Sample on employee management

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Employee Management

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Table of Contents M1: Two different ways to improve recruitment and selection process using recent innovations in technology...................................................................... 1 M2: Technique that can be applied to motivate staff across the three levels of management.................................................................................................................... 1 M3. Evidence of research in a professional and structured format..................2 D1. Evaluate the qualities that a manager needs to possess to be a good leader........................................................................................................................................3 D2: Identifying four main roles to complete the task using Belbin’s theory.4 D3: Alternative strategy to improve the performance of employees.............. 4 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................................5

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M1: Two different ways to improve recruitment and selection process using recent innovations in technology There are many ways by which recruitment and selection process can be improved by making use of recent innovations in technology. Making use of undercover recruiter – This innovative strategy can be used to observe the candidates on a first hand manner who are outside the process of recruitment. The technique can aid in providing valuable iniagot bto HR team at Hilton (Kurtz, 2014). This is with respect to skills and abilities possessed by them. Making use of Skype and video services for interviewing – This innovation technological approach is the best possible one that can be used by Hilton hotel to recruit the candidates. Skype sessions can aid in saving the overall time. In the same way, there can further be a devising of software where notes can be shared on the given candidates. These can further be integrated with candidate tracking applications. For instance, Lauby expects 2014 to see more companies embrace Skype and other video services for interviewing. And for collaborative interviews, where multiple people at your company interview each candidate, Lauby says software is being developed to help share notes on given candidates, that can be integrated with other candidate tracking








workarounds on this front would include cloud-based documents. These aren't necessarily groundbreaking ideas, but they do show the way's technology is being integrated even into the most human elements of the hiring process.

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M2: Technique that can be applied to motivate staff across the three levels of management Motivation plays an important role in improving the efficiency of employees at all three levels. The best technique which can be used by Hilton hotel is Maslow's hierarchy of need. This is the bes technique which Hilton can use as it covers all the important areas through which motivation is possible. These five stages are very helpful in providing motivation and helps employees to work with full efficiency (Joyce and Kinnarney, 2014). This theory was given by Abraham Maslow's in 1943. The areas covered in the model are the responsibilities which has to be fulfilled by the organization. Following are the five levels through which Hilton could motivate all the three level of management i.e. Directors, Managers and supervisors:

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Physiological needs: It includes all the basic requirement which are needed to live a basic life. These are the basic needs and wants which are required by all employees at all levels. This need include water, food, shelter, cloths, etc. (Fowler, 2014). Hilton should be able to provide all the basic wants of their employees as it will motivate them. Safety needs: It is very important for the organization to provide their employees with an business environment in which they would be able work freely. Hilton should provide their employees with all the equipments so as to protect their health. In addition to this, they should feel secure in terms of income, health, resources, property, family, etc.

This is a sample on Employee Management, for complete Assignment writing Kindly, contact us at: +61 283 206 050 Love/belongingness: According to this stage em employees should be supported







coordination should be developed so that there would be a friendly environment. This is the best way through which Hilton would be able to understand issues or problems faced by employees (Mishel, Bivens and Shierholz, 2012). Accordingly, their would be provided with appropriate solution and this would help them to perform more effectively. Global Assignment Help Australia provides assignment help from professional Aussie writers .

Esteem: In this, employees should be rewarded and encouraged according to their performance. This would be help in developing confidence and respect towards the employees. Self-actualization: According to this, Hilton should understand their employees potential accordingly they should provide them support and this would be helpful in motivating them. M3. Evidence of research in a professional and structured format In order to present report in a professional and structural format it is important for the researcher to follow certain thing, which are as follows: Times New Roman: In a report it is very essential for the researcher to font name as Times New Roman. All the headings, sub-headings and the main part should be used this font name. Font size: For main headings it is important to use font size as 14 and for all the rest, that is sub-heading and main part the font size should be 12. References: References are very essential in research. They are the source through which the data is collected (Fenwick and Elcock, 2014). It is important to use references as it should the reliability of the data collected. Content, Illustration, Introduction, images and conclusion: All the stated details are very important to prepare report. Content should the areas on which research has been done. Introduction should the reason for making the report and the areas which would be covered in the report. Image are very helpful in explaining the information more easily. Conclusion would be helpful in determining the outcomes which researcher gets form the report. These were the important formal through which researcher would be able to develop professional report.

