Volume 4, Issue 6

Page 1

The Magazine About Female Executives and Women-Owned Businesses


The Forum for Thought Leaders

Erin Mulligan Nelson 艾琳•慕丽根•尼尔森 Chief Marketing Officer for Dell 戴尔首席市场官


Put Customers At The Core”


Meet Our International

Award Recipients USA $5.95 • Canada $6.95 • China ¥20

Vol. 4 Issue 1

11 Hints for Doing Business in Spain

“Maximum Pessimism” Investing the

Templeton Way Sudanese Executive is a

Woman of Firsts!

can you harness the cloud without creating storms? The role of IT isn’t about to change – it is already changing and at lightning speed. So how do you capitalize on powerful new technologies like cloud computing without the turbulence of rapid change? You start by gaining exceptional insight and control over your current physical and virtual environments. You transcend the boundaries of your four walls to leverage the power of external services for new levels of business agility. You deliver IT services faster and in more flexible ways to empower your business to respond to new opportunities. You succeed. At CA Technologies, we’ve been helping the world’s most successful companies manage and secure their IT for over 30 years. And now we help them harness the power of the cloud. With CA Technologies, IT powers business agility. See how we make it possible at www.ca.com

you can

Copyright © 2010 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

Together we make life better At Walmart we believe that we owe a lot to our female associates. That’s why we encourage and support them to succeed at all levels of our company, so they can become global leaders.

We want to thank all the women at Walmart. Because of you, we all can live better.


(Volume 4 issue 1) 6) 8) 9) 10)

Contributors Executive Team Publisher’s Letter UpFront – Cover Story: Erin Mulligan Nelson Focusing on the importance of customers and Your Brand

14) 26) 28) 30)

International Women of Influence Awards™ - USA International Women of Influence Awards™ - Canada 11 Tips for Doing Business in Spain Woman to Watch – Sudanese Executive a Woman of Firsts

32) Luminary Recipients™ – Canada, Turkey, and U.K. 34) Maximum Pessimism templeton insights into investing

43) Developing New Grad Students a British Perspective

45) International Social Media Trends 45) Calendar of Events 46) Exclusively for the C-Suite

International Women of Influence Awards™ Read about these leaders who are changing the way global business is conducted. Page 14 features our awardees from the United States and page 26 features awardees from Canada. To find out about our upcoming awards visit www.globalexecwomen.com.

Erin Mulligan Nelson Chief Marketing Officer, Dell




pg Judges for WBENC: USA Vicki Hamilton, Senior Vice President Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Karen Robinson Cope, Serial Entrepreneur Robin Bienfait, Chief Information Officer, RIM (BlackBerry)

Judges for WEConnect: Canada Vicki Hamilton, Senior Vice President – Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Angela Hofmann, Senior Director of International Trade Leverage Wal-mart Stores, Inc.


Gülseren Onanç, President of KAGiDER (left) with Honorary Consul General and Global Exec Women International Council Member Mona Diamond presents award to Aynur Bektaş in Instanbul.



Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women


Contributors Based in Sweden, Heidi Forbes Öste is a Social Strategy Consultant with 20 years of knowledge management and community building experience. She lectures and conducts workshops in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia and America on the use of strategic effectiveness of new media and face-to-face networking as part of capacity building for entrepreneurs. She advises leaders and organizations on how to integrate social business strategy to compete and survive in the current and future social marketplace. Christine Kieffer is Founder and CEO of Underdog LLC, a private equity business catalyst focused on executing new ventures in the High Technology, Commercial Real Estate, and Sports Marketing industries. Clients include: Apple, Inc, AT&T, Cool Springs Life, Dillon Read Venture Capital, FIFA/World Cup Soccer, Marcus & Millichap, Oracle Corporation, Panoz Auto Development Corporation, SmartLife Capital, Transamerica Insurance Corporation, and UPS.

William L. Lyman, M.B.A., C.F.A., is a partner with LMG Corp., manages a private investment partnership using a long-short strategy for marketable securities. He consults with and advises others with respect to entrepreneurial opportunities that they may be considering. He was previously a general partner with Alliance Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital investment firm, with an investment focus on semiconductors, software, and RF communications companies. Mr. Lyman dedicates a considerable amount of his time to promoting financial and investment literacy through a number of organizations and events. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Aurelie Ngo graduated from Georgia State University, Magna Cum Laude, with Research Honors. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics with a triple concentration in International Business, International Economics, and Economic Development. She is currently awaiting a response from both Harvard Business School and Yale School of Management, where she has applied for MBA programs.

Based in the U.K., Kathryn Pritchard is Global People Director at iris. Ms. Pritchard has 15 years’ experience held in senior HR roles at organisations such as British telecommunications giant BT, the Royal Mail and the BBC. She has a number of qualifications at the world’s finest business institutions including Harvard Business School. iris is a global integrated marketing services agency with 22 offices in 15 countries. www.irisnation.com.

Gloria Smith is an industry expert in instructional design, online and in-person training, writing, and technology brand marketing. She has managed national conferences and developed online and in-person training for Cisco, Dell, International Association of Software Architects (IASA), and several others. Gloria’s philosophy focuses on people first, whether they are students, event attendees, internal staff or customers. Based in Spain, Elizabeth Trallero Santamaría, M.B.A., is CEO of CONGOST PLASTIC, S.A., a maintenance industrial plastic company and General Manager SMILING, S.A., an International Marketing Consulting Firm. She is also president of European Women’s Management Development Network in Spain; Associació Catalana d’Executives i Empresaries; International Women Forum; Asociación Española de Directivos , Board member; International Relations Director of Association of Organizations of Mediterranean Businesswomen. She is a professor at several universities including: LaSalle Universities, UPC de Terrasa/Euncet, Barcelona Business School, Institucio Cultural Del C.I.C. and the European University, Barcelona.


Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1


Executive Team

Insights from the Executive Team

Executive Team Virginia A. Bradley Founder, CEO and Publisher

Laurie Dean Baird Laurie Dean Baird, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

Sara Bajc Senior Vice President, hiSoft Technology International

Tina Baker Chief Executive Officer – The Cadence Group

“One of the most useful tools for building engagement across a global workforce is pure old-fashioned relationship building: in person, amplified by synchronous communication tools such as interactive webcasts (with live chat), video calls and phone.”

Laurie Dean Baird Director, Technology Partnerships, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

Rebecca “Becky” Blalock Chief Information Officer – Southern Company

Yelena Epova Partner – Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP; Baker Tilly International

Vicki Hamilton Senior Vice President – Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

Diane McClelland Co-founder and CEO – Astra Women’s Business Aliance

Kathy Lamb Chief Information Officer – Ames Taping Tool Systems, Inc.

Kathy A. Miller Vice President – Red Cross

Angela Yochem Executive Lead – Dell

Connect with us on:




Photographer – Bob Hsiang Cover Photo – Brent Humphreys Art Director – Kellie Frissell Copy Editor – Paulette Kinnes Copy Editor Intern: Clarissa Linton Harris

“Much like moving into a new space, you can save time, money and frustration by creating an organizational plan before you begin using any electronic device or system that stores information.” Tina Baker Chief Executive Officer, The Cadence Group

“It is the people that succeed or fail, not the technology. My role focuses on optimizing technology to support and drive the business. Technology is critical to innovation, information, and efficiency in business. Great technology only works when people have a shared vision and a commitment to Kathy Lamb work together.”

Chief Information Officer, AmesTapingToolSystems,Inc.

Contact us for custom publications for your company! Global EXEC Women 2566 Shallowford Road, Suite 104, Atlanta, Georgia 30345 USA +1.404.488.8400 Skype: globalexecwomen www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Distribution – Beautiful Media Contributors – Weiwei Chen, Yu Lu, Helga Ojinmah, Radya Osman, Jennifer Rust, and Miglena Sandmeier Web Designer: Rob Mathea Web Administrator: Kevin Sanford This issue dedicated to: Sylvia Brownlee, Betty “G.G.” Lang, Janet Claire Moses, and Angela Premda


Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

©2010 by Global EXEC Women. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photograph or illustration without written permission of the publisher is prohibited.

Copying, photographing, scanning, and e-mailing of articles is prohibited. Global EXEC Women is not responsible for any errors or omissions.


Publisher’s Letter

Press On!

D Virginia A. Bradley

Founder, CEO & Publisher

弗吉尼亚•布拉德利 创始人兼出版商

Executive women in business and technology participate in interactive forums, build Intentional Relationships™ and share knowledge through Global EXEC Women‚ an international thought leadership community and magazine. These women represent large, public corporations and entrepreneurial endeavors through which they influence billions of dollars of business investment. Each year, Global EXEC Women honors outstanding executives through its highly regarded events, the International Women of Influence and Luminary Awards™. 工商及科技界的女经理人通过参与 Global EXEC Women国际思想领 袖互动论坛活动和其主办的杂志, 建立有意策划的关系(Intentional Relationships™)并相互分享知识。 这些妇女展示了她们所代表的大型 上市公司的创业奋斗历程,她们影响 数十亿美元的商业投资。每年Global EXEC Women颁发备受关注的国际妇 女影响奖(International Women of Influence and Luminary Awards™) 褒奖全球杰出的女经理人。


Do you have a full plate? Women around the world face challenges in their opportunity-filled lives. Have a W.I.T. attitude, Whatever It Takes. This is what separates the pros from the amateurs. As Winston Churchill once so aptly put it, “If you you’re going through hell, keep going!” In your own business, evaluate which customers are profitable and which customers are costing you money, and do not be afraid to make those tough decisions. I encourage you to read this month’s article featuring Erin Mulligan Nelson of Dell. With all of the current challenges in today’s business world, it is a great time to look at how you can revitalize your own company following Erin’s lead. Erin is a proven example of how revamping the way you do business, as she did with Dell in taking it from a technology-based brand company to a customer-inspired brand, can move you ahead in the marketplace. Please also review the article about the woman from Sudan who used to count chickens as a child and now owns five companies. In addition, don’t miss the article about Lauren Templeton, Investing the Templeton Way. I found Lauren’s strategy for successful investing particularly relevant for today’s women. Lauren’s great uncle, Sir John Templeton, advised that we maximize pessimism as it relates to both investing and business in general. Stay alert! In the past year it has been suggested to me that I should not be assertive in pursuing clients. Since this sage advice came from a person who I believe is respected in their particular business, I took note, knowing that between economic and publishing changes, most in this industry had become more aggressive, started selling most of their editorial content, or had gone out of business. Imagine my surprise when I came to understand that while we were in different areas of business, we were both competing for funds from many of the same revenue sources. While one could say that I should have been more astute, the other company was actually there to support small- and medium-sized enterprises, so one might empathize with my confusion. The lesson to be learned here is that you might be standing closer to your competition than you think. In the end, if you are smart, if you work hard and play hard, you live a life that uses all of your talents! You know that you are following your passion if you are excited to get up early and stay up late to put the finishing touches on greatness. It is in those moments that you truly know that you are doing fabulous things with your life. Take a moment to really understand what is the number one reason you are in your business. Is it for the lifestyle, the mission, or the money? There is no right or wrong answer, just the answer that is best for you. So decide for yourself, which is most important, and... Press On! Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. – Calvin Coolidge Someday is today, make it count! Virginia A. Bradley info@GlobalEXECWomen.com Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women


UpFront – Cover Story


Always Put Customers At The

永远将顾客置于核心位置 by Gloria Smith

Erin Mulligan Nelson Chief Marketing Officer, Dell

对艾琳•慕丽根•尼尔森 (Erin Mulligan Nelson)女士来说,市场营销和顾客体验工作可以 用联系一词来定义。作为戴尔公司的高级副总裁、 首席市场营销官,她的职责在于把公司品牌生动的 呈现给全世界的戴尔顾客、员工和股东们。 在2009年1月成为戴尔首席市场营销官之前, 艾琳女士作为公司负责欧洲、中东及非洲的市场营 销副总裁在欧洲驻守了三年。她自1999年加入公 司以来曾在市场营销、销售部门担任过多个领导职 位。 艾琳相信,市场营销的实质在于赢得顾客的 心。在她从事市场业务的20年间,那些激励她在宝 洁从事第一份工作时的原则,在今天仍然适用。


onnections. This is what defines Erin Mulligan Nelson’s approach to marketing and the customer experience. As senior vice president and chief marketing officer for Dell, she is responsible for bringing the company’s brand to life for Dell customers, employees, and stakeholders around the world.

