Global Milling Advances August 2016

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Global Milling Advances is a magazine for agriculture professionals worldwide

Issue 16 / August 2016 Hammer Mills

Perfect sealed packaging

Developments from Dinnissen

MF Tecno technology

Open mouth bag filling

Touch screen technology

An update from Symach

from Christy Turner

Expo list

The world’s top events related to milling from around the world, listed on p. 16

Hammer mills Created to satisfy today’s demanding applications and safety guidelines


Read more on p.7



Dinnissen Hammer mills Read more on page 2

Published by Nisa Media Ltd

Touch screen technology


SYMACH delivers



Issue 16 / August 2016 Hammer Mills Developments from Dinnissen

Welcome to the August 2016 issue of Global Milling Advances. This month we take a look at the latest developments in Hammer Mill technology and modern open-mouth bagging systems, the introduction of touch screens into flaking mills, and a successful commission of a feed milling system for the production of flaked wheat. We strive to provide relevant and useful information to our professional readership. Contributor submissions, press releases and feedback on our publications are always welcome. Keep up to date with events happening in your industry by visiting our website or checking the events section in this issue (p.16).

Open mouth bag filling An update from Symach

Touch screen technology from Christy Turner

Perfect sealed packaging MF Tecno technology


The world’s top events related to milling from around the world, listed on p.16

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NISA Media Ltd 14 Clarke Way Cheltenham GL50 4AX United Kingdom > Editorial Manager Nicky Barnes Tel: +44 117 2306494 Email:

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Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

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Dinnissen Hammer mills in development More than milling only Dinnissen Process Technology specializes in the development and production of process

Enormous range of screening panels, perforations, and functionalities

A crucial feature of the hammer mills is the enormous range of screening panels, surfaces and perforations available, as these

technologies and equipment for the feed, food, pharma and chemical industries.

Hammer mills are particularly suited for

features determine the capacity, quality and

Dinnissen offers an extremely wide range of

grinding soft to medium-hard products such

effectiveness of the screening process and

hammer mills that provide an effective

as grains, herbs, spices, protein-rich

make it possible for Dinnissen to offer its

solution for any challenge when it comes to

ingredients, nutrients, premixes, and

clients an effective solution for practically

grinding and screening even the most

minerals. Dinnissen’s range of multitasking

any grinding and/or screening challenge.

difficult ingredients. The hammer mills are

hammer mills enables the user to screen

Two rather striking members of Dinnissen’s

characterized by a broad range of capacities

output particles ranging in size from 3 mm

product range are the small Easy-to-Clean

and product output particle size as well as

down to 150 microns. Single hammers or

DINNOX Mill and the D-Topline HamexÂŽ

flexibility and special add-on functionalities,

double hammers are used depending upon

Hammer mill with (semi-) automatic screen

making them real multitasking machines.

the specific ingredients to be grinded down.


Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

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From the small Easy-to-Clean DINNOX Mill

