Knowledge, a Way Forward‌
2-day In-person Seminar:
Tools and Techniques for Operational Risk Management: Regulatory Aspects Price San Diego, CA Price:
March 17th & 18th, 2016 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Fred Vacelet Financial Risk Management Consultant, Fintuition Open Course Training
Fred Vacelet is a Financial Risk Management Consultant with an international expertise in Risk Management methodological frameworks. His experience spans some 20 years, advising banks, software houses and others on risk management. Fred holds various degrees, including from London Business School, with post-graduate studies at the Technische (then West)-Berlin and Keio (Japan) universities. A QualiďŹ ed in Islamic Finance (IFQ), he is a published author on risk management and Basel Accords, and a regular speaker at conferences.
Overview: In this seminar, we go through the known techniques of operational risk management, including of course the regulatory aspects, and point to a few shortcomings that appeared in several (possibly nameless) banks. We then go on to highlights on the pitfalls that await risk managers on the next Frontier, from which: what activities to outsource, setting up a risk appetite, developing a risk culture and a commensurate set of governance processes, what to ensure and not, separating or breaking the silos of risk. We suggest the extended use of a risk management framework proper to operational risk, implementable in most institutions, regardless of complexity of operations.
(Seminar for One Delegate)
Register now and save $200. (Early Bird)
**Please note the registration will be closed 2 days (48 Hours) prior to the date of the seminar.
2-day In-person Seminar:
Why should you attend:
Who will benet:
Metric tons of waters have gone under Brooklyn and
Chief Operation, Information Officers
other bridges since it was believed that operational risk Risk, Compliance, Legal Officers
was just a matter of capital requirements. September 11th, the credit crunch, the demise of prestigious banks,
Auditors, Accountants
and other dramatic events have had their toll on the old paradigms.
IT, Engineering, Operational, Marketing, Sales
personnel Some techniques have resulted into over-quantification of matters that do not accommodate quantification, let
Consultants, Project, Planning, Managers
alone sophisticated mathematics. Some other Any industry professional impacted by operational
techniques had gone down into talking of small losses
from small operations, in a way comparable to Taylor’s time-and-motion studies. Some other projects have
Areas Covered in the Session:
been quickly hijacked by the political necessities of the
Several case studies will be performed during this
moment. Meanwhile, extreme risks were addressed
seminar, as well as group exercises.
with statements of optimism.
Day Two
Lecture 1: Risk Appetite
Lecture 1: Tools and techniques for operational risk management : the ones that will work and the others
Lecture 2: Risk-and-Control Self-Assessment Lecture 2: Risk Modelling and setting up Key Risk Indicators Lecture 3: Operational Risk and Governance Lecture 3: Stress-testing, beyond psychodrama and public shows Lecture 4: Case Study Lecture 4: Case Study
2-day In-person Seminar:
What You will get
Group Participation
2 Attendees to get offer
3 to 6 Attendees to get offer
25% 30%
Learning Objectives
Participation certiďŹ cates
Interactive sessions with the US expert
Post event email assistance to your queries.
Special price on future purchase of web
7 to 10 Attendees to get offer 10+ Attendees to get offer
Payment Option
based trainings.
Credit Card: Use the Link to make Payment by Visa/Master/American Express card click on the register now link
Special price on future consulting or expertise services.
Check: Kindly make the check payable to NetZealous DBA GlobalCompliancePanel and mailed to 161 Mission Falls Lane, Suite 216,
Fremont, CA 94539, USA
PO: Please drop an email to or call the
Special price on future seminars by
Seminar Kit – includes presentation handout,
our toll free +1-800-447-9407 for the invoice and
ID card, brochure, trainings catalog, notepad
you may fax the PO to 302 288 6884
and pen.
Wire Transfer: Please drop an email to or call our toll free +1-800-447-9407 for the wire transfer
Networking with industry's top notch professionals
Contact Information: Event Coordinator 161 Mission Falls Lane, Suite 216,
Kindly get in touch with us for any help or information.
Fremont, CA 94539, USA
Look forward to meeting you at the seminar
NetZealous LLC, DBA GlobalCompliancePanel
Toll free: +1-800-447-9407 Fax: 302 288 6884 Email: