Product Engineering Services: Customizing products for diverse industries The advent of the Internet, a worldwide network has made the customers more techno-savvy and the market scenario more competitive for the business houses. To stay ahead in the competition, expansion was the most imperative solution- leading to globalization. However, customisation of products to bridge the gap between end-user and the existing product is a continuous procedure. Organizations then need to have a strong product engineering teams that can undertake product customization across diverse industries. Product Engineering services are involved in the manufacturing processes of items to ensure a good market for the products. These services mostly deal with activities related to features such as usage, reliability, performance ability and price of product. The services also deals with design & development, transition & manufacturing of the product, while working on cost reduction, thus ensuring that the product delivered has the best of the features per customer expectation. The software market has become aggressively competitive with the introduction of new technologies and increase in the pace of software development. Product engineering services has revolutionized the way software support management and delivery. Software development companies are now aimed towards providing utility-based software either as Software as a service (SaaS), or web based technologies or a combination of both. With industry leaders now working on with their own global product development system, the software companies collaborating with them can increase their global reach. Major software service providers’ offer product-engineering services for all stages of software product development lifecycle. The product engineering team work on product research, design and architecture for product conceptualization and design. By extracting and localizing strings, enabling run-time language switching, rebuilding resource files, updating user interfaces, screen shots and fonts the service teams work to ensure product localization. The other core focus area of the product engineering teams is product customization & implementation which involves integration and customizing products to meet the end user's requirements, installation of the product at an end user's site and conduct end user training. Besides, product migration, porting, extending product design and scope for cross-platform integration and as well as for web and smart devices are also areas, which demands core attention of the teams. These product engineering services are also makes up as effective business intelligence tool as these help the organizations to gather information across various platforms, access and analyze for critical business decisions making process.
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