Outsourced Product Development and the Enterprise
Today’s enterprise is seeking those solutions that can easily address the issues of their SaaS business models efficiently. From effective usage of Agile methods to shortening product development cycles, enterprises are on the constant lookout for solutions that can help them augment the quality of their products drastically while being economical as well. Therefore it’s no surprise that enterprises look for outsourced distributed software development providers to relieve their own personnel from the constant pressure to develop new products and software. The idea is simple: opting for a cost-effective service can ensure faster turnaround time for the enterprise and can also reduce risks. Choosing an outsourced product development service provider can decrease risks for the enterprise and yet offer enterprises better quality and performance for their software product. Outsourced product development services and solutions can assist enterprises in developing innovative products and also in converting and perhaps even re-engineering their existing products in a much better and more inventive manner. With most solutions providers ensuring comprehensive quality checks right from testing tools and design to ensuring some of the testing product support services are customized for certain clients, enterprises can rest assured of getting the best. While the requirements of different enterprises may be as diverse as wanting a horizontal, vertical or even a system kind of software to be custom developed for an enterprise, these product development service providers promise to deliver what is required with their specialized set of skill, tools and technologies. On the software product development solutions’ checklist of enterprises’ first and perhaps the most important element is manageability. Enterprises need such outsourced product development solutions that are essentially built on multi-tenant architecture that can ably support clients from a single instance and thereby reduce infrastructure costs, as well as hosting and management expenses. Performance comes in next on the list. Enterprises often feel that a solution that can offer ways and tools to ensure distributed data caching and the best ways of code optimization can be a definite asset. Such a solution can not only enhance the performance of the enterprise but also make response time that much swifter. Scalability of open source software deployment solutions are also on the checklist of
most enterprises. Security will also remain a key element and enterprises need a solution that can offer the best security model that is both multi-tiered and multi-layered. Time taken to market is yet another element that often figures in the checklist of enterprises because this would mean shorter release cycles. Other essentials remain compatible across different browser platforms, all around availability for continuous service and best up time.
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