Global Milling Advances May 2017

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Global Milling Advances is a magazine for agriculture professionals worldwide

Milling Courses New Pellet Mills Staff Training NIR Systems

Issue 19 / May 2017

Industry Events


Issue 19 / May 2017 Milling Courses Flour Milling Training opportunities

Welcome to the May 2017 issue of Global Milling Advances. This month we learn about the importance of staff training and get acquainted with a number of programs and seminars available in the industry. We also find out about the latest developments in modern near-infrared systems and the new CU Dynamic pellet mill from Van Aarsen. Finally, we get to know the new members of the team at the Brabender Food Division. We strive to provide relevant and useful information to our professional readership. Contributor submissions, press releases and feedback on our publications are always welcome.

New Pellet Mills CU Dynamic pellet mills

Staff Training Learning programmes for millers

NIR Systems Advantages of NIR technology


The world’s top events related to milling from around the world, listed on p.24

Keep up to date with events happening in your industry by visiting our website or checking the events section in this issue (p.24). >> Published by:

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

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New NIR systems can do (almost) anything Possibilities of modern NIR systems as exemplified by BĂźhler's Multi Online Analyzer MYRG The latest generation of near-infrared systems for online measurements in grain, flour and semolina open up new possibilities regarding gluten, water absorption and starch damage. These allow millers to optimize flour production directly and individually. The grain processing industry has been

eliminate long periods of waiting for

using the near-infrared system (NIR) to

laboratory results and correctional

continuously monitor the contents of raw,

measures can be performed without delay.

intermediate and end products for years. More and more companies are now using

Possibilities for NIR

the advantages NIR technology offers for

Limits of NIR Only those characteristics which actually leave information in the NIR spectra and correlate with them can be calibrated. An example of this is the so-called "sample"

optimizing processes in real time. NIR

Near-infrared spectroscopy is very well

which is used to evaluate the activity of

analysis makes it possible to assure

suited for determining the dominant

certain enzymes in the flour. NIR technology

consistent product quality, and it makes a

contents in organic materials such as food

is only conditionally suited for lower ranges

substantial contribution to the profitability

and feed products. But to do so, an NIR

of concentration. It is technically impossible

of a mill.

system needs not only good hardware in

to calibrate enzymes for NIR because it

order to function reliably, but a good

takes only few ppm enzymes in the flour to

mathematical model (calibration) to

become active.

New generation of NIR

determine the properties of an unknown The first generation of NIR equipment


focused on analyzing protein content,

For generating NIR calibrations, the breadth of data is decisive for accuracy and the

moisture and ash. These parameters were

The most important and NIR-active

sturdiness of the model. Models can only

and are the 'classics' of most online

biochemical components, such as water,

predict products if their characteristics have

systems. In addition, however, there are

starch, protein and fat, can be modeled (or

already been included in the model itself.

other quality parameters that require

calibrated) without difficulty. However,

On the one hand, it is essential to cover the

compliance by the mills. For example, in

other physical or biochemical product

entire range of features that are to be

wheat flour, the amount of gluten, the

properties can also be correlated with the

measured because the models are not

flour’s ability to absorb water or the extent

NIR spectra as long as they are dependent

allowed to extrapolate. On the other hand,

to which the starch has been damaged are

on the combination of the dominant

any disturbance factors, such as specific

important factors. Older generations of

contents and other properties such as

product characteristics (particle size,

online NIR systems were only able to

particle size distribution. An example of this

temperatures, source, chemical composi-

determine these parameters with insuffi-

is the ability of flour to absorb and retain

tion), the instrumentation used and the

cient accuracy and reproducibility. By

water during the making of dough. The

surroundings, must also be taken into

employing photodiode arrays (diode array,

ability to absorb water depends on the

consideration along with the characteristics

DA), as in BĂźhler's NIR Multi Online Analyzer

volume and quality of the protein, the

which are supposed to be measured. For

MYRG, the latest generation of NIR systems

condition of the starch grains and the

the best calibration, several hundred

offers new possibilities for such additional

particle size distribution, among other

samples can easily become necessary under

parameters and thus new potential for


these conditions.

millers. These additional calibrations

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017


reference laboratory and the online

important proteins in gluten are gliadin and

measurement during at least 20 validation

glutenin in equal portions. Gluten is a more

In order to compare spectra and samples,

measurements. The random error in NIR

or less flexible-elastic substance which

data must be prepared and calculated using

(SEP) cannot be smaller than the random

results when wheat flour dough is allowed

certain algorithms (chemometry). The

error of the lab (SEL) since the calibration is

to rise.

preparation of the spectra data using

based on the data from the reference

various mathematical functions depends on

laboratory. For inhomogeneous samples,

In other words, it is essentially soaked

the product itself as well as the hardware

where taking a representative sampling is

gliadin and glutenin. Since a higher protein

being used and is necessary for better

already a large problem, an online NIR

content does not always mean a higher

separation of the interesting information

measurement can be significantly more

content of gluten, an NIR calibration of

(such as the protein contents) from the

accurate simply because of the size of the

gluten can offer a high added value.

uninteresting information (such as particle

sample volume. The gluten contents of wheat flour and its

size distribution). Various possibilities exist which fall under the skill set of chemometri-

NIR devices require constant adjusting. First,

texture are a decisive determinant of the

cians. The quantitative calibration models

the hardware (i.e., the light source,

dough's behavior during kneading and

are usually calculated with the PLS (partial

measuring window) must be frequently

baking. In general: The higher the gluten

least squares) algorithm which searches for

checked, and secondly, the NIR calibrations

content, the greater the water absorption,

the largest differences in spectra and links

themselves also need regular monitoring

the gas-retention ability and the expected

these with the characteristics to be

and expanding since the product can

volume of baked product. Good gluten


undergo a natural change in an unknown

values: 30–34 %.

direction after a certain amount of time.

NIR systems at work

The reproducibility of lab measurements

Quality parameters

(Method ICC137/1) is 0.4. With the NIR Multi Online Analyzer MYRG, 0.7 is achieved.

The accuracy of an online NIR measurement system is usually indicated by SEP (standard


error of prediction). SEP is a random

The protein content in wheat flour consists

Starch damage

standard error which is found between the

of 90 percent gluten (gluten protein). The

"Starch damage," from a scientific point of

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

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view, refers to mechanically deformed

used in the laboratory.


of the SEP values with the accuracies of the lab methods shows that the newest

Industrial bakeries need raw materials of

generation of NIR spectrometers can

Compared to intact starch, mechanically

consistent quality so that the process

determine additional parameters in

deformed starch can absorb five times more

doesn't need constant adjustment. This

continuous production with amazing

water. That makes it the most important

includes the water absorption capacity of


factor in water absorption for flour and

the flour. The water absorption capacity is

dough yield besides the protein content.

important for proper dough preparation

Starch damage occurs during the various

and controlling the dough during the rising

passages in the milling process. If the

and baking process, among other things. So

technologist knows the desired degree of

naturally, the amount of water which is

starch damage he can adjust the grinding

added in the baking process will depend on

process according to expectations, for

the water absorption capacity. There are

example, by dimensioning the roll lengths

possible corrective measures that a miller

(the longer, the higher the starch damage)

can undertake: Adjusting the grinding

or the grinding pressure.

process, performing various types of

Author: Thomas Ziolko

conditioning, or adding attrition flour when The reproducibility of lab measurements

the water absorption is too low.

(Method AACC 76-33) is 0.7. With the NIR

The reproducibility of lab measurements

Multi Online Analyzer MYRG, 0.8 is achieved.

(Method ICC115/1) is 0.8. With the NIR Multi Online Analyzer MYRG, 1.0 is achieved.

Water absorption Water absorption [%] is the amount of water


which must be added to a flour in order to achieve a fixed dough consistency of 500

The following table summarizes the

farinograph units (FU). For determining the

accuracy of the various calibration systems

water absorption capacity, the farinograph

which are available with the Bühler NIR

from the Brabender company is frequently

Multi Online Analyzer MYRG. A comparison

Wheat Flour Parameters

Reference Method



TGA 701 @130°C

7 – 16 %

0.20 %


Dumas / Kjeldahl

8 – 23 %dm

0.25 %


TGA 701 @900°C

0.3 – 0.9 % dm

0.03 %

0.9 – 2.5 % dm

0.05 %

Target SEP

Wet gluten *

ICC 137

18 – 47 %mb14%

0.7 %

Water absorption *

Brabender Farinogram

47 – 85 %mb14%

1.0 %

Starch damage *

Chopin SDmatic AACC 76-33

5 – 31 UCD

1.0 UCD

Sandstedt & Mattern AACC 76-30

3.5 – 17 %

0.8 %

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Mühlenchemie organizes its first “Certified Advanced Training Course” • •

Mühlenchemie’s partner for the three-part seminar is Samin Nan Sahar. Some 15 representatives of the Iranian milling industry informed themselves in Teheran on the theory and practice of flour improvement.

In February 2017, around 15 participants

About Mühlenchemie

from the Iranian milling industry accepted an

Russia and Turkey a team of experts supports mills on the spot and offers individual

invitation from Mühlenchemie, the specialist

Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co. KG is one of the

solutions to ensure optimum flour quality.

in flour improvement and flour fortification,

world’s leading companies in the field of

For this, Mühlenchemie has developed

to one of three seminar units organized at

flour treatment. Its key competence lies in

enzyme systems, flour maturing and

the Sahar Bread School together with its local

solutions for flour standardization, flour

oxidizing agents, bromate replacers,

partner Samin Nan Sahar.

improvement and flour fortification – from

emulsifiers, vitamin and mineral premixes

classic flour treatment to concentrates for

and functional systems for ready-mixed and

The “Certified Advanced Training Course”

ready-mixed flours. Mühlenchemie exports

composite flours. Mühlenchemie

organized by Mühlenchemie and its Iranian

its products to over 120 countries and

standardizes over 70 million tons of wheat a

partner Samin Nan Sahar is divided into

maintains close relations with more than

year. At the Technology Center in

three units that together make up the

1,000 mills around the globe. At the foreign

Ahrensburg, near Hamburg, a team of

seminar. The first unit brought 15

affiliates in Mexico, Singapore, India, China,

research scientists and applications

participants from the Iranian milling industry to the Sahar Bread School. The subject of this first part was “From Flour to Bread” and illuminated the basics of flour improvement. In addition to the theoretical teaching, the information given was substantiated by several baking trials. The limited event offered a balanced mix of theory and practical exchange of information in order to answer as many questions as possible in detail. The aim of the seminars is “to share knowledge, and help the millers by making their daily work easier”, Nazim Hamed, Area Sales Manager of Mühlenchemie, explained. “The participants were very satisfied”, he continued, “and we were able to meet our guests’ expectations through an intensive dialogue.” When the participants have attended all three parts of the seminar they will be issued with a certificate as confirmation. The second unit will be announced in good time after the Iranian new year Nowruz.

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Some 15 of the Iranian milling industry are informed in Tehran on the theory and practice of flour improvement.

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

technologists works on innovations for the future. It is here that pioneering solutions in the field of enzyme technology are devised for bread and other baked goods. They include the well-known enzyme preparations Alphamalt, Powerzym, Sternzym, Pastazym and Tigerzym. The company was established in 1923 and has been a member of the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe since 1990. For more information please contact: Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co. KG Carsten Blum (Marketing) Kurt-Fischer-Straße 55 22926 Ahrensburg/Germany E-mail:

Mühlenchemie's partner for the three-part seminar is Samin Nan Sahar.

Global Milling Year Planner A milling industry resource. Global Milling Year Planner is a useful listing of all major industry events for the year ahead, perfect for planning your shows and travels, available for free from Nisa Media.

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

The IGP Institute Conference Center hosts the on-site courses.

Global Flour Milling Training Kansas State University’s IGP Institute offers several upcoming Flour Milling Training opportunities. In an ever-changing technological world, it is

the IGP Institute was built upon international

at the institute are designed to provide

critical for grain industry professionals to

training programs that began in 1961.

training to grain industry professionals, and

adjust to meet the consumer demands for a

education to foreign business leaders and

high-quality product at an affordable price.