10 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

每天,她追问自己和团队同样一个问题,即顾 客想要达到什么目的?什么事情对顾客在家中、在 工作上、在社区生活里至关重要?对艾琳而言,市场 营销不仅仅是制作一个闪亮光彩的广告,更是和顾 客建立联系,为他们带去产品、解决方案和服务,帮 助他们实现更多。 为顾客带去他们需要的解决方案的做法使得 戴尔与众不同,并为戴尔带来了长线的成功。艾琳 www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

UpFront – Cover Story – Erin Mulligan Nelson

How to

get started in

Social Media •D o your homework—there are free web tools that can tell you what people are saying about your company. •F ind out where the conversations are happening—use a search engine to type in keywords for your industry or set up news alerts to see what social media outlets come up the most. •U nderstand the common ground—people who use social media usually share common interests in a particular topic. •F igure out what you can add to the conversation—make sure you have something meaningful to say. •B e transparent, authentic and personal—it’s not about marketing or selling your products, it’s about providing information, feedback and perspectives that people value.

怎样学习使用社交媒体 • 做好准备工作——有一些免费的网络工具 可以告诉你人们是怎样评价你的公司的 • 找到这些对话发生的地点——在搜索引擎 上输入你行业的关键词或设置新闻提示以 找出哪些社交媒体管道具有最高的使用频 率 • 了解共通点——使用社交媒体的人们往往 在某个特定话题上具有共同兴趣 • 决定你能在对话中加入什么内容——确保 你所说的话是有意义的 • 坦率、真实、人性化——这样的对话目的并 不是为了市场营销或者贩卖产品,而是提 供信息、反馈和人们认为有价值的视角。 www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Before becoming Dell’s CMO in January 2009, Erin spent three years in Europe as the company’s vice president of marketing for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Since joining Dell in 1999, she has held leadership positions across the company’s marketing and sales divisions. She believes that marketing is about getting in the hearts and minds of customers. Throughout her 20 years in marketing, what has motivated her most since her first job with Procter & Gamble is very much the same as what inspires her today. Every day, she asks herself and her team the same questions. What goals do customers want to achieve? What matters to them at home, at work, in their communities? For Erin, marketing is not just about creating flashy ads or commercials—it’s about making a connection with customers and delivering products, solutions, and services that help them do and achieve more. Delivering solutions that are in tune with its customers’ needs is what sets Dell apart and positions the company for long-term success. According to Erin, people want to access information and communicate with one another anytime, anywhere, from any device. Whether they’re in the office, at home, or in a classroom, people want solutions that make their lives less complex and deliver real value. They want to buy from a company that understands what they want to accomplish and can help them. “For the past 26 years, our heritage has been about enabling human potential through IT. We have a stated purpose upon which our teams are aligned—delivering technology solutions that enable people everywhere to grow and thrive.”’ Erin believes that every company can benefit from looking at the why behind what they do. A company that can truly say its business goals are grounded in a purpose that serves customers is a company that can successfully transition through industry and marketplace changes. Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 11

UpFront – Cover Story

“Every day,

she asks herself and her team the same questions. What goals do customers want to achieve? What matters to them at home, at work, in their communities?

There are two things that she is passionate about—Dell customers and Dell employees, which the company calls ‘team members.’

“每天,她追问自己和团队同样一 个问题,即顾客想要达到什么目 的?什么事情对顾客在家中、在工作 上、在社区生活里至关重要?”

“Dell is closer to its customers than any other technology company in our industry. We have more than 5.4 million interactions with them every day in 180 countries around the globe. These conversations with customers are what drive our business strategy.”

认为,人们总是希望能够在任何时间、任何地点,在 任意的设备上获取信息,与人交流。不论他们是在 办公室,在家里,或是在教室,人们总是需要那些能 使他们的生活不怎么复杂、真正带来价值的解决方 案。他们希望从那些能够理解他们、帮助他们的公 司购买产品。 “过去26年里,我们的传统就是通过 信息技术帮助人类发挥潜力。我们团队确立的目标 是——提供使任何地方的人们都能成长繁荣的技 术解决方案。”

Today, a lot of these conversations happen over the social web where more than 3.5 million people interact with Dell on its website and outlets such as Twitter, LinkedIn and other regional community sites. According to Erin, “we’ve implemented more than 400 ideas from customers who shared their feedback through a Dell.com website called IdeaStorm, and we continually look for new ways to listen, engage and respond to customers.” She believes we are just in the early stages of how customers will use the web to create, communicate and collaborate.

Erin is also passionate about helping Dell’s team members develop the skills they need to build successful careers as well. For marketing in particular, Dell implemented a new professional development program where Dell marketers can enhance and grow their capabilities and learn more about different areas of marketing. “I am incredibly proud of our nearly 100,000 Dell team members around the world. They’re committed to making technology work harder for our customers. At the end of the day, this is what matters the most.” 12 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

艾琳相信,任何一家公司都会受益于反思其所 作所为背后的那个“为什么”。一个可以诚实的说他 们的目标就是为顾客服务的公司将成功地度过任何 产业或市场的变革。 她有两件感到热忱的事情——戴尔顾客和被 戴尔称为团队成员的戴尔员工。 “戴尔比任何其他同行业的技术公司都更加贴 近顾客。我们每天与全球180个国家的顾客有超过 540万次的交流。这些与顾客的对话直接推动着我 们的商务策略。” 如今,很多那些对话转移到了社交网站上。超 过350万人通过戴尔的网站或Twitter、LinkedIn及 其他地域性社区网站与戴尔交流。艾琳表示, “我 们已将400多个顾客在戴尔服务网站IdeaStorm上 发表的反馈意见付诸实施。我们仍在持续寻找新的 能让我们鼓励顾客参与、倾听并回应顾客需求的方 式。”她相信现在还仅仅是顾客使用网络创造、交流 与合作的初级阶段。 艾琳对帮助戴尔团队成员学习职业成功所必 需的技能也非常热心。特别是在市场营销方面,戴 尔采用了一种新的职业发展计划,旨在强化并增加 市场营销人员的能力,让他们学习到不同方面的市 场营销。 “我为我们全球近10万的戴尔团队成员感到 极度的骄傲。他们专注于让技术更加卖力的为顾客 服务上面。这是最为重要的。” www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

UpFront – Cover Story – Erin Mulligan Nelson


Empower Your Brand!

ith Erin Nelson so strongly focused on connections, it comes as no surprise that Dell would leverage social media platforms to better communicate with customers. What may surprise many, however, is how well it is working. Dell has gained more than 3 million direct connections with people as a result of social media use, and its global reach on Twitter alone has netted more than $6.5 million USD in revenue. In 2009, Dell re-organized the company around the customers rather than its products, and this transformation has taken place in all aspects of the company–from the culture and people to the business and the brand. The shift was acceptable to the leadership team because, as Erin observes, “We recognize that it’s not about the technology on its own but about what our customers do with the technology that matters. So I’d say we’re not a technologybased brand but a customer-inspired brand. We found that it was very easy to get all of our executives rallied around an idea that centers on our customers.” Other companies are taking notice. A recent social media study conducted by Burson-Marsteller reported that 65 percent of the largest 100 international companies have active Twitter accounts, 54 percent have a Facebook fan page, 50 percent have a YouTube channel, and 33 percent own corporate blogs. The corporate conversation has shifted from, “Should we utilize social media?” to “How do we utilize social media to engage effectively?” For small-and medium-sized organizations, discovering the proper use of technology for social interaction can be overwhelming. To help ease the introduction of this new capability Erin and her team members at Dell have taken their experience with this platform and created a series of Social Media Guides, www.facebook.com/dellsocialmedia, to help small--and mediumsized businesses use these tools successfully. Tips include: • Be transparent. Clearly identify yourself by name, role, and affiliation. • Be ethical. The Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) is the authority on best practices for ethical online marketing. Be open and honest in all communication. Address negative discussion head-on. • Be relevant. Share perspectives that are truly valuable to the online community. • Be personable and personalize. Let your expertise, and interests shine through. • Thank your happy customers. Companies tend to focus a disproportionate amount of energy on customer complaints. It’s important to recognize your happy customers who may become brand evangelists. www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

One concern many organizations have when engaging customers in a two-way conversation is the possibility of negative brand impact, but for Erin, finding new ways to communicate with customers has had the opposite effect. Dell has seen a 30 percent decline in negative commentary after entering social media, and the company is transforming its brand through the art of conversation. Erin observes, “Fundamentally, social media is simply an emerging medium for listening, learning, engaging, and sharing information. It is less about controlling our brand and more about extending it from a place that is already ingrained in our heritage of direct relationships—especially when you believe, as we do, that our brand is all about how our customers use technology to grow and thrive.” There are three important questions to consider: 1. What is the purpose of your company? 2. How will these new tools integrate with your current marketing strategy? 3. Is there a code of conduct in place for the employees who engage customers?

“…we’re not a technology-based brand but a customer-inspired brand.” With Dell’s purpose already customer-centered, Erin explains, “Dell’s business units are clearly aligned with our customers and their needs—and our efforts mirror how these customers actually use social media in their personal and professional lives. We also ensure that our team members who are engaged in social media are doing so in support of their jobs, whether they be in service, support, sales, marketing, or even product development.” When executed properly, social media brings both the company and its customers to the public forum to openly discuss problems, questions, and successful initiatives in real time. It is important to remember that these tools do not substitute for solid business planning and marketing strategy.


• Utilizing technology in a customer-centric way can lead to revenue. • Social media is no longer bleeding edge. • Proven industry experts offer resources directed at helping smalland medium-sized businesses approach social media. • Engaging customers on a regular basis has a positive impact on branding. • Social media is a conversation. Don’t let it be the only one!

Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 13

Global Exec Women International Women of Influence Awards™

the Annual

San Francisco Recipients he Global EXEC Women Magazine International Women of Influence Awards™ were established to recognize women who are changing the way international business is conducted. Nominees include women who have earned international status for outstanding work in their fields. These awards were created by our International Council, which is made up of members of the Consular Corps, trade associations, and international chambers from Australia, China, England, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Global EXEC Women has a unique process for choosing the recipients of our awards. We present these awards around the world in association with companies and non-profits that wish to

chelle Moore

highlight exceptional individuals and increase attendance at the host affiliate conferences. We have a formal nomination process that requires a written application, and nominees are then vetted by our International Council, as well as by a second set of corporate and entrepreneurial judges. Sponsorship and/or ad support do not benefit or give any advantage to a nominee. Nominees must attend our award ceremony to qualify, and it is at this time that they learn if they are receiving special recognition. The women featured here are confident in their abilities and committed to coming together to focus attention on the impact women have who conduct international business. Join with us in applauding all of these praiseworthy individuals and the companies that they represent, the employees that support them, and our partners and sponsors.

cORPORAte ReciPient

Vice President, International Human Resources Strategy and Administration Walmart International Chelle Moore is the vice president of international human resources strategy and administration for Walmart International, a fast-growing segment of Walmart’s overall operations. Walmart International now has more than 4,000 stores and 664,000 associates in 14 countries outside the United States. Ms. Moore is responsible for recruiting, organizational development, and human resources strategy and administration. A key leader in the education, promotion, and advancement of women in the workplace, her position provides her with a global voice to initiate, influence, and drive change. As the chairperson of networking for Walmart’s Women’s Officer Caucus, Ms. Moore spearheaded the implementation of the She describes herself as company’s International Women’s Leadership Development “passionate”, while her Initiative, structured on the premise that it would provide contemporaries look at intentional developmental opportunities for women leaders around the world and to create her as an “innovator”. a forum for women to dialogue regarding their professional needs. 14 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1





In Partnership with Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)

Presenting Sponsor


diana Anderson

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, D.L. Anderson International, Inc. D. Anderson & Company is the premier global patient recruitment organization. The Dallas Business Journal along with 62 countries named her company one of the 50 Largest Women-Owned Businesses in Dallas-Ft. Worth for 2008. She was recently named Chairman of the Patient Recruitment Organization Steering Committee, a select delegation of patient recruitment leaders united to identify and address core issues impacting their niche industry. She is past-chairman of the Board of the Academy of Clinical Research Professionals, past-chairman of the Board of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP), and past-President of Rheumatology Health Professionals. She has also served on the boards of the American College of Rheumatology and the Arthritis Foundation. Drawing upon her talent and sheer tenacity, she continues to grow a privately held business and maintain stability despite the challenges of today’s tough economy.

