Global Milling Advances is a magazine for agriculture professionals worldwide
Issue 17 / November 2016 Mycotoxins in stored grains
Feed formulation software
Potential threats and solutions
AFOS calculation engine
Sprout damaged grain
Flaking roller mill
Detecting and isolating
Developed by BĂźhler
Expo list
The world’s top events related to milling from around the world, listed on p. 30
Innovation Matthews Company continues to innovate despite downturn in equipment sales
Read more on p.7
2016 Harvest concerns for livestock production
Serious Mycotoxin problems Read more on page 17
Published by Nisa Media Ltd
Feed formulation developments
Flaking Roller Mill for grains
Issue 17 / November 2016 Mycotoxins in stored grains Potential threats and solutions
This month we get to know about the impact that mycotoxins may have on stored grains, and potential mycotoxin problems and solutions for this year's grain harvest. We learn about measuring α-amylase activity a process crucial for making high quality flour. We take a look at the software products for feed consulting and optimisation developed by HYBRIMIN, feed formulation software from AFOS, and a new flaking roller mill developed by Bühler. We get an insight into the products and operations of Mathews Company, a global supplier of agricultural equipment, from the company’s President - Joseph Shulfer. Finally, we learn more about the upcoming tradeshow for poultry brands and companies - VIV Turkey 2017. We strive to provide relevant and useful information to our professional readership. Contributor submissions, press releases and feedback on our publications are always welcome. Keep up to date with events happening in your industry by visiting our website or checking the events section in this issue (p.30).
Sprout damaged grain Detecting and isolating
Flaking roller mill Developed by Bühler
Feed formulation software AFOS calculation engine
The world’s top events related to milling from around the world, listed on p.30
>> Published by: NISA Media Ltd 14 Clarke Way Cheltenham GL50 4AX United Kingdom
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> International Marketing Manager Sabby Major Tel: +44 117 2306493 Email: > News Editor Martin Little Email:
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 1
Amylab FN by CHOPIN Technologies A new alternative: faster, easier and safer method for running the Hagberg Falling Number test Grégory VERICEL Flour made from sprouted cereals with high
α-amylase activity in sprout damaged wheat
method (the Amylab FN is compliant with
amylase activity may lead to significant
or rye. This method is widely accepted today
existing ICC, AACC and ISO standards)
problems like sticky dough, bread with low
and is standardized by international
volume and excessively red crust. Conse-
organizations such as the ICC, AACCI, ISO
quently, it is very important for the industry
and ASBC.
to detect and isolate sprout damaged loads of grain as early as possible.
or - the new, unique and faster Testogram
CHOPIN Technologies has developed the
Amylab FN. It measures α-amylase activity The Hagberg Falling Number method was
developed in the early 1960's to provide a rapid means of determining the
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
The Amylab FN features a new testing method called Testogram. Instead of
- the standard Hagberg Falling Number
measuring the time required for the plunger
Page 2
to fall down the tube and go through the
No matter which method the operator is
- The instrument is operated by a
starch gel sample (which takes between 60
choosing to use, the Amylab FN features
user-friendly application on a 7" touch
and 500 seconds depending on the sample,
several additional key innovations that are
average 325 seconds), it records the
completely unique to FN instruments.
consistency during 90 seconds of constant
All of these features make the Amylab FN
shaking and determines if there is sprout
- Instead of the standard boiling water
the instrument of choice for anyone
damage in the sample. At the end of the 90
bath, the Amylab FN uses an induction
interested in measuring α-amylase activity
second test, it gives an accurate prediction
heating system that is safer (no boiling
in a quick, safe, reliable, and accurate way.
of the traditional FN value. As a result, the
water) and less sensitive to environment
Testogram method test is providing an
variables such as altitude or water level. This
average of 66% more productivity to the
provides greater accuracy in the results.
user, compared to the standard Falling Number Method.
- Instead of the standard glass tube (breakable, difficult to clean), the Amylab FN
The Testogram protocol may also be
uses a reusable test tube made of
adjusted to directly, accurately and quickly
aluminum, with a removable bottom, which
measure the impact of added fungal
makes it very quick and easy to clean.
amylase, used to optimize flour enzyme activity.
XXII 2017
Pavilion «Khleboprodukty» (№ 40), VDNH, Р. О. Вох, 34, Moscow, 129223, Russia TEL.: +7 (495) 755-5035, +7 (495) 755-5038. FAX: +7 (495) 755-6769 E-MAIL: INFO@EXPOKHLEB.COM. INTERNET: WWW.BREADBUSINESS.RU.
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 3
VIV Turkey 2017; Premier trading hub for poultry brands & Companies The best fully-fledged tradeshow for the
the intricacies involved in conducting
Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Eastern
business in such a diverse and challenging
Europe, Russia and the CIS poultry market
will run up on 06-08 July 2017 at Istanbul
ideas and learn, all year round. For more information about avaible spaces for exhibiting and sponsorship
Expo Center for the 8th time. This edition,
VIV Turkey 2017 is backed by sponsorship
over 500 poultry exhibitors and 27,000
from leading poultry industry
opportunities, please contact:
buyers will gather under one global stage
manufacturers including Provimi Cargill,
Fair Manager, Hande Çakıcı
Leading poultry industry players and
Buhler, Yemvit , Alfan, Cimuka, Biokey,
( )
suppliers are exhibiting and giving
conference talks on key trends across the 15,000 sqm show floor.
