebook etc ((Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2009).

Tactic: In this section, firm will have to precise its marketing mean and thus it must select such marketing means which will help in attracting its target market customers in an effectual way. For example, Thomas Cook has decided to attract young customer towards the given trip. Then in the given circumstance firm must use the mean such as social networking sites as it is mostly being access by young buyers.

Action: In this section, action will be taken by the marketing manager of firm as per the marketing objectives which is being framed by it. For example, in this section firm will form the marketing team who will do



implementation of the framed plan. 

Control: Finally, in the last section marketing manager of Thomas Cook will control the plan which is being framed by it (Moutinho, 2011). Here, in this section manager will assess its success. Thus, here it will analyse that whether it has meet its marketing plan or not.

Besides this, for the firm it is very essential that it must take help from

the strategic marketing

planning process. This is because, the given process helps in clarifying the direction of firm. In Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

addition to this, with the help of given marketing plan only in-depth understanding regarding respective target market group of customer can be gained. Besides this, purpose of marketing plan is to set the accountability of



employees who are working within

firm. In addition to this, the given plan direct Thomas Cook in the specific direction. 2.2 Relevance of Marketing Research and Information Marketing research is the set of process which is used to gather the information about the market where firm will sale its products. For the firm it is very essential that it must perform carry out the thorough research of the market where it has planned to sale its products and services. However, with an aim to perform the same tool such as DODCAR model can be used. The detailed explanation about the same is depicted in below: 

Definition: The marketing process begin with the definition of opportunities and threats for the respective country. Here, for the firm it is very necessary that it must gather indepth information regarding the given elements. This is because, on the basis of this information, a specific research objective can be set by the manager of corporation. Objective: In this section, Thomas Cook will define its objective. For example, with respect to given case scenario, the objective of Thomas


would be to gather full-fledged information about the destinations such as Morocco and Egypt where it is organising its tour. 

Design: In this section, decision regarding different research method which will be used by the manager of cited firm is taken. Thus, here rough plan will be prepared with respect to the research.

Collect: In this step, information regarding different method of collected data will be taken. In this context, here researcher can collect data with the help of primary and secondary mean. Here, primary mean include the technique such as questionnaire. Likewise, secondary means will include the mean such as books, journals and online article.

Analyse: In this part, the researcher will have to analyse the collected data and for this purpose techniques such as SPSS and thematic analysis will be used.

Report: Finally, in the last step researcher will found out the final result of its conducted study and thus, it will work upon it. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

Besides this, it can be said that marketing research is important for the Thomas Cook. This is because, research will help the company to get the knowledge of particular business plan about how many people are interested in that plan, what is the price prevailing in the market for the plan, how much the customer is willing to pay for a particular business plan. The company for this holiday plan can get the knowledge of competitors, demographics, recent market trends and the expenditure capacity of buyers (Morgan, Lugosi and Ritchie, 2010). In addition to this, with the help of given research only information regarding the different tourist attraction place in Morocco and Egypt will be gather by Thomas Cook manager. In addition to this, through this way only information about varied hotels and the type of services which is being given by them can be gather. Here, with an aim to conduct research Thomas Cook can take help from both primary and secondary means. In the primary research the Thomas cook company found about the sales effectiveness, the quality of its services, the communication techniques and the current business plans of company. It also got to know about its rivals and their business strategy. In the secondary research the company came to know about the benchmarks and the market for the holiday plan that should be targeted (Chon, Barrows and Bosselman, 2013). Market information helps the group in knowing about the different segments of its customers. The competitors they are having in the market. It helps company to increase, enhance and change its strategies and policies to gain more customers. In context with Thomas Cook group the market is where the different buyers and competitors are available. The group has a huge business worldwide, so its market is also expanded accordingly (McMullan and Gilmore, 2008). 2.3 Influence of marketing on society The marketing which is being performed by Thomas Cook with an aim to lure its buyers towards the holiday plan has its impact upon the society. The explanation about the same is depicted in below: Positive influence

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Help in creating job: With the help of marketing, large number of buyers can be influenced with regard to get the tour of countries such as Morocco and Egypt. Through this way, demand of different hospitality services will be increases such as hotels, restaurants and airlines etc.

to meet the given demand, different firm will have to Thus, this will help in resolving

Thus, in order

carry out the recruitment of individual.

the unemployment related condition of nation in an effective

way. 

