How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year!
Preface / Introduction ...Attend Our FREE Live Online Training And Discover The Exact Steps To Go From Where You Are Right Now To Having A Full- Time Income Working At Home Online This Year. Register NOW below for the FREE LIVE Daily Webcast. Some of what you'll soon be learning: - What are the exact steps to go from scratch (or newbie status) to having a full-time online business working from home in the shortest amount of time possible? - How can you eliminate the biggest pitfalls that are holding you back from going full-time online? - What can a 15 year old successful online company offer me? (Our webcast "speaker" will give you instant clarity the moment you hear what he has to say!) - What do you need to do right now to see DAILY progress in your online business? (And stop 'bouncing around the net' doing a lot of "busy" work and getting nowhere!) - What do the most successful business owners do to accomplish more in 1 DAY than you normally would in one MONTH? You're Just One Click Away From "Working At Home Online This Year" � FREE! SIGNUP NOW --> Yours In Success, Vijian Narayanasamy Webmaster Your Source for Legitimate Work At Home Resources including Traffic Tools, Income Opportunities - PLUS valuable free stuff! > Welcome to One stop shopfront for all instant download of ebooks and softwares > Knowing how to correctly trade foreign currency > Xtreme Fuel Treatment is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive fuel treatment. It's amazing effects on gasoline and diesel engines are UNHEARD OFF. > Work At Home Resources including Traffic Tools, Income Opportunities - PLUS valuable free stuff! >
Table of Contents 1. Advertise...or Die! Internet Options 2. Advertising: Relationships vs Business Decisions 3. Advertising on a budget Frequency, frequency, frequency 4. Ad Tracking Increases Your Profits 5. Affiliate Internet Marketing-Can Buy Some Happiness 6. A multi-millionaire reveals the secret to making money at home... and bets you won't do it. Let's see if you really want to get rich.
How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year!
Advertise...or Die! Internet Options The world wide web has given us the great opportunity and freedom to do business all around the world from wherever we may happen to be with just a connection to the internet. This same advantage is also available to billions of others, selling all sorts of products and services, many of which will be similar to yours. Competition is, therefore, fierce and because of the sheer scale of the web, unless your web site stands out and makes its presence known, your business will be doomed to mediocrity at best, if not failure, however excellent your product or service may be. For your business to succeed, it will need to differenciate itself in some way from others. You need to take serious and drastic measures to promote your website. Mercifully, advertising online can be done in many ways, the best of which are listed below: E-Zines: The Magazines of the Online World The themes are on specific subjects which are read by those interested in that particular subject. These readers are, therefore, potential customer for that product/service. Advertising your website in E-zines that are related to your business/product will almost guarantee to drive traffic to your website and help increase sales for your services/products. When advertising in E-zines, ensure that you do not advertise alongside competitors. Enquire beforehand whether there is a policy concerning posting competing advertisements. It would be a good preparatory measure to subscribe to the E-zine first prior to making a decision whether or not to advertise there. An E-zine that runs fewer advertisements is a better choice than one that runs many. To find publications that are relevant to your business, look at the Online Directory of Ezines. Pay-Per-Click Programs This is an excellent method to advertise your business without the risk of having advertised in the wrong place. With this method, you advertise your website, and only pay for those clicks on the links to it. Pay-Per-Lead Here, you pay only for those who download a trial, fill out a form, or enter a sweepstake, or whatever you choose. Pay-Per-Click Banner Ads With this method, you place a banner on an advertising site and you will only be charged for every click that your banner receives. Opt-In Email This is an ultra excellent way to advertise your business/website. With this method, you submit your sales copy to your chosen company that will, in turn, email it out to those on its mailing list. You should exercise caution in your choice of which companies to use as some of the companies advertising their mailing lists as opt-in email service are sometimes really SPAM. An effective sales letter is essential when using opt-in mailing lists as, in their absence, your money, time and effort will be totally wasted.
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year!