VIV TURKEY International Trade Fair for Poultry Technologies has been held with the
The exhibition show floor will feature top
organization of HKF Trade Fairs and under
brands and companies from Belgium, China,
the license of the Netherlands based VNU
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece,
Exhibitions Europe which has been known
Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, South
as VIV Worldwide.VIV Worldwide events are
Korea, Mexico, Poland, Sovenia, South
the leading global trade fair series serving
Africa, the Netherlands, Ukraine, USA
the poultry industry
poultry market. With events and serial conferences, it offers In line with the growing poultry demand in
an integrated and intertwined platform
this region, VIV Turkey provides a dedicated
consisting of exhibitions and conferences
one-stop platform for the region’s poultry
providing an unmatched offline and online
industry to meet, network and understand
meeting place to do business, exchange
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 5
Innovation for Mathews Company Continues Despite Downward Trend in Equipment Purchases by Joseph Shulfer, Mathews Company With grain commodity pricing steadily
Some of the design features that ensured
as well as proposed bolted-base designs;
declining in recent years, the focus of
these requirements were met included:
the end result was a structural base frame
Mathews Company (M-C) has been on
utilizing a single centrifugal fan where two
that was optimized for strength and
delivering increased efficiency solutions for
fans were historically used, increasing the
production efficiency.
their customers. As a leading global
grain holding capacity of the dryer without
supplier of grain drying technology, M-C has
making the machine larger and focusing on
been at the forefront of innovation by
production efficiencies by moving to a
rolling out new product designs in five out
bolted base as opposed to a welded base.
of the past six years. While much of that
Working with key supplier-partners, M-C
innovation has been geared towards the
developed a proprietary fan that is
high-efficiency vacuum cooling technology
belt-driven and runs at low speeds which
found in tower-style dryers, the emphasis
not only operates with extremely low noise
lately has been on the traditional low-profile
levels, but also delivers reliable and
dryers. These style machines date back to
consistent airflows for the drying process.
the early-mid 1900s, and are the foundation
Furthermore, this fan incorporates a unique
of grain drying technology. With historically
duct design that properly distributes the
low grain prices, growers are left with
drying air into the upper and lower heat
reduced budgets for capital equipment
plenums to maintain adequate airflow on
purchases, and are often times quickly
both chambers of grain.
M-C Tower Dryer
ruling out vacuum-cooled tower dryers due to the higher price tag than a comparable
Another key attribute of the ECO Series
model in a low-profile product series.
grain dryer is the increased holding volume of the dryer through the use of a wider grain
In response to this change in purchasing
column. Traditional designs have
trends of grain dryers, Mathews Company
historically utilized a 12-inch grain column.
has recently taken on some aggressive
M-C however, after validating there would
product development initiatives. In early
be minimal impact on the dried grain
2015, M-C decided to pursue the
quality, chose to incorporate a 14-inch wide
development of a new product that would
grain column. What might seem like a small
ultimately be named the ECO Series. The
change to make, resulted in approximately
product’s name derived from the two
15% more holding volume in the dryer,
primary requirements of the design: (1) it
thereby increasing the drying capacity and
needed to be as ECO-friendly as possible
the overall efficiency of the machine without
incorporating the most energy efficient
compromising the outgoing product’s
design, and (2) it had to have a price point
that made it an ECOnomical purchase without compromising on the quality and
Lastly, a large element of the ECO Series
performance that Mathews’ products are
design revolved around the manufacturing
well-known for.
process. Extensive time studies were performed on current welded-base designs
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 7
ECO Series 14” Grain Column Testing
on-farm operations utilizing propane as the
on the ECO Series, M-C took their tried and
fuel source for grain dryers, the
true low-profile style Legacy Series product
Mathews-PERC relationship was naturally a
line that has been in production for over
perfect fit. While Mathews Company
forty years, and revamped the fan, burner
identified the need to deliver more
and control system to turn it into one of the
fuel-efficient technology to the industry,
most state-of-the-art machines available.
PERC capitalized on those efforts with the rationale that long term efficiency boosts in
While many other grain dryer
propane-operated machinery will ultimately
manufacturers in the industry consider
lead to increased use of propane.
centrifugal fans as a premium feature over the commonly used axial-style fan, M-C took
Building off the recent success of the ECO
it a step further and incorporated what’s
Series and receiving product development
referred to as an “inline” centrifugal fan.
funding from PERC, early 2016 resulted in
This style fan has historically only been
M-C aggressively continuing the product
incorporated into tower-style grain dryers,
innovation streak. As a result, M-C started
however through careful engineering and
to finalize plans for the unveiling of yet
closely working with supplier-partners, an
another newly re-designed product. Instead
optimal design was established to produce
of building from the ground up as was done
reliable airflows, easy maintenance access
The culmination of all this work led to a brand new product line that was introduced in a controlled, prototype manner at five different grain sites during the 2015 fall harvest. While it was considered a below average year for grain dryer use, the test results obtained from the operating prototypes was sufficient to identify required design changes, and provided the confidence needed to make the ECO Series commercially available in 2016. Furthermore, in early 2016 a continuation of testing took place in the Canadian market with the drying of a specialty crop, Canola. The results continued with more success and the new technology was quickly adopted by growers throughout North America. The initiative of continuing to pursue more energy efficient grain dryer operations resulted in Mathews Company being awarded a product development grant from the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC). PERC is an organization that promotes the safe, efficient use of propane gas as an energy source through investments in research, safety and consumer initiatives. Due to the majority of
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
ECO Series Model E600h
Page 9
and much greater efficiency. Not only is this style fan a solid performer for delivering adequate airflow for the drying process, but its construction is considered commercial grade and, being belt-driven, allows for easy adaptation to international installations running on 50Hz electrical power. To complement the overhauled fans, a solid performing burner was extensively tested and ultimately incorporated into the design of this new dryer. Featuring a cast aluminum manifold and stainless steel air distributors, the burner was specially designed to optimize its geometry, thereby ensuring the burner’s position was in the proper location of the ductwork relative to the airflow. This results in the most efficient use of fuel when heating the drying air. Further refinement of the New Legacy Series
Pinnacle 20|20 provides the user with a complete overview of the dryer’s operation
product line has included the introduction of Pinnacle 20|20, a major control system enhancement which incorporates PLC-based control, a large touch-screen interface, remote connectivity for operational monitoring anywhere in the world, and intuitive troubleshooting and help features. Testing of this New Legacy Series product line took place this fall and the results have been exceptional. Particular emphasis of the testing focused on validating the increased efficiency gains, observing grain quality and test weight improvements from dried grain and overall customer satisfaction. While it may seem natural for M-C to shy away from new product development while experiencing the current downturn in capital equipment purchases by growers in the agricultural industry, that has certainly not been the case with the development of the ECO Series and the New Legacy Series. Mathews Company has continued to uphold the current motto of “Building for the
New Legacy Series Model L1000 at Customer Site in Mason City, IA
Future” by investing in product innovation that focuses on increased machine efficiencies to make farming operations more profitable.
