Importance of Human Resource Management of an Organization

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 3 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Explanation of Guest model..................................................................................................3 1.2Differntiate between HRM and personnel management........................................................ 5 1.3Implication of line manager and staff members of develop strategic approach.....................6 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1Explain flexibility model applied in the organisation............................................................ 6 2.2Types of flexibility.................................................................................................................7 2.3Assessing the working practices used by Primark both employee and employer..................8 2.4Discussion on the change in the labour market on flexible working practices in the organisation................................................................................................................................. 9 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................ 9 3.1 Discuss on forms of discrimination.......................................................................................9 3.2 Discussion on implication of equal opportunities legislation............................................. 10 3.3Comparision of managing equal opportunities and diversity approaches........................... 10 TASK 4.......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1Performance management methods..................................................................................... 11 4.2Assess the management of employee welfare approaches...................................................11 4.3 Discuss on Implication of health and safety legislation on HR practices........................... 12 4.4Topical issue of human resource management.................................................................... 12 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 14

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INTRODUCTION The Management of human resources is a most vital part of any firm. The various HR practices used by them to develop the employees capabilities and encourage them to done its work more effectively. Primark is a retailer who successfully achieves its objectives and goals by satisfying its customers. It provides high quality products and also train and develop its employee by adopt HR practices. In the present project report, the Guest model used by the organisation and also differentiate among personnel management and human resource management (owles,Holton and Swanson, 2014). The company also provide various options of flexibility in working hours and the impact on the employee and employer. In addition to this, the performance appraisal methods is used to determine the workers achievements or failure. Also, health and safety measures are taken by the organisation by considering employment legislation.

TASK 1 1.1 Explanation of Guest's model Primark apply Guest's model in its organisation to develop its personnel so, it provides the best results which leads to achieve objectives and goals in a desired manner. The HR practices applied by this firm to know the outcomes in terms of financial, behavioural and performance that are as follows:-The Atkinson flexible model

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Illustration 1: The Guest Model (Source: Linley and Garcea,2013) HRM practices- The cited company provide various products such as clothing, accessories and beauty. To increase the sales of these goods they required to develop the employees skills, abilities and knowledge towards work so, they put maximum efforts. There are various types of

HR practices implement by them are recruitment, Training

and compensation. HR outcomes- The HR practices applied within the organisation gives outcomes that leads to enhance productivity and profitability of a firm. They select a high-qualified and talent candidates from various places that have a capacity to provide its customers high quality of goods and services (Malik, 2010). Whereas, another practices is training and development aid the firm in increase employee's knowledge and skills so, they done work in a flexible manner. The various compensation benefits encourage them to put maximum efforts in completing the work that leads to increase in sales and generate more revenues. Behavioural Outcomes- This HR practices applied by the Primark helps the employees to tackle the different types of situations. It increase the ability to make an effective decisions and also take a new challenges to capture the opportunities from the Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

environment. The training sessions given by the company increase skills and knowledge so, solve complex problems by thinking logically. Performance outcomes- The well structured compensation plans for the employees are framed, usage of on-job training methods and also hire fresh candidates from the external sources in recruitment process (Melton and Hartline, 2010). It facilitates the staff members is that they deliver new innovative ideas that

affect the firm performance in

positive manner. The productivity will increase and maximize turnover that leads to provide its customers high quality products as per its expectations. Financial outcomes- The Primark invest in the firm to increase the sales and satisfy its customer effectively. The result of HR strategy used by them help in measuring the company's financial performance. This can be in terms of its profits that are increase in number of sales and customer base. Along with this, it will also provide an effective return on its investment positively by capture the market share and value. 1.2Differentiate between HRM and personnel management As per the Storey's definition of Human resource management that are required by the Primark for implement in the organisation to achieve its goals and objectives in an effective manner. Here, there is a difference among both HR practices and personnel management are as discuss belowPersonnel management It




Human resource management manage Primark





relationships with its staff members and also talents, knowledge and its aptitudes by various activities.

