ASIA PACIFIC REDEFINED Addressing the region’s changing tourism trends
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Global Blue SA Route de Crassier 7, CH-162 Eysins, Switzerland Corporate Registration number: 5565726923
Interview with Greg Gelhaus, Head of Asia Pacific
Regional overview
The future of Chinese travel
07 18 27
Singapore: the cosmopolitan jewel Korea: on the mend?
Cautious Japanese
29 34
Confident Vietnamese Thai rebound
Tax Free Shopping
Digital Asia
Japan: the eastern surge
31 35
Koreans: riding the wave
Asian style goes global
14 26
Australia on the rise Malaysia, truly Asia
Promising Indonesians
India: the next growth engine?
Dynamic Currency Conversion
Marketing Services Intelligence
INTERVIEW WITH GREG GELHAUS Asia Pacific is acting as a global growth engine for the Tax Free Shopping (TFS) industry, with 2017 delivering impressive results across several key regional markets. Against the setting of this remarkable performance, Greg Gelhaus, Head of Asia Pacific at Global Blue, shares his views on Asia Pacific’s Globe Shopper sector.
Greg Gelhaus Head of Asia-Pacific
What factors have influenced the Asian
throughout 2016. Despite an increase in
industry continues to thrive, but also from
Globe Shopping industry in 2017?
TFS transactions throughout the year,
average spend per transaction.
lower average spend per transaction
International retail, or Globe Shopping,
severely limited TFS sales growth across
As a result, retailers who remained focused
is strongly linked to travel patterns and
the region.
on Globe Shopping and adapted business activities accordingly, have seen the
Asia Pacific has benefitted from a number of conditions that have fuelled the travel
Fast forward 12 months and the outlook
benefits offered by this unique group of
industry over the past 12 months. Solid
for the region could not be more different.
consumers and have emerged strongly
economic growth in China, along with a
Year-on-year TFS sales growth hit
from this slowdown.
growing middle-class and rising disposable
+39% in September 2017, a dramatic
incomes, have led to an increase in
improvement over the same period during
Throughout this report, we will explore in
outbound tourism.
2016, which saw growth flat at 0% (see
detail the factors that have contributed
graph below). This performance is driven
to this turnaround in performance, from
In addition, the expansion of air travel
by healthy growth not only in the number
macro trends in origin markets, to new
across the region has continued unabated,
of transactions, as the Asian tourism
innovations in our Tax Free destinations.
particularly from low cost carriers, which has further increased the diversification of destinations and the empowerment of secondary and tertiary cities in countries like South Korea and Japan.
Sales-in-Store (EUR) 29% 10%
How has the TFS sector performed during
10% 8%
33% 39%
that period? 12 months ago, the industry was still suffering from a slowdown in overall TFS sales which contributed to challenging 2
trading conditions for many retailers
next few years. These origin markets will
the last 24 months. Frequent travellers
region this year?
be explored in greater detail throughout
have made more than three trips in the
the report.
past 24 months and while they represent
Chinese visitors are clearly influencing
just 8% of total travellers, they contribute
every market within Asia Pacific and this
to 29% of TFS sales within Asia Pacific.
will continue in the coming years. They
How can merchants better engage with
Most interesting though is the Elite group,
account for over a third of Global Blue’s
Globe Shoppers?
made up of travellers who spent above
TFS transactions around the world and
EUR40,000 over the last 24 months (see
remain the biggest Tax Free spenders
Smarter use of data is one of the keys
graph below). Representing just 0.3% of
in Asia Pacific in 2017. The renewed
to helping our partners better engage
total travellers, Elites accounted for over
confidence of this group has driven up
with Globe Shoppers, allowing them
23% of TFS sales within the region and
Chinese TFS spend accordingly, with
to understand and target the most
made six trips on average in the last 24
year-on-year TFS sales across the region
valuable visitors to Asia Pacific. Our
increasing by +50% over the last quarter
segmentation work around Globe
on 2016 figures.
Shopper groups is a great example of
Through this kind of analysis, we are
how our data can add value.
learning more about how these individuals
However, we are also seeing a number of
Which nationalities have influenced the
shop and their spending habits, and more
emerging Globe Shopper countries such as
Global Blue has identified three key groups
importantly, we are helping our partners
Indonesia, Thailand and India, that will grow
of travellers; Infrequent, Frequent, and
to focus their resources on the right
in importance across the region over the
Elite, based on transactional data from
customers, at the right time.
Segment size vs spend (%)
Frequent Traveller
Elite Traveller
1% 23%
of Globe Shopper of spending (in EUR)
8% 29%
What do you see as the prospects for the
of Globe Shopper of spending (in EUR)
Infrequent Traveller
91% 48%
of Globe Shopper of spending (in EUR)
further expanding our industry’s footprint.
coming years? -
Secondly, there will be significant
Firstly, the growth of the TFS sector in
opportunities to accelerate growth
Asia Pacific. The region accounts for
within our current markets of operation
approximately a quarter of Global Blue’s
through technology. Global Blue has
transactions worldwide, and as regional
recently launched innovations such as
tourism growth continues to outstrip that
Mobile Customer Care and Fast Refund,
of Europe, Asia Pacific’s share of global
that are improving the customer journey
TFS activity will continue to grow. We
and increasing refund ratios. With a
should also consider that there are still
healthy pipeline of innovations designed
many countries within Asia Pacific that do
to improve the TFS experience for both
not currently operate refund schemes and
merchants and Globe Shoppers, Global
we expect to see several of these launching
Blue will continue to drive value and
Tax Free Shopping over the next few years,
innovation for its partners. 3
SINGAPORE Singapore is the APAC destination welcoming the most local repeat travellers, with this group representing 75% of total inbound visitors.
MALAYSIA 24 months after the start of Global Blue’s operations in the country, Malaysia is now within our top 10 destinations in terms of Tax Free Shopping transactions.
SOUTH KOREA South Korea saw record breaking revenue from Tax Free Shopping in 2016, amounting to USD10.6 billion. JAPAN The island nation saw record +22% growth in foreign visitor numbers in 2016, reaching 24 million travellers, who spent USD33 billion.
AUSTRALIA In 2017, Asian travellers will represent 48% of total inbound visits to the country, fuelled by increased air routes from Chinese second and third tier cities.
TRENDS This first section examines the strongest trends affecting Asia Pacific’s tourism landscape in 2017. We initially focus on the profile of Chinese Globe Shoppers, their spending habits and the types of experience they are looking for when travelling within their native region. Later, we will look at the role of digital for Asia’s tourism industry, from facilitating bookings to new payment options. Finally, we will dive a little deeper into Asian fashion. There is no denying Asians’ refined taste when shopping for clothes, and with local designers and countries such as Korea gaining momentum within the global fashion sphere, Tokyo, Seoul or Singapore could very well rival Europe’s fashion capitals in the not too distant future.
The retail, luxury and travel industries have
travel experience. Fuelled by a desire for
historical attractions. 100,000 Chinese
grown to rely on Chinese Globe Shoppers.
experience and exploration, the outbound
tourists visited Edinburgh Castle in
No wonder, when Chinese tourists spent
travel market continues to grow, with
2014, while the Los Angeles Tourism and
USD261 billion on foreign trips in 2016,
Chinese tourists projected to make 200
Convention Board reports that 42%
up +12% on 2015, according to the United
million outbound trips in 2020, a +48%
of Chinese travellers visit key cultural
Nations World Tourism Organisation.
increase from 135 million in 2015, according
institutions such as The Getty Center
But this vital travel market is evolving
to a report by Credit Lyonnais Securities
and the Los Angeles County Museum of
fast. Increased travel from Tier 2 and
Asia (CLSA). Established destinations like
Art (LACMA). Amrita Banta, Managing
3 cities, more sophisticated consumer
France, the US and UK are seeing Chinese
Director at Agility Research and Strategy
expectations, and the growing power of
visitors staying longer, and spending more
said, “Travel experts agree that this new
the millennial consumer are creating a new
on accommodation and dining as a result.
generation of Chinese traveller is more
future for Chinese Globe Shopping.
adventurous and wants to experience a International travel is becoming a
new culture. The younger ones go out and
necessity for many Chinese consumers.
are a lot more experimental. They do not
According to a Mintel survey of consumer
have the inhibitions of their parents.”
The shift in travel spending is driven by two
expectations in Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities,
key groups, both relatively new to Globe
“Travelling to new places” is a key personal
Shopping. The first, Millennials, are just
goal, rising to fourth place in 2017, from
Adventurous spirit
coming of age in terms of international
ninth in 2014. And it’s becoming more
travel, while the second, lower-tier
important to consumers’ perception of
More adventurous attitudes, especially
consumers, are just gaining access to non-
their success and wellbeing, with a quarter
among more experienced, independent
stop flights and affordable travel bookings.
of Chinese consumers saying that spending
travellers, mean that Chinese travellers
on holidays makes them feel that their
are beginning to look beyond the usual
quality of life has improved.
destinations in Asia and Europe to visit
With a wider selection of global brands available in key Chinese cities, and a growth
places that have unique cultural appeal.
in the Chinese luxury market, the reasons
To achieve that sense of fulfilment,
Thanks to easier visa rules, exotic new
for these consumers to travel abroad are
Chinese travellers are looking for a multi-
destinations such as Morocco, Peru and
changing. They’re looking for new shopping
faceted experience from their travels. To
even the Polynesian island of Tonga are
experiences, as well as unique experiences,
get the best possible trip, Globe Shoppers
opening up to Chinese travellers, who are
great accommodation, the best local
are now budgeting for shopping alongside
keen to explore the culture and lifestyle
cuisine and cultural immersion.
cultural or indulgent experiences. Overall
of these nations. But, as Avery Booker, a
spending increased +3.5% over the last
former partner at China Luxury Advisors
year. Cultural spending while travelling
says, “for every Chinese tourist who is very
Demanding more
is led by the growing number of Chinese
seasoned and is now going to the most
millennials travelling the world. According
obscure destination and buying the most
As more Chinese consumers take to the
to a TripAdvisor survey, 47% of millennials
obscure brands, there are still five-to-ten
skies, they’re demanding more from their
are interested in natural, cultural and
first-time travellers who are excited to be
[in Paris] on the Champs-Élysées taking
28%, backpacking trips growing from 10%
eschewing hotel brands in favour of more
selfies with their friends”.
to 26% and those looking for private luxury
authentic, local hospitality, such as renting
tours increasing from 8% to 23%.
apartments or staying in hostels, with 29%
The adventurous attitudes extend to
of post-90s travellers using these in the
accommodation too, and even those
Meanwhile, travellers are increasingly
last year. As many as 78% of post-80s and
who book tours are broadening their
willing to deviate from global hotel
72% of post-90s travellers intend to rent
horizons. According to the recent Chinese
megabrands, in favour of boutique or
accommodation rather than book hotels
International Travel Monitor by Hotels.
local hospitality. For affluent travellers
for trips within the next year.
com, the proportion of Chinese travellers
in particular, “boutique” luxury hotel
choosing specialised tours will increase
chains like Aman and Banyan Tree are
from 15% to 33% in the next year, with
becoming more popular, according to
interest in eco-tours rising from 13% to
the Hurun Report. Younger travellers are
FOCUS: Tier 2 & 3 Cities
While much of China’s current expansion
consumers will add USD1.8 trillion in new
in travel has come from affluent and
consumption to the economy, with 54% of
cosmopolitan residents from China’s Tier
growth coming from Tier 1 and 2 cities, and
1 cities, the increasing sophistication and
46% coming from lower-tier cities. The
economic power of those in lower-tier
growing power of consumers from lower-
cities will take Chinese Globe Shopping to
tier cities comes from their increasing
the next level.
spending power, and growing consumer confidence.
