M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm Chapter-1.0 CONTENTS OF MARKETING MANAGMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION No of slides: 475 A. The entire presentation kit has 2 main directories as below. Marketing Management
Presentation (Power point Slides)
Literature (Word Files)
01 Intro 02 Analyzing consumer 02 Analyzing business 04 Dealing with Comp 05 Identifying MKT 06 Integra MKT & comm. 07 Develop & Pos thro ply 08 Market research 09 Brand Strategies 10 Des Pricing Strategies 11.Net & MKT channel 12.Advertising 13.Managing sales force 14. Online MKT. 15.Manag total MKT effort 16.Customer satisfaction 17. Des & menu services 18. Annexure-1 19. Case Studio 20.Cover page
01 Introduction 02 Analyzing Consumer 03 Analyzing Business 04 Dealing With Com 05Target MKT 06 Integra MKT And Comm 07 Prod Thr Plc 08 Market Research 09 Brand Strategy 10 Pricing Strategy 11 Value Net & And Mkt 12 Advertising 13 Manag Sales Force 14 Online MKT 15 Total MKT Effort 16 Customer Satisfaction 17 Ides And Manage Case Study
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M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm PART-1 Topic wise Number of slides in Presentation Part A Programs Sr. No. Title of Slides 1. Introduction Analyzing consumer markets and buyer 2. behavior Analyzing business markets and buying 3. behavior 4. Dealing with the competition 5. Analyzing market opportunities Designing and managing integrated marketing 6. and communications Developing, positioning, and differentiating 7. products through the life cycle 8. Market research 9. Brand strategies 10. Designing pricing strategies and programs 11. Designing and managing value 12. Advertising 13. Sales force 14. On line marketing 15. Managing the total marketing effort 16. Customer satisfaction 17. Marketing management in service sector Part –B Workshop Sr. No. Title of Slides 1. Case Study – 1 Total No. of Slides
No of Slide 36 14 15 18 26 43 31 26 27 30 30 17 18 29 36 37 28 No of Slide 14 475
PART-A Presentation: Under this directory further files are made in power point presentation as per the chapter listed below. •
Topic wise Power Point presentation in 17 modules as listed below.
1. Introduction It covers what and why Market Management is, how to do it. It also includes core marketing concepts, Marketing activities and Type of markets. 2. Analyzing consumer market and buyer behavior It covers what consumer behavior is, influencing factors, consumer buying decision process and post purchase behavior. 3. Analyzing business market and buying behavior It covers what business is, organizational buying, buying situations, factors affecting buying behavior, institutional and government market. www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
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M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm 4. Dealing with competition It covers about competition; describe competitive markets, types of competition, market approach, competitive analysis, and guidelines for designing competitive strategy, bargaining power and how to balance customers and competitors. 5. Market segmentation It covers how to find target markets and select it, different methods for segmenting, and bases for segmentation. 6. Designing and managing integrated marketing and communication It covers what integrated marketing and communication is and how to do it, steps for designing and developing marketing channels, audit definitions, types of audits, audit questions, audit process, details for process audit, audit checklist, details of auditor’s conduct, audile’s conduct. 7. Product life cycle It covers plc stages, adoptions process, managing product at different plc stages, how to manage the new product and network; also describe the detail process of positioning and differentiating. 8. Market research It covers process of Market research process, how to help market research, risk assessment and different stages for market research, also Data based marketing, global activities and scientific research process describe in well manner. 9. Brand strategy It covers role of brand strategy, brand equity, measuring brand loyalty, why brand strategy is necessary and decisions, packaging and labeling process, brand awareness, how to appraise brand and evaluating market feasibility. 10. Designing pricing strategy It covers how to set the price, to determine demands, to do analysis and selection of pricing methods and how to design the pricing strategies. 11. Designing and managing value networks and marketing channel It covers Value network and market channel system, Industrial marketing channel, work performance of channels, channel design decisions, terms and responsibilities of channel members, how to select a train and motivate channel members. 12. Advertising It covers why to do advertising, developing advertising plan, selection of media, different ways of advertising, preparation of budget, the tips for publicity. 13. Managing the sales force It covers types of sales representatives, designing sales forces steps, how to recruit, select and manage sales force, personnel selling, tips for the relationship marketing. www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