She describes herself as “determined” and her contemporaries describe her as “compassionate”.

nOn-PROFit ReciPient

Joanna Wasmuth

Strategic Advisor, World Vision

She describes herself as a “visionary” and others say she is “inspiring”.

Joanna Wasmuth is a strategic advisor for World Vision, a humanitarian organization active in 98 countries, that combats the root causes of poverty. In 2008, donors gave $2.6 billion in cash and goods to aid World Vision’s efforts to offer physical, social, emotional, and spiritual support to 100 million people in 47 countries. As the former global director of marketing, Ms. Wasmuth led the drive to increase support for World Vision’s micro-finance network, one of the largest providers of small loans to poor, rural entrepreneurs, the majority of whom are women. For her contributions in developing the companies first website, which enables donors to fund a micro-loan for a specific entrepreneur, Ms. Wasmuth received the World Vision’s “Excellence in Innovation” award, She hosts an annual International Women’s Day event that brings together professional women from a variety of backgrounds to celebrate their achievements. Ms. Wasmuth is also the owner of a 14-year-old award winning marketing agency with clients in Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.


Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 15

Just what does the fabric of a healthy society look like? Usually navy blue or plaid. In many of the poorest countries on earth, girls are still denied the right to an education. Which robs them of their dreams, and robs their families and societies of their talents and contributions. At CARE we’ve found that educating girls, and unleashing their potential, is one of the fastest ways to improve conditions in these places. That’s why we’ve established more than 100 education programs in 36 impoverished countries. With each year of school, wages go up 10 to 20%. Educated women start new business ventures, creating This space generously donated. Photo © Jason Sangster/CARE

income that never existed in these societies. And when they enter local government, corruption is reduced. The power of education is astonishing. And you have the power to help make education for girls and women a global reality. Join the movement. Call 800-521CARE or visit www.care.org f

Global Exec Women International Women of Influence Awards™

Helen Marquez

Philippine Recipient

Chief Information Officer and President ePLDT Ventus ePLDT Ventus is a subsidiary of Philippine Long Distance Telephone She describes herself as Company and the premier information and communications “funny” and others say technology company. A Significant Accomplishment: Despite her high level leadership role, Helen finds the time to give back to the she is “hard-working”. community. She actively participates and personally volunteers for various Corporate Social Responsibility projects of the organization. One of its CSR projects is the Gabay Guro (Teacher Guidance) Program. As President of ePLDT Ventus, Helen encourages the company’s participation in the program, providing English proficiency training to Philippine public school teachers. Most recently, Helen visited the abandoned and abused children and young women of CRIBS (Create Responsive Infants by Sharing) together with some employees of ePLDT Ventus. She personally donated some clothes and blankets for the benefit of the children, over and above donations already made by the company. This is the sort of compassion Helen has for less fortunate members of the community, and exemplifies her personal dedication and belief in giving back to society.

Isabel Alexander

Canadian Recipient

Founder and President Phancorp, Inc. Phancorp Inc. is a global chemical wholesale company specializing in sourcing, procurement, distribution and logistics. Isabel Alexander oversees all aspects of the Phancorp business including; sales and marketing, operations, and finance departments of the company. With an incisive ability to balance She describes herself calculated risk with sound strategic thinking and a talent for surrounding herself with people with potential, and then as a person possessing cultivating their ultimate capabilities, Isabel shines as a leader, a great degree of a team builder, and a mentor. She has led Phancorp to be one “positivity” and others of the fastest growing companies in Canada, with offices in the United States, China and plans for more strategic locations say she is extremely around the globe. “dynamic”.

For more information about these women and to learn more about our upcoming awards, visit www.globalexecwomen.com www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 17

Delivering Quality, Savings and Innovation Throughout Your Supply Chain At Argent Associates Inc. our mission is to create innovative supply chain solutions that deliver real-time information, increase security, introduce process efficiencies and deliver high quality products and services to our customers while protecting the environment. We achieve best in class Supply Chain Services by decreasing costs, increasing revenues and creating a competitive advantage for our customers. We value our employees as our most important resource. We believe that our attainment is interdependent with our employee’s success. We encourage personal development, teamwork, independent thinking and achievement. Within our culture it is important to rejoice in each other’s endeavors. We hold trust, integrity, creativity and excellence as guiding principles. Our goal is to be a role model company that others will want to emulate. Argent Associates provides supply-chain managed service solutions, new technology deployment, end-of-life cycle management, data storage, customer care call centers, and environmental products and services for government and Fortune 500 markets. With facilities in key strategic markets and with real-time intelligence gathering technologies, we support customers with thousands of locations nationally and internationally. Information and intelligence gathering no longer take months, but are aggregated to the minute across the world. Argent Associates has been able to expand its global reach and value proposition by creating joint ventures with like-minded business partners. As a certified woman owned company, future growth in a global market place will be driven by creating partnerships which will allow us to provide a superior value proposition for our customers. We would like to congratulate the 2010 Women’s Business Enterprise Stars for their leadership in their respective local and global business communities. It is women like these who continue to inspire other women business owners. For more information, visit Argent Associates at www.argentassociates.com

In Partnership with Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)

Finalists Corporate: Cheryl A. Harris, Senior Executive Procurement and Supplier Diversity Delivery C.P.M. – Accenture LLP

She describes herself as “passionate”, while others describe her as “genuine”.

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company that collaborates with its clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. It combines unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research about the world’s most successful companies to achieve its goals. In her role as the delivery lead for Accenture Procurement, Ms. Harris manages the relationship with Accenture’s chief procurement officer, whose main focus is on global procurement and expansion thereof, inclusive of expanding our Supplier Diversity agenda. As the Key Executive Chair at Florida A&M University, Ms. Harris has been an ambassador for minority and women owned businesses, allowing the university and its students to understand the contribution of these businesses as university partners in research and development.

Corporate: Gordana Schifanelli, Vice President Wealth Management, RBC – Royal Bank of Canada Gordana Schifanelli is a certified portfolio manager She describes herself as “persistent”, working with high net-worth individual investors, not-for-profit while others say she is “fair”. companies, and for-profit organizations, and she assists the Serbian Government with the integration process to join the European Union. She has published a book on Trading with Commodity Options and Futures Contracts in Serbia, which is a study guide for licensing requirements for trading on the Belgrade Stock Exchange. Ms. Schifanelli has been a role model for women by influencing international economies and utilizing her knowledge, wisdom, and experience to help rebuild the war-torn new nation of Serbia.

Emerging/Growth: Kanchana Raman, President Avion Systems, Inc.

She describes herself as “tenacious”, while others find her “credible”.

With over 600 employees, Avion Systems, Inc., is a global technology firm that specializes in converging communications, broadband network services, solutions, and innovations. Ms. Raman was selected to represent the United States in delegations to South Africa in 2005 and South America in 2006. These missions involved meeting and advising minority, women, and disabled entrepreneurs about growth within the region as well as globally. She has served on many boards of directors including the Women Business Enterprise National Council, where she was named a “Business Star,” as well as a representative for Georgia in their National Leadership Forum. She also participates in the regional chapter of the Greater Women’s Business Council. Ms. Raman has won several awards, including the councils “Business Star” Award. She is a mentor at TiE, a global organization for entrepreneurs.

Non-Profit: Dr. Marsha Firestone, Founder and President The Women Presidents’ Organization The Women Presidents’ Organization is a not-for-profit She describes herself as “innovative”, corporation that connects top women entrepreneurs who own while others call her “committed”. million dollar companies. Dr. Firestone oversees the strategic operations of 82 chapters that focus on organizational growth and empower members to achieve increased business and financial success. Dr. Firestone serves on a number of boards and advisory councils, such as the Women’s Leadership Initiative at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, Enterprising Women, the International Women’s Forum, and the Women’s Jewelry Association.


Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 19

Global Marketplace Global Workforce Flexible Workforce Lean Workforce At STAFFLOGIX, we value innovation, flexibility, imagination, training, safety and technology to deliver a unified awe-inspiring strategic partnership with our clients by strengthening “The Power of a Flexible Workforce”. ™ Through our branch network, we have been able to offer our clients effective and quality services and programs, regardless of geographic coverage, based on our extensive first-hand experience, unique industry solutions and unlimited service options that fulfill our client’s expanding need for a flexible contingent workforce that expands and contracts with their resource demands.

Congratulations to Kathy Greco on being named... A Global EXEC Women Magazine International Women of Influence Award Honoree!

Our Awe Inspiring Services Include:        

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STAFFLOGIX’s approach and objective is to bring our clients relevant value and solutions to their business needs. Founded in 1998, STAFFLOGIX has dedicated itself to simplifying and enabling the choices that Hiring Managers, Human Resource and Procurement professionals have in managing their contingent workforce. STAFFLOGIX brings together experience, technology and human capital management through compliance, automation and flexibility, specifically designed to help companies succeed. STAFFLOGIX’s commitment to our Supplier Diversity Program reflects our ongoing commitment to act as an advisor to our clients. As a certified MBE, STAFFLOGIX qualifies as a disadvantaged, small business and our supplier base includes minority or women–owned companies. We are fully prepared to help clients meet their diversity initiatives. When STAFFLOGIX is charged with diversity spend, we completely own that cost target. From order to report, we will place, monitor and document the diversity spend for our clients, relieving your managers of the burden of tracking one more cost objective.

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Global Exec Women International Women of Influence Awards™

Semi-Finalists Corporate: Lilicia Bailey Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer Manheim, a Division of Cox Enterprises

She describes herself as “dynamic” while many have described her as “engaging”.

Lilicia Bailey is Sr. Vice President and Chief People Officer of People Strategies for Manheim, the world’s leading provider of used vehicle services. Ms. Bailey is a strategic visionary. Her management style is to encourage those around her while pushing boundaries. In her five years as an executive leader with Manheim, she has transformed what was once known as the personnel/human resources function into a recognized People Strategies business department, guiding the direction of its 30,000 employees. Ms. Bailey is an active community leader serving on advisory councils and boards of directors for professional, educational, and girls’ and women’s organizations.

Non-Profit: Hiroko Tatebe Founder and Executive Director Global Organization for Leadership and Diversity The Global Organization for Leadership and Diversity (GOLD) is a non-profit She describes herself organization dedicated to developing global women leaders and building as “thoughtful” and her leadership bridges across the Pacific. As Executive Director, Ms. Tatebe assures that the organization has a long-range strategy which achieves its mission, and toward contemporaries describe which it makes consistent and timely progress. She plans, implements, directs and her as “dependable”. evaluates a broad range of programs to achieve GOLD’s strategic initiatives. Ms. Tatebe is a member of the Multicultural Advisory Board of the Women’s Leadership Exchange, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Big Thinking Women and the Board of Governors of Japan America Society of Southern California.

Emerging/Growth: Elizabeth Perelstein President School Choice International

She describes herself as “tenacious” and others say she is “intrepid”.

School Choice International is an educational consulting firm with 90 consultants in 50 locations throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia. Ms. Perelstein, is a seasoned educator, administrator, writer, and speaker on topics related to education, relocation, and women owned businesses at conferences in Chicago and Hong Kong. She has worked at all levels of education, from nursery school through university. In 2006, she co-founded the British International School of New York. Her name has appeared in The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune and the Westchester Journal News. She is on the board of Families in Global Transition.


Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 21

Global Exec Women International Women of Influence Awards™

Honorees Tara Abraham Chairman & Co-CEO Accel, Inc.

Accel specializes in assembly, packaging, engineering and design, sourcing, thermoforming, and reworks and logistics. Ms. Abraham serves on the board of the American Red Cross of Greater Columbus as well as The Ohio State University’s Alumni Board. She describes herself as “unwavering” and others say that she is a “role model”.