Climbing the ladder
A recent report by Morgan Stanley
claims that the lower-tier cities are likely
A report by Boston Consulting Group and
to be driving China’s economy by 2030.
AliResearch projects that by 2021, Chinese
These cities already make up 59% of the
2030, Tier 2 and 3 cities such as Wenzhou,
such as London, Paris, Moscow, Sydney
but have long been overlooked due to their
Nanjing, Foshan, Changsha, Qingdao and
and Las Vegas. Travel giant Ctrip is also
lower spending power. “While investors
Ningbo are expected to be home to over
targeting lower-tier cities, with a greater
perceive larger cities as offering the most
two million high-income consumers –
focus on serving their travellers through its
important consumer base, we believe that
those with over RMB200,000 (almost
Qunar platform.
lower-tier cities will be bigger, wealthier
USD30,000) in disposable income.
and more eager to spend, and could
Travellers from Tiers 2 and 3 travel about
contribute two-thirds of incremental
as regularly as those in Tier 1 cities – 1.9
growth in national private consumption
Next jetsetters
times a year, on average – but many trips
toward 2030”, said Robin Xing, Morgan
are likely to be regional rather than inter-
Stanley’s Chief China Economist.
As spending power increases in Tier 2
continental. Destinations such as Thailand,
and 3 cities, travel is becoming a more
Japan and Macau are popular, with 60%
Incomes in lower-tier areas are rising
popular way to spend time – and money.
of Macau’s 20-million visitors hailing from
faster than in the headline Tier 1 cities,
Research by Tianxun and UnionPay Smart
China’s lower-tier cities, according to
while lower costs of living mean that the
found that lower-tier cities are the biggest
Morgan Stanley.
disposable income of those in Tier 2 and 3
growth areas for independent travel, with
cities is increasing more rapidly. In 2007,
increases in departures from Hangzhou
per capital disposable income in China’s
(up +37%) Chongqing (up +45%) and
Future Globe Shoppers?
smaller cities was 55% lower than those in
Kunming (up +69%), while departures from
Tier 1, but the gap has now closed to 45%
Shanghai and Beijing have fallen -25%
Lower-tier consumers could be the future
today, and is expected to reduce further to
and -20% respectively. Access to global
of Globe Shopping, as tastes among Tier
36% by 2030. Led by growing numbers of
travel is getting easier, thanks to regional
1 travellers and millennials veer towards
middle-class consumers in lower-tier cities,
companies such as Hainan and Tianjin
experience. Research by Fung Global
consumption is outpacing the top-tier
Airlines who are creating new non-stop
Retail Tech (FGRT) found that tourists
cities, growing by +8.7% annually in the
routes from second-tier cities, to what
from lower-tier cities tend to spend more
lower tiers, compared to +6.6% in Tier 1. By
they call “first-tier international cities”
per trip than their Tier 1 compatriots,
country’s GDP and 73% of its population,
Average per visitor Spending on Most Recent Trip by City Tier May 2017 (US$)
2,449 2,230
Tier 1 Cities
Lower Tier Cities
Base: All respondents (N=841), Chinese tourists from tier 1 cities (N=371) and lower tier cities (N=424). # Other spending includes: food and beverage, sightseeing, entertainment and local transportation. Source: China Luxury Advisors / FGRT
with an average spend of USD2,449
lower for now, their aspirations are not.
are still elements of the Globe Shopping
on their most recent foreign trip, 10%
This group are currently more interested in
experience that aren’t available at home,
higher than travellers for top-tier cities.
purchasing products than the experiences
and brands that can offer competitive
They also spent more on shopping than
or services favoured by tier one shoppers.
pricing, a diverse product and brand
Tier 1 travellers - USD1,370 compared to
selection, and impeccable service will still
USD1,204. Deborah Weinswig, Managing
Young people, in particular, are enthusiastic
Director of FGRT said, “With the rising
shoppers. According to GroupM’s latest
affluence of citizens in the lower-tier
Shan Hai Jin report, post-95 consumers in
As Chinese travel tastes – in destinations,
cities and better air connectivity to
Tier 2 cities are happy to spend money on
activities, brands and accommodation
overseas cities, retailers and brands
non-necessities, and are keen on branded
– change rapidly, brands must focus on
should not overlook these travellers from
goods, both domestic and foreign.
this new wave of tourists to understand
the lower-tier cities.”
attract their spend.
where the travel market is going. Shifting preferences among post-90 and post-95
Shopping for fun
Globe Shopper outlook
travellers can indicate the next brands
and destinations to focus on, while the
Widespread social media usage across
While experiential spending may be rising,
preferences of growing ranks of lower-tier
China means consumers in lower-tier cities
this doesn’t mean Chinese consumers
travellers will shape the new mainstream
are accessing the same information as
are no longer shopping when abroad - it’s
of Chinese travellers.
more affluent consumers in top-tier cities.
become part of a mix of travel activities
So, while their spending power may be
rather than the primary purpose. There
DIGITAL ASIA Asian consumers are leading the way in digital living, turning their smartphones into an international travel companion. The travel and retail industries are responding to these Globe Shoppers’ changing demands with innovative solutions and agile tools.
Connected consumers
Connected spenders are prevalent
Nielsen, Asia-Pacific has the highest rates
throughout Asia, thanks to the smart
of mobile purchasing, with 50% of online
Due to the nature of technological
solutions offered by regional apps such
consumers in China, 49% in India, 47% in
development in the APAC region, many
as Japan’s LINE (50 million users) and
South Korea and 46% of those in Vietnam
Asian consumers were first connected to
China’s WeChat social media services (900
reporting that they purchased a product or
the internet via their smartphones, and
million users) and Alibaba’s ecommerce
service via their mobile device in the past
their pocket-sized devices are now relied
platform (500 million users). Research by
six months. These nationalities also lead
upon for everything from communications
Nielsen suggests that the world’s mobile
the way with mobile app purchases - 50%
and entertainment to banking, gifting,
“connected spenders” will account for half
of people in China, 48% in South Korea,
shopping and research. Bain & Company
of global consumption, or USD260 trillion,
47% in India and 43% in Vietnam - have
estimates that 300 million consumers in
by 2025.
made purchases using an app. As Jeff
key Southeast Asian nations (Singapore,
Price, Managing Director of Southeast
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines,
Asia at Experian, comments, “Asia is in the
and Vietnam) have a smartphone, while 48
Living digital
midst of a great digital revolution, with an
times as many people are connected to
explosion of smart devices, social media
the internet via mobile, compared to fixed
When Asian consumers are so confident
interactions and e-commerce transactions.
broadband. Meanwhile, 20% of China’s
and connected to their mobile devices,
The beneficiary of this interconnectivity
online population relies solely on mobile,
it’s no wonder they lead the world in using
is clearly the digital consumer, but also
compared with only 5% in the US.
smartphones for shopping. According to
businesses serving them”. On Taobao,
Alibaba’s e-commerce marketplace, the
and Malaysian consumers next. The use
survey is that Chinese customers tend to
proportion of sales via mobile devices
of digital wallets among young Malaysian
close the sale more quickly when they know
rose from 51% in 2014 to 62% in 2015,
consumers has increased from 15% to
that they can pay with mobile,” said Candice
reaching 68% on Singles Day 2015. Boston
20% between the first and second halves
Koo, the Managing Director of CANCAN.
Consulting Group forecasts that mobile
of 2016. New payment methods are a hot
will account for 74% of all digital sales in
topic across Asia Pacific, with the subject
The increasing prevalence of new services
China by 2020.
topping 83% of social media conversations
are making spending overseas easier
in APAC nations, according to Mastercard
for Frequent Globe Shoppers. Defined
research. “Technology is making the
as Tax Free Shoppers that made more
Shop as you go
promise and the potential of a less-cash
than three trips in the last 24 months,
life a reality for more people every day,”
this group accounts for almost one third
One of the key areas of development in
said Marcy Cohen, vice president of digital
(30%) of Tax Free transactions, despite
Asia is the growth of digital payments,
communications at Mastercard.
only representing 8.4% of total Globe
which far exceeds usage of the
Shoppers. Making an average of 4.14 trips
technology in other parts of the world. Going global
group’s payment needs are catered to will
competitive market for mobile payments,
be an increasingly important focus for
with leaders WeChat Pay and AliPay
While digital wallets rule at home, many
retailers going forward.
accounting for over 90% of China’s
Asian consumers are unable to use their
mobile wallet market, worth a reported
preferred services when travelling abroad.
For these Frequent Globe Shoppers,
USD5.5 trillion a year. WeChat’s digital
According to research by Kapronasia and
keeping track of their refund status is
payment service (600 million users) has
CANCAN, 67% of Chinese consumers have
crucial. Earlier this year, Global Blue
evolved from its wide-ranging social media
used mobile payments for some overseas
launched Mobile Customer Care (MCC),
platform, which is used for everything from
transactions, but only for 3% to 30% of
a digital application guiding Globe
messaging to news, entertainment and
their transactions. 21% said they haven’t
Shoppers throughout their Tax Free
online shopping – and now functions as a
used WeChat Pay or AliPay abroad because
Shopping journey. Transaction-triggered
mobile wallet. AliPay (500 million users)
they didn’t know they could. Few key
notifications are sent to their smartphone
is part of Alibaba’s e-commerce platform,
shopping destinations offer the service,
containing a link to the website where
making it easier for users to buy from its
with Harrods, Selfridges (London) and
they can track the status of their refund
online services, and now in-store, using QR
Galeries Lafayette (Paris) only adding the
and be informed about the next required
codes. According to research from the UN,
service last year, but research suggests it
action. Other value-added tools include
the two companies are estimated to have
can help encourage consumers to make a
refund reminders options and local
processed almost USD3 trillion in 2016,
purchase. “What we have found from the
airport guides.
with Alipay leading at USD1.7 trillion, ahead of WeChat Pay’s USD1.2 trillion. These third-party platforms are fast replacing cash and credit cards in China, according to analysts. “Consumers in China have greater confidence in the security of third-party payments compared to their counterparts in the West”, says Jessie Qian, Head of Consumer Markets, KPMG China. “Furthermore, credit cards have not been readily available for some Chinese consumers, so third-party mechanisms are becoming an alternative way of making payments in a convenient and secure environment”. China clearly leads the way in mobile payments, the technology is becoming more widespread across the region, with 12
over the last two years, ensuring that this
China, in particular, has an advanced and
plans to roll out the facility to Japanese
Tech travel
on their destination, before buying
Smart services will be key, like Troika, the
flights and accommodation via Meituan,
friendly customer service robot recently
But there’s more to Asian consumers’
Sougou or Ctrip. At their destination, they
introduced at Seoul’s Incheon International
digital demands than just payment.
might go back to WeChat for shopping
Airport. Cashier-less stores like BingoBox
Digital-savvy Millennials dominate Asia’s
or sightseeing ideas, and to share their
could meet the convenience needs of the
travel population, accounting for 35% of
experience via WeChat moments.
digital consumer: customers can enter the store and pay for goods using their WeChat
the USD600 billion that Asians spend on international travel every year. Millennials
For Asian travellers, digital services are
accounts. Not to be outdone, Alipay is
alone are expected to spend USD340
just as vital at destination as at home,
testing a cashier-less café, accessed using
billionn on international travel by 2020,
especially for independent travellers -
an Alibaba Taobao account.
and they expect to use digital services
spurring innovation in the hotel industry.
throughout their trips.