extra-wide chamber that can be

In its newest (semi-) automatic hammer

automatically opened. This makes it easier

mill, Dinnissen has improved the inflow of

to carry out maintenance and remove

ingredients by integrating rock traps and

The Easy-to-Clean DINNOX Mill is a very

damaged screens if necessary, thereby

magnets into the design. This innovative

compact mill. It is fitted with exchangeable

minimizing downtime. The new hammer

feature prevents damage to the screens

grinding rotors, providing it with a variety of

mill has a maximum speed of 1800 RPM,

from iron particles or hard objects. In the

breaking, cutting, and grinding

giving it a longer usable lifetime and in

new Hamex® Hammer Mill, the screen

functionalities, as well as exchangeable

lower energy consumption than its

holder is also fitted with an extra-wide

screening panels and adjustable RPMs. This

predecessors. Dinnissen had the

screen opening that opens automatically,

allows the user to easily and quickly switch

performance of the hammer mill measured

making it easier to carry out maintenance

between an almost endless variety of

over a period of one year, during which time

and/or replace worn-out screens and

grinding and screening applications,

25,000 client batches were analysed. The

further minimizing downtime. Finally,

depending upon the specific ingredients

results of this study made it clear that

Dinnissen further improved the design of

processed and the desired end result. In

Dinnissen’s newest hammer mill performs

the screen holder, thereby eliminating the

spite of its very compact design, the new

even better than expected. The Hamex®

loss of product to other parts of the

Easy-to-Clean DINNOX Mill is also fitted with

hammer mill turns out to be extremely

production process. The end result is that

completely detachable grinding rotors and

reliable and delivers 20% higher capacity in

damage is prevented to the screen panels

extra-large inspection hatches, making it

combination with a very homogeneous end

and waste is minimized.

easy to access all the components, including

product as well as reduced waste flows.

the screening panels, and to clean everything quickly and thoroughly. The Easy-to-Clean DINNOX Mill is available in stainless steel 304, SS 316L, and polished or electrolytically polished SS. It can also be

And on to the latest development: the semi-automatic screen exchanger

Less waste and a much better and more homogeneous end result Dinnissen also had a study carried out into the quality and homogeneity of the ground

fitted with an automatic cleaning system based on compressed air, CIP, or hot

Like its predecessor, the newest Hamex®

products. The study made it clear that the

steam/air for extra hygienic applications,

Hammer Mill with semiautomatic screen

new Hamex® hammer mills not only

and complies with all EHEDG requirements.

changing system also has a completely new

delivers a more homogeneous end product

design for housing the screen panels,

per batch but that the homogeneousness of

grinding panels, and hammers inside the

the end products remains much more

hammer mill. This semi-automatic hammer

consistent over time. The innovative design

mill also has a very robust design and

used by Dinnissen to integrate the hammers

operates at a maximum speed of 1800 RPM,

into the grinding rotor minimizes wear and

The D-Topline Hamex® Hammer mill with

making it much less sensitive to vibrations

tear and delivers more homogeneously

automatic screen changer can handle

and malfunctions. This is not only beneficial

ground products. The same holds true for

grinding capacities of up to 45,000 kg per

for the operator but also makes the new

the usable lifetime of the screen panels.

hour, and the screen changer has space for

hammer mill extremely reliable in operation

4 to 6 different sets of screening panels. The

and very user-friendly in terms of

mechatronic screen changing system

maintenance. When using the Hamex®

automatically selects and places the

hammer mill with semiautomatic screen

appropriate set of screening panels in the

changer, the screens are automatically

hammer mill. After the production process

removed from the hammer mill but, in

has been completed, it also removes and

contrast to the automatic screen changer,

stores the screening panels in less than 40

the operator manually removes the screens

seconds. This makes it possible to change

from the screen holder and manually inserts

screens extremely quickly and greatly

the new screens. The semiautomatic screen

reduces downtime. The Hamex® Hammer

changing system then automatically inserts

mill features a new and ingenious design

the screen holder back into the hammer

which greatly increases the surface area of

mill. As a result, the grinding step never

the grinding and screening panels inside the

needs to be the limiting factor in a

hammer mill, which in turn provides

production process. The investment needed

increased grinding and ringing capacity. The

for a semiautomatic screen changing system

screen storage facility is also fitted with an

is also relatively limited.

Up to the D-Topline Hamex® Hammer mill with automatic screen changer

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

For more information:

Page 3

SYMACH delivers open mouth bag filling machine to co-packer Flexibility was key to this co-packer.

ensures optimal product throughput. After

The operator can work with an intuitive

Flexibility was needed for the high speed

filling, the bags are transported to the

operator interface making recipe changes

filling of a vast diversity of bags with

selected closing station.

easy with its high speed automatic

free-flowing materials. Symach’s newly

change-overs. The interface also includes

introduced versatile FILLstar was designed

The high level of flexibility extends not only

remote online support capabilities.

to offer just that.

to bag type, but also to size and closure.

