19|90 Premium Wines Magazine #2 English

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GLOBAL NEWS Free distribution to all our clients, suppliers and friends

Sparkling Wine from Touriga Nacional An Elegant Christmas


A new Sparkling for the portfolio


Vinha dosAmores Touriga Nacional


Quinta do Cerrado with GW

The new Vinha dos Amores Blanc de Noir Brut 2014 is already in the stores. The sparkling wine from Touriga Nacional will bring a dash of elegance to your Christmas table.

Wine Enthusiast places Casa de Santar Vinha dos Amores Touriga Nacional Red 2011 in their Top 100 wines with great ageing potential. That choice was done after tasting over 22 thousand samples.

Global Wines has established an operational partnership with another player in the region. Therefore, we have chosen the famous Quinta do Cerrado.

Read all about it on page 2

Read the full story on page 3

Learn more on page 4


Osvaldo Amado: The winemaker of DĂŁo Osvaldo Amado, chief winemaker of Global Wines, tells us about the most challenging harvest of his professional career and other topics.

Global News - Number 2 / December 2017



he most iconic wine estate in Dão, Casa de Santar, presents another excellent product that will give a dash of elegance to your Christmas table.


“Terroir” and illusion


d o n ’t h a ve m u ch to a d d to t h e ma g ica l tim e th a t is s o o n a p p ro a c h in g . C h r is tm a s is a t i me t o g a t h e r th e fa m ily a ro u n d t h e t a b l e i n a ce le b r a tio n o f co m mu n i o n a n d s p ir itu a lity. I n P o rt u g a l , o r a b ro a d , a n ig h t a s sp e c i a l a s th is o n e d e s e r v e s to b e l i v e d , c e l e b r a ted a n d e n jo y e d w i t h a l l t h e b e s t th a t n a tu re h a s to o f f e r. I b e l i e v e o u r w in e s will b e a p a rt o f t h a t ce le b r a tio n . A fter a l l , t h e re a re m a n y g rea t rea s o n s t o c e l e b ra t e w ith G lo b a l Win es ’ n e c t a rs a n d i n th is ed itio n , we p re se n t a f e w m o re. Win es to d r in k n o w, w i n e s f o r a g e in g , to e n jo y a n d t o l i v e . . . It d o es n ’t m a tter wh y you open them. I st ro n g l y b e l i ev e th a t th e fo c u s st ra t e g y w e ha ve fo llo we d w ill l e a d u s e v e n f u r th er. T h e cr itic s a n d t h e n a t i on a l a n d in ter n a tio n a l p re ss h a v e c o n fir m ed it. It’s n o t a p o ssi b i l i t y. I ’ m ce r ta in o f it. I’m su re o f t h e w o r k we h a ve d o n e a n d o f t h e u n q u e stio n a b le q u a lity o f t h e b ra n d s w e o ffe r yo u . To o u r p a rt n er s , s u p p lier s , w o r k e rs a n d c l i e n ts , I wis h a Me r r y C h ri st ma s a nd a H a p p y Ne w Yea r. Yo u c a n c o u n t o n u s !


An original offer, that presents the romance and uniqueness of what is, probably, the most extraordinary landscape of the region of Dão: Alto dos Amores. That is why, since time immemorial, Alto dos Amores has been the meeting place for all the couples in love in the village of Santar. If, in the past, that beautiful landscape was the perfect frame to win someone’s heart, today, the grapes that grow there will seduce the most demanding of wine lovers. Inspiration, the perfect landscape for Global Wines to present to the market an exquisite line that brings the excellency of the Dão and the magic of Vinha dos Amores to your table. To this line, with two monovarietal wines from Touriga Nacional and Encruzado, we now add the new Vinha dos Amores Blanc de Noir Brut 2014. That is the latest addi-