Marriott Hotels have created a WeChat
APAC customers are also enthusiastic
concierge service, as well as a mobile
about future technologies that boost
Many Asian consumers use digital services
loyalty app and Alipay options. “As Chinese
security. A Mastercard survey found
to research and book their travel, as well
travellers continue to take their travel
that 45% of consumers in the region are
as to inspire their shopping excursions
aspirations further, we need to grow with
interested in biometric authentication
and arrange special trips and events.
them and understand what they want, and
to offer advanced security, and as
According to eMarketer, digital travel
how we can meet their needs,” said Peggy
an alternative to passwords and PIN
sales in China - from hotels to flights to
Fang Roe, chief sales and marketing officer,
numbers. South Korean retail giant Lotte
activities – are predicted to grow 28% to
Asia-Pacific for Marriott International.
is already testing the idea with Hand Pay, which scans shoppers’ palms to
hit USD113 billion in 2017. China Internet
authenticate purchases.
Network Information Center reports that 53% of Chinese tourists used mobile apps
Digital futures
to book their trips online, while young and
While some of these innovations may
affluent consumers look to WeChat for
For the tech-savvy Asian consumer, digital
seem futuristic, digital development is
inspiration and information when planning
products and services are essential for the
moving at a rapid pace in the region, and
the activities and shopping for their
future. New technologies suggest exciting
digital consumers are demanding smart,
trips. But they’re not necessarily loyal to
possibilities for Globe Shoppers in Asia,
seamless services wherever they go.
one platform – they may get inspired on
and beyond. Many Chinese consumers
Brands that fail to offer innovative and
WeChat, but go to sites like Mafengwo,
already expect a cashless society in the
useful solutions could be left behind by
Qunar or Qiongyou for deeper research
next 10 years, so, where can tech go next?
Asia’s connected consumers. 13
ASIAN STYLE GOES GLOBAL As inter-regional travel increases, APAC consumers are discovering world-class fashion in their own cities, and nearby destinations. Aided by star names and an increasingly global outlook in the fashion industry, Asian brands are making waves at home, and across the world.
New hubs
shops, independent brands and food
boosted by the arrival of Dover Street
trucks, while Rare Market, owned by the
Market, “Comme des Garçons’” artistic
Fashion in the Asia-Pacific region has long
sister of K-pop star G-Dragon, offers a
multi-brand store concept.
been dominated by Western retailers and
mix of international brands and sought-
multinational brands, but APAC consumers
after local streetwear brands. Concept
Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, local and
are increasingly turning to local brands,
stores like Space Mue, Boon the Shop
international retailers are hoping to bring
offering new opportunities to local
and the Korean outpost of 10 Corso Como
new life to the city’s fashion scene with new
designers and retailers, while rejuvenating
offer something different for well-heeled
store concepts. Renowned luxury retailer
shopping culture in China, Korea, Japan,
shoppers, but the young and the hip head
Joyce recently refreshed its flagship store
Singapore and Hong Kong.
to the distinctive flagship stores of cult
with a redesign by architect Paola Navone
brands like Gentle Monster, Stylenanda
and an immersive fashion exhibition
and Boy+ by Supermarket.
including a fibre optic dress by Korean
In South Korea, the districts of Cheongdam and Gangnam are developing
artist Kim Tae Gon.
an international reputation for their
To keep up with changing tastes, Asia’s
combination of local and international
longstanding shopping hubs of Singapore
brands, glittering brand palaces,
and Hong Kong are rejuvenating their
expansive malls and fascinating concept
offerings to attract savvy regional
stores. Common Ground, the world’s
consumers. Despite being known for its
Asian consumers are also looking to
largest cargo-container shopping mall
vast malls, Singapore has long had a culture
local brands to cater to their lifestyles
boasts hipster essentials like pop-up
of independent and innovative retail, now
and to their body shapes better than
“The whole Korean culture effect, from
finds that 56% of APAC consumers
travel, entertainment and food to fashion
believe that local brands are the most
and beauty, has made most things ‘from
attuned to their personal needs and
Korea’ popular,” says Deborah Cheng, vice
tastes. “The market conditions are better
president of marketing at Hong Kong
than ever for local brands, as they are
multi-brand fashion retailer I.T., which
well placed to meet changing consumer
stocks Korean brands such as Stylenanda,
needs versus the big brands than previous
Steve J & Yoni P and Juun J.
international brands. Research by Nielsen
decades”, says Jean Lim, spokesperson for Nielsen Korea. Show time This shift is being fuelled by Hallyu (the
Korean Wave), a huge public interest
To increase their international and
in all things Korean, largely due to the
regional profile, Asian fashion brands are
huge success of its TV dramas, pop stars
embracing the growing number of fashion
and even beauty brands in many Asian
weeks across APAC, while government
countries. Hallyu has made Korea the
organisations are using these headline-
biggest cultural force in the region. For
grabbing events to stimulate their national
Asian consumers, the Korean Wave is
garment industries and showcase their
now competing with Western style, as it
skills to the world.
connects with Asian emotion and cultural values around family, community and
Many of the burgeoning Fashion Weeks,
etiquette. The knock-on effect of Hallyu
offer opportunities to local designers, as
is driving interest in local Asian brands
well as offering new audiences to brands
and products across the region, which
from across the region. Fashion Week
is playing a pivotal role in the growth of
Tokyo spotlights the best new Japanese
Asian markets. The power of Hallyu has
talent, such as Bed j.w. Ford, Akiko Aoki
boosted tourism to Korea, particularly
and Yohei Ohno as well as designers
from China and Japan, and turned Korean
from around Asia, including Nguyen Cong
celebrities and brands into household
Tri from Vietnam and Moto Guo from
names across the globe.
“Before, many Asians thought luxury goods had to come from the West, but they are becoming more sophisticated and discerning and now more people are interested in local designers who have their own point of view and unique style” - Lee Seo-hyun, president of Samsung C&T’s fashion division
fashion credentials, many designers are keen to compete with the big brands on an international level. Hong-Kong based brand Jourden is already stocked at leading luxury boutiques and department stores in the US, Europe and Asia, while Chineseborn designer Yiqing Yin has won several European fashion awards and been praised by the international fashion press for her singular talent. Along with her compatriots Guo Pei and Laurence Xu, Yin is part of a new wave of Chinese-born couturiers who are taking high fashion by storm. As well as successful couture collections, Guo Pei has gained support from international style icon Rihanna, while Xu has dressed Fan Bingbing for the Cannes Film Festival. Hong Kong-based event Centrestage, now
have been seen as more desirable than
While key Chinese designers are gaining
in its second year, features local labels
local ones, not only for their quality but
headlines around the world, Korean brands
such as Harrison Wong, Loom Loop and
the cachet of their brand name. But rising
are gaining cult status in top fashion
Maison Vermilion, alongside Juun from
spending power across APAC, as well as
capitals. SJYP, created by Steve Jung and
Korea, and DressedUndressed and GV
the resurgence in regional pride, is creating
Yoni Pai, is sold by influential retailers
GV from Japan. Fashion weeks are also
a growing interest in local design.
like Selfridges in London and Opening
growing in India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Ceremony in New York, while eyewear
the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea,
Leading APAC retailers are increasing
brand Gentle Monster has become a
Vietnam, Thailand and across the region
their range of local brands, furthering
streetstyle phenomenon. The brand sees
while in mainland China, there are several
the strength of Asian fashion at home.
queues around the block at its Shanghai
fashion weeks in different provinces.
Hong Kong’s Lane Crawford has long
store, and has quadrupled sales every
Fashion weeks in Guangzhou, Tianjin,
been a supporter of Chinese designers,
year since its launch in 2011. High-profile
Xiamen and Shenzhen compete with the
with brands like Ms Min and Comme
collaborations with unique stars such
high-profile Shanghai Fashion Week,
moi becoming its fastest-growing
as Tilda Swinton, and an adventurous
which aims to help the city become APAC’s
contemporary labels. “Before, many Asians
aesthetic, mean Gentle Monster now has a
fashion hub. To support this ambition,
thought luxury goods had to come from
global profile, with stores in Korea, China
Chinese brands are competing with the
the West, but they are becoming more
and New York soon to be followed by a
biggest global brands when it comes to
sophisticated and discerning and now more
London flagship.
fashion extravaganzas. Shenzhen-based
people are interested in local designers
brand Migaino spent over 10 million yuan
who have their own point of view and
As local and global consumers discover
(USD1.49 million) on a fashion show
unique style”, says Lee Seo-hyun, president
Asian brands, they’re shifting the balance
celebrating its 20th anniversary, featuring
of Samsung C&T’s fashion division.
in global fashion from primarily western
Chinese supermodels, and a specially
to truly global. Asian consumers are the
commissioned fashion film. The Chinese
This focus on local luxury could be key to
most influential when it comes to high-
fashion industry has reason to be so
attracting Elite Globe Shoppers, those
end fashion, making up around a half of
bullish, with Boston Consulting Group
spending over EUR 40,000 in the last 24
all shoppers, according to the Business
predicting that China’s fashion industry will
months, to new APAC retail destinations.
of Fashion, so when their attention turns
become the world’s second largest (after
According to Global Blue transaction data,
to local rather than global brands, their
the US) by 2020, with spending expected to
while this group accounts for just 0.33%
influence will affect the fortunes of Asian
hit RMB1.3 trillion.
of Tax Free sales within APAC, over the
and global brands alike.
last two years they represented 23% of total Tax Free spend, with each traveller Cultural crossover
averaging 6.3 trips during that period.
For many consumers in APAC, foreign
While a growing appetite for regional
brands, particularly European luxury labels,
designs and brands may boost APAC’s
APAC DESTINATIONS In this section, focused on Global Blue’s key Tax Free Shopping destinations in Asia, we explore micro-economic drivers in Singapore, Japan, Australia, Malaysia and Korea. These mature luxury shopping markets are a big draw for Chinese and other Asian Globe Shopping nationalities, who are increasingly choosing short-haul overseas trips within Asia Pacific for major holidays such as Golden Week or Chuseok festival, where experience, cuisine and culture are now on an equal par with shopping when choosing travel destinations. Add to the mix favourable currency FX, convenient locations via new airline routes and extra savings after shopping Tax Free and it is easy to understand why growing numbers of middle-class shoppers from across Asia are choosing to travel and shop local.