HR practices.

The Marks and Spencer mainly concerned with It is a unique approach that manage the the development of an individuals rather than employment by considering to take advantages groups in which its is contractual agreement from the competitive market. among employee and employer. The employment relationships of Marks and The cited organisation formulate various HR Spencer is strong with an agreement there is no strategies that are communicate to the staff Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

role of trust and values among them.

members so, they give their opinions to make effective business decisions(Musa and, 2011).

The Marks and Spencer mainly focus entirely The main focus is on to develop the skills, on the customer satisfaction and to complete knowledge and capabilities of all individuals the job efficiently.

towards work.

In the personnel management in which the The HRM of the cited firm mainly focus on organisation provide wages and salary only to customer satisfaction to enhance the skills and its employees by just behave that they are knowledge the company provide compensation labour (Steen and 201).

benefits, incentives and bonus to its employee so, they put their maximum efforts to make high quality products as per the customer satisfaction.

The M& S company promote the work by The human resource management design job design the job that are wholly based on the structure by the company that help in responsibility and authority on division of promoting the team work so, they can solve labour.

complex problems and make an effective decisions.

1.3 Implication of line manager and staff members of develop strategic approach The line manger and employees of Primark are the important asset that helps the organisation to enhance productivity and performance (Ofori and Aryeetey, 2011). They play a significant role in the human resource management and they include strategic development approach. Their are some major implications which are as follows:Cost-effective- The line manager of cited company is expertise in managing its individuals on regular basis and specialize in arrange the resources by minimization of cost. They have a technical as well as managerial skills that help in sorting problem of staff members whenever its requires. They can assign duty by allocating task and evaluate them in most desired manner. They also deal with different The Atkinson flexible modeltypes of customers directly and check the quality to determine operational performance. Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

Improves productivity and performance- Employee of Primark company develop performance metrics to increase productivity as well as its performance (Steen and 2011). The strategic approach of HRM made by managers deliver the essential support to the workers so, they think intellectually and innovative that directly impact on organisational profits. They impact positively towards the better performance of all individuals they develop a better reward system leads to flexibility in the workforce. The mutual understanding among employer and employee increase efficiency level by sharing knowledge among each other. Build trust-

The human resource management apply the business strategic approach on

the individuals that will enhance flexibility towards work performance. This will motivate them in completing the work by better performing and also identifies the inefficiency in it. This will helps the company

in building a strong trust in a workers and also enhance staff member

commitment of work. Implication of line manager Line manager are the main players of any business firms and M & S have a high skilled manager as they formulate company's policy. It will improve the individuals performance and it is also responsible maintain the executive through monitoring people in systematic way. The duty of line manager is that run business operation in smoothly as they expertise person who managing routine operations. They done work for the purpose maintaining cost of firm, controlling quality and handle customers directly. M&S line managers are accountable for conducting training for the workers so, they can enhance work quality. Implication of Employees Employee are the assets of a company they put their maximum efforts for the purpose of enhance company's performance. Marks and Spencer handle its staff workers by deliver them incentive plans and conduct proper training so, they can perform well through innovative ideas that increase productivity.

The main implication of employees is that they enhance company's

performance as it is possible through taking regular feedback that directly reduce the errors. within the workplace. Marks and Spencer improve work culture as they support young workers innovative ideas so, they contribute their best efforts.