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
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New Touch Screen E R & F Turner 600 Breakfast Flaking Mill control panel
Mathews Company Headquarters - Crystal Lake, IL, (U.S.A.) About Mathews Company
About the Author
Headquartered in Crystal Lake, IL (U.S.A),
Joseph Shulfer joined Mathews Company in
Mathews Company has been a leading
2009 as Engineering Manager and was
global manufacturer of high quality
promoted to President in 2013. Under the
innovative agricultural equipment since
direction of Shulfer, Mathews Company has
1954, specializing in grain drying. M-C is
completely revamped its entire product line
committed to “Building for the Future,�
to incorporate the latest grain drying
striving to provide superior products and
technologies available.
unmatched service through innovation, expertise and quality. M-C dryers are available through authorized dealers worldwide.
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Joseph Shulfer
Page 11
The Impact of Mycotoxins in Stored Grains With the end of the harvest within sight, and
and wet made for ideal weather for the
many crops such as wheat or corn already
growth of toxins. Heavy rainfall during
out of the fields and in storage, it is
autumn (fall) and winter could also have a
Advancing technologies now allow for
important to reconsider the potential threat
big impact on the final risk score of winter
multiple toxins to be tested from a single
that mycotoxins may still have on grains.
wheat crops. This is because of the risk of a
sample extract, without the need to repeat
Scientists state that there are between 300
secondary infection, a particular risk after
the sample preparation process. Until now,
and 400 toxins in existence, however those
testers had no choice but to prepare
that are of most concern based on their
and efficiently screen for mycotoxins.
separate samples for each mycotoxin to be
toxicity and occurrence are aflatoxins (B1,
Mycotoxins have a devastating effect on
tested; which led to an extremely time
B2, G1 and G2), deoxynivalenol,
barn health and certainly on production,
consuming process. In order to combat this,
zearalenone, fumonisin, ochratoxin, T-2
often resulting in discarding entire lots of
Randox Food Diagnostics offer a
toxin and T-2-like toxins.
feed / meal. It is therefore essential that the
comprehensive screening option for the
growers follow a solid testing plan in order
efficient analysis of up to 10 toxins from one
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites
to prevent the increased impact of toxins
produced by a wide variety of fungi that
during storage. Steps include ensuring that
readily colonize crops. They grow on a
the grain is properly dried and receives
variety of different food and feedstuffs, and
adequate aeration, making sure that grain
favour both warm and humid conditions
receives effective insect control and
Biochip Array Technology is a tried and
(which encourages aflatoxin formation) or
regularly screening the grain for
tested mycotoxin screening solution from
cool and wet weather (ideal for the growth
mycotoxins. Because distribution is not
Randox Food Diagnostics, which allows the
of fusarium toxins). Due to varied weather
likely to be even within the stored grains,
user to measure the concentration of up to
conditions during summer this year, the risk
and toxins will typically occur in hot spots, it
10 of the world’s most prevalent
of various mycotoxin contamination was
is important to ensure that suitable
mycotoxins. Arrays are available in 10, 7, 5
high, and regular alteration between humid
methods are available in order to quickly
or 3 assays (See Table 1):
Biochip Array Technology
Table 1 Myco 10
Myco 7
Myco 5
Myco 3
Aflatoxin B1/B2
Aflatoxin B1/B2
Aflatoxin B1/B2
Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin G1/G2
Aflatoxin G1/G2
Aflatoxin G1/G2
Ochratoxin A
Ochratoxin A
Ochratoxin A
T2 toxin
T2 toxin
Ergot Alkaloids Paxilline
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 13
Biochips are supplied with 9 reaction wells per carrier, where samples and reagents are added. Using a single 50Âľl sample of feed, the user will obtain highly accurate quantitative results for multiple mycotoxins in under 2 hours, thus increasing the output of tests. Sample preparation is straightforward: solvent is added and vortexed for 60 seconds, then rolled for 10 minutes, centrifuged for ten minutes and diluted; meaning the sample is ready for testing within 20 minutes, with no need for Immunoaffinity Columns. This saves time when compared to alternative methods which require separate sample preparations for each toxin. For those who wish to customize their
In external and internal studies, Randox
mycotoxin screening according to their risk
Biochip technology has proven to deliver
score, based on which crops are being
results which show close correlation to
tested and weather conditions in their
confirmatory methods.