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M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm 14. Online marketing It covers the online marketing and e commerce, factors affecting during launching, description of the 12 myths of e commerce in details, approaches to e commerce, strategies for e commerce and design the killer web site and privacy. 15. Managing the total marketing efforts It covers how to develop marketing relations with other departments, how to make marketing plans and reports, strategic controls, sales vacancy analysis, audits, marketing, annual plan controls, and tips for relationship marketing. 16. Customer satisfaction It covers the internal and external customers, customer values, how to maximize the customer satis faction, valuable customer data, characteristics of company to the customer driven, customer care and some examples. 17. Marketing management in service sectors It covers nature of services, demands and supply side strategy, about gap, marketing strategy for service firm, and conceptual model for service sectors 18. Case study It covers how to prepare marketing plan. PART-B Literature: Chapt er No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
SECTION Overview on marketing management: Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior Analyzing Business markets and business buying behavior Dealing with the Competition Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets Managing integrated marketing and communications Developing, Positioning, and Differentiating Products through the Life Cycle: Market research Setting Brand Strategies Designing Pricing Strategies and Programs. Networking Advertising Managing sales force Online marketing Managing total marketing efforts Customer satisfaction Design and Managing services Annexure-1 Case study
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M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm Chapter-2.0 About Company Global manager group is a progressive company and promoted by a group of qualified engineers and management graduates having rich experience of 20 years in ISO consultancy and management areas. The company serves the global customers through on-site and off-site modes of service delivery systems. We offer a full range of consulting services geared towards helping all types of organizations to achieve competitiveness, certifications and compliance to international standards and regulations. So far we had more than 900 clients in more than 35 countries. Our ready made training and editable document kit helps the client in making their documents easy and make them complying to related ISO standard faster. 1. Our promoters and engineers have experience of more than 900 companies globally for management training, ISO series consultancy. We had clients in more than 35 countries. 2. Highly qualified 40 team members (M.B.A., Degree engineers) and owner is having rich professional experience (since 1991). 3. We have 100% success rate for ISO series certification of our clients from reputed certifying body and branded image and leading name in the market. 4. Suggest continual improvement and cost reduction measures as well as highly informative training presentations and other products gives payback within 2 months against our cost. 5. So far more than 50000 employees are trained by us in ISO series certification. 6. We had spent more than 60000 man-days (170 man years) in preparing ISO documents and training slides.
Global Manager Group is committed for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Personal involvement & commitment from first day Optimum charges Professional approach Hard work and update the knowledge of team members Strengthening clients by system establishment and providing best training materials in any areas of management to make their house in proper manner 6. To establish strong internal control with the help of system and use of the latest management techniques
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M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm Chapter-3.0 USER FUNCTION 3.1 Hardware and Software Requirements A. Hardware: •
Our document kit can be better performed with the help of P3 and above computers with a minimum 10 GB hard disk space.
For better visual impact of the power point documentation you may keep the setting of colour image at high colour. B. Software used in presentation kit
Documents written in word 98 and window 2000 programs. You are therefore required to have office 2000 or above with word 98 or above and power point 3.2 Features of Training kit: -
Contains all necessary documents as listed above and comply with the requirements of latest management concepts and more than 1000 man days (9000 hours).
Written in Plain English.
It will save much time in typing and preparation of training material and slides alone.
User-friendly and easy to learn.
Developed under the guidance of experienced experts having experience of more than 200 companies’ latest management system implementation globally.
Provides model of a Management system that is simple and free to establish the management concept in the laboratory.
