Global Casting Magazine Volume 8, Number 4

Page 1

Foundry Improvements 改进铸造工艺

Also 还请关注: Industry News p. 11 行业新闻 p.11



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volume 8 number 4





34 5 Steps to Identify Casting Defects

34 5步识别铸件缺陷







9 Editorial 11 Industry News 50 Product News

9 编者的话 11 行业新闻 50 产品新闻






Managing Editor SHANNON WETZEL,

Publisher/Editor THOMAS FRITSCH,

Associate Editor BRIAN SANDALOW,

Senior Editor/ International Sales ADRIANA WEISENBACH,





CASTING CHINA FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION 中国铸造协会 Publisher/Executive Vice President & Secretary General/ 出品人 ZHANG LIBO/ 张立波 Senior Editor/ 主编 WEN PING/ 温平 Deputy Editor/ 副主编 HUANG TIANYOU/ 黄天佑 FAN QI/ 范琦, Editor/编辑 GAO WEI/高巍, Li Mengmeng/李 蒙蒙, Advertising Sales Manager/ 广告销售主管 GAO WEI/ 高巍,

张立波 出品人 中国铸造协会

Shannon Wetzel Managing Editor MODERN CASTING

Thomas Fritsch Publisher/Editor-in-Chief



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Sand visible with a Hawkeye Pro Slim 12” Rigid Borescope


Void in casting, after machining, seen with a Hawkeye Pro Hardy 7”


Flash as seen with a Hawkeye V2 Video Borescope

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Seismograph: Casting Production 铸造行业:经济发展的晴雨表

he year 2018 is drawing to a close, and, if one believes the experts and analysts from the trade associations and banks, it was generally a good year for the foundry industry and its suppliers. The medium-term future is forecasted positively on a global scale. The foundry industry is not as affected by economic volatility, trade restrictions, conflicts, or even issues such as the Brexit, but rather other changes leading to the first tangible shocks in the industry. Changes which lead to questions upon questions and many uncertainties: How quickly will electric drives become established, what will become of classic combustion and hybrid engines, how do increasingly digitized societies view and handle analog but effective technologies, how quickly and competitively will additive manufacturing establish itself, how stable are our financial markets and also our democracies? How is China developing, when is India coming, is there an awakening in Brazil, what is Russia doing and what is happening on our doorstep? But what has that got to do with our foundry industry? Well, perhaps this is also the experience of a few thousand years industrial development of the foundry, our industry was and is a fine seismograph for the trend of economic development in general, and there we are feeling clear signs of change. E-Mobility will come—may have to come—and with it will bring some foundries together, others in competition. Markets will collapse, others will revive. The digital world is infinitely faster than our perception, and it’s high time we realize that and take the questions about IoT as seriously as the Chinese One Belt, One Road initiative. However, the question of how the foundry industry will develop is not decided by foreign powers, rather quite decisively by us. After all, we sit together with OEMs, governments, lobbyists, stakeholders and our clients. I want to give the representatives of our industry a louder and clearer voice and a more assertive position—we are not just involved in technological but also social development, at home as well as on a global scale. There is a lot to do—good luck! ■ Thomas Fritsch Foundry-Planet Ltd.


018年即将结束,如果你相信行业协会专家和银 行分析师的预测,从整体上看,今年对于铸造行 业及其供应商来说是一个好的年头,全球范围内 的中期发展预测都将是积极的。 铸造行业不受经济波动、贸易限制及冲突,甚至英 国脱欧等问题的影响,然而其他方面的变化导致行业 首次受到了明显的冲击。导致不断出现问题和许多不 确定性的变化因素有: 电动汽车地位的确立速度将有多快,传统的燃油和 混合动力发动机将有什么变化,数字化程度越来越高 的社会将如何看待和接纳类似但效率更高的技术,增 材制造技术如何快速且具有竞争力地确立自己的地位, 金融市场是否会保持稳定?中国将如何发展、印度何时 将实现超越、巴西是否会复苏、俄罗斯的发展动向,我 们身边又正在发生什么? 但这与我们的铸造业有什么关系呢? 也许这也是铸造业几千年发展中得出的经验,我们 的铸造行业一直是整体经济发展趋势的“晴雨表”, 我们也感受到了明显的变化迹象。 电动汽车时代将会到来,或许必将到来,与此同 时,它将整合一些铸造厂,也可能加剧一些铸造企业 的竞争。一些市场将出现崩溃,其他市场将复苏。数 字化时代的到来比我们的感知速度要快的多,现在, 我们应该像对待中国的“一带一路”倡议一样认真看 待物联网。 然而,铸造行业将如何发展不是由外部力量决定 的,而是由我们自己决定的。 毕竟,我们与OEM、政府、利益相关者和客户是联 系在一起的。我希望使我们的行业代表发出更响亮、更 清晰的声音,使他们更加自信、坚定立场,我们不仅 要在国内以及全球范围内参与科技进步,而且还有社 会的发展进步。我们还有很多的工作要做,祝好运!■ Thomas Fritsch Foundry-Planet Ltd.







Industry News Contents 行业新闻目录

FCRI Group Will Attend METAL CHINA 2019 金刚集团将携新品参加METAL CHINA 2019


Elkem Foundry Products Expands Lab Facilities in Asia 埃肯铸造公司提升亚洲区实验室水平


Ultra-high Purity Pig Iron for Casting Developed 超高纯生铁新材料研制成功


10 Foundry Enterprises Listed in Manufacturing Champion Enterprises 10家铸造企业入选第三批制造业单项冠军企业名单

Modern Suspension Components Sourced Across the World 全球采购新型悬架组件


73rd World Foundry Congress–meeting of metalcasters from all over the world 第73届世界铸造大会——全球铸造人的聚会


METAL on Global Scale 第22届波兰凯尔采铸造展成功举办


Caterpillar Placing Facility in South Carolina 卡特彼勒在南卡罗来纳州建厂



Wanfeng Auto Wheels Launches 3 Million Sets of Projects in India 23 万丰奥威正式在印启动年产300万套铝合金车轮项目 2018 China Die Casting Congress & 2nd CEO Forum Held in Beilun 2018中国国际压铸高层论坛暨第二届压铸 CEO峰会在北仑成功举办


Ruiming Group and LK Group Reach Strategic Cooperation 瑞明集团与力劲集团达成战略合作


Kimura Foundry Adopts SinterCast Process Control Technology 木村铸造采用欣特卡斯特过程控制技术


Investors Buy Sivyer Steel 投资集团收购SIVYER钢铁公司



Terves Breaks Ground on Expansion TERVES开始扩建计划


METAL CHINA and CIDC 2019 Open Up New Markets 2019“铸博会”“压铸展”开拓中国铸造新蓝海

Ellwood Group Building New Aluminum Casting Facility ELLWOOD集团新建铝合金铸造厂








Caterpillar Placing Facility in South Carolina 卡特彼勒在南卡罗来纳州建厂 Caterpillar Inc. announced it will locate a casting facility in Greenwood County, South Carolina. According to a news release, the company is investing $13.5 million and will create 85 new jobs. Caterpillar has purchased an existing 103,000-square-foot building in Hodges, South Carolina, and the facility is expected to come online in early 2019. The plant will produce specialty castings used in a variety of engines and transmissions within the Caterpillar product line and will supplement the production of existing castings elsewhere in the company. “We are excited to have the Hodges facility join our global manufacturing footprint. Hodges will provide Caterpillar with a cost-effective source for supply for many of our specialty iron castings," said Tana Utley, vice president, Caterpillar Large Power Systems Division. "We want to thank Greenwood County community leaders and representatives from the state of South Carolina for their support throughout our evaluation of this opportunity. We look forward to our continued partnership.” Hiring is expected to begin immediately. ■

卡特彼勒公司宣布将在南卡罗来纳州格林伍德建铸造 厂。据报道,公司将投资1350万美元,创造85个新的 就业岗位。 卡特彼勒已经在南卡罗来纳州的霍奇斯购买了一栋 103,000平方英尺(约9569平方米)的厂房,工厂预计 将于2019年初投产,生产卡特彼勒产品系列中用于各种 发动机和变速箱的专属铸件,并将作为公司其他部门的 产品补充。 “我们很高兴霍奇斯工厂成为卡特彼勒全球制造业 布局中的一员。霍奇斯工厂将为卡特彼勒提供经济性的 资源,生产很多专属铸铁件”,卡特彼勒大型动力系统 部门副总裁Tana Utley表示,“我们要感谢格林伍德县 及南卡罗来纳州的领导和代表给予公司的机会。我们期 待今后继续保持良好的合作伙伴关系。” 招聘工作将马上开始。 ■







FCRI Group Will Attend METAL CHINA 2019 金刚集团将携新品参加METAL CHINA 2019 METAL CHINA 2019 will be held March 13-16, 2019, in Shanghai New International Expo Centre. FCRI will be exhibiting at E10T8 in E10 hall. FCRI Group will mainly promote ceramic foam filters on site. FCRI Group is originated from Foshan Ceramics Research Institute which was established in 1958 with headquarters in Foshan, Guangdong. Based on technological innovation, FCRI has been invested in the research, development and application of new materials in the 60 years of development. With production and sales experiences of ceramic foam filters for more than ten years, FCRI has built a number of high levels and advanced ceramic foam filter production lines. The annual output of FCRI ceramic foam filter is 5,000 cubic meters. ■

2019 年3 月13-16 日,第17届中国国际铸造博览 会(METAL CHINA 2019)将在上海新国际博览中心举 行。届时,金刚集团将在E10号馆E10T8号展位恭候您的 光临。金刚集团国内外营销团队精英及专业技术人员将 携主打产品——泡沫陶瓷过滤器亮相展览,迎接来自世 界各地的新老客户。 金刚团队将以专业的技术、专注的态度接待每一位 客户。佛山金刚企业集团源自一九五八年成立的佛山市陶 瓷研究所,在六十年的发展历程中, 以科技创新为发展之本,一直致力于 新材料的研究、开发与应用。公司具 备十余年生产销售泡沫陶瓷过滤器的 经验,组建多条泡沫陶瓷过滤器生产 线,设备水平高,工艺技术先进,具 备年产泡沫陶瓷过滤器5000 立方米 的产能。 ■




APRIL 27-30, 2019



CastExpo 2019 is around the corner. You have been anticipating it for three years—the chance to meet at the largest North American gathering of the metalcasting supply chain. When attendees think of CastExpo, they think of full-scale exhibits, cutting-edge technology demos, packed aisles, exciting new equipment, innovative sessions and a show floor full of energy. Representatives of the entire metalcasting industry supply chain will be at CastExpo 2019 on April 27-30, 2019, in Atlanta. Register early for the best rates. It’s been three years in the making.



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or fill out the attached registration form inside this edition of Modern Casting.


Ellwood Group Building New Aluminum Casting Facility ELLWOOD集团新建铝合金铸造厂 Ellwood Group announced it’s building an aluminum casting facility at its engineered castings location in Hubbard, Ohio. The investment is worth a reported $60 million. According to reports, the facility will be a 70,000 sq. ft. expansion and will employ 34. “This significant investment clearly demonstrates Ellwood’s unwavering commitment to serve our customers and expand and develop new markets,” said Ben Huffman, chief operating officer, according to “We decided on Hubbard as the site of our new facility because of its location relative to our potential market, its exceptional workforce and the comprehensive incentive package and assistance provided at both the state and local levels.” ■

ELLWOOD集团宣布将投资6000万美元,在俄亥 俄州哈伯德新建铝合金铸造厂。 据报道,工厂将占地7万平方英尺(约6503平方 米),雇佣34名员工。 据BusinessJournalDaily.com报道,首席运营官 本•霍夫曼表示,“这项重大投资表明Ellwood公司坚 定不移地致力于为客户提供服务、拓展和开发新市场 的承诺。我们决定将新工厂建在哈伯德,因为距离潜 在市场近、拥有优秀的员工队伍以及州和地方政府提 供的综合刺激方案和援助计划。” ■

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Investors Buy Sivyer Steel 投资集团收购SIVYER钢铁公司 A group of investors bought Sivyer Steel (Bettendorf, Iowa) out of bankruptcy. According to local reports, the group bought Sivyer for $6.5 million in July. Sivyer will continue to operate under a new name, Sivyer Steel Castings LLC, and the 325,000 sq. ft. facility will be renovated and updated. "As for Sivyer Steel, with an annual payroll of $11 million and local vendor payments totaling an additional $11 million, the positive economic impact of this company on the Quad-Cities region is enormous," Scott Tinsman, a representative of the investment group, said according to the Quad-City Times. "I am very pleased to report we have weathered the storm and the best days of Sivyer Steel are ahead of us." Sivyer entered bankruptcy in March. The Quad-City Times reported that Sivyer employs over 240 people and is looking to add more. “We have a big factory and we need to retool,” he said. “We’re putting quite a few dollars and hours into putting the plant back on its feet in a cost-effective manner and increasing capacity. We’re probably at one-third capacity right now.” ■


一家投资集团收购了已破产的Sivyer钢铁公司(美国 爱荷华州贝登多夫)。 据当地报道,投资集团在7月以650万美元收购了 Sivyer公司。Sivyer将以新名称Sivyer Steel Castings LLC继续运营,32.5万平方英尺(约30193平方米)的 厂房将重建并升级改造。 “就Sivyer钢铁公司而言,其年付工资总额为1,100万 美元,与当地供应商的交易额也有1,100万美元,因此, 公司对当地经济发展的影响是积极且巨大的,”据QuadCity时报报道,投资商集团代表Scott Tinsman表示,“ 我很高兴地告诉大家,公司已经度过了难关,Sivyer 钢铁 公司最好的时期就要来了。” Sivyer公司在3月份进入破产程序。 Quad-City时报报道,Sivyer公司目前的员工有240多 人,未来还将增加更多的岗位。 “我们的大厂房需要改造,”他说,“为了重振公司 的发展,我们投入了很多时间和资金,并且采用经济有效 的方式增加产能。目前,公司仅使用了1/3的产能。” ■



Terves Breaks Ground on Expansion TERVES开始扩建计划

Terves broke ground on a 12,000 sq. ft. expansion to its magnesium foundry. The H3-classified magnesium metal processing facility expansion enables Terves to further expand its metal processing, heat treatment, machining, and storage capabilities. The expansion plans include additional permanent mold and materials handling and storage space, and the addition of sand casting, squeeze casting, and diecasting capabilities for custom magnesium and magnesium alloys and composites, in addition to further expansion of build-to-print component CNC machining services. “These additions enable the company to support aerospace and defense magnesium applications in addition to Terves’ leading position in the dissolvable oilfield tool market,” the company said in a news release. “Dissolvable metals are the new composites as far as oilfield tools are concerned. Oilfield tools made from composite materials were adopted in the industry about two decades ago and today occupy a sizable market share,” said Andrew Sherman, CEO, Terves. “We are seeing a major adoption and growth trajectory for oilfield tools made from dissolvable magnesium materials.” Terves is a manufacturer of magnesium dissolvable metals and dissolvable elastomers that are used for making frac balls, plugs, slips, seals and several other components used in oil and gas well completion and production. “Terves is investing in a further doubling of production capacity for cast and wrought magnesium products, and the expansion frees up space in existing facilities for initial production of new engineered response products, including revolutionary expandable structural materials and gas-generating reactive materials,” Sherman said. ■

Terves公司在其现有的镁合金 铸造厂基础上扩建1.2万平方英 尺(约1115平方米)。 这家H3-分级镁合金工艺铸 造厂的扩建能够使Ter ves公司 进一步扩大其在金属加工、热处 理、机加工和存储方面的能力。 扩建计划包括新增的金属型模具 车间、材料运输和存储空间,除 进一步增强打印的结构零部件 的CNC加工服务外,还将增加用于镁和镁合金及复合材 料的定制生产的砂型铸造、挤压铸造和压铸生产能力。 公司在新闻发布会上表示:“除了支撑Terves公司 在可溶性油田工具市场的领先地位外,这些新增和扩建 项目使公司能够支持航空航天和国防镁合金的应用。” Terves公司首席执行官安德鲁•谢尔曼表示:“就油田 工具而言,可溶性金属是新型复合材料。大约20年前, 石油行业采用了由复合材料制成的油田工具,并且占据 了相当大的市场份额。我们已经看到由可溶性镁材料制 成的油田工具的使用在不断增长。” Terves是用于制造压裂球、塞子、密封件以及用于石 油和天然气井竣工和投产的其他几种组件的可溶性镁金 属和可溶性弹性体的制造商。 谢尔曼说:“Terves公司正加大投资,以进一步扩大 镁合金的铸造和锻造产能,为试生产新的工程反应产品 扩大现有厂房,包括革命性的可扩展的结构材料和产生 气体反应材料。” ■




Elkem Foundry Products Expands Lab Facilities in Asia 埃肯铸造公司提升亚洲区实验室水平

For Elkem Foundry Products, it is daily routine to support its customers with quality products and technical service as well as through an analytical service with local Technical Service teams. Whether the customer needs a simple cross check on a chemical analysis or a complex examination of a defect in a casting, Elkem Foundry Products supports its customers by helping to optimize their foundry process. Elkem has announced it has created new and fully equipped metallurgical laboratories in both Nagpur, India, and Shanghai, China, to improve the service to the Asian markets. In Shanghai, the Elkem lab now has a brand-new scanning electron microscope fully equipped with EDX. Elkem’s Technical Service teams can now fully support the entire Asian market with rapid and detailed analysis of customer issues. Every foundry has different needs to suit their pouring conditions and casting properties. Elkem’s sales representatives and locally based technical service team offer their advice on the best alloy package for a particular foundry from its range of recarburisers, preconditioners, nodularisers, cover alloys and inoculants. Elkem exhibiting at the next IFEX India, from 18-20 January 2019 at 108m2 Exhibition Pavilion, stand number D-14. ■


对于埃肯铸造公司来说,为客户提供优质的产品和技 术服务、并通过当地技术服务团队提供分析服务是日常 工作。无论客户需要对化学分析结果进行简单的交叉检 查,还是需要对铸件缺陷进行复杂的检查,埃肯铸造公 司都会为客户提供优化铸造工艺的支持。 埃肯公司宣布已在印度那格浦尔和中国上海建立了 新的设备齐全的冶金实验室,以提升亚洲市场的服务 水平。 在上海,埃肯实验室配备了崭新的安装有EDX(能谱 分析工具)的扫描电子显微镜。现在,埃肯的技术服务 团队已完全能够支持整个亚洲市场,为客户提供快速详 尽的分析。 每个铸造厂对其浇注条件和铸件性能提出了不同的需 求。埃肯公司的销售代表和本地化的技术服务团队针对 不同铸造厂提出最适合的合金处理建议,包括增碳剂、 预处理剂、球化剂、覆盖合金和孕育剂。 埃肯公司将参加2019年1月18-20日的印度铸造展 IFEX,展位面积108平米,展位号D-14。 ■



Modern Suspension Components Sourced Across the World 全球采购新型悬架组件 Structural and suspension components are stressed most in a vehicle. In addition, they must exhibit the same or even higher component stability while also achieving a reduced weight. Increased mechanical properties and hollow casting technology using sand cores allow tremendous material saving. The entire market sector has enormous potential for growth, particularly in the field of modern, lighter weight suspension components. Minimization of consumption and CO2 emissions continues to push this trend. The profitable production of such highquality castings requires top plant engineering. During casting in particular, the mechanical properties required can be achieved only by observing various general conditions. The following basics are necessary: good molten material low in oxides and hydrogen, low-turbulence mold filling combined with a purposeful, high-power solidification of the parts.

