Solving the World's Problems Differently

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Solving the World’s Problems Differently Don Tapscott 416 863 8801 @dtapscott

1 | © 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

Climate Change


Infectious Disease




Global Problems Economic Collapse

Human Rights Violations

Environmental Destruction

Species Extinction Sexual Violence

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Corporate Greed

World Becoming “Ungovernable”, Says Peres

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The Bretton Woods System

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The World After WWII 1944:

The Bretton Woods Agreements Included: World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)


The United Nations




General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)


The International Standards Organization (ISO)


Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Geneva Conventions


Establishment of the G8 (Group of Eight)


World Trade Organization (WTO) replaces GATT


Establishment of the G20 (Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) 19 countries plus European Union

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New Solutions for a Connected Planet

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Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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Growing Up Digital 1997

Grown Up Digital 2008

The Social Revolution Gets Political

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Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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1. The Social Web

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2. Mobility

Photo by FAOEmergencies

2. Mobility 21 | Š 2014 The Tapscott Group. All Rights Reserved.

3. Geospatiality

3. Big 4. Big DataData

5. Internet of Things

5. Internet of Things

6. The Cloud

Photo by FAOEmergencies

Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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The Economics of Collaboration: New Competitive Space

Ronald Coase (1910–2013)

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The Economics of Collaboration: Changes to the Architecture of All Institutions SelfOrganization

Mass Collaboration

Business Webs

VALUE CREATION Extended Enterprise

Traditional Hierarchy

Industrial Age Corporation

Physical Financial



Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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Three Themes of Open Government

1. Transparency 2. Government as a Platform 3. Citizen Engagement


Government as a Platform

Government as a Platform

Crisis of Legitimacy Legitimacy is: the capacity of a political system to engender and maintain the belief that existing political institutions are the most appropriate and proper ones for the society. Seymour Martin Lipset

A Crisis of Legitimacy

A Second Wave of Democracy If the first wave of democracy established elected and accountable institution of governance, but with a weak public mandate and an inert citizenry ‌

‌ the second wave will be characterized by strong representation and a new culture of public deliberation built on active citizenship.

12 Strategies for Citizen Engagement

Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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The Four Pillars of Society

The State

Drivers for Global Solution Networks

1. Demand pull: New models are required 2. Technology push: The rise of the Internet, web, mobility, social networking and the Internet ecosystem

3. Lift 1: Background changes to the architecture of all institutions 4. Lift 2: New approaches to government per se 5. Lift 3: The new interdependence: Four pillars of society

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Global Solution Networks: What is a multi-stakeholder network for global problem solving, cooperation and governance?

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1. Diverse Stakeholders: The Four Pillars of Society

The State

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2. Addresses a Global Problem

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3. Exploits the Digital Revolution

It must be a 21st century network in the sense that it harnesses digital communications tools and platforms to achieve its goals.

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4. Self-Organized Governance

The network’s membership, governance and modus operandi is voluntary and self-organizing. States or private corporations do not control the network, although it may have been initiated by a state or state-based institution and have since evolved into a true multi-stakeholder solutions network.

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Global Solution Networks


Diverse Stakeholders


Addresses a Global Problem


Exploits the Digital Revolution


Self-Organized Governance

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Taxonomy of Global Solution Networks

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1. Knowledge Networks

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1. Knowledge Networks

The primary function of Knowledge Networks is to develop new thinking, research, ideas and policies that can be helpful in solving global problems. Their emphasis is on the creation of new ideas, not their advocacy.

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1. Knowledge Networks 51 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

1. Knowledge Networks 52 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

1. Knowledge Networks 53 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

1. Knowledge Networks 54 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

1. Knowledge Networks 55 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

2. Operational & Delivery Networks

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2. Operational and Delivery Networks

This class of networks actually delivers the change it seeks, supplementing or even bypassing the efforts of traditional institutions.

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2. Operational and Delivery Networks 58 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

2. Operational and Delivery Networks 59 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

2. Operational and Delivery Networks 60 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

2. Operational and Delivery Networks 61 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

3. Policy Networks

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3. Policy Networks

Sometimes networks create government policy, even though they may consist of non-governmental players. Policy Networks may or may not be created or even encouraged by formal governments or government institutions. Some policy networks support policy development or create an alternative for policy. Policy networks also exist to create and encourage discussions on policy issues.