APAC’s travel hub
held onto its position as the APAC region’s
numbers to Singapore reached 13.11 million,
second most visited destination, reports
one million more than in 2015, placing the
According to the World Travel & Tourism
Mastercard’s Global Destinations Index
city behind Bangkok (19.41 million), but
Council (WTTC), the total contribution of
2017. Amidst fiercer regional tourism
ahead of Seoul (12.39 million). Singapore
the Travel & Tourism industry (T&T) to
competition, in April 2017 the Singapore
is the leader of intra-regional arrivals in
Singapore’s GDP amounted to SGD39.7
Tourism Board (STB), Singapore Airlines
APAC with almost eight million visitors.
billion (USD28.7 billion) in 2016. almost 10%
(SIA) and Changi Airport Group renewed
As per most APAC destinations, Chinese
of the national revenue. This contribution
their ongoing partnership to promote
travellers accounted for the largest share
is set to rise by +3% every year from
Singapore as a choice stopover as well
of arrivals (17.5%), the equivalent of 2.3
2017, growing to SGD58.6 billion (USD43
as a twinning destination. From now on,
million visitors, followed by Indonesians
billion) or 11% of Singapore’s GDP by 2027.
communication and marketing campaigns
(two million) and Indians (920,000).
Compared to many other high-income
will also be directed towards Asian
economies in Europe and North America,
travellers, and not only long-haul market
In terms of spending within the region,
Singapore’s T&T industry makes a greater
countries (the US and Europe).
Singapore boasts the highest overall
contribution to the country’s GDP. 18
During 2016, the city-state of Singapore
tourist expenditure at SGD21.5 billion in These investments have already paid-off.
2016 (USD15.4 billion), ahead of Bangkok
In 2016, international overnight visitor
(USD12.7 billion) and Tokyo (USD11.1 billion).
+8% growth in transaction numbers
compared to the same period a year
Over the past few years, the rise of
before and +5% increase of Tax Free sales.
e-commerce and pricey commercial
Chinese Globe Shoppers represented 37%
rents have put strain on Singapore’s
of this activity, followed by Indonesians
retail industry. In parallel, Tokyo, Seoul
(20%) and Malaysians (6%).
Changing retail landscape
and Kuala Lumpur’s growing notoriety as major international shopping hubs has
The Fashion category has now taken
attracted growing numbers of trendy
over the Watches & Jewellery category.
Globe Shoppers.
At 37% of total spend and 44% of total transactions, Fashion is now the
Volatile tourism numbers and changing
top category in Singapore, previously
demographics did not help either. Chinese
considered as the Watches & Jewellery
travellers from Tier 1 cities were reluctant
capital of APAC. The Perfume &
to shop abroad amidst slower economic
Cosmetics category grew faster than
growth and corruption crackdowns.
any other category with a +16% increase.
Indonesians, Thais and Malaysians
Projections for the next five months
discovered they have competitive
are positive and potential growth driver
versions of the same luxury products
nationalities are already emerging, with
back home. Yet, as of 2016, STB reports an
Malaysians first, posting a +31% sales-
all-time high record of tourism receipts,
in-store increase and Indians (+16%) also
13.9%, the equivalent of USD24.8 billion.
performing strongly.
This result is largely due to the high volume of Chinese travellers arriving from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities while Indonesian
On harnessing future growth
and Indian visitors started to spend more
on shopping, accommodation, attractions,
During 2017, Mastercard expects +2.6%
and food and beverage.
growth in visitor arrivals to Singapore, a slower rate compared to other regional
In 2017, renewed consumer confidence and
destinations such as Kuala Lumpur (+7.2%)
improving traveller mix solidified 2016’s
and Tokyo (+12.2%) or international
positive trends. Between January and
destinations such as London (+5%) and
September 2017, Global Blue data showed
Dubai (+7.7%).
“It is clear that the traditional retail model is inadequate in today’s context. Physical stores are less of a point of sales, but a point of experience.” - Christine Li, director and head of research at real estate consultancy Cushman & Wakefield Singapore.
A Brandscapes Worldwide study claims
and enhance visitors’ experience. For the
by food and experience as they are
that Singapore attracts the most repeat
hospitality sector, the Earn-and-Learn
unlikely to be replaced by online options,”
travellers in the APAC region, at 75%,
Programme and the SkillsFuture Study
says Christine Li, director and head of
closely followed by Hong Kong (62%) and
Awards were launched to train future T&T
research at real estate consultancy
Kuala Lumpur (61%). Yet, the Singapore
industry salesforce.
Cushman & Wakefield Singapore.
a lack of understanding of what Singapore
For the retail industry, “experiential malls
A promising growth driver: Singapore’s
is as a nation, often misperceived as
are now a priority in what is already a
cruise ship scene, ranked Top Cruise
“boring and expensive”. By already having
very mature and sophisticated retail
Destination at the Seatrade Cruise Awards
a strong, mature retail offering and amidst
market” says Business of Fashion. In
and Top Asian Port of Call at the Cruisers’
fiercer regional competition, Singapore’s
2017, the new e-commerce SingPost
Choice Cruise Critic Awards in 2016. STB
challenge for the future will be to renew
mall will include the “O2 concept” where
data reports a +16% increase in cruise
and diversify its T&T offering.
offline and online shopping merge.
passengers in 2016 compared to the
“The mall of tomorrow will be anchored
previous year and 10 maiden calls.
Tourism Board (STB) reports that there is
The government is betting big on the T&T industry, and within APAC, the island-city boasts the highest investment share of GDP in tourism, easily offering the best T&T infrastructure in the region. Singapore already owns six out of the top 11 tourism attractions in Asia, with attractions such as Merlion Park, the island resort of Sentosa, Marina Bay Sands. Recent investment projects include aircraft purchases by Singapore Airlines, new runways at Seletar and Changi airports, and new resort developments. New partnerships with different stakeholders from the T&T industry will enable Singapore to develop attractively priced tourist packages and promote as-yet untouched areas Singapore’s unique cultural scene. Soon, SIA, STB and Changi Airport Group will upgrade the Free Singapore Tour offered to transit travellers to focus on more unique propositions, such as a heritage tours through the colonial and cultural districts of Chinatown, Little India and Kampong Glam. In parallel, a rejuvenated tourism offer will see new attractions and lifestyle venues blooming across the country, such as KidZania Singapore, a permanent digital art gallery Future World and the Michelin Guide Singapore. The government is also supporting the transformation of the T&T industry through the Business Improvement Fund and the Experience Step-Up Fund. In 2016, the STB supported 52 technology-related projects to improve industry stakeholders’ 20
productivity, acquire new businesses
Jan Moller Country Managing Director - Singapore & APAC Sales
Which factors have influenced TFS
such as Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. While
performance during 2017?
we still see a healthy pipeline of brands
investing in the city, including recent
After a challenging 2016, we see a
flagship store openings from Gucci, Apple
continued growth in arrivals into
and Uniqlo, there is recognition that we
Singapore, with a positive impact on
need to do more to ensure we remain
spend across all sectors. The January to
attractive to international visitors.
September period showed a +5% increase of TFS sales transactions in comparison
The good news is that the Singapore
with the previous year and our projection
Tourism Board, retail associations and
for the next five months is positive. More
malls are investing in new initiatives to
favourable travel patterns, particularly
revamp Singapore as a tourist destination.
from Chinese and Indonesian consumers,
With retail at their heart, these schemes
have been the main driver of this recent
focus on experience, strongly supporting
improved performance. The first week
new local designers, events and new digital
of October showed +25% growth of TFS
campaigns to differentiate Singapore and
transactions, largely driven by Chinese
attract shoppers.
Golden Week. As with most Asian markets, Chinese are the
How can partners better serve Globe
largest Globe Shopper group in Singapore
and consumer confidence in China has
meant growth throughout the year. While
We work closely with our merchant
2016 performance was largely driven by
partners, but also with retail associations
travellers from Chinese Tier 2 and 3 cities,
and government departments, to help
the return of higher-spending visitors from
them to understand the behaviour of Globe
Chinese Tier 1 cities in 2017 has helped
Shoppers. Singapore is one of Global Blue’s
increase average spend after two years of
leading markets when it comes to data and
declining spend. Singapore also remains a
intelligence needs, and our insights are to
stronghold for visitors from neighbouring
help them understand when it comes to
markets like Indonesia and Malaysia.
allocating their marketing spend and win the loyalty of new customers.
How can Singapore retain its status as the
We are also continuing to digitalise and
region’s shopping hub?
personalise the Globe Shopper journey,
with the upcoming launch of innovative new
Singapore remains the premier retail
services, such as Mobile Customer Care.
destination in South Asia, however recent
These services will ensure our partners are
years have seen increased competition
able to offer the very best TFS experience
from other destinations across the region,
to their customers. 21
Stakes are high for the Japanese Travel &
In terms of spending, international tourists
Tourism industry (T&T). Ahead of the Tokyo
posted a record high of JPY3.75 trillion
Olympic and Paralympic games of 2020,
(USD33 billion), a +7.8% increase compared
the government and industry stakeholders
to the previous year. For the same year, the
are accelerating their efforts to welcome
T&T industry’s contribution to Japan’s GDP
and ease international visitors’ stays in the
amounted to JPY37.3 billion (USD343.2
country. The target of 40 million visitors
billion), a 7.4% share. In 2017, the World
has been set for 2020 and 60 million for
Travel & Tourism Council predicts T&T’s
2030. A series of favourable events are
contribution to Japanese GDP will grow by
paving the way to meet these targets.
+2.5% and rise by +1.6% per year between
Recently, Japan came fourth in the World
2017 and 2027.
Economic Forum’s 2017 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, advancing by five positions since 2015. The past few
Cultural melting pot
years have also seen Japan benefit from
external factors, helping it to attract more
Global real estate expert Savills’ study on
international visitors; the depreciation
the Japanese retail landscape recognised the
of the Japanese yen, China’s economic
rapid change of inbound tourists’ spending
growth, airport deregulation and relaxed
habits and confirms “a new phase”.
visa policies with certain local countries. Far away from buzzing Tokyo and Osaka, Japan saw a record +22% growth of foreign
the more rural parts of Japan are welcoming
visitor numbers in 2016, reaching 24 million.
a growing number of tourists in search of
“The impressive uplift in Chinese visitors, driven largely by domestic consumer confidence, has seen the Japanese TFS sector flourish this year. The softening of the yen against the yuan has made Japan even more affordable, as has the introduction of new low-cost air routes to Western Japan; particularly with visitors from Tier 2 and 3 Chinese cities..” - Toshi Shimizu, Global Blue Japan
traditional Japan. Experiential tourism is on
Western parts of Japan. As a result, the
beginning of the year, tourist spend has
the rise, notes Taiken Japan, as authentic
number of seats has increased by +25%
been on the rise in Japan. In fact, travel-
and immersive tourism activities blossom
since the beginning of 2017. In September,
related spending hit a quarterly record
around the country. Travellers can now pick
Japan Airlines, the leading international
high between April and June, reaching
Shiitake mushrooms in Atami, witness the
airline in Japan, announced an order of four
JPY1.08 trillion. At JPY414.6 billion,
making of a samurai blade in Bizen Osafune
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners. This is “a key
spending on shopping grew by +15% from
Token Village (next to Okayame), take part
part of our strategy as we look to bolster
the year before.
in making traditional fermented foods
our existing route network and strengthen
(miso, kimchi etc.) in Yamada and even rent
our position ahead of the 2020 Summer
Much like other regional countries,
Olympic Games in Tokyo,” said Yoshiharu
Japan is witnessing a change in
Ueki, President of Japan Airlines.
inbound traveller demographics, with consequences for travel expenditure.