Local production in key markets Vehicle manufacturers expect global availability of their components – to the same high quality, no matter where they originate. In order to avoid unnecessary transport costs, import duties and handling, vehicle manufacturers now manufacture their products directly in the important main markets. The same applies to suppliers – which means casting must be done in the direct vicinity of the customer. To meet all these requirements, OEMs and Tier One companies supplement their production locations all over the world and are modernizing existing locations to equip them all to the same standard.

结构件和悬架组件在车辆中承受最大的压力。此外, 它们必须具有相同甚至更高的稳定性,同时还需要减轻 重量。提高力学性能和采用使用砂芯的空心铸造技术可 以节省大量材料。该领域具有巨大的市场增长潜力,尤 其是在现代轻量化悬架组件方面。 最大限度地节约能源、减少CO2排放的要求继续推 动着这一趋势的发展。生产这种优质铸件并获得经济 利益需要进行顶级工程设计。特别是在铸造过程中, 仅通过满足一系列的一般条件就可以实现所需的力学 性能。以下是必备的基本条件:良好的熔化材料、低 氧化物和氢气、低紊流填充铸型以及有针对性的大功 率的部件凝固。

实现关键市场的本地化生产 汽车制造商希望其组件实现全球范围内的可用性—— 无论铸件来自哪里,他们都能达到同等的高质量。为了 避免不必要的运输成本、进口关税等,汽车制造商现在 直接在它们的重要市场生产铸件。本地化生产同样适用 于供应商,这意味着必须在客户市场就近生产铸件。为 了满足所有这些要求,OEM和一级供应商在世界各地 充实他们的生产网络,并对现有工厂进行现代化改造、 使他们达到同样的标准。 作为经验丰富的铸造机械制造商,库尔特公司的研究



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 As experienced manufacturers of casting machines, the Kurtz developers design low-pressure technology to meet these requirements. Kurtz has guaranteed its technology will produce more good components in less time. Kurtz has a worldwide support network to provide local service and spare part support and to ensure performance during the machine lifetime. Thus alongside machine performance, it is at least as important for its customers that their machines all over the world are in good hands. At the end of the day, the low-pressure expertise gained over decades combined with the global set-up help Kurtz’s customers be successful. ■

人员开发了低压铸造技术以满足这些要求。库尔特公司 作出保证,他们的技术将可以在更短的时间内生产出更 多优质铸件。 库尔特公司拥有全球支持网络,可提供 本地服务和备件支持并确保铸造机在使用寿命期间的性 能。因此,除了机器性能之外,对于其客户而言,至少 他们的机器在全世界范围内都处于支持保障中。库尔特 公司几十年来积累的低压铸造技术经验与其全球市场布 局相结合,助力客户获得成功。 ■

Ultra-high Purity Pig Iron for Casting Developed 超高纯生铁新材料研制成功 Recently, China Foundry Association organized experts to evaluate the scientific and technological achievements and the acceptance of new products for the project “Development of ultra-high purity pig iron for casting” completed by Hebei Longfengshan Casting Industry Co., Ltd. Experts unanimously determined that: the ultra-high purity pig iron developed and produced by Hebei Longfengshan has filled the domestic gap with its high purity and high stability, the main technical indicators are better than foreign standards, the overall technical level has reached international level. Founded in 1999, Hebei Longfengshan Casting Industry Co., Ltd. is equipped with two 800m3 blast furnaces and sintering machine, shaft furnace and two other large intelligent equipments for producing ultra-high purity pig iron. It is a world-famous high-tech enterprise specializing in the development and production of ultra-high purity pig iron, high-purity pig iron and hypoeutectic pig iron for foundry. It is a leading enterprise in the pig iron industry in China, a top 500 private manufacturing enterprise in China, and a president member of the China Foundry Association Pig Iron Branch. After the technical report by the project team of Hebei Longfengshan, experts believe the main technical innovations of ultra-high purity pig iron developed by Hebei Longfengshan Casting Industry Co., Ltd. include: on the basis of the original “three-precision method” to produce high-purity pig iron, the company independently develops the complete set process of “refining depth purification,” which reduces Mn, Ti, P, S and trace elements such as Al, V, Mo, Sn, Sb, Pb, Bi, Te, As, B and also stabilizes the production of ultra-high purity pig iron by using blowing, desulfurization, dephosphorization and other units; the technical indicators of ultra-high-purity pig iron is superior to those produced by Canadian, South African and Japanese companies. Customized production and personalized service can be realized because digital production equipment is adopted. Experts say the new material is a kind of iron-based materials with excellent properties and special functions, and is also a new material needed in the foundry industry. It can be widely used in the nuclear power, high-speed rail, military, marine engineering, and aerospace industries. It has provided important raw material guarantees for the production of high-performance, high-quality, and super-large-section ductile iron castings. ■ 22

近日,中国铸造协会组织专家对河北龙凤山铸业有限 公司完成的《铸造用超高纯生铁新材料的研制》项目进 行了科技成果评价和新产品验收。专家一致认定,河北 龙凤山研制生产出具有高纯净度、高稳定性的铸造用超高 纯生铁新材料, 填补了国内空白,主要技术指标优于国外 水平,整体技术水平达到了国际领先水平。 河北龙凤山铸业有限公司始建于1999 年,拥有两座 800m³铸造高炉及配套的烧结机、竖炉,大型智能化超高 纯生铁装备两套。是全球著名的专业研制生产铸造用超高 纯生铁、高纯生铁和亚共晶生铁的国家高新技术企业,中 国铸造生铁行业龙头企业,中国民营制造业500 强企业, 中国铸造协会铸造生铁分会理事长单位。 评价验收委员会听取了河北龙凤山铸业有限公司项目 组的技术报告。专家认为,河北龙凤山铸业公司研制成功 的超高纯生铁主要技术创新点包含:在原有“三精法”工 艺生产高纯生铁的基础上,自主研发了“精炼深度提纯” 成套工艺技术,采用喷吹、脱硫、脱磷等单元,降低了产 品中锰、钛、磷、硫及铝、钒、钼、锡、 锑、铅、铋、碲、砷、硼等微量元素,稳定生产出超 高纯生铁;超高纯生铁的技术指标完全优于世界上著名 的加拿大、南非和日本的产品;采用了数字化生产装备, 实现定制化生产、个性化服务。 据专家介绍,河北龙凤山铸业有限公司的新产品是具 有优异性能和特殊功能的铁基新材料,也是铸造行业亟 需的新材料,可广泛应用于核电、高铁、军工、海洋工 程、航空航天等广泛领域,对生产高性能、高质量、超 大断面球墨铸铁件提供了重要的原材料保障。 ■



Wanfeng Auto Wheels Launches 3 Million Sets of Projects in India 万丰奥威正式在印启动年产300万套铝合金车轮项目 In order to further expand the Indian market, meet customers’ needs, and enhance strategic cooperation with local OEMs, Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheels reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Capital Increase of Wanfeng (India) and Investment of 3 Million Sets of Aluminum Alloy Wheel Projects” on September 21, 2018. The project has been officially started. Wanfeng Auto Wheels was founded in 1997 by Wanfeng Auto Holding Group and China Automotive Technology and Research Center. It started with the professional production of aluminum alloy wheels. By now, it has realized its leading role in the production of aluminum wheel, environmental protection coating and magnesium alloy materials. The company has a high-level R&D team, internationalleading design software, and the ability to develop synchronously with new models of international vehicle manufacturers. The R&D strength has reached the leading level among international peers. At present, the aluminum alloy wheels business of Wanfeng Auto Wheels has a production capacity of more than 40 million sets, including 18 million sets of automotive aluminum wheels. The market is mainly aimed at highend customers, fully develop its own brand customers. The production capacity of motorcycle aluminum alloy wheels is more than 22 million sets. ■

为进一步拓展印度市场,满足客户需求,增强 与当地主机厂之间的战略合作关系,2018年9月21 日,浙江万丰奥威汽轮股份有限公司审议通过《关 于增资印度万丰暨投资年产300万套铝合金车轮项 目的议案》,该项目已正式启动投资建设。 万丰奥威创建于1997年,由万丰奥特控股集团 联合中国汽车技术研究中心等发起设立,以专业生 产汽车铝合金车轮起步,已实现铝轮、环保涂覆、 镁合金材料的三项行业领跑。公司拥有高水平的研 发队伍,国际行业领先的设计软件,拥有与国际整 车制造企业新车型同步配套开发的能力,科技研发 实力达到国际同行领先水平。 目前,万丰奥威铝合金轮毂业务产能4000多万 套,其中汽车铝合金轮毂产能1800万套,市场定 位中高端客户为主,充分开发自主品牌客户。摩托 车铝合金轮毂产能2,200多万套。

10 Foundry Enterprises Listed in Manufacturing Champion Enterprises 10家铸造企业入选第三批制造业单项冠军企业名单 In accordance with the Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Promotion of Individual Champion Enterprises in Manufacturing Industry and the Notice on Organizing the Third Batch of Manufacturing Individual Champion Enterprises and Individual Champion Products, through the voluntary declaration of enterprises, the recommendation by local industrial and informatization authorities and central enterprises, and argumentation passed by industry association’s limited qualifications and experts, the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of champion companies and individual champion products recently. Among them, Shanxi Huaxiang Group, Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic, Ningbo Heli Mould, Weichai Power, Jinan SQ Group, ZYNP Group recommended by China Foundry Association are selected as the individual champion model enterprise; Shandong Kaitai, Guizhou Anji Aviation Investment Casting are listed as the individual champion cultivation enterprise; the passenger car turbocharger turbine housing casing produced by Tianjin Daxiang Precision Industry Co., Ltd. and automotive engine exhaust manifolds produced by Xixia Intake and Exhaust Manifolds Co., Ltd. are awarded the honorary title of the single champion product. ■

根据《关于印发<制造业单项冠军企业培育提升专 项行动实施方案>的通知》和《关于组织推荐第三批 制造业单项冠军企业和单项冠军产品的通知》, 经 企业自愿申报,各地工业和信息化主管部门、中央企 业推荐,协会限定性条件论证及行业专家组论证,近 日工信部对第三批制造业单项冠军企业和单项冠军产 品名单公示。 其中中国铸造协会组织推荐的山西华翔集团、江苏 恒立液压、宁波合力模具、潍柴动力股份、济南圣泉 集团、中原内配集团等企业被公示为单项冠军示范企 业荣誉称号;山东开泰工业、贵州安吉航空被公示为 单项冠军培育企业荣誉称号;天津达祥精密工业有限 公司的乘用车发动机增压器涡轮壳,西峡县内燃机进 排气管有限责任公司的汽车发动机排气歧管产品被公 示为单项冠军产品荣誉称号。 ■




2018 China Die Casting Congress & 2nd CEO Forum Held in Beilun 2018中国国际压铸高层论坛暨第二届压铸CEO峰会在北仑成功举办 2018 China International Die Casting Congress & the 2nd CEO Forum, sponsored by China Foundry Association, was held October 24-26, 2018, in Beilun, Ningbo, which is a die casting industry demonstration base in China. More than 700 industry insiders from Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, HongKong, Germany, US, Sweden and Japan participated in the congress. With the theme of “Die Casting in the New Era-More Lightweight, Stronger, More Eco-friendly,” the congress is targeted to deal with problems in the industry and discuss development strategy. Representatives mainly came from die casting production enterprises (33.9%), die casting machines and peripheral equipment manufacturers (26.8%), die and mold suppliers (9.3%) and materials suppliers (9.4%), as well as the participation of representatives from other fields such as government, industry associations, institutes and software suppliers. The representatives’ distribution is shown in Figure 1. The proportion of senior executives above the deputy general manager is as high as 70.5%, as shown in Figure 2. The dialogue guests included Mr. Tang Jiexiong, Chairman of Guangdong Wencan, Mr. Xu Xudong, Chairman of Ningbo Xusheng Automotive Technology Co. Ltd., Mr. Zhang Jiancheng, Chairman of IKD Co.Ltd, Mr. Yu Yajun, General Manager of Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die Casting CO.Ltd., Mr. Zhang Guoguang, deputy general manager of Guangdong Hongtu and Mr. Zhuang Shuiwang, President of Taiwan Foundry Society, President of Taiwan Die Casting Association. They shared their companies’ development history, introduced successful experiences,

2018年10月24~26日,由中国铸造协会主办 的“2018中国国际压铸高层论坛暨第二届压铸CEO峰 会”在中国压铸产业示范基地——宁波市北仑区隆重召 开,来自中国大陆、德国、美国、瑞典、日本、台湾、 香港等国家和地区的700余位压铸及相关行业精英集聚 一堂。大会以“新时代压铸—更轻、更强、更环保”为 主题,直面行业发展痛点,研讨行业发展战略。 本届大会代表主要来自压铸件生产企业(占比 33.9%),压铸机及周边设备生产企业(占比26.8%), 模具生产企业(占比9.3%)和压铸材料生产企业(占比 9.4%),同时邀请到政府、行业协会、科研院所和软件 供应商等其他领域代表与会。代表来源分布如图1所示。 副总经理以上高管代表占比高达70.5%,见图2。 本次对话嘉宾有广东文灿股份董事长唐杰雄、宁波旭 升汽车技术股份有限公司董事长徐旭东、爱柯迪股份有 限公司董事长张建成、重庆大江美利信压铸有限责任公司 总经理余亚军、广东鸿图科技有限公司副总经理张国光和 台湾压铸协会会长莊水旺。各位嘉宾无私分享企业成长历 程,介绍成功经验,深入探讨压铸行业面临的瓶颈难题, 就汽车轻量化发展趋势、智能化等行 业热点畅所欲言,现场掌声不断。

Figure 1: representative source distribution


Figure 2: representative position distribution




INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 carried out in-depth discussion of the bottleneck problems faced by the diecasting industry, and talked about industry hotspots including light-weight trends and intelligent. The conference was filled with applause. As the soul of this dialogue session, the host Mr. Zhang Dong concluded: "Everyone's life is different. The golden period of others may be at 30 years old. Your golden period may be at 20 years old or 70 years old. Today, our guests have shared their success story with us. I believe that everyone will be inspired. Everyone can succeed. When the opportunity comes, please be ready to hold your god of destiny. Thus, you will have a wonderful life." In the afternoon of October 26, the participants were divided into several groups to pay visits to Ningbo LK Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo Xusheng Co., Ltd, Ningbo Huiwang Machinery Co., Ltd., etc. The work visits allowed participants to learn success stories of these companies comprehensively. The delegates gave high praise to the conference which has hit the pain points of the industry. The conference will play a practical guiding role for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and large-scale international die-casting enterprises. ■

作为本场对话的灵魂人物,主持人张东先生总结 道:“每个人的人生都是不同,别人的黄金期可能 在30岁,你的黄金期可能在20岁也可能在70岁,今 天各位嘉宾无私分享了成功的历程,相信对大家都有 所启发,每个人都可能成功,当机会来临的时候告诉 命运之神我准备好了,就是精彩人生。” 26日下午,与会人员兵分几路,分别参观了宁波 力劲科技有限公司、宁波旭升股份有限公司、宁波 辉旺机械有限公司等多家企业。实地考察为参会人 员带来了直观且全面的感受,让大家在实践中感悟 出企业成功之道。 代表们给予大会高度评价,盛赞本届大会切中行业 痛点,对中小型企业和国际化大型压铸企业发展都有 现实的指导意义。

Ruiming Group and LK Group Reach Strategic Cooperation 瑞明集团与力劲集团达成战略合作 On October 19, 2018, the commencement ceremony of Ruiming New Industrial Park and the signing ceremony with the strategic cooperation partners were held at Ruiming Key Automobile Parts Intelligent Industry Park in Rui'an Binhai High-tech Industrial Park. It is reported that in May this year, in order to increase capacity and expand market, Ruiming Group added 380 acres of industrial land, invested 2 billion yuan to build "Ruiming Group Automobile Lightweight Key Parts Intelligent Industrial Park," and introduced 1600 to 3500 tons die casting machines. Ruiming Group was established in 1991, when it owned production and R&D bases in Wenzhou, Liuzhou Shanghai etc. Now, Ruiming is the lead engine parts company in China, occupying over 700 acres of land. The company has accumulated more than 30 years of experience in the core technology of the key aluminum engine parts research and development and owned more than 100 kinds of proprietary intellectual property rights. The professional enterprise gathers new material research, 3D printing, mold design, casting process and mechanical machining into one. LK Group was founded in Hong Kong in 1979 and was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in October 2006. It is a technology and capital-intensive business group specialized in designing, manufacturing and sale of die casting machines, plastic injection molding machines & CNC machining centers. After 30 years’ development, the group has become the world's largest manufacturer of die-casting machines, China's major injection molding machine manufacturer and China's most solution-based CNC machining center manufacturer. ■

10 月19 日,瑞明集团新产业园开工仪式暨战略合作 伙伴签约仪式在瑞安滨海高新产业园瑞明汽车关键零部 件智能化产业园项目现场隆重举行。 据悉,今年5月,瑞明集团新增了380亩工业用地,投 资20亿元新建“瑞明集团汽车轻量化关键零部件智能化 产业园”,引入1600至3500吨大吨位压铸机生产线, 用于扩充产能,持续拓展市场。 瑞明集团创业于1991年,拥有温州、柳州、上海 等生产研发基地,现已成为占地700余亩的中国汽车 发动机零部件自主研发领军企业。公司累积了近三十 余年汽车关键铝部件研发的核心技术经验,拥有自主 知识产权100余项,属国内首屈一指的拥有新材料研 发、3D打印、模具设计、铸造工艺及机械加工为一体 的专业生产企业。 力劲集团1979年创立于香港,于2006年10月在香港 联交所主板成功上市,是一家专业从事设计、制造和销 售冷、热室压铸机及镁合金压铸机、精密注塑机和计算 机数控加工中心的技术和资本密集型企业集团。经过30 年的发展,集团已经成为世界最大的压铸机制造商、中 国主要的注塑机制造商和中国最具解决方案的计算机数 控加工中心制造商。




