Advanced Approach in Reshaping the Future of Online Language Education

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With the development of Internet technologyandthegrowthofthedemand for English education, more and more English education institutions are rushing to the market to provide users with a variety of English learning services. Talk915 and EF Education are two institutions with high popularity and influence in China's English education market They represent two different business models of online education and traditional physical education.

After ten years of development, Talk915 hasmorethan6000foreignteachersfrom all over the world, providing foreign language teaching services to 500000 users. The selling points of Talk915 are optional teachers, optional time and innovativequalityeducation,andtheprice isrelativelylow.

Talk915 is an Internet company that provides online 1V1 English teaching services for real foreign teachers It was founded in 2013 and originated from ZTE. English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French and other courses are provided. ThefoundingteamofTalk915iswellaware of the advantages of teaching foreigners and the difficulties of Chinese learning foreignlanguages Theyhopethatthrough Internet technology, more Chinese people can access high-quality foreign teacher resources, and improve their oral proficiency and cross-cultural communicationability.

EF Education is a global educational institution, established in 1965, providing languagelearning,overseastravel,degree courses and cultural exchanges. The founder of EF Education is Bertil Hult, who once suffered from dyslexia, but found himself able to master English easily after going to London. He believes that immersive learning environment is the most effective way, so he founded the brandofEF(EducationFirst)andbeganto provide overseas study tour services After more than half a century of development, EF Education has spread to more than 50 countries around the world, with 52000 employees.

EF Education takes comfortable learning environment, guidance of foreign trainers, personalized training programs as its selling points, and has strong brand influence and international cooperation resources.

Talk915 and EF Education have a certain competitive relationship in the English educationmarket,buttheyalsohavetheir owncharacteristicsandadvantages.


Talk915 pays more attention to providing flexible, convenient, low-cost and efficient services online; And EF Education pays more attention to providing high-quality andvalue-addedservicesoffline.Bothare committed to helping Chinese people improve their English and cross-cultural communication skills This article aims to compare the different characteristics of innovation management between Talk915 English and EF Education, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and provide some enlightenment and suggestions for the English education industry



Talk915 is an Internet education company based on "Saas System+Foreign teachers", providing training platforms in English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French and other languages The innovative products ofTalk915include:

1) Talk915 provides an online 1v1 platform for foreign teachers to choose their own teachers and time. Users can choose appropriate foreign teachers according to theirneedsandpreferences

2) Talk915 adopts the business model of S2B2C, that is, by cooperating with offline training institutions, providing them with foreign teacher resources and technical support, and realizing online and offline interactionandintegration

Talk915 makes use of AI and big data technology to provide users with detailed evaluation reports and customized learning programs, and also provides intelligent teaching aids for foreign teachers.

EF Education is a leading educational institution in the world, providing services such as children and youth courses, adult English training, overseas study tours and other services. EF Education's innovative productsinclude:

1) Efektasystemisasetoffullyintegrated and customized English teaching materials, including online courses, interactive videos, e-books and other forms.

2) TheiLABsystemisaninnovativeEnglish learninglaboratorythatallowsstudentsto continue to practice listening, reading, writing and other skills after class and communicate with other students at the samelevel.

3) EFSETsystemisasetofonlineEnglish tests that fully match the European Common Language Framework (CEFR), which can accurately test the English ability at all stages from beginner to proficient.


ThefollowingaretheinnovationsofTalk915 in product design, manufacturing, developmentandotherprocesses:


1) Teaching method: Talk915 focuses on quality education, aiming at cultivating students' oral expression ability, crosscultural communication ability and comprehensive quality. Talk915 adopts the teachingmodeof"1v1+privateclass",that is,through1v1foreignteacherguidance,to helpstudentsbreakthebarriersofaccent, pronunciation, vocabulary and so on, and improve students' listening, reading, writing and other abilities through interactivetraininginsmallclass.Basedon the Common Reference Framework for European Languages and the global popular ESL course for non-native English, Talk915 has developed English learning solutions for Chinese learners. It also uses big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to achieve intelligent, accurate and personalized teaching evaluationandfeedback.

2) Teacher strength: Talk915 foreign teachers have been strictly screened and trained, and all have TESOL and TEEL qualifications to ensure teaching quality and effect It includes European and American foreign teachers, Filipino teachers and Chinese teachers, but most of them are Filipino teachers. The accent and pronunciation may not be as standardandpureasEFEducation,butthe price is also lower. Talk915 attaches importance to user experience and satisfaction, and ensures the quality and service level of foreign teachers through multi-dimensional evaluation mechanism andincentivemechanism.