“The institute’s mission is to provide

government officials about U.S. grains and

Helping to meet those training needs is

innovative and relevant education and


Kansas State University’s IGP Institute.

technical programs to enhance the market preference, consumption and utilization of

In 2016, the IGP Institute had a record year

“The IGP Institute provides individuals with

U.S. cereal grains, oilseeds and their

with more than 2,000 participants among the

world-class education and facilities in their

value-added products for the global grain

80 different courses. These courses were

various milling courses that focus on the

industry,” Miller says.

held both on-site and via distance, and

safety and quality of the world’s food supply,”

provided to groups and businesses from 67

says Brandi Miller, IGP Institute associate

The program is divided into three core


curricula featuring flour milling and grain processing, grain marketing and risk

Established in 1978 by Kansas State’s

management, and feed manufacturing and

Department of Grain Science and Industry,

grain quality management. The courses held

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017


Technical Milling Offerings This summer, the institute will be offering

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several different courses focused on flour milling and grain processing. Leading off will be the Basic Milling Principles and Advanced Milling trainings planned for June 5–9 and June 12–16, respectively. Both offerings will be held at the Kansas State Grain Science Complex in Manhattan and led by Shawn Thiele, IGP Institute grain processing and flour milling curriculum manager. “These courses dive into the technical aspects of optimizing the milling process and individual machines, which is exciting for the participants and instructors,” Thiele says. These two courses will offer knowledge of milling and hands-on learning, as well. Some of the lessons that will be taught in the Basic Milling course involve wheat cleaning

Participants analyze the sifted break stock to help determine break release targets.

equipment and optimization, measuring

During the Advanced Milling section,

The IGP–KSU Advanced Milling course will

extraction, impact of wheat quality on milling

participants can expect to learn information

help participants expand on topics from the

extraction, wheat conditioning equipment

covering analysis of mill flow sheets and

Basic Milling Principles course to include

and techniques, advantages of wheat and

design, mill balance and product distribution,

quantitative techniques to analyze and

flour blending, milling different classes of

roll and sifter surface, impact of wheat

improve the process flow, and provide an

wheat, and the flour milling process. This

quality on flour quality, starch damage,

understanding of the variables that impact

course will provide a comprehensive

cumulative attribute curves, sifting and sifter

production efficiencies and enhance the

understanding of the milling process and

design, purification systems, and process

troubleshooting skills of mill personnel.

how employees influence the process.


The Hal Ross Flour Mill (left) and O.H. Kruse Feed Technology Innovation Center (right) are used for course participants to gain hands-on experiences.

Both courses will provide insight and be the most beneficial for milling engineers, operation managers, production managers, head millers and shift managers. Thiele adds the class participants’ own experiences really aid in the trainings. “The diverse milling knowledge that is also brought in from the participants promotes excellent class discussion and provides different views of milling,” Thiele says.

Executive Milling Training Another milling course offered is the Buhler–KSU Executive Milling English course set for June 6¬–12, 2017 and will be held at the IGP Institute Conference Center. This course is taught in English with the Spanish-language offering planned for August 28–September 1. Coordinating these offerings is Jason Watt, Buhler instructor of

Jason Watt, Buhler instructor of milling, adjusts the gap between the rolls to determine how hard the wheat is ground.

milling at Kansas State. When talking about the course, Watt says, “It is a great course for anyone from new managers to sales and customer service representatives. This course gives participants an understanding of the flour milling process and allows them to be more successful in the flour milling industry.” He adds, “The course is an introduction to grain cleaning, flour milling, and grain quality and functionality.” The training covers topics including raw materials, cleaning systems, milling systems, finished product handling and storage, performance evaluation in the flour mill, basics in starch damage, hands-on activities in the Hal Ross Flour Mill, basics in flow quality, factors that influence an investment decision, and basics in aspiration. Reflecting on his experience in this course, Kent Kruse, corporate engineering manager

Jason Watt, Buhler instructor of milling (center) and course participants follow the product flow sheet to ensure that the wheat fractions are going to the correct grinding passage.

of Bay State Billing in Bolingbrook, Illinois, says, “I leave here with a better knowledge of

Beginning Milling Class

together to drive the success of a flour mill. This offering is planned for July 31–August4

milling and how things are processed. The course was well done, it covered a lot of

Along with these classes, the IGP Institute will

aspects of flour milling like quality, milling,

also be offering its IGP–KSU Introduction to

sifting and food quality. It has been good and

Flour Milling course for those interested in

Course topics will include an overview of the

I plan on taking a refresher course in the

gaining an understanding of the principles of

U.S. milling industry, wheat production,


the milling process and everything that works

supply and demand, the general milling

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

in Manhattan, Kansas.

