Greece May 2019 Photo Journal

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MAY 4 - 18, 2019



T e a m

G o a l s

To be of Service

T e a m

1 7 6

T e a m

C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Flexibility

Punctuality To Share

Sense of Humor


To Teach




Leverage on Strengths To Experience the Culture

To Accomplish Personal Goals


Compassionate Mutual Goals Sharing Patient




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Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

~Â Ralph Waldo Emerson

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May 4, 2019



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oday was Global Volunteers arrival day. Most came by plane; some by ferry; and a couple, challenged by flight cancellations and other travel delays, arrived in the wee hours or even the next morning. The good news is that all arrived safe, if weary. Traveling with my Big Brother Bob (BBB) and his lovely wife, Judy, we came to Handakas Hotel from the Heraklion ferry port on Crete, having previously traveled to Athens, Rhodes, and Santorini. We grabbed a cab ride to the hotel with a friendly and chatty driver who was impressed that we were going to be working with Greek children.

When we checked in, we noticed three other English-speaking people in the lobby but were told by the hotel staff these folks definitely were NOT part of Global Volunteers. Not wanting to intrude on strangers, we hung out for a while. Upon further inquiry and self-introduction, we met Cassidy, Mary, and Nancy, some of our fellow volunteers. " A f t e r w e

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g o o d

f o o d ,

t o d d l e d t o

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a n d

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e x c i t i n g

b e d

c o n v e r s a t i o n ,

l o o k i n g

f o r w a r d

a d v e n t u r e . "

After two more volunteers were added to the mix – Janet and Robin – our Team Leader, Sam Pinakoulaki, hosted a welcome dinner for the eight volunteers who were able to make it to Crete. She advised that because of circumstances beyond their control, two more volunteers are delayed, but are still on their way. After good food, and pleasant conversation, we all toddled off to bed looking forward to our exciting adventure. 4

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Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

~ Theodore Roosevelt

May 5, 2019



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e got a late start today, as the last two stragglers – Melody and Allegra – arrived late last night and early this morning. Breakfast was available in the morning and people showed up whenever they chose. Some then went exploring in Amoudara, some went back to bed, and some settled in. We finally had the whole gang together at noon.

There are ten of us on the team, some with Global Volunteer experience, many without. We introduced ourselves and shared our stories of how and why we ended up here today. It is always interesting for me to hear, as a veteran Global Volunteer, the many winding paths we’ve taken to arrive at this moment. One of my favorite things about these experiences is that so many like-minded people find each other all over the world. Sam presented a Greek language lesson, followed by some information about the work projects. We had lunch and discussed expectations for service and behavior, as well. " O n e

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m y

e x p e r i e n c e s p e o p l e

f i n d

f a v o r i t e i s

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t h a t

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s o

o t h e r

m a n y a l l

a b o u t

t h e s e

l i k e - m i n d e d

o v e r

t h e

w o r l d . "

We are all a little tired from travel, enthusiastic about sharing ourselves, our skills, and our culture with the people of Heraklion and Gazi, and anxious for our anticipation to become reality. We made it an early evening so we will be fresh and ready to go.


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A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.

~ Brad Henry

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May 6, 2019



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he word of the day is Anticipation. Our happy team of ten is settling in and is anticipating the start of the service project in Crete. We are all still getting to know each other and learning about our host country. In the previous afternoon, before many of us had gone out, we were already sharing what we were learning. The overall unemployment rate is at about 28% and the even higher rate of unemployment for young people is just under 40%. "We as volunteers play an important role at the English Schools we serve."

As always, we started the day with our team meeting. We all met one of our first GREAT team characteristics which was being punctual. The first four teammates went off with Sam to meet a new teacher and see a new school in Heraklion.

I have been teamed up with Cassidy, who is the youngest member of our team. She is attending University to become a teacher. I got to be with her on her first night of service. I think, like me, already she got as much or more out of the experience as our students did. I was so impressed with her ability to think on her feet and engage with the teachers and students. "I continue to be in awe of the young people in Greece."

I continue to be in awe of the young people in Greece. They attend school all day, participate in sports, do homework, and still attend 90 minutes of English School in the evening. We as volunteers play an important role at the English Schools we serve. As Mother Teresa said, “ We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do.”


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A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.

~ Tim Cahill

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May 7, 2019 J o u r n a l

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ompanionship. This is a very important thing to have when working with such a diverse group of people. Companionship is what allows us to make light-hearted jokes in times of stress. It’s what helps us work better and harder together. It’s the framework of a good team. "It


things like companionship that makes our team

work and is able to help the students here in Greece."