Kimura Foundry Adopts SinterCast Process Control Technology 木村铸造采用欣特卡斯特过程控制技术 On October 1, Kimura Foundry Company Ltd., a ferrous cast metal foundry located in Japan, entered into a technology supply agreement with the Swedish process control specialist SinterCast for Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) product development, prototyping and niche volume production. Under terms of the agreement, SinterCast will install a Mini-System 3000 at the Kimura Foundry located in Shizouka, Japan. The MiniSystem 3000, which is planned to be shipped during November and commissioned before year-end, will enable Kimura Foundry to independently produce high quality CGI components for its global customer base. “Adding CGI casting capability with the SinterCast process will position Kimura as a leading global casting supplier for new product development. Together with our Full Mold Process and 3D sand printing capabilities, global OEMs and partner foundries can leverage Kimura’s engineering and casting capabilities for short lead-time prototype castings, providing design engineers with the ability to rapidly develop new engine programmes or other component applications” said Mr. Kazutoshi Kimura, President of Kimura Foundry Company, Ltd. “We look forward to the CGI installation, which will provide an opportunity for us to play a key role in the global growth of CGI.” “The Kimura order reaffirms the trend toward CGI for demanding casting applications. Kimura will now be able to offer complete CGI casting solutions for automotive, commercial vehicle, and industrial power OEMs for prototyping and niche volume production” said Dr Steve Dawson, President & CEO of SinterCast. “The Kimura installation marks our fourth installation in Japan and our twentieth installation in Asia. We are pleased that our longstanding support of CGI development in Asia, combined with our commitment to local commercial and technical support, has led to Kimura’s decision to adopt our technology.” ■

2018年10月1日,位于日本的黑色金属铸造厂木村 铸造有限公司与瑞典大批量蠕墨铸铁过程控制专家欣 特卡斯特公司签订了蠕墨铸铁(CGI)产品开发、原型 设计和小批量生产的协议。根据协议条款,欣特卡斯 特将在位于日本静冈的木村铸造安装小型系统3000。 小型系统3000计划于11月发货并在年底前投入使用, 这将使木村铸造能够为其全球客户群独立生产高质量 的CGI组件。 “通过采用欣特卡斯特工艺增加CGI铸造能力将使木 村铸造成为全球领先的新产品开发铸造供应商。结合我 们的实型工艺和3D砂打印功能,全球OEM和合作伙伴 工厂可以利用木村铸造的工程和铸造能力进行短交货时 间的原型铸件生产,为设计工程师提供了快速开发新发 动机或其他组件的能力,”木村铸造总裁木村和俊先生 说,“我们期待蠕铁装置的安装,将为我们在蠕铁的全 球发展中发挥关键作用提供机会。” “木村铸造的订单重申了蠕铁在越来越严格的铸造行 业中应用的趋势。木村铸造现在能够为汽车、商用车和 工业动力OEM提供完整的CGI铸造解决方案,用于原型 制造和小批量生产。”欣特卡斯特总裁兼首席执行官史 蒂夫·道森博士说。“木村铸造的安装标志着我们在日 本的第四次安装以及我们在亚洲的第二十次安装。我 们很高兴由于我们对亚洲CGI发展的长期支持,加上我 们对当地商业和技术支持的承诺,导致木村决定采用 我们的技术。” ■

METAL CHINA and CIDC 2019 Open Up New Markets 2019“铸博会”“压铸展”开拓中国铸造新蓝海 In 2018, the Chinese foundry industry has faced the biggest challenge of continued tightening of environmental protection and safety regulations. The industry is integrating, transforming, and gradually moving toward the middle and high end. As the industry indicator-the 17th China International Foundry Expo (Metal China), the 13th China International Die Casting Industry Exhibition will be held in Shanghai from March 13-16, 2019. The exhibition closely follows the development trend of the industry and faces the pain-points, becoming the window to understand the transformation of Chinese foundry industry, and also the best platform to promote the integration of Chinese and the world foundry industry. Below are highlights of this session. 26

2018年,中国铸造行业面临着环保与安全法规持 续加严的巨大挑战,产业在变革中整合、在发展中转 型,逐步迈向中高端。作为行业发展的风向标——第 十七届中国国际铸造博览会(Metal China)、第十 三届中国国际压铸工业展览会将于2019年3月13~16 日在上海联袂举办,展会紧扣行业发展热点、直面行 业发展痛点,成为了解中国铸造业变革的第一窗口, 也是助推中国铸造与世界铸造融合的最佳平台。展会 亮点纷呈,邀您一睹为快!


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 一、智能制造、绿色环保

1. Intelligent manufacturing and environmental protection "Quality, efficiency, intelligence, green" are the mainstream in the development of the foundry industry. In order to meet the needs of environmental protection/safety upgrading of the industry, help enterprises have more choices in environmental protection and safety facilities transformation, and find the most suitable solution, the organizer will specially create an “environmental protection and safety equipment” exhibition area, where advanced systems for dust removal, explosion protection, noise reduction, wastewater treatment, etc., as well as one-stop solutions for environmental protection and safety, will be displayed, effectively guiding foundry enterprises to upgrade environmental protection and safety protection and assisting small and medium-sized enterprises to deal with their bottleneck problems. During the exhibition period, a series of seminars will be held on environmental protection issues. Relevant government leaders and industry experts will explain the environmental protection/security policy in detail, clarify the latest standards, and let entrepreneurs look at the overall situation and easily respond to environmental protection/security check. Moreover, the eco-foundry exhibition area and the intelligent manufacturing area also bring the most advanced light, fine and excellent high-end castings, where efficiency, energy-saving and intelligent melting, molding, core making, pouring, cleaning, processing equipments and all kinds of testing instruments are demonstrated. Advanced domestic precision equipment and a series of new green environmental raw materials will be exhibited. Efficient and intelligent equipment at home and abroad perfectly show the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the foundry industry. Intelligent diecasting island, semi-solid diecasting machine, high-efficient molding line, high-efficient and energy-saving melting equipment, on-line testing equipment, and sand recycling equipment will be highlighted at the exhibition, supporting the transformation and upgrade of Chinese foundry industry, and promoting the industry to realize sustainable development.

2. Bringing together advanced technology to help industry’s transformation and upgrade Intelligent foundry is the result of a deep integration of advanced foundry technology and new generation information technology. 3D printing, simulation technology, robot and cloud service platform are the necessary conditions for intelligent foundry. The cutting-edge technologies, such as remote design, remote control, virtual production, 3D printing, intelligent robots, online monitoring and precision machining will be displayed and help you understand and connect with intelligent foundry.

“优质、高效、智能、绿色” 是铸造行业发展的主流。为满足当 前行业环保/安全升级改造需求, 帮助企业在环保、安全设施改造 方面有更多选择,找到最适合的解 决方案,主办方特别打造“环保、 安全设备”展区,此区域里将集 中展示先进的车间除尘系统、防爆系统、降噪系统、 废水处理系统等,并针对不同基础铸造厂的环保、安 全提出一站式解决方案,有效指导铸造企业做好环保 和安全防护工作,助力中小企业突破发展瓶颈……展 期内还将针对环保问题举行系列专题研讨会,政府相 关部门领导和业内专家将为您详细解读环保/安全政 策,明晰最新标准,让企业家们纵览全局,轻松应对 环保/安全大检查。 此外,环保铸造展区与智能制造展区还汇聚了当 前最先进的“轻、精、优”高端铸件展品,在这里, 高效、节能、智能化的熔炼、造型、制芯、浇注、清 理、后续加工设备和各类检测仪器等悉数登场;先进 的国产精密铸造装备和系列化新型绿色环保铸造用原 辅材料相映生辉;海内外高效、智能装备完美演绎铸 造行业上下游产业链,智能压铸岛、半固态压铸机、 高效率造型线、高效节能熔炼设备、在线检测仪器、 旧砂再生设备等各路装备将大显神通,炫彩展会,助 力中国铸造转型升级,助推行业实现可持续发展……

二、荟萃行业先进技术,助力行业转型升级 智能铸造是先进铸造技术与新一代信息技术的深度 融合,3D打印、铸造模拟技术、机器人、云服务平 台是实现智能铸造的必要条件。本届展会上展示的远 程设计、远程控制、虚拟生产、3D打印、智能机器 人、在线监测及精密加工等前沿技术将助您了解智能 铸造、握手智能铸造。

三、压铸行业独领风骚 压铸市场需求随着下游用户 对轻量化、节能的持续推进而扩 大,中国铸造协会携手香港铸造 业总会等百余家行业组织共同打 造的两年一届的压铸行业展会将 再度华丽升级,规模实现历史性



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 3. Leading the die-casting industry


With the increasing demand for lightweight and energy-saving products by downstream users, the Chinese diecasting market has expanded significantly. China Foundry Association, Hong Kong Foundry Association and more than 100 industry organizations will jointly create a diecasting industry exhibition every two years in Shanghai. The session in 2019 will be upgraded again. As a grand festival for diecasting industry insiders, exhibitors and trade visitors are all expecting to participate. During the exhibition, all kinds of high-end diecasting parts, diecasting machines and new technologies will be displayed. The exhibits will cover the upstream and downstream of the diecasting industry chain. Well-known diecasting enterprises will bring the latest intelligent products and technologies to the show. With the theme of “lightweight, stronger, more environmental friendly,” the “green channel” will be opened for automobile lightweight, helping the diecasting industry move toward environmental protection.


4. Concurrent activities to create unlimited business opportunities A series of exciting activities will enrich the exhibition connotation: the 15th China Foundry Association Annual Meeting, the “Belt and Road” Cooperation and Development Forum on International Foundry Capacity, “Top 50 China Diecasting Enterprises, Top 20 Diecasting Mould Enterprise Awarding Ceremony,” Diecasting Sourcing Conference, and onsite industry experts consultation. New product and technology releases, seminars and lectures, young workers meetings and other activities, conveying policy guidance to the industry, along with talent recruitment, results transfer and business matching, provide unlimited opportunities to establish industry models and build a high-end business circle in the foundry industry.

5. Segmentation and precise matching Continuing with the scale of previous exhibitions, the “dual exhibitions” has added three outdoor exhibition halls, with a total exhibition area of nearly 100,000 square meters. The exhibition halls are segmented more professionally: international hall, casting hall, foundry materials hall, equipment hall, diecasting parts hall, diecasting equipment hall, intelligent manufacturing hall, etc. There are different areas in one hall, such as precision casting, mold area, robot area and 3D printing area. The exhibition highlights the industry hotspots and provides accurate and efficient services for trade visitors, which help them find specific exhibitors quickly, improve the efficiency of visiting exhibitions, and ultimately achieve accurate matching between exhibitors and professional buyers. ■

企盼。本届展会期间将集中展示各 类高端压铸件、压铸机及压铸新工 艺、新技术、新产品,展品范围涵 盖压铸产业链上下游;届时行业内 知名压铸企业将携最新智能产品和 技术重磅亮相,在延续“更轻、更 强、更环保”主题的背景下,为汽车轻量化开启“绿 色通道”,助力压铸行业迈向绿色环保。

四、多场同期活动,打造商机无限 展会期间将举办第十五届中国铸造协会年会,“一 带一路”国际铸造产能合作发展论坛,“中国压铸50 强、压铸模具20强评选活动及颁奖典礼”“压铸件采 购洽谈会”,行业专家现场咨询等百余项精彩活动, 丰富的活动将活跃展会气氛,丰富展会内涵。产品及 技术发布、趋势研究、专家讲座、青年工作者交流 会等活动,向业界充分传递政策导向、上下游行业发 展动态内容丰富、专业高效、亮点频出,人才招聘、 成果转让、商贸对接等,网联八方商机,树立行业标 兵,构建铸造行业的高端商务圈,引领中国铸造驶向 新的航程,站上新的高度!

五、专业细分、精准配对 “双展”在延续历届展会规模的基础上,新增3处 室外展馆,总展出面积近10万平方米,展区划分更 加专业、细致:有国际馆、铸件馆、铸造材料馆、铸 造设备馆、压铸件、压铸设备、智能制造等,馆内各 区域又分为精铸展区、铸造模具展区、铸造机器人展 区、3D打印展区等不同区域;展会在凸显行业热点 的同时为专业观众带来更为准确高效的服务,助其快 速找到目标展商,提高观展效率,最终实现展商和专 业买家的精准配对。 2019年3月,我们上海,不见不散! ■ 更多信息,请访问

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73rd World Foundry Congress: Meeting of Metalcasters From Around the World 第73届世界铸造大会——全球铸造人的聚会 On September 23-27, 2018, in Krakow, Poland, the 73rd World Foundry Congress took place. By the decision of the World Foundry Organization (WFO) authorities made a few years ago, Polish Foundrymen’s Association (STOP), which is the founding member of WFO, became the main organizer of the Congress. The honorary patronage over the Congress was taken by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda, and the Honorary Committee was composed of: Jarosław Gowin, Minister of Science and Higher Education; Jacek Krupa, Marshal of the Małopolska Region; Jacek Majchrowski, Mayor of the City of Kraków; Tadeusz Słomka, Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow; Ewa Mańkiewicz-Cudny, President of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations FSNT-NOT; and Mark Fenyes, President of the World Foundry Organization. The 73rd World Foundry Congress began on September 23. On this day, a tour of the city and a Welcome Party at the ICE Congress Center in Krakow were organized for participants of the Congress. The official Congress Opening Ceremony took place on September 24. During the opening, in the auditorium of the ICE Congress Center, participants were welcomed by Tadeusz Franaszek, President of the Polish Foundrymen's Association; Tadeusz Trzmiel, Deputy Mayor of the City of Kraków; Tadeusz Słomka, Rector of the AGH University; and Mark Fenyes, President of World Foundry Organization. During the opening ceremony, the organizers thanked all the sponsors, handing them commemorative statuettes. Part of the official opening was honored by AGH Song and Dance Ensemble "Krakus" whose performance has introduced more than 900 people to the atmosphere of Krakow. The performance was complemented by a promotional film showing the diversity of landscapes and culture that the participants of the congress have the opportunity to learn about when visiting Poland. The opening ceremony of the Congress was also distinguished by the plenary session, during which three papers were presented. The first of them was authored by Dr. Carsten Kuhlgatz, President of Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, titled "Development of the electric vehicles market by 2030 in Germany, Europe, US and China." The second was given by Prof. Natalia Sobczak, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Congress, representative of the Foundry Institute in Krakow, which title was "Liquid metal engineering for Creative Foundry: from Lab to Fab." A closing lecture of the official part was given by Piotr Olszewski presenting the latest achievements of Jan Felczyński's Bell-founding Studio, "VOX PATRIS—the biggest swinging bell in the world," which was cast in the Foundry Metalodlew SA. This paper, illustrated with a film, presented the unusual skills of Polish founders. On that day, a press conference was held, attended by representatives of industry media, both domestic and foreign, and sponsors of the Congress. The conference was chaired by the President of the Polish Foundrymen’s

第73届世界铸造大会于2018年9月23-27日在波兰 克拉科夫举办。这个决定是几年前由世界铸造组织确 定的,作为世界铸造组织的创始成员,波兰铸造协会是 本次大会的主要承办单位。大会的荣誉赞助人是波兰总 统安杰伊·杜达,名誉委员会由以下人员组成:科学和高 等教育部部长Jarosław Gowin,小波兰省地区的将军 Jacek Krupa,克拉科夫市长Jacek Majchrowski,AGH 科技大学校长Tadeusz Słomka,波兰工程协会联合会 会长Ewa Mańkiewicz-Cudny以及世界铸造组织主席 Mark Fenyes。 9月23日,组委会组织参会代表进行了城市观光, 在克拉科夫国际会议中心举办了第73届世界铸造大会 的欢迎晚宴。 大会开幕式于9月24日在克拉科夫国际会议中心大 礼堂举办,波兰铸造协会会长Tadeusz Franaszek、 克拉科夫副市长Tadeusz Trzmiel、AGH科技大学校长 Tadeusz Słomka以及世界铸造组织主席Mark Fenyes 致欢迎词。开幕式中,主办方向所有的赞助商表示感 谢并向他们颁发了纪念品。此外,AGH科技大学的歌 舞团演唱了"Krakus",900多名参会代表被他们的表 演深深吸引。演出之外,还通过一个大会宣传片向参 会代表展示波兰的自然风景和传统文化。 大会开幕式中的全体会议是一个重点,共有3个主题 报告组成,分别由欧区爱集团总裁Carsten Kuhlgatz博 士做题为“2030年前德国、欧洲、美国和中国的电动车 行业的发展趋势”的报告,大会科学委员会主席、克拉 科夫铸造研究所代表Natalia Sobczak教授做题为“创意 铸造的液态金属工程:从实验室到工厂”的报告,以及 Piotr Olszewski做题为“VOX PATRIS-世界上最大的摆 钟”的报告,介绍了Jan Felczyński's Bell-founding Studio的最新成就,VOX PATRIS由Metalodlew SA公 司生产,还通过影片展示了波兰铸造企业的先进技术。 当天举行的新闻发布会邀请了国内外行业媒体的代表 及大会赞助商参加。新闻发布会由Foundry Planet的 CEO Thomas Fritsch主持,波兰铸造协会会长Tadeusz Franazek出席。发布会结束后,世界铸造组织的主要领



