Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

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physiological Principles For Health And Social Care

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Outline of anatomical features in each body system with identification of main functions.................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 a) Definition of homeostasis, positive and negative feedback and example for each..................................................................................................................4 b) Cellular metabolism and relation with the function of digestive and respiratory system............................................................................................................... 5 c) Role of growth hormone............................................................................................... 6 TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Explanation of normal body responses to everyday activities....................7 2.2 Body responses explained by cellular and tissue structure and physiology............................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Body coordination of its internal activities....................................................... 10 TASK 3........................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Explanation to how routine measures are recorded and their uses in health and social care...................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Information provided by routine measures about body functioning...... 12 3.3 Information about body functioning inform care planning.........................13 TASK 4........................................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Explanation of how her age may have affected her body structure and functioning............................................................................................................................13

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4.2 Assessment of the impacts of the above mentioned conditions on her body structure and functions........................................................................................ 14 4.3 Relation of the effects of her medical conditions including infection to the routine care.................................................................................................................. 14 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................15 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 16

List of Figures Figure 1: Human anatomy.................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: Respiratory system............................................................................................... 8

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INTRODUCTION Health and social care providers perform the work of making available the various integrated services. These services together comprise the health and social care aspects. In this regard, health and social care consists of the various elements such as sociology biology law, nutrition as well as ethics (Handy, 2014). Physiological health and social care consists of the various services that are aimed at bringing improvements in the basic functions of the human body. Human physiology is concerned with the various functions of human in good health these functions are inclusive of the physical, mechanical, biochemical and bioelectrical nature. The organs and cells of human body are also included in the physiological health. The present project aims to provide information about the structure as well as functioning of various organs of body. An attempt has also been made to explain the use of routine measures while care planning for individuals.

TASK 1 1.1 Outline of anatomical features in each body system with identification of main functions In human anatomy is included the scientific study of its morphology. This divides human anatomy into two main levels. These are the microscopic and the macroscopic level. At macroscopic level, anatomy is known as gross anatomy (Ogunrin, Ogunrin and Akerele, 2007). This consists of the head and neck, thorax, upper limbs, abdomen, pelvis and perineum, lower limbs, bones and organ systems. The organ systems consist of cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, urinary, immune, muscular, nervous, respiratory and reproductive systems. In this regard, the anatomical features of the following organs have been discussed:

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Lungs- These are a pair of large and spongy organs. Each lung consists of sections called as lobes. Right lung consists of three lobes known as superior, middle and inferior lobes. As against this, the left lung consist of two lobes, superior and inferior. Each lung is surrounded by a double layered serious membrane known as pleura. A single large primary bronchus provides air to each lung (Lungs, 2013). This then branches into the secondary and tertiary bronchi. The tertiary bronchi branches into many small bronchioles giving rise to terminal bronchioles. These terminal bronchioles give rise to alveoli of the lungs. Alveoli, which are the functional units of the lungs, permit exchange of gases between the air in the lungs and blood in the capillaries. Thus lungs perform the function of providing the human body with the vital oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the body (Anatomy and function of the normal lung, 2014).

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Figure 1: Human anatomy (Source: Human anatomy, 2012)

Liver- this is the second largest organ after skin in the body. A reddish brown organ, liver consists of four lobes which are of unequal size and shape. These liver lobes are made up of two types















non as

hepatocyte. The blood supply of liver occurs through hepatic portal vein and hepatic arteries. These supply approximately 75 per cent of the blood supply of liver (Phillips and Morgan, 2014). Along with the left and right lobe, liver is also divided into Global Assignment Help Australia provides psychology assignment help from professional Aussie writers.