Dr. Janelle Barlow Partner TMI World

TMI World is one of the world’s leading learning consultancies. Twice awarded the prestigious International Trainer of the Year award, Dr. Barlow works in Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and New Guinea. She describes herself as “committed” and others say that she is “generous” .

Jayne Edison CEO & President Office Furniture Innovations, LLC

Office Furniture Innovations is a full-service furniture management company. Ms. Edison’s company was recognized by U.S. based Houston Business Journal as the Fastest Growing Woman-Owned Business in 2006. An innovator in the commercial office furniture and design field since 1999, she describes herself as “ball of fire” and others say that she is “reliable”.

Susan Baka President Bay Communications and Marketing, Inc.

Bay Communications & Marketing provides business communications and information services. Ms. Baka is a founder and International Vice President of the Organization of Women in International Trade, Toronto, and an advocate for women entrepreneurs and exporters. She describes herself as a “listener” and others say that she is “well connected”.

Robina Bernard President Clik-Clik Systems, Inc.

Clik-Clik Systems manufactures a sign-hanging system for safely and easily hanging interior promotional signage and décor. From 1988 to 2002, Ms. Bernard owned and operated Balloon Depot, Canada’s largest balloon wholesale business. She describes herself as “inquisitive” and others say that she is “innovative”.

Lorrinda Gray-Davis Director, Diversity Perini Building Company

Perini Building Company is one of the largest general contractors in the United States. Ms. Gray-Davis has received numerous national, state, and local awards, including the 2008 Women of Distinction Award from the National Association of Women Business Owners. She describes herself as “changing”, while others say that she has “perseverance”.

Jill Frey

Kathy Greco

CEO & President Cummins Building Maintenance, Inc.

Chief Diversity Officer STAFFLOGIX Corporation

Cummins Building Maintenance is a full-service building maintenance company. Ms. Frey is substantially involved in representing CBM and its future potential to a wide variety of industry audiences. She describes herself as “enthusiastic” and others say that she is “passionate”.

22 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

STAFFLOGIX is a full-service staffing firm designed to provide a flexible workforce. Ms. Greco has extensive experience in global program management and deployment and strategic operations for managed service programs and supplier diversity initiatives. She describes herself as “compassionate” while others say that she is a “humanitarian”.


In Partnership with Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)

Honorees Julie Hens Vice President, Channels U.S. & Canada Distribution Cisco Systems, Inc.

Cisco Systems is a worldwide leader in network equipment. In her current role as Vice President, Ms. Hens is responsible for all aspects of sales for the United States and Canada. She is co-chair of the Silicon Valley Civic Council and sits on the Cisco Corporate Advisory Board. She describes herself as “empowering” while others say that she is a “leader”.

Leslie Meingast CEO & President The Personnel Department

The Personnel Department is a human resource solutions company. Global personnel placements include Canada, China, England, Europe, and New Zealand, as well as placements across Australia and the United States. As an educator, speaker, and motivator, Ms. Meingast’s talents have been key in the company’s success. She describes herself as “optimistic” and others say that she is “inspirational”.

Liz Sponseller Managing Director Abatek, Inc.

Abatek is a global marketer and producer of silicone elastomer key-pads, assemblies, and connectors for use in electronic input/output devices. Ms. Sponseller works globally through strategic sales organizations in Switzerland, Thailand, and the United States, complemented by a 100 percent-owned manufacturing facility in Thailand as well as joint ventures in China and Taiwan. She describes herself as a “problem-solver”, and others say that she is “detail-oriented”.

Kate Vitasek Founder & CEO Supply Chain Visions® Ltd.

Supply-Chain Visions is a consulting practice partnered with the University of Tennessee that specializes in supply chain strategy and education. Ms. Vitasek is a well-recognized authority on performance management and metrics implementation. She describes herself as “purposeful” and others say that she is a “visionary”.


Laxmi Hiremath Founder & CEO Laxmi’s Delights

Laxmi’s Delights offers an award-winning food product line sold online. Ms. Hiremath is also a gourmet chef, popular food writer, and author of The Dance of Spices. She describes herself as “innovative”, and others say that she is “strong”.

Tara Spann Director, Diversity Initiatives Staples, Inc.

Staples is the world’s largest office products company. Ms. Spann handles the direction and management of diversity initiatives for Staples North American Delivery. She oversees the development and execution of the supplier diversity program into strategic international markets. She describes herself as “giving” and others say that she is “sincere”.

Wilka Toppins, Esq. Founder & Attorney Law Office of Wilka Toppins, P.C. The Law Office of Wilka Toppins specializes in bilingual legal services. She has a 20 year career as attorney, entrepreneur and former senior executive at several Fortune 100 companies. She speaks, coaches and consults with corporate clients via her own business, “The Corporate Latina.” She describes herself as “energetic” and others say that she is a “connector”.

Congratulations to all of the awardees! Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 23

Like you, Grace Msowoya is a successful CEO. With access to financial services and training from the Opportunity International bank in Malawi, Grace Msowoya went from potato retailer to distributor--tripling her profits from $3 to $12 a day. Today she has $2,000 in a savings account and a business plan to expand to surrounding markets. Grace would tell you her proudest accomplishment is being able to send all of her children to school. Which is not surprising. Women microfinance clients spend 90% of their discretionary income on the nutrition, health and education of their children, increasing the next generation’s odds of a better future. Success like Grace’s can start with just a $200 loan. When clients pay back their loans (and 98% do) the capital is continuously recycled to another entrepreneur. Which is why many Opportunity International supporters are business executives like you: Microfinance is a sustainable, business solution to global poverty. Give an entrepreneur the Opportunity she is waiting for today at OptINnow.org/ceo.

For as little as $200, you can choose an entrepreneur on Opportunity’s peer-to-peer site and fund her loan. Your donation will help more than one woman build her business and a better future for her family. Invest in a women’s business today and unleash a sustainable chain of Opportunity at optINnow.org/ceo.

Opportunity International provides business training, loans, interest-bearing savings accounts and affordable health, life, and crop insurance to 2 million clients in 25 developing countries.

Global Exec Women International Women of Influence Awards™

International Women of Toronto Recipients

Corporate Recipient: Mary Livingston Global Vice President, Canada, Caribbean, Latin America, AT&T AT&T‘s global sales team in the Canada, Caribbean, and Latin America (CCLA) region supports multinational corporations and represents a team of 150 sales and support professionals. Ms. Livingston was previously recognized four times for the highest level of “AT&T sales.” She was also honored as one of the New Jersey “50 Best Business Women for 2008” by NJBIZ magazine. Outside of AT&T, she is involved in numerous non-profit activities including the Board of Trustees for the Summit Area YMCA. Ms. Livingston is founder of Team 101, whose focus is to help women of all ages improve their health, confidence and spirit through the sport of triathlon. She is an avid tri-athlete and competes all over the U.S in short and long distance events.

She describes herself as “tenacious” and others say she is “dedicated”. Emerging Growth Recipient: Barbara Mowat President, Impact Communications Limited Impact Communications Limited is a multi-faceted consulting company that specializes in three major areas; management training and consulting; writing of training and business guides and materials; and international product, business and market development for the global marketplace, including creating and producing trade shows, conferences, forums, and trade missions. Ms. Mowat was the founder and Publisher of Home Business Report, the first Canadian national newsstand magazine for micro-enterprises. She was also the creator of the Uniquely Programs, which assisted entrepreneurs in accessing the global marketplace. Ms. Mowat is an international leader in the development of SME enterprises, a program with a special emphasis on women. Her work has benefited entrepreneurs and facilitated trade throughout Canada, South East Asia, South America, Europe, Afghanistan, India, Africa, and the United States.

She describes herself as “passionate” and others say she is “enthusiastic”. Non-Profit Recipient: France-Nadine Forget Director, Economic Services, Québec Government Office The Québec Government Office in Toronto offers a wide range of economic and commercial consulting services, acts as advisors to Québec companies, promotes Quebec products and services, and supports businesses seeking to penetrate its markets. Ms. Forget promotes trade between Québec and the western Canadian provinces. As head of the economic section of the Québec government she implemented the new Québec Ontario Trade and Economic Agreement that was designed to increase investment and trade between Ontario and Québec, to promote innovation, and to reduce long-standing barriers to business. She founded the Monteriski Cross Country Ski Club, which includes a ski school and seasonal competitions for young athletes.

She describes herself as “tenacious“ and others say she is “ dependable“. U.S. Recipient: Naheed Syed CEO and President, Global Resource Management, Inc Global Resource Management, Inc. (GRMI) is an established company with over 15 years of consulting, staff augmentation professional services and human resource management. GMRI is a global company serving its clients with ten offices in the United States and four international locations. Naheed Syed is the founder and CEO of Global Resource Management, Inc. and has more than 25 years of executive management, strategy, information technology, and new-venture/merger expertise in corporate America. She commanded industry recognition at the early age of 20 as a very high achiever in the banking/finance industry. Her corporate experience, combined with her natural entrepreneurial talent, led Global Resource Management to rapid growth. Ms. Syed is an outstanding leader and a distinguished entrepreneur.

She describes herself as “optimistic” and others say she is “dynamic”. 26 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1


In Partnership with WEConnect Canada Presenting Sponsor

influence Awards


Carol Chapman President and CEO, C2 Communications C2 Communications is a small international advertising and sales firm with offices in Moncton and Toronto. Its subsidiary, C’volution, focuses on cause-related marketing. Cause-related marketing is marketing that promotes a business with the support of a particular charitable endeavour. For example, Ms. Chapman has been working with Huggies as it builds playgrounds in under-developed areas. Networking and partnering are cornerstones of her company’s success and growth. Her skills in making contacts and connecting people have led to export success in such markets as the Middle East, the United States, Mexico, and Japan.

Ms. Chapman describes herself as a “connector” and others say that she is “enthusiastic”.


Diana Pitsolis President, SPONGEZZ INC. SPONGEZZ, INC. is an OEM Manufacturer of consumer sponges, applicators, scours, and personal care and cosmetic wedges, sponges, and cleansing products. As a specialist in manufacturing sponges, SPONGEZZ, INC., has created a unique way of differentiating itself in the marketplace with an extensive product line that reaches into many consumer categories, from home to automotive to personal care. Ms. Pitsolis has established herself as an industry expert in sponges. Her customers welcome her visits, as they are able to gain insights that others do not provide.

She describes herself as “focused” and others say that she is “inventive”.

Honorees Antonia & Catalina Dudka President and Chief Executive Officer Caramoomel Products, Inc. Caramoomel Products has been making delicious spreads and sauces since 1990 in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada with fruits and vegetables grown on its own farm. With a reputation for high-quality products that are full of natural flavors, Caramoomel products are sold in the finest gourmet shops and natural food markets all across Canada and the United States, as well as in Japan.

Ms. Catalina Dudka describes herself as “tenacious” and others describe them both as “happy”. Marla Kott C.A. Chief Executive Officer, Imprint Plus Imprint Plus is an international exporter of name badges with sales of $8.5 million annually. Ms. Kott supported this effort as an angel investor, prior to becoming CEO. The company has four new patents and patents pending. They started a green initiative 15 years ago and make their products from recyclable materials.

Ms. Kott describes herself as “resilient”, and others say that she is “relentless”. www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 27

Country Focus – Spain





OF DOING BUSINESS IN SPAIN by Elizabeth Trallareo Santamaría, MBA 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The country values quality of life, over possessions. Living is often as important as working. Communities are based on personal and family ties. So favouritism is an exercise of mutual obligations. Hospitality is part of the business culture. It is rude not to accept certain invitations out. Spaniards share their time with each other, and expect others to do so. Lunches and dinners are a vital part of business. They are used to build trust and establish personal relationships. They lead the way to do or complete the business. Spaniards have a less ambitious success culture. There is not a meeting’s culture. Meetings are to give instructions. There are few written job profiles. Strategy is based on intuition and business know. Improvisation is more important than forecasting and planning, although both coexist. English Companies based in Spain have a strong sense of order and discipline, but based on people’s relationships. More reliance on the individual than on the system. Loyalty is to people not to institutions. Decision making is not shared with subordinates, and is seen as a weakness to do so. Managers are independent decision makers, with a sense of bravery. There is a strong sense of personal pride and honour.