Advertising: Relationships vs Business Decisions Successful businesses know the importance of building and maintaining good working relationships, whether it is with partners, employees, business or trade organizations, the government, media representatives, vendors, consumers, or the community at large. A business must carefully balance the benefits of these interpersonal relationships and should never allow these relationships to blind their judgment especially when it relates to what is in the best interest of the business's continued success and growth Buying advertising media based on interpersonal relationships is a common mistake made by many small businesses. This strategy throws the business's strategic marketing plan into the winds of chance in exchange for the warm and fuzzy feelings that come with doing business among friends. However, when the smoke clears the business has made costly advertising expenditures with little or no results and the long term negative effects may not readily be seen. Simply, the marketing / advertising expenditures have been made, the budget may or may not be busted, and the results may be none to little measurable penetration into the business's target demographic market segment. Is buying media from a friend in the business always bad? No, however in order to choose the most effective media channels a business must first consider the audience or customer it is trying to reach. Developing a strong sense of the target demographics' buying and shopping patterns, interests and hobbies, entertainment and media choices for example will lend itself a tremendous benefit to making informed media buying choices. Once the advertising business has developed a strong sense of what media channels may prove to be the most effective it should try each a little at a time carefully tracking the results of each. Once this is complete the business will be able to make an educated decision on where to invest its marketing dollars, prioritizing expenditures into the mediums that have proven results for the business. It is true that strong interpersonal relationships skills and the ability to develop and maintain good working relationships with a variety of people, businesses, and other organizations are imperative in today's business environments. However, the importance of a well designed and implemented strategic marketing plan can not be understated and is paramount to the business's development and longevity never taking second seat to friendship.
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Advertising on a budget Frequency, frequency, frequency I'm illustrating the marketing challenges of a small business. If you don't remember anything else about marketing, remember this: Frequency is king. The more often you can get your name in front of your potential and current customers, the more likely you will make a sale. Depending on what study you look at, people need to see your message anywhere from three to 27 times before they act upon it. And, if you want to brand your business, then you need to get it in front of your customers as often as possible. How do you think Ivory Soap, Campbell Soup and Tide all built their brands so deeply into our minds? Through years and years of repeatedly advertising. That's why those brands pop into our head when we think about soap, soup or laundry detergent. So if you want to build your brand, then you need to advertise frequently. There's another benefit to advertising frequently. It also helps your current customers. People like to know they made the right decision after they purchased something. How much reassurance they need depends on how much they spend, but everyone needs some confirmation they made the right decision. Your advertising can help. Studies have shown that people are more aware of car ads after they purchased a car -- specifically car ads of the model they bought. And they're more likely to both believe and approve of the message. Again, because they want to know they made the right decision. So there are many good reasons to advertise frequently. Does that mean you have to spend a fortune? Not necessarily. There are a few tricks you can use to get the frequency you need at a low cost. (These are print tricks -- other advertising outlets, such as radio and online, we'll talk about in future issues.) 1. Make your ad as small as possible. Small ads cost less. 2. It's better to schedule your ads to run all at once than spread them out. People will never remember when they don't see your ad, only when they do. If they see your ad a lot in one week, they're going to be under the impression you advertise all the time because they won't remember NOT seeing your ad other weeks. 3. Take advantage of any frequency programs your newspaper offers. And definitely sign a contract -- don't run ads under the open rate. Here's how it worked for PWC.
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year! The newspaper had a program called "3 For Free." If you ran an ad three days in a row, you got the next three days for free (the paper was published six days a week). We designed a tiny ad -- a one by two inch ad -- and we ran it six days in a row. Then we skipped the next three weeks and did the same thing again the next month. After a year of doing this, PWC had people coming up to her telling her they saw her ad "all the time." Business owners wanted to advertise on PWC because they could see the commitment PWC had to advertising. Brides and grooms were visiting PWC on a regular basis because they were being "reminded" monthly. What did all this cost? About $100 a month. But, a word of caution. It takes time to build a business and a brand. It won't happen overnight. But it will happen, especially if you remember to keep getting your name in front of your customers and potential customers as often as you possibly can.
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year!