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 Association, Tadeusz Franazek, and the moderator of the conference was a representative of Foundry Planet Journal, Thomas Fritsch. After the press conference, the WFO authorities, the organizers of the Congress and representatives of the Krakow Festival Office planted a tree in the Avenue of Congress, commemorating this extraordinary event. On September 24-25, 43 scientific and technical sessions took place at the ICE Congress Center, which were held simultaneously in eight conference rooms. During these two days, meetings of two WFO Committees were also held: Metal Matrix Composites, Training and Professional Development, as well as meetings of the WFO and Past Presidents authorities. An important element of the Congress was a two-day Seminar of Young Scientists, combined with a poster session on which 83 posters of young scientists and practitioners were presented. The Polish company PGO SA took patronage over this seminar. About 100 young people attended—students, PhD students, young scientists and industry employees. Guest lectures were given by the President of Kimura Group Mr. Kazutoshi Kimura: "Kimura Foundry Co., Ltd. Overview," and Dean of the Faculty of Foundry Engineering of the AGH University Prof. Rafał Dańko: "The state of art and foresight of world casting production.” These papers presented foundry techniques aimed at encouraging young casters to constantly improve their skills and stay in foundry professions. During this Seminar, the Scientific Committee has chosen the best abstract. The award went to Y. Yoshitake, from the National Institute of Technology, Support Center of Education and Research, Japan for the paper, "Grain refinement of Al-2% Cu alloy using by vibrating mold." The Congress was accompanied by two exhibitions: historical "Foundry industry over the centuries," by Jerzy J. Sobczak, Tadeusz Franaszek and Jan Witkowski, and the exhibition "Creative Foundry," which was attended by over 50 companies from around the world. On September 26, an excursion session was organized for the participants of the congress to visit the METAL Fair in Kielce. Participants of the Congress had the opportunity to visit the exhibition organized as part of the XXII International Fair of Technology for METAL Foundry. An annual meeting of the WFO authorities was held during that day at the Kielce Trade Fairs. This day was crowned by Foundrymen's Night meeting combined with the closing ceremony of the Congress. The ceremony took place in Stara Zajezdnia in the historic Kazimierz district in Krakow. During the closing ceremony, the General Secretary of the WFO Andrew Turner announced the winners in the categories Best Scientific Paper and Best Technical Paper. I During this ceremony, the WFO flag was handed over to the next organizer of the congress—the Korean Foundry Association. The Korean representatives presented a promotional film, inviting everyone to Busan, where in 2020, another 74th World Foundry Congress will take place. The last day of the Congress, on Sept. 27, was devoted to technical tours, allowing the participants to become acquainted with the capabilities of the Polish foundry industry and its scientific and research facilities. ■ 30

导、大会主办方及克拉科夫节庆办公室的代表在会议 中心大道种下一棵树,以纪念此次盛会。 9月24-25日,在克拉科夫国际会议中心的8个会议 室举行了43场平行论坛。2天内,还举办了2场世界 铸造组织委员会会议:金属基复合材料、培训和专业 发展以及世界铸造组织主席会议。 大会的一个重要组成部分是为期2天的青年科学家 研讨会,以及83张青年科研人员和从业者的海报展 示。波兰企业PGO SA赞助了本次研讨会。约100名 青年学者参加了研讨会,其中有大学生、博士生、青 年科学家和从业人员。日本木村集团总裁Kazutoshi Kimura先生及AGH科技大学铸造工程学院院长Rafał Dańko教授分别做了题为“木村铸造公司的发展概 况”和“世界铸件产量的现状及趋势”的报告。这 些演讲旨在介绍先进的铸造技术、鼓励年轻一代不 断提高技能并投身于铸造行业。研讨会期间,科学委 员会评选了最佳论文摘要。获奖代表是来自日本国家 技术研究所、教育和研究支持中心的Y. Yoshitake, 论文标题为:“振动模中使用Al-2%Cu合金的晶粒 细化”。 大会同时举办了两场展览:由Jerzy


Sobczak、Tadeusz Franaszek和Jan Witkowski三 位创作的历史展“历经几个世纪的铸造业”,以及来 自国内外50多家公司参与的“创意铸造”展。 9月26日,主办方组织参会代表赴凯尔采参观了“ 第22届凯尔采国际铸造展览会”。期间,还举行了世 界铸造组织委员会议。 当天,还举办了“铸造人之夜”晚会及大会闭幕 式。闭幕式上,世界铸造组织秘书长Andrew Turner 宣读了最佳科学论文和最佳技术论文的获奖名单。 在闭幕式上,世界铸造组织的会旗交给了下一届 大会的主办单位韩国铸造协会。韩国代表邀请大家 参加将于2020年在韩国釜山举办的第74届世界铸造 大会。 9月27日,大会最后一天,主办方为参会代表安 排了7条不同的考察路线,使与会国际代表有机会近 距离了解波兰铸造行业的发展现状及技术、科研水 平。 ■



METAL on Global Scale 第22届波兰凯尔采铸造展成功举办 This year's trade fairs (METAL. ALUMINUM & NONFERMET. RECYCLING and HEAT TREATMENT) held in Targi Kielce used almost 10,000 square meters as the showcase for about 300 exhibitors, co-exhibitors and companies from 28 countries from all corners of the world. Austria, Belarus, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, India, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Slovenia, Scotland, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, Great Britain, and Italy were represented. This year, exhibitors from South Korea, Hong Kong, Turkey, Georgia, and Serbia exhibited at the expo for the first time. Previous editions enjoyed quite a stable level of 3,000 visitors. However, this year's "Industrial Autumn” was a record-breaking event, attracting close to 4.000 business insiders and representatives of various industries: foundry and casting, machine and electromechanical, rail, shipbuilding, armaments, robotics and automation, automotive and aviation industry. They came to Targi Kielce from the most distant corners of the world, including Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey, India, China and Japan.

The foundry industry Silk Road goes through Kielce This year’s event's partners list included the leading foreign foundry organizations and among them China Foundry Association (CFA), Belarusian Association of Foundrymen and Metallurgists , Italian Foundry Suppliers' Association Amafond and Polish STOP, the Technical Association of Polish Foundrymen. The chairmen of all associations were present during METAL 2018 and therefore this was a perfect opportunity to establish business relations. The expo also enjoyed the support from international media partner, Foundry-Planet. Targi Kielce bridges the East and the West owing to the fact that companies from Ukraine, Belarus or Russia come to Świętokrzyskie Province’s foundry fairs in order to establish business contacts. Targi Kielce’s geographical location and advantageous offer are additional advantages for them.

Targi Kielce on the route to Shanghai On the first day of the "Industrial Autumn," Targi Kielce President of Board Andrzej Mochoń PhD, on behalf of the Kielce company signed the cooperation agreement with the China Foundry Association (CFA) which stipulates further collaboration for the years 2019-2020. The contract guarantees the Kielce exhibition and congress centre as well as Polish

第22届波兰凯尔采铸造技术展览会于2018年9 月25-27日成功举办,由铸造、循环利用、铝合金以 及首次展出的热处理展4个主题组成。本届展会规模 约一万平米,来自28个国家和地区的近300家展商及 联合展商展示了最新的技术。展商分别来自奥地利、 白俄罗斯、比利时、中国、捷克、芬兰、法国、西班 牙、荷兰、加拿大、印度、列支敦士登、马其顿、德 国、挪威、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、瑞士、瑞典、土耳 其、乌克兰、美国、英国、意大利等国家和地区。 韩国、中国香港、土耳其、格鲁吉亚、塞尔维亚的 企业首次参展。往届展会的观众基本保持在3000人 左右,今年有近4000名来自包括奥地利、比利时、 爱沙尼亚、法国、立陶宛、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士、乌 兹别克斯坦、德国、捷克、意大利、乌克兰、匈牙 利、白俄罗斯、斯洛伐克、西班牙、英国、美国、斯 洛文尼亚、俄罗斯、土耳其、印度、中国和日本等国 家和地区的观众参加,涵盖了铸造、机械制造、机电 设备、铁路、造船、军工、机器人和自动化、汽车和 航空航天等行业。

铸造业“一带一路”倡议在凯尔采实践 本届展会得到了一些国际铸造组织的支持和参 与,其中包括中国铸造协会、白俄罗斯铸造冶金协 会、意大利铸造设备供应商协会,当然还有波兰铸 造协会。不同国家的行业协会负责人在展会期间深入 交流、建立联系。展会也得到了铸造媒体FoundryPlanet的大力支持。凯尔采会展中心成为东西方的 沟通桥梁,乌克兰、白俄罗斯和俄罗斯的展商在此 达成了贸易合作。凯尔采的地理位置和有利条件也 是额外的优势。

凯尔采展览公司将参加在上海举办的METAL CHINA 2019 展会第一天,凯尔采展览公司董事长Andrzej Mochoń博士代表公司与中国铸造协会签订了2019-



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 companies will participate in Asia’s most important foundry trade show held in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre in March 2019. This is Asia’s largest exhibition of its kind in Asia and the second largest in the world. According to the agreement, Chinese companies will also be present at the next edition of METAL in 2020. Zhang Zhiyong, executive vice president and secretary general of the China Foundry Association (CFA) signed the document on behalf of their organization: “We find the Polish foundry market interesting. Polish companies are worth cooperating with. Our presence in Targi Kielce and the invitation for the expo centre representatives to join the Shanghai event offers the chance to establish new business contacts. This is a perfect example of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative implementation. This is today’s revival of the Silk Road. Being the global foundry industry’s leader we have implemented the extensive investment project and has thus involved the European Union member states, including Poland.” The Participants of the 73rd World Foundry Congress a Visit to Targi Kielce The 22nd METAL expo was held parallel to the 73rd World Foundry Congress in Krakow. Targi Kielce was the Congress Silver Sponsor. The cooperation resulted in several hundred participants visiting Kielce, including board members of the World Foundry Organization. Guests from all around the world, including those from Japan, the United States, Spain, South Korea, Great Britain and France visited all exhibitions held within the scope of "Industrial Autumn" expo cluster.

Targi Kielce - where the foundry business leaders meets METAL Expo and its accompanying exhibitions form the expo cluster—central and Eastern Europe's metalcasting industry’s most important event and the largest exhibition in recent years. Pressure diecasting and components supply for the foundries generated the greatest interest. In addition to Polish companies, Kielce expo was the presentation platform for the industry's world leaders. This many-year tradition has resulted in the exhibitors group composition. Nearly 60 percent of products offered at the trade show were put on display by foreign companies. For years, the exhibitors from Germany and Italy have been the dominant exhibitors group. Each Targi Kielce expo brings together key machines manufacturers, first and foremost the pressure die-casting machine providers. This year’s edition hosted AGRATI, BÜHLER, DISA, FONDAREX, IDRA, ITALPRESSE, YIZUMI, LK Machinery International and Heinrich Wagner SINTO. There was also FRECH with its offer of the most cutting-edge solutions 32

2020合作协议。根据协议,凯尔采展览公司将组织 波兰铸造企业参加将于2019年3月在上海新国际博 览中心举办的第17届中国国际铸造博览会(METAL CHINA 2019)。中国国际铸造博览会是亚洲地区 最大的铸造行业展览会,也是世界上第二大铸造展。 同样,中国企业也将继续参加下一届2020年波兰凯 尔采铸造展。 中国铸造协会执行副会长兼秘书长张志勇代表 中方签订了合作协议。他表示,我们对波兰铸造行业 非常感兴趣,波兰铸造企业是值得合作的。中国企业 参加波兰凯尔采铸造展以及波兰企业参加中国国际铸 造博览会将为两国的铸造企业提供深入交流合作的机 会。这是落实“一带一路”倡议的实践。作为铸造大 国,中国的铸造企业已与欧盟的很多国家开展了广泛 的投资合作,也包括波兰。

第73届世界铸造大会参会代表到访展会 本届展会与第73届世界铸造大会同期举办,这是 双方合作的结果。凯尔采展览公司是大会的银牌赞助 商之一。数百名参会代表集体参观了凯尔采铸造展, 其中包括世界铸造组织的委员以及来自日本、美国、 西班牙、韩国、英国和法国等世界各地的参会代表。

凯尔采会展中心汇集铸造行业领军企业 近年来,凯尔采铸造展已成为中东欧地区最重要 的行业盛会和最大的铸造展会。压铸行业参展效果显 著。除波兰企业外,近60%的展商来自国外,其中德 国和意大利展商多年来一直占较大比例。 本届展会吸引了更多的压铸设备企业参展,包 括AGRATI、布勒、迪砂、方达瑞、意德拉、意特佩 雷斯、伊之密、力劲、瓦格纳、新东等。富来公司 带来了最先进的解决方案。 很多公司展示了铸造设备的周边产品。压铸 行业发展迅速,但是仍有很大发展空间。对于高质 量压铸件的需求,尤其是汽车业为压铸设备制造商 和其他需要采购和使用压铸设备的企业提供了巨大 商机。 参加展会的铸件和材料企业还包括HUTTENESAL-


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 Many companies showcased peripherals and spare parts for foundry equipment. The pressure diecasting market has been developing dynamically, yet the demand has not been satisfied. High demand for high quality pressure die cast parts, especially demonstrated by the automotive sector, offers great opportunities for machine manufacturers as well as those who buy and utilise the machines. The expo is also a showcase for a comprehensive offer of components and raw materials for foundry. The expo was the display of numerous companies, including HUTTENES ALBERTUS POLSKA, ASK CHEMICALS, BARABASZ, GUSS-EX, FERRO-TERM, KDO, NORGPOL, JAK, STANCHEM, FERRUS and a whole array of foreign companies. There were also companies which offer separation technologies, mixing and dispensing devices, chemical agents, metal alloys refiners and modifiers as well as metal-mold coatings, lubricants and hydraulic fluids, among them HUTTENES ALBERTUS POLSKA as well as the Dutch QUAKER CHEMICAL for the first time at the expo. To complement the offer, there were also air purification and filtering devices for casting facilities. INSTAL FILTER was among the exhibitors. The expo did not fall short of computer-aided castings technologies (KOM-ODLEW , VPI POLAND) and measuring, analysis, and control systems (HERAEUS ELECTRO-NITE, ITA, SPECTRO-POLAND). In 2018 Targi Kielce's expo calendar was expanded to include the Metals Heat Treatment Expo (HEAT TREATMENT) targeted at a broad-scope of companies which professionally deal with metals heat treatment and heating devices. Kielce foundry business meetings have always featured innovative technologies and provided the opportunity to meet and talk to numerous, top specialists from Poland and abroad. This year's foundry trade fairs Kielce program abounded with company presentations (ELKEM), seminars on 3D metal printing (ExOne), modern industry 4.0 solutions from Italian industry (ICE - AMAFOND) and metal hardening and heat treatment (KANTHAL) and many others. The 2018 METAL expo has been granted the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. The patronage granted by the Ministry is a true appreciation for the organizers of this important event, a very significant point on the global foundry business map. Presence of the whole array of top-class companies, business-insider customers - representatives of the foundry business-sector and outside, B2B and match-making meetings, conferences, seminars, the off-site session of the 73rd World Foundry Congress from Krakow to Targi Kielce, numerous foreign guests from around the world and many important accompanying events. This is a nutshell recapitulation. ■

BERTUS波兰公司、ASK化学、BARABASZ、GUSSEX、FERRO-TERM、KDO、NORGPOL、JAK、ST ANCHEM、FERRUS和其他国外公司。参展企业中 还有分离技术、搅拌和配料设备、化学材料、合金 处理以及涂料、润滑和液压技术供应商,其中包括 HUTTENES ALBERTUS波兰公司和首次参展的荷兰 公司奎克化学。 还有空气净化和过滤设备企业参展,其中 包括INSTAL FILTER公司。此外,也不乏计算机 辅助技术(KOM-ODLEW,VPI POLAND)及测 量、分析和控制系统企业(HERAEUS ELECTRONITE、ITA、SPECTRO-POLAND)参展。本届展会 主题还包括热处理,目的是吸引铸造行业的热处理技 术和设备企业参展。 凯尔采铸造展的技术论坛以创新技术为主题, 为波兰和其他国家的很多铸造行业专家提供面对面 交流的机会。展会期间,埃肯公司、3D打印供应商 ExOne公司等公司组织了专题论坛,意大利对外贸易 委员会及意大利铸造设备供应商协会联合组织了以工 业4.0为主题的论坛,还有热处理技术公司KANTHAL 等组织的多个主题论坛。 本届凯尔采铸造展得到了波兰企业和科技部的 名誉支持,这是对主办方的极大鼓励和认可,对展会 具有重要意义。很多优秀企业参展、铸造及其相关行 业观众的参与、第73届世界铸造大会参会代表参观展 会,还有展期举办的一系列活动,包括B2B和商贸对 接会、技术论坛等,可以说,本届凯尔采铸造展将成 为波兰铸造业浓墨重彩的一笔! ■



How Properties Vary Throughout a Casting A study set out to show how properties can vary throughout a casting and why that’s OK. Franco Chiesa, Jeremy Carignan, David Levasseur and Gheorghe Martin, Centre de Metallurgie du Quebec (Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada); and Michel Jutras, Powercast Manufacturing Inc. (St.-Eustache, Quebec, Canada)

铸造过程中铸件性能的变化 本文研究并呈现在铸造过程中的性能变化及其原因。 魁北克冶金中心(加拿大魁北克省特里斯-里维耶雷斯市)弗朗哥·基萨、杰里米·卡里南、戴维·利瓦瑟和格奥尔赫·马 丁;Powercast制造公司 (加拿大魁北克省圣尤斯塔什市)米歇尔·朱特拉斯


he bulk of A356 castings are poured in permanent molds with solidification times generally less than 10 minutes. This process normally provides the best metallurgical properties when compared to the other common casting processes such as high pressure die casting (traditional or vacuum), sand casting, plaster molding and investment casting. Because of these properties, the tilt poured permanent mold process is used often for high integrity parts (Fig. 1). Tensile strength and ductility are closely tied to metallurgical properties such as secondary dendrite spacing, the level of microporosity, and the metal cleanliness which impacts the level of inclusions. Permanent molds are often gravity poured down a sprue, which results in a fair amount of turbulence. In this process, the hotter metal will often end up at the bottom of the mold, while the feeding devices (risers) are located on top. This disserves directional solidification, which requires the hotter metal be near the risers. In the tilt pour process, the mold cavity, starting in a horizontal position, is slowly brought to an upright position, reducing turbulence and providing the hotter metal at the top of the mold. To examine this phenomenon, an “autopsy” was performed on a swivel guide plate submitted to extreme tensile and bending loads, the failure of which would have serious consequences (Fig. 2). Unlike wrought components, cast-

Fig 1. This aluminum A356 wheel rim and steering knuckle are produced by the permanent mold process.