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3. Policy Networks 64 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

3. Policy Networks 65 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

3. Policy Networks 66 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

4. Advocacy Networks

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4. Advocacy Networks

Advocacy Networks seek to change the agenda or policies of governments, corporations or other institutions.

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4. Advocacy Networks 69 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved. 70 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved. 71 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved. 72 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

5. Watchdog Networks

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5. Watchdog Networks

These networks scrutinize institutions to ensure that they behave appropriately. Topics range from human rights, corruption, the environment, to financial services.

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5. Watchdog Networks 75 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

5. Watchdog Networks 76 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

5. Watchdog Networks 77 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

6. Platforms

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6. Platforms

Some networks seek to provide platforms for other networks to organize.

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6. Platforms 80 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

6. Platforms 81 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

6. Platforms 82 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

6. Platforms

Burning Man “The Burn” Photo by Trey Ratcliff

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6. Platforms 84 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

7. Global Standards Networks

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7. Global Standards Networks

Non-state based organizations that develop technical specifications and standards.

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7. Global Standards Networks 87 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

7. Global Standards Networks 88 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

7. Global Standards Networks 89 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

7. Global Standards Networks 90 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

8. Governance Networks

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8. Governance Networks

These are multi-stakeholder networks who have achieved or been granted the right and responsibility of non-institutional global governance.

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8. Governance Networks 93 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

8. Governance Networks 94 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

8. Governance Networks 95 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

8. Governance Networks 96 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

8. Governance Networks 97 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

9. Networked Institutions

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9. Networked Institutions

Some networks provide such a wide range of capabilities they could be described as Networked Institutions. They are not state-based but rather true multi-stakeholder networks. But the value they generate can range from knowledge generation, advocacy and policy development to the actual delivery of solutions to global problems.

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9. Networked Institutions 100 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

9. Networked Institutions 101 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

9. Networked Institutions 102 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

9. Networked Institutions 103 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

9. Networked Institutions 104 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

10. Diasporas

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10. Diasporas Diasporas are global communities formed by people dispersed from their ancestral lands but who share a common culture and sense of strong identity with their homeland. Thanks to the Internet these people and their affiliated organizations can now collaborate in multi-stakeholder networks. One of the functions of many of today diasporas is to address and help solve common, global problems.

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10. Diasporas 107 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

Taxonomy of Global Solution Networks

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Issues Regarding Multi-Stakeholder Networks

1. Legitimacy 2. Accountability 3. Representation 4. Relationship to Existing Institutions 5. Efficacy

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Implications for State Based Institutions

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The stakes are high for the global economy.

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London: August 2011

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Québec: May 2012

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Climate Change


Infectious Disease




Global Problems Economic Collapse

Human Rights Violations

Environmental Destruction

Species Extinction Sexual Violence

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Corporate Greed

Implications for Corporations

Doing well by doing good? Rethinking Philanthropy for the Networked Age

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Rethinking Leadership Paradigm



dislocation, conflict,


uncertainty. New paradigms are nearly always received with coolness, even

mockery or hostility. Those with vested interests fight the change. The shift demands such a different view of things that established leaders are often

last to be won over, if at all. 117 | Š 2014 Global Solution Networks. A Program of the Rotman School, University of Toronto. All Rights Reserved.

The Global Solution Networks Program In partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation and The UN Global Compact

Executive Director Don Tapscott, CEO The Tapscott Group

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The Global Solution Networks Program Project Leadership: • Don Tapscott, Executive Director, GSN and Inaugural Fellow, Martin Prosperity Institute • Joan Bigham, Managing Director, GSN • Anthony D. Williams, Executive Editor, GSN GSN Faculty: • Kris Balderston, General Manager Fleishman-Hillard; former Special Representative for Global Partnerships, US State Department • Sara Boettiger, Adjunct Professor, University of California Berkley • Richard Florida, Director, Martin Prosperity Institute • Rob Fonberg, former Deputy Minister of National Defence, Canadian Government • Pankaj Ghemawat, Author of World 3.0; Professor of Global Strategy, IESE Business School • Bruce Jenks, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs • Parag Khanna, Author of How to Run the World; President, Hybrid Reality Institute • Robert Madelin, Director General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology, European Commission • Roger Martin, Academic Director, Martin Prosperity Institute • Alec Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation to US Secretary of State Clinton • Anne-Marie Slaughter, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University • Lynn St. Amour, President & CEO, Internet Society • Ngaire Woods, Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

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Don Tapscott @dtapscott

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