Ad Tracking Increases Your Profits How do you know whether your advertising is effective or not? The answer is to track advertising response for each ad you run. Whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising. 1. Which Publications Produce Profits? When new customers phone or visit you, ask how they found out about you. They might say they found you through your yellow pages ad or your newspaper ad. Record the responses and resulting sales from each ad. Then, analyze whether each particular advertisement is producing the desired results. If an advertisement consistently produces profits for you, keep running it. On the other hand, if an ad consistently performs poorly or produces a loss, discontinue it. In mail order, you can key each ad so that you can measure the resulting sales from each publication. For example, you could add "Dept. A" to your name or address in the ad to indicate the July issue of a particular magazine. Key it as "Dept. B" for the August issue of the same magazine. "Dept. C" could indicate the July issue of a different magazine you advertise in. Thus, as orders come in, you can track the response and sales made from each advertisement. From that information, you can easily determine the profitability of your ad in each publication. 2. Which Ads Produce Profits? Not only can ad tracking show you which publications are profiitable to advertise in, but it will also help you measure the effectiveness of the ads themselves. If you change your ad, and the results for the new ad are consistently better or worse, you can take the appropriate action; either continue or discontinue the advertisement. Change only one element in an ad at a time. For example, if you decide to change the price, don't change the headline. Otherwise, you won't know if the difference in results was due to the changed price or the changed headline. For greater certainty, change only one thing at a time when testing your ads. On the Internet, you can use tracking software and services that will aid you to determine the source of your sales and the effectiveness of your advertising, article writing, and other activities. So, whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, use ad tracking for increased profits.
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Affiliate Internet Marketing-Can Buy Some Happiness Everybody is looking to get more money. As shallow as it may sound, money can buy happiness. It can buy the happiness that is peace of mind. Having money means you do not have to worry about paying your bills or not having health insurance. It means you can buy the things you want and go to the places you want. Money alone can not make you happy but it sure can help. But making that kind of money is difficult, working a conventional job will not net you the kind of money you would like. So that is why so many people turn to the internet and make their own businesses. Using affiliate internet marketing to promote their websites and grow them. While online businesses can make you a lot of money, do not buy into the hype that it is some get rich quick scheme. Even if it is on the internet, it is still a business and you need to treat it as such. It will require a lot of time and effort to build up. To that end there are several tips you can follow to help you out. 1. Set work hours. While working whenever you want is nice, most of us lack the self discipline to actually do that. We would constantly go "oh I'll do that later" and when later comes, we will just say that again until the day is already over. So for most of us we need a more structured environment, which we can get from setting a specific schedule where we can work and use affiliate internet marketing to promote our websites. 2. Designate a work space. It is important to pick out an area in your house that will be used as your work area. Whether an officer or just a corner in a quiet area. Somewhere that you can go "ok, time for work." it can help get you in the right mindset and push aside distractions that might hamper your work. 3. Have the necessary tools. Working online means you need some software to help you out. There are all sorts of programs out there that can help you run your business, so making use of these are important if you plan on being competitive. 4. Connect with like minded individuals. There are a lot of people out there working on the same niche as you, and some of them will have already succeeded and be making money. Contacting them and asking them for help on how to affiliate internet marketing and any other questions you may have is important. 5. Maintain your health. This may seem a little silly and out of place, but when working online you and only you are responsible for the success of your business. If you get laid up from being sick, then your business suffers. As well the nature of your business means you will be spending a lot of time in your chair, staring at your monitor. Make sure to take breaks as needed and get enough exercise to compensate.