Suggestions for doing business: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Put agreements into writing. Know your business counterparts in and out of the office. Understand their lack of systems. Show that you enjoy things other than business. There are countries for working and there are countries for living, Spaniards mix the two.

To find the success formula in Spain, remember personal relations are important, and you should integrate with them. Good luck!!!

28 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.









Es un entorno donde se valora más la calidad de vida. Vivir es a menudo tan importante como trabajar. La comunidad está basada en lazos personales y familiares.. Así que las selecciones se suelen relacionar por favoritismos derivados de relaciones mutuas. La hospitalidad es parte de la cultura empresarial. Es descortés no aceptar invitaciones de comidas o cenas de negocio. Los Españoles comparten su tiempo entre sí, y esperan que otros lo hagan. Los almuerzos y las cenas son una parte vital del negocio. Se utilizan para generar confianza y establecer relaciones personales. Es la forma de hacer negocio. En España se tiene una cultura basada en el éxito. No es una cultura que crea en las reuniones de trabajo. Las reuniones de trabajo sólo sirven para dar instrucciones Hay pocos perfiles profesionales definidos por escrito. La estrategia se basa en la intuición y el conocimiento del negocio en lugar de la planificación, el estudio y el análisis. La improvisación es más importante que la previsión y la planificación, aunque ambos coexisten. Las empresas Españolas tienen un fuerte sentido del orden y la disciplina, pero basado en las relaciones interpersonales. Más confianza en el individuo que en el sistema. La lealtad es a las personas no a las instituciones. La toma de decisiones no se comparte con los subordinados, y el hacerlo es percibido como una debilidad. Los directivos crean sus decisiones independientemente, con un punto de bravura. Existe un fuerte sentido de orgullo personal y de honor.

Sugerencias para hacer negocios: 1. Ponga los acuerdos por escrito. 2. Conozca a sus colaboradores del negocio dentro y fuera de la oficina. 3. Entienda su falta de sistema. 4. Demuestre que usted disfruta de otras cosas que no sean sólo los negocios. 5. Hay países para trabajar y hay países para vivir, España es una combinación de ambos. No se confunda. Para encontrar la fórmula del éxito en España, son importantes las relaciones personales, debe integrarse con ellos: Buena suerte!!! www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

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CONTRIBUTING PARTNERS A10 Clinical Solutions, Inc. Accenture Alcatel-Lucent Altria Group, Inc. Arbill Archer Daniels Midland Company ASAP BP America CableLinks, Inc. Chevron Energy Future Holdings Exxon Mobil Corporation

Global Capital, Ltd. IBM ICON Information Consultants, LP Kelly Mitchell Group, Inc. Kraft Foods Manpower Inc. MDI Group Meadows Office Furniture Co. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer Inc Pitney Bowes Inc. Raytheon Company Shell Oil Company



Accel Inc. Aflac Avis Budget Group Bank of America Banneker Industries, Inc. Burger King Corporation Connex International CVS Caremark Corporation Freddie Mac Hollister Construction Company Microsoft Office Depot

Candice Bennett & Associates, Inc. Cleaners of America Exhibit Edge Inc. HR Anew Leslie Saunders Insurance Agency, Inc. LiveHealthier

Smead Manufacturing Company Strategic Staffing Solutions Superior Staff Resources, Inc. Target TCIM Services, Inc. Teltech Communications, LLC The Coca-Cola Company Trans-Expedite Inc. Verizon Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. WEConnect Canada Women’s Business Enterprise Council of PA-DE-sNJ

MKAssociates, Inc. NTSG, Inc. Path Forward International The Event Planning Group, LLC Timeless Frames, Décor & Expressions Tom Sawyer Company Zorch


Global Exec Women Magazine Luminary Awards™

Sudanese Executive

Woman of Fir A By Radya S. Osman

After studying civil engineering in Khartoum University, as one of only seven females out of 1,000 students, Mrs. Widad pursued a degree in construction management. Started by three people in 1985, Bee Group now employs more than 800 distinguished staff members. Her first effort was the creation of Bee Construction Company, and she was able to get her first bank loan to buy a small manual concrete mixer. She secured small contracts and then built towers as the pioneer company in building and selling apartments in Sudan.

“the first year, our Family Bank financed 14,000 families and opened 24 branches all over Sudan, reaching 100 million US dollars in paid back capital.” ‫ليومتلل كنب لوأ ( ةرسألا كنب حاتتفإل لوألا ماعلا ىف‬ ‫ ( ددع ليومتب كنبلا ماق )نادوسلا ىف رغصألا‬14,000) ‫ةرسأ‬ ‫ ( ددع حاتتفأ مّت كلذكو‬24 ) ‫نادوسلا ءاحنأ عيمج ىف عرف‬ ‫ ( نم لاملا سأر دادزإو‬20 ‫ ( ىلا ) رالود نويلم‬10 ‫)رالود نويلم‬.

Mrs. Widad Ibrahim Founder and General Manager Bee Group Established in 1985 in Sudan, the Bee Group consists of five companies: Bee Petroleum Company, Bee Construction and Housing, Bee Aviation, Bee Cement, and Bee Construction and Housing and Hadeed Company. 30 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1


Global Exec Women Magazine Luminary Awards™

rsts! In 1993, facing many difficulties, Mrs. Widad and her husband, Dr. Gamal Eldin Osman, founded Bee Petroleum Company, which was the first Sudanese private oil company. Now Bee owns 43 gas stations and 12 oil depots throughout Sudan. Motivated by a UN HABITAT conference about the environment, she took what she learned there and created Bee LPG (liquid petroleum gas for vehicles). Her company was a pioneer in the African Sub-Saharan region, and by 2005, more than 15,000 cars had switched from benzene to LPG. In 2002, Mrs. Widad was elected chairperson for the Sudanese Business Women Association. Her vision was to include more business women into all of the existing business chambers. In 2004, for the first time in the history of Sudan, she was elected the first woman to join the executive committee of Business Men Union. As a result of her efforts, the name of this organization was changed from Business Men Union to Business Owners Union. Inspired and empowered by her leadership, 12 women were elected to participate in different chambers of the Business Owners Union. Her most important accomplishment is being the Founder and Chairman of the Family Bank. Family Bank Sudan is the first micro-finance bank in Sudan. The amount of the loans range between 1000 to 5000 USD. It began when she and other Sudanese business women collected 20 million US dollars in capital. In the first year, the Bank provided 14,000 families micro-enterprise loans and opened 24 branches all over Sudan, reaching 100 million US dollars in paid back capital. Now many countries in Africa and the Arab world are following her lead by establishing Family Banks. “I saw many women who needed very small loans to establish their own business, but they cannot find access to commercial banks which needs credit and guarantees, so I decided that it was time to establish a bank dedicated for small enterprises in the poor and urban areas,” remarked Mrs. Widad. Mrs. Widad began her volunteering activities in 1994 by launching Izza Peace Organization, which focuses primarily on creating peace culture among women in www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Presenting Sponsor

“At a very early age, I think I learned the basics of accounting by helping my mother sell her chickens and eggs. I used to count chickens. Now I have 70 accountants working for me.” ‫نجاودلل ةعرزم اهيدلو ةعرازم تناك ىتلا ىتدلاوب ترثأت رغصلا ذنم ذنم‬ ‫ةرسألا ةلاقب ىف جاجدلاو ضيبلا عيب ىف ىتدلاو دعاسا تنك دقو‬ ‫ثيح ًادج ريغص رمع ىف ةبساحملا تايساسأ ىملعتل اذه ىدا “ ةريغصلا‬ ‫ نم رثكأ ايدل حبصأ مويلاو ”حبرلا نم ىسردملا ىفورصم ذخأ تنك‬70 ‫ىتاكرش ةعومجم ىف ىعم نولمعي بساحم‬. war-affected areas. In 2000, she established the child development foundation, which promotes vocational training and education for adolescents and street children. She has a strong commitment to providing education, especially to women and girls, believing that all educated women have an obligation and a role to help the illiterate population. In 2003, she introduced All for Education, a non-governmental charity organization that promotes education to areas affected by civil war or extreme poverty. She personally financed the building of seven schools in Darfur State that now educate more than 10,000 girls, boys, and women. Mrs. Widad is the chairman of Omdurman Maternity Hospital, which delivers approximately 27,000 babies annually. This year the hospital was awarded for being number one in Africa for reducing maternal mortality rates by 86 percent. In her personal life, Widad Ibrahim was born on her mother’s farm. Her mother was a hard working farmer who was awarded the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) prize in 1968 for being a pioneer in breeding chickens on her poultry farm. In addition, she is very proud of her father, who was a school teacher and taught her to always do the right thing. Mrs. Widad was also inspired by her mother. “At an early age, I think I learned the basics of accounting by helping my mother sell her chickens and eggs. I used to count chickens. I am thankful that I have 70 accountants working for me,” she says with a smile. “It feels good, although there is still a lot of work to be done.” Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 31

Global Exec Women Magazine Luminary Awards™

Luminary Award



Global Exec Women Luminary Award™ is presented to a person who is selected because they blaze a trail, inspiring dedication to professional growth in others, community and civic organizations. Those who have this honor conferred upon them are leaders, educators, and futurists illuminating the lives of women around the globe. Originally held in Beijing, the Luminary Award has also been bestowed to leaders in Cairo, Istanbul, San Francisco, and Toronto in partnership with other organizations. These affiliates desire to showcase their commitment to collaboration and give their international leaders additional visibility in their local communities as well as the global marketplace. The partnering organization recommends executives for this award and then Global EXEC Women selects the most deserving candidate. Congratulations to all the Luminary recipients!

Ms. Aynur Bektaş Group Chief Executive Officer, Hey Group Presented in Turkey in partnership with Kagider As a social entrepreneur, Ms. Aynur Bektaş founded Hey Tekstil, A.S., the largest knitwear manufacturing company in Turkey. Hey Tekstil employs over 4,000 people, primarily women, and is among the country’s top 50 export companies. Bektaş’s factories supply global brands like Esprit. As a leading industrialist, Ms. Bektaş, in her capacity as president of the Turkish Clothing Manufacturers’ Association, played an instrumental role in the country’s relocation of the garment industry to Anatolia, Turkey. In the course of her business, Ms. Bektaş has transformed several empty public buildings in poor regions of Anatolia into factories, which has improved socio-economic conditions by providing employment opportunities for women. The opening of garment factories in Anatolia taught women how to organize small production companies and later expand into big investment projects. As the current president of the Women Entrepreneurs Board of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, Ms. Bektaş has visited 74 of 81 Turkish cities and established councils, with over 1,280 businesswomen joining as members. These women also serve as role models for the female community in Turkey. Her work focuses on helping Anatolian women get out of their homes so that they may participate in social life and be a part of the workforce. Traveling city by city, Ms. Bektaş helps other female entrepreneurs gain access to resources. Ms. Bektaş was named Turkish Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2008 by the Schwab Foundation.

32 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1


Global Exec Women Magazine Luminary Awards™

Ms. Lorely Burt Member of Parliament, United Kingdom Presented in the United States in partnership with WBENC Ms. Burt began her career in the Prison Service as an Assistant Governor at Holloway before working for prominent national companies, including Beecham and Europcar in the field of personnel and training. She later set up her own award-winning training company, worked as a director in the marketing and financial services sector. Ms. Burt campaigned on various local issues affecting Solihull, in particular protecting green open spaces and parkland from development by the local Conservative council. She succeeded in overturning a 9,400 majority held by the Conservative incumbent. Following her election, she became a Liberal Democrat spokeswoman on Northern Ireland, served on the influential Treasury Select Committee, and eventually became the Liberal Democrat spokesperson on Small Business and Women and Equality. In 2007, Ms. Burt consolidated her parliamentary work to concentrate on business as shadow minister for Business, Enterprise, and Regulatory Reform. In 2008, she was awarded the Federation of Small Business award for most business-friendly Member of Parliament. She was also elected as the party’s first female Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party and has since been re-elected unopposed.