caudate and quadrate lobe. It consists of organized group of cells that perform the function of secreting certain substances that are used elsewhere in the body. Both exocrine and endocrine functions are performed by the liver. Kidneys- Kidneys are bean shaped structures in the human body that perform the important functions of filtration and excretion of metabolic waste products. These also regulate the necessary electrolytes, fluids and acid base balance (Zineldin, 2006). By controlling the absorption of water, kidneys perform the function of marinating the intravascular volume. Inside the kidney, there are seven cone shaped renal pyramids. Inside the kidneys, the renal arteries diverge into smaller afferent arterioles. Each afferent arteriole separates into glomerulus, which is a bundle of capillaries. The microscopic structures of human body come under the microscopic anatomy which includes the cells of bones, lymph, cartilage and muscles (Nordgren, 2013). The tissues such as muscle tissue, nervous as well as epithelial tissue are also included in this. 1.2 a) Definition of homeostasis, positive and negative feedback and example for each Homeostasis can be defined as the tendency of an organism to maintain nearly constant conditions in the internal body environment. Negative feedback mechanisms are those that change the variable back to its ideal state (Chalfont, 2011). An example of negative feedback mechanism is the control of blood sugar by insulin. When blood sugar rises in the body, the receptors present in the body sense a change. In response to this, the pancreas which is the control centre

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in the body secretes insulin into the blood. This effectively lowers the blood sugar levels. Once, the levels of blood sugar reach homeostasis, the pancreas stop secreting insulin. As compared to this, a positive feedback mechanism can be defined as one in which the original stimulus is enhanced by the output. For example, during the birth of a child, there is release of a hormone known as oxytocin that performs the function of speeding up and intensifying the contractions. With the increase in the contractions more and more oxytocin is released (Homeostasis, 2014). This cycle continues till the baby is born. It is the birth of the child that ends the release of oxytocin and positive mechanism. b) Cellular metabolism and relation with the function of digestive and respiratory system Cellular metabolism consists of a number of functions that the cells of the body have to carry out. In this regard, cells carry out a number of chemical reactions which need energy. Cellular metabolism includes all those chemical processes that occur within a living cell or organism. With respect to digestive system and respiratory system, cellular metabolism can be explained as follows. Breakdown of food occurs into the basic units (Scott and Spouse, 2013). The proteins are broken down into amino acids and polysaccharides are broken down into glucose. This step is called digestion. Glycolysis is a series of steps with which glucose is converted into ATP. As a result of this, two pyruvate molecules are produced. These pyruvate molecules are further broken down through a process that is known as aerobic respiration. During this process, oxygen is required and energy is produced. C




O 6+ 6 O

6 CO + 6 H 2 O + energy (ATP)

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In aerobic respiration, there are two types of processes. These are the Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport chain. In Kreb’s cycle, ATP is produced when pyruvate molecules are processed. Kreb’s cycle delivers protons to the electron transport chain. It is these protons that provide energy for pumping the hydrogen protons across inner mitochondrial membrane to the outer compartment. This leads to the production of free energy potential due to the high concentration of hydrogen protons (Linsley, Kane and Owen, 2011). With the help of phosphorylation process, ATP is formed from the free energy of hydrogen protons. In respiratory system, gases are exchanged by the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. This diffusion of gases is accompanied









anhydrase is an enzyme that is possessed by the red blood cells. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction where carbon dioxide combines with water to form bicarbonate ions. As such, with the help of carbonic anhydrase produced by the red blood cells, carbon dioxide is removed from the cells. c) Role of growth hormone Growth hormone is a protein hormone that is involved in controlling of several complex physiologic processes including growth and metabolism. Growth hormone plays a important role in the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. By controlling these mechanisms, growth hormone plays a significant role in stimulation of growth, cell production as well as regeneration. Excess of growth hormone cases too much growth. In ducts this condition is known as Acromegaly (Acromegaly and growth hormone, 2014). This results in gigantism in children. As compared to this, deficiency of growth hormone results in poor growth in children. In adults, deficiency of growth hormone

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causes increased fat, reduced sense of well being, weak heart, bones and muscles.

This is a sample on physiological Principles for Health and Social Care, for complete Assignment writing Kindly, contact us at: +61 283 206 050 TASK 2 The present task is based on a case of a 25 year old person working in a charitable organization as a volunteer. He distributes leaflets by going from door to door. He is now engaged in preparation for a marathon in six months time. 2.1 Explanation of normal body responses to everyday activities The given case demonstrates that the person is engaged in a lot of physical activity. As such, during physical activity his body will respond in the following manner: Respiratory System- in response to the physical exercise that the person in the given case undertakes, respiratory rate, oxygen transport as well as heart rate will increase. As transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide increases, there will take place an increase in the respiratory rate (Twigg and, 2011). The Global Assignment Help Australia provides psychology assignment help from professional Aussie writers.

strength of the respiratory muscles will also be enhanced along with the vital capacity and oxygen diffusion rate.