tion to this magnificent line that now has a sparkling wine made from Touriga Nacional, with a clear colour and thin and lasting bubble. Fruity, with a complex and distinct aroma and a rebellious acidity that grants it elegance, persistence and originality. A new star that will give even more sophistication to your Christmas table. Given their history, dimension and prestige, the wines from Casa de Santar stand out due to their tradition, authenticity and nobility, reasons that make this brand from Dão so special and known for its 200-year-old history. Casa de Santar owns the largest continuous terrain in Dão, with 103 hectares, 90 of red varieties and 13 of white varieties. This gigantic vineyard is the origin of some of the most elegant wines in Portugal that have earned high scores and awards from national and international critics. Wines that are both unique and peerless now have a new interesting addition. Will you be able to resist?


Casa de Santar awarded In Wine Enthusiast’s Top 100 Cellar Selection


points. That is how much the influential Wine Enthusiast gave to Casa de Santar Vinha dos Amores Touriga Nacional 2011 in their analysis of the best ageing wines under 100 dollars, the Top 100 Cellar Selections. This is one of the new wines that were presented this year by Global Wines and it is the talk of the world.

than 4% were selected for this exclusive Top 100 that is now presented to the public.

With over 22 thousand wines being analysed this year, less

That is what you read in the critic from this month’s edition

With ageing potential up to 2028, according to the North American magazine, this nectar born in Vinha dos Amores is “impressively ripe” and has “dense tannins”. “Full of spice, black plum skin texture and balanced acidity, it’s serious...”.

of Wine Enthusiast that places Vinha dos Amores Touriga Nacional 2011 in their Top 100 wines for immediate purchase, but thinking about the future. If you have room to store it, don’t hesitate! And taste it over the years. You will see how Vinha dos Amores Touriga Nacional keeps on evolving and it will give you new sensations on every tasting.

most valuable collectible articles in the world. In the last few years, it is considered a safer investment than classical cars, art or jewellery and their price has sky rocketed in some cases. Who knows if Vinha dos Amores Touriga Nacional 2011 won’t be one of those in the future? Will you miss this opportunity?

We add that wine is one of the



Cabriz connects Portugal and China

The Swiss visit Casa de Santar

On the 30th of October, in Beijing, there was a conference, promoted by the Ministry of the Sea and the Chinese administration called “China & Portugal Blue Partnership and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. Global Wines was the official supplier of the wines for the VIP lunch with the presence of Ana Paula Vitorino, minister of the Sea, of Wang Hong from State Oceanic Administration and Yang La, CEO of Chine Tree Gorges. The wines tasted were Cabriz Red, White, Reserva and Sparkling White.

Casa de Santar and Paço dos Cunhas de Santar received a visit from a delegation from ViniPortugal with some renowned professionals from the Swiss market. That is: Johannes Real, member of the team of sommeliers of the famous Grand Resort Bad Ragaz; Sabrina Schmidt, from the restaurant Schloss Schauenstein, that has 19 points in the prestigious guide Gault Millau; Jörg Slaschek, manager of the restaurant and hotel Attisholz for 17 years; Rudolf Trefzer, a freelance journalist specialized in wine and food that works with the national Swiss radio and the economy magazine Handelsblatt.

At the welcome dinner at the Embassy of Portugal in Beijing, the wines served were Cabriz Encruzado White and Casa de Santar Red with the presence of 39 national companies connected to the sea and led by the minister.

They had the opportunity to visit the vines and the cellar from Casa de Santar and to do a tasting in Paço dos Cunhas followed by a lunch where they could understand how the wines pair perfectly with the gastronomy of this region. 3