The government welcomes this trend and is encouraging the T&T industry to become
The government is also introducing new
Over the January to September 2017
less reliant on Japan’s biggest cities. In
retail areas in more rural towns to reach
period, the number of sales-in-store grew
order to diversify tourism spend across
a JPY8 trillion milestone of tourist spend
by a staggering +34% compared to the
the country, new airlines have been opened.
by 2020. A GS1 Japan Institute survey,
previous year. Chinese Globe Shoppers
Low cost carriers are scheduling flights
conducted on visitors to Japan, showed
accounted for 46% sales-in-store during
from China’s second and third tier cities,
that “shopping” is still one of the biggest
this period, followed by Koreans (31%)
Hong Kong and South Korea to Osaka and
reasons to visit the country. Since the
and Americans (12%).
Beauty contest
with their customers, thanks to Chinese
the government. There has been a
language leaflets and displays, and trial
growing number of multilingual websites
While the popularity of Korea’s K-beauty
cosmetic kits for passing Globe Shoppers.
and apps designed to help foreign
sector has increased around the globe,
visitors overcome language barriers
Japanese branded cosmetics still hold
and locate local tourism activities. For
on to their reputation as high-quality
Growth opportunity for leisure
example, free web magazine Matcha is
products. APAC tourists flock to Japan
available in 10 languages and informs
to purchase products designed for Asian
60% of overseas visitors to Japan are
visitors on food, festivals and events
skins, UV-blocking or skin-lightening
repeat travellers reports Savills. As
from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
creams in particular. Shinji Yamada,
much as 80% of Hong Kong inbound
spokesperson for cosmetic Japanese giant
travellers have been to Japan before.
Kanebo speaks of a better perception
Chinese famously flock to Japan to
of Japanese cosmetics compared to
enjoy the country’s Winter and Summer
Chinese-made ones. The Nikkei credits
sales during their “explosive buying”
the cosmetic sector for the rebound in Tax
spree, Bakugai. According to Japan
Free sales of goods in department stores
Tourism Agency, foreign tourists leisure
in 2017. Cosmetic drugstore sales are
expenditure amounted to JPY 34.3
growing rapidly as the number of drugstore
billion over the April-June period, a +24%
locations blossom around the country.
increase compared to the previous year,
In addition to Chinese-speaking beauty
but still a small 3% share of total travel-
consultants at their counters, international
related expenditure. There is room for
cosmetic brands are engaging better
further leisure spending growth predicts
Toshi Shimizu Country Managing Director - Japan
Japan is enjoying a stellar period for TFS.
frequent shoppers and target them with
What is driving this performance?
bespoke offers and coupons, or even move
them onto loyalty programs for high value
The impressive uplift in Chinese visitors,
customers. This new service is the first
driven largely by domestic consumer
step towards increased personalisation,
confidence, has seen the Japanese TFS
which will be a key driver to maximise TFS
sector flourish this year. The softening
sales in Japan over the next few years.
of the yen against the yuan has made Japan even more affordable, as has the introduction of new low-cost air routes to
What new technologies will improve
Western Japan; particularly with visitors
efficiency for partners?
from Tier 2 and 3 Chinese cities.
We are currently piloting two new in-store
At the same time, TFS has become more
services in Japan that will dramatically
ubiquitous across the country, thanks in part
improve the way refunds are paid to
to the Japanese governments’ plans to shift
Globe Shoppers. More importantly, these
tourism to local cities. At the end of 2016,
services will increase efficiency and reduce
there were over 35,000 TFS authorised
costs for our partners.
stores across Japan. In 2017 there are now over 40,000, with most of these new
First, the introduction of Non-cash
locations coming from smaller cities as the
refunds, will help to manage risk and TFS
government seeks to spread Globe Shopper
operational costs in stores across Japan.
spend across the country and create less
Currently being piloted with Hankyu
reliance on cities like Tokyo and Osaka.
Hanshin, we are planning to rollout Noncash refunds to all department stores by end of financial year.
How can Globe Blue help partners identify the most valuable Globe Shoppers?
Second, we are also piloting self-
service Refund Kiosks with Daimaru
We have recently launched a unique
Matsuzakaya. This technology is already
service to help merchants identify VIP
available in many other countries and is
Globe Shoppers based on our extensive
proven to reduce overhead costs and the
traveller database. With the swipe of a
reliance on manned counters for issuing
passport, store staff can now identify
Tax Free forms.
AUSTRALIA ON THE RISE The total contribution of the travel and tourism industry to Australia’s GDP in 2016 reached AUD183.2 billion (EUR181.2 billion), 10.9% of the country’s GDP, and is forecast to rise by +3.3% in 2017. From 2017 to 2027, the World Travel & Tourism Council expects +2.5% growth per year, amounting to AUD241.9 billion (EUR160.5 billion) in 2027. Today, how can Australia make the most of the region’s changing tourism landscape to reach these numbers?
The Chinese bet In 2016, Australia welcomed 8.6 million travellers. By the end of 2017, Government agency Tourism Research Australia (TRA) estimates the number of international visitors will reach 9.2 million. By 2019, Asian tourists will account for over half of these visitors. As of 2017, 48% of these travellers come from the APAC region with Chinese Globe Shoppers ranking as the first contributing nationality, and an expected 1.3 million tourists by the end of 2017, followed by Japanese Globe Shoppers at 427,000 arrivals. In terms of spending, China has already surpassed expectations from the Australian Tourism 2020 strategy report. That report valued Chinese spend between USD7.4 billion and USD9 billion a year by 2020. Yet already, Chinese spend is estimated to be USD7.7 billion annually and could reach USD13 billion by 2020. China’s growth shows no signs of stopping. The evolution of growth rates for both tourist arrivals to Australia and retail spend, surpass any other nationality. Since 2016, many stakeholders from Australia’s tourism industry have bolstered their offerings, “developing experiences which better meet the needs of the many Chinese visitors” according to John O’Sullivan, Managing Director at Tourism Australia. Hotel brands have been careful to adapt their offering to Chinese tourists including staff cultural training, Chinese dishes on menus, Chinese newspapers and
television channels, confirms Simon McGrath, Chief Operating Officer of AccorHotels Pacific, the nation’s largest hotel operator. Chinese travellers’ tastes are changing too. While major Australian cities still attract the majority of Chinese inbound traffic, coastal and regional locations are now on the map too, as Chinese tourists seek more individual and experiential adventures. Australia’s aviation industry is also evolving to welcome an increasing number of inbound tourists from the APAC region. The signature of the open skies pact with China at the end of 2016 liberalised the traffic between the two countries. Since then, a number of Chinese carriers have opened new air routes to serve Chinese second-tier cities such as Chongqing and Fuzhou. As a result, TRA forecasts that inbound aviation capacity from China will grow +11.8% between 2017-2018 and by +10% between 2018 and 2019.
A booming retail offering Australia’s retail landscape is changing. At the beginning of 2017, Deloitte reported that an additional four of the world’s top 250 retailers now operate in the country. These new arrivals were well-known high-street brands and retailers such as French sport specialist Décathlon, British department stores John Lewis and Debenhams, and American retailer The TJX Companies. Indeed, these foreign brands wish to “expand their business internationally into a stable market on a relatively small scale,” confirms David White from Deloitte.
openings in Perth and Queensland, as established brands looked beyond Sydney and Melbourne to extend their reach to a wider audience. Notable amongst these was the Gold Coast’s recently revamped, Pacific Fair shopping centre, home to many luxury retail stores. Brands and retailers can also rely on their relative proximity with Asian countries to boost their sales according to Euromonitor, with Chinese Globe Shoppers a main driver of that growth. A breakdown of GST value claim data, collected at Australia’s entry points, shows that the number one category remains the Fashion sector, with AUD249 million collected at the end of the 2016 financial year. The Watch and Jewellery industry comes second at AUD154 million followed by the luxury bags sector at AUD125.5 million. With over half a million claims recorded that same year, Chinese travellers represent nearly half of total VAT claims recorded (1.3 million), the equivalent of AUD 509 million. Although geographically closer, Globe Shoppers from New Zealand post a modest 51,000 claims. From the APAC region, besides Chinese, Malaysian and Taiwanese Globe Shoppers posted the highest numbers in terms of GST value, at AUD16 million and AUD13.3 million, respectively. This data supports the idea that Globe Shoppers from emerging nations may well be one of the Australian retail industry’s future growth drivers.
As Australian fashion is gaining momentum across the world with a number of local brands promoting their clean-cut yet relaxed aesthetic on social media channels, international luxury brands have also penetrated the Australian market. The country experienced an endless stream of luxury store openings in 2016. Euromonitor, cited new luxury
MALAYSIA: TRULY ASIA According to the World Travel Tourism Council (WTTC), travel and tourism contributed to 13.7% of the country’s GDP in 2016 (MYR167.5 billion, equivalent to EUR33.8 billion). It took Malaysia almost two years to recover from the 2015 terrorist attacks, yet in 2017 WTTC forecasts total contribution of travel and tourism to the country’s economy to rise by +4.2%. Certainly, the current favourable currency exchange rate and governmental agreements to revive the country’s numerous tourism attributes sent a clear message to APAC locals to consider Malaysia as an attractive travelling destination again.
New positive macro-economic factors In 2016, Malaysia welcomed 26.8 million visitors, a +4% increase compared to the previous year, as travellers increased their average stay to six nights according to
Travel Daily News. APAC region travellers continued to be the largest contributors of tourist arrivals, with a 75.7% share (9.87 million) of total arrivals according to Malaysia Tourism Board, with Singapore, Indonesia and China in the top three generating markets. Certainly, a weaker Malaysian ringgit compared to other regional currencies (Chinese yen and Singapore dollar) encouraged APAC travellers to visit the country. Stakes are high and a target of 31.8 million visitors has been set for 2017, 36 million by 2020, which would contribute an estimated MYR168 billion to the country’s GDP. Recently, a series of governmentbacked initiatives sent a clear message to APAC locals to reconsider Malaysia as an attractive tourism destination. These initiatives include increasing investment in the Travel and Tourism industry, reaching MYR20.6 billion in 2016 and forecasted to increase by +8.2% in 2017, purchasing new aircraft and supporting the construction of new hotels.