When I finally got out of bed and made my way down to breakfast and the morning meeting, we talked about our schedules for the day and what everyone was planning to do in their free time. Linda stated that she, Bob, and Judy were going to visit Knossos and anyone was able to join them. This sparked my interest since I had learned so much about the Minoans in my history classes. A half an hour later, Linda, Bob, Judy, Allegra, and I were on our way to Knossos

I was astounded by the beauty and history of the place around me. Walking around, I was able to piece together pieces of history that I had learned in class with the sights that were right in front of me. After one of the longest bus rides back we finally made it to Heaven, a local cafe restaurant next to the beach. Linda, Bob, Judy, Allegra, and I conversed about our families and our lives back in America. It was so nice being able to get to know everyone a bit more and have the time to connect. Later that day when Melody and I were working with the students I realized that companionship is also very important when helping them. Without it, there would be no trust between us and the students wouldn’t be able to talk or learn from us. Our relationship with the students also helps them calm their nerves. Having native English speakers there to listen to them speak and talk back to them makes them more confident than when talking to their teachers who they know can revert back to Greek at any time. It’s things like companionship that makes our team work and is able to help the students here in Greece. 10

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I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.

~ Nikos Kazantzakis

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May 8, 2019 J o u r n a l

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aking to the sounds of birds, turkeys, roosters, and dogs. Coffee outside in view of the mountains. My friend, Robin, says that she is “falling in love with Crete.” Me TOO! A very blue sky promises another beautiful day!

Morning meeting at 8:45, following breakfast with the team. Personalities that seemed a little strange at first have become wonderful to experience and know. "This is a wonderful way to experience a country and a way of life."

We are all teaching this evening at our now-familiar locations. The students are, for the moment, wonderfully shy. They participate in after-school programs to learn English and we practice with them through our conversations and interviews. Robin and I have met a class of seven, ages 11 to 17; a pediatric surgeon looking to emigrate due to lack of work and service cutbacks; and a delightful 15-year-old who loves to read Stephen King. This is a wonderful way to experience a country and a way of life.


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A heart that reaches out with love can heal a soul and change a life.

~ Kiran Shaikh

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May 9, 2019


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synonym for serendipity is "blessing." In the Greek dictionary, the synonym is "good luck."

"As I awake this fourth day of our service project in Crete, I feel truly blessed."

As I awake this fourth day of our service project in Crete, I feel truly blessed. I am spending time with my husband, with only a bit of shopping as a distraction – no meetings, reports, and electronic devices. How fortunate to see the beautiful Greek islands we have visited so far and to have my sister-in-law, Linda, as our tour guide.

The opportunity to help students advance their English skills is bringing joy to both my husband and me, as many of our students start taking their tests today and over the weekend. We truly feel we are making a difference, and I am happy Sam paired me with Bob so we could experience this together. Tonight, Linda and I worked with students and then were able to help an older student draft an admission acceptance letter for a Masters degree program at the University of Crete Medical School. "The opportunity to help students advance their English skills is bringing joy to both my husband and me."

Looking forward to more serendipitous experiences with family, students, and new friends.


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Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right!

~ Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers Football Coach

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May 10, 2019 J o u r n a l

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tarted a typical day with early coffee before the rest of the team came down for breakfast. After breakfast, we had our usual team meeting at 8:45 am. Everyone has teaching assignments for tonight.

We had lots of interaction with older students during the evening. They are all highly motivated to learn English and get good jobs. One student, Maria (age 16), took her proficiency exam today and came in smiling to tell Tenia, the school's teacher, that she thought she had done well. Everyone clapped for her. More students are testing this weekend. Tenia said she goes with them for support and does an exit poll at tests with other students to try and coach her students. "One girl got very emotional talking about her parents and how hard they work to make a better life for themselves and their children."

A pair of 16-year old girls, who immigrated from Albania, shared their hopes and dreams for a better life by learning English and maybe moving to another country. One girl got very emotional talking about her parents and how hard they work to make a better life for themselves and their children. Two 17-year old girls shared that they want to move to the Netherlands or Germany to attend University and start their lives.


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If you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there.