Global News - Number 2 / December 2017


THE SOMELLIER RECOMENDS your guests, choose Quinta do Encontro Preto & Branco 2012, made from Bical, Baga and Touriga Nacional, that uses an ancient technique that consists in taking the red wine vines and putting grafts of white wine vines on the same plant, making this wine an example of true genius. With meat dishes, always full of flavour, with stuffing and spices, we have the turkey that pairs perfectly with Cabriz Touriga Nacional 2013. Fresh blackberries, polished tannins and a lasting finish that is typical of this variety. If it is intensity you seek and if lamb is your meal, choose Casa de Santar Reserva Red 2012. It will make this moment even more remarkable with its structure, its rich tannins from the use of top quality barrels, spices and intense blackberries and a finish that will leave you speechless and in love with this wine that has gathered decades of prestige in the Dão. When it comes to dessert, don’t forget that “Bolo Rei” looks rich, but is in fact very light. Therefore, Outono de Santar 2012 is the right choice with its fresh finish and jam notes that will pair perfectly with the candied fruit. You can never go wrong with this choice. “Sonhos”, French toast and other sweets that are filled with smoked flavours due to the frying, the cinnamon and the nuts, will be absolutely stunning when paired with the richest of nectars, aged for many years in small barrels that have highlighted all the rich flavours with nutty tones. I’m talking about Cabriz Ímpar, made from varieties typical of Dão, blended by our winemaker with a single purpose: to let everyone enjoy an unique moment with Ímpar. As the countdown to the New Year begins, let joy enter your home with the grace of an exquisite sparkling wine, with a thin and pleasant bubble and raspberry notes. Quinta do Encontro Rosé, either directly in the glass or in a light sangria with slightly cut fruit will make your new year as Global Wines wants it: perfect! I wish you Happy Holidays with great wines.


Global Wines in partnership with Quinta do Cerrado

Global Wines has established an operational partnership with another player in the region: Quinta do Cerrado. As a company with a great emotional connection to Beira Interior, even though we also have brands in Alentejo, Beira Litoral and in the region of Douro and Vinhos Verdes, Global Wines is always searching for valuable partnership opportunities, especially cases like Quinta do Cerrado, that has shown an immense potential to produce some of the best the Dão has to offer to the world of wine. At the moment, Global Wines is giving commercial support, technical support in several areas, financial support and know-how of the market. However, there is always a possibility that the relationship turns into something more, even, eventually, a potential share in the company. Quinta do Cerrado, in Carregal do Sal, the same place Global Wines is from, has about 20 hectares of vines with the typical varieties of the region and a rural house used for wine tastings. The cellar has a capacity of a million litres and is equipped with proper technology to produce the typical wines of Dão. The top wines of the brand are done with a selection of the best grapes and using the most traditional methods of winemaking. Their total capacity is of three million litres, divided between stainless steel and concrete deposits.



017, another year that went by too fast, like all the years before it when we think the exact same thing when Christmas and the New Year approach. The family gathers and many travel to have one or more meals filled with the ingredients that are typical of the region, meals that make our traditions last. At the table, the wine still has a very important role and I am here to share my choices with you. After years of giving suggestions, I believe that we need to bring back the idea that codfish pairs perfectly with white wine. In such cases, Casa de Santar Reserva White 2015 brings to the table the perfect harmony between fruity, fresh and the slight taste of the barrel. It will be a success in any codfish based meal. If you prefer to eat octopus, Casa de Santar Red 2014 has the freshness and lightness that pairs perfectly with this flavourful dish. If, in this dish, you have the opportunity to surprise


Sérgio Pereira - Sommelier sergio.pereira@vinalda.pt

www.globalwines.pt www.globalwines.pt


Global News - Number 2 / December 2017

Six questions to Osvaldo Amado Chief Winemaker in Global Wines Global Wines - As a winemaker, what was your best year? And why? Osvaldo Amado – That is a very difficult question. It’s been over 30 years and it is hard to choose one. Of the top of my head, I remember 1985, 2000, 2005, 2011 and 2015. Even thought 2017 will clearly be an excellent year as well. In those years, in Dão as well as in Bairrada, we made wines that had remarkable intensity and concentration with great ageing potential and without losing their elegance. GW - And which was the hardest year? OA - Hard and negative, with poor quality, I remember 1986 and 2006. Those were very difficult years given the generally inferior quality of the wines, but there were exceptions. For example, in 2013, that was an unfortunate year for me on a personal level due to a car accident that almost 6