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D1. Evaluate the qualities that a manager needs to possess to be a good leader Leaders binds together all the members and help them to prepare path through which members achieve their goals and objectives. Following are the qualities which a leader should possess: Communication: This one of the main skills which a leader should possess. For providing employees with direction, is very important leader possess communication skills so that information or direction could be delivered to their members effectively (Qualities of a Leader, 2011). When new employees are trained, communication plays a vital role in making them understand the roles and responsibilities which has to be played by them.

Commitment: Any task provided to employees would be only effectively Global Assignment Help Australia provides assignment help from professional Aussie writers .

done when the leader show his/her commitment towards it. When employees get to know the commitment of leader, then they the level of trust, confidence would develop for the leader. Employees would show their enthusiasm and willingness towards the work only when leader would should commitment towards his/her work (Keltner, Finegold and Team, 2012). Motivating: There would be times when employees get demotivated with their work. In such situation, leader play vital role in encouraging them and in motivating them so that they could perform effectively. When employees get motivated, then would perform and work with full efficiency. Decision making and problem solving: In a team their would be issues and problems and leader has to understand the issues and make appropriate solution with the help of which it could be solved effectively. Leader has to be capable enough to make intent decisions so as to help the firm to achieve their goals and objectives. Delegation: Leader should be able to understand skills and capabilities of each member in the team and accordingly tasks should be provided. Delegation of work is possible when leader understands the requirement of job to the performed and the skills required to fulfil it (Miller and Rollnick, 2012). Honest: In all the task leader should be honest and perform all the work in a legal way and should set examples for employees. D2: Identifying four main roles to complete the task using Belbin’s theory According to Belbin’s theory, there are nine types of roles which could be played in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Among which the four main roles with the help of which firm would be able to achieve their task are as follows: Implementers: They are one, through which the plans developed would be implemented. These employees understand the needs and requirements to

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complete the task. Accordingly, they perform roles so that they could help the firm to achieve their goals and objectives. Plant: These employees think creatively and provide innovative ways through which they help their team member to perform their task effectively (Kurtz, 2014). In addition to this, they also help in solving problems. With the help of the creativity and logical thinking they solve the issues or problems which arise among team members. Monitors: They monitor other team members and understand their weakness and accordingly provide them support so that they work effectively. Team worker: These are workers how focus on developing healthy environment through which member work freely and with full energy towards the achievement or organizational goals and objectives (Panaretto, Wenitong and Ring, 2014).

This is a sample on Employee Management, for complete Assignment writing Kindly, contact us at: +61 283 206 050 D3: Alternative strategy to improve the performance of employees In order to improve the work and development needs employees, management should provide them training. Development and training are very helpful in understanding the roles and responsibilities which has to be Global Assignment Help Australia provides assignment help from professional Aussie writers .

performed by each employees. But before providing employees training, management should monitor all the employees and understand the areas in which they lack. According to the areas in which they lack, they should be provided training so that they could perform more effectively (Joyce and Kinnarney, 2014). This is the best way that organization could do to improve their efficiency. Each and every employees possess different set of skills and through training they would be able to enhance their skills, knowledge, understanding and capabilities. Moreover, they would be able to understand their customers more easily and they would be able to satisfy them.

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● Kurtz, L.F., 2014. Recovery Groups: A Guide to Creating, Leading, and Working with Groups for Addictions and Mental Health Conditions. Oxford University Press. ● Panaretto, K.S., Wenitong, M. and Ring, I.T., 2014. Aboriginal community controlled health services: leading the way in primary care. The Medical journal of Australia. 200(11). pp.649-652. ● Joyce, P. and Kinnarney, P., 2014. Leading change as a professional: working across boundaries. Action Learning: Research and Practice. 11(2). pp.167-178. ● Fowler, S., 2014. Why Motivating People Doesn't Work... and what Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Global Assignment Help Australia provides assignment help from professional Aussie writers .

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