Figure 2: Respiratory system (Source: Human Respiratory System, 2014) Musculo-skeletal System- Various types of contractions such as concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions are created when the muscles contract during exercise. There also takes place production of lactic acid which performs the function of inhibiting these contractions. There is observed an increase in the size of muscle fibers (Chaturvedi and Singh, 2013). The response of skeletal system to the exercise is such that there is an increase in the synovial fluid which increases the joint range of movements. The bones density also enhances. Along with that, ligaments gain strength.

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Cardio vascular System- In response to the physical activity by







neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. There will be observed a proportionate increase in the heart rate with exercise. This increase will take place until a maximum heart rate has been reached (Chi and Kennon, 2006). There will also be an enhancement in the stroke volume of the heart as well as cardiac output. Physical activity will make the blood to flow to the areas that have greater demand for the oxygen. For preventing heat loss, blood is directed towards the skin. Heat mass and volume increase and greater blood supply is received by the skeletal muscles. 2.2 Body responses explained by cellular and tissue structure and physiology The responses of the body can be explained by the cellular and tissue structure and physiology can be explained in the following manner. During exercise, the need for oxygen increases in the skeletal muscles. As such, the tissues are able to burn sugar and fat. This makes the muscles stronger over time. In order to meet the oxygen demands of the working tissues and organs, the distribution of blood flow is also altered (Curtis, 2009). ATP provides energy which is essential for the muscles to contract. The energy stored in the ATP is enough only for 1-2 seconds of work but during physical exercise muscles require immediate energy. As such, body is in need of rapid ways to resynthesize ATP. As such, there take p[lace reactions such as phosphocreatine. Increased triglyceride hydrolysis effectively meets the increased demands of energy during exercise.

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2.3 Body coordination of its internal activities In the given case, the body of the individual will coordinate its activities in the following manner. Coordination by nervous system When the receptors of a cell receive a stimulus, there takes place a response or excitement. The transfer of these excitations takes place to the effectors via cell conductors. With these, the body of the individual will allow him to adapt to the changed conditions. The central nervous system will perform the function of being the control centre of the nervous system. The coordinating centre for the reflex arc will be the neurons contained in the spinal cord. They will also form a connecting link between the brain and the peripheral nervous system (Goodier, 2009). In this way, the body will coordinate its activities with the










neurotransmitters and electrical impulses. These will eventually lead to contraction of muscles and secretion by various glands. Coordination with the help of endocrine system Hormones secreted by the endocrine system will help in the coordinating the internal activities of the body. By influencing growth, development and metabolic activities, the hormones will impact many aspects of body environment (Johnson and Taylor, 2008). Complicated processes of the body of the concerned individual, such as energy levels, growth, healing of body tissues; development etc. will be coordinated by the chemical changes brought by the hormones. This will also help in homeostasis as well as internal balance of body systems.

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TASK 3 The present case is about a 65 years old businessman. The person is busy, obese and has fever and flu like symptoms. 3.1 Explanation to how routine measures are recorded and their uses in health and social care In the given case, routine measures are important to be recorded and used. For the individual, the following routine measures can be used: Temperature- As the person reports fever like symptoms, temperature can be used as a routine measure. Deviations from the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees F will help in confirming whether the person has fever or not (Latorre and Henry, 2007). This will be recorded with the help of thermometer. Blood Pressure- Recording of blood pressure will help in knowing whether the circulation of blood is taking place at normal rate. Sphygmomanometer will help in knowing the systolic and diastolic pressure. Body Mass Index (BMI) – This is a measurement of the extent to which the weight of a person departs for the weight which is normal with respect to his height (Ashwell, 2005). Thus, this routine measure will help in ascertaining whether the 65 years old individual is overweight or obese. Pulse Rate- This routine measure can be recorded and used in the given case for identifying if the pumping of blood is normal. This will tell the rate at which the heart beats which is normal for 60 to 100 beats per minute.

