The Need and Importance Employability Skills in an Organization

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Employability Skills

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 3 TASK 1................................................................................................................................................3 Create an action plan that sets out the responsibilities, performance objectives and time management strategies (1.1 & 2.3 & M3)................................................... 3 TASK 2................................................................................................................................................5 Communicating in a variety of styles and appropriate manner (2.2).................. 6 Analyse team roles and dynamics (3.1 & 3.2)...............................................................6 Review how motivational techniques can be used to improve performance (1.4)7 Evaluate tools and methods for developing strategies and solutions to problems as well as their potential and real impact on the business (4.1 & 4.2)............... 8 Make recommendations for Improvement and alternative ways (1.3 & 3.3).... 8 Evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives (1.2 & D1)...................... 9 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................. 10 Write the checklists and make how and why they are strategic documents that help resolve particular problems (2.1 & 4.2)...............................................................10 TASK 4............................................................................................................................................. 10 Schedule brief team meetings during the running of the event (AC 2.1, M1, D1 & D2)...........................................................................................................................................10 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................11 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................12

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INTRODUCTION Employability skills are the quality which are considered significant to have in the labour market at various labels of employment

at various industry sectors.

These skills comprise of soft, workforce preparation attainment and other core abilities which every employer wants in their employees. It is necessary to have employment skill in the staff so that they can serve their customers in a better way. It also helps in to the

enhancement in the skills of employees which are

needed in the job (Wright, Brinkley and Clayton 2010). These assist the employees in making critical decisions and to connect well with the colleagues. Hence, there are eight skills which employees caters in their work place which are communication, problem solving, planning and organizing, self management, teamwork, technology etc. For conducting the current research, Fizz Bang Events has been chosen. It is the event management company which organize the event of the clients. This report focuses on determining own responsibilities and performance and able to developed interpersonal and transferable skills. Moreover, the report will demonstrate the dynamics of working with others and development of strategies for solving problem in the organization.

TASK 1 Create an action plan that sets out the responsibilities, performance objectives and time management strategies (1.1 & 2.3 & M3) There


some responsibilities


performance objectives

of the

operational manager of Fizz Bang events which help in making an effective action plan. This plan will help to identify

effective time management strategies. The

action plan is as follows: Action Plan

Responsibilities of operational event manager:  Development, production and delivery of projects from the proposal point to the delivery point.. Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 3

 Delivering events on time, within budget and able to meet customers' expectations.  Setting, communicating, maintaining timelines and priorities on every project  Communicating, maintaining and developing client relationships.  Managing supplier relationships (Van Harten, Knies and Leisink, 2016).  Managing operational and administrative functions to ensure specific projects are to be delivered efficiently.  Providing leadership, motivation, direction and support to the team.  Ensuring excellent customer service and quality delivery.  Being responsible for all project budgets from the start to finish.  inspecting

on site

and project managing events.

 Perform research to select proper venue for events and evaluate the appropriate target audience for all processes.  Design various event proposals for all client briefings and coordinate with board members to administer all events and determine the format for same (van Staa, 2011).

Performance Objectives of Operational event manager:  To have the capability to detect events, make appropriately to their clients and determine the proper control action.

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 To reduce the cost of SMART conference by 20% by benefiting through the process improvement.  To









management.  Increase the cost efficiency of the project or event by 20% to attract large number of customers (Ryan and, 2010).  Increase knowledge in the team by sponsoring team members to take degree courses.

Time management Strategies:  Determine the productivity style which will help in absorbing the information about the events.  Manager should make schedules instead of making any to- do lists.  The manager should schedule everything and plan them accordingly.  Operational manager should need a bonus time in which he can plan


many things and through this it will assist in enhancing his productivity.  Moreover, the manager should have to change their outlook so that they can meet thier goals and objectives.  The manager should posses some qualities and capabilities like flexibility, multi tasking etc. so that he can tackle the time management problem.  The manager should make effective plans and objectives So that they able to target their objectives in given time frame (Uitterhoeve and, Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 5

2010).  The manager should try to meet deadlines so that they able to manage the workload as well as to do their work on given time period.

TASK 2 D2- Evaluation of plan As per the case scenario, EThames Graduate School has approached Fizz Bang Events to organize and manage their one of the events. In this, the chosen firm has selected the event named as

is “Thames Talks” which is based on the

enhancement of education, skills and training conference. For this, Fizz Bang has bifurcated the conferences in three parts, at first, it will provide on the educational aspect, then skills development of employees and last is based on the training sessions for their selected students. For this, event will be planned and meetings will be scheduled with the school authorities, so that

they able to

analyse the issues which students are facing in the educational institutions (Verran, 2010).