ELISA Technology
particular area, MycoFlex is also available. MycoFlex allows the user to select any
Table 2
combination from the 10 toxins available (minimum of 3). The test menu is then spotted onto a biochip, offering a
For laboratories that screen for
Ergot Alkaloids
Alfatoxin B1
customised resolution for individual
mycotoxins using ELISA technology, Randox offers an extensive range of cross reactants (See Table 2):
laboratory requirements.
-Alfatoxin B1
Randox ELISAs are produced to the
-Alfatoxin B2
highest standard, offering excellent
-Alfatoxin G1
screening analyser used worldwide to
-Alfatoxin G2
provide simultaneous, rapid testing, without
-Alfatoxin M1
-Aflatoxin M2
Biochip Array Technology is used in conjunction with the established Evidence Investigator; the multi-analyte residue
compromising quality. The biochip carrier is inserted into the image station of the analyser, where the chemiluminescent
signal from each Discrete Test Region (DTR)
on the surface of the nine biochips, are simultaneously detected using a
Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) camera.
Specialist software, designed in-house by
Randox Food, then translates the data into a quantifiable result per toxin.
-Ergovaline -Ergometrine
reliability and limits of detection in line with regulatory requirements. The impact that mycotoxins have on stored grains presents an on-going risk. With global controls on food safety and contaminants becoming ever more complex, having the right technology to ensure that mycotoxin levels are adequately monitored is key to meeting those challenges now and in the future. Randox Food Diagnostics screening solutions provide excellent tools for the quantitative analysis of
Using Randox Biochip Array Technology
mycotoxins using both the unique
eliminates the need for costly single tests by
patented Biochip Array Technology
lowering the cost per sample as only positive results are required to be sent for
-Lysergic Acid
and a high quality range of ELISAs.
confirmation, saving food testing
Visit today for
laboratories time and money. The
further information.
technology ensures screening food for drug residues is accurate and efficient.
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 15
Global Milling Yearplanner
A milling industy resource. Global Milling Yearplanner is a useful listing of all major industry events for the year ahead, perfect for planning your shows and travels, available for free from Nisa Media.
Download for free from
Harvest of 2016 will cause serious mycotoxin problems in livestock production Author: Radka Borutova, Business Development Manager, NutriAd, Belgium Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of
exchange of information helps Member
Agriculture Industries Confederation (AIC)
moulds that have adverse effects on humans,
States to promptly respond in a coordinated
reacted to Northern Ireland Food Fortress
animals, and crops resulting in illnesses and
manner to any health threat caused by food
testing program for compound feeds which
economic losses. Contamination of foods
or feed. Created in 1979, RASFF enables
shared information that they had detected
and feeds with mycotoxins is a significant
information to be shared effectively and
increasing levels of ZEN in ruminant feeds
worldwide problem. Aflatoxins, ochratoxins,
efficiently between its members (EU-28
over recent months. AIC advised feed
trichothecenes, zearalenone (ZEN),
national food safety authorities, Commission,
producers not to use any of the
fumonisins, tremorgenic toxins, and ergot
EFSA, ESA, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland
contaminated soya in rations meant for
alkaloids are the mycotoxins with the
and Switzerland) and provides a
developing or reproducing females,
greatest agro-economic importance. Some
round-the-clock service to ensure that urgent
particularly gilts, sows or dairy heifers. AIC
moulds can produce more than one
notifications are sent, received and
also believes some of the affected soya may
mycotoxin and some mycotoxins can be
responded to collectively and efficiently.
have been sold in the UK and could have
produced by more than one fungal species.
RASFF has enabled many food safety risks
been contaminated with up to 4.96 mg/kg of
More than one mycotoxin is often found on a
and harm to be averted to European
zearalenone. NUTRIAD can confirm that one
contaminated substrate. Mycotoxins occur
of samples of soya hulls for lactating cows received from UK and analyzed in the ECCA
more frequently in areas with a hot and humid climate, which favor the growth of
There is a new RASFF alert in Europe from
laboratory was contaminated with 3600
moulds, but they can also be found in
Spain for Brazilian corn with high levels of
µg/kg ZEN. At 10% inclusion of the
temperate zones (Zain, 2011).
aflatoxin. The aflatoxin concentrations (in
contaminated soya material, the ZEN level
µg/kg) found in different corn samples
would be almost 500 µg/kg, which is
This year's soya and wheat, barley, and
analyzed were: AfB1 = 30.23, AfB1 = 25.66,
approximately 5 times the EU guidance level
triticale harvest has shown increased
AfB1 = 40.87, AfB1 = 106.05, AfB1 = 75.43,
for gilts and on the limit for dairy young
contamination with the deoxynivalenol (DON)
AfB1 = 61.82, AfB1 = 43.99 and AfB1 = 20.53.
and ZEN mycotoxins. The levels of both these
The affected corn was distributed in Spain,
mycotoxins in some samples of soya hulls
Italy and Switzerland. Another alert was
According to the Neogen’s Mycotoxin Report
imported from Argentina reached critical
issued by OVOCOM (Feed Chain Alliance)
from October 3, new reports of DON and
values making them unsafe to use as feed in
recommending companies pay particular
fumonisin (FUM) in corn have been
dairy cows, sows and piglets.
attention to all soya products originating
confirmed in one U.S. state. The reports of
from Argentina. Due to the climatic
DON and FUM have both come from Illinois.
conditions in Argentina, high levels of
In Indiana, higher levels of DON in corn of
mycotoxins, specifically ZEN have been
more than 10 mg/kg have also been reported
The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed
observed in soya-bean hulls (up to 4.96
surpassing previously documented levels.