Page 11

process and major milling equipment, principles of mill flow sheets, milling math, flour and dough testing practices, and hands on time in the department milling and baking labs and commercial Hal Ross flour mill. Thiele says the course is based on the basic principles of flour milling and targeted toward those in the milling industry, but who are not directly in the mill, or who are new to the mill. “The course is designed to provide a general understanding of the milling process, the relationship between wheat quality and the effect of the milling process, knowledge of what wheat types and products each can produce, and the role each department plays in the success of the milling industry,” Thiele Shawn Thiele (left), grain processing and flour milling curriculum manager, and Introduction to Flour Milling participants are follow flowsheets to identify grinding passages for stock placement during the hands-on bench-top milling exercise.

says. This training has been well received by the industry. Because of the great interest in the class, the IGP Institute is now offering it two times during the year. Speaking about his experience in the January 2017 class, Matt Anderson, financial analyst for Ardent Mills’ Operations Division says, “This course was enlightening and really allowed me to put together a foundation of what the milling industry entails, what goes into our milling process, and it has given me more confidence moving forward in my position.” To register for these trainings or learn more about the IGP Institute please visit the website at:

Shawn Thiele, grain processing and flour milling curriculum manager, instructs Introduction to Flour Milling participants in the Hal Ross Flour Mill as they work to set the break releases.

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Global Milling Year Planner


A milling industry resource. Global Milling Year Planner is a useful listing of all major industry events for the year ahead, perfect for planning your shows and travels, available for free from Nisa Media.

Download for free from

New team at the top of the Brabender Food Division Sales and Application Lab responsibility rests on new shoulders The Brabender Food Division sets the course for the future with a new divisional structure, strengthened by new management staff for sales and technical application advice. The Brabender company is known as the

Jürgen Willmann who joined the Brabender

methods, with application trainings and

world market leader in rheological and

team in October 2016. As Sales Director


other laboratory analysis in the grain, flour,

Food, he now heads national and interna-

bakery industry as well as in other sectors of

tional sales. For many years, he had

Aiming at the best possible customer

the food industry where quality control and

previously worked in the same capacity for

orientation and support, the new team at

R&D are major issues. After some internal

Zeppelin Systems. In his new position, he

the top of the Brabender Food Division is

restructuring in the past few months, a new

assumes, among other tasks, the sales

facing up to the market challenges of today

and competent team has assumed the

control of the local sales agencies and the

and tomorrow. Markus Löns, Jürgen

management of the Brabender Food

development of new markets. Furthermore,

Willmann und Jessica Wiertz are looking


he is a competent contact person for all

forward to exciting projects as well as to

sales related questions.

new markets and applications for the

Markus Löns, who has been with Brabender

Brabender product range.

for more than 14 years, most recently held

Providing technical advice for international

the position of national and international

Brabender customers, the Application Lab

Sales Director. In his new position as

Food has been led by Mrs. Jessica Wiertz

Director Food Division, he has now been

since July 2016. As a qualified food technolo-

responsible for the global Food business

gist with experiences in quality assurance

unit since the end of 2016.

and laboratory management, she supports

He will be assisted in these endeavours by

customers with the developments of

Page 14

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

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STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING nabim is the trade association for the UK

most technically advanced in the world. A

You have probably heard of the Financial

flour milling industry. When founded in

continuous process of restructuring over

Director asking the CEO, “What happens if we

1878, its first task was to organise an

many decades has produced a lean and

spend money training our people and then

exhibition of the new rollermilling equipment

efficient industry capable of meeting the

they leave?” The CEO replies, “What happens

in use in Hungary and elsewhere in Europe.

challenges it faces. Highly automated and

if we don't train them and they stay?” And

For many years, we have had virtually the

capital intensive, it is staffed by a total

then there’s the Richard Branson quote:

whole of the UK flour milling industry in

workforce of around 2,500.

