15 minute read
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MAP SOURCES Map 1 Global Footprint Network and SAGE, University of Wisconsin. Distribution builds on Gridded Population of the World (version 2) from CIESIN at Columbia University (http://sedac.ciesin. columbia.edu/plue/gpw/index.html?main.html&2. 1995 population distribution is scaled to each country’s 2001 population.
Map 2 UNEP-WCMC. GIS analysis by R. Lesslie (ANU), method developed for the Australian Heritage Commission.
Maps 3, 4 and 5 Moran, D, Global Footprint Network and LUMES, Lund University.
Map 6 Global Footprint Network, 2004. Living on Less, Living on More. www.footprintnetwork.org Map 7 Global Footprint Network, 2004. Ecological Debtors and Creditors. www.footprintnetwork.org
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the following people for their helpful comments: Mubariq Ahmed, Marta Ballesteros, John Barrett, Stuart Bond, Susan Brown, Kim Carstensen, Stuart Chapman , Paul Chatterton, Ute Collier, Andy Cornish, Tom Crompton, Simon Cripps, Clifton Curtis, Mao Da, Pooran Desai, Matthias Diemer, Anton Fernhout, Aimee Gonzales, Chandra Gurung, Lauren Gwin, Ali Habib, Chris Hails, Chris Howe, Marianne Kermisch, Kesaia, Babar Naseem Khan, Birgit Kohlmaier-Schacht, Paul King, Leonardo Lacerda, Sam Lee, Herve Lefeuvre, Manfred Lenzen, Sue Lieberman, Lin Li, Louis Lin, Tony Long, Isabelle Louis, Nan MacHardy, Sally MacPhail, Anil Manandhar, Dr T R Manoharan, Claude Martin, Robert Mather, Liz Mclean, Deirdre Moor, Jennifer Morgan, Paul Mosley, Richard Mott, Dieter Müller, Kinzang Namgay, Robert Napier, Ray Nias, Sally Nicholson, Amanda Nickson, Cliona O’Brien, Dermot O’Gorman, Naobi Okayasu, Sian Owen, Dennis Pamlin, Lei Peng, Jamie Pittock, Tom le Quesne, Peter Ramshaw, Will Reidhead, Taylor Ricketts, Etika Rupeni, Liam Salter, Dionysius Sharma, Gordon Shepherd, Katherine Short, Evgeny Shvarts, Craig Simmons, Stephan Singer, T Ravi Singh, Rob Soutter, Rod Sterne, Tabunakawai, Lory Tan, Rod Taylor, Kristin Teien, Tien-ake Tiyapongpattana, Ed Tongson, Paul Toni, Walter Wagner, Pip Walsh, Dominic White,Tommy Wiedmann, Lisette Wilson, Angie Woo, Sejal Worah, Christoph Zockler, Chunquan Zhu, Xinqing Zou. They also acknowledge Jon Foley, Navin Ramankutty, and Chad Monfreda from SAGE, University of Wisconsin for discussions on carbon flux.
Any errors, however, remain the responsibility of the authors.
The authors would further like to thank the Dudley Foundation, the Flora Family Fund, the Lawrence Foundation, the Max and Anna Levinson Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, the Soup Community, Grant Abert, Margrit and Frank Balmer, Gerald O Barney, Urs and Barbara Burckhardt, the estate of Lucius Burckhardt, Max and Rosemarie Burkhard, Andre Carothers, Anthony D. Cortese, Sharon Ede, Eric Frothingham, Margaret Haley, Peter Kilkus, Peter and Murielle Koechlin, Tamas Makray, Ruth and Hans-Edi Moppert, Kaspar Müller, Charles McNeill, William G Reed, Peter Schiess, Daniela Schlettwein, Peter Seidel, Dieter Steiner, Dale and Dianne Thiel, Lynne and Bill Twist, Caroline Wackernagel, Hans and Johanna Wackernagel, Isabelle Wackernagel, Marie-Christine Wackernagel, Oliver and Bea Wackernagel, Yoshihiko Wada, Tom Welte, the partner organizations of Global Footprint Network, and Nadya Bodansky, John Crittenden, Katherine Loo and Gary Moore from Cooley Godward LLP for their generous support of Ecological Footprint research.
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