3) Coursecontent:Thecoursecontentof Talk915 is mainly oral English, which can improve the communication ability of usersbyselectingteachers,choosingtime and innovating quality education. Talk915 also provides training platforms in English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French and otherlanguages.

The following are the innovations of EF Education in product design, manufacturing, development and other processes:

1) Teaching methods: EF Education believes that the combination of highquality teachers and cutting-edge technological innovation can achieve the best and most efficient way of English learning. By using AI, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, EF Education has created a personalized, intelligent and interactive online English learning platform. EF Education focuses on cultivatingtheinnovativelearningabilityof enterprise talents, that is, the ability to adapt, learn and create in the changing environment.

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EF Education provides customized English training programs for enterprises to help employees improve their cross-cultural communicationskillsandglobalvision.

2) Teacherstrength:Theforeignteachers of EF Education are uniformly recruited by the six recruitment centers around the world. Only 6% of the applicants can successfully enter EF to teach each year. The foreign teachers must hold both TKT and TESOL certificates, and continue to receive professional vocational training at EF to ensure the leading teaching quality. Foreign teachers are from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and otherEnglish-speakingcountries.

3) Course content: EF Education's course content includes Hollywood quality video films and rich real-time interactive teaching materials, covering reading, writing, listening and speaking. EF Education also provides children and youth courses, adult English and business English training, overseas study tours and overseasstudycourses.


The following is the scene innovation of Talk915whichhastargetedthetargetuser group:

1) Brand image: Talk915 is more inclined to create a young, fashionable and people-friendlybrandimage.

With the brand slogan of "Talk915 as soon as you find a foreign coach", it conveys a simple,fast,effective,relaxedandpleasant learning atmosphere. The main color of Talk915 is blue, which means professionalism,trustandstability

2) Market positioning: Talk915 is mainly aimed at the Chinese market, and provides multinational language training services online. The target users of Talk915 are the Chinese people who want to improve their foreign language level and cross-cultural communication ability. Both students and working people can find suitable courses and teachers. Talk915 is relativelylowinpriceandrelativelyflexible andconvenientinservice

The following is the scenario innovation of EF Education, which has targeted the targetusergroup:

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1) Brand image: EF Education is more inclined to create a professional, authoritative and high-end brand image. Withthemissionof"education,makingthe worldunbounded",itemphasizesthevalue of its global vision and cross-cultural communication. It also actively participated in various international and publicwelfareactivities,supportedvarious cultural exchange activities and international events, and enhanced its senseofsocialresponsibilityandinfluence. For example, EF Education is the official language training partner of the Olympic Games and the official language service provider of the United Nations Climate ChangeConference.

1) Market positioning: EF Education has developed differentiation and localization strategies for different markets and customer groups It has expanded its market coverage and popularity through network platforms, social media, word-ofmouthmarketingandotherways.


Talk915implementstheoperationmodeof "online teaching+offline service", and is also the only online education institution that has passed through the s2b2c business model. It has established its own channel network ecosystem by joining the branch school. It expands its market coverage and popularity through network platforms, word-of-mouth marketing and other ways. At the same time, Talk915 is also directly aimed at individual users, providing a variety of courses and services This business model enables Talk915 to establish its own channel network ecosystem, with strong hematopoietic capacity and advantageousprofitspace.

Talk915 adheres to technology-driven management innovation, improves teaching quality and service efficiency through big data analysis, intelligent matching, AI assistance and other means, and also reduces operating costs. Talk915 is committed to creating an educational platform with Internet thinking, and increasing user participation and stickiness through social media, live broadcast,shortvideoandotherways.

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Its integrated marketing innovation, through cooperation with various media, associations, institutions, etc., carries out brand promotion and word-of-mouth communication to form brand premium and corporate goodwill EF Education adoptstheb2cbusinessmodel.Itprovides diversified and personalized courses and services to meet customers of different ages and needs by directly providing services to individual users online and offline. It is characterized by globalization and localization, has branches and partners all over the world, and provides language training, overseas study tours, degree courses and cultural exchanges to meet the learning needs of people of differentagesandnationalities.

InnovationStrategy analysis

Talk915 has the advantages of large course selection space, high-quality teaching materials, flexible class time and high cost performance Talk915 also supports customized textbooks, provides exclusive course consultants and detailed evaluation reports, and provides flexible andconvenientservices.Thedetailsareas follows:

The advantage of Talk915's innovative product is that it can provide personalized learning programs and flexible and convenientonlineEnglishlearningservices, so that students can enjoy high-quality English education anytime and anywhere. According to the actual situation and needs of the students, the most appropriate courses and teachers are tailored for the students. Moreover, Talk915's foreign teachers are strictly screened and trained to ensure teaching qualityandeffect.