The Honorable Helena Guergis, P.C., M.P. Simcoe-Grey First Minister of State (Status of Women) Presented in the United States in partnership with WBENC The Honorable Helena Guergis became the first Canadian of Assyrian descent elected to the House of Commons and the first woman to be elected as a conservative of her electoral district, the riding of Simcoe-Grey, with the highest vote plurality in over 20 years. She is recognized for her dedication to service of her constituents and unprecedented devotion to the preservation of the Banting Homestead in Alliston. As the Parliamentary Secretary for International Trade, Ms. Guergis played a pivotal role in securing the Softwood Lumber Trade Agreement and in the introduction of Pension Income Splitting for seniors. During her tenure as Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Sport), Ms. Guergis coordinated the first parliamentary delegation from Afghanistan to visit Canada. She was named one of Canada’s Top 20 Business Women and received the exclusive Glass Slipper Award at the Economic Club of Canada in Toronto. Heading the Canadian Delegation of the 54th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and Beijing+15, she received international recognition for her work to create a National Council of Shelters and her commitment to ending violence against women.

Ms. Astrid Pregel Senior Advisor, Canadian International Development Agency Presented in Canada in partnership with WEConnect Canada Ms. Astrid Pregel is the Senior Advisor of Integrated Strategies for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) where she provides gender and economic advice as a cross-cutting theme for all of CIDA’s integrated policy development. She also runs her own company, Feminomics, Inc., a consulting firm focused on empowering women through their increased participation in the economy as well as writing a book and completing her doctorate degree in gender, leadership, entrepreneurship and the economy. She was the first woman appointed to the position of Minister Counsellor Commercial at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C., responsible for Canada’s commercial relationship with the United States, and the first woman appointed to the position of Canadian Consul General for the Southeastern United States.


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Industry Focus - Finance

“Maximum Pessimism”

Investing the

Templeton Way Following in the family footsteps of a global investment pioneer By William L. Lyman At the tender age of seven, Lauren Templeton learned about the stock market directly from her father, Handly Templeton. Handly himself was a committed student of the market and used any opportunity he could to impart valuable investment concepts to young Lauren. Frequently, he told good-night stories about the magic of compounding interest–initially putting her to sleep but eventually making a considerable impact on her during her formative years. Her father let Lauren pick one stock per month, and he then bought one share of that stock in her name and had the stock certificate matted and framed and put it on the wall to emphasize the fact that she now had an ownership interest in that company. Her room was decorated with stock certificates from companies such as Disney, Wal-Mart, and The Gap. Lauren recollects her family’s annual trip to the local Christmas tree farm. Lauren’s father presented her with a choice each year. She could pick out a full and attractive Christmas tree (then about $25), or he could put that money into the Templeton Growth Fund on her behalf, which he dutifully reminded her was then compounding annually at 14.92 percent.

Lauren C. Templeton

Founder & President Templeton Capital Management Her firm manages approximately 160 million USD for high net-worth individuals, endowments and foundations. 劳伦·邓普顿 劳伦·邓普敦资本管理公司创始人兼总裁 公司为富有人群、大学捐款、基金会等管理着约1.6亿美元的财富 34 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

Handly said to Lauren “Now, let’s figure out how much that will be worth when you are 65.” [HINT: mathematically, from age 10 to age 65, each dollar invested at an annual compounded growth rate of 14.92 percent would grow to $2,097]. Lauren invariably chose a less attractive and cheaper tree and grew to understand the concept of opportunity cost as well as appreciate the value of compounding money over time.


Industry Focus - Finance Lauren Templeton and Scott Phillips’s book

fell by that amount, he purchased. Three airlines met 50 percent declines: profiles eight of American Airlines, ConSir John Templeton’s tinental Airlines, and US greatest trades made Airways. He held the over nearly eight shares for six months and made profits of 61 decades of investing: percent, 72 percent, and 24 percent, respectively. • Buying 104 companies for less than $1 per share on the eve of It was such actions that World War II, 37 of which were in earned him the reputation bankruptcy. as a legendary bargain • Investing in Japanese stocks in hunter. the 1960s amidst the country’s transformation into a world-class Sir John Templeton’s industrial power. pioneering approach was to • Positioning roughly 60 percent of apply the bargain hunting his portfolio in US stock in the early investment strategy on a 1980s, coinciding with a period of global basis. After gradurunaway inflation and double-digit interest rates. ating from Yale in 1934 • Creatively shorting stocks during and attending Oxford as a the NASDAQ bubble in 2000. Rhodes Scholar, Sir John • Buying airline stocks with travelled the world, visiting the strongest balance sheets immediately after the terrorist 27 countries with his colattacks of 9/11/2001 at prices 50 lege buddy, and became percent below the prior close. known as the Marco Polo • Buying South Korean stocks in the of his Oxford class. He wake of the Asian Financial Crisis in firmly believed that searchthe late 1990s. • Buying 30-year Canadian, ing the world’s stock marAustralian and New Zealand zerokets for the best bargains coupon bonds using borrowed available was only a matter Japanese Yen (at 0 percent interest) of common sense, as it in 2001, yielding an 86 percent return over the next few years. exponentially expanded the • Taking positions in selected opportunities for locating a China-based stocks in 2004 with an bargain stock. opportunity to also benefit from the Sir John Templeton Chinese currency (the Renminbi). passed away in 2008 at the age of 95. He left not only a lasting legacy in terms of demonstrable investment excellence and philanthropic sponsorship but a dedicated disciple in his grand niece, Lauren Templeton. Growing up in Winchester, Tennessee, Lauren was surrounded by a strong work ethic within her family. The only child of parents Handly and Becky Templeton, Lauren watched as her parents, owners

“Investing the Templeton Way “


The term maximum pessimism was coined by the late Sir John Templeton, arguably the most successful global stock investor of all time and Lauren’s great uncle. His notion was that after stock prices fall sharply, as they did in the United States from late 2008 through early 2009, it is usually the result of, and can lead to further, extreme fear and pessimism. But for discerning and patient investors who can look past the short-term emotion of the market and focus on the long-term fundamentals of a given company, they can be richly rewarded. Emotion clouds the judgment of investors who often sell in a panic and creates a window of opportunity for those investors who can prudently assess the quality of a business enterprise and purchase shares in the company below its intrinsic value. Investing at the point of maximum pessimism is actually the behavior of an optimistic and opportunistic individual. In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S., as a recent example, Sir John Templeton recognized the panic selling of many airline stocks, as investors were concerned about the financial viability of airlines if the public were to shun flying over concerns of future terrorist events. With a steely-eyed approach and a conviction that the government would not let the airlines fail, he implemented a plan to place limit orders, an order for a broker to purchase a stock at or below a specified price, on the stocks of airline companies with the strongest balance sheets at prices 50 percent below the previous day’s closing price. Any shares that


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Industry Focus - Finance

of a local hardware store and motorcycle dealership, worked six and a half days a week. Lauren was also influenced by her great uncle, Sir John Templeton. Sir John witnessed his father, an attorney, buy farms for pennies on the dollar at foreclosure auctions on the courthouse steps. His early childhood observation that a valuable farm could be purchased for cents on the dollar simply because there were no other buyers around, not because the farms were worthless, formed a deep impression that remained with him throughout his life. Sir John practiced thrift and honed his talent for bargain hunting in all aspects of his life, not just investments. Armed with a degree in classical economics and a family passion for investing, Lauren started her own investment firm, Lauren Templeton Capital Management, LLC, at the age of 24. Her great uncle suggested that if you attach your name to your business, you are more likely to always put your best foot forward. So she took this advice, and Sir John Templeton subsequently seeded Lauren’s investment fund with $30 million in capital. That is when her investment education really began–throwing the economic theories out the window and undergoing a baptism by fire in learning about the capital markets. The firm’s investment philosophy is a page out of the Sir John Templeton playbook–to purchase qual-

Sir John communicated with people via fax. Sir John’s last fax in 2005 to Lauren entitled Financial Chaos predicted that many nations within the next five years would experience reduced profit margins and increased costs of living, experience more danger, and that the peak of prosperity was behind us. He suggested that most currencies and bonds would not hold their value and that with a ten-fold increase in mortgage debt outstanding, a substantial rise in bankruptcies was inevitable. He predicted that one-half of the universities in the world would disappear in the next 30 years and that within 50 years, perhaps as much as 90 percent of education would be done electronically. He surmised that established institutions would disappear in the next 50 years, primarily where there are limits on freedom of competition. Acceleration of competition would lead to reduced profit margins, perhaps even negative in some industries. Personal and corporate bankruptcy would be unavoidable, especially when credit is extended without collateral. The voters would insist on rescue-type subsidies that transfer the debts to governments, like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. His parting words in that final fax: “Not yet have I found any better method to prosper during future financial crisis which is likely to last many, many years, than to keep your net worth in shares in those corporations which have proven to have the widest profit margins and the most rapidly increasing profits. Earnings power is likely to continue to be valuable, especially if diversified among nations.”

36 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

ity stocks that temporarily trade at a steep discount to their intrinsic worth, often buying at the point of maximum pessimism. Based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, today Lauren’s firm manages approximately 125 million USD for high net-worth individuals, endowments, and foundations via the Global Maximum Pessimism Fund and separately managed accounts. As Sir John Templeton did, Lauren focuses on identifying attractive valuations based on a bottomsup analysis of individual securities. When she finds a cluster of securities bunched together at low valuations, she further examines various country specific metrics that include small federal deficits as a percentage of GDP, low levels of public debt relative

“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.” “牛市总在悲观中诞生, 在怀疑中成长,在憧憬中 成熟,在狂欢中毁灭。最大 悲观点恰是最好的买入机 会,而最大乐观则是卖出 之时。” to GDP, trade surpluses, and high savings rates. She focuses on countries that are trending toward open markets and avoids countries that are trending toward socialism. Lauren has been bullish on China for a number of years, discerning that while China labels itself socialist, it has been continuously opening up its economy and embracing capitalist-style polices


Industry Focus - Finance

The John Templeton Foundation is a multi-billion dollar foundation focused on supporting spirituality, science and free enterprise. www.templeton.org The Foundation awards the annual Templeton Prize www.templetonprize.org. The Templeton Prize is the world’s largest annual monetary award given to an individual and serves as a philanthropic catalyst for research and discoveries relating to what scientists and philosophers call the Big Questions.

Lauren C. Templeton with her late Grand Uncle, Sir John Templeton, arguably the most successful global stock investor of all time 劳伦·邓普顿与已故叔伯父、人称史上最成功的全球股票投资人 约翰·邓普顿爵士在一起 that favor increased competition and private ownership. With a high savings rate (between 30 and 40 percent), the maturation of the Chinese consumer, the potential for a large number of new and successful enterprises to meet growing domestic demand, and the emergence of capital markets to fund these businesses, China clearly has the potential to create a solid long-term opportunity for investors around the world. Lauren notes that while economic freedom is generally on the rise around the globe, the United States has actually slipped from the second most economically free country in 2000 to sixth place in 2007, the most recent year for which comprehensive data are available, ranking behind Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Chile. Lauren further points out that the U.S. has slipped from an economic freedom rating of 8.55 in 2000 to 7.88 in 2007, a larger drop than Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Argentina and equal to that of Myanmar. Countries with the greatest amount of economic freedom (the top quartile of countries examined) unequivocally translates into greater income per capita (including higher income level per

38 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

capita for the poorest 10 percent), more foreign direct investment, less corruption, and greater life expectancy. The economic freedom ratings are copublished by the CATO Institute in the U.S., the Fraser Institute in Canada, and more than 70 think tanks around the world in the Economic Freedom of the World report. Lauren has a keen interest in a number of commodity-type plays, including energy, fertilizer agri-business, and global protein producers– all of which benefit from long-term demand stories, investment themes that

The Foundation supports work at the world’s top universities in such fields as theoretical physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, cognitive science, and social science relating to love, forgiveness, creativity, purpose, and the nature and origin of religious belief. The Foundation also seeks to stimulate new thinking about wealth creation in the developing world, character education in schools and universities, and programs for cultivating the talents of gifted children. Men and women of any creed, profession, or national origin may be nominated for the Templeton Prize. The distinguished roster of previous winners includes: physicists, theologians, ministers, philanthropists, writers, and reformers for work that has ranged from the creation of new religious orders and social movements to humanistic scholarship and research about the origins of the universe. The Foundation also launched the Bring Back Thrift Week initiative in 2005, as an attempt to revive the notion of thrift as a virtue and a prerequisite for prosperity. www.bringbackthriftweek.org www.GlobalEXECWomen.com

