Demo of TPM - Total Productive Maintenance

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD


The entire presentation kit has 2 main directories as below. TPM –Total Productive Maintenance

Presentation (Power point Slides)

Literature (Word Files)

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01 Introduction 02 sixteen major loss & oee 03 Technique and principles 04 Pillars 05 Improvement plan 06 Implementation 07 TPM in office 08 Managing the TPM 09 TPM for designer and supplier 10 Example1 11 Example2 Appendix Case study_1


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Case study-1

01 Introduction 02 Sixteen Major loss & Oee 03 Technique and principles 04 Pillars 05 Improvement plan 06 Implementation 07 TPM in office 08 Managing the TPM 09 TPM for designer and supplier 10 Example1 11 Example2 E mail Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD

Buy: PART-1 Topic wise Number of slides in Presentation Part a Programs Sr. No. Title of Slides 1. Introduction to TPM 2. 16 major losses & OEE 3. TPM principles and Techniques 4. Pillars of TPM 5. TPM improvement Plan 6. TPM implementation 7. TPM in office 8. Managing TPM journey 9. TPM for equipment designers and suppliers 10. Example: 11. Example for TPM journey Part –B Workshop Sr. No. Title of Slides 1. Case Study-1 Total No. of Slides

No of Slide 33 26 15 77 24 20 12 15 16 05 04 No of Slide 11 258

PART-A Presentation: Under this directory further files are made in power point presentation as per the chapter listed below. Such ready-made PowerPoint slides are useful for

conducting in-house training program by you.  Topic wise Power Point presentation in 11 modules as listed below. 1. Introduction It covers what and why TPM is, benefits and requirements, how TPM differ with TQM, what characteristics, attractions and win commandments are, TPM organisation description with example. 2. Sixteen major loss & OEE It covers what are sixteen major losses, what OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) is and waste management for kaizen. 3. Technique and principles of TPM It covers which TPM principles and techniques are, and how applicable for TPM describe in detail. 4. Pillars It covers the eight pillars for TPM; describe each pillar in detail and systematic manner with examples. 5. TPM Improvement plan It covers TPM improvement plan, describe in main three cycles and nine steps with flow diagrams and important format in detail. 6. TPM Implementation It covers steps for implementation description in in detail. E mail Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD

Buy: 7. TPM in office It covers what office TPM is, how to start, benefits, how support to plant TPM with description in detail. 8. Managing the TPM It covers how managing the TPM journey, role of managers, barriers, guideline for helping the team describe in detail. 9. TPM for designer and suppliers It covers how improve skills, what can TPM (D) deliver, checklist for designer, activities session exercises, describe in detail. 10. Example1: for X- Automobile Company awarded the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Excellence Award 11. Example2: Related to ABC CO. The TPM journey. Case study-1 Related to XYZ cleaner production. PART-B Literature: It is given in word. You may also use it for further reading and circulations within audience, also this topic covers write up for the ready reference to the trainer as well as trainee for understanding and reading. Chapter No.



Introduction to TPM


Sixteen major loss & OEE


Technique and principles of TPM




TPM Improvement plan


TPM Implementation


TPM in office


Managing the TPM


TPM for Designer and Supplier








Case study-1 E mail Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD

Buy: Chapter-2.0 ABOUT COMPANY Global Manager Group is a progressive company and promoted by a group of qualified engineers and management graduates having rich experience of 20 years in ISO consultancy and management areas. The company serves the global customers through on-site and off-site modes of service delivery systems. We offer a full range of consulting services geared towards helping all types of organizations to achieve competitiveness, certifications and compliance to international standards and regulations. So far we had more than 900 clients in more than 35 countries. Our readymade training and editable document kit helps the client in making their documents easy and make them complying to related ISO standard faster. 1. Our promoters and engineers have experience of more than 900 companies globally for management training, ISO series consultancy. We had clients in more than 35 countries. 2. Highly qualified 40 team members (M.B.A., Degree engineers) and owner is having rich professional experience (since 1991). 3. We have 100% success rate for ISO series certification of our clients from reputed certifying body and branded image and leading name in the market. 4. Suggest continual improvement and cost reduction measures as well as highly informative training presentations and other products gives payback within 2 months against our cost. 5. So far more than 50000 employees are trained by us in ISO series certification. 6. We had spent more than 60000 man-days (170 man years) in preparing ISO documents and training slides.

Global Manager Group is committed for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal involvement & commitment from first day Optimum charges Professional approach Hard work and update the knowledge of team members Strengthening clients by system establishment and providing best training materials in any areas of management to make their house in proper manner 6. To establish strong internal control with the help of system and use of the latest management techniques E mail Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD

Buy: Chapter-3.0 USER FUNCTION 3.1 Hardware and Software Requirements A. Hardware: 

Our document kit can be better performed with the help of P3 and above computers with a minimum 10 GB hard disk space.

For better visual impact of the power point documentation you may keep the setting of colour image at high colour. B. Software used in Documentation kit

Documents written in word 98 and window 2000 programs. You are therefore required to have office 2000 or above with word 98 or above and power point 3.2 Features of Training kit: -

Contains all necessary documents as listed above and comply with the requirements of latest management concepts and more than 1000 man days (9000 hours)

Written in Plain English

It will save much time in typing and preparation of training material and slides alone.