The heavy duty industrial machine design

Gusseted and non-gusseted PE, PE-PET,

makes the FILLstar a very solid machine but

The machine process is configured for

poly-woven and paper open mouth bags

with a compact footprint.

versatility. The machine selects empty bags

ranging from 4kg to 50kg can be operated

from a bag magazine, opens the bags and

on the FILLstar. Due to the modular design

automatically places them under the filling

several closing stations can be integrated in

spout for filling from an overhead scale or

the main frame offering sewing, sealing and

filling device. The unique design of the

pinch top closing techniques.

For more information visit:

universal filling spout allows opening for a large bag size range, without changeovers.

A reliable performance of 20 bags of 25kg

Designed in FDA approved High Density Poly

per minute or 30 tons/hour doesn’t stretch

Ethylene, to offer excellent sliding

its limits. The empty bag magazine offers an

properties along with high impact strength

average of 20 minute autonomy to the

and good wear resistance, the spout

machine operator.

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

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Improved ANDRITZ series 6 hammer mill The ANDRITZ series 6 hammer mill is now

• Dynamically balanced, heavy-duty rotor

• A reversible inlet baffle with optional,

offered in both 965 mm and 1,092 mm

with shaft diameter up to 190 mm and

pneumatically controlled valve.

diameters, with grinding chamber widths

bearing diameter of almost 101 mm.

ranging from 305 mm to 1,524 mm. These

• Door interlock system that provides the

hammer mills can accommodate motor

• Rugged, large, and long-lasting pillow

safest, most dependable, and fastest

sizes ranging from 90 kW to 450 kW.

block bearings equipped with temperature

response on the market, ensuring that the


doors are not opened until the rotor comes

This unique series 6 design was created to

to a complete standstill.

satisfy today’s demanding applications and

• Low-profile reinforced motor base slotted

safety guidelines. The design features

housing that allows the cylinder and bearing

• Optional inlet-mounted air separator with

consist of:

assembly to be removed as a complete unit

magnet that utilizes the hammer mill’s air

without disassembly of the housing.

assist system to remove both ferrous and

• A non-restrictive flow-through design

non-ferrous material from the feed stream.

Reinforced housing and full access doors to

• Replaceable wear plates protecting the

accommodate internal pressure during

inside of the grinding chambers in all

Or more information visit:

upset overpressure conditions.

product contact areas.

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

Page 7

'Touch Screen Technology' now comes as standard on Christy Turner's leading breakfast mill Touch screen technology introduced as standard across leading E R & F Turner 600 breakfast flaking mills

At the cutting edge of Great British milling

E R & F Turner's flaking mills are possibly

panel, one panel controls absolutely

engineering for almost two centuries,

the most famous export of the Christy

everything and operation can be learnt in

Christy Turner has had a busy year in the

Turner brand family. Over 90% of the


research & development department.

machines used by UK cereal giant Weetabix

With a history of innovation and fine British

at Burton Latimer & Corby sites are

"It was very important for us to create a

engineering the company have been

E R & F Turner mills - many already offering

completely intuitive system, which mimics

working on a major project to deliver a

up decades of service - validating the

mobile phones and tablets with regards to

cutting-edge addition to its popular

company's 'Built to Last' reputation.

ease of use. The time and effort in getting

E R & F Turner 600 breakfast mill - state of

The company's top selling mill, the leading

the icons and sequencing spot on was worth

the art 'touch screen technology'.

E R & F Turner 600 breakfast cereal flaking

it, as the feedback has been fantastic. Our

mill was a natural first choice for the

machines are exported around the globe so

cutting-edge project.

any measures we can introduce which help

A consolidation of highly respected British brands E R & F Turner, Christy & Norris and

overcome language barriers are essential."