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3.2 Information provided by routine measures about body functioning Significant information is provided by the routine measures about the 65 years old individual in the case. Body mass index will inform how much the person is overweight and measures can be taken accordingly to reduce his weight. A BMI of more than 30 indicates that a person is overweight. Recording of body temperature will inform if the person is suffering from fever or not. In the given case, the body temperature can be more than 100 degree F as the individual is reporting flu like symptoms (Wolfe, Ogden and Clare, 2009). Blood pressure measurement will tell the probability of the person to develop cardiovascular disease. As the person is obese, he is likely to develop high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is above 115/75 mmHg, the probability of developing cardiovascular disease increases. As the person has fever, his pulse rate is likely to be high. As such, recording of pulse rate will help in knowing if the person is suffering from fever or flu.

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3.3 Information about body functioning inform care planning With the help of the information about body functioning, care can be planned for the concerned individual. Special attention and care can be given towards treating the body organs that are not functioning normally. Increased BMI can be brought within the normal range by providing him the basic treatment which will consist of proper diet and nutrition. In this regard, physical activity can be important for him. There can be adoption of a suitable approach to long term weight management








ascertained with the help of body temperature will help ion providing him the required medication. For abnormal blood pressure, the necessary treatment can be given to him.

TASK 4 4.1 Explanation of how her age may have affected her body structure and functioning The lady in the given case is 85 years old. She has type 2 diabetes and hypertension. The effects that her age may have on the body structure and functioning can be explained with respect to the nervous, respiratory and Integumentory systems. With age, the brain and spinal cord may have lost nerve cells and weight. Messages are passed slowly by the nerve cells (Chalfont, 2011). Collection of the waste products would have caused abnormal changes in the brain called plaques. Age may have affected the muscles that support the breathing. As such, she would not be able to inhale and exhale enough air. With lower level of oxygen in the blood, symptoms such as shortness of breath may have occurred. It could also be the reason to the slow healing of her wound. Also specific cardiovascular changes Global Assignment Help Australia provides psychology assignment help from professional Aussie writers.

may have occurred. These may have increased the risk for disease such as hypertension. Age may have affected the Integumentory system such that the cells may have become larger and irregular. This could have made the skin thinner, translucent and prone to injuries. It is because of this that speed of wound healing would have decreased. 4.2 Assessment of the impacts of the above mentioned conditions on her body structure and functions The above mentioned conditions impact her body structure and functioning as follows: Nervous system disorders may make her forgetful. Hypertension leads to headache, lightheadedness and buzzing in the ears. Presence of type2 diabetes may make her fat, muscle and liver cells function abnormally. Nerves are damaged due to diabetes which makes her unable to feel injury (Ashwell, 2005). Arthritis causes pain in the joints which become stiff and swollen and feel creaky. Irregular cells of the integumentary system lead to slow healing of wound. 4.3 Relation of the effects of her medical conditions including infection to the routine care Her medical conditions can be well related to routine care. Owing to age, the lady cannot be recommended to engage in physical exercise such as regular walk which is very essential for her as she suffers from type2 diabetes. This is because she reduced physical ability due to old age and arthritis. Hence, her routine care is affected (Goodier, 2009). To relieve her from pain caused by arthritis, she can be given pain killers. For treating hypertension, the lifestyle and diet of

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the lady can be changed. Owing to impact of age on nervous system, she will not feel the sensation of injury. Hence, proper care should be taken that the wound does not get infected.

CONCLUSION From the report, it can be concluded that it is important to have an in-depth understanding of the anatomy and physiology of human body for providing appropriate care to the individuals. Routine measures are assistive in care planning for an individual. This aids in successful diagnosis of a disease and further provision of suitable care.

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REFERENCES Journals and Books ● Ashwell, M., 2005. Waist to height ratio and the Ashwell shape chart could predict the health risks of obesity in adults and children in all ethnic groups. Nutrition and Food Science. ● Chalfont, G., 2011. Charnley Fold: a practice model of environmental design for enhanced dementia day care. Social Care and Neurodisability. ● Chaturvedi, R. and Singh, N., 2013. Nutritional Factors as Catalyst for Weight Reduction. Nutrition and Food Science. ● Chi, L. and Kennon, R., 2006. Body scanning of dynamic posture. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology.Curtis, L., 2009. Grant's Atlas of Anatomy. Reference Reviews.

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