Industry Focus - Finance

“To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others are avidly buying requires the greatest of fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate reward.” “在别人沮丧卖出的时候买入、 别人热切买入的时候卖出,都需 要极大的勇气,也会付给最终的 至高奖赏。” focus on expected strong demand for products or services in those industries. Lauren’s passion for all things investing dominates every facet of her life. She spent a large majority of time while on her honeymoon coauthoring “Investing the Templeton Way” with her husband, Scott, who is also the head of research and the portfolio manager at Lauren Templeton Capital Management, LLC. In early 2009, Lauren’s desire to help spread financial and investment literacy led her to make a presentation to a chapter of the American Association of Individual Investors while eight and a half months pregnant. Now the proud and busy mother of a baby girl, Lauren strives to find balance between family


and career, careful to devote undivided time to each. Lauren and Scott are also the authors of the quarterly “Maximum Pessimism” e-newsletter, a tool they use to share their insights on global value investing with the investing public, free of charge. In addition, Lauren formed the Southeastern Hedge Fund Association. Lastly, Lauren is a member of the John Templeton Foundation and was personally selected by Sir John to help manage assets on behalf of the Foundation. In their book, “Investing the Templeton Way” (2008, McGraw Hill, Foreword by Sir John Templeton), Lauren and Scott outline eight of Sir John’s greatest global investments over nearly eight decades of investing. His first substantial and successful foray into investing was when he borrowed ten thousand dollars (the first and last time he borrowed money) to purchase shares of 104 companies on the eve of World War II, each selling for less than one dollar per share. Thirty-seven of these companies were already in bankruptcy. Sir John successfully anticipated that the U.S. would enter World War II and discovered by studying history that successful companies would be targeted with a wartime excess profits tax, thereby diminishing their financial competitive advantage. Of the 104 stocks he purchased, only four did not pan out. Sir John turned his initial ten thousand dollar investment into forty thousand dollars and promptly repaid his loan. The economies of the world are highly interdependent today, with some countries maturing while others are emerging as new sources of economic prosperity. Old industries (agriculture, mining, and infrastructure build-out) are finding new life in emerging and frontier economies. Current technology (mobile communications and Internet applications) is being adopted to fit cultural needs around the globe. Governments and regulatory bodies will have an inevitable role in the shaping of the economic landscape and effects on global trade, currency valuations, inflation and deflation, and a host of other economic variables. Lauren Templeton embodies the appreciation of and sensible approach toward global bargain hunting for quality stocks that her great uncle possessed. Adapting and applying the Templeton Way investment principles may prove fruitful for another generation of investors with Lauren Templeton at the helm.

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Industry Focus - Finance


像邓普顿一样投资 沿着全球投资之父的家族足迹 撰稿:William L. Lyman(威廉 L. 利曼)

劳伦·邓普顿(Lauren Templeton)女 士早在七岁的时候就对股市有所耳闻了, 这还要归功于父亲汉得力·邓普顿(Handly Templeton)先生的言传身教。汉得力不光是 自己专注于学习市场,他甚至从来不放弃任 何机会向年轻的劳伦灌输有价值的投资理 念。比如,复合利率的魔力就经常是邓普顿 家的睡前故事,最初只是为了让小劳伦尽快 入睡,然而渐渐的就潜移默化烙入了她的头 脑。 父亲每个月会让小劳伦挑选一支股 票,然后在她的名下买入一股,将股权证镶 挂起来,以此宣告小劳伦也是那个公司的股 东了。从此,劳伦的房间挂满了迪斯尼、沃尔 玛、GAP等公司的权证。 劳伦还记着全家人一年一度的当地圣 诞树农场之行。父亲每次都会让她做一个选 择:要么花25美元买一棵枝叶茂盛、引人注 目的圣诞树,要么省下这笔钱、以她的名义存 入邓普顿成长基金。与此同时,父亲总会有 如履行职责般的提醒劳伦该基金正以14.92 %的年复合利率增长着。 父亲会说: “瞧,让我们算算当你到 65岁的时候,这笔钱会值多少呢?⋯⋯”(提 示:算术可以得出,10岁时所做的1元钱投 资,之后以每年14.92%的速度增长,到65岁 时将价值2097元)。因此,小劳伦从来都是 选择一个不很光鲜、但是更便宜的圣诞树, 逐渐的就开始理解、领悟了机会成本的概念 与财富跟随时间复利增长的价值所在。

40 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

“最大悲观点”这一提法是劳伦的叔伯父、人称 史上最成功的全球股票投资人、已故约翰·邓普顿爵 士(Sir John Templeton)创造出来的。他的观点是, 股价大幅下挫往往源自极度的恐慌和悲观,并且会进 一步对人们的这种心理推波助澜。例如,2008年末至 2009年初的美股市场即是如此。 精明而有耐心的投资人会忽略市场的短期情绪, 放长眼看一个公司的基本面,这样才有可能得到丰厚 的回报。而经常于惊慌失措之间卖出股票的投资人则 在判断力上受到情绪的影响,为另一群有能力审慎评 估企业品质、在价位低于公司真实价值时建仓的投资人 们创造了机会之窗。于“最大悲观点”处投资实际上恰 恰是一种为人乐观、积极寻觅机会的行为表现。 就拿一个近年的事件为例,2001年9月11日恐怖主 义组织袭击美国之后,很多投资人考虑到社会公众会 因为害怕未来可能发生的恐怖主义事件而避免飞行, 由此担心三大航空公司的财务生存能力,纷纷抛售航 空类股票。约翰·邓普顿爵士捕捉到了这种恐慌,他凭 着一种钢铁般的定力和坚信政府绝无可能让航空业 垮掉的执著,执行的投资策略就是找准那些拥有很强 资产负债表的航空公司,任何一只股价低于前日报收 价50%的时候就限价买入。最终,三家航空公司符合了 他的50%跌幅标准:美国航空、大陆航空和全美航空。 邓普敦爵士将这些公司股票持有6个月,分别赢利61% 、72%和24%。正是这样的故事为他赢得了传奇般的价 值发现者之声望。 约翰·邓普敦爵士的开创性举措则是在全球范围 内运用价值投资的理念。自1934年耶鲁大学毕业、继 而获得罗氏奖学金在牛津大学深造之后,约翰爵士与 他的大学好友一起环游世界27国,被誉为牛津同班同 学中的马可波罗。他坚信,在世界股票市场上寻找低位 股票、借数目倍增的机会发掘最好的价值投资,必然会


Industry Focus - Finance

是一个共识。 约翰·邓普敦爵士 于2008年以95岁高龄 辞世。他留下的不仅是 一个世人皆知的精妙 投资、慷慨慈善的传 奇故事,也包括侄孙 女劳伦·邓普顿这样 一位虔诚的弟子。 劳伦在田纳西 州温切斯特市长 大,深受家族中刻 苦工作信条的影响。她的父母,汉 得力和贝姬夫妇,在当地拥有一家工具店和摩托车经 销点。作为家中独女,劳伦从小就看着父母们每周工作 6个半日。 叔伯父约翰·邓普敦爵士也对劳伦影响深远。邓普

“在别人沮丧卖出的时候 买入、别人热切买入的时 候卖出,都需要极大的勇 气,也会付给最终的至高 奖赏。” 敦爵士自己的律师父亲,就是在当地法庭的石阶上以 几分钱价格买一块钱价值的方式拿到被拍卖农场的。 一个有价值的农场能够如此廉价买入,是因为周围没 有其他买家,而并非本身毫无用处。这个幼时的观察给 邓普敦爵士留下了深刻印象,并且终身不忘。不仅仅对 于投资,邓普敦爵士在生活各方面都恪行节俭,磨练了 发掘价值的才干。 在拥有古典经济学学位和家族遗传投资热情的 双重作用下,劳伦24岁时就创立了自己的投资公司,劳 伦·邓普敦资本管理公司。她的叔伯父曾提示说,如果 一个人以自己的名字为公司命名,她将更有可能付出最 大的努力。当劳伦听从了这一建议之后,叔伯父邓普敦 爵士随即投入了三千万美元作为劳伦投资基金的种子 资本。就这样,劳伦的投资教育中没有多少经济学理论 指导,而是以直接浸淫于资本市场的方式开始了。 公司的投资哲学是直接从邓普敦爵士的实战教科 书中学习来的,即选择最大悲观点处,在暂时交易价位


劳伦·邓普顿和司考特·菲利普 所著的《像邓普敦一样投资》一 书列出了约翰·邓普顿爵士在近 80年间最伟大投资的八个案例: • 二战前夕,以每股低于1美元 的价钱买入104间公司的股票, 其中,37间正处于破产状态。 • 20世纪60年代,在日本向世界 级工业强国转型期间投资日本股 票。 • 20世纪80年代早期,在通胀 失控和两位数利率的时间段,将 60%的投资组合放在了美国股 市。 • 2000年NASDAQ泡沫时期, 创造性的卖空投票。 • 2001年9.11恐怖袭击事件后, 旋即以低于前日收盘价50%的价 格买入拥有很强资产负债表的航 空股。 • 20世纪90年代亚洲金融危机 之后,买入韩国股票。 • 2001年,以零利率借入日元, 买进30年期加拿大、澳大利亚和 新西兰零息债券,此举在此后数 年的回报达到86%。 • 2004年,选择特定的中国相 关股票,看好中国人民币机会

低于真实价 值的时机,买 进品质好的 股票。今天, 这家设于田 纳西州查特 努加市的公 司一共为富 有人群、大学 捐款、基金会 等管理着约 1.6亿美元的 财富, 下设三 只基金:长期 市场共同基 金、长期低波 动基金和全 球最大悲观 点基金。 正如邓 普敦爵士一 样,劳伦专注 于通过对个 股自下而上 的分析发现 具有吸引力 的价值评估。 当找到一组 估值低的股票时,她会进而检查一些国家相关的衡量 标准,如政府赤字占GDP比例小、公共债务相比GDP 水平低、贸易顺差、高储蓄率等等。劳伦侧重于那些转 向公开市场的国家,反之则回避。对于中国,劳伦已经 保持乐观有好几年了。她认为,中国尽管是社会主义国 家,在开放经济和采用促进竞争、鼓励私有成分等经济 政策方面却是一以贯之。中国凭借着几大因素,如储蓄 率高达30~40%、中国消费群体日益成熟、成功创业企 业大批涌现以满足内需、资本市场应企业融资之需迅 速崛起等等,已经清楚展示了其为全球投资人创造实 实在在的长期机会的潜力。 劳伦注意到,尽管经济自由在全球范围内基本呈 上升趋势,最近的可查数据却显示,美国已从2000年 的全球经济最自由国家排名第二位滑落到2007年的第 六位,排在香港、新加坡、新西兰、瑞士和智利之后。 在另一项经济自由度指标上,美国则从2000年的8.55 下降到了2007年的7.88,跌落幅度大于津巴布韦、委内

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Industry Focus - Finance

瑞拉和阿根廷,竟于缅甸持平。这份由美国CATO研究 所、加拿大Fraser研究所和全世界超过70家智库联合 发布的《世界经济自由》报告显示,那些经济自由度最 高的国家(排名前1/4)也同时毫无悬念的拥有着更高 的人均收入(包括在10%低收入人群中作比较)、更多 的外国直接投资、较少腐败和更长平均寿命。 同时,劳伦对一系列大宗商品类的投资方向有着 敏锐的兴趣,比如能源、农业化肥、全球蛋白质生产等 这些受益于可预见的长期需求方面的投资。 劳伦对 投资的热情 约翰·邓普顿爵士使用传真来与 主宰着她生 人交流。他发给劳伦的2005年 活的各个方 最后一次传真标题为“金融混 面。她把蜜月 乱”,其中预测到接下来的5年 的大部分用于 内,许多国家将面临着利润率 和丈夫司考特 减少、生活成本提高、危险增多 (Scott),同 和最繁华时光不复等境地。他提 时也是劳伦· 到,很多货币、债券将不再能保 邓普敦资本管 持价值;伴随着抵押贷款数量 理公司的研究 超过十倍以上的增长,破产规模 主管和投资组 翻倍也将不可避免。邓普顿爵 合经理,一起 士预测接下来30年内世界上一 合著《像邓普 半的大学将消失,50年内可能会 敦一样投资》 有90%的教育将用电子方式完 一书。2009年 初,尽管怀着 成。那些有名的公司,特别是在 八个半月的身 自由竞争受限制的行业内,也将 孕,劳伦还是 于50年间消失。竞争加剧将会导 凭着自己对传 致利润率缩水,在某些行业甚至 播理财投资 产生亏损。特别是,一旦那些无 教育的一腔热 担保信用得以发行,破产将不可 情为美国个人 避免;而选民将坚持选择援助式 投资者协会 的扶救,从而将债务转嫁给政 一家分会作 府,比如房利美、房地美等。在 演讲。 那次传真的结尾,邓普顿爵士说 如今,劳 道: “对于未来这次可能持续很 伦作为一个自 多、很多年的金融危机,我还没 豪而忙碌着 有找到比以下更好的办法,即把 的女儿妈妈, 你的财富放在那些已经证明过、 努力在家庭 利润率最高、利润增长最快的企 和职业之间 业中。盈利能力,特别是在国家 寻求平衡,并 间实现了多元化的盈利能力,将 且小心分配 继续是价值的体现。” 给两者同样多 的时间。劳伦