Miracle Mills, Christy Turner Ltd supplies

Managing Director Chris Jones said:

high quality robust and reliable flaking mills,

"Creating machines which are 'simpler and

The screen is designed to guide the operator

hammer mills, pulverizers, and associated

more hygienic' are constant themes for our

through the process, using simple colour

plant for the breakfast cereal, animal feed,

development team.

coding - green for working and red for fault.

biomass, waste recycling, minerals,

Certain options, while visible, are greyed out

chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries

"The introduction of 'Touch Screen

until the machine is ready for each stage, for

around the world. Building upon

Technology' to our leading 600 breakfast

example the feed cannot be started until the

manufacturing skills and expertise since

mill has taken almost a year to develop and

rolls are turning. The sequencing and

E R & F Turner started production in 1837,

implement, including extensive market

images provided by the touch screen have

while making the most of modern

research on the look and feel to achieve the

turned the panel into a very simple visual

technological advances, Christy Turner

most intuitive system, using references from

instruction prompt which literally trouble

continue to produce machines of choice for

across a wide range of industries.

shoots and prevents issues arising like, for

manufacturers around the globe. The

instance, certain parts of the system being

company's commitment to innovation and

"Our original dashboard was a series of

quality has helped it maintain a foothold in

lights and buttons with separate panels to

a highly competitive international industry,

control the mill, feeder and cooling system

together with its esteemed reputation - built

and a high level of training was required to

on over 175 years of sound British

operate the mill and its associated


equipment. Supervisor control involved

turned on in the wrong order.

keyed access. On the new touch screen

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

Page 9

< Original E R & F Turner 600 Breakfast Flaking Mill control panel

The technology now comes as standard across E R & F Turner 600 breakfast mills. The 600 mill's home screen now features only four options for simple operation: • Start in automatic mode • Start in manual mode (which requires more operator input to decide when each part of the mill system starts/stops) • Setup menu • Alarm log

Home screen

Starting the machine in 'automatic mode' means the operator only has to consider 3 simple steps, each one prompted by the intelligent technology: • Start mill: As the mill starts in sequence each component turns green, with motor currents, roll gap and coolant temperature displayed on the front screen. All other

The new panel uses internationally

buttons remain greyed out until the mill is

recognised symbols, rather than text,

ready for feed, at which point the feed start

allowing for multilingual control and the

button becomes available.

three levels of access for operator, supervisor and maintenance are accessed

• Start feed: The operator starts the

via passwords, replacing the need for keys.

feeding and can adjust the speed of the

The compact touch screen is also much

feeder. The discharge conveyor will start

easier to clean, adding to improved hygiene.

automatically in reject mode.

The icons were created with Christy Turner's

• Send Flake Downstream: The operator

own engineering design software which

can inspect the flake, making adjustments to

generate simplified isometric renderings of the key components of the system.

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

the roll gap, alignment, roll temperature Simplified isometric renderings

and scrapers until satisfied with the

Page 10

New Touch Screen E R & F Turner 600 Breakfast Flaking Mill control panel

product, at which point they can press the

The latest technology has already been

project, which is in keeping with the

thumbs up to send the product

installed at leading Italian cereal

company's historic reputation for


manufacturer Molino Nicoli, a well-known


producer of breakfast cereals, corn flours Sub menus on the system enable:

for polenta, cereal bars and healthy gluten

Christy Turner still manufacture its

free products, based near Milan. They

machines on site in Ipswich, where

• In process adjustment of the roll gap and

currently operate three Christy Turner mills.

E R & F Turner began its historic journey in

alignment to a +/-10 micron accuracy

Those who own a modern E R & F Turner


• Adjustment of roll cooling, with faster and

600 breakfast flaking mill can also have the

slower represented by universal tortoise

touch screen technology retro-fitted.

For more information:

and hare symbols.

