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Author's Voice- You Were Born to Love, Living a Life with Purpose

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World Radio Day



You Were Born To Love by Gloria Coppola

You, Were Born To Love is a journey to self-discovery, a path to attract that which you love, a catalyst for life changes. Packed with inspirational stories, a workbook to guide you through a creative process and shift your mindset. A journal to release your visions and dreams and a support system designed for transformational growth. (https:// www.amazon.com/You-Were-Born-Love-Purpose/ dp/1975628640)

Gloria shares “I decided to write this book to encourage

and inspire others to never give up on life. I have been through divorce, widowed, embezzled in a thriving business, depressed, betrayed, loss siblings at a young age and many other life tragedies that could have destroyed me.

I have had amazing mentors, like Bob Proctor and Mary Morrisey to name a couple, they helped me shift my mindset. Because I developed my intuition more than ever; I was led to people, places, circumstances in life that opened new doorways



The tests in my life led me to many sacred places, pushed me to take risks, showed me my capabilities and led me to help others believe in themselves.”


“This book has become an important and useful resource for me. I have both a paperback copy and downloaded it on my kindle so I can take it with me wherever I go. The exercises are great. I learned something each time I work the steps. It has completely changed my mindset and I am accomplishing things I never dreamt about.” AJ Taul

“After being the editor and applying You Were Born to Love, something shifted for me. I took two major career risks back-to-back and reaped some rewards. I learned how to ask for what I want. I got in the habit of doing that. Gloria has always been one of my favorite mentors because she practices what she preaches.” Yolanda Fleming

“I don’t think I could say enough good things about You Were Born to Love and Gloria. When I started the book, my main concern & goal was to get my health in order. 1 year later my symptoms are 83% improved and now I am focused on what brings me joy & happiness; I am now on track to sell my home for more than what I had imagined it could sell for, I am working on plans to create a wellness center and also learning a new form of energy work to help others and it all started with The love letter! I have shifted my mindset and taking risks and gaining more insights into my journey. Grateful.”

Elisa Coffman

Gloria Coppola is a spiritual minister, educator, author, spiritual retreat leader and intuitive soul wisdom guide. Gloria is also a contributing author in Live In Gratitude Daily: The Key to Abundance Joy and Love.

Gloria has spent four decades in the healing arts, a former owner of a holistic center and massage school when a huge life tragedy hit her life 20 years ago and all perspective shifted.

During a sacred journey to Peru, 16 years ago, an ancient initiation opened her gift to the akashic records. This gift provided the insights and guidance she now uses to do soul purpose wisdom consultations. She has been assisting others to achieve their dreams since 1992.

Connect with Gloria at www.gloriacoppola.com and Gloria@gloriacoppola.com.


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