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TASK 2 2.1Explain flexibility model applied in the organisation With the advancement of technology that provide more challenges to the various industrial sectors in every day. The requirement of working demands from the employees are increase so, the organisation effectively utilise each individuals talent by managing. This will ensure that human resource priorities are not compromise. The Primark adopt the Atkinson (1984) flexible working models which is most effective in challenging the jobs in these days. Therefore, these model have a various combination of dimensions of flexibility that helps the organisation to contribute the flexibility at the workplace. Atkinson model categorise into various type of flexibility that are the functional, financial and numerical that are as follows: The Atkinson flexible modelFunctional flexibility:

This type of flexibility gives an

ability to the Primark’s employees an opportunity to cope with the different jobs and also moves among the task such as a worker can done multitasking. In addition, they are also a problem solving groups, team working group and also job rotation etc. Numerical flexibility:

It means an organisation can allow labour to make an

employment contract for the short notice. Thus, allow them to make a fixed term contracts and hire the temporary employee in the workplace. The individuals who make contracts have a limited security rights in the numerical flexibility. They are hire as a part time, share jobs and also workers have a short terms contracts. This model are categorised the worker into two groups are as follow: Core workers- In that groups the workers are highly talented and the company hire them to pay at high salary. Therefore, the company provide them a comprehensive training and have an opportunity of promotion. Peripheral workers- The workers are employed as a short-term contract, part time and temporary. They does not have an opportunity of promotion, training and also various The Atkinson flexible modelfringe benefits. Adopting these models facilitates in provide better services to the customers by always work for them. The main aim of Primark is that to provide high quality products and customer oriented. The flexible model gives an facility to its workers to done its job as per the requirement in the Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

freelance job for 5 months contract. Along with this, by use of telecommunication that are used widely in working style which is called as “work from home�.The other strategy is a employment strategy provide flexibility in working that response to the competitive pressure that are generally faced by many firms (Lin and 2010). The cited company provide its staff members to flexibility in work and also hire temporary candidates to reduced the work load and it is cost-effective. The flexibility in work hours is an effective they allow individuals to work in its comfort zone which ensure trust and loyalty. This model help in attain the firm objectives and goals in an effective manner and also satisfy customer at high level. 2.2Types of flexibility The Atkinson flexible model used by the Primark to reduce the workload and also satisfy customers demands. There are various types of flexibility in these model they provide to its employees that are as follows-

Illustration 2: Types of flexibility (Sources:Steen,2011)

Internal numerical flexibility- The telecommuting play a major role to the Primark company which provide initiative which allow the workers to done their work comfortable. They can choose the time work by their own that increase trust as well as employee relations by used of flexible model External numerical flexibility- The organisation hire its workers for freelancer job in which they hire them for some limited time period as a temporary employee. They done a specific task

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and they also hire for the full time job as supply coordinator. For example, the staff member hire in fixed term contract for one year in which they work for 38 hours per week. Numerical flexibility– The company select the candidates for the part-time jobs that is cost-effective and also satisfy its clients highly (Melton and Hartline,2010). This will also eliminating the process of recruitment and selection a employee for the full-time job. For example, Primark hire the suitable and potential candidates for the customer service who have a effective communication skills. They have not get an opportunity of promotion and not provide them a comprehensive training and development. Locational Flexibility- The another flexible type of work they facilitates to its employee with the advancement of technology is that they are able to done its work from home. This will manage the working life as well as personal life also. 2.3Assessing the working practices used by Primark both employee and employer The model of flexibility in working improve the performance and also build a strong relationships among both employer and employer in the Primark company that are discussed belowFor the Employee The various options available to the worker so they can manage both life personal and professionals. The telecommunication is one of the most important flexible method in which they reduce the burden of work as they can done anytime it want and give facility to done work more effectively (Lin,2010). This helps the employees completing its work effectively outside the organisation through telecommuting flexibility. It facilitates that them do work from home as well as it save time, expenses and customized arrangements that assist them to retain valuable staff workers. Apart from this, it also effectively utilization of resources and reduce cost. The another option of freelancer job in which is a mainly focus on task within a time framework which the employee can work as per its requirement at any time and hour before the deadline time. The worker becomes self employed and they would have tight deadlines to meet. For the Employer Primark follow the flexible working practices improve performance and profitability. The worker of cited organisation invest more time in working its job in telecommunication so, it is Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