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A multi-millionaire reveals the secret to making money at home... and bets you won't do it. Let's see if you really want to get rich. by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Money. You need it. Can't do without it. Sayyou're in business to get it. But I don't believe you... so I'm going toreveal the secret right here, right unmistakably clear language, so simple a child could"get it"... It's the formula you've waited a lifetime to hear, not least becauseyou'll realize from the first word you read it's the God's honest truth. Yet you'll finda whole pocketful of "reasons" why you can't possibly do this... now...or ever. Even so you'll continue to tell everyone who is daft enough to listen that you're working hard to make your business a success; you'll probably even manage toconvince yourself. But in your heart of hearts you'll know you were given thegreat secret to success... and just won't do it. This article, so timely, so true, so right on the money requires a tunethat creates just the right atmosphere. I've chosen "Manana" with its cynicallyrics that summarize your approach to your "business". "The faucet she is dripping and the fence she's falling down My pocket needs some money so I can't go into town My brother isn't working and my sister doesn't care The car she needs a motor so I can't go anywhere." And then the famous refrain "Manana. Manana. Manana is soon enoughfor me." Go find this tune in any search engine. Dean Martin's version is excellent,but you can't beat the 1947 version by Miss Peggy Lee. She was after all the composer(along with Dave Barbour). It is pure acid... and since she's singing about you,you'll be sure to feel the bite. "Never trust a man who isn't a millionaire by 30." HerbertHoover, the first millionaire to be President of the United States. Let me tell you something about rich people, particularly self-made richpeople. They will evaluate you by how successful you are. Why? Not just becausethey are plutocratic snobs (though some certainly are) but because they know whatit takes to make money... and they know that if you're not rich (or well on theway) you probably don't have what it takes. Like it or not, fair or not, whether the worldshould be this way or not, none of this matters.To impress the wealthy you must be wealthybecause that indicates you're someone worth knowing, someone who knows the secret tomaking money whenever you like. If this depresses or disheartens you, GET OVERIT. And get down to doing the needful. Look at your marketing documents. Could they make anyone jump up, grabthe phone and call you? Right this minute you probably see your phone. It may be a land line; itmay be a cell phone. What kind of phone doesn't matter. But what DOES matter is thatit's right in front of you... and it isn't ringing off the hook. That's the problemwe're going to do something about. There will always be money... money is the easiest thing in the world toget...If... Consider this: when all the air is toxic; when all the water ispolluted... when one animal species after another is wiped out and gone forever, there will still beplenty of money. That's because money is manmade. We can create as much as we want. Thequestion, therefore, is do you know how to get more, far, far more than your share?The answer is to be found in your current ads, brochures, websites, in any marketingcommunications at all.
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year! Have you asked your customer to pick up the phone and call you now... andhave you made this invitation right at the top of your document, as sharply, asclearly, as motivating as possible? Chances are you probably haven't, because (if truth be told) you don'trun this kind of client-centered business... and don't want to... because this means workand work isn't what you had in mind: "The window she is broken and the rain is comin' in If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin But if we wait a day or two the rain may go away And we don't need a window on such a lovely day." By now, you may be writhing, seething with indignation and anger. You arethinking... you are saying out loud, "I am not the wastrel Dr. Lant says. He'sgot me all wrong. I know the importance of work to ensure success. I know it... and I'll doit. Just tell me precisely what to do, and I'll do it... so help me!" Very well. You asked for it, and I shall oblige. 1) Gather every marketing document. What I am telling you will alterevery one. 2) Look at how you start the copy for each document. Is there anIMMEDIATE call to action? In other words, have you opened with the most important thing,the thing that gets your reader to CALL YOU NOW? 3) Does your opening look like this? Call now for your FREE CONSULTATION. I am standing by to help youright now 24/7/365. Pick up the phone RIGHT NOW and find out how you can profit onlineSTARTING TODAY. Ask for me (your name). I am ready to talk to you NOW. (Include your complete phone number with country code and area code.Remember, you want an international clientele and this means making it easy for thesepeople to connect with you.) Now the hard part. Living it! Having made the call to action, will you be ready when the customerresponds? 1) Will you take the call, on the very first ring, night and day, regularweek-day or week-end or holiday? Or will you kill the entire process by forcing the customerto leave a message, which you'll respond to "as soon as it's convenient forme"? 2) If you are forced by circumstances to make the customer leave amessage, will you return the call within the hour, thereby indicating how client-centeredand efficient you are? Or will you offend the customer and destroy the chance for a remunerativerelationship by delaying your response for spurious""reasons"? 3) Will you send all necessary materials to the customer at once,preferably by e-mail, always asking for customer receipt confirmation? Or will you make thatall important customer wait... wait.... your chance for a sale wilting? 4) Will you ask for the sale as soon as possible, making sure the"ask" is not forced, not rushed, not premature but made at precisely the right time? Or willyou make the customer tell you he wants to proceed, thereby saving you the bother ---but probably costing you the sale? 5) And finally, will you follow up at once? Not a week or two later?Follow up is crucial to closing deals and making more. And you must do it at once... notmanana.
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year! You'll SAY you'll do this, all of it, but who are you trying to kid?Manana has been good enough for you your entire life... "My mother's always working, she's working very hard But every time she looks for me I'm sleeping in the yard My mother thinks I'm lazy and maybe she is right I'll go to work manana but I gotta sleep tonight." Oh, yes, manana has been good enough for you!
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How To Quit Your Job & Work From Home Online This Year!
Resource Republished with author's permission by Vijian Narayanasamy
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