部分A 356合金铸件采用金属型工艺,凝固 时间通常小于10分钟。与其他常用的铸造工 艺如高压压铸(常规或真空)、砂型铸造、石

膏型和熔模铸造等相比,这种工艺通常具有最佳的冶金 性能。由于这些特性,金属型工艺倾转浇注通常用于生 产高完整性零部件(图1)。 拉伸强度和延展性与二次枝晶间距、微孔隙度和受夹 杂物含量影响的金属洁净度等冶金性能密切相关。 浇注金属型通常是重力状态下通过浇道,这会造成相 当大的紊流。在此过程中,较热的金属液往往最终处于 铸型的底部,而补缩装置(冒口)通常位于顶部。这种情 况不利于定向凝固,因此要求较热的金属靠近冒口。在 倾转浇注过程中,铸型的型腔从水平位置开始,慢慢地 旋转到直立的位置,减少了紊流、并使较热的金属液处 于铸型顶部。 为了验证这一现象,对旋转导向板 进行了“取样试验”,检验其能承受 的极限拉伸和弯曲载荷,失效将造成 严重后果(图2)。 与锻件不同,任何铸造合金的零 部件都无法始终如一的保证手册规定 的拉伸性能。这会使铸件用户感到困 惑,因为他们会从供应商、学者或他

图1. A 356铝合金轮毂和转向节是采用 金属型工艺生产的。


图2. 倾转浇注的A 356铝合金研究试 样,规格14.2 x 16.1 x 2.8 英寸,重 11.9 磅,凝固时间约为3.5分钟。

Fig 2. The tilt poured aluminium A356 casting studied measures 14.2 x 16.1 x 2.8 in. and weighs 11.9 lbs. Its solidification time is about 3.5 minutes.

ings cannot always provide handbook tensile properties evenly throughout the part for any foundry alloy. This leads to confusion among casting users, as they are given a range of properties for the supposedly same alloy depending on the suppliers, academics or handbooks they may consult. They will often conclude that a design value one can trust does not exist. The truth is, mechanical properties in castings not only change with the process but may vary within the same casting. For instance, in the swivel guide plate, elongation varied from 2.1-8% depending on the solidification conditions at a particular location (solidification time and temperature gradient). Metalcasters can reliably predict properties at various locations to ensure the appropriate properties are present at critical areas. Presenting the potential user with an analysis such as the one developed in this study may go a long way to convince non-metallurgists that the mechanical properties of structural castings can be reliably evaluated.

The Casting Under Study The swivel guide plate sketched in Figure 2, has a typical thickness of 0.5 in. (12mm). In the study it was submitted to combined tensile and bending stresses, as shown in Figure 3. Its composition, measured on a coupon excised at the bottom left corner of the part was: 6.65 Si, 0.11 Fe, 0.01 Cu, 0.006 Mn, 0.30 Mg, 0.002 Sr (i.e. the alloy was not modified) which corresponds to the composition of a top quality A356 primary alloy. Before being put into service, this casting is proof tested at the extreme level of stress shown in Figure 3. The sketch on the left shows the condition of the test, while the distri-

Fig 3. Stress distribution in the critical section of the casting during the proof test (Von Mises criterion in MPa) is shown.

们可能参考的手册获得相同合金的一系列特性。他们往 往会得出结论,可以信任的设计值是不存在的。 事实上,铸件的力学性能不仅会随着工艺的变化而 变化,而且可能在同一铸件中发生变化。例如,图中 所示的旋转导板随着凝固条件(凝固时间和温度梯度) 的不同,延伸率从2.1-8%不等。铸造技术员能够准确 预测铸件不同位置的性能,以确保在关键位置具有合 适的性能。向潜在用户提供本研究所做的分析,将有 助于让非冶金学家们相信,结构铸件的力学性能可以 可靠地预测。

实验的铸件 图2所示的旋转导板,通常厚度为0.5英寸(12毫 米)。在本研究中,对其进行了如图3所示的拉伸和 弯曲应力联合测试。在导板左下角切出的试样上 测得其成分为:6.65si、0.11Fe、0.01Cu、0.006 Mn、0.30mg、0.002


356初生合金的成分相对应。 在投入使用之前,铸件进行如图3所示的极端应力 水平测试。左侧的示意图是测试条件,而等效应力的 分布则用彩色绘制在右边。结果表明,肋端受拉应力 的值接近A356





在1004 ℉(540℃)水中固溶化8小时,140℉(60℃)水中

图3. 铸件验证试验中 临界截面的应力分布 (Von Mises准则以 MPa为单位)。



图4. 照片中的数字是选取的13 个小尺寸拉伸试样的位置。

Fig 4. Location of the 13 tensile samples excised from the casting – Photograph of a subsize specimen.

bution of the Von Mises stresses is plotted in color on the right. It clearly shows the extremity of the ribs is subjected to tensile stress close to the yield strength of alloy A356 T61. The values of the Von Mises criterion indicate where the material is expected to yield, i.e when the value of the tensile yield strength of the material is reached (~ 180 MPa/26ksi) for heat-treated aluminum A356 aged four hours at 311F (155C) after solutionizing eight hours at 1,004F (540C) and quenched in 140F (60C) water.

The Study ASTM E8 subsize tensile specimens were excised at the locations numbered 1-13 shown in Figure 4. Since only one specimen was tested per location, the tensile results (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and elongation) must be interpreted with caution. The typical relative standard deviation on UTS and elongation are 5% and 25%. It should consequently be born in mind that, assuming a normal distribution of the individual results, the average value based on a large number of tests would stand within ±10% and ±50% of one individual value measured (with a probability of 95%). The results of the tensile tests, shown in Figure 5, indicate: The yield strength is similar throughout the casting ~ 180MPa/(26ksi). The elongation varies within a wide range, from 2.1-8%.

Fig 5. Tensile results at the 13 locations in the casting shown in Figure 4.


淬火,在311 ℉(155℃)溶液中时效4小时,材料的拉伸 和屈服强度达到约180MPa/26ksi。

实验过程 如图4所示,ASTM E8小型拉伸试样在编号为1-13 的位置取样。由于每个位置只测试1个试样,所以必 须谨慎地对待拉伸结果(屈服强度、极限抗拉强度和延 伸率)。 通常情况下,极限抗拉强度和延伸率的相对标准偏差 分别为5%和25%。因此,应该记住,假设在个体结果 的正态分布中,基于大量测试的平均值与标准值的偏差 为±10%内,而1个独立的测量值的偏差为±50%(概率 为95%)。图5的拉伸试验结果表明: 各处试样的屈服强度相似,约为180 MPa/ (26 Ksi) 。 延伸率变化范围较大,在2.1~8%之间。 极限抗拉强度与延伸率密切相关。 当工艺条件(如浇注温度、倾转时间、脱模时间和打 开铸型时间)已知时,一旦达到动态稳定状态,就有可

图5. 图4所示13个 位置试样的拉伸强 度。


Fig 6a. Solidification time predicted by the thermal modeling of the casting solidification is shown.

图6a. 通过铸件凝固过程的热模拟, 预测凝固时间。

Fig 6b. A hot spot is detected due to part geometry.

图6b. 根据零件的几何形状, 判定过热点。

The ultimate tensile strength is strongly correlated to the elongation. When the process conditions are known (i.e. pouring temperature, tilting time, ejection time and mold open time), it is possible to predict the solidification conditions everywhere inside the casting once a dynamic steady state has been reached. For instance, the solidification time predicted after 10 cycles is plotted in Figure 6a. The primary information obtained from solidification modeling is the location of hot spots, where late solidification has cut the zone off from the feeding liquid path. Depending on its severity, this situation would result in a shrinkage cavity. As shown in Figures 6a-6b, hots spots due to the casting geometry were detected at two low stress locations. The resulting shrinkage is shown in Figure 7. In order to reduce this defect and meet the requirement of Grade C, the melt could be slightly gassed so as to reduce the overall liquid to solid contraction. The gassing of the melt is controlled by measuring the density of the reduced pressure test sample to a density close to 2.50. The normally degassed melt corresponds to a sample density of 2.60, compared to a compact density of 2.68 for alloy A356. An alternative solution would have been to use artificial cooling: modeling had

Fig 7. Shrinkage at the hot spot in Figure 6b is shown.

能预测铸件内部任何位置的凝固条件。例如,图6a所 示为10次循环后预测的凝固时间。 过热点的位置是通过模拟凝固获得的主要信息,即 液态金属通道截断后最后凝固的位置。根据其严重程 度,这种情况将引起缩松缺陷。 如图6a-6b所示,根据铸件几何形状判定两个低应 力位置是过热点。引起的缩松缺陷如图7所示。为了 减少这类缺陷并达到C级要求,可以轻微的对金属液 进行气体保护,从而整体使液体收缩为固体收缩。 保护金属液的气体通过测量减压试样的密度来控 制,密度达到接近2.50。正常脱气的金属液对应的样 品密度为2.60,而A356合金致密的密度为2.68。另 一种解决办法是人工冷却:建模表明空气冷却是不够 的,因此发现金属液的气体保护比在模具中增加水冷 却通道更实用。 然而,可以从模拟中获得比凝固顺序和过热点位置 更多的信息。拉伸性能也可以预测。 质量指标Q定义了Al-Si-Mg合金的热处理,最初

图7. 图6b所示过热点的缩松情况。



Fig 8. Shown is the predicted distribution of the quality index. The table shows elongation (El%) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) from Q for YS=180MPa.

shown that air cooling would have been insufficient, so gassing of the melt was found to be more practical than providing water cooling channels in the mold. However, more can be extracted from the simulation than the solidification sequence and the locations of hot spots. Tensile properties also can be predicted. A quality index Q has been defined for heat treated Al-Si-Mg alloys which, in a first approximation, depends only on the metallurgical quality of the alloy and not on the temper applied following solutionizing and quenching. The metallurgical quality depends on the fineness of the microstructure measured by the secondary dendrite arm spacing (DAS) expressed in micrometers and the level of microporosity, expressed in percent volume. The presence of inclusions will also reduce the value of Q. Q is defined by the relationship: Q = UTS + 150 Log El In a clean alloy, Q depends only on the dendrite fineness and level of microporosity. Since DAS is related to the

Fig 9. Mosaics at locations shown in Fig.4 indicate the level of microporosity measured (top right) and predicted (bottom).


图8.质量指标的预测分布。该表显 示YS =180 MPa时,Q值的延伸率 (el%)和极限抗拉强度(UTS)。

级的近似值,只取决于合金的冶金质 量,而不取决于固溶淬火后的回火。 冶金质量取决于微米级的二次枝晶 臂间距(DAS)的显微组织细度和以体积 百分比表示的微孔隙度。夹杂物的存 在也会降低Q值。Q的定义关系是: Q = UTS + 150 Log El 洁净的合金,Q只取决于枝晶的细度和微孔隙度。 由于DAS与凝固时间有关,微观孔隙率可以用凝固时间 和固相线速度来表示,因此可以根据热模拟的结果计算 出Q值,为铸件的凝固时间和凝固速度提供一定的参考 值。需要注意的是,局部凝固时间是从凝固开始到结束 之间的时间,因此它比图6中的凝固时间短。本文给出

图9.图4所示位置 嵌图表示测量的 微孔隙度(右上)和 预测值(下)。


solidification time, microporosity can be expressed in terms of solidification time and the solidus velocity, Q may be calculated from the results of the thermal modeling which provides a value for solidification time and solidus velocity everywhere in the casting. Note that the local solidification time is the time elapsed between the beginning and end of solidification, hence it is shorter than the solidification time in Figure 6. Expressions for Q have been proposed for a moderately gassed melt with a reduced pressure test sample density of 2.48, corresponding to a dissolved hydrogen gas content of about 0.20 ppm. Accordingly, the Q distribution color map shown at the top of Figure 8 could be obtained. It can be seen that the zones of lower Q correspond to slower solidification times and high values of the solidus velocity (i.e. zones of low thermal gradient). In AlSiMg alloys, the tensile properties YS, UTS (MPa) and El are not independent. The following empirical relationship has been proposed: YS = UTS - 60 Log El -13 YS = UTS - 60 Log El -13 Since by definition, Q = UTS + 150 Log El, YS may be written as: YS = Q - 210 Log El -13 YS = Q - 210 Log El -13 Consequently: El = 10^(Q-YS+13)/210 [Equation 1] El = 10^(Q-YS+13)/210 [Equation 1] The yield strength depends mainly on the magnesium content and temper conditions, which are identical throughout the casting. Yield strength can be calculated, based on

Fig 10 – Metallographic structures at locations 1, 2, 4, 9, 11 and 13 indicated in Figure 4 are shown here.

了减压试样密度为2.48,溶解氢气体含量约为0.20ppm 的中度气体金属液Q的表达式。因此,可以得到图8顶 部所示的Q分布颜色图。结果表明,Q值较低的区域对 应较慢的凝固时间和较高的固相线速度值(即较低的温度 梯度区)。 YS = UTS - 60 Log El -13 在AlSiMg合金中,合金的拉伸性能YS、UTS(MPa) 和EL不是相互独立的,有如下的经验关系: YS = UTS - 60 Log El -13 YS = Q - 210 Log El -13 因此根据定义,Q = UTS + 150 Log El,YS可表 示为: YS = Q - 210 Log El -13 El = 10^(Q-YS+13)/210 因此: El = 10^(Q-YS+13)/210 屈服强度主要取决于镁含量和回火条件,它们在铸 造过程中是一致的。根据镁含量(0.30%)和时效条件 (311℉,4h)计算屈服强度。屈服强度的测定值为180

图10. 图4所示位置1、2、4 、9、11和13的金相。



图11. 预测的枝晶臂间距的分 布(微米)。

Fig 11. Shown is the dendrite arm spacing distribution predicted (micrometers).

the magnesium content (0.30%) and the aging conditions (4h at 311F). Yield strength was determined equal to 180 MPa, in good agreement with the tensile results of Figure 5, which are based on only one tensile test. Under the assumption of constant YS=180MPa, elongation can be computed from Q using equation 1. In Figure 8, the predicted Q varies from 308 to 363 MPa, which, from the table in the same figure, corresponds to predicted elongations varying from 2.4-4.6%, a narrower range than what was measured since experimental elongations vary from 2.1-8%. However, this apparent discrepancy might not be significant because the experimental results were obtained on a unique test per location. The typical standard deviation for elongation being 25% means that for these two extreme numbers, the “true value” of elongation would lie in the ranges 2.1±1.0% and 8.0±4.0% with a probability of 95%. The “true value” would be obtained by averaging the results of an infinite number of tests. It is thus impossible in the present circumstances to state that the predictions are in accordance or in contradiction with reality. A much higher number of tests would be necessary. It can, however, be stated both experiment and theory show a wide range of mechanical properties exist within the same casting. The measured tensile properties (Figure 5) seem generally superior to the predicted ones, attesting to the higher than average metallurgical quality of the casting. The microporosity level was measured at each of the 13 locations by image analysis. The mosaics, 0.4 in. (9 mm) in diameter, are shown in Figure 9 at locations 1, 2, 4, 9, 11 and 13, as numbered in Figure 4. The void maximum length is also indicated. This maximum length is relevant to the fatigue strength of the part, more so than the porosity expressed in volume percent. Despite the partial gassing of the melt, intended to reduce the shrinkage cavity to an acceptable level, the rapidly solidified, high temperature gradients at locations 11 and 13 result in very low levels of microporosity. The predicted values of the microporosity are usually higher than the experimental values, except at location 9 where the measured level is unexpectedly very high (2.23%). At this location, the void morphology is also very peculiar (see mosaic #9 in Figure 9), indicating a particular phenomenon has possibly taken place at this location. It could be the presence of trapped inclusions which could have acted as 40

MPa,与图5的拉伸结果非常符合,该结果仅以1 次拉伸试验为基础。 假设常数YS =180 MPa,延伸率可以用Q值以 方程1计算。 如图8,预测的Q值从308到363


从同一图中的表格来看,它对应预测的延伸率为 2.4%-4.6%,比实测的范围更窄,因为实验的延伸 率在2.1%-8%之间。然而,这种明显的差异可能 并不显著,因为实验结果是每个位置的唯一试样测 量得出的。延伸率的典型标准差为25%,这两个极 端数的“真值”分别为2.1±1.0%和8.0±4.0%,概 率为95%。“真值”是通过对无穷多个测试结果进 行平均得到的。因此,在目前情况下,不能说这些 预测符合或与现实相矛盾。需要进行更多的测试。 然而可以说,无论是实验还是理论,都表明在同一 铸件中力学性能有着广泛的范围。测量得出的拉伸 性能(图5) 似乎通常优于预测的性能,证明铸件的 冶金质量高于平均水平。 如图9所示直径0.4英寸(9mm)的嵌图,是图4标 出的位置1、2、4、9、11和13。通过图像分析, 测量了13个位置微孔隙度的水平。同时标出了孔 隙的最大长度。这个最大长度与零件的疲劳强度有 关,比以体积百分比表示的孔隙率更重要。尽管对 金属液进行部分气体保护,但其目的是为了将缩孔 减少到可接受的水平,在11和13处迅速凝固的高 温梯度会导致极低的微孔隙率。微孔隙度的预测值 通常高于实验值,但9号的测量值异常高(2.23%)。 在这个位置上,空洞的形态是非常奇特的(见图9的 9号嵌图),表明在这个点可能发生特定现象。可能 是夹杂的存在,也可能是氢气分子形成的核团。 预测的微孔隙度值通常高于实测值,这可能是


nuclei for the molecular hydrogen gas to form. The generally higher value of the predicted microporosity compared to the measured one might be due to natural degassing or because the actual level of atomic hydrogen dissolved in the melt was less than the 0.20 ppm corresponding to the formula used to predict the microporosity distribution. The microstructures shown in Figure 10 are typical of an unmodified heat treated Al-Si alloy. As expected, the dendritic structure coarsens as the solidification time increases; the measured values of DAS are indicated under the micrographs. The distribution of the predicted DAS (Figure 11) resulting from the solidification modeling is based on a previously proposed relationship which depends only on the local solidification time, i.e. the time elapsed between the beginning and the end of solidification.