becomes possible for the employer they can also assign work anytime from anywhere (Linley and Garcea, 2013). Along with this, with the introduction part time as well as freelancer job will also minimize the expenses of training and development programs as they hire only those Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc.employee in the job who are already trained and high qualified. This will enable the firm to expand at global level and also

strengthen the quality of services. Part-time

job facility provide benefits to the employees as they can balance their both personal and professional life effectively. Along with that,

they enhance trust and loyalty among the

employer and employee relationship. The another flexibility in working are job share is alternative to flexible working hours and compressed week hours given by company. They provide advantages to the employer as they can easily manage the work load of company by sharing job which directly increase productivity without increase cost to firm. It also maintain healthy environment in the workplace and increase sales effectively. 2.4Discussion on the change in the labour market on flexible working practices in the organisation The Primark adopt flexible working practices by implement various options available to the employees which increase the performance level. They categorise these options and put them in FFor More Assignment Writing Service Contact Us For More Detail Email : Phone No. : +61283206050 Website : a workforce by the management when they feel that there is additional work. This will help in facilitates the work to be done on stipulated time frame and achieve its goals and objectives. The dramatic change in the labour market that resultant into there is demand of flexibility in working and also part time jobs. This will adopt to take the competitive advantages and with these change Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits will also increase the demand of retail jobs also (Malik,2010). Primark Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

provides flexible option that will help them in retaining the employee and also attract individuals from the competitive market. The major disadvantage is that is that this flexible practices increase the managerial control over its workers this will reduce the in-house staff members to tackle the clients in Primark. Labour market facilitates demand and supply of workforce by matching the needs of a company. It also show the relationship among employee and employer. Therefore, in the internal labour market show the staff workers activities and its performance within the workplace. M&S conduct a training to their employees so, they contribute more that leads to the company towards its success. Whereas, the external labour that means fluctuation in employment, technology and demographic that highly impact on labour market. The Marks and Spencer operate their business in clothing industry as it is necessary for the company to adopt latest technology which improve in product quality. It will highly satisfy the workers that directly attain the company's objectives in a desired manner.

TASK 3 3.1 Discuss on forms of discrimination Primark is a retail organisation in which there are number of employees are working in different locations. That leads of difference groups of people merger at one place have a different gender, religious and race discrimination are discuss belowRacial discrimination -The major discrimination occur by the cited organisation is racial and sex discrimination. In the interview process they do not hire the black peoples they are some of Asian candidates. They break the law of Racial discrimination act 1975 by not treat them equally they judge only for its colours and avoid the qualification, knowledge and skills. Gender discrimination- They hire for the receptionist and sales manager so refuse them in that situations their will be a case of gender discrimination (Musa and, 2011). Another hand, on the basis of sex they treat unequally with the women workers in that is kind of harassment happen on the its dress they wear. The company formulate the policies regard to women's safety and they also make discipline by compulsion on dress code while working.

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Religion discrimination-

The discrimination create when the company treated unequally

to the staff workers due to difference in the religion in the workplace. This will break the law by any organisation if they does not provide any opportunities to the employees due to religion difference. Age discrimination- In the equality act 2010, it unlawful to treat the employee unfairly who are looking for job and at the time of conduct trainees due to age difference. Thus, the Primark have to follow age discrimination act so that all the employee are to be treated in the fairly and not to be discriminate due to age difference. Disability discrimination-

In that disability discrimination act 1995 in which it protect the

employee who are disabled in terms of mentally or physically. The Primark follow these act that allow each and every individual to gives them an opportunity equally that are taken place in the grounds. 3.2 Discussion on implication of equal opportunities legislation The Primark adopt the equal opportunities legislation to provide each and every worker equal opportunities to ignore the kinds of discrimination occur in the workplace. The productivity will enhanced and cost of production minimize. Some of the legislation are discuss belowEqual opportunities legislation related to localization- The Primark have more employees and they also develop stores in various location all over the countries. Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc. They took place first in a majority a local people in particular store (Ofori and Aryeetey,2011). The equal opportunities legislation are strictly followed by them in different locations. Related to sex-