User-friendly and easy to learn.

Developed under the guidance of experienced experts having experience of more than 200 companies’ latest management system implementation globally.

Provides model of a Management system that is simple and free to establish the management concept in the laboratory. E mail Tele: +91-79-2979 5322

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Introduction to TPM Key objectives of TPM

Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Safety Motivation Visit us at E mail:

Define TPM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Maximized efficiency of equipment through participation of all employees. Improved reliability of equipment leading to improved product quality and equipment productivity. Economical use of equipment throughout its total service life. Operators trained and equipped to perform minor but essential asset care of their machines. Increase utilization of skilled traders in higher technical areas and more diagnostic work Practical and effective total quality team working example aimed at equipment improvement and maintenance prevention Improvement in overall equipment effectiveness as a measurable route to increased profitability. Visit us at E mail:

TPM Goals TPM has the following five goals (pillars): 

Improving equipment effectiveness Improving maintenance efficiency and effectiveness Early equipment management and maintenance prevention Training to improve the skills of all people involved Involving operators (occupants) in routine maintenance Visit us at E mail:

Necessity for TPM Cut-throat Competition

- Overcapacity in most manufacturing industries - Competition from low cost countries - Increasing consumer expectations TPM : Zero sum approach • Zero defects • Zero breakdowns • Zero losses Visit us at E mail:

What can TPM give my business? (continue) Equipment benefits:  Improve process capability, product quality and productivity 

Economical use of equipment throughout its total service life starting from design, Maximized efficiency of equipment Visit us at E mail:

TPM policy • Achieving “Quality” directly from


processes • Reducing costs by systematic elimination of waste • Increasing competitiveness by improving new product development

• Zero breakdown • Zero accident • Zero defect


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16 Major losses (continue) 1-Shutdown loss

8 Major equipment losses 2-Breakdown loss Shift time 3-Set-up loss Loading time Working time

Net working time

4-Replacement and refill

5-Startup loss

Working time with VA

6-Speed loss

7-Chokote & Idling 8-Scrap and rework Visit us at E mail:

12 Steps of TPM implementation Announcement to introduce TPM Introductory education campaign for the workforce Preparation

TPM promotion (special committees) Establish basic TPM policies and goals Preparation and formulation of a master plan


Invite customers, affiliated companies and subcontractors Develop an equipment management program Develop a planned maintenance program


Develop an autonomous maintenance program Increase skills of production and maintenance personnel Develop early equipment management program


Perfect TPM implementation and raise TPM levels

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Managing TPM journey (continue) 1. OUR HIGHEST PRIORITY


We expect from the company Time to work in team to solve our problems for good Delegate day-to-day running to supervision and below Easy to use working methods, e.g. spare parts clearly labeled Communication

We expect our employees 4. OUR KEY ACTIVITIES TQM TPM HRD ISO 9000 5. TO ENCOURAGE THIS A model factory (roads, workplace, TPM boards)Smiling faces Completely safe No oil , water or air leaks 6. TO DELVER THIS customer satisfaction with quality products zero waste, breakdown, 90% OEE Quoted by other as worked class

ownership / highly motivated Minimum supervision Well maintained colorful equipment with improving OEE Proud to be part of TPM Discipline to work the whole shift using best practice routines

QUALITY VISION Visit us at E mail:

Managing TPM journey (continue) TPM IMPRVEMENT ZONE AUDIT / REVIEW

Milestone Planning / Mobilization :Level: Department:Zone: Auditors:Date: Review point


Yes 1

Are improvement and zone clearly defined ?


Are zone production capacities /bottlenecks


Have weaknesses in documentation been assessed?

4 5

Has an assessment of improvement zone benefits been made / documented and priorities defined? Has future TPM vision been clarified?


Are team leaders allocated to improvement zones?


Have facilitation responsibilities and resources been identified?


Has a firm timetable of activities been developed?


Has an assessment been made of current levels of housekeeping?


Has the TPM information center been updated?


Has a roll-out cascade been defined by the team leader for each improvement zone? Have teams been briefed?



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Check lists for designer  Effective

Can  Can  Can  Can  Can  Can  Can  Can 

design / specification

the item of equipment be eliminated ? the items or part be integrated with the adjacent part ? the item be simplified ? we standardize the item with other item ? the equipment / item cope with the environment ? the equipment control be simplified ? the item be made of a cheaper / different material ? a cheaper service be used ?

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M115: DEMO OF TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Price 118 USD

Buy: Chapter-4.0 BENEFITS OF USING OUR TRAINING KIT 1. By using these documents, you can save a lot of your precious time while preparing the management training areas presentation. 2. Take care for all the section and sub sections in implementation of latest management concepts and helps you in establishing better system. 3. The user can modify the presentations as per their industry need and create own management training presentation for their organization 4. Ready made templates and sample documents are available which can reduce your time in management slides preparation 5. Save much time and cost in conducting training programs 6. You will get better control in your system due to our proven training presentation material

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