由于自然脱气或由于溶解在金属液中的氢气分子的 实际含量低于用于预测微孔分布的公式所对应的 0.20ppm。 图10的显微组织是典型的未经热处理的Al-Si合 金。结果表明,随着凝固时间的延长,枝晶结构粗 化,DAS的测量值如图显微照片所示。凝固模型 中预测的DAS(图11)的分布是基于之前提到的仅取 决于局部凝固时间的关系,即凝固开始到结束之间 的时间。

实验结论 通过对倾转浇注A


What We Now Know


The metallurgical study of 13 excisions in a tilt poured permanent mold aluminum A356 casting, with local solidification times comprised between 0.5 and 2.5 minutes lead to the following conclusions: Local tensile properties vary widely with solidification conditions, the quality index Q spanning from 308 to 363MPa. These values are expectedly lower than the minimum Q required for the standard ASTM B108 separately cast test bars (Q > 367MPa), the local solidification time of which is less than 20 seconds. The variations in the microporosity and tensile elongation can be reasonably predicted when the local value of the solidification time and solidus velocity are known via solidification modeling. The measured values of the elongation (2.1-8%) vary in a much wider range than the predicted ones (2.4-4.6%). This discrepancy is due to the fact only one tensile test was performed per location, the confidence interval on the elongation of cast aluminum being typically 25% of the average value obtained on a very large number of tests. The secondary dendrite arm spacing (DAS) can be accurately predicted when the time between the beginning and end of solidification is determined by solidification modeling. In addition to its conventional use to predict macroshrinkage in castings (i.e. “hot spots”), it was shown that solidification modeling could be used to evaluate the variations in microporosity and tensile elongation inside a cast part. This tool should however be used with some caution and plenty of discernment. In the realm of solidification, a prediction should be considered as a “relatively” faithful caricature of reality. For a given alloy, the trust it may inspire should be built after a long process of experimenting on a wide range of geometrical configurations and process conditions. ■

下结论: 局部拉伸性能随凝固条件变化较大,质量指标Q 为308~363 MPa。这些值预计低于ASTM B 108标 准试样要求的最小Q值(Q > 367MPa),其局部凝固 时间小于20秒。 通过凝固模型可以合理地预测凝固时间和固相 线速度的局部值对孔隙率、拉伸强度和延伸率的影 响。延伸率的测量值(2.1-8%)比预测值(2.4-4.6%) 变化幅度大得多。这一差异是由于每个位置只进行 了1次拉伸试验,铸铝合金延伸率的置信区间通常 为大量试验所得平均值的25%。 通过凝固模型确定凝固起始与结束的时间,可以 准确预测二次枝晶臂的间距(DAS)。 除了常规预测铸件的宏观收缩


外,凝固模型还可以用来评价铸件内部孔隙率、拉 伸强度和延伸率的变化。然而,在使用这一工具时 应该谨慎,并且要有足够的洞察力。在凝固领域, 预测应该被看作是对现实的“相对”正确的描绘。 对于给定的合金,它可能赋予的信任应该建立在长 期的实验过程中,在广泛的几何结构和工艺条件下 进行试验。 ■ 本文选自第122届铸造大会上发表的论文“金属型倾转 浇注AlSi7Mg03(A 356)铝合金结构件的冶金性能”(论 文18-011)。

This article is based on the paper “Metallurgical Properties inside a Tilt Poured Permanent Mold Structural Aluminum AlSi7Mg03 (A356) Casting” (Paper 18-011) originally presented at the 122nd Metalcasting Congress. December 2018 FOUNDRY-PLANET.COM | MODERN CASTI NG | CHINA FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION |


What Impact Will 3D Metal Printing Have on Investment Casting? Some have speculated that 3D printing will have a substantial effect on investment casting. The evidence says otherwise. thomas j. mueller, mueller additive manufacturing solutions (new berlin, wisconsin)

3D金属打印对熔模铸造影响的分析 有人预测3D打印会对熔模铸造产生重大影响,现实情况并非如此。 穆勒增材制造技术公司(威斯康辛州新柏林) 托马斯•杰•穆勒


etal additive manufacturing, or 3D metal printing, has received a lot of attention in the last several years. General Electric spent more than $1 billion to purchase Arcam and Concept Laser and formed a new division called GE Additive. They predict they will have manufactured more than 100,000 metal components for their own use by 2020 and will be generating more than $1 billion in additive manufacturing revenues by that same year. Furthermore, they predict they will sell 10,000 metal printers in the next decade. Desktop Metal, a startup formed by MIT professors, has received $115 million in funding from such corporations as GE, Caterpillar, BMW, and Lowes. IDTechEx, a marketing research firm has predicted that the metal additive manufacturing market will reach $6.6 billion by 2026, about the same size as the U.S. investment casting market. 3Diligent, a metal printing service provider,

Fig. 1. Geometry 1 is a domed cap.


属增材制造,或称3D金属打印,过去几年 受到了广泛的关注。通用电气投入超过10亿 美元并购了3D金属打印设备制造商Arcam

公司和Concept Laser公司,并组建了新的部门通用增 材制造。他们预计到2020年,将生产超过10万件供自 己使用的金属零部件,并将在同一年从增材制造部门创 收超过10亿美元。此外,他们预计未来十年内,将售出 1万台金属打印设备。 由麻省理工学院教授创办的Desktop Metal公司从通 用、卡特彼勒、宝马和劳氏等公司获得了1.15亿美元的 资金。 根据市场调查公司IDTechEx的预测,到2026年,金 属增材制造的市场需求将达到66亿美元,与美国当前的

图1. 几何形状1 圆顶帽


图2. 几何形状2 开放式叶轮

Fig. 2. Geometry 2 is an open impeller.

claims metal 3D printing will shape the aerospace industry. With press like this, it is no wonder that investment foundries are concerned about the potential loss of business to metal printing. Is metal printing likely to make investment casting obsolete? Per numbers from the Investment Casting Institute, in 2016, investment casting was a $13.5 billion industry worldwide. In North America alone, the industry generated $5.8 billion worth of castings and employed several thousand people. The majority of the market is in high value-added components such as those used in aerospace, industrial gas turbine, and defense applications. North America has more than 180 investment foundries, all of whom are concerned about the impact metal printing may have on their business. In the past few years, the number of manufacturers of metal additive manufacturing systems has ballooned from less than 10 to more than 30 and new ones seem to appear every month. Some have forecast that metal printing will become the dominant method of creating metal parts. Will metal printing make investment casting obsolete? In a recent study, investment foundries and metal printers were asked to quote 75 different scenarios covering a range of investment casting cases. Quoted prices were averaged for both investment cast and printed metal and in each case, the lowest cost method was determined. The analysis was then repeated assuming that metal printing prices declined to determine what ground metal printing may gain as costs come down. The results provide some insight to both metal printers and investment casters and can guide them on where to focus their efforts in the future.

Methodology There are many reasons that a manufacturer may choose a particular manufacturing process for a component. They may choose the method that provides the components in the

Fig. 3. Geometry 3 is a closed impeller.

熔模铸件市场规模差不多。金属打印服务商3Diligent 声称, 3D金属打印将重塑航空航天工业。 有了这样的打印设备,难怪熔模铸造企业担心金属打 印将引起潜在的业务流失。金属打印有可能使熔模铸造 工艺淘汰吗? 根据熔模铸造研究所的数据,2016年,全球熔模铸 件市场规模为135亿美元。仅在北美就生产了价值58亿 美元的熔模铸件,有数千从业者。大部分产品是高附加 值的零部件,应用于航空航天,工业燃气轮机和国防。 北美有180多家熔模铸造企业,他们都担心金属打印可 能对他们的业务产生影响。 在过去的几年中,金属增材制造设备企业数量从不到 10家激增到了30家以上,而且似乎每个月都会出现新 的制造企业。有人预测金属打印将成为金属零部件主要 的制造方法。金属打印会使熔模铸造被淘汰吗? 在最近的一项研究中,根据常规的系列熔模铸造零 部件案例,设计了75种不同的场景,熔模铸造厂和金属 打印设备商按不同场景报价。比较熔模工艺和金属打印 每个场景的报价,确定成本最低的工艺。然后假设金属 打印的成本下降,再重复进行分析,看看随着成本的下 降,金属打印是否能获得优势。 研究结果为金属打印设备企业和熔模铸造企业提供了 一些启示,并能引导他们未来工作的努力方向。

方法介绍 生产企业为某种零部件选择特定的制造工艺基于多种 原因。他们可以选择在最短时间内供货的工艺,选择产

图3. 几何形状3 封闭式叶轮



图4. 几何形状4无人机机架

Fig. 4. Geometry 4 is a drone frame.

shortest period of time, the method that provides the best metallurgical properties, or the method that provides the best surface finish. Most often, however, manufacturers will choose the least expensive method that provides acceptable quality. The objective of the study was to find those situations where metal printing might be less expensive than investment casting. Investment casting is used over a very wide range of manufacturing situations. It is used to create components ranging from fractions of an inch to several feet in dimension. It is used to create components with geometric complexity ranging from very simple to incredibly complex. Finally, it is used to make production volumes ranging from a single part to tens of thousands of parts. Of course, the least expensive method in one situation may not be the least expensive in another. The potential scenarios in investment casting are many. Scenarios vary with part size, part complexity, and production volumes. To cover the majority of the investment casting landscape, 75 different scenarios were defined consisting of three different part sizes, five different part complexities, and five production volumes. Part sizes chosen were four inches, eight inches, and 16 inches. Clearly, investment casting is used to manufacture components both larger and smaller than this range, but this will cover the majority of the market. Geometric complexities ranged from very simple to so complex they cannot likely be cast. Geometry 1 is a simple dome illustrated in Figure 1. The pattern could be created in a simple two-part mold with no side actions or inserts. Geometry 2, an open impeller illustrated in Figure 2, is a little more complex. It still can be created in a two-part mold, but the vanes create a more complex casting situation. Geometry 3, a closed impeller illustrated in Figure 3, is a step up in complexity. It cannot be molded in a two-part mold.

Fig. 5. Geometry 5 is a lattice structure drone frame.


品冶金性能最佳的工艺,或选择产品表面光洁度最好的 工艺。然而,大多数情况,生产企业会选择在质量可接 受的情况下成本最低的工艺。这项研究的目的是为了找 到金属打印可能比熔模铸造成本低的情况。 熔模铸造工艺的适用性非常广泛,可以生产从1英 寸到数英尺的零部件,可以生产几何形状非常简单到 复杂到难以置信的零部件,产量可以从1个零件到数万 个零件。 当然,在某种情况下最经济的方法,在另一种情况 下可能就不是最经济的。熔模铸造工艺可提供的方案 很多,根据零部件尺寸大小、几何形状复杂性和产量 而不同。 为了能涵盖熔模铸造工艺大部分情况,方案确定了 75种不同的场景,由3种不同零件尺寸、5种不同复杂 程度的几何形状和5种产量构成。 选择的零部件尺寸分别为4英寸、8英寸和16英寸。 虽然熔模铸造可以生产尺寸比这更大或更小的零部件, 但这些尺寸可以覆盖大部分市场需求。 几何形状特别简单或过度复杂的零部件通常不选择铸 造工艺。图1所示几何形状1是简单的圆顶帽。模样可以 简单的设计为两部分,无需侧面抽芯或插入。图2所示 几何形状2稍微复杂一些,是开放式叶轮。模样可以简 单的设计为两部分,但是叶片的铸造情况更为复杂。图 3所示几何形状3是封闭的叶轮,在复杂性上更进一步。 它不能用两分的模具生产,制作蜡模需要可溶芯或陶瓷 芯,需要多种工具,导致成本增加。几何形状4是无人

图5. 几何形状5格子结构无人机机架


图6. 4英寸(101毫米)零部件的 25种场景,制造工艺成本最低 的分布。

Fig. 6. The least expensive method of manufacture is indicated for each of the 25 cases for the 4-inch (101mm) components.

Creating wax patterns will require either soluble or ceramic cores, resulting in multiple tools and increased cost. Geometry 4, a drone frame, is another step up in complexity and is a geometry that cannot be molded. Investment casting would require printed patterns. Geometry 5, another drone frame, is a lattice structure designed to minimize the weight of the casting. The tight spacing of the lattice makes it unlikely that the pattern could be shelled without bridging. Even if it could be shelled, the thin web of the lattice would be difficult to fill. This geometry probably could only be created with metal printing. Note that geometries 1, 2, and 3 are moldable and can be created using conventional investment casting, hybrid investment casting or metal printing. Geometry 4 is not moldable and therefore cannot be created using conventional investment casting. It can, however, be created using either hybrid investment casting or metal printing. Geometry 5 is neither moldable nor castable and can only be created using metal printing. All five geometry files were sized so that the major dimension was four inches (101.4mm). To create the eight- and 16-inch (203mm and 406mm) sizes, the files were scaled by a factor of 2 and 4. Five levels of production volume were used; 1, 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 copies. These values of three major variables define a manufacturing space that includes the majority of the investment casting industry. Several investment foundries were asked to quote each of the combinations of part complexity, part size, and production volumes. They were asked to quote both

Fig. 7. The least expensive method of manufacture is indicated for each of the 25 cases for the 8-inch (203mm) components.

机机架,在复杂性上又一步,是模具无法完成的几何 形状。需要打印蜡模结合熔模铸造生产。几何形状5 是另一种无人机框架,为减少铸件的重量设计成格子 结构。格子结构紧密的间距使得蜡模不可能在没有桥 接的情况下完成制壳。即使能够制壳,格子的薄壁也 很难充型。这个几何形状只能用金属打印完成。 需要注意的是,几何形状1、2、3既可以使用传统 的开模具的熔模铸造工艺,又可以使用熔模铸造复合 工艺或使用金属打印完成。几何形状4不能开模具, 因此不能使用传统的熔模工艺。但可以使用熔模铸 造复合工艺和金属打印完成。几何形状5既不能开模 具,也无法铸造,只能用金属打印制造。 研究方案的5种几何形状的主要尺寸是4英寸 (101.4mm)。如果是8英寸和16英寸(203 mm和406 mm)的产品,尺寸的缩放倍数为2和4。 5种产量分别是:1、10、100、1000和10000 件。 这3类主要变量的值,基本能涵盖大部分熔模铸造 工艺的产品。 项目邀请了一些熔模铸造厂根据每种产品组合几何 形状的复杂性、尺寸和产量进行报价。要求他们使用 传统的熔模铸造工艺和熔模铸造复合工艺即打印蜡模 后用熔模铸造工艺生产。产品的材质是不锈钢17-4。 有7家铸造厂对这一要求做出了回应。定价通常被

图7. 8英寸(203毫米)零部件的 25种场景,制造工艺成本最低 的分布。



图8. 16英寸(406毫米)零部 件,制造工艺成本最低的分 布。

Fig. 8. The least expensive method of manufacture is indicated for each of the 16-inch (406mm) components.

conventional investment casting and hybrid investment casting using printed patterns. Material to be quoted was 17-4 stainless steel. Seven foundries responded to the request. Pricing is typically considered very proprietary information and the requested information would provide a great deal of information about the foundry’s pricing strategy. To minimize their fears about competitors obtaining access to their pricing, the author signed non-disclosure agreements, agreed not to disclose their identities, and only provided summary information (mean, median, maximum and minimum pricing) on each of the 75 scenarios. For the conventional investment casting quotes, participants were asked to estimate the cost of tooling rather than actually seeking bids from tooling suppliers. Printed pattern suppliers were asked to quote the same scenarios. The quoted prices were averaged for each pattern printing method and those averages were supplied to foundries for use in quoting hybrid investment casting prices. The foundries were asked to use the prices for whichever printing technology they were most comfortable with. Twelve printed pattern suppliers responded to the inquiries. Several companies who provide metal printing services were also asked to quote printed metal components for the same scenarios and metal. Three metal printing suppliers responded to the inquiry. Printed pattern suppliers and printed metal suppliers were provided the same level of confidentiality as the foundries. For each scenario, all prices for conventional investment casting were averaged, as were the hybrid investment casting and metal printing prices. In each scenario, the lowest price was identified. Figure 6 illustrates the lowest prices for the 25 scenarios for 4-inch (101mm) components. In those scenarios colored green, conventional investment casting with molded wax patterns was the least expensive method of manufacture. As expected, it is the least expensive method for all higher production volumes that can be done with conventional investment casting, as shown by those squares colored green. In those scenarios colored red, hybrid investment casting with printed patterns was the least expensive method of manufacture. For simpler geometries 1 and 2, the hybrid investment casting was least expensive for only very low quantities of 10 or less. Hybrid investment casting is least expensive up to 100 copies for geometry 3, which has a significantly higher tooling cost. For geometry 4, which can only be done with printed patterns or printed metal, hybrid 46

认为是非常敏感的信息,项目需求的信息将涉及大 量关于铸造厂定价的策略。为了减少企业对竞争对 手获得定价信息的担忧,作者签署了保密协议,同 意不披露企业的身份,只提供75种场景下每种情况 的摘要信息(平均价格、中间、最高和最低价格)。 对于传统的熔模铸造工艺的报价,参与企业只 需要估算模具的成本,不需要实际向模具供应商询 价。 打印蜡模的供应商被要求基于同场景报价。平均 每个场景打印蜡模的报价,再把这些平均价格提供 给铸造厂,用于熔模铸造复合工艺的报价。铸造厂 可以采用最令他们满意的打印蜡模的价格。12家打 印蜡模的供应商参与了报价。 几家提供金属打印服务的公司也被邀请基于同样 的场景对金属打印零部件报价。3家金属打印供应商 进行了报价。 打印蜡模的供应商和金属打印的供应商签署了与 铸造厂一样的保密协议。 每种场景,所有的传统熔模铸造工艺的价格都是 平均价格,熔模铸造复合工艺和金属打印零部件的 价格也是如此。每种情况都确定了最低的价格。 图6所示是4英寸(101毫米)零部件25种场景的最 低价格。如图所示场景,绿色代表的是用模具制造 蜡样的传统熔模铸造最便宜的情况。正如预期,所 有产量较大的情况,这是最便宜的方法,绿色方格 代表的是可以选择传统熔模铸造工艺的情况。 图示场景,红色代表制造方式为熔模铸造复合工 艺最便宜的情况。对于简单的几何形状1和2,只有 在10件或更少这种数量非常低的情况下,熔模铸造 复合工艺是最便宜的。几何形状3少于100件的情 况,熔模铸造复合工艺是最便宜的,这是由于模具 成本非常高。对于几何形状4,只能用熔模铸造复合 工艺或金属打印,数量为10件或更多时,复合工艺 最是最便宜。 几何形状4数量为1时,以及任何数量的几何形状 5,金属打印是最便宜的选择,并且只能用金属打印


investment casting is the least expensive for quantities of 10 or more. Metal printing is the least expensive option for quantity 1 of geometry 4 and for all of geometry 5, which can only be done with printed metal. Figure 7 illustrates the lowest prices for the 25 scenarios for the 8-inch (203mm) components. Very little has changed from the pricing for 4-inch (101mm) components. Quantity 100 of geometry three is now least expensive with conventional investment casting and quantity 1 of geometry 4 is now least expensive with hybrid investment casting. Figure 8 illustrates the lowest prices for the 25 scenarios for the 16-inch (406mm) parts. The only change is that printed metal is not the least expensive method for any of the 16-inch (406mm) part scenarios. None of the metal printers contributing were able to build parts that large. Consequently, those parts are not currently manufacturable.