Create awareness: Through marketing, the members of society who are living in countries such as Morocco and Egypt can improve their understanding regarding culture being followed by the citizens of other country (Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, 2004).

Improve economic condition: With the help of marketing plan, manager of Thomas Cook can improve the economic condition of country. This is because, by organising tour within the country such as Morocco and Egypt, foreign currency can be brought with given nations. Thus, the given tour will help in improving the standard of living of the members who are living in society.

Negative influence 

High prices: Due to marketing activity, prices of different other hospitality services will be increases. Thus, this will create problem for the citizens of respective nation who had availed such services at cost effective prices.

Pollution: Intense travel and tourism type of activity will lead to raise the pollution within country. Due to this, the health of an individual who are living within society will be impacted in a negative way.

Prostitution: The demand of such profession will also increase because of intense travel and tourism activity. This is because, prostitution is the type of occupation which helps in yielding high amount of money within short duration. Here, in order to improve the standard of living, citizens of Morocco and Egypt can opt for the given option. Thus, the given thing will

negative impact upon the members of society.

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TASK 3 3.1 Issues in the element of marketing mix Marketing mix is a combination of product, price, place and promotion. Every element has its own field of advantages and disadvantages and it differs from company to company. These elements are useful for every organization in different aspects. Firm face different types of problems while dealing with distinct elements of marketing mix. Following are the issues which company may face: 

Product: It is something which firm offers to its respective buyers. In this factor, two basic type of issues will be faced by the manager of Thomas Cook. Here, one issue is related with the new product development. This consists of different activities which helps in developing the new product of enterprise in an effective way. Here, in order to develop the new product, Thomas Cook manager will have to follow 6 different elements. It consists of idea generation, screening, evaluation, development and commercialization. These all given element can also be apply with respect to Thomas Cook holiday tour. For example, at the first stage idea will be generated regarding the type of tourism which firm must organize in the respective country such as adventurous and religious tourism etc. The feasibility of given tourism will be assessed screening and evaluation. Finally, tour package will be developed and it will be marketed by the firm. In addition to this, another issue which firm will face is related to product life cycle(Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, 2004). This method is effective as it gives information about the stage where product of firm belongs. The stage consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline etc. Through given tool only the information regarding different type of services will also be obtained. For example, if free cab type of services belongs to the maturity phase then in the given circumstance manager of Thomas Cook can employ some other services in the place of this particular services.


Price: It the value which firm charges in return of delivering the services and products. The major issue which firm will face in this section is regarding the type of pricing tactic which needs to be used by it. In this context, there are two different pricing tactics identified which manager of Thomas Cook can use for its holiday trip. It consists of geographical and promotional pricing. Geographical pricing is the type of pricing tactic in Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

which manager of firm tend to change its pricing strategy as per the geographical location of country. For example, it is assessed by Thomas Cook that the customer to whom which it is organizing tour are very must price sensitive. Then in this condition firm should use low pricing tactic for the respective holiday trip(Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006). 

Place: Next element of marketing mix which can because of issue is the place. Place here is concerned with the reach of services and it can affect Thomas Cook to a high extent. Here, cited firm will address the issues regarding the length of marketing channel and intensity of various channel etc. For example, here manager of cited firm has decided to use direct mean of distributing its services to customers. Then in this condition firm will have to select shortest mean of marketing channel which could be online selling. In this regard, Thomas Cook can use its own website with an aim to deliver the services to the respective buyers.

3.2 Importance of service sector mix element Service sector is a large field which directly connecting with customers. It divide in sub markets so that every field can cover with high accuracy and efficiency. Service sector is a place where work need to do according to the demand of the customers. Its main aim is to generate profit through satisfying customers needs and wants (Morgan, Lugosi and Ritchie, 2010). Service sector deal with people and services. Service cannot separate from its providers. Service sector deal with marketing of service and through using these source it create awareness about particular services. It also deals with medium of marketing and which help to understand type of marketing for attract customers. Service sector help Thomas Cook to interact with customers for their different services. For ex. If company have different types of packages such as three days tour, seven days tour and different location tours. For these packages company can aware more people by using service sector mix elements. These helps Thomas Cook in deciding its basic services and additional services which mostly prefer by customers. These mix also suggest how to meet customers' expectation so that they get maximum satisfaction (Schmallegger and Carson, 2008). Through these mix company come to know about customers desire from specific tour so that they can make changes which possible. Service sector deal with another segments also which is service quality. It help to understand expectation of customers from company's services. Service quality concern with Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