In 2010, the tourism industry was identified as a National Key Economic Area (NKEA), real driver of international investments and representing 12% of total employment in the country. Through the Tourism NKEA, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and companies from the private sector are working on securing Malaysia as a world leading tourist destination. A tourism roadmap is already in place, the Twelve Entry Point Projects (EPPs), to focus on the country’s future growth drivers such as Affordable Luxury and Business Tourism. The Government’s campaign ‘Malaysia, Truly Asia’ actively promotes the country’s unique tourism assets such as its sandalwood beaches, iconic historical sites and local cuisine. Regarding flight connections, the cancellation of Malaysian Airlines flights from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in May 2017 impacted inbound tourism into Malaysia. In June 2017 however, Air Asia Bhd and Tourism Malaysia signed a two-year agreement to boost tourism
Luxury on the rise According to Malaysian newspaper News Straits Times, in 2016, tourist receipts totalled RM82.1bn, up +18.8% compared to the previous year. Tourist spend on shopping represented MYR20.6 billion, a +20.3% increase compared to 2015, and positions retail as a highly attractive sector of the Malaysian tourism industry. Central Kuala Lumpur, the state of Sabah located on Borneo island and Pulau Pinang on the western side of the country boast the highest number of luxury outlets and mono-brand shops and are amongst tourists’ favourite shopping hubs. Furthermore, two dozen new
shopping centres have opened since the beginning of 2016 in the Klang Valley. MyTown Shopping Centre, Evolve Concept Mall and The Starling feature upscale supermarkets chain stores such as MaxValu Prime, gyms and cinemas as well as high luxury brands and high street brands to cater both locals’ and tourists’ needs. 24 months after the start of our operations in the country, Malaysia is now within Global Blue’s top 10 destinations in terms of Tax Free Shopping transactions. Over the last 12 months, Globe Shoppers from the APAC region were responsible for issuing the most shopping receipts, with Chinese tourists accounting for nearly half of total spend in the country with 45.6%, followed by Indonesians with 12.6% and 7.3% from Singaporeans. In 2017, Malaysia benefited from surrounding countries’ residents growth of disposable income.
From January to September, luxury sales-in-store emitted by APAC Globe Shoppers accounted for nearly 55% of total sales. The Fashion category, racks up nearly 76% of all transactions emitted, in the country since the beginning of 2017 as the Watch and Jewellery sector represents 59.08% of APAC Globe Shoppers total spend when shopping.
development through market intelligence sharing and increasing air transportation connectivity.
“Malaysia’s shopping branding will focus on “Experiential Shopping” concept that promotes Malaysia as a fun and wholesome shopping destination, complemented by entertainment and recreation activities, gastronomic adventures, luxury treatments and visits to popular tourist spots.” - Malaysian Ministry of Tourism and Culture,
KOREA: ON THE MEND? After an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which considerably affected South Korea’s Travel and Tourism industry in 2015, the country finished 2016 on a high, welcoming over 14.59 million tourists and setting a new arrivals record. For the same year, the total contribution of the Travel and Tourism industry to national GDP was KRW83,013.8 billion (EUR62.3 billion) and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) predicted a +3.6% rise for 2017. But as diplomatic tensions have risen between Seoul and Beijing around the THAAD missile deployment earlier this year, Korea might have to reconsider this hopeful forecast.
Shunted results Chinese travellers represent Korea’s fastest-growing and most important market. In 2016, they accounted for 48% of all visitors to the country, reports the Korean Travel Organization (KTO), a +40% increase compared to 2015. With a tourism industry in part reliant on Chinese inbound travel, Beijing’s group tour ban to Korea in March induced a -40% plunge in Chinese visitors almost immediately. According to ForwardKeys, hotel bookings also took a hit in the second quarter of 2017, as results showed a -28% decrease for Chinese stays of four to eight nights. The revenue from Tax Free Shopping in Korea broke a record by the end of 2016, amounting to USD10.6 billion, a +31% increase from 2015 reports Inside Retail Asia, with Chinese travellers representing around 70% of Tax Free Sales (USD7.4 billion). A highly favourable
basis for comparison (2016 vs. 2015) accounts for this result, as experts predicted sales growth to slow down between -10% to -15% in 2017, prior to the THAAD missile crisis. From January to September 2017, the number of sales-in-store showed a -24% decrease compared to the previous year. Chinese still account for 65% of total spend in the country, but have posted a dramatic -37% reduction in Tax Free Shopping sales-in-store spend. Far behind, Taiwanese and Japanese are responsible for 7% and 6% of total spend in Korea. The Fashion sector posted a -17% decrease in TFS transactions compared to the previous year, with the Watches and Jewellery segment following suit with a -41.5% decrease. From January to September 2017, Korean Luxury performance showed a -6% decrease in Tax Free Shopping transactions.
Towards a more diverse tourist mix For the Korean tourism industry and retailers, working towards a more diverse tourist mix is crucial. To balance the losses from absent Chinese Globe Shoppers, the Korean government is looking to develop its marketing efforts in underserved markets reports Jing Daily. Advertising budgets have been relocated to Southeast Asian countries and Japan, and concerted efforts will be made in the APAC region’s major tourist areas such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Korea is also looking beyond the APAC region’s borders, towards the American and Middle Eastern markets by developing custom programmes with these tourists’ cultural prerogatives in mind.
APAC NATIONALITIES In this section, focused on origin market Globe Shoppers across Asia, we examine the key shopping nationalities by market share and what drives them to spend in the region. Asians travelled more than ever in 2016, with a surge in trips to destinations within the region as 94% of APAC arrivals came from intra-regional travellers. Northeast Asian countries are the main origin markets, led by Chinese travellers, followed by Koreans and Japanese. In parallel, amidst positive economic conditions, travellers from APAC’s developing nations are starting to emerge as future growth drivers for the region’s tourism industry. The following pages offer a snapshot of the Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai and Indian markets, which may well represent the future growth opportunities for the region.
CAUTIOUS JAPANESE Japanese travellers are something of a
growth drivers yet to be explored to
paradox. While the country records the
make the most of this growing number of
region’s second highest GDP and highest
outbound trips.
incomes, the impact of a long recession is hard to bounce-back from. Japanese
TTravel industry expert GDS confirms
households’ strong saving habits,
Japan’s unique travel market within the
coupled with declining disposable income
APAC region is “one of the only markets
means that in 2017, Japanese consumer
where traveller numbers have declined”,
confidence has still yet to fully recover. In
due to demographic changes. If the
fact, out of 17 APAC markets, Mastercard
number of senior travellers is on the rise,
predicts the slowest growth of outbound
job insecurity and uncertainty about the
trips will come from Japan (+0.5%) for
future is forcing young Japanese workers
2016 to 2021.
to save more, impacting their potential travel budget. Yet, Capita points at the growing number of young unmarried
Travel trends
Japanese “shunning the traditional
roles expected of them, and choosing
Yet, between March 2016 and February
to live with their parents and spend
2017, all top 10 airports in Japan have
their disposable income on technology,
seen a peak in Japanese outbound traffic
travel and luxury.” On the same note, an
says Mastercard. For stakeholders from
increasing number of young Japanese
the Travel & Tourism industry, there are
travellers chose to travel solo.
For travel providers, catering to
The Japan Times notes Japanese
Timid shopping performances
the needs of these two distinctive
preference for “sticking to what feels
demographic groups – senior travellers
comfortable over seeking adventure”
In 2017, unfavourable currency exchange
and young Japanese workers – is key
when travelling. Geographical closeness,
rates and low consumer confidence
to a more dynamic market. This could
cultural connection and safety, are the
affected Japanese spending when
include addressing some concerns that
main drivers when choosing a destination
travelling abroad. According to Global
senior travellers have when traveling
for Japanese. Japanese still favour South
Blue data, for the January to September
abroad, such as language, hygiene and
Korea as their prime travel destination,
2017 period, Japanese Globe Shoppers
security. For the younger generation,
with arrivals up by +11% for the first two
recorded a -0.5% decline of sales-in-
the development of budget airlines and
months of 2017.
store spending. In comparison, Globe
increasing web interaction via mobile A few hundred kilometres from Okinawa,
as Indonesia and India saw sales-in-
undecided young Japanese travellers.
or a three-hour flight from Tokyo, Taiwan
store spend grow by +15% and +18.5%
also remains a popular destination.
In the APAC region, Japanese mobile
Taiwanese stores and restaurants
users spend more time on app downloads
display both Mandarin and Japanese
Japanese Fashion sales performance
than any other countries. According to
signage and sell Japanese video games
posted timid +0.3% growth while Watches
ITB World Travel Trends, travel bookings
and books or nisshiki dishes (Japanese
and Jewellrey sales have dropped by -17%.
made via smartphones and tablets have
style). Taiwan’s welcoming attitude
Japanese Globe Shoppers also seem
increased in Japan with travellers relying
towards Japanese travellers resulted in
to have taken a step back from luxury
on review sites, forums or social media to
1.89 million visitors in 2016.
shopping, with sales spend declining -4%
plan their trips abroad.
Shoppers from emerging countries such
devices or social media could help unlock
compared with 2016.
Consumer outlook
capita reached the USD20,000 milestone,
demand for outbound trips rose unusually
In 2017, South Korea has been at the
quickly. Kim Man-jin, head of Korea
centre of a couple of international
Tourism Organisation’s strategy team,
diplomatic crises affecting its inhabitants’
expects “more than 26 million South
spending behaviour and travel habits.
Koreans to travel abroad this year”, more
Against this tumultuous backdrop, the
than half of its 51 million population. South
country’s economy grew at its fastest in
Korea is one of the two developed APAC
more than seven years last quarter, as
markets (with Taiwan) where households
GDP expanded by +3.6% year-on-year
earning less than USD50,000 make up
during the third quarter of 2017, above
as much as 63% of outbound travel. This
the +3.2% projections. Bank of Korea
could mean that middle income Korean
expects annual growth to reach +3.2%
households still count travelling as one
by the end of 2017, as weak consumption
of their priorities. In a similar vein, an ITA
performances are offset by robust
Travel and Tourism Top Markets report
acknowledges “South Korean’s positive
perception of overseas travel.” In 2016, South Korea’s middle class decreased slightly to represent 66%
By 2021, Mastercard predicts that
of its total population, as income
the majority of outbound trips will be
disparity rose in the country. In parallel,
attributed to the growing number of
a NH Investment and Securities survey
households earning between USD50,000
released at the end of 2016 revealed that
to USD100,000.
six out of every 10 middle-class Koreans feel poor. Yet, Korea’s disposable income ratio reached 5.45 in 2016, slightly up from
the previous year at 5.11 as the country’s
average salary increases.
