1 minute read

The Journey Begins by Stopping-Nancy Becher

I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life. I remember setting up a grocery store in the living room with my little cash register, grocery cart and food from the kitchen, making my family “buy” what they wanted to fix for dinner – all before I was in kindergarten. It went uphill from there. Many, many businesses later, I’m still sitting here thinking of what I need to do to actually make this business something that I want and can be proud of.

After a period of time when (due to situations beyond my control – yeah, we all have those sometimes, right?) I wasn’t at my best and my business was somewhat lackluster to say the


least, I am starting to climb out the other side and can see where this is going -- where I wanted it to go when I began this particular journey 10 years ago. Even though the problems began without my creating them, the climb out certainly hasn’t been because I just sat back and let life happen around me. Far from it .

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