"Train people well enough so they can leave,

membership, currently numbering 30 companies, ranging from subsidiaries of

treat them well enough so they don't want to."

We all need training

multi-nationals to very small enterprises. Some might think this means that the need

Senior management commitment is vital

Today, there are fewer than 50 commercial

for training is much reduced but the opposite

flour mills in the UK but, each year, the

is true. With fewer people employed in

The commitment of senior management to a

industry still mills around 5½ million tonnes

technical and production roles, it is essential

training strategy based on an identification of

of wheat. We produce white, wholemeal and

that all develop a greater knowledge and

skills and development needs and

brown breadmaking flours, as well as flour

understanding of the process, as well as the

implementation of programmes to suit both

for biscuits, cakes, food ingredients, home

skills to operate the mill, to diagnose

employer and employee is essential. Without

baking, starch manufacture and more

problems and to identify solutions. There is

such a strategy, schemes pushed by central


a clear business case for this; incompetence

government are doomed to failure in the

costs, in terms of downtime, inefficiency,

long-term; I believe that the current focus in

reputation and money.

the UK on apprenticeships, whilst worthy in

The UK flour milling industry is one of the

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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

We are privileged to run a distance learning programme of long-standing, studied by hundreds of students around the world each year, helping to raise milling knowledge and understanding both in the UK and globally. This seven module programme, developed and delivered by millers for millers, is kept right up-to-date; the study material is reviewed annually and at least one new textbook edition is produced each year, all through the expertise of, and time given by, a team of UK millers. Readers can go to -programme for more detail about our correspondence courses. However, please don’t think that we believe we have all the answers. Training does not work without the commitment and leadership of management, from Board level to supervisors.

Respond to individual needs I recently attended an event run by the UK’s Health and Safety Executive. One of the matters we were considering was how to encourage employers to address the issue of stress in the workplace. One of the propsoed messages was: “Know your staff, Talk to your staff, Respond to your staff”. Effective training requires all of these actions. It’s often about training someone to do a job better, yes, but it’s more than that. It is about the professional, technical and personal development of the person. One size does not fit all. To deliver or use an effective training programme, the employer itself, financed through the new

that they do not need new structures and

needs to know as much about whom they are

apprenticeship levy, perhaps rather less

qualifications; rather, they need good

training as about the mental or physical skills

worthy, uses a sledgehammer to solve a

resources which they can utilise within their

that need to be developed.

Rubik’s cube. What is far more important is

own training and development programmes.

that individual employers work with their

Thus, nabim continues to develop new

teams to identify specific training needs and

training resources for its members, aimed at

the best means of addressing them. The

facilitating the maintenance and

fruits of such labours may not be immediate

improvement of skills levels within the milling

It is especially important for the nabim team

but they will certainly be abundant in the

industry. This is all the more important with

to remember this as we design and redesign

longer-term for company and individual

an ageing workforce; as old hands retire,

training resources that are under the


potentially taking with them the knowledge,

trainee’s control when used and so require

understanding and skills that experience has

self-motivation. However, being aware of

given them, employers need to ensure that

this at the design stage does not mean that

younger and new members of the workforce

we can leave the delivery stage to look after

are ready to fill any gaps.

itself. Though extremely proud of our

High quality, up-to-date resources nabim’s member companies have told us

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Motivation and mentoring are crucial

distance learning programme and the team

Page 17

of tutors who assist our students from afar,

have begun to use it to run training sessions

we stress the need for sponsoring employers

for a handful of students in our distance

to provide mentor support in the workplace.

learning programme; the feedback has been

The difference in performance between

very positive. In the coming year, we will

students who are supported at the workplace

make this resource available to an increasing

and those who are not is significant. The mill

number of students around the world,

mentor’s role is to encourage the student to

allowing them to see inside machinery and

participate fully in the course. They can

the closed milling process, to gain a better

discuss the subject matter of each lesson,

understanding of what is going on inside,

particularly where this lies outside the

without having to suspend a real flour mill or

student’s normal area of experience. The

risk a choke through their experimentation!

mentor may also arrange for the student to

But even in this futuristic environment of

spend time in the relevant area of the mill

avatars and bots, the student will need the

and/or to speak to suitably qualified

committed support of a human being to get

personnel on site.

the most out of it.