From these results, several observations can be made: At current pricing, metal printing will not take market share from conventional investment casting. At current pricing, metal printing provides a lower cost of manufacture than hybrid investment casting only for small un-moldable parts. At current pricing, hybrid investment casting will be less expensive than metal printing castable but un-moldable for all but single quantities of the smallest part. There is no doubt that over time, the cost of metal printing will come down. The number of manufacturers of metal printers is increasing rapidly, increasing competition and

Fig. 9. The effect of reduced pricing of printed metal components is indicated for all 75 scenarios.

景的最低价格。与4英寸(101毫米)零部件的定价相 比,几乎没有什么变化。不同的是,几何形状3在数 量为100件时,传统熔模铸造工艺最便宜,几何形 状4数量为1时,是熔模铸造复合工艺最便宜。 图8所示为16英寸(406毫米)零部件25种场景的最 低价格。唯一改变的是,对于任何一种16英寸(406 毫米)的零部件,金属打印都不是最便宜的方法。 没有金属打印设备能够制造出这么大的零部件。因 此,这些零部件现在不能用该工艺制造。

数据分析 从这些结果可以看出: 按目前的价格,金属打印不会从传统的熔模铸造 按目前的价格,只有在小型且无法铸造的情况 下,金属打印的成本低于熔模铸造复合工艺。 按目前的价格,熔模铸造复合工艺将比金属打印 铸件便宜,但不包括无法铸造或需求量只有1个的小 型零部件的情况。 毫无疑问,随着时间的推移,金属打印的成本 将会下降。金属打印设备制造商数量迅速增加,竞 争加剧,价格将承受压力。此外,随着打印设备销 量的增加,规模经济将降低生产成本。此外,我们

图9. 所有75种场 景,假设降低金属 打印零部件价格后 成本最低制造工艺 分布。



putting pressure on prices. In addition, as the number of printers sold increases, economies of scale will reduce manufacturing costs. Also, we may well see new printing technologies introduced that will lower costs. If metal printing costs come down, will it become a lower cost alternative for part of the investment casting landscape? To answer that question, the average metal printing prices were reduced by 50%. All 75 scenarios were then re-examined to determine the lowest cost method for each. That analysis was repeated for price reductions of 75% and 90%. The results are shown in Figure 9. Several observations can be made from these results: If metal printing prices are reduced by 50%, there are no changes in the low-cost method for 8-inch (203mm) and 16-inch (406mm) parts. For 4-inch parts, metal printing becomes the lowest-cost method for single copies of all geometries and all quantities of geometries 4 and 5. If metal printing prices are reduced by 75%, there are no changes in the low-cost method for 16-inch (406mm) parts. For 8-inch (203mm) parts, metal printing is the low-cost method only for geometry 5 and quantity 1 of geometry 4. Except for quantities 10 and 100 of geometry 3, metal printing is lower cost than hybrid investment casting for 4-inch (101mm) parts. If metal printing prices are reduced by 90%, there are no changes in the low-cost method for 16-inch (406mm) parts. On 8-inch (203mm) parts, metal printing provides a lower cost than hybrid investment casting for quantities of 1 and 10 for all geometries except geometry 3. Furthermore, it becomes less expensive than conventional investment casting for quantities of 100 of geometry 1. On 4-inch (101mm) parts, metal printing completely displaces hybrid investment casting and takes share from conventional investment casting. But can metal printing prices really come down that much? It is tempting to assume the same kind of price reductions seen in consumer electronics. Consider the drop in prices of video cassette recorders or personal computers over the first 10 or 15 years of life. Based on that, a price reduction of 90% might be possible. However, there are significant differences between metal printers and consumer electronics. First, the majority of the printer is mechanical and there have not been similar reductions in the cost of mechanical components. Even with production scaling from tens of units per year to thousands, it is doubtful that there would be reductions of more than 50%. Secondly, metal printers report that materials cost accounts for 10-15% of the cost of a printed part. Metal powder providers start with the same material that investment foundries would buy, and then add significant processing cost to convert it into powder of a uniform shape and size. As a result, the cost of materials for metal printers is significantly higher than for foundries. For example, a foundry will pay about $5 per pound for titanium ingots. The same alloy for metal printers cost about $150 per pound. Undoubtedly, that gap will nar48

很可能会看到新的打印技术的引入,这也将降低成 本。如果金属打印成本下降,它是否会成为熔模铸 造领域较低成本的替代方案? 为了回答这个问题,把金属打印的平均价格降低 50%,然后对所有75个场景重新进行审查,以确定 每个场景成本最低的制造工艺。价格分别下降75% 和90%,再重复这一分析,结果如图9所示。 从这些结果可以看出: 如果金属打印价格降低50%,8英寸(203毫米)和 16英寸(406毫米)的零部件低成本制造工艺没有变 化。对于4英寸的零部件,金属打印是数量为1的所 有几何形状的产品,任何数量的几何形状4和5产品 的成本最低的制造工艺。 如果金属打印的价格降低75%,则16英寸(406毫 米)零部件的低成本制造工艺没有变化。对于8英寸 (203毫米)零部件,只有数量为1的几何形状4和任 何数量的几何形状5,金属打印是低成本的制造工 艺。4英寸(101毫米)的零部件,除了几何形状3的数 量为10和100外,金属打印的成本低于的熔模铸造 复合工艺。 如果金属打印价格降低90%,16英寸(406毫米) 的零部件低成本制造工艺没有变化。8英寸(203毫 米)零部件,除几何形状3外,在数量分别为1和10 的情况下,所有几何形状零部件,金属打印成本比 熔模铸造复合工艺更低。此外,数量为100的几何 形状1,变得比传统的熔模铸造更便宜。4英寸(101 毫米)的零部件,金属打印完全取代熔模铸造复合工 艺,并从传统的熔模铸造中获得份额。 但是金属打印的价格真的能下降那么多吗?人 们很容易认为,消费类电子产品也出现了同样的降 价。考虑一下录音机或个人电脑在最初10或15年的 价格下降。在此基础上,降价90%是可能的。 然而,金属打印设备和消费电子产品之间存在着 显著的差异。首先,大多数打印设备是机械产品, 机械零部件的成本没有类似的降低。即使产量从每 年几十个扩大到数千个,但是否会降价50%以上仍 值得怀疑。 其次,根据金属打印设备商的报告,材料成本 占零件打印成本的10-15%。金属粉末供应商与熔 模铸造厂购买相同的材料,然后投入巨大的加工成 本,将其加工成形状和大小一致的粉末。因此,金 属打印的材料成本大大高于铸造厂。例如,铸造厂 为每磅钛锭支付约5美元,同样用于金属打印设备的 合金每磅大约150美元。毫无疑问,随着金属粉末


row as the volume of powder sold increases, but it is extremely unlikely that it will come down by a factor of 10. Consequently, it is very unlikely that metal printing pricing will come down by 90%. In fact, a price reduction of 75% seems highly unlikely in view of the cost of materials. It is unlikely that prices will decline more than 50% in the foreseeable future. If metal printing pricing is reduced by no more than 50%, it becomes the low-cost method of manufacture only for single quantities of small parts, small un-moldable parts, and uncastable parts.

Conclusions At current pricing, metal printing has no impact on the investment casting industry. Even if the price of metal printing falls by 50%, it will have no impact on the current conventional investment casting industry for parts four inches or larger. While this study shows there is no immediate threat of metal printing making investment casting obsolete, there are other threats. In the past few years, there has been a great deal of development in topology-optimized or light-weighted components. Topology optimization is a method to minimize weight in a component while maintaining its strength and functionality. The optimized component may have such geometric complexity that it cannot be molded and therefore cannot be created using conventional investment casting. Such components can, however, be made using hybrid investment casting or metal printing, although at a higher cost. For some industries, such as commercial aircraft and defense, the value of the lighter-weight component more than offsets the increased cost of manufacture. There are now several commercially available tools for topology optimization and many of the components currently being investment cast likely could be replaced by optimized components which cannot be conventionally cast. This study shows that hybrid investment casting can provide a less expensive means to create un-moldable but castable geometries than metal printing. However, hybrid investment casting is currently used only for prototype and very low volume components. The industry will have to develop the capability to use hybrid investment casting on volume production runs. If they can’t or won’t, that business will fall to metal printing. The push toward light-weighting and the development of topology optimization tools will significantly increase the demand for castings which cannot be molded using conventional wax pattern tooling (example Geometry 4) and can only be cast using hybrid investment casting. This increase in demand will be at the cost of demand for conventional investment castings. It will be in the best interest of foundries to develop the capability to handle hybrid investment casting in production quantities, not just prototype. ■

销量的增加,这一差距将会缩小,但差距下降10 倍非常不可能。因此,金属打印价格不太可能下降 90%。事实上,考虑到材料的成本,75%的降价 似乎都是极不可能的。在可预见的将来,价格不太 可能下降超过50%。 如果金属打印的价格下降不超过50%,它只能 成为单个数量的小型零部件,无法开模具的小型零 部件和无法铸造生产的零部件的低成本制造工艺。

结论 从目前的价格看,金属打印对熔模铸造行业没 有影响。即使金属打印的价格下跌了50%,也不会 对当前4英寸或4英寸以上的传统熔模铸造行业产 生影响。 虽然这项研究表明,金属打印不存在使熔模铸 造过时的直接威胁,但也存在其他威胁。在过去的 几年里,在拓扑优化或零部件轻量化方面有了很大 的发展。拓扑优化是在保持零部件的强度和功能的 同时最小化零部件重量的方法。优化后的零部件可 能具有更加复杂的几何形状,无法开模具,因此无 法使用传统的熔模铸造。然而,尽管成本较高,这 些零部件可以使用熔模铸造复合工艺或金属打印。 对于某些工业领域,如商用飞机和国防,零部 件重量减轻的价值将抵消制造成本的增加。 现在有几种商业上可用的拓扑优化工具,目前 许多用熔模铸造工艺生产的零部件很可能被优化 的零部件所取代,而这些零部件不能用传统工艺 铸造。 研究表明,对于几何形状不能开模具但是可以 铸造的零部件,熔模铸造复合工艺是一种比金属打 印更便宜的制造工艺。然而,熔模铸造复合工艺目 前只用于原型和需求量很低的零部件。 熔模铸造复合工艺必须继续提升应用于批量生 产的技术。如果他们不能或不愿意这样做,这些业 务将会被金属打印承接。 轻量化的推进和拓扑优化工具的发展,将极大 的增加无法使用传统蜡模模具(例如几何形状4), 只能使用熔模铸造复合工艺生产铸件的需求。这 种需求的增加将以减少传统熔模铸件的需求为代 价。这将是熔模铸造厂发展能力最好的契机,使 熔模铸造复合工艺应用于批量生产,而不仅仅是 原型生产。 ■



product news/产品新闻

Product News Table of Contents 产品新闻目录 Material Shortens Production Time of Turbine Engine Blades 新材料缩短涡轮发动机叶片的生产周期


Ukranian Manufacturer Purchases First Disamatic C3-B-250 in Europe 53 乌克兰企业首次购买迪砂Disamatic C3-B-250 New Molding Material Recipe Eliminates Veining 新造型材料消除脉纹缺陷


Personalized Rapid Customization Integration Solution Provider for Equipment Complex Parts 57 装备复杂零部件个性化快速定制一体化解决 方案提供商



product news/产品新闻

Material Shortens Production Time of Turbine Engine Blades 新材料缩短涡轮发动机叶片的生产周期 Morgan Advanced Materials (Worcestershire, England) has developed a proprietary leachable material which significantly cuts investment casting times in turbine engine blades by up to 20%. The development comes as the commercial aerospace industry is facing a significant overhaul. According to Market Research Future, the Commer-

位于英国伍斯特郡的摩根先进材料公司开发了特殊 的可浸材料,可极大缩短涡轮发动机叶片精密铸件的 生产时间,最高可节约20%。 目前正值商用航空航天工业面临重大变革之际,根



product news/产品新闻 cial Aircraft Turbine Blades and Vanes Market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 6% by 2023. High fuel prices, stricter regulations on noise and carbon dioxide emissions, and an increase in competition from low-cost carriers are forcing manufacturers to develop modern aero-engines that are lightweight and fuel efficient. To help aerospace investment casting businesses meet this surge in demand, the Technical Ceramics business of Morgan Advanced Materials has developed the LEMA range of proprietary alumina-based materials. The new material shortens leaching cycles for alumina core support rods used in the production of turbine engine blades, while still providing the mechanical strength needed for production. Typical alumina rods are renowned for their strength and load bearing capabilities. However, it can take several days to fully leach the materials, resulting in delays within the production process. In comparison, like-for-like LEMA 250 parts will experience approximately a 20% mass reduction after 20 hours (at 300F [149C] and 185 psi). A comparable alumina part to LEMA 250 does not show any mass loss under the same conditions. “At a time when demand for turbine engine blades is expected to grow substantially over the next few years, the enhanced leachability of LEMA rods have been developed at exactly the right moment to help shorten processing times for casting manufacturers,” said Jennifer Kachala, product engineer at Morgan’s Technical Ceramics business. “Investment casting businesses will need to prove they can meet demand for the ramping build schedules of new engine programs. LEMA can help them achieve this while saving on costs.” The enhanced leachability of LEMA drives more cost and time savings. While quartz support rods can offer a cost-effective solution to alumina in terms of leachability, they do not have the mechanical strength of LEMA. This makes them less suitable for applications where part geometries and alloys require higher strength support rods. LEMA components are approximately 1.5 times stronger than quartz equivalents. “The global investment casting industry has experienced the pain point of long production times for years due to legacy materials and leaching processes. Morgan has overcome this challenge with LEMA,” Kachala said. “Our new material for support rods has been extensively tested, optimised to deliver strength and shorten production times, reducing cycle times and costs in casting turbine blades.” “As a result, our customers can now meet growing demand, with improved quality for the aerospace and industrial gas turbine industries.” ■


据市场研究,到2023年,商用飞机涡轮叶片的市场预 计年增长率将达到6%。 高油价、对噪音和CO2排放的严格监管以及低成本 航空公司竞争的加剧迫使制造商开发更轻且燃油经济 性更好的现代航空发动机。 为了帮助航空航天业精密铸造生产企业满足需求的 激增,摩根先进材料公司的陶瓷技术业务部开发了具 有专利的LEMA系列氧化铝基材料。新材料缩短了生 产涡轮发动机叶片的氧化铝芯支撑杆的浸出周期,同 时仍可以达到生产所需的机械强度。 典型的氧化铝棒以其强度和承重能力而闻名。但 是,完全浸出材料可能需要几天时间,从而导致生产 时间的延长。相比之下,类似于LEMA250的零件在20 小时后(在300°F[149°C]和185 psi下)的质量减少约 20%。与LEMA250相当的氧化铝部件在相同条件下不 会出现任何质量损失。 摩根陶瓷技术业务产品工程师Jennifer Kachala表 示:“预计在未来几年涡轮发动机叶片的需求大幅增 长之时,LEMA增强可浸出性支撑杆恰逢其时的开发, 帮助缩短铸件生产商的生产周期。精密铸造企业将需要 证明他们可以满足新发动机的增长需求。LEMA可以帮 助他们实现这一目标,同时节省成本。” LEMA增强的可浸出性支撑杆可以节省更多成本和 时间。虽然石英支撑杆在可浸出方面可以为氧化铝提 供成本可观的解决方案,但它们不具有LEMA的机械强 度。这使得它们不太适合应用在几何形状不规则的零件 或合金需要更高强度支撑的杆方面。LEMA组件的强度 约为石英的1.5倍。 Jennifer Kachala表示:“由于传统材料和浸出工 艺存在的不足,全球精密铸造行业多年来经历了生产 周期长的痛点。摩根先进材料公司通过LEMA成功应对 挑战。用于支撑杆的新材料已经过广泛测试和优化,具 有很高的强度并缩短生产时间、降低涡轮叶片的生产周 期和成本。因此,现在,我们的客户可以满足不断增长 的需求,同时提高航空航天和工业用燃气轮机行业的产 品质量。” ■


product news/产品新闻

Ukranian Manufacturer Purchases First Disamatic C3-B-250 in Europe 乌克兰企业首次购买迪砂Disamatic C3-B-250 NPP Ferolit is one of the industry’s leading companies in Ukraine. Located in the town of Gorishni Plavni in the Kremenschuk iron ore district of central Ukraine about a 4-hour drive from Kiev, it provides domestic and foreign companies with high-quality castings and piping details. For more than 18 years, the company, which employs 380 staff, has also been a leading manufacturer and supplier of the grinding bodies required to break down the raw materials used in the cement and metallurgical industries. NPP Ferolit produces about 40,000 tons of 20 to 120mm iron grinding balls per year in various geometric shapes including ball, ellipsoid, cylpebs and tetrahedron. NPP Ferolit offers a broad range of services spanning the entire production process. At its production facilities it conducts the design, development of technical documentation, manufacturing of pattern tools, procurement, machining of material, heat treatment, pre-installation testing as well as warranty and post-warranty services. Quality control of products is carried out in the production laboratory on highprecision equipment manufactured in Germany and Russia. The company’s success is underpinned by modern equipment featuring the latest technologies and the scientific expertise of its specialist team which stays up to date with foundry developments. In the future, NPP Ferolit plans to branch out and provide a variety of castings for the railway industry.

Making Ferolit and its products more competitive In order to retain its competitiveness against a backdrop of rising supply from foundries in India and China, NPP Ferolit, which already had an idea of the possibilities offered by DISA molding machines, asked the company to develop a solution that matched its needs for economy and performance. The DISAMATIC C3-250 series, which was launched in December 2016, is built in Bangalore by DISA India. This machine produces up to 250 molds/hour, is fully compatible with DISAMATIC patterns, and has all advantages of vertical flask-less lines. Due to cost optimizations, the machine is highly competitive, according to Ferolit’s CFO, Alla Voitiuk. “New production facilities should not only increase the productivity of our foundry, but the chosen solution will also affect the profitability of production, because DISAMATIC C3B-250 allows us to manufacture products with the lowest cost price, this means that the decision will increase our competitiveness,” said Ferolit owner and investor Alexander Moroz.