number of services provided by company in single tour, effectiveness of service, effect of particular service on the prices of tour, etc. These mix help company to understand, how to improve quality of services so that it could meet expectation of customers. These mix help company to divide its services according to demanded packages. The another service sector mix element is physical evidence. That means where the service is going to be performed. It includes the exterior and interior facilities. In relation to the holiday plan organised by the company to Morocco and Egypt the physical evidences are the tickets to be provided by the company, the taxis to be arranged by the company, in hotels the rooms are well maintained or not etc. This will distinguish the company from its competitors for the same holiday plan. In addition to this, the importance of exterior and interior facility will be arises if Thomas Cook gives information about its services through some physical store. Then in the given circumstance it must have to design the exterior and interior of its store in a very attractive manner. This is because, if not designed then in the given situation it will become difficult for the cited firm with regard to attract the large number of buyers in an effective manner. The next service sector mix is People for which the holiday plan is made by the company. These are the individuals who delivers services to the firm. Thus, it includes both customers and service personnel. They are the most important part for providing the service. Training program is organised by the company for the people who are participating in providing the services, because the customers will judge them about the service they are provided. This is because the people are those factors with which the customers can interact and discuss things. The last element is Process. This depict about the way of delivering services to the buyers. The services to be provided to customers like online tickets, travelling, insurance, boarding and lodging of them etc. is to be accurate so that the customers get satisfaction for what they paid for. Here, in order to give these services firm will have to follow a very effective procedure. For example, Thomas Cook has decided to deliver its services through its store then in the given situation it will have to design an effective produce for the entry of its respective customers. This must be designed in such a manner which will help in reducing the waiting time of the buyers in an effectual way.

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3.3 concept of total tourism product The total tourism product will be divided into two sections such as primary and secondary product. Primary product are the basic or the core product of firm. Thus, with regard to the given scenario primary product will be different holiday package which firm gives to its customers. Thomas Cook can plan its holiday tour for Morocco by setting different packages such as student holiday package, senior citizen holiday package, honeymoon packages, etc. so that can cover large number of customers. Company has to set different price for different packages (Evans, Stonehouse and Campbell, 2012). But, secondary product are the type of product which firm give to the customers in addition to the primary products. The services such as free cab facility and discount of hotel room can be consider as type of secondary services. Thomas Cook can also provide service related to foreign exchange such as one currency card, receive money via money gram, sell foreign exchange because customers are from different locations and visit to different locations. These help customers in saving their time by exchange money at one place rather then exchanging money from banks and other institutions. Thomas Cook should book hotels at Morocco so that customers have no need worry about stay at destination. Company also have to give options for types of rooms so that customers can choose what they want. Company should add all this additional services in tour and make aware them about how much company charge for that services. Thomas Cook could provide flight booking service in order to save time of customers and for giving them more satisfaction. Company should give gift cards and coupon to its visitors so that they attract towards its services (Gretzel and Yoo, 2008). Organisation can also facilitate its customers by giving them visa and insurance facility. Company should provide insurance facility such as overseas travel insurance and student insurance. Another service company should provide to its customers is different kind of offers with different tour.

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TASK 4 4.1 Integrated nature and role of promotion mix Promotional mix can be defined as a technique which is used by marketers these days in order to reach out to their customers and attaining their specific goal. Companies can go through the appropriate promotion with the help of different elements such as: Advertising: It is widely used promotional mix that can also be defined as a paid form of promotion of goods and services. In context of Thomas Cook, promotion mix helps them in making a tour and promotion of it with the help of advertising. They can make their advertisements of any particular tour package and promote it via social networking sites, television as well as on-site promotions (Middleton et. al., 2009). It helps company to transfer the tour information with this technique Thomas Cook has to pay for advertisement and there is no face to face contact between the customers and advertiser as well. Sales Promotion: It can be defined as a short term use of promotional activity that stimulates the customers to buy any product or use the service. Thomas Cook can apply this technique for their promotion with the help of discount offers as well as premium gifts. Public Relations: Maintaining better public relation is one of the most important concern through which company can create goodwill. It helps to collect information about the public opinion as well as their management activities. With the help of this, Thomas Cook can easily overcome with the customer complaints and dislikes of public. However, it is the most effective way to build positive brand image in the mindset of customers and develop proper understanding between organization and public as well. Personal selling: It can be defined as a selling personally to a person with the help of face to face interaction. Through this, Thomas Cook can maintain personal relationship with their customers and provide them better response as well convince them in an appropriate way (Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2006). In this technique sales person or representative can demonstrate the benefits of such tour packages and gives them appropriate justification as per their needs. Tickets can also be selling personally for the holidays in Morocco and Egypt. Direct Advertising: With the help of this advertising Thomas Cook can reach out the mass of people. This can be done by email and mails. The company can adopt this tactic to generate sales of the tickets and promote various discount offers to loyal customers. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

