Live Webinar
Excel Spreadsheet Validation for FDA 21 CFR Part 11
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
Duration: 90 Minutes
Instructor: Angela Bazigos
Location: Online
Price : $245.00
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Instructor Profile:
Angela Bazigos CEO, Touchstone Technologies Silicon Valley
This webinar will describe the regulatory and business requirements for Excel spreadsheets, using examples from FDA recommendations. It will then cover the design and installation of those Excel Spreadsheets, to ensure the integrity of the data, and will discuss how to ensure 21 CFR 11 compliance during the development, installation and maintenance of a spreadsheet application.
Why should you attend: Spreadsheet Applications such as MS Excel are frequently used in 21 CFR 11 compliant environments, but they were not specifically designed for regulated environments and their development is not optimized for 21 CFR 11 compliance. However, the FDA expects that spreadsheets be compliant and lack of compliance can result in a warning letter. Consequently, validation of Excel Spreadsheet Applications is required as part of a 21 CFR 11 compliant environment.
Areas Covered in the Session: l l l l l l l
Requirements for Excel Spreadsheets FDA Part 11 Validation Guidance Compliance Problems with Spreadsheets Design Specifications for 21 CFR 11 compliance How does the FDA Design and Use spreadsheets Documentation for Part 11 Future Trends in 21 CFR 11 compliance for Excel Spreadsheets
Angela Bazigos is the CEO of Touchstone Technologies Silicon Valley, Inc. an FDA Compliance company. She has almost 30 years experience in the Lifesciences industry and has applied for patents aimed at speeding up Software Compliance. She is a member of the SQA CVIC (Society of Quality Assurance Computer Validation Initiative Committee), DIA and RAPS and teaches classes on 21 CFR 11, Computer Systems Validation, Compliance Strategy and Project Management. More recently, Ms. Bazigos was selected to co-author Computerized Systems In Clinical Research / Current Data Quality and Data Integrity Concepts with FDA, DIA and Academia. ...more
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Who Will Benefit: l
Quality Managers
Quality Engineers Small business owners
Internal and external auditors Management Reps FDA inspectors
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