~ Lewis Carroll

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May 11, 2019 LINDA MURPHY


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n Saturday, eight of ten Global Volunteers opted for a trip to the western part of northern Crete. Our bus picked us up at 9:30 am. We drove along a scenic oleander-lined highway with views of Mount Ida and the gorgeous White Mountains on our way to the first stop in Rethymno. It has a small Venetian harbor, guarded by a lighthouse, and an intact old town. We ogled the Rimondi fountain and a mosque dating back to the mid-1600s. This quick 1.5 hour stop was punctuated with a stop for drinks at a corner café and then back on the bus.

The highlight of this day, Hania, was our next stop. This is a truly lovely place with little alleys, wonderful unique shops, and a rather large Venetian harbor surrounded by colorful old buildings. The four of us – Bob, Judy, Cassidy, and me – took our guide’s advice and avoided the harbor cafes for lunch, opting instead for a wine bar in an alley with jazz playing in the background. Loved, loved, loved my carbonara pasta dish. Shortly after, we were joined by Robin, Janet, Nancy, and Allegra at the same restaurant. Our last stop on the tour was at Crete’s only freshwater lake, Kournas, where we saw a small lake and lots of vendors. Once back in Amoudara, went for a wonderful dinner to a nearby hotel. The hotel has a reflecting swimming pool and a fire pit, along with a really nice outdoor eating area. What a treat!


May 12, 2019



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n Sunday, several of our intrepid team decided to trek to the eastern part of northern Crete by at least two separate bus tours. Ours left at 8:00 am. We made it to Agios Nikolaos a bit after 10:00 am. Agios Nikolaos was attractive with many restaurants, bars, hotels, and cafés clustered around a small bay; however, we were very early for Sunday shopping as most stores were just in the process of opening as we strolled by. There was a small lake, connected to the harbor by a canal, which gave us some photo opportunities. With only 1.5 hours for this stop, Bob, Judy, and I decided to stop at a waterside café for some crepes and ‘real’ coffee – a pleasant experience.

Our tour then proceeded to Plaka, where many of our fellow tourists hopped a boat to the nearby island of Spinalonga to see a Venetian fortress and the former leper colony that operated until the late 1950s (the last active one in Europe). We choose instead to walk about the small town admiring the beautiful stone architecture and walls, poking into some shops for new treasures to take home, and finally grabbing a light lunch overlooking the water. Our last official stop of the day was in Elounda, described by our guide as having the most expensive hotels and frequented by celebrities. The public beach was one of the few sandy beaches we have encountered. While exploring the town, we came upon a wedding feast being held in a family restaurant and, while departing, we passed by a funeral procession with a long line of people walking from the church behind the hearse. Truly a circle of life encounter – one family just starting out and one mourning the loss of a loved one. Safely back to the Handakas Hotel around 9:00 pm. It was a good day.


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Wisdom begins with wonder.

~ Socrates

t h e

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May 13, 2019



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his is day 10 of our Global Volunteers experience in Crete. The day began with our team meeting. All the team members were fully engaged again today.

Robin and Janet had an early morning appointment to work with a Greek pediatric surgeon who is unemployed here and seeks to gain employment as a doctor elsewhere. Later, Robin and Janet had late evening assignments as well, arriving back around 10:00 pm.

Bob and Judy heard from their students who took tests over the weekend. They also helped write a resume for an older student who seeks to gain entrance to a University program on infection control and immunizations. They brought postcards of Portland, Oregon and a book with photos of Oregon to share with their students. The pictures were enthusiastically received. "It was a productive day for all of the team."

Linda and Allegra met with 13- to 15-year-old children who were very excited to discuss information about their weekend. Cassidy helped students with their essay writing and corrected homework. Mary and I worked with many classes at all levels. We stayed 35 to 40 minutes longer to allow a class of three adults listen to and speak with native English speakers (us). It was a productive day for all of the team.


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There is still reason to be hopeful and courageous.

~ Hoesung Lee

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May 14, 2019



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nother delightful day on the beautiful island of Crete. So many new experiences, so many wonderful people. After our morning meeting, the group of volunteers headed in different directions. "So many new experiences, so many wonderful people."

Janet and I spent several hours at the delightful beach at Heaven and were joined for lunch by Allegra. Later, Linda also joined us to relax and bask in the sun by the delightful Aegean Sea. No one was brave enough to venture into the cold water.

Janet and I did an individual session with a young man we have met with several times to practice English. He has opened up after several sessions with us and seems to be doing well. We then ventured down to the center of Heraklion and ran into a young boy we had met with several times. His mother was so happy to see us and the young boy was proud as he spoke to us.

"There is a spirit of love and service with this group that transcends individual differences, political beliefs or ideologies, and socioeconomic status."

