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Introduction Technology is the filled in which new developments occur at very fast pace. In telecommunication sector innovation is done at very fast speed. New technology infrastructures were developed in past couple of years. From GSM to 5G lots of old things were upgraded and new one are added. In the current report detail discussion will be carried out on the VOIP which is also known as voice over internet protocol. By using this technology by using internet connection voice calls are made. Means that traditional landline connections are not used for communication purpose. Cost of service is also very low in case of VOIP in comparison to traditional channel of communication. Hence, it can be said that this is the factor due to which in the upcoming time period demand for VOIP will increase at rapid pace.
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Voice over internet protocol basically is the protocol of communication that is existing in the network. By making use of the VOIP one can make call to other. In past couple of years in many college campus of developed nations use of VOIP increased at rapid pace. This is because cost of the use of this technology reduced sharply [Sinnreich and Johnston, A.B]. In this technology whatever one speaks is converted in to the digital data which floated in the internet based network and reached to the one to whom call is made. In colleges number of projects are carried on by the students for which they require guidance of teachers. It is not possible for the teachers to address problem of each and every student in the college. On complex subjects teachers have lots of data which they cannot send through traditional mode on communication online. It has been observed that by mail it is not possible to send data set whose size is more than 25 MB. Apart from this, it is not possible for teacher to teach large number of students in better way in single training session. For example if one wants to make students understand about huge coding of the excel template which is done in VBA then in that case it is not possible to teach and address each and every student in better way [White and]. It is the use of VOIP services through which relevant problem can be solved by an individual. Under VOIP voice calls, conference or video calls can be made at very low cost. This is the reason due to which most of the colleges in developed nations like to make use of VOIP to teach students in better way complex things. It has been observed that in respect to completion of project and learning complex things time to time students’ needs guidance from the teachers. It is the use VOIP technology whose use enable students to get solved their problems from the tutors in immediately without travelling to the college [Huang, Tang and Yuan]. Thus, it Global Assignment Help Australia is the leading assignment writing service provider in Australia
can be said that student and teacher relationship become more feasible and interactive. In the VOIP technology there is a mechanism under which voice analog signal of an individual is sampled and then same fits in to small packet which travelled through cable wire or the internet network. There are few protocols that are used in the VOIP like H.323 family of protocols. This protocol is advised by the international telecommunication union in which many other protocols are inbuilt. These protocols are used set a call, end the call and registering as well as authenticating same. Other protocol that is used in the VOIP is the session initiation protocol (SIP). This protocol is developed by the institute of electronics and telecommunication engineering. This protocol is used to commence conferencing sessions, termination same [Lee and Cho]. By using this protocol teachers can not only initiate video conferencing with the students but also can do text message to them. Multimedia items can also be send by the tutor to the students. Increasingly VOIP is used in the educational institutions because very low buffering takes place in the data set in case of VOIP. For 150 micro second buffering may takes place in the VOIP system. It can be said that by the time one speak a sentence and other one listen same is the time that is required by the receiver to receive a message over the network in case of VOIP [Namboodiri and Gao]. However, sometimes due to technical problem receiver does not receive a message on time. Due to elevation in delivery time transmission may delayed. Such kind of thing negatively affect the voice quality. This is because voice packets destroyed in a way. Hence, it is possible that tutor send specific voice message to the student but same does not receive. Thus, if any important online
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training session is carried out than in that case it may be disrupt due to technical error. It is possible that packers that are send by one tutor to the student may loss in the network. Due to late receipt of the packet over the network communication for some minute get disrupted [Sharma]. Thus, it is the one of the major limitation of the VOIP technology. However, mentioned technology is more advanced and error in same does not occur frequently. Thus, it can be said that by using VOIP technology teachers are able to teach complex things to the students in better way. Mentioned technology is making interaction between students and teachers. Hence, it can be said that this technology must be used at large scale in the educational institutes.
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CONCLUSION On the basis of above discussion it is concluded that VOIP is the one of the most innovative
Communication is throughput in the VOIP technology and by using same interaction among teachers and students can be made better and faster. However, there are some disadvantages of the VOIP like due to technical error communication may get disrupt among the student and tutor. However, probability of happening of such kind of things is rare. Cost of using this technology is very cheap and this is the reason due to which it is widely used by the educational institutions.
REFERENCES ⚫ Sinnreich, H. and Johnston, A.B,
“ Internet communications using SIP:
Delivering VoIP and multimedia services with Session Initiation Protocol. John Wiley & Sons, 2012 ⚫ White, A.M. and, “ Phonotactic reconstruction of encrypted VoIP conversations: Hookt on fon-iks. In Security and Privacy (SP), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, 2011, pp. 3-18IEEE. ⚫ Huang, Y.F., Tang, S. and Yuan, J,” Steganography in inactive frames of VoIP streams encoded by source codec. IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security, 2011, 6(2). pp.296-306.
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