In 2015, South Korea surpassed Japan in becoming the APAC region’s second
During 2017, as the nation’s income per
largest outbound market, defying
Mastercard’s projections that this would
years, new air routes opening across the
expecting to increase their level of spend
happen in 2019. In fact, during July 2017,
region, local low-cost carriers and tour
in this area. Korean households’ overseas
before the THAAD missile crisis, a record-
package sales encouraged South Korean
spending is quite substantial compared
setting 2.39 million South Koreans were
demand for newly diversified and more
with their domestic spending. Indeed,
going abroad.
affordable destinations.
from the second half of 2016 until June 2017, overseas expenditure was +26.5%
In the wake of international diplomatic
Longer haul favourites are still the
more than domestic telecommunication
tensions around the Korean peninsula and
US and Europe, with both regions
expenditure and +33% more than
China’s tourism boycott, the gap between
accounting for 40% of all outbound
transportation expenditure.
inbound and outbound trips is growing in
trips. The US represents the leading
2017. South Koreans are looking to escape
non-APAC destination for Koreans
Out of all six nationalities this report looks
this stressful environment and prioritise
according to, as it offers a
at, South Korean Globe Shoppers were
international, rather than domestic trips.
variety of activities, climates and cultural
the third most active spenders between
Not even president Moon Jae-in’s decision
January and September 2017, posting over
to extend the annual Chuseok holiday to
EUR306 million worth of sales-in-store, a
10 days in October to encourage domestic
+15% increase compared to the previous
tourism managed to counterbalance this
year, according to Global Blue data.
trend. Rather, South Koreans’ outbound
Yet, their average spend remains low at
travel trips have increased over the last
From July 2016 to June 2017, South
EUR408, especially compared with Globe
few months, as confirmed by online travel
Koreans spent more than USD27 billion
Shoppers from developing countries, such
agency Interpark Tour, which saw the
when travelling abroad, according to Bank
as Vietnam (EUR671) or Thailand (EUR609).
number of overseas air tickets double
of Korea, which attributes this evolution
All categories posted healthy double-digit
compared with September 2016.
to increasing international trips.
growth over this period. Luxury salesin-store posted the strongest increase
According to Brand USA, Japan remains
A Counter Intelligence Retail report says
at +18%, while Fashion was up +12%
South Koreans’ favourite destination
that 66% of South Korean travelling
and Watch and Jewellery +15%. Fashion
to visit within the APAC region, before
shoppers regard shopping as an important
accounts for 59% of total spend, far
Thailand and Australia. Over the last few
aspect of travelling, with half of them
before Watch and Jewellery spend at 7%.
Consumer outlook Rising incomes, higher employment rates, and growing consumer confidence are all present in Indonesia, a country of 260 million people and the world’s fourthlargest consumer market (after China, India and the US). Indonesia also currently contributes around 40% of the economic output of ASEAN. The country has averaged +6% annual growth between 2007 and 2016, largely
numbers of young, affluent and brand-
due to the increased numbers joining
savvy professionals, according to
the middle class. According to Boston
Euromonitor. With an annual income of
Indonesians are one of the top Globe
Consulting Group research, 52 million
USD4,188, they are the new wave of luxury
Shopping nations in the APAC region, with
people – 20% of the population – are
consumers in the country, who are highly
the second-highest spending between
now middle class, while the upper middle
engaged with shopping apps, aspirational
January and August 2017 (after China),
class currently numbers 44m and makes
social media like Instagram, and celebrity
buying USD405 million worth of goods
up 17% of the population. By 2020, the
over the period. Luxury goods purchases
middle class is projected to rise to 68
grew by +6%, while the value of their
million and 25%, and the upper class 73
shopping at contemporary and fast fashion
million and 27%. Both groups exhibit
brands increased +18%. Fashion purchases,
strong consumer confidence, which was
from across the spectrum, make up 48%
higher during 2016 than it has been for
Indonesians’ appetite for outbound travel
of their purchase, while Watches and
the past 5 years.
continues to grow with their incomes,
Jewellery makes up 19.5%.
with Mastercard Intelligence projecting However, consumer confidence and
annual growth of +8.6% over the next
Research from Euromonitor suggests that
increasing affluence has not translated to
five years, to hit 10.6 million travellers by
Indonesian men continue to drive interest
consumption in the way retailers, or the
2021. Nearby destinations are popular,
in luxury goods, with sales for men’s apparel
government, would expect. The economy’s
led by Malaysia and Singapore, but
and accessories significantly higher than
growth has largely been fuelled by
Indonesians are increasingly looking at
for women’s items. Due to the casual nature
government spending, rather than private
far-flung destinations too, with bookings
of dressing in Indonesia, branded jeans are
consumption or retail sales, which are
to European destinations rising +38% over
popular, while major luxury names such
comparatively flat. Analysts have differing
the last year.
as Gucci and Louis Vuitton are popular
theories on the reasons for Indonesians’
because they offer goods at a variety
tight purse strings. One driver could be that
While their destinations may be getting
of different price points. Meanwhile, an
could be consumers’ growing preference
more adventurous, many Indonesians
influx of new retailers in Indonesia are
for spending on experiences such as travel,
prefer the peace of mind and simplicity
broadening consumers’ brand awareness,
rather than hard goods such as furniture
offered by group trips, according to
with Alexander McQueen and Il Bisonte
and appliances.
Euromonitor. Affluent Millennials,
opening stores, as well as global retailers
meanwhile, are more likely to book trips
like Galeries Lafayette, Lotte and Sogo,
The key demographic force in the
themselves, based on recommendations
which bring labels from France, South Korea
Indonesian market are the growing
from online reviews or word of mouth.
and Japan, respectively.
CONFIDENT VIETNAMESE Consumer outlook Vietnamese consumers are generally a confident group. Rising wealth and wellbeing across the country is fuelling consumer confidence, while the growth in high net worth individuals is encouraging luxury consumption. The World Bank calls Vietnam’s economic transformation over the past 25 years ‘remarkable’, as indicated by increased spending, accelerated technological infrastructure and rising affluence levels. The result is record consumer confidence, with Vietnam becoming the fifth most optimistic country in the world in Q2-2017, up from 10th place in Q4-2016, according to Nielsen’s Consumer Confidence Index. While the country’s economy is susceptible to global economic and environmental shifts, average GDP is forecast to grow +6% annually until 2020. Consumer spending continues to steadily increase in Vietnam, with median annual disposable income rising from USD2,613 per household in 2010 to USD3,822 in 2016. In the same period, consumer spending increased by more than 80%, from EUR80 billion to an estimated EUR146 million. Spending power may be rising, but so is the cost of living: currently Vietnamese consumers spend around 60% of their income on housing, food and transportation. But, once these costs are covered, 38% are keen to spend on holidays, and 36% want to buy new clothes. With such confidence and rising affluence, it’s no surprise that interest in luxury goods is rising, with 1.5 million Vietnamese able to afford branded luxury goods, according to the EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN). High net worth (HNWI) and ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWI) are growing demographics, with the UHNWI population growing +320% between 2006 and 2016, according to the Knight Frank Wealth Report.
Travel As disposable income grows in Vietnam, so does its outbound travel market, making it one of the fastest-growing outbound travel markets in the region. Increases in outbound travel are expected to outpace rising GDP over the next five years, with +9.5% travel growth compared to +6.2% GDP growth. In 2016, Vietnamese travellers took 4.8 million international trips, projected to rise to 7.5 million trips by 2021, largely driven by affluent households (those with incomes over USD30,000). Spending on travel has risen significantly in recent years, from USD3.5 billion in 2012 to USD6 billion in 2016, according to the Vietnam Tourism Association. Like their neighbours, Vietnamese travellers primarily favour regional destinations such as Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and South Korea, but travel agencies report increased bookings to Europe and the US, with European bookings rising from 1.1% of trips in 2016 to 9.3% in 2017, according to Forward Keys Consulting.
Shopping While the Vietnamese are only the ninth-biggest Globe Shopping nationality in the APAC region, their confidence, savvy and spending power makes them a key focus for the future. Vietnamese consumers spent over EUR124 million between January and September 2017, averaging EUR671 per transaction, the highest of all APAC nationalities tracked by Global Blue. Luxury purchases saw the biggest growth over the period, increasing +20%, compared to sales of Fashion goods, which grew +12.5% and Watches and Jewellrey, increasing by just +2%. The Vietnamese have a clear passion for luxury and branded goods. The EVBN report found that the majority of Vietnam’s luxury consumers, who are generally aged between 35 and 54, see luxury goods as a way to experience new things. Key brands range from sportswear giants such as Adidas, Reebok, Nike and New Balance, to trend-led retailers Mango, Zara, H&M and Diesel and contemporary brands like Theory, Acne Studios and Alexander Wang, as well as luxury names including Chloe, Celine and Givenchy.
Consumer outlook Thailand is a complex market: it may be one of the region’s biggest economies, but it’s currently stuck in a period of low growth. Its 68 million consumers demonstrate sophisticated but conservative shopping behaviours, and as incomes rise, new preferences are emerging. Classed as an uppermiddle-income country by the World Bank, monthly per capita income is USD273 and expenditure is USD215, rising to USD443 and USD334 respectively in the Bangkok area.
Just emerging from a year of national mourning, following the death of the country’s longest-reigning monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, growth of the Thai economy has slowed somewhat, with luxury and tourism sectors particularly affected due to the sombre mood in the country. Record household debt continues to put pressure on spending, and despite rising incomes, consumers’ willingness to spend on big-ticket items remains low. As a result, consumer spending is projected to have modest annual growth of 5.2% from 2016 to 2021,
according to Euromonitor. Despite apprehension about spending by many Thais, they are more confident about the ways that they spend, with online sales increasing +100% annually, compared to just +10% growth in bricks-and-mortar stores. Research from Macquarie suggests that the online retail market in Thailand could reach USD65 billion by 2020. Indeed, Thai consumers are digitally savvy, spending as much as six hours a day on social media. According to Boston Consulting Group, 40% of Thai consumers’ purchases are digitally influenced.
Travel While Thai consumers may be cautious about spending, increased travel figures indicate they are focusing their spending on travel abroad, with Mastercard Intelligence predicting that outbound travel will grow faster than real GDP over the next five years. According to the Thai Travel Agents Association outbound travel will hit 8.5 million trips by the end of 2017, up from 7.9 million trips in 2016. The majority of trips are regional, with just one million travelling beyond the region in 2016, with the UK, Germany and France emerging as key international destinations. Despite Thai travellers’ conservative expenditure, they are increasingly confident booking trips for themselves, rather than relying on travel agents or group tours.