At dinner, all of us talked about the different children and adults we are working with and their progress and struggles with English. I think the general feeling has been how thankful we are to be of some small service to these people of Crete. There is a spirit of love and service with this group that transcends individual differences, political beliefs or ideologies, and socio-economic status. It is amazing what a cohesive group we have become.


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You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy wines ... And that’s almost the same thing.

~ Lyrarakis Winery, Alagni, Crete, Greece

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May 15, 2019



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he day began in an un-Greek Way. (Despite Greece’s epic history and culture, we all continue to refer to the Greeks’ lackadaisical way of life as the “Greek Way.”) But today, as a result of yesterday’s planning a “cultural” field trip in Crete’s countryside, outside Iraklio, our driver showed up on time in a brand new black van, dressed to the 90’s in a black Pierre Cardin shirt and black pants, fit for an evening of nightclubbing in the swankiest dance places on Crete. Our arrival at Lyrarakis Winery in Alagni was welcomed by their outstanding staff. So really, this is where our day began. Some of our team thought “serendipity” should be the word of the day, because we ended up in a place everyone was happy with. The Lyrarakis Estate is a family winery which has been in business since 1966. Its focus is on rare local wine varieties. We were escorted around their vineyard. Strolling among the vines with a view of the Lassithi Mountains, we learned about the unique, and sometimes rescued, Cretan wines, such as Plyto, Dafni, Vidiano, Mandilari, among others. We learned about their pressing process and distribution. Finally we sat down for the tasting.



May 15, 2019

Next, we went to lunch in Arhanes, a village a bit outside of Herakleion. The restaurant was Taverna Spitiko, Sam’s choice, and were we happy! Great spread: dakos, pork & peppers, dolmattes with egg and lemon, fava beans mush, vegetable and tomato fritters, tzatziki, sour dough bread and olive oil, Greek and potato salads, raki and profiteroles.

After lunch at Koronekes, where we had a wonderful tour and explanation about where their olive trees are, how olives are harvested, and how to tell good olive oil (extra virgin only) from others. Koronekes is a family estate and a traditional olive mill. They have several groves in the area. Kiara Koutoulakis talked about the trees, tree maintenance, and harvesting. Her husband, George, took over the tour to talk about their standard and unique processes, traditional and modern techniques. Really everything you ever wanted to know about olive oil. Then the olive oil tasting, truly we could have stayed longer and tasted more. George was passionate about his oil, and we bought it in more ways than one. At last, we had to end our “cultural tour”, winding back through the villages where some of our students are from. Really, a delightful day. Dropping off Cassie at her school, the remaining volunteers went back to the Hotel and dispersed to their English schools or to Heaven.


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You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

~ Kahlil Gibran

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May 16, 2019



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oday began, as usual, with the morning meeting. We are all aware that our time on Crete is coming to an end. Consequently, several team members headed to Heraklion or the shops in Amoudara to pick up their remaining souvenirs. The hunt for note cards continued but to no avail — it seems that is not something typical here. Cassidy, Janet and Robin began their day at Heaven. They then went in search of the animal rescue near the Crete Aquarium. After much searching, they found it! 200 dogs chained, but with shade, water, and a process for adoption. Cassidy fell in love! Although a bit disconcerting, the conclusion was that they do what they can with what they have, where they are, which is the best they can do and certainly better than the alternatives. Some of us ate lunch in, most ate out. We went to our various schools; many are winding down as classes are ending and school exams are looming.

Mary and Nancy went at their usual school working with students who will take their test in December. It is their first exposure to the actual exam questions, so we helped them come up with possible ways to answer the various opinion questions with enough detail and examples. We learned some interesting things: Greece has just lowered the voting age to 17 from 18, but five out of six students think the voting age should be 20 or 21. Even more interesting — the children think that people over 65 should not be allowed to vote!

"It s hard to believe that our two weeks are up tomorrow. Where did the time go?"

Mary and Nancy returned to the hotel where we were met by Sam and taken to another school. Those students are taking the speaking proficiency in two weeks and were given the opportunity to meet and speak with real Americans for the first time. The evening concluded with more food. It’s hard to believe that our two weeks are up tomorrow. Where did the time go?


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Volunesia (noun) - that moment when you forget you’re volunteering to help change lives, because it’s changing yours.