The majority of women employee are now increase in the cited

organisation but they provide all benefits to both male and female. They provide increment in salary and performance based benefits such as rewards or recognition etc. by performance analyses of its workers. The practical implication in the Primark is that they sometime not treated equally they not allow to take participate in the decision making Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

process and problem solving.Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc. Racial terms- The racialism impact the business and to control over them is most difficult job. The Primark now hire and select both black and white people in different location that makes them in creating a brand image. The innovative ideas of these group of people leads to success in the retail sector. 3.3Comparision of managing equal opportunities and diversity approaches Primark implementing various approaches to manage the equality and also manage diversity in the company that are discussed belowNo discrimination-

To reduce the harassment and

healthy environment they educate the

workforce that is very effective. They provide them various laws of discrimination act related to sex, racial, gender and culture and it will reduce the discrimination in the Primark. Therefore, it resultant into company provides an equal employment opportunities to the employees without treated by anyone unfairly that leads to improve the employee relations. Provide equal opportunities - It is important for the organisation to encourage its employees in placing the escalation of its complaints (owles, Holton

and Swanson, 2014). The

approach used by the Primark to deal with harassment and promise them anonymity whenever its required. The HRM department of a firm become significantly take law of discrimination into practice. Dimensions Priorities

Equal opportunities

Managing diversity

It can be define as a external Managing diversity can be initiated that are mainly focus define as internal initiated that on policies and ethics.

are mainly paying attention on company's needs

Aim and objective

The main aim of this is to The main aim of this to deliver compatibility within enhance the workplace by deal with the profitability.

company's The



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employee in equal manner. managing diversity is to handle The main objective of equal all workers as a individual as it opportunities is that to protect have a unique attributes. the human rights. Implication

It modify changes in their Managing system as well as practices modification within the workplace

Focus of action

diversity in




M&S analyse workers needs Management conduct training and demands deliver them programmes so, the workers healthier environment so, they enhance their knowledge so, feel comfortable.

they can able to minimize workload.

Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc. TASK 4 4.1Performance management methods The management of employees performance is a necessary for the firm to attain goals and the main purpose is that to continuously improvement. They needed skills and abilities to Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc.contribute efforts for the development in the firm (Steen and 2011). The Primark adopt various performance management methods so, they can identify the problem occur in the workplace and also take step for its improvement that are discussed below360 degree feedback- The cited organisation used most commonly methods that is 360 degree feedback. In this methods of performance measurement of employees in which the manager of human resource take information with all level of management peoples's in the company. This allow the appraiser to know the all information of worker sin which they set questions regard to technical skills and job performance. They receive feedback relates to it behaviour towards work Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help













development.Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc. Management by objectives- It is another modern method of performance appraisal in which management of objectives needs a manager and also staff members. In which they have to agree on some specific objectives in that it set deadline (Steen and 2011). It can be explained with the help of an example, the manager of sales needs to generate more revenue by 30% within 4 months. The goals are to be set once, now it becomes the responsibility for the sales manager to identify the success and failure towards objectives. Rating scale- This is an alternative way to performance appraisal that is rating scale this methodology needs to develop the depth grading system. It help them in assessing the success of employee in various areas. The areas in which the performance evaluate are technical skills set, teamwork and also communication set of skills. This techniques only requires a minimum grade of an employee that take in order for the performance measurement successfully.. Primark company gather information about employees performance with help of 360 Company provide both local as well as international employees equal opportunities in terms of promotion, participation in the training and development programmes and also compensation plans benefits etc.Degree performance appraisal methods. They provide questionnaire methods and conduct interviews to gather information about the performance of staff worker from all the levels of management in the organisation. 4.2Assess the management of employee welfare approaches The most important of the Primark developing manager is that they organised and manage the employee welfare. It has been seen that their will be significantly increase so, the government of UK launched programme related to support the employee health and its well being. The employers of the cited organisation support the health and well-being of its staff members. The management of company behave with the employees as a part of family members they provide them flexible working hours options such part-time, work form home and also freelancer jobs (Steen and 2011). Along with this, they also conduct a program of recognition for the employees in that they choose the higher performer in the human resource department and Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