“Thames Talks” will helps in the overcoming from these issues in

an effective manner. With the help of this, the action plan will be made and summarization of each point should be done so that good and effective results can be brought. In a summarized way, the plan will be outlined by preparing meetings, taking detailed notes, reporting back on actions, monitoring systems and solving problems. If the planning of the event is going effectively or not, for this, some strategies will be used to over come from the problems and these strategies can be SWOT analysis, benchmarking and risk assessment. Communicating in a variety of styles and appropriate manner (2.2) There are various styles of communication which can be used between team and clients of Frizz Bang Events. There are various styles of communication through which it communicates to other easily. They are emails, texts etc. which comes under written communication. For instance, in email and texts, the abbreviation is not used because this will lead to misconception about Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 6

the message which is communicating to the clients (Jones, 2013). The other can be used of images should be also avoided because can lead to ineffectiveness. Verbal









conferencing etc. to send the messages to other person to demonstrate the various problems. For this, there are some appropriate manners through which sender can send their messages to the receiver and they can do by showing with the proper body languages, showing respects to the others etc. For example, staff members have some appropriate manners and etiquettes to have effective communication with them which shows atmosphere of the organization. On contrary to this, the jargon and abbreviations should not be used in the effective communications. This is because; the service professionals only use plain language with the service users in communicating with them. In addition to this, there








communications (Malloy







effective is


communication which defines as the ceremonial communications which are done between the staff which is related to the goals and objectives. On the other hand, informal communication is all about the interaction between the colleagues which are not related to the work and done for their personal basis. Analyse team roles and dynamics (3.1 & 3.2) Team Roles Team roles can be defined as the a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a significant way. According to the Belbin Team Roles, there are different types of team roles which are needed in the organization to become the team as a successful. These team members poses their different team skills and capabilities and helps the organization to achieved the desired goals and objectives. The team roles are as follows:  Action oriented roles: In this, it assists in the managing the challenges and issues which helps the team to improve and to put to greater ideas and views into the effective action. The employees who follow these roles ensured that the task should be done on the given time period (Houston, 2015). As well as thorough in the workplace which will further helps in the Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 7

accomplishment of the goals and objectives.  People oriented roles: These roles are people oriented and helps in the enhancement of the employees. In this aspect, the coordination acts as a chairperson and encourages team member to co operates other tasks. In addition to this, also assist in the exploring the outside opportunities which will assists in the achieving effective objectives and goals for the Fizz Bang Events.  Thoughts oriented roles: It assist in the new ideas and approaches which further helps in the planting the new ideas and strategies for the firm (Jackling and Natoli, 2015). The monitor evaluator

in this, will able to

analysed the options which are effective for the event and helps in the providing better results. Furthermore, it also provides the specialized skills to the decision making and in the team work so that they able to achieve the goals and objectives. Team Dynamics There are certain team dynamics which are set for the organization to achieved their targeted goals and objectives. The team dynamics will helps in the certain aspects which is considered as the significant for the day to day working life. This is because, through the team dynamics, the co -operation between employees are to be maintained effectively and efficiently. There are various impacts on the organization if team dynamics are followed in the business enterprise (Improving Group Dynamics, 2016). In this, it includes profitability, healthy environment to enjoy the work, increase in the staff retention rates, effective team and individual performance so that able to provide effective results. Hence, the team dynamics will provides with the company reputation and image. Review how motivational techniques can be used to improve performance (1.4) There are various motivational techniques which will helps in the improvisation of the quality of performance and they are as follows:  Positive work environment: If there will be a positive environment in the workplace then there will be motivated employees because of the environment , they are able to share their ideas and views and gets Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 8

motivated to give best in their work.  Offering incentives: If there are incentives, bonus and other aspects then this will surely helps the staff to gets motivated. This is because they are getting paid extra fore their extra hard work, through this, they will gets motivated (Janet, Daud and Don, 2012).  Recognize achievements: The motivational will increased when the achievements are to be recognized ion the organization. If they are recognized they feel motivated and gets rewards for that , will gets enhances their motivation level.  Provide professional enrichment: If the management are considering the staff in the decision making process then it will be motivation for them (O'Halloran, Worrall and Hickson, 2015). This is because they will see as the important part in the organization and able to perform better. Evaluate tools and methods for developing strategies and solutions to problems as well as their potential and real impact on the business (4.1 & 4.2) There are various tools and methods which helps in the developing strategies and solutions to problems and also provides impact on the business. Firstly, the organization has to developed strategies which will further helps in overcoming with the internal and external factors which affects the firm. Depending on scope and circumstances, Fizz Bang Events want to develop strategies to: increase profits, expansion of market share, increase in the approval ratings, enhancement of customer satisfaction and complete project/ events under budget (McCabe and Timmins, 2013). Here, company should analyse organizational environment to know their resources, liabilities, capabilities, strengths, weakness etc. This can be done through SWOT analysis and by which chosen company can able to highlight their core competencies and able to set their strategies and objectives. It will provides the positive impact because the organization will able to know their competitors and strengths. Secondly, the chosen company has to examined the current operating environment which will helps the business to predict the new opportunities and Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 9