D a y

May 17, 2019



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Before starting this experience with Global Volunteers, volunteering to me was a required obligation that I needed to finish in order to graduate high school. When I was in high school it was mandatory that each student perform 40 hours of volunteer work, before the end of their junior year, in order to be eligible to graduate. I performed my hours working in a concession stand for the middle school football games and helping my local middle school build sets and props for their musical productions. Those experiences for me weren’t taken as seriously as they probably should have been. I either did them with friends to make the time go by faster, or by myself and watched the clock tick anxious to leave.

"It is too easy to become the typical complaining teenager and I wanted to make sure that I was grateful for what I have, but something in the

back of my head was telling me that I wasn t fulfilled."

When I went to college, my freshmen year I was concerned with meaningless things. I spent most of my days fretting about boys, friend drama, parties, and what everyone thought of me. Overall, I believe it was one of my most selfish years so far in my life. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that I went through a really difficult time and started thinking about things differently. I stopped caring about what others think and started acting less selfishly and giving back to the community I was in. I joined a service band fraternity and a social sorority where service to the community and others was very important. I also started volunteering at a local animal shelter. Whenever I was doing service projects with my organizations or helping the animals at the shelter, I felt so good and like I was spending my time at school wisely. It is too easy to become the typical complaining teenager and I wanted to make sure that I was grateful for what I have, but something in the back of my head was telling me that I wasn’t fulfilled.



May 17, 2019

Around last summer, I remembered that a friend of mine from high school had posted about a trip she took over the summer to Greece. In her pictures she was teaching English to kids. At first, I was so jealous of the fact she was abroad but after looking at her pictures more I figured out that I wanted to do that. Teaching has always been a passion of mine and I love to travel and see new things. So I asked her about the organization and how I could get some information. "Teaching has always been a passion of mine and I love to travel and see new things."

This experience has changed my perspective on teaching, my limitations, what I should be grateful for, and my life overall. Before this trip I believed that the only grade I would feel comfortable teaching was kids under 4th grade. But after teaching the group of kids I had these past two weeks I believe that I could teach any age. I also learned that I can do absolutely anything I set my mind to. After pushing myself out of my comfort zone by traveling by myself successfully for the first time, I feel limitless and as if I could conquer any problem or situation that comes into my path. Another thing that I have learned on this trip is everything that I should be grateful for. After learning about the way that some people live in this country, and the amount of work that they do for the little pay they receive, my heart has broken and all I want to do is help, as much as I can so that these children can be successful and live amazing, full lives. While serving others, they have given me more happiness than I could ever have hoped to give them. I have been transformed and encouraged by finding the joy of people in the darkest of places, and they motivate me to do the same. "I have been transformed and encouraged by finding the joy of people in the darkest of places, and they motivate me to do the same."

I am also so grateful for the people that I have met during this trip. They have all shaped me into a different person in the short two weeks that we have spent together. Little did I know that after two weeks of working together, I would end up befriending and loving you all. We all started out as a team of strangers, but along the way, it evolved into genuine friendship.



May 17, 2019

I am so proud of each and every one of us, and we should be proud because we deserve to be. The journey was not an easy one; it was long, exhausting and at times very demanding, but we made it. Thank you guys for being an incredible team. Thank you for giving me some beautiful memories that I will always cherish. Memories of the most random moments we shared. From plans that didn’t work out at first but turned into great memories to everyone competing to be on top of Sam’s pyramid. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

"Overall, even when you think you are helping others, volunteering changes you."

Overall, even when you think you are helping others, volunteering changes you. It can be one little thing that completely changes your outlook, or a series of moments that shape you into a different person. Volunteering has changed me, and now it is my mission to make the world smile, laugh, and see the beauty in every day like it makes me do time and time again. I found happiness in giving back, and it is a high I can’t even describe. Whether you go volunteer a few hours a week or decide to make the leap and dedicate your life to helping others, I promise it will change your life in a way no money or material objects can.


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We will be known forever by the tracks we leave behind.

~ Dakota Indian Proverb

D a y

May 18, 2019



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oday is the last day of our Global Volunteers adventure. Most are heading home today; others are staying a few days longer; still others are continuing to tour other sights in Greece. We are all sad to leave the Handakas Hotel (it has grown on us). Most of all, we will miss the smiling faces of the teachers and students at our various schools. It is obvious how committed the teachers are; they clearly love the kids and work hard to help them achieve the desired language skills. What a treat it has been to participate in the students’ English learning experience. We are hoping that all of the students’ dreams and wishes for travel, better jobs, and a happy life come true.

To all, have a safe trip home!


TEAM 137 JOURNAL Malevizi, Crete May 2019

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~ Oscar Wilde

Thank your




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