(RASFF) was put in place in response to
mg/kg) and in soya meal (up to 0,357 mg/kg)
serious risks detected in relation to food or
and these need to be cautiously used. Such
There are more than 400 mycotoxins
feed. RASFF provides food and feed control
products are currently available on the
currently known. The fungi can be divided
authorities in the EU with an effective tool to
market in Germany, Belgium, The
into two groups; field fungi which produce
exchange information about the risks. This
Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (UK).
mycotoxins in crops before harvest
Recent mycotoxin warnings
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 17
(pre-harvest) and storage fungi which produce mycotoxins mainly after harvest (post-harvest). Fusarium moulds are considered to be field fungi while aspergillus and penicillium moulds are considered to be storage fungi. It is known that 95% of all mycotoxins are produced in the fields. Therefore, a high number of mycotoxins may already be present in the raw feed ingredients before they are received in feed mills or farms. Moulds can also grow during the processing of feed, especially when the processes include an increase in temperature and humidity. There are several conditions which influence mould growth as well as the formation of mycotoxins. The most important are; an adequate moisture content (free or active water), a suitable temperature, sufficient oxygen, physical damage of the crop and the presence of fungal spores.
Picture 1 – Barley harvested in Slovakia in 2016. ©Copyright: Radka Borutova, Nutriad
Factors influencing mycotoxin production Stress factors such as drought, poor fertilization, high crop density, weed competition, and insect or mechanical damage (in the field, during harvest, storage, and distribution) can weaken the natural defenses of plants. These factors promote colonization by mycotoxin-producing fungi as well as mycotoxin-formation. Mycotoxins can be found in all grain and forage varieties that are used to produce food or feed. They accumulate in the food and feed crops whilst in the field or during transportation or during improper storage. Although analytical test results may be negative for mycotoxins in feed, it is known that they may still be present. It is known that mycotoxins are not homogenously dispersed in feed stuff but usually occur as “hot-spots” within the feed. This makes sampling difficult and the mycotoxins may remain analytically undetected, even with the most effective sampling techniques. Therefore, a negative mycotoxin result is not conclusive of the absence of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins can be masked from analytical detection by small molecules (glycosides) attached to them thus giving false negative results. These masked mycotoxins are not
Picture 2 – Maize before harvest, Slovakia 2016. ©Copyright: Radka Borutova, Nutriad
detectable with conventional analytical
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 18
methods. However, these attached
mycotoxin challenge to instant
deactivators work strictly in vivo and will not
molecules may be removed during
recommendations on usage and dosage of
counteract or mask mycotoxin in stored
digestion, consequently releasing the
mycotoxin deactivators is challenging.
feed or raw ingredients. These products
mycotoxins which may have an adverse
Nutriad has met the challenge by being the
deactivate the toxins directly in the
effect on the animals.
first company to launch the web application
gastrointestinal tract of animals, based
– MycoMan, which is currently available
either on adsorption of those mycotoxins
online for iOS Apple and
with suitably located polar functional
MycoMan and mycotoxin testing
Android-Google-Microsoft application.
groups, or biological degradation
The most important role of feed mills is to
Another strategy of mycotoxin risk
(bio-inactivation). UNIKE® and TOXY-NIL®
keep the levels of mycotoxins as low as
management is to test mycotoxins presence
product lines from NUTRIAD represent
possible whilst avoiding multi-mycotoxin
in finished feeds. This method has some
specially developed feed additives that
contamination. Most of the mycotoxins
advantages and disadvantages. The most
protect animals from mycotoxicoses by
co-exist resulting in any one commodity
important advantage is that by testing the
adsorption, bio-inactivation, organ
containing numerous mycotoxins at the
final mixture, the mycotoxins from the
protection, immune system stimulation and
same time. The best practical way to test
individual raw ingredients are more likely to
antioxidant system support. The NUTRIAD
and control mycotoxin levels in raw
be identified unlike the rapid test kits where
product lines represent an optimal solution
materials that are not yet stored in silos is to
some important raw ingredients whose
for mycotoxin management for farm
use rapid test kit systems. A number of tests
inclusion is not high (5-10%) can be missed.
animals. It is highly recommended to apply
are carried out using different rapid test kit
These missed mycotoxins can still cause
an effective mycotoxin deactivator which
systems which are validated for different
significant contamination of finished feed.
offers an opportunity to significantly
mycotoxins and commodities. These rapid
Accredited laboratory service is required for
improve animal health, performance,
test kit systems offer a very quick and
this step. The key disadvantage of analyzing
productivity and profit which can all be
effective way of screening raw material
finished feed is that it usually takes quite a
impaired by mycotoxins. Depending on the
before it enters the feed mill. Once the
long time. By the time the results are
target performance, different mycotoxins
mycotoxins levels are evaluated in all
known, the feed will already have been
will have different effects on productivity.
ingredients, MycoMan app can estimate the
consumed. The MycoMan application can
Therefore, using different products for
mycotoxin contamination level of different
also be used for analyzing of finished feed
different animal groups becomes a rational
feed ingredients or finished feed in feed mill
and may help with mycotoxin risk
or farm. This clear estimation allows the
precise calculation of mycotoxins’
Apply effective mycotoxin deactivator
deactivator or binder in feed. The user friendly MycoMan app complements information obtained after mycotoxin
References Zain M.E., 2011. Impact of mycotoxins on humans and animals. Journal of Saudi
analysis and helps feed and animal
An important step in mycotoxin
producers manage mycotoxins in a more
management is the application of a
effective way on-the spot. Linking the
mycotoxin deactivator. Mycotoxin
Chemical Society. 15: 129-144.