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Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Company orientations toward the marketplace marketing and sales concepts Starting point
Existing products
Means Selling and promoting
Ends Profits through volume
The The selling selling concept concept
Customer needs
Integrated marketing
Profits through satisfaction
The The marketing marketing concept concept Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Core marketing concepts
Target markets and market segmentation Marketplace, market-space, Metamarkets Marketers & prospects Needs, wants, demands Product offering and brand Marketing channels Supply chain Competition Value and satisfaction Relationship and networks Exchange and transactions Marketing environment Marketing mix Marketing programme
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Types of markets Types of customer markets
Reseller markets
Go ver nm ent ma rke ts l na tio na t s er ke Int mar
Co ns ma um rke er ts
ss e in s s Bu rket ma
Company Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Elements of a marketing strategy and its environmental framework
uc od
Pr ice
Pr om ot io n
ibu str
Di Target Market
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The marketing process Mission statement
Marketing objectives
Marketing strategy Target market Strategy Marketing mix [Product, price ,promotion, distribution]
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Marketing activities Product activities Develop and market test new products; modify existing products; eliminate products that do not satisfy customers’ desires; formulate brand names and branding policies; create product warranties and establish procedures for fulfilling warranties; plan packages, including materials, sizes, shapes, colors, and designs. Price activities Formulate pricing policies; determine method or methods used to set prices; set prices; determine discounts for various types of buyers; establish conditions and terms of sales; analyze competitors’ prices. Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Key generic environmental factors Political: • • • • • •
Tax laws Stability of government Environmental legislation Government incentives Union laws Foreign trade regulations
Societal: • • • • •
Economic: • • • • • •
Money supply Wage controls Interest rates Energy costs GNP/GDP Trends Crime (laws and order) trends
Changes in population demographics • Spending on research and development. Lifestyles • Developments in technological Attitudes to work and leisure transfer. Job expectations • Rates of technology obsolescence. Birth and death expectancies • Productivity improvement trends
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The communication process • Encoding the message
Channel or medium
– – – – – – – – – –
Words Sounds Colors Space Themes Symbols Pictures Numbers Gestures Movement
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Scientific marketing research process
Defining Definingthe theproblem problem
Creating Creatingaaresearch research design design
Perceived Perceived information informationneed need
Conducting Conducting exploratory exploratoryresearch research
Collecting Collectingdata data a.a.Primary data Primary data b.b.Secondary Secondarydata data
Feedback Feedbackon onresearch research and marketing decision and marketing decision effectiveness effectiveness
Formulating Formulatingaa hypothesis hypothesis
¡¡Interpreting Interpretingand and presenting the research presenting the research Info. Info.
Marketing Marketing decision decisionbased based on information on information collected collected
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Brand Brand equity equity Brand equity is a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name, and symbol, that add to or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers. Aaker Name awareness
Perceived quality
Brand loyalty
Brand associations Other proprietary brand assets
Brand equity Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
Why is customer satisfaction receiving so much attention? Creates goodwill/ enhances reputation Increases margins / reduces price elasticity
Reduces “cost –ofpoor quality”
Increase “Cross-self” success
Customer satisfaction
Lowers employee turnover Increases competitors marketing costs
Lowest cost of marketing
Is an unambiguous performance measure (Management, Baldrige) Raises the customer retention rate
Increases shares of customers’ purchases
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Key performance indicators • • • • • • • • •
Average no. of sales calls per sales person per day. Average sales call time per contact Average revenue per sales call Average cost per sales call Entertainment cost per sales call Percent of orders per hundred sales calls Number of new customer s per period. Number of lost customers per period Sales force cost as a percentage of total sales.
Visit us at www.globalmanagergroup.com E mail: sales@globalmanagergroup.com Tele: +91-79-2656 5405
M104- DEMO OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Buy: http://www.globalmanagergroup.com/marketing.htm Chapter-4.0 BENEFITS OF USING OUR TRAINING KIT 4.0 Benefits of using our presentation kit? 1. By using these documents, you can save a lot of your precious time while preparing the management training areas presentation. 2. Take care for all the section and sub sections in implementation of latest management concepts and helps you in establishing better system. 3. The user can modify the presentations as per their industry need and create own management training presentation for their organization 4. Ready made templates and sample documents are available which can reduce your time in management slides preparation 5. Save much time and cost in conducting training programs 6. You will get better control in your system due to our proven training presentation material
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