Japan continues to be the top destination for Thai travellers, with one million expected to visit the country in 2017, a significant growth from the 800,000 who visited in 2015. Visa-free travel continues to drive travellers’ choice of destination across the region, with Taiwan attracting 350,000 Thais in 2017, up from around 100,000 in recent years. The growth in low-cost airlines is also encouraging regional travel, with new routes to India making the destination more popular with Thais. Improved flight options are also making weekend trips and longer holidays easier, with Thais focusing on regional destinations such as Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Shopping Reflecting the country’s current state of the economy, Global Blue figures from January to September 2017 show that Thai spending has decreased, with sales in store falling -13% compared to the previous year, or EUR233 million this year. The luxury category has been most affected, with purchases over EUR20,000
tumbling -25%. Average spend for Thai tax free shoppers sits at EUR609. Fashion attracts the biggest share of Thai consumers’ wallets, with 46.5% of spending in this category, compared to 14% on Watches and Jewellery. While Globe Shopping figures are down, Thai travellers offer much potential. They may be conservative spenders, but they do enjoy luxury – as reflected in their high debt levels. Shopping is a popular leisure activity, and Thais expect high levels of quality, convenience and service from brands and retailers. Price is rarely the most important factor when making purchase decisions, but attention is paid to fit and comfort, while international brands offering the latest styles will always attract their attention.
Two of the key demographics encouraging growth and change in Thai shopping attitudes are the growing middle class, and the country’s well-educated women, whose high employment rates, disposable incomes and digital savvy make them a valuable target.
INDIA: THE NEXT GROWTH ENGINE? Consumer outlook As one of the world’s most populous nations, India is a highly complex market. Rising incomes are starting to benefit wider swathes of the population, rather than just the educated and elite, with income inequality starting to narrow across the country. The percentage of upwardly mobile Indians has risen from 8% in 2005, to 15% in 2017 and is projected to make up 20% of the population by 2025. As a result of increased spending from the middle classes and affluent working classes (described as the “urban mass”), the Boston Consulting Group predicts that India will be the world’s third-largest consumer market by 2025. India’s enormous youth population is a key factor in growing expenditure - at 440 million Millennials and 390 million Gen Z, they outnumber even China’s young people. Recent economic and political changes have affected consumer sentiment over the last year, notably rising inflation, the introduction of a new goods and services tax, and the government’s decision to remove high-denomination currency notes from circulation, in an effort to fight bribery and corruption. While GDP has been affected by the upheaval, slowing in Q1 2017, analysts at Morgan Stanley project GDP growth of +6.4% in 2017 and +7.4 % in 2018, partly due to robust
consumer confidence. Consumer expenditure rose +4.9% in 2016 and is expected to increase +7.4% in 2017, accelerating from USD1.3 trillion in 2016 to USD4 trillion by 2025.
for India’s outbound travel market, with luxury travel expected to grow 12.8 % annually between 2015 and 2025, according to Amadeus. In comparison, overall travel is expected to grow 7.5% over the same period.
Travel International travel is within the reach of more Indian consumers every year. Many Indians travel domestically, but they are increasingly exploring regional and international destinations too. While 39% of Indian travellers plan their trips in advance, especially for long-haul trips to Australia, South Africa, USA & New Zealand, 31% like to make last-minute bookings, attracted to destinations that offer visa-onarrival, such as the Maldives, Hong Kong, Bali, Kenya and Thailand. Destinations with simple visa procedures are also popular, including Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Singapore. Singapore is becoming a key destination for Indian travellers, thanks to its role as a cruise hub. An estimated 100,000 Indians sailed from Singapore in 2016, according to the Singapore Tourism Board, an increase of +29% versus the previous year.
Shopping Spending by Indian Globe Shoppers is showing strong growth in every category, even if transaction values are lower than some of the other key APAC nationalities. Between January and September 2017, Indian travelers spent over EUR156 million, a value increase of +18.5% compared to 2016. Average spend per Globe Shopper is EUR465, with 44% of spend on fashion products and 20% on Watches and Jewellery. Spending on luxury goods, Fashion products and Watches and Jewellery grew by +14%, +16% and +19% respectively.
Significant growth in air travel is encouraging regional and intercontinental travel, helping to create the world’s third-largest aviation market by 2020 and its top market by 2030. Luxury travel is a key driver
Indian consumers’ fashion spending is on the rise across the board, with sportswear and luxury goods becoming key areas of interest, especially for India’s young and affluent consumers. Local fast fashion brands are popular, contributing to the USD67 billion Indian fashion market, while the trend-led product at international retailers such as H&M and Zara appeals to consumers at all levels of the market.
GLOBAL BLUE EXPERTISE Global Blue invented the concept of Tax Free Shopping almost forty years ago and remains the worldwide industry leader, powering 32 million transactions last year. We manage Asia Pacific’s largest Tax Free Shopping network, with operations in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and most recently, Shanghai, China. The following pages review the latest Tax Free Shopping and Dynamic Currency Conversion products that we have launched over the last twelve months. In parallel, our SHOP marketing services and Business Intelligence capacities are still proving to be the most reliable tools for brands to better engage with their clientele.
TAX FREE SHOPPING Global Blue is committed to creating great retail experiences for Globe Shoppers and delivering value for partners through world class Tax Free Shopping and currency processing services. Our technology enables thousands of retailers across the region to quickly and safely offer Globe Shoppers VAT and GST refunds when shopping in their stores. Over the last 12 months, we have launched a number of innovations across the region to improve the Tax Free Shopping process.
IC2: Global Blue’s latest
Improving the Globe Shopper journey with
Fast Refund
in-store solution
Mobile Customer Care
This exciting service from Global Blue
Introduced in 2017, IC2 is Global Blue’s
Mobile Customer Care is our latest digital
allows Globe Shoppers to enjoy a credit
new generation of in-store Tax Free
innovation, guiding Globe Shoppers through
card refund one to three days after
solutions developed to fit our partners’
the Tax Free Shopping process via real-time
purchase and thereby provides them with
technological needs, whether they use
notifications on their mobile phones and via
a superior Tax Free Shopping service and
web, desktop, mobile or POS systems in
a mobile-optimised website.
more money to spend during their trip.
deliver innovative new features such as
At key stages of the shopping journey,
Because the Tax Free Shopping transaction
a responsive user interface, access to
Mobile Customer Care seamlessly guides
is initiated at the point of sale, there is a
transaction history, self-service account
Globe Shoppers through their entire Tax
strong link to savings when the customer
management and an in-app guide. Our
Free experience and ensures that they
shops, making Fast Refund a powerful
IC2 Mobile product also allows sales
reach the refund stage. For our partners,
sales tool for our partners. It also saves
staff to quickly and easily capture Globe
this differentiating service helps to deliver
Globe Shoppers valuable time at the
Shoppers’ passport and credit card
higher customer satisfaction, increased
airport, allowing them to skip the refund
details using the in-built camera from a
refund completion rates and greater in-
office when exiting the country.
mobile phone or tablet.
store revenues.
Whether they opt for an integrated or
The service uses transaction-triggered
standalone solution, IC2 provides the
notifications, sent to the customer’s
perfect tools for partners looking to
smartphone, containing a link to the
Global Blue are currently in the process of
improve the Tax Free issuing process,
website where they can track the status of
rolling out these new services across Asia
saving store staff time and increasing the
their refunds and be informed about the
Pacific. If you would like to know about any
efficiency at the till. For Globe Shoppers,
next required action. Other value-added
of these services or generally about Tax
IC2 delivers a smoother and quicker Tax
tools include a refund reminder option and
Free Shopping in Asia, please contact your
Free Shopping journey.
local airport guides.
local Global Blue sales team
their stores. The range of new solutions
DYNAMIC CURRENCY CONVERSION Global Blue is a world leader in Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) and last year powered 22 million DCC transactions through its two brands, Currency Choice and Currency Select. Operating in 16 markets across Asia Pacific, Global Blue’s DCC business offers its partners POS, ATM and e-commerce services, along with over 50 currency options. Over the last year, Global Blue implemented a number of innovations in the DCC space across Asia Pacific to grow the footprint of our business and to improve the service we provide to both our merchant partners and Globe Shoppers.
Improvements to our Customer
personnel without the need for extensive
Facing Device
technical support.
A great example is the update of Global
Previously delivered via an iPad Mini
Blue’s Customer Facing Device, designed
at point of sale, the new version offers
to improve the DCC experience for
support for multiple devices, giving
travellers within Asia Pacific. The solution
our partners greater flexibility when
delivers automatic language support
introducing the device in stores. The
based on the credit card’s country of
new version also features a completely
origin and offers a number of options to
redesigned interface, making it smoother
customise the experience through bespoke
for users.
messaging and visuals. As well as being compliant with all card
schemes, the latest version of the solution
If you would like to know more about
is easy to implement and can be used with
this service or any of Global Blue’s DCC
various types of POS terminals. This means
services in APAC, please contact your local
it can be deployed by GB merchant sales
Global Blue sales team.
SHOP is Global Blue’s multi-media marketing platform, offering products and services that help the world’s leading luxury and retail brands engage with Globe Shoppers, increase brand awareness and attract more visitors to their stores.
At Global Blue, we regularly introduce new tools and platforms to help our partners interact with Globe Shoppers, whether Globe Shoppers are planning their trips, looking for inspiration or shopping at their chosen destination.
New website launched to inspire
Handy: helping to target Globe Shoppers
Globe Shoppers
during their vacations
In June, Global Blue launched a new
To help engage with Globe Shoppers at
website, featuring new advertising options
destination, Global Blue has launched
for partners and unique content to carry
a partnership with Handy, enabling
on inspiring the 14.8 million visitors to
its partners to communicate with annually.
international travellers.
Available in English, Chinese and Russian,
Handy is a complimentary smartphone guides Globe Shoppers
service that keeps guests at Asia’s leading
around the world’s key fashion cities with
hotels connected during their stay.
updated store listings and information to
Provided free, Handy helps guests explore
help them complete their Tax Free refunds
freely, with access to exclusive city guides
in over 40 cities.
and a range of promoted content.
For affiliated partners, we have developed
As well as traditional advertising
new digital advertising formats which
opportunities, Global Blue and Handy
include rich media and video content, In-
also enable partners to deliver adverts
Reads, native advertising and re-designed
and promotions to travellers via push
brand-dedicated microsites.
notifications, allowing brands to target customers based on their proximity to their stores.
INTELLIGENCE Global Blue’s Intelligence services allow our partners around the globe to benefit from the data and insights generated by the world’s largest Tax Free Shopping network, with over 32 million transactions annually. You can learn more about recent products below:
Merchant Globe Shopper Advanced
Advanced can also provide data related to
shopper demographics.
Our recently launched service, Merchant Globe Shopper Advanced, is an exciting
On top of this valuable information, the
new product for our Tax Free partners,
product also gives our merchants the
designed to provide a new way to look at
ability to understand how much share of
Tax Free spend, through the lens of Globe
wallet they are currently capturing per
Shopper reporting.
Combining Tax Free transactional details,
Not only does this new service help our
aggregated at unique passport level,
partners understand their customers
this new reporting tool is able to provide
better, but also helps them to assess the
detailed information about Globe Shopper
current and future potential of Tax Free
purchase behaviour.
Shopping in their stores.
At a country level, the product can provide an overview of Globe Shopper behaviour within and beyond the four walls of a
merchant’s stores. Basic information
If you would like to know more about
includes foundations such as total spend
Global Blue’s marketing and intelligence
and number of forms, while in some
services, please contact your local Global
markets, Merchant Globe Shopper
Blue sales team. @GlobalBlueGroup