3 minute read

Pollinators Are Vital, But They Are in Trouble

Pollinators Are Vital, But They Are in Trouble

Between 75 per cent and 95 per cent of all flowering plants on the earth need help with pollination—they need pollinators. Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, and other small mammals that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food. They also sustain our ecosystems and produce our natural resources by helping plants reproduce. If we want to talk dollars and cents, pollinators add $217 billion to the global economy. In addition to the food that we eat, pollinators support healthy ecosystems that clean the air, stabilize soils, protect from severe weather, and support other wildlife. Life is the way we know it because of pollinators. Without the actions of pollinators, agricultural economies, our food supply, and surrounding landscapes would collapse.

Unfortunately, pollinator populations are changing. Many pollinator populations are in decline, and this decline is attributed most severely to a loss in feeding and nesting habitats, and this is made worse by the realities of climate change. On top of this, pollution, the misuse of chemicals, disease, and invasive species are all contributing to shrinking and shifting pollinator populations. This nearly invisible ecosystem service is a precious resource that is increasingly in jeopardy and requires attention and support.

Pollinators need help, and we know how to help them! If everyone—consumers, homeowners, local governments, national governments, and private industry—makes an effort, we can change the future for pollinators and secure our own.



1 Plant for pollinators, no matter where you are. Plant for pollinators in your home garden, in your window box planter, or on your balcony. If you plant it, they will come. Adding natural habitat areas into farm systems also helps farmers, as more pollinators will bring more yield to the table. Plant all the good plants. Make local native plants your first choice, and add wonderful garden plants like lavender, sage, and sunflowers. Pollinator Partnership Canada has an Ecoregional Planting Guide, tailored to specific areas of Canada, that can help you select the right plant for the right spot—all you need is your postal code!

2 Take action by making climate-conscious consumer choices. Buying locally sourced food reduces your carbon impact. Buy produce and certified sustainable products for pollinators, like Bee Friendly Farmed products.

3 Please donate to support our researchers, conservation biologists, and educators so that they can help fill in the blanks, develop the tools we need, and engage youth—the more we know, the more we can help the pollinators!

BUT DON’T STOP THERE! Spread the word about the importance of pollinators. Don’t keep it a secret; tell your friends and family how important pollinators are and what we are at risk of losing without them. To find out more, visit pollinatorpartnership.ca.

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