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Latest developments in feed formulation HYBRIMIN® has been creating software for
This is why many universities and research
Eastern Europe. The programmes (and data)
feed consulting, feed optimisation and
facilities use HYBRIMIN® software for
have been translated in full and are currently
declaration of feed stuff since 1979.
training and teaching as well as conducting
available in the following languages:
HYBRIMIN® operates also in the food sector.
feeding trials. HYBRIMIN® programmes can
Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, Estonian,
Today’s portfolio includes mainly two
also be used for all farm animals and all pets.
Finish, French, Italian, Greek, Croatian,
different software products: HYBRIMIN®
Aqua feed is also possible.
Latvian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Norwegian,
Futter 5 for feeding consultants in the field
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
(see figure 1) and HYBRIMIN® WinFumi 9.0
There is a HYBRIMIN® database that lists all
Serbian, Swedish, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,
for application in production and product
raw materials and ingredients as well as
Turkish, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian.
development and declaration of
sample formulations commonly used in
formulations for the feed stuff and food
Germany. That way it is very easy to perform
By Eurotier 2016 to be held in Hannover
sectors (see figure 2).
a formulation calculation immediately after
from 15th to 18th November 2016, there will
receiving one’s own raw materials. This
also be Albanian, Chinese (Mandarin) and
A special feature of HYBRIMIN® is that each
database has also been translated in full in
Kazakh. For HYBRIMIN, this means that not
programme can calculate or optimise a
the languages listed below.
only the programme interfaces are
ration for an individual animal or a mix.
translated but the complete HYBRIMIN®
Ration calculation can be used in many ways
HYBRIMIN® comes from Germany and has
database as well. This includes about 400
in the field of product development in
customers in more than 40 countries, with
raw materials and about 38,000 nutrient
special focus in Europe and in particular
values, 330 active nutrients (a maximum of
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 22
1,000 per raw material is possible), 1,500
separate database of their own. All
used as the common language, it is still very
specifications with about 22,000 minimum
HYBRIMIN® data are fully interchangeable.
useful, considering the multitude of
and maximum values, 140 sample
The programmes include a so-called system
agricultural raw materials, to be able to use
formulations for all farm animals and pets.
area that is password-protected and in which
the exact description in the respective
the programme is configured to match user’s
language in a single piece of software. Which
The database also includes all nutrients,
requirements. New ingredients, formulas or
feeding consultant speaks several languages?
forms of energy, amino acids, vitamins,
specifications can be integrated at any time.
One fully translated language means about
minerals, micronutrients usually used in the
Formulations and raw materials are
22,000 words with all the system files. So for
German-speaking world. Forms of energy
unlimited. Up to 1,000 ingredients are
28 languages available now, that means
from other countries can be added at any
allowed per raw material with either or
about 616,000 words or a complete
time by the user or with help from
non-linear formulas. Adapting to other
agricultural lexicon! (see figure 3)
feeding systems is possible at any time.
Besides the mathematical extensions,
In recent years, all HYBRIMIN® products
development work at HYBRIMIN® also
The animals that are integrated by default
have been converted to the so-called
focuses on facilitating software use. The
are young cattle, beef cattle, dairy cattle,
Unicode. This means that in future all the
number of clicks has been counted in all
sheep, goats, roe deer, red deer and fallow
fonts in the world in a programme are
dialogues and minimised when possible. The
deer, lamas and alpacas, camels, elephants,
simultaneously available in a database. The
aim is not to be the software manufacturer
pigs, horses, poultry (laying hens, chickens,
user can work in his mother tongue, e.g.
with the largest number of functions but to
turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasants, guinea
English and the formulation can be printed in
have a feed formulation software that can be
fowls, quails, ostriches, pigeons), dogs, cats,
any other language, that way the customer
used by anyone, as far as animal feed
rodents, trout, carps. Other types of animals
always receives an offer in his mother
knowledge is concerned.
can be added at any time.
tongue. Printouts can be created at any time
Another point of focus in the development of
as PDF files without the need for any other
The speed of the HYBRIMIN® software has
also been substantially increased in recent
HYBRIMIN® is the continuous processing of
years. The HYBRIMIN® software can be
this database, so that customers only need to
The feed stuff industry is becoming more and
installed in 5 minutes via an installation file
enter their own raw materials to be able to
more international. Many feeding
or a CD on any Windows compatible PC or on
calculate a ration or a mix. Of course
consultants cross over many countries and
a network.
customers can also build a completely
languages barriers. Even though English is
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
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Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
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To be able to exchange data is essential for
as web software for feeding consultancy
mineral feed or premix production: the
feeding consultants when using a piece of
(HYBRIMIN® Futter5) because previous
so-called embedded declaration.
software for ration calculation. The specialist
international use in rural areas has shown
scientist in a feed stuff company creates and
that there is really no working stable and fast
With the first WinFumi (Fumi for Windows) in
maintains a so-called master database. The
internet connections. There is nothing worse
1995, HYBRIMIN® had already introduced
latter contains the in-house raw materials,
for a feeding consultant than sitting next to
the presentation of the formulation with the
specifications etc. This data can be locked so
the customer to try and perform the
simultaneous display of the raw materials on
that a feeding consultant cannot change the
calculation when there is no stable
the left side of the screen and the list of
specifications of the specialist scientist.
ingredients on the right side of the screen.
