www.Greenmiamievents.com greenmiamievents@gmail.com t: 305.788.0595
Green Miami Events LLC, Green Miami Events LLC, is an active Florida Limited Liability Company ( L16000116202 ) with FEI/EIN number 81- 4838990. filed since 2016. We are an environmental experienced event manager company, that generates high impact, intelligent, efficient ,reasonable corporate social responsibility projects ,programs and marketing campaigns , so together as a team with local governments, companies, social organizations, individuals and non-profit organizations, we can mitigate the environmental impact of our carbon footprint in our cities, counties, country and planet. As partner of Green Miami Events and former executive director of Bioplanet USA org ( 501C3). I have worked constantly since 2011 towards the Miami Dade County environment project called Million Trees Miami, with consecutive achievements and testimonials of the excellent results when putting together the private sector and the government environmental efforts as I have worked hand in hand together with the CIAB and Neat Street Miami environmental team to achieve many native trees planting reforestation efforts. Actually I am a permanent active member of the Tree and Landscaping committee of Miami Dade County.
Who we are?
I have worked constantly since 2011 towards the Million Trees Miami efforts to increase our County Canopy and I am committed to my CSR marketing campaign called " One tree for every ... "
We have the experience and knowledge to manage all steps of the campaign, execution and follow ups, always following the Cities government protocols.
We have the contacts for local nurseries with native varieties available at excellent prices.
We will manage the outreach marketing program and budget to each partner in the marketing environmental campaign.
We will design a personalized "one tree for every ... " to each participant.
Why partner with us for the environmental reforestation efforts ?
We will coordinate with the City each environmental event, during the year . We will manage our outreach programs, marketing campaigns, workshops and planting events with your approval and suggestions when going to the private sector, corporations, offices, schools and universities among others at Doral City. We will present to the City all documents and requirements of each marketing campaign for your supervision, edits and or suggestions, prior to going public.
Why partner with us for the environmental reforestation efforts ?
OUR ALLIANCE VISION Become in the next 12 months November 20 through November21 the County leading City to implement a complete marketing and events platforms with intelligent and effective combine partnership ( local government- + private sector ) towards corporate and social environmental responsibility.
MISSION Achieve in next 12 months at least 50 % of the planting of native trees in need shown in the City of Doral latest Tree Master Plan.
Team productive and coordinated work. CSR corporate social responsibility programs under "ONE TREE FOR EVERY ....” Campaign. Resilience and persistence. Honesty. Sustainability. Commitment - hands on.
Values Our ambitious goal can only be achieve through the consistence and determined collaboration of our dedicated partners .
1. GME coordinates, prepares, present and manage the outreach presentations to the selected contacts chosen in our future meetings.
2. All outreach programs has NO cost to the City of Doral, only logistic support, logos and protocols approvals for the marketing materials and contacts information is needed from your end.
3.GME will design a la carte the program budget and cost for "One tree for every... " personalized campaign to each participant.
Example " one tree for every car sold in a particular dealer or one tree for every ... client. ( campaign can be applied to every business and services )
4. Average costs for the sponsored branded workshops Forest begins at Work / School
Less than 50 px between $1.880 to $2.050
Up to 250 px between $2.050 to $3.850
Up to 500 px between $3.850 to $9.250
Up to 1000 px between $9.250 to $18.500
Includes branded bio-kit with native seeds, material for seedlings in a plastic recycled bottles , workshops at the offices or schools , marketing and social media material, follow ups , seedlings planting events and or pick up and and delivered to a local restoration area.( printing is not included )
Your logo here
UNIVISION is the perfect example in how we can make our alliance to work towards the City of Doral tree master plan needs. Below testimonials video links and pictures of successful planting results. https://m.facebook.com/bioplanetusa /videos/10150776930900226/ https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4eag2j https://m.facebook.com/bioplanetusa /videos/10150776965795226/
1. Presentation, we will put together a campaign " one tree for every kid/student "
2. Workshops at schools/homes/The forest begins at School catalog is already a great tool to follow the procedures to create seedlings of native trees/schrubs and flower plants. (usually these small varieties are planted at the schools recreation patios or at a butterflies gardens at the Cities public parks.
3. We can invite few participant corporations to sponsor the school workshop bio-kits envelope to make the recycle, reuse and reforestation exercise with the kids an opportunity for the private sector to support our team efforts.
4. Statistics, we will need from your end the schools statistics for pre-k, elementary, middle and high schools to schedule the program directed to students, staff and family members towards the arbor day event.
5. All protocols, data, contacts, marketing designs, procedures, follow up etc. to be organize and reviewed in a specific meeting for this particular event.
6. January 15, 2021 is Friday so we can extend the environmental effort to a weekend of green events at one the City parks.
7. We can schedule for that weekend an official recognition event to the participants in the One Tree for every towards the selected areas and trees in need at the Doral City presented in the master tree plan.
Importance of Trees
One tree helps to
Mavi Haime Executive Director Green Miami Events t: 305.788.0595 greenmiamievents@gmail.com www.greenmiamievents.com
Mariana Schwarz MBA Marketing Marketing Director Global Ideas Group Mariana@globalideasgroup.com Globalideasgroup.com