Driven by innovation and quality, constantly optimizing the education system and teaching methods, and improving the learning effect and experience of students. Combine highquality teachers with cutting-edge technological innovation to achieve the best and most efficient way of English learning. Among them, EF Education also pays attention to the training and development of the company ' s employees, and establishes a complete talentechelonandpromotionchannels

The disadvantage of Talk915 is that the mainPhilippineaccentisnotstandardand is not suitable for learners with zero foundation. More manual intervention and supervisionmayberequiredtoensurethat students can complete assignments and courses on time and solve problems in time. Talk915 also does not provide overseas study tours, degree courses and cultural exchanges as EF Education does Its offline penetration is low, brand awareness is not high, and competition pressureishigh.

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The advantages of EF Education lie in its strong brand influence and loyalty, rich product line and service range, improved teaching quality and efficiency through technological innovation, adapted to different market demands and realized localization. EF Education can provide comprehensive English learning resources, coveringEnglishknowledgeandskillsfrom basic to advanced levels and fields. In addition, it provides a variety of overseas study tours and cultural exchange activities To enable students to have rich experience in studying abroad and experienceEnglishcultureandlifeinareal internationalenvironment.

The products of EF Education really need certain economic and time costs, which may make some students feel burden or pressure.Thatis,thechargesarerelatively high,andlong-termlearningexpensesare requiredtobepaidinadvance,sometimes even loans are required. This may cause economic and psychological pressure for some people with poor economic conditions or insufficient learning motivation. And the class time is fixed and not flexible enough As a result, students needmoreinputandpatiencetoadaptto different types and difficulties of English learningcontent,andadheretolong-term andeffectivepractice.

At present, it also faces problems such as market competition and user loss. Today, underthepressureoffiercecompetition,it is necessary to continuously invest resourcesinresearchanddevelopment

and update, and to meet the challenges broughtbylawsandregulationsorcultural differences in different countries or regions.

The refund policy of EF Education is relatively strict. Once the contract is signed,itisdifficulttoapplyforrefund This may cause some students to feel unable to defend their rights and solve problems whentheyarenotsatisfied.

In addition, although EF Education has an online English learning platform, it lacks a real language environment and practical opportunities For adult students, only through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing can not really improve their English level and applicationability.


The online education industry is the productofeducationaltechnologyreform The development of online education has broken the space-time limit of traditional offlineeducation.

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With the increase of national disposable income and the development of Internet penetration, a new round of growth in online education industry has been brought. The market demand for online education in China has grown steadily under the joint action of three major drivingfactors:nationalpolicysupport,the improvement of national will and the prosperity and development of the Internet.

The competition pattern of online education industry is relatively complex, with many existing competitors and general threats from potential entrants. Therearedifferentleadingenterprisesand emerging enterprises in different segments. On the whole, the online education industry has certain attraction, but it also needs continuous innovation andimprovementofservicequality.

Online education may continue to grow in the future, but it will also face more challenges and changes. For example, policies and regulations, user needs, technological innovation, market competition, etc. will have an impact on onlineeducation.

The epidemic has become a watershed in the online education industry, and the penetration rate of online education has increasedsignificantly.Drivenbyfavorable policies and mature technology, the market size will reach 400.38 billion yuan, withagrowthrateof24.1%.

The online education industry covers K12, vocational education, quality education, studyabroadandothersegments.Among them, K12 is the largest market segment, but it also faces the challenges of policy regulation and user loss. Vocational education and quality education are the more active and growing segments in recentyears.

Online education may pay more attention to personalization, intelligence and interaction in the future For example, use AI, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to improve teaching effect and user experience, and achieve individualized teaching and accurate recommendation

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n 2020, the scale of online educationusersisexpected toreach351million,andthe scale of online education market is expected to exceed480billionyuan.
Online education may be more integrated andopeninthefuture.

For example, it complements and cooperates with offline education, achieves cross-border cooperation with otherindustriesandfields,andsharesand exchanges with global users and resources

From the perspective of industry development in 2016-2021, online education in China has grown steadily on the whole. Although the scale of online education of K12, the main body, has declined due to the double reduction, it is expectedthatChina'sonlineeducationwill continuetogrowinthenext3-5yearswith the gradual formation of users ' awareness ofonlinepaymentandthedevelopmentof vocational online education, and will exceed140billionyuanin2026.

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