This master record can then be exported in
Furthermore optimisation was integrated on
an encrypted form. The programme of the
It is possible to use the consulting
the same screen. This was a significant step
feeding consultant can import these files
programme (HYBRIMIN® Futter5) on
forward when compared with the
provided it has the key. That way it is easy to
Windows tablets. The programme supports
programmes that were then commonly used,
manage and control the sales force.
touch screen technology. The practical use of
as it was no longer necessary for a feed
Furthermore the interfaces for importing
the software is always important for
optimiser to look at three separate screens
data from laboratories has been worked on
for raw materials, ingredients and results.
and improved. There are a variety of XML or
HYBRIMIN® has expanded functionality even
ASCII file formats to import data. There is no
In the case of an application in a mixed feed
more to include the third component, the
more troublesome and error-prone entering
plant on the other hand, the installation is
declaration. So it is now possible to see at
of analyses by hand. HYBRIMIN® can create
standard worldwide on terminal servers,
once the raw materials, ingredients and the
other interfaces upon request.
virtual servers, server farms or external data
finished declaration. If you set one
centres. Such installation can be done
restriction, optimise for the first time or
There is also a new trend in feed consulting
without any installation fees by MSI files or
change a proportionate quantity, then the
programmes as regards the export of rations
CD, if the customer has an IT system
result with all the accounting prices will be
for cows towards TMR mixing vehicles. This
identified first, then the label will be updated
art of work is constantly improved at the
using the feeding stuff law on file and desired
moment by way of new interfaces.
Last year a unique new feature was
At the moment, HYBRIMIN® is not available
introduced in WinFumi 9.0 for mixed feed,
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
graphic layout. (see figure 4)
Page 25
WinFumi 9.0 can contain up to 10 results in
The time gain for the user is very high
in German, English, French, Italian, Russian,
memory at once. Using the mouse, you go
because the user does not have to click on
Romanian and Spanish.
back and forth between these results. The
the mouse as often and does not need to
declaration will keep on being updated
remember the formulation result by
Additionally, we also have sales partners in
within one second. This area can also be
switching between windows.
Croatia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia who
combined with the language feature, i.e. you
have the appropriate language skills.
can compute in English and create at the
Feed calculation software is only as good as
For more information, please send us an
same time a declaration in a foreign
the support behind with it. That area as well is
email at or call us at
language, for example Russian.
under constant improvement at HYBRIMINÂŽ.
+49 5152 52570-00 or +49 5152 3700.
At the moment, customer support is available
Leaf through our back issues.. Free PDF’s available from the link below of our quarterly technical magazine for grain and feed Milling Industry professionals. We publish the latest news and developments from around the world.
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
Page 26
Mixed-Integer Optimization in Feed Formulation Classical feed formulation software uses an
integers. What does this mean? This means
and a real least cost method in a practical
optimization method called Linear
that besides min and max constraint for the
Programming (LP) to obtain least cost recipes
ingredients we can add a base constraint. We
and provide optimal distribution of the
can say, for example, I need corn between 20
50 feed recipes and that 10 of them should
ingredients in the formula. This classical
and 30 percent and make it on 5 kilos basis,
be optimized daily. If nutritionists use simple
method is suitable for nutritionists because it
because my beam scale cannot measure
LP for optimization, he or she will need to
gives them ability to add constrains based on
corn more accurately. Or add my premix to
spend on average 10 minutes per formula to
animal needs; min and max nutrients, min
the formula but only on 1 lbs. basis because I
tweak LP results, which results with at least
and max ingredients, and ingredients and
need to add it on whole bag level.
an hour or two of lost time per day.
nutrients ratios. But, this method is not very
Additionally, let’s say that a nutritionist
suitable for implementation in plant control
AFOS implements mixed-integer solver in its
creates 0.1 cent of higher price per kg
system (SCADA) for a simple reason. Linear
optimization process and allows integer
because of manual tweaking compared to
programming can give a result that is hard to
constraints to be set. Even more, AFOS
mathematically optimal solution. If the plant
measure, for example some ingredient
allows integer constraints in the
produces 120 t of feed per day, calculated
should be added in level of 128.5647666 kilos.
multi-blending module so one can plan
loss is $ 120.00 per day or $ 43,800.00 per
production schedule considering the
year. Our real-life experience shows that
constraints of the plant.
mix-integer programming can additionally
So, to state it concrete, linear programming is not considering the physical constraints of
decrease production cost by 2 – 5 %.
the plant and the weighing equipment.
There is only one weak point of the
Some beam scales are calibrated on few
mix-integer programming. It is more time
To emphasize, by using a simple calculation
kilos/pounds’ level, some ingredients are
consuming. But considering today’s
engine, a plant can spend more time and
added on whole bag level (1, 2, 5, 10 lbs.
processing power, this can be ignored. Linear
decrease margins. Advanced AFOS calculation
bags) etc. These physical constraints are
programming problem solving in AFOS for 15
engine can increase margins while providing
creating a lot of trouble for the nutritionist
ingredient formula takes 200ms, while the
more accurate formula results, considering
and plant operators when they need to
same formula with additional 5 integers
both nutritional and technical constraints.
implement formulas in the plant SCADA.
takes 0.8 seconds. Practically speaking, from resource point of view, both methods are the
For more details:
Nutritionists are forced to manually tune or
same but optimality of the solution is not the
tweak formulas to prepare them for SCADA
same. MIP is more accurate, more optimal,
implementation. This creates two problems: a) this process is very time consuming, and b) manual process always decreases optimality (increases cost). Only a fraction of a cent that manual process adds to the final price can accumulate to a mountain over time. Imagine if there is a method that can include physical constraints of the plant in the optimization process and can find a mathematically optimal solution in this case. There is. It is called Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP). A mixed-integer programming problem is a mathematical optimization or feasibility program in which some of the variables are restricted to be
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
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The flaking roller mill for grains BĂźhler has developed a new flaking roller
hour. Of special importance when designing
positioned lubricating spot and the option of
mill especially for the flaking of various
the new machine was the highest possible
changing the rolls from front to rear shorten
grains such as wheat, rye, spelt, barley and
level of sanitation, low maintenance and
maintenance times.
above all oats. As an integrated component
operating costs as well as simplified
of the entire grain processing process, the
The highest level of sanitation The new MDFA flaking roller mill from
product quality and convenience of use.
