Global Citizen Certificate Online Test on Global Knowledge A few sample Questions
1) Global Geography QUESTION: Which country has the largest land surface area?
a) b) c) d)
India? Russia? Canada? USA?
QUESTION: What covers more of the surface of the Planet Earth:
a) Land ? or b) Water ?
QUESTION: Of the land surface area of the World the following percentage is currently used for agricultural purposes:
a) 1% ? b) 33% ? c) 58% ?
2) Environment and Natural Resources QUESTION: The Sahara Dessert expands to the south. How many kilometers/ miles per year approximately?
a) 0.3 kilometers /0.2 miles b) 3 kilometers / 20 miles c) 30 kilometers / 20 miles
QUESTION: The consumption of petroleum is usually measured in „Barrels of Crude Petroleum“, one barrel = approximately 159 liters. Currently the crude petroleum consumption worldwide per year is over
a) 2 million barrels? b) 40 million barrels? c) 80 million barrels?
QUESTION: How much waste is approximately produced per day worldwide on average?
a) 0.1 million tons b) 3,5 million tons c) 50 million tons
3) Population QUESTION: How many human beings live on Earth today and how many approximately are projected to live in 2050?
a) 2010: approx. 7 billion / 2050 approx. 9 billion ? b) 2010: approx. 2 billion / 2050 approx. 15 billion ? c) 2010: approx. 5 billion / 2050 approx. 4 billion ?
QUESTION: What percentage of the world population lives in urban areas (= in towns with a population of more than 2,000 people)?
a) 3% b) 51% c) 86%
QUESTION: Since 1950 the number of human beings living on Earth has grown
a) From 2.5 billion to 7 billion? b) From 4.5 billion to 7 billion? c) From 6 billion to 7 billion?
4) The World Economy QUESTION: In 2012 the World GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was around
a) US$ 120 billion b) US$ 5,500 billion c) US$ 71,000 billion
QUESTION: What percentage of the world GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is produced by the United States of America?
a) Over 3% b) Over 20 % c) Over 80%
QUESTION: When I exchange money into another currency…
a) … I loose only when the exchange rate is less than 1:1 b) … there is no loss when the exchange rate is determined by free markets c) … there is always the danger of losing or winning purchasing power since currency markets are not always perfectly rational
5) War and Peace
QUESTION: The country with the largest military budget on Earth is
a) China? b) Russia? c) USA?
QUESTION: Since World War II ended in 1949 there where … armed conflicts between two or more countries
a) … over 20 b) … over 100 c) … over 200
QUESTION: Nuclear weapons have been used in a real war so far
a) …once? b) … three times? c) … 12 times?
6) Human Rights and other Value Systems QUESTION: The number of Muslims is … / the number of Christians worldwide is very roughly
a) 2 billion Muslims / 350 million Christians b) 1 billion Muslims/ 2 billions Christians c) 3 billion Muslims/ 3 billion Christians
QUESTION: The Declaration of Human Rights was decided upon by the General Assembly of the United Nations in
a) 1921 b) 1948 c) 1989 QUESTION: The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child allows that a 14 year old becomes part of the armed forces a) Only when the parents explicitly allow it b) Only when the national laws of a signature nation explicitly allow it and when there is an independent surveyor c) Not at all
7) Culture QUESTION: Rock and Pop music and all the related types of modern music are all based on rhythmic beat. The origins of this lies in …
a) … Africans having brought their music to the new continent when they were brought there as slaves b) … ancient Asian temple music c) … the musical style developed by gangsters in the United states during the time of prohibition
QUESTION: The largest number of movies is produced per year in … … Paris … Hollywood … Bombay
QUESTION: The Bolschoi Theater is in …
a) … Lisbon b) … Moscow c) … Hong Kong
8) Global Governance and International Institutions
QUESTION: There are … countries on Earth and … of them are members of the United Nations
a) Approx. 400 countries and over 190 members of the UN b) Approx. 200 countries and over 190 members of the UN c) Approx. 80 countries and over 30 members of the UN
QUESTION: The OECD is part of the United Nations System
a) Correct b) Not correct
QUESTION: Israel is part of NATO
a) Correct b) Not correct