Successful implementation within 6 months The project was completed in around six months, including manufacturing, delivery and installation. The machine went live in April 2018. DISA representatives were proud to see the first Indian manufactured DISAMATIC C3 go-live in Europe. With R&D taking place in Denmark, India and China, sales support coming from Russia, project management from

NPP Ferolit公司是乌克兰工业行业领先的公司之一, 位于乌克兰中部Kremenschuk铁矿区的Gorishni Plavni 镇,距离首都基辅约4小时车程,该公司为国内外客户提 供高品质的铸件和管件。 NPP Ferolit公司拥有380名员工,18年来,公司已成 为水泥和冶金行业原材料所需研磨机的领先制造商和供应 商。公司每年生产约4万吨20-120mm的磨球,包括球 形、椭球形、圆柱形和四面体等各种几何形状。 NPP Ferolit公司提供全过程的生产服务,可以完成设 计、技术资料开发、模具生产、采购、材料加工、热处 理,安装前测试以及保修和保修后服务。产品的质量控 制检测使用德国和俄罗斯制造的高精度设备。 公司的成功得益于现代化的设备,其中包括最先进 的技术和专业的团队,他们始终与铸造业的发展保持同 步。未来,NPP Ferolit公司计划扩大产品范围,将为铁 路行业提供各种铸件。

使Ferolit公司及其产品更具竞争力 为了使公司在印度和中国铸件供应增加的背景下保持 竞争力,NPP Ferolit公司已对迪砂造型机进行了深入了 解,并要求该公司开发出符合其对经济性且性能需求方 面要求的解决方案。 DISAMATIC C3-250系列于2016年12月推出,由位 于班加罗尔的迪砂印度公司制造。该设备的产能为250 型/小时,与DISAMATIC的型板完全兼容,并具有垂直 无箱造型线的所有优点。据Ferolit公司首席财务官Alla Voitiuk称,由于成本优化,该设备具有很强的竞争力。 Ferolit公司的所有人兼投资人亚历山大莫罗兹说:“ 新设备不仅会提高铸造厂的生产率,而且特定的解决方 案也会提升盈利能力,因为DISAMATICС3-В-250使我 们以最低的成本生产产品,这意味着这一采购决定将提 高公司的竞争力。”

6个月内成功安装 项目约在6个月内完成,包括制造、交付和安装。设 备将于2018年4月投入使用。 迪砂公司的代表看到第一台印度制造的DISAMATIC C3在欧洲启用感到非常自豪。研发工作在丹麦、印度和 中国开展、还有来自俄罗斯的销售支持、来自丹麦的项 目管理以及巴西和丹麦的安装团队的合作,因此,这是 一次全球合作。 “下一步,公司应该转向生产更复杂的铸件,因为使 用迪砂设备我们已经实现了质的飞跃,”莫罗兹说,“ 因此,我们正在制定计划,现在有了必要的设备和合格



product news/产品新闻 Denmark and installation teams from Brazil and Denmark, it was a group global effort. “The next step should be to switch to some more complicated castings, because with DISA equipment we have made a qualitative leap to a different level,” Moroz said. “Therefore, we are building plans, and now with the availability of the necessary equipment and qualified personnel, we can branch out from grinding bodies to the production of other parts. At the moment, we are actively negotiating with potential customers in Ukraine and abroad and are open to any offers.” Ferolit’s case is an example of the flexibility of DISA machinery and shows that nearly every foundry can find a fitting solution within the company’s range of equipment.

The new installations at Ferolit include: • DISAMATIC C3-B-250 flaskless molding system with mold sizes of 535 x 650 x 120-340 mm, producing up to 250 molds/hour. • MELT & HOLD, induction medium-frequency melting furnace system Ultramet 1250/2 EGP 2000 SE EGES (Turkey), with a melting volume of 2 tonnes. • Flaskless molding line from OMEGA (UK) with mold size 1200 x 1000 x 425/425 mm, producing 10-25 molds/hour. • Shot-blasting machine HC 1000-2 ABRAZIV kft (Hungary) with a load capacity of 1000kg and 1500 x 1000 mm. • Vertical milling machining center VM 3 HAAS (USA) with a working area of 1015 x 660 x 635 mm and 1800kg. • Milling and engraving woodworking machine ATS 2513.4D Auto, with a working area of 2500 x 1300 x 380 mm. ■

工作人员,我们可以从磨削部门分出其他零件生产 部门。目前,我们正积极与乌克兰和国外的潜在客 户进行洽谈,并欢迎任何公司的报价。” Ferolit公司的成功案例是迪砂造型设备灵活应 用的例子,并表明几乎每家铸造厂都能在迪砂公司 的设备系列找到合适的解决方案。

Ferolit公司的新安装设备包括: • DISAMATIC C3-B-250无箱造型系统,铸型尺 寸为535x650x120-340mm,每小时可生产250 型。 • 熔 炼 和 保 温 设 备 , U l t r a m e t 公 司 ( 土 耳 其)1250/2 EGP 2000 SE EGES型中频感应炉 系统,熔化量为2吨。 • O M E G A ( 英 国 ) 无 箱 造 型 线 , 铸 型 尺 寸 为 1200x1000x425/425mm,每小时可生产10-25 个铸型。 • HC 1000-2 ABRAZIV kft抛丸机(匈牙利),载 荷1000Kg,抛丸室尺寸1500x1000mm。 • 立式铣削加工中心VM 3 HAAS(美国),工作 台尺寸为1015x660x635mm,载荷1800kg。 • 铣削和雕刻木工机床设备ATS 2513.4D Auto, 工作台尺寸为2500x1300x380mm。 ■

New Molding Material Recipe Eliminates Veining 新造型材料消除脉纹缺陷 Even though furan is reliable for the high production requirements of cores and molds as a binder system in 3D printing, some small weaknesses are present. So far, the veining on the surface and on the inner contours of castings with furan in combination with sand in complex geometries in high-temperature casting is difficult to avoid. Following consistent development work, ExOne (Gersthofen, Germany) has succeeded in counteracting the veining in furan through the use of additives. 54

3D打印的砂芯和铸型对粘合剂系统要求严格,尽 管呋喃树脂在此生产工艺的应用中是可靠的材料,但 是也存在一些小缺点。目前为止,仍难以避免在使用 呋喃树脂与砂粘结的高温、复杂几何形状的铸件表面 和内部轮廓上产生脉纹缺陷。经过不断的研发,位于 德国格斯特霍芬的ExOne公司通过使用添加剂成功地


product news/产品新闻 Veining is and remains annoying, not only because the reworking on the surface or on the inner contours of castings always requires a complex post-processing and drives up production costs. For many casters, it is also a personal disappointment after all the preparations in the core manufacturing process and subsequent casting, to come across the annoying casting errors when unpacking the casting. The ExOne Customer Application Team (CAT) has been intensively involved with the task of combining furan together with a classic silica sand and a number of different additives. Particularly convincing results have been shown by the use of furan resin in combination with sand and a mineral additive. In all positive test experiments, it could be clearly stated that silica sand in combination with furan binder get a much higher elasticity due to the addition of the additive. This has completely avoided the typical rupture of the sand core surface in high temperature stressed places, such as the inner contours of the castings, when casting the hot cast material. As a result, the industrial test object, in this case a typical impeller from the pump industry, could be cast without any signs of veining. Thus, furan, now in the first step, rises to a higher level of quality, having once proved this for the shape complexity of an industrial impeller.

Improved quality through additives In principle, when casting with steel, several factors responsible for the expansion of the sand core surface meet. The expansion of the silica sand results in the so-called quartz inversion. High casting temperatures cause fast quartz conversion and thus lead to increased stresses in the molded part. But the grain size and grain distribution of the silica sand also has an influence on the surface behaviour, because a higher degree of uniformity leads to higher stresses,

消除了呋喃树脂产生的脉纹。 脉纹的存在令人烦恼,不仅因为在铸件表面或铸件的 内部轮廓上进行再加工总是需要复杂的后处理工艺,而 且增加了生产成本。对很多铸造企业来说,在砂芯生产 和随后的铸造工作完成之后,在打开铸型时看到铸件出 现缺陷的时候会让人很失望。 ExOne公司的客户应用团队(CAT)始终致力于将呋 喃与传统的硅砂和多种添加剂结合起来使用。 通过使用呋喃树脂与砂子和矿物添加剂的组合,已 经显示出特别令人信服的结果。所有的试验表明,由于 添加了添加剂,硅砂与呋喃粘合剂组合获得了更高的弹 性。在浇注金属液时,完全避免了在高温应力位置(例 如铸件的内轮廓)的砂芯表面出现断裂。以泵行业的典 型叶轮为工业测试对象,结果表明,铸件没有任何脉纹 缺陷。因此,首先,呋喃树脂的质量达到更高的水平, 已证明其在形状复杂的工业叶轮中的应用。

通过添加剂提高质量 一般而言,在铸钢生产中,导致砂芯表面膨胀有几个 因素。硅砂的膨胀导致所谓的石英转化。高温铸造导致 快速的石英转化,从而导致造型部件中的应力增加。但 是,硅砂的粒度尺寸和粒度分布也对铸件表面有影响, 因为更高的均匀度产生更高的应力,因为所有的硅砂同



product news/产品新闻 since all silica grains pass through the transformation temperature at the same time. Thus, all the basic components of a typical sand-casting mold have a low ductile property, and when the hot metal is poured, there is a high pressure on the surface of the sand mold. The liquid, hot metal surrounding the core after casting causes a temperature gradient between the surface and the center of the core, which is explained as a consequence of structural characteristics of the mold base material. Silica sand, for example, extends linearly up to approx. 400C and then shows a sudden increase in the temperature range of the reversible β-transformation and thus increases the stresses. Instead of being able to compensate for the pressure due to material flexibility, the rigid property of the sand-binder mixture causes cracks in the surface. The mixture of sand and furan binder, thus organically bonded moldings, gives way and forms surface cracks. The liquid metal now flows into these very fine surface cracks. The fact that silicon dioxide expands in the mold cavities causes the filling of the casting metal in the resulting gap. Exactly then, with the removal of the cast from the sand mold, the imprint of the previous cracks on the surface will rise, forming a rib-like, vein-like crust, protruding from the smooth surface. In technical terms, one speaks of thin, irregular metallic protuberances, which occur primarily on the inner contours of a casting mold or in angles, corners and edges of the castings.

Better casting quality with 3D printing The declared aim of the ExOne test series was to avoid these irregular metallic protuberances. The development department meticulously tested all possible combinations of ExOne certified sands together with the furan binder and various additives. The “benchmark” was to eliminate veining. Already the refined FS003 sand with a reduced packing density and thus a smaller tension, in contrast to the FS001 sand, was able to achieve a 50% reduction in veining. Pragmatically, it would be the easiest step to use the FS003 sand for improvement in the future. When blending furan with synthetic sand, no veining could be detected in the test series. With an addition of 2% of the additive, only about 10% of the usual veining effect, as it normally arises, remained. If the addition of the additive is increased from 2% to 4%, i.e. twice the amount, then the end product, which is free from veining, was reliably reproducible, as in the furan-sand mixture. The retrofitting of an additive dosing unit is possible with all existing machines and should be of particular interest to iron and steel foundries.

A piece of the future won with good preparation In the run-up to the test, however, framework conditions had to be created for this outstanding result, which must be taken into account when evaluating and reproducing other industrial castings. The impeller’s metal castings were produced using 3D printed cores and 3D print production molds from ExOne. For the casting material, the development department used the SS316 stainless steel composition with a casting temperature of 1,622C. ■ 56

时达到相变点。因此,典型砂型铸造的所有基本部件都 具有低延展性,并且当浇注金属液时,砂型表面上存在 高压。浇注后环绕砂芯的液态热金属导致铸型表面和砂 芯中心产生温度梯度,这一现象可以用铸型基础材料的 结构特征来解释。例如,硅砂温度直线上升至约400℃ ,然后呈现出可逆β-相变的温度范围急剧升高,从而增 加应力。 由于材料柔韧性不能补偿压力,砂子粘合剂混合物的 刚性特性导致表面出现裂缝。砂子和呋喃树脂粘合剂的 混合物,组成的有机粘合造型材料,发生退让并形成表 面裂缝。液态金属流入这些非常细小的表面裂缝中。二 氧化硅在型腔中膨胀产生的间隙中流入金属液。 恰好此时,随着将铸件从砂型中取出,铸件表面上 先前产生的裂缝痕迹出现,形成从光滑表面突出的肋 状脉纹。 在技术上,人们说的薄而不规则的金属突起,主要产 生在铸型的内轮廓上或铸件的凸起、拐角和边缘。

3D打印提升铸件质量 ExOne公司宣布进行的一系列测试的目的是避免产生 这些不规则的金属突起。研发部门对ExOne认证的砂子 以及呋喃树脂粘合剂和各种添加剂的所有可能组合进行 了精心测试。“基准测试目的”是消除脉纹。 与FS001砂相比,更细的FS003砂具有更低的堆积密 度、因此张力更小,能够将脉纹减少50%。实际上,将 来使用FS003砂进行改进是最简单的做法。 当将呋喃树脂与人造砂混合时,在测试系列中没有检 测到脉纹。添加2%的添加剂时,会产生通常情况下的 10%的脉纹。如果添加剂的量从2%增加到4%,即增加 到2倍,那么生产出的最终产品将可以实现没有脉纹, 如呋喃树脂-砂混合物中。所有现有设备都可以对添加 剂配料单元进行改进,并且这应该是铸钢、铸铁企业关 心的问题。

做好准备,赢得未来 然而,在试验准备阶段,必须为产生这一显著的结果 创造条件,在评估和复制其他工业用铸件时必须考虑到 这一点。叶轮的金属铸件采用ExOne公司的3D打印砂 芯和3D打印铸型生产。铸件材质,研发部门使用SS316 不锈钢合成材料,浇注温度为1622℃。 ■


product news/产品新闻

Personalized Rapid Customization Integration Solution Provider for Equipment Complex Parts 装备复杂零部件个性化快速定制一体化解决方案提供商 China Academy of Machinery Science & Technology Group (CAM) was founded in 1956. The goal of CAM is to improve the equipment manufacturing level of China. CAM has 16 subsidiaries, including the holding companies with the operation system of the group management of parent-subsidiary type. CAM has built 39 key laboratories and an engineering research center, and all these have been certified by government as national, provincial and industrial level innovation platform. CAM is engaged in the basic common technology research for manufacturing industry. With the development of these 60 years, CAM has gained more than 7,000 achievements which have been applied in the main domestic economical industries such as machinery manufacturing, automobile, aeronautic and aerospace, environmental protection, energy, transportation, information, metallurgy chemical engineering, construction and etc. Complicated casting patternless composite manufacturing technology and equipment developed by CAM won the second prize of National Technological Invention. The key patternless casting technology of highefficiency, high-performance, and high-precision has been break-through and great achievements have been made in technology, composite casting and Seria equipments. Complex curved sand/core flexible extrusion near forming technology, cutting net forming technology and composite forming process developed by CAM make the patternless, high-precision, high-efficiency manufacturing of complicate castings realized, shortening more than 50% of the manufacturing cycle and reducing more than 30% of the cost. CAM invented a multi-material composite casting mold matching with the casting and

机械科学研究总院集团始建于1956年,提升中国 装备制造水平是机械总院的神圣使命。拥有16 家全 资及控股子企业(公司),实行母子公司式集团管理 体制。建有39个国家级及省市级重点实验室和工程 (技术)研究中心。主要从事装备制造业制造技术( 基础共性技术)研究开发的研究院和现代制造服务业 企业,自成立五十余年来,累计取得科研成果及专利 7000 多项,广泛应用于机械制造、汽车、航空航天、 环保、能源、交通运输、信息产业、冶金、化工、建 筑等重要产业领域。 由机械科学研究总院集团自主研发的“复杂铸件无 模复合成形制造方法与装备”荣获国家技术发明二等 奖。该成果突破了复杂铸件高效率、高性能、高精度 无模成形关键技术,在工艺方法、复合铸型、系统装 备等方面取得重大成果。开发出复杂砂型/芯曲面柔 性挤压近成形技术、切削净成形技术及其复合成形工 艺,实现了复杂铸件无模化、高精度、高效率制造, 制造周期缩短50%以上,成本降低30%以上;发明 了一种与铸件相匹配的多材质复合铸型及其坎合组装 方法,实现了铸件性能主动调控,解决了形性精确控 制难题,铸件废品率从5%~10%降至2%~4%,减



product news/产品新闻 its assembly method, realized the active regulation of the casting performance, solved the problem of shape and performance control, reduced casting scrap rate from 5-10% to 2-4%, and reduced weight about 10-20%. It developed the digitally controlled flexible array contacts and high wear-resistant large aspect ratio cutting tools, proposed an integrated tool cooling and cutting sand removal method, developed a sand/ core flexible extrusion molding machines, patternless casting precision forming machines and 15 other kinds of equipment in seven categories, and solved the problems of complicated castings high-precision forming manufacturing equipment. Casting accuracy increased by 2 to 3 levels and can reach up to CT8. The patternless casting precision forming machine can be used to manufacture resin sand, water glass sand, coated sand, ceramics, etc. The maximum forming size is 5000mm×3000mm×1000mm. The achievements were granted 47 invention patents (19 in the United States, Japan, and Europe) and 12 software copyrights. CAM won the second prize of National Technological Invention in 2017, the China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award (technical invention) in 2016, China Patent Gold Award in 2016, Beijing Science and Technology Award (technical invention) in 2012, First Prize of Beijing Invention Patent in 2011 and three national key new products. The technology has been promoted and applied in more than 100 companies including Shanghai Academy of Space Technology, AECC Harbin Dongan Engine, Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Group, FAW Foundry and Yto Group Corporation. The equipment has been exported to Spain. Fourteen application demonstration bases have been established in China, realizing the manufacturing of steel/iron, aluminum/ magnesium alloy castings. This technology is of great significance for promoting the innovation of high-end equipment technology, safeguarding of national defense security, and promoting of green development. For more information, please visit: ■


重10%~20%;开发出数字化控制的柔性阵列触头、 高耐磨大长径比切削刀具,提出了刀具冷却与切削排 砂一体化方法,研制出砂型/芯柔性挤压成形机、无 模铸造精密成形机等7类15种装备,解决了复杂铸件 高精度成形制造装备难题,铸件精度提高了2~3个等 级,可达CT8。无模铸造精密成形机可用于树脂砂、 水玻璃砂、覆膜砂、陶瓷等多种铸型制造,最大成形 尺寸为5000mm×3000mm×1000mm。 该成果获授权发明专利47件(美、日、欧等19件) ,软件著作权12项。获2017年度国家技术发明二等 奖、2016年中国机械工业科学技术特等奖(技术发 明)、2016年中国专利金奖、2012年北京市科学技 术一等奖(技术发明)、2011年北京市发明专利一 等奖和3项国家重点新产品等。该技术已在航天八院、 东安发动机、广西玉柴、一汽铸造、中国一拖等100 多家企业推广应用,设备出口西班牙,并在国内建立 14个应用示范基地,实现了铸钢/铁、铝/镁合金等铸 件制造。该技术对促进高端装备技术创新,维护国防 安全,推动绿色发展具有重大意义。更多内容,请访 问 ■


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