Chris said: "We are really proud of this

• Adjustment of scraper pressure and

highly technological addition to our most

optional oscillating action.

popular flaking mill and the success of this

Parts turn green as they are ready

Roll cooling adjustment sub menu

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

Roll gap adjustment sub menu

Page 11

Alvan Blanch commissioning success with Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire - RV420 Alvan Blanch is happy to announce the successful commission of the feed milling system RV420 at Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd. Alvan Blanch has established a collaborative agreement with Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd, extending its existing commissioning services, ensuring the production of high quality flaked wheat. Under the collaboration, Alvan Blanch and Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd will work together on the small-scale grain flaking system - twin RV420 mills, steam chest and conveyor drier. Offering enhanced capabilities and greater delivery of grain. Paul Robson, commissioning engineer for Alvan Blanch in the UK and Europe, said: “Alvan Blanch has extensive global experience of delivering commissioning services, which will be further strengthened by this new collaboration with Hafodneddyn Feeds Ltd.� For more information about Alvan Blanch visit:

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

Page 13

MF TECNO – Turnkey line for perfect sealed packaging of Special Flours Blends for Pizza. Tordandrea di Assisi - It is going ahead the

suitable for powdered fluidized product: the

- Bags “step” movement for different

long lasting synergy between the MF-TECNO

“IABA 600-F”.

stations treatments.

and ITALMILL. ITALMILL is one of the biggest

- Self-Cleaning of weighing system and easy

family-run businesses working in the flour

Particularly suitable for powdered products,

cleaning of all parts in contact for avoiding

and semi-finished baking product industry

fluidified and non-fluidified; can be used to


in Europe. Its range of products can be

package edible flours and other foodstuff

- Production capacity, over 600 cycles/min.

divided into three sectors: Pastry, Bakery


and Pizza.

The “IABA 600-F” is completing and In this case was specifically designed for the

enhancing the automation in the production

MF-TECNO ( is worldwide

bagging of special blends of flours for

process of this milling-market leader which

leading company in designing and

bakery and pizza .

requested to MF-TECNO, besides hi-quality

manufacturing of complete and customized

and hi-performances bags, a consistent and

lines for dosing, weighing, filling, bagging

Main characteristics of the line:

reliable production. For this reason,

and palletizing for several sectors.

- Possibility to work flat bags and

MF-TECNO provided a “start-up assistance

side-gusset bags from 5 to 50 kg.

package” of one-month together with his

According to the above mentioned synergy

- Perfect sealing for powders thanks to the

usual 24-7 technical service availability.

MF-TECNO has proudly installed in June

particular hermetically sealed filling spout.

The “IABA 600-F” is the fourth machinery

2016 at the ITALMILL plant in Cologna (Italy)

- Special bags magazine with labels

supplied to ITALMILL in the last four years.

the ultimate model of automatic

application (perfect traceability of the

open-mouth bagging system specifically


Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

Further info on :

Page 15

Events in detail August Inagritech 2016 25-27 August Jakarta, Indonesia GrainTech India 2016 26-28 August India September 66th Australasian Grain Science Conference 14-16 September Australia Global Grain South America 20-22 September Argentina Click this link to download our events planner today and -content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=13. keep up to date with the latest industry meetings php?id=21 2016 year planner

Global Grain Geneva 8-10 November Switzerland

GEAPS Exchange 2017 25-28 February USA

67th JTIC International 9-10 November France


Eurotier 2016 15-18 November Germany 15th International RiceGrain Pro Tech Expo 2016 18-20 November India

Global Grain Asia 1-2 March Singapore Global Grain MENA 1-3 March Dubai VIV Asia 15-17 March Thailand

2017 April January

October IBIE 2016 8-11 October USA Agro & Poultry Kenya 2016 14-16 October Kenya 27th IAOM Mideast and Africa Conference & Expo 24-27 October Ethiopia

27th Annual Practical Short Course on Feeds & Pet Food Extrusion 29 January – 3 February USA tCourses/feeds/scfeedspet.php MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed Veterinary – 2017 31 January – 2 February Russia 2017 International Production and Processing Expo 31 January – 2 February USA

November February CICFO Grain 2016, CIFCO Feed 2016, CGOF 2016 4-6 November China

Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

GrainEx India 2017 10-12 February India

AgraME 10-12 April Dubai 121st IAOM Annual Conference & Expo 10-14 April USA May IDMA 2017 4-7 May Turkey VIV Russia 2017 23-25 May Russia June Victam 13-14 June Germany

Page 16

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Global Milling Advances / August Issue 2016

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