able to identified the external environment. This can be done through PESTLE analysis, Porter's Five forces model which will assist in identifying the various elements of environment which are affecting the company. This elements can provide negative impact if not follow properly or not able to controlled the external factors (Jensen and, 2011). So, it is better to adaptable to changes so that able to maker effective strategies for Fizz Bang Events. Furthermore, other methods in this includes analysing of customers and stakeholders, its competitors etc. if these are analysed properly then it will provide positive impact to the organization. Moreover, there are options which will be analysed on a financial basis and in which some techniques or methods are used are cost benefit analysis, break even analysis, decisions trees etc. Make recommendations for Improvement and alternative ways (1.3 & 3.3) There are many recommendations which are needed for the problems and issues and in these, some issues are as follows which needs improvisation:  Communication issues: If there is an ineffective communication between the two people and there will be a chance of misunderstanding. So the communication between two employees or colleagues should be done effective so that no points gets missed. To have an effective communication in the firm, it should be responsive from two sides and there always be a two sided communication.  Lack of agreements: It is possible in the company when two persons thoughts doesn't match with each other due to the different attitudes and perspectives (Levinson, Lesser and Epstein, 2010). This happen due to the different mindsets and backgrounds of the people who posses different perceptions for each other and about their work and not able to agree on one terms.  Assigning responsibilities: If the manager weren't able to delegate the tasks among the employees then this issue can occurred. So the task should be allotted properly, because by this, the work will done more easily and complete on given time period. This can be improvised through making schedules for the next day so that work can be done systematically. Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 10

The other alternative ways to complete a task as team and achieve the goals for the organization are been suggested. Firstly, the team mates should able to co operates with other in their work. Secondly, co operation will enhance the teamwork between the team members. The chosen event organisation should able to schedule their tasks for tomorrow so that the work can be done systematically (Clayton and, 2013). Moreover, the team members should be effectively connected so that they able to accomplish the organizational goals by communicating with other. In addition to this, the views and ideas should be shared among the team members so that they can able to achieved the targeted objectives of the business enterprise. Evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives (1.2 & D1) A person has to explained his effectiveness in respect to the targeted goals and objectives of the organization. Evaluation of own effectiveness against the defined objectives is considered as a important aspect. This is because it helps in identifying the perfect organization to work for, such as Fizz Bang Events is considered as a good event organizer for “Thames Talks”. For this, the person has to go through a systematic way and it as follows:  Identifying

the skills: In this aspect, it helps in evaluating the

effectiveness in respect to the goals and objectives, further, which has to analyses the skills and compare them with others (DENG, ZUO and LI, 2012).  Acceptance of the responsibility: This aspect is all about the level of acceptance of responsibility which in a other way able to evaluate the effectiveness and by which later it will led to the accomplishing the desired business objectives.  Comparing

with the standard: It is another way of evaluating

effectiveness in which it includes comparing self capabilities with the standard of the Fizz Bang Events.

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TASK 3 Write the checklists and make how and why they are strategic documents that help resolve particular problems (2.1 & 4.2) There are several solutions which can helped in the work place problems and for that “Fizz Bang Events” has make a checklist for an event through which the particular problems can be resolved. The checklist for that:

Brain Storming Sessions

Expressing the views


Team work As there are various issues which affects the performance of the

organization and for that appropriate strategy can be used step by step and that is defining the issues which can include time management, poor communication, coordination etc. (Hagarty and Currie, 2012). Secondly, identifying the solution for it such as

time management strategy like, prioritization, scheduling etc. can be

used, communication resources like telephone, messenger must be implemented within entity. Lastly, it will implemented and evaluated within the organization.

CONCLUSION This aforementioned report has concluded that each and every company should posses an employability skills in their organization. Furthermore, Fizz Bang Events has been selected in which the report has been made that incorporates to assess and

develop an understanding of their own responsibilities and

performance in or when entering the workplace. Moreover, it will stated that a good grasp of the skills that are needed to successfully perform the roles and responsibilities in a event management's work environment. It also assists in the the day-to-day issues at the workplace and able to solved it. In addition to this, various events meeting has been formalized so that the work should be done systematically. Global Assignment Help Australia is dedicated to offering the best online assignment writing services in Australia to the students studying at different educational levels. 12











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