took my life, but with the help of my magnificent winemaking team, Global Wines managed to win the first title of Tinto Nobre de Portugal with Casa de Santar. GW - Which Global Wines’ wine do you enjoy the most to produce? And why do you choose that one? OA - One of the wines that I enjoy the most to produce is, without a doubt, Cabriz Colheita Selecionada Red. The production of this wine forces me to work very hard to make sure that its quality is remarkable and consistent. It gives me immense pleasure to hear people say that it is “good and cheap” and I can see a glimpse of positive outrage in their eyes, as they taste it. But in a portfolio as diverse as Global Wines’, that has wines from the most important wine making regions in Portugal, it would be unfair to forget wines like Ímpar, Vinha do Conta-

dor Red, Encontro 1 White or Special Cuvée that also give me great satisfaction. GW - With the conditions that you have at your service now (vines, cellar, barrels, average climate, etc.) if you had to choose one single wine from Global Wines to impress the world and if it was financially possible for the company to survive solely on the profits from that wine, which one would you choose? OA - Cabriz Reserva Red and Santar Reserva White and Red. GW - Why choose those instead of others from the portfolio? Is it based on a current or future buying profile? OA - They are the true ambas-

sadors of Dão and of Portugal. They are a living example of uniqueness, elegance and harmony. They are timeless wines, with enormous potential for incredible pairings, but also able to be consumed on their own. GW - Is it “easier” to conquer the world and the international critics with a white wine or a red one? OA - With white wines, due to the natural characteristics of our Portuguese varieties that endow our wines with great freshness, elegance and persistence. In fact, as an Atlantic country, in time, the world will find and acknowledge our uniqueness.





reated in 1947, right after the end of World War II, Vinalda is one of the oldest national distributors and contributed, in its 70 long years in the business, to the import, commercialization, construction and distribution of several brands. “In Vinalda, more than distribute, we seek to deeply understand each wine, from the moment it is created to the moment when it is poured. We are aware of the constant changes in the world of wine, therefore, Vinalda gives the consumer and every brand that it represents, all the know-how that allows it to suggest, innovate and, above all, to surprise”, says José Espírito Santo, CEO of Vinalda. But Vinalda is more than a distributor; they are also a specialized consultancy firm that seeks to connect the producer and the more demanding customer. “That shows in the impressive portfolio of which we are very proud of”, says José Espírito Santo. Overall, this partner has 36 workers, in which 20 of those work in sales. Vinalda is the national distributor of 20 national producers as well as 10 international producers. That contributes to this brand’s vision of the present and the future: “to be the biggest and best independent distributor of wine in the market”. They hope to achieve that goal through a strategy focused on the services and consultancy component, in order to develop a relationship of trust and credibility with their “on-trade” customers. That path

seems even more necessary given that the average quality of their wines just keeps on improving. “In the off-trade channel, the biggest challenge is to limit the level of investment in order to counter the incredibly aggressive strategy of the exclusive and own-label brands, without damaging the fragile level of profit of the producers and distributors”, explains José Espírito Santo. A focused strategy with the goal of promotion differenciation, good service and keeping up with the market. Those values are the foundation of Vinalda’s commercial activities and they have led to the representation of several brands in national territory. NEWS

CLUBE 19|90 WILLARRIVE IN 2018 Clube 19|90 is much more that an wine club. It is a club of experiences where wine is always present. An exclusive club, where the members have access to wines, sparkling wines and spirits, wine related experiences and accessories, in special conditions and with delivery to the chosen address. All the wines presented in the club are produced in limited quantities and have international scores of 90 points or more. There are also some rare wines that are already hard to find on the market. You can also find wines that are no longer available on the market. More news on the next edition!


Global 2017 GlobalNews News--Number Number21/ /December October 2017


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