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Discovering Wonder: The Sacred Heart University Discovery Science Center & Planetarium

© Courtesy of SHU Discover Science Center & Planetarium

Discovering Wonder: The Sacred Heart University Discovery Science Center & Planetarium

Children are sponges for learning, and the opportunities presented to them in their youth can set them on a path of discovery, innovation, and academic success. Curious by nature, getting young minds interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education is the easy part—all it takes is an opportunity. And at the Sacred Heart University (SHU) Discovery Science Center and Planetarium, opportunities are around every corner.

Since opening to the public in 1962, Discovery has welcomed over 65,000 visitors annually, offering various dynamic programs, from individual visits and school fi eld trips to educational outreach and public programs. Through these efforts, Discovery champions STEAM literacy in Connecticut, creating pathways for all learners.

The secret to Discovery’s success is its people. Each staff member is a “unicorn”—a unique individual whose diverse background and skills come together perfectly for their role. Their collective passion and joy for learning are contagious, encouraging young people to foster creativity and individual expression through STEAM activities and unique exhibits. Similarly, guests can visit anywhere in the known universe with the state-of-the-art planetarium technology in the Henry B. duPont III Planetarium (supported by the Nor'Easter Foundation and Sacred Heart University).


Discovery focuses on holistic, inter-generational programming. Its hands-on, informal learning experiences empower young learners to ask questions, solve problems, and engineer solutions, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow. Interdisciplinary learning and integrating arts into STEAM education empower children to explore new areas and communicate across different mediums. This approach is particularly impactful in low-income communities, where access to such opportunities can significantly change educational outcomes.

“At Discovery, we support those with a spirit of embracing the unknown, of experimenting and asking and admitting when we don’t know,” explained Sarah TroppPacelli, Director of Development and Data Management.

Crucially, Discovery champions inclusive education, ensuring everyone can learn something from their visit. Learning experiences can be shared with family, friends, and teachers, and due to the focus on arts-integrated learning, these activities can even bypass language barriers.

“There is a layer of art inherent in all that we do,” said Erika Eng, Executive Director. “In Bridgeport there are more than 20 languages spoken, but art is the one language that everyone speaks.”


Discovery’s relationship with Sacred Heart University (SHU) has been pivotal. As an independent 501(c)(3) organization, Discovery benefi ts immensely from SHU’s support, allowing the museum to focus on mission-based programs rather than overhead.

SHU’s contribution has been instrumental in providing low-cost and free access to students from diverse backgrounds, fulfi lling the university’s mission of inclusivity.

“We are committed to the Discovery Science Center and Planetarium and providing local children, and their families—as well as teachers and students—the hands-on experiences the Center is known for,” said Michael Alfano, vice president for strategic partnerships at Sacred Heart.

Additionally, Dr. John Petillo, president at Sacred Heart University, said, "We are grateful for the hard work of the museum's Board and staff and are proud of what we have done with the museum—providing low-cost and free access to students diverse in culture, language, and socio-economic backgrounds. It's what our mission at Sacred Heart is all about."

Upcoming events, such as the annual October gala, combine fun and learning, showcasing Discovery’s offerings while building community and raising funds. This year’s theme is "Diamonds and Dice: A Casino Heist," complete with glamorous Las Vegas-inspired activities, an Elvis impersonator, and more.

The learning journey never ends at the SHU Discovery Science Center & Planetarium. With a steadfast commitment to accessibility, innovation, and community, Discovery invites everyone to explore the wonders of STEAM.

To learn more about the exciting programs and initiatives, visit shudiscovery.org

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