Use modern technology

Effective training reduces stress

As nabim develops further training resources

Finally, training somebody well removes one

– video, e-learning and a virtual mill – those

key potential cause of stress – fearing that

that use them will need to utilise a

you are not up to the job that’s expected of

partnership between employer and

you. People deserve better. Why would you

employee, helping the latter to get the best

not want to provide the right training to help

out of what we believe (naturally!) are

someone both to perform better and to feel

excellent training tools.

better about themselves? It just wouldn’t

Nigel Bennett of nabim

make sense for the business; and those who We find our new virtual mill especially

run the business but deny employees good

exciting. We have the vision that it will in the

training, often end up with the stress

not-too-distant future be the hub of all our


training resources. In the past few weeks we

Be seen by thousands of industry professionals Tel: +44 117 2306493 Email:

Page 18

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Van Aarsen launches new CU Dynamic pellet mill with motor-operated roller adjustment and active roller slip control Prevent downtime and increase flexibility, quality and capacity Van Aarsen International develops, manufactures and supplies machines and

Reduce downtime due to roller slip by 95%

Thanks to a link to the factory automation system it is possible to select the correct roller setting automatically for certain recipe

complete production lines for compound feed and premixes worldwide. Van Aarsen

The new CU Dynamic pellet mill is equipped

settings. This means the recipe can be

has now launched its CU Dynamic pellet mill

with an active roller slip control system.

changed quickly and easily. As the

with motor-operated roller adjustment and

When the rollers slip and the mill threatens

mechanical energy factor can also be

active roller slip control. This means that

to become full, the system detects the slip

determined by setting roller distance, the die

mixed feed manufacturers can always

and takes immediate action. The active roller

(thickness) does not have to be changed as

produce exactly the correct pellet quality with

slip control presses the rollers immediately

often. This also helps reduce downtime. The

one press on the button. Moreover, with the

against the die, preventing the rollers slipping

CU Dynamic Mill is equipped with a die

new CU Dynamic pellet mill, producers can

and the meal accumulated in front of the

cleaning mode so that the operator can clean

prevent downtime caused by the mill

roller is milled away. The control system

the die easily whenever he wants. As the

becoming blocked. This results in a 15%

reduces downtime due to roller slip by 95%.

meal does not have the opportunity to cake

increase in production capacity.

If the mill stops due to another overload, the

onto the die, the mill can start up again

rollers can be retracted by the

quickly after stopping. As the rollers retract

motor-operated roller adjustment and

automatically after each product, there is less

pressed against the die so that the mill starts

wear of the die and roller and their life is

up again quickly. The motor-operated

increased by up to 30%.

Motor-operated roller adjustment increases pellet quality and production capacity

adjustment is even possible while the pellet

Payback time less than two years

An optimum constant pellet quality boosts

mill is in operation. In combination with the

feed intake and animal health. In addition,

roller slip control, the operator can

optimum quality feed pellets means less dust

experiment during the production process

The new CU Dynamic pellet mill by Van

and waste in transport systems and feed

with the correct roller adjustment to optimise

Aarsen International from Panheel (the

equipment. However, supplying the correct

pellet mill load and production capacity.

Netherlands) increases flexibility and pellet

pellet quality is not a constant process and is highly dependent on factors such as desired

quality and reduces downtime. This results in

Reduce wear and die changes

end quality, production capacity, the recipe

an increase in production capacity and also savings on maintenance and equipment. If

used and raw materials. When milling the

Van Aarsen developed the new CU Dynamic

required, existing Van Aarsen mills can be

correct pellet, setting the correct roller

pellet mill with motor-operated roller

upgraded to the new advanced CU Dynamic.

distance to the die is one of the main factors

adjustment especially for cattle feed

More information at .

to guarantee correct pellet quality. This is a

manufacturers who have to make regular

time-consuming factor that in practice calls

recipe changes. With this new mill feed

for so many manual actions that correct

producers can set optimum roller distance to

setting is almost impossible.

the die with one press on the button.