reward them for their extra efforts in the firm. This type of programme motivate the staff members and they put its 100% efforts for the organisation success. Beside, this they also provide employee leave management system in which the workers are free to plan for its leaves as per their requirements. They also run training session that aid them more skilled employees and they contribute in the festival for which they provide them bonus programs. The company provide safety measures to all the workers by to maintain employee welfare. 4.3 Discuss on Implication of health and safety legislation on HR practices On of the major issue nowadays is related to health and safety of employees in the Primark. To improve and maintain the healthy environment in the organisation by considering various healthy and safety legislation in the workplace. The health and safety at work act 1974 that help the organisation to monitor its HR practices as per the legislation and they regulates standards in the workplace by provide so there is less chance of accidents, injuries and diseases happen in the organisation. The healthy environment in the organisation help them to run its operations and functions smoothly without overlapping of work. They implement corporate health services in the cited organisation to provide the healthier to all

the individuals. In this they deliver offers in

that they check health of its worker at intervals to know the fitness level (Steen,2011). They provide health care offer to the incapable employees regard to the health issues. This issue overcome by deliver them medical assistance and the major benefits is that it develop a healthy working life style of workers. The health and safety department of Primark ensure that they maintain the proper healthcare of its staff member by follow the proper procedure related to health and safety. The corporate health service is beneficial for the organisation that help them in keep its worker healthier and life long. 4.4Topical issue of human resource management The major issue regard to the employee that is recruitment that means the company cannot follow suitable procedure to hire and select candidates. This will reduce the production capacity and profitability of Primark company. The firm call for the interview over the telephone, internet and use internal sources. The result into increase in the rate of turnover leads to minimization in the its experience. Primark faced this problem in which there is a increase in the rate of employee turnover which is inefficiency in cost. For this reason, the invest its expenses in the recruitment and selection process to hire the new candidates. In the competitive world the experience of staff members are favourable choice they are attract towards better offer leads to increase more Make your assignment complete by experts.Global Assignment Help Australia has team of professional writers who provide Management Assignment Help

chance of leave the job. This will highly impact on the cited organisation and they select only those candidates who are long term career oriented rather than choose those who looking for better offers (TomĂŠ,2011). They only need professionals who are generally face the various challenges and they also take initiatives by adding more responsibilities towards work. In past five years the employee turnover rates minimizing up to 50 % as they provide various benefits offers by implementing various option of flexibility in working hours, rewards and better performance incentives etc. CONCLUSION Summarizing the whole report, it has been concluded that the Primark working conditions are better by implementing flexible working practices. The department of human resource management plays a great role in doing their job legally by take care of it employees. They provide them health and safety measures to protect from hazardous and illness. They motivate its employees by festival bonus programmes and also provide them recognition by performance appraisal. They should also considering the discrimination in the process of selecting to take more advantages from the competitive world of environment.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Lin, E. and 2010. New high�tech venturing as process of resource accumulation. Management Decision. 48(8). pp. 1230-1246. Linley, A. and Garcea, N., 2013. Engaging graduates to recruit the best. Strategic HR Review. 12(6). pp. 297-301. Malik, F., 2010.

A toolkit to support human resource practice. Personnel Review. 39(3). pp.

287-307. Melton, H. L. and Hartline, M. D., 2010. Customer and frontline employee influence on new service development performance. Journal of Service Research. 13(4). pp.411-425. Musa, R. B. A. M. and, 2011. The study of employee satisfaction and its effects towards loyalty in hotel industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 2(3).

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