Higher performance and efficiency
The worldwide consumption of grain flakes
With the development of the new flaking
precisely via the EasyFlake control system.
is rising. More and more consumers are
roller mill, particular attention was paid to a
This drive principle as well as the automatic
realizing the healthy effect of flakes
robust design. This ensures safe continuous
roll adjustment with spindle instead of
produced from different kinds of grain. The
operation even under demanding production
hydraulics improves food safety. The risk of
new MDFA flaking roller mill has been
conditions. The automatic control of the roll
contamination from oil is largely prevented.
specially developed by BĂźhler for the careful
temperature and the peripheral drilled rolls
The design of the flaking roller mill is
and high-quality manufacturing of flakes
ensure an even roll temperature, and the
extremely maintenance-friendly. It
made from oats, rye, wheat, spelt and
high-quality rolls with a diameter of 600 mm
guarantees optimal accessibility, which
barley. The new flaking roller mill delivers
guarantee optimum surface pressure. Both
simplifies and speeds up cleaning. The roller
one to four tons of grain flakes of
make a significant contribution to consistent
wedge is easy to disassemble for cleaning.
consistently high quality per product per
and high product quality. The centrally
Finally, the integrated aspiration air feed
MDFA flaking roller mill sets new standards with regard to sanitation, food safety,
BĂźhler has a direct drive without belts. The speed ratio of the flaking rolls can be set
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
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ensures improved sanitation, as it effectively
In use at Swissmill
that the consumption of ready-made
prevents the build-up of condensation.
products with oat flakes has increased by The new MDFA flaking roller mill MDFA has
40% in the last ten years. Oat flakes have a
The highest level of operating convenience
been in operation since the end of 2015 at
high proportion of carbohydrates (≈70 %)
The new Bühler flaking roller mill is fitted
Swissmill, the largest Swiss manufacturer of
and protein (≈15 %) as well as unsaturated
with the user-friendly EasyFlake machine
oat flakes. They are very satisfied with the
fats and the soluble fiber beta-glucan.
control with touchscreen panel and 3D
“new member of staff” at Swissmill. “We
Beta-glucan can lower the cholesterol level
visualization. A variety of control functions
have counted on the expertise and reliability
and has positive effects on the blood sugar
enable the precise setting of production
of Bühler equipment for decades”, explains
level, which reduces the feeling of hunger.
parameters. The adjustment of the speed of
head miller Erwin Waldvogel. “The new
Oat flakes are also free of gluten and
the feeding rolls therefore enables the
flaking roller mill has convinced us thanks to
contain avenanthramides, which have
throughput to be determined. It is also easy
its reliability and performance. The
anti-inflammatory and cancer-inhibiting
to control the roll gap, the roll temperature
user-friendliness and time saved on
and the speed ratio of the flake rolls.
cleaning and maintenance are also
Besides the setting of parameters, the
Further information:
EasyFlake interface allows the operation of the flaking roller mill to be monitored at all
Alexandra Londoño Baderschneider
Oat flakes – healthy and filling
times. The course of the motor current, the
Product Manager Specialty Milling
roll gap adjustment, the product
There is currently a trend towards the
Bühler Uzwil
temperature and the roll temperature are
consumption of ready-made products made
Tel: +41 71 955 25 20
visible at a glance. The machine controls can
from oat flakes. It is of growing importance
be learnt in a very short time. This reduces
that they are not just “quick to consume”
the time spent on training and increases
but should also be “healthy” and “easy to
operating safety at the same time.
digest”. These requirements do great justice to oat flakes. It is therefore not surprising
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Events in detail October ILDEX Indonesia 2015 8-10th October Indonesia Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together 14-16th October Italy 100th AACC International Annual Meeting 18-21st October USA Click this link to download our events planner today and -content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=13. keep up to date with the latest industry meetings php?id=21 2016 year planner
Building a Global Network for Semiarid Cereal Systems 13-14th November USA
GEAPS Exchange 2016 27th February -1st March USA March
XXXIII Alim Meeting Argentina 2015 15-18th November Argentina Agro Innovate Nigeria 24-26th November Nigeria
AFMA Forum 2016 " Feeding the Future" 1-3rd March South Africa Victam Asia 29-31st March Thailand
December 9th International Wheat Conference 20-25th September Australia North American Millers’ Association 2015 Annual Meeting 22-24th October USA Animal Farming Ukraine 27-29th October Ukraine 26th Annual IAOM MEA Conference and Expo 2015 31st October -3rd November Dubai November 66th JTIC 2015 4-5th November France Global Grain Geneva 2015 10-12th November Switzerland
Global Milling Advances / November Issue 2016
April Fats & Oils Istanbul/Feeds & Grains Istanbul 3-4th December Turkey Agro Innovate Kenya 8-10th December Kenya
2017 January MVC: Cereals-Mixed Feed Veterinary – 2016 26-28th January Russia 2016 International Production and Processing Expo 26-28th January USA February VIV MEA 2016 15-17th February UAE
120th IAOM Annual Conference & Expo 4-8th April USA 15th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress 17-21st April Turkey 5th Global Feed & Food Congress 2016 18-20th April Turkey 9th International Feed Regulators Meeting (IFRM) 21 April 2016 Turkey XXVII The European Feed Manufacturers Federation FEFAC Congress 21-22 April Turkey May Food Ingredients Istanbul 2016 4-6 May Turkey
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