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Page 19

Havens upgraded CU Dynamic Pellet mill Operator Math

Havens Diervoeders positively surprised by new CU Dynamic pellet mill with motor-operated roller adjustment and active slip control Upgrade existing C900 to the very latest CU Dynamic pellet mill Havens Diervoeders produces feed for pigs,

and active slip control. Havens decided to

and capacity Havens has to change its roller

cattle, goats, horses, rabbits and poultry. In

upgrade the existing C900 mill to the new CU

setting after each recipe. What is more, as

practice the company works with more than

Dynamic pellet mill. To do this the complete

production conditions vary every day (raw

600 different recipes each with its own

internal mechanism of the pellet mill had to

materials quality, capacity required per

specific quality requirements. During the past

be replaced.

batch, air humidity and ambient tempera-

two years Havens has tested the new CU

ture) the roller settings would even have to

Dynamic pellet mill by Van Aarsen in practice.

Havens Diervoeders produces a wide range

be adjusted during each production process.

Havens is positively surprised by the results

of animal feeds and operates its pellet mill 24

An impractical time-consuming issue in the

of the new motor-operated roller adjustment

hours a day. To obtain optimum feed quality

day-to-day operation of Havens Diervoeders.

Page 22

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

The desired production capacity would never

Roel: “The product passes through the die

be achieved. This meant that in the past

better. We can determine the hardness of the

recipes sometimes had to be modified

pellet better and set everything accordingly.”

because they were too difficult for the mill.

The motor-operated slip control detects slip

Motor-operated roller adjustment is the ideal

and resolves the problem immediately.

solution for Havens Diervoeders. With one

Factory manager Hans Graat: “The system

press of the button Havens can now

reacts immediately. Without this system

determine the correct roller setting. Even

you’re always too late. It’s ideal as in the

when the production process is in operation.

worst case we lose hours changing the dies.

This means that the manufacturer is now

The whole package results in a series of cost

guaranteed optimum pellet quality for all

savings and extra profits” .

feed types. Factory manager Hans Graat: “We are positively surprised by the reduced wear of the costly dies and rollers.” Operator Roel Brouwers adds: “There’s a lot less wear. This is due to the automatic retraction of the rollers after each batch. It’s also much easier to respond to the conditions on the day during the production process.” According to

XXIII 2018






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Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

Page 23

Events in detail February IAOM – 40th Annual Latin America District Conference & Expo 1-3rd February Guatemala GrainEx India 2017 10-12th February India Grain Tech Expo 15-17th February Ukraine Click this link to download our events planner today and -content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=13. keep up to date with the latest industry meetings php?id=21 2017 year planner

April AgraME 10-12th April Dubai

Victam 13-14th June Germany July

121st IAOM Annual Conference & Expo 10-14th April USA

VIV Turkey 2017 6-8th July Turkey

3rd IAOM Mideast & Africa Regional Forum 19-20th April Iran

Practical Short Course on Extruded Pet Foods and Treats 26-28th July USA

May Feed Tech Expo 23-25th February India GEAPS Exchange 2017 25-28th February USA

September IDMA 2017 4-7th May Turkey VIV Russia 2017 23-25th May Russia

March June Global Grain Asia 1-2nd March Singapore Global Grain MENA 1-3rd March Dubai VIV Asia 15-17th March Thailand TUSAF Congress 2017 30 March – 2 April Turkey

Page 24

XVIII International Grain Round “Grain market – yesterday, today, tomorrow” 6-9th June Russia XXVIII FEFAC CONGRESS / V ANIMAL NUTRITION CONGRESS 8-9th June Spain AgriVision 13-15th June Netherlands

CICFO - China 11-13th September China October International Wheat Industry Congress Brazil 22-24 October São Paulo, Brazil 28th Annual IAOM Mideast & Africa Conference and Expo 22-25 October Dubai November Alim 2017 26-29 November Colombia

Global Milling Advances / May Issue 2017

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