Promotion is an important marketing tool and vein of marketing mix. It includes all the aspects of product and its promotion. In context of Thomas Cook, promotion mix helps them in making a tour and promotion of it. It helps company to communicate the tour information with customers. Nature and role of promotion mix at Thomas Cook are as follows; 

Helps in maintaining public relations - Promotional mix help Thomas Cook in maintain relations with customers. It can be done through campaign for awareness of the tour, its logos and slogans. This is a kind of promotion which does not require to paying and customers advertise for company indirectly (Middleton et. al., 2009).

Advertising and sales promotion - Promotion mix plays a vital role in advertising and sales promotion for tours of the company. It can be done through various sources such as print media, social media marketing, online advertising, etc. It helps company in create awareness about tour of Morocco and Egypt by using promotion channels.

Monitoring and control - Promotion mix monitors all strategy of promotion in order to check either it working properly or not. It keeps control over strategy from start to end. These help company to find actual progress of its campaign so that accordingly company can take decision (Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2006).

Budgetary consideration - promotion mix play major role in selection of right channels of promotion in right market so that it help in reduce cost for the company. It helps Thomas Cook to identify cost of tour promotion so that they can plan according to their budget and targeted customers.

Communication - This basic aim of promotion is to communication with customers. It includes three promotional objectives are to inform, persuade and remind. These help Thomas Cook in targeting its customers and in communicate with them.

Presenting here the promotional mix which are required to promote the holiday plan.

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Sales Promotion: This tool is used to attract customers and it is for a short term immediate goal. The marketing department can make promotion of this trip by organizing contests, sweep-sticks, giveaways or free coupons.

Public Relations: The public relations help to develop a positive character of company to public in case of new product and services. The company also adopted this strategy by distributing tickets in charity. The health of the tourist will be the responsibility of it so that customers will start trusting the services provided by them.

Personal selling: It is the one to one communication between the seller and the buyers. The company is personally selling tickets to its prospective buyers, which is quite expensive but for promoting the new plan it is necessary.

Direct Advertising: It means advertising to a targeted group rather than the mass of people. This can be done by email and mails. The company can adopt this tactic too to generate sales of the tickets. It can also have the feedback of bulletins, customer inquiries etc.

4.2 Plan for promotional campaign Advertisements: Advancement in technology has brought complete transition in the ways of promotes such as in the current scenario operators are using different platforms to reach large number of customers. Advertisement of services and offerings is the effectual way to attract the Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

attention of people. Ads are printed at pamphlets, newspapers and magazines released by hospitality industries. Further it is promoted on social media platforms that is by posting details of services on Facebook, twitter etc. Public relations: It is imperative for an organization to maintain healthy relational constructs with customers, suppliers, trading partners to consolidate large stream of people with organization and offer them services. Thomas cook has strong hold at market place which has enabled it builds good relations with several groups. Thomas cook promote its services by collaborating with accommodation places such as hotels, villas, apartments and others. Further agreements with suppliers of ancillary services such as financial services, insurances, banking and other has led promotion of offerings of Thomas cook. Personal selling is another approach which can be used by manager of Thomas Cook with an aim to do marketing of the services which is being given by it. For example, with respect to the given method firm can appoint an individual who will personally visit to the home of the respective buyers of firm and thus give information about the services which firm will offer (Atasu, Sarvary and Van Wassenhove, 2008). In addition to this, with an aim to attract the customers manager of cited firm can take the assistance from the method such as sales promotion. In this regard, it can offer discounts to first 20 buyers who have approached to the firm after seeing the specific tour packages (Hudson, 2008).

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CONCLUSION The Marketing plays vital role in the business of travel and tourism. In the case of Thomas Cook being a popular brand in travel and tourism marketing is the main and key element of its success in the long run. The holiday package for Morocco and Egypt is getting famous in the public of UK as well as overseas customers therefore the company's earnings are increasing day by day. The Marketing research helped the company in finding its strengths, weaknesses, competitors and the buyers preferences. Marketing also contributes for the benefit of society.

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