42 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1

和司考特同时是电子季刊《 约翰·邓普顿基金会(www. 最大悲观点》的作者,免费 templeton.org)拥有数十亿美元 与投资公众分享他们自己对 资产,专注于为人类精神意识、科 全球价值投资的见解。劳伦 学和自由市场提供支持。 还创立了设在亚特兰大市的 基金会每年颁发邓普敦奖(www. 东南地区对冲基金联合会。 templetonprize.org),授予一位 最后,劳伦是约翰·邓普敦 对科学家和哲学家们所谓终极问 基金会会员,并被邓普敦爵 题的研究、发现做出突破贡献的人 士亲自挑选出来管理基金会 士。该奖是世界上每年发给个人的 最大一笔现金奖励。 资产。 基金会对世界顶尖大学内的理论 在《像邓普敦一样投 物理、天文学、进化论生物学、认 资》(麦格罗.希尔公司2008 知科学以及涉及博爱、宽恕、创造 年出版,邓普敦爵士作序) 力、人生目的和宗教信仰的本源问 一书中,劳伦和司考特列举 题等社会科学领域提供资助。基 了邓普敦爵士近80年投资 金会同时追求在发展中地区促进 生涯中最伟大投资案例的8 财富产生的新途径,在大中学校开 个。其中第一个成功的大手 展品格教育和天赋教育计划。奖项 笔是在二战前夕,他平生第 提名不论性别、宗教、职业和国家 一次也是最后一次借钱,用 背景。过去的获奖者名单包括了基 借来的1万美元买了104个公 督、犹太、伊斯兰、印度、佛教等宗 司的股票。这些公司股票当 教代表,也有来自物理学家、神学 时都只卖到每股1块钱不到, 家、传教士、慈善家、作家、改革家 等各种背景,涵括了创建新宗教秩 其中37家甚至已经处于破产 序、社会运动、人文、宇宙起源研 状态。 究等多个领域。 邓普敦爵士准确的预计 基金会还于2005年发起了“回归 到了美国即将参战,而从历 节俭周”活动,旨在重新提醒人们 史上看就可以发现,成功的 认识到节俭是一种美德和致富必 公司将会被征收战时的超额 须的理念 利润税,从而降低了它们财 www.bringbackthriftweek.org 务上的竞争优势。果然,104 家公司中后来只有4家没能 达到预期。邓普敦爵士把最 初的1万美元变成了4万,并立即还清了贷款。 今天,世界上一些国家已处于成熟阶段,另一些国 家正在崛起成为新的经济繁荣源头,各个经济体之间 关系高度相关。农业、矿产、基础设施建设等老产业在 新兴经济体中寻找着新的生机。 前沿技术如无线通讯、互联网应用等被改造用来 适应全球各地的文化需求。政府与监管机构在对经济 面貌形成以及全球贸易、货币估值、通胀/通缩等一系 列经济变量方面的影响上扮演着无可回避的角色。 劳伦代表着对叔伯父的全球价值投资理念的领悟 与传承。发展、运用“像邓普敦一样”的投资原理将给 以劳伦•邓普敦领头的新一代投资人们带来硕果。


Perspectives from the United Kingdom

Advice based on iris’ own experience with their new graduate program By: Kathryn Pritchard, Global People Director, iris iris is a global integrated marketing services agency. 1.

Be patient and hungry at the same time. Building high

excite and motivate them. That means we talk about how grads

level capability takes time. That’s why iris has taken its grad

want to develop capability in order to move up the career ladder

scheme from 12 months to 24 months. We know that establishing

rather than simply moving them along at given points in time.

firm roots early on means putting in the hours consistently over

Each grad is different and is ready for promotion at different time.

the course of a couple of years, that doesn’t mean sitting around



out what really suits. Our grad scheme has four placements

grads manage it constructively.

across disciplines and geographies. This breadth gives a solid

Build great habits. The working paradigms are set in this

foundation and insight that breeds leaders who are flexible and

early phase. So as well as making sure grads have the right skills to do their jobs we take an approach to learning and self


Give grads breadth. This is a time to experiment and find

waiting for success. We look for drive and then we help our

can make their own informed career choices. 5.

Have fun and enjoy work. Most important is that grads

development that we hope will stay with them through their

enjoy their work, only by setting that expectation from day one

working lives. We encourage them to collaborate, reflect on their

will they learn to be motivating people and business leaders in

impact and understand what makes them tick.

their own right. Socialising and creating fun and mischief is part

Think about capability building not career

of what the grads do here at iris. If they’re not loving it something

advancement. At iris we think that brilliant people get jobs that

needs to change.


Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 43

by Heidi Forbes Öste

“Passos Estratégicos Antes de Se Tornar Social”

Social Media

“Stategic Steps to Take Before You Go Social”

• Avalie sua história para definir sua estória e sua influências (ambas boas e ruins), a partir dai determine a direção que você quer que esta tome.

• Evaluate your history to define your story and your influences (both good and bad), from there determine where you want it to go.

• Seu tempo é investimento, use-o com prudência, questionando se existem benefícios mútuos nas interações sociais.

• Your time is an investment, use it wisely based on where you will mutually benefit from social interactions.

• Mantenha seu perfil e suas interações concisas e relevantes a sua audiência: Clareza é fundamental. • Seja paciente: Construir relacionamentos leva tempo e mantê-los leva mais tempo ainda. • Fique atento a oportunidades para aprender e colaborar, compartilhe conhecimentos para um melhor comprometimento.

• Keep your profile and your interactions concise and relevant to their audience : clarity is key. • Be patient: Building relationships takes time and maintaining them longer. • Listen for opportunities to learn and collaborate, and share knowledge for better engagement. Remember: Social is the people part, Media is the technology, you need them both to make it work.

Lembre-se: Social é a parte das pessoas, Mídia é a tecnologia, você precisa de ambas para funcionar.

by Aurelie Ngo • AUGUST 23, ATLANTA, GA, USA Global EXEC Women - Growing Your Brand Services and Products. Presenters: Julie Collins, Global Director, CIBA Vision; Janis Cannon, V.P., InterContinental Hotels Group Sharon Cuppett, V.P., Wi-Ex; and Vicki Hamilton S.V.P., Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. • SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 2, DENVER, CO, USA 30th Annual National Convention United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The conference will show participants to expand their network, and learn about resources opportunities for growth. • October 5-6, London, UK Minority Supplier Development- UK Conference and Business Award Dinner. The conference will help its participants expand their network by connecting them with minority businesses.


• October 6-8, Paris, France 13th Annual Women International Network’s (W.I.N.) Global Leadership Conference The conference will gather leaders from all over the world to assist businesswomen grow personally and in their careers. • October 24-27, Miami, FL, USA National Minority Supplier Development Council Conference and Opportunity Fair. • October 28-30, Chattanooga, TN, USA American Business Women Association’s National Women’s Leadership Conference. The conference and expo expands businesswomen’s networks by presenting products and services.


• April 2011, Cairo, Egypt Five organizations collaborate for this annual conference. Leaders from Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Global EXEC Women Magazine International Women of Influence Awards™ • March 22-24, 2011, Washington, D.C., USA WBENC Salute Summit & Salute to Women’s Business Enterprises • June 2011, Helsinki, Finland 26th Congress Business & Professional Women International. • June 21-23,2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA WBENC’s Annual Conference & Business Fair

• November 18, San Francisco, CA, USA ASTRA 14th Annual Awards, Conference and Trade Show and in collaboration will host the Global EXEC Women Magazine International Women of Influence Awards™

Vol. 4 Issue 1 •• 2010 •• Global EXEC Women 45

Exclusively for the C-Suite

Wire as Thin as Tape Does your beautiful home or office still have exposed cables hanging from your electronic devises? If so, then “Wiretape” is for you since it is wire that looks like, well, tape. It looks gorgeous and best of all it can be, cut to any length, painted, and is flexible enough to be folded over. Available in September from www.wiretape.com.

Achievements! by Christine Kieffer Royal Mail names first female CEO Serving as both the first woman and the first person from outside the British Isles to take up this role at the postal service, Royal Mail has named Moya Greene as its new chief executive. Her duties will include a partial privatization of the United Kingdom’s postal service. She will become the highest paid U.K. civil servant with a basic salary of £500,000.

SAA appoints first woman CEO

Pajamas for your Ears… Developed by a family physician to help patients fall asleep naturally, SleepPhones are the first soft headphones designed specifically for sleeping. The patent-pending technology pairs the comfortable fleece headband with scientifically designed soundtracks, which together produce a restorative sleep for the user. SleepPhones are the perfect accessory for those who have difficulty relaxing, travelers suffering from jet lag, or spouses with a snoring partner. The lightweight and washable fleece headband stays snug for a comfortable fit that lasts through the night, blocking noise and offering full stereo separation for the listener. Learn more about The SleepPhones System at www.SleepPhones.com.

Siza Mzimela has been appointed as the new chief executive officer of South African Airways (SAA), becoming the first woman to lead the country’s national carrier. Ms. Mzimela is the only woman CEO in the 27-member Star Alliance.

Quick Service Restaurant Giant Names New Female President Hala Moddelmog has been named President of Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. They are the second largest quick-service sandwich chain in the U.S. and are affiliated with Wendy’s/Arby’s Group, Inc., which has more than 10,000 restaurants and is present in 25 countries and territories worldwide.

Woman tapped to be the President of the Confederation of British Industry Helen Alexander is the new leader of the The Confederation of British Industry, a non-profit incorporated by Royal charter that promotes the interests of its trade members, which include over 200,000 British businesses. Headquartered in the U.K. it networks with businesses through their offices in Beijing, Brussels, New Delhi, and Washington, D.C.

Two Hugely Successful Businesswomen are Poised to Make Government History Former eBay chief executive, Meg Whitman, and former Hewlett-Packard CEO, Carly Fiorina, have won the preliminaries for their run for governor and U.S. Senator, respectively and most say their results are because they are each running their campaign based on their proved business acumen. 46 Global EXEC Women •• 2010 •• Vol. 4 Issue 1


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Berlitz has been helping business entrepreneurs and companies communicate via the renowned Berlitz Method® — since 1878. We offer an extensive array of innovative and proven training options and multiple platform delivery. Our services range from individualized executive programs to company-wide training programs. With a global network of 500 locations in 70 countries, including over 55 locations in the U.S., no company is better prepared to help your organization succeed in the global marketplace.

Our services can be customized to suit your business needs, and include Language Training, Cultural Consulting, and Language Assessment & Testing. Multiple platform delivery options include face-to-face training as well as live instructor-led online training via the Berlitz Virtual Classroom®. Language training is led by Berlitz-trained native-fluent instructors and our programs are scalable for individuals, groups and virtual teams.

Visit www.Berlitz.us to learn more about our services and register for our complimentary global webinar series for 2010.


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Diversity drives high performance. At Accenture, we draw strength from the diversity of our women and men and the breadth of their skills. We give them the tools, the flexibility and the support they need to help our clients become high-performance businesses. Find out more at accenture.com/women

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