19|90 Premium Wines Magazine #4 English

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APRIL 2018

GLOBAL NEWS Free distribution to all our clients, suppliers and friends

Cabriz is the Official Wine in Feira de São Mateus The 626th edition of the largest fair in Portugal has an official wine



Global Wines overwhelms the competition

Partnership established


Cabriz has a tram and Lisbon is loving it

Global Wines won the biggest number of gold medals in the contest Dão Primores, organised by the Dão Region Winegrowing Commission.

A new partnership assured that the wines from Global Wines will be available at both restaurants from Loja das Conservas, located in the heart of Lisbon.

The tram number 28, one of the most notorious of Lisbon’s lines, has a new look and it is taking our brand to all those who live or visit our capital.

Read all about it on page 3

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Global News - Number 4 / April 2018



Act local, think global


he mos t r e c e nt e d i t i o n o f t he contes t Dã o Pr i m o r e s wi l l , for many y e a r s , s ur e l y b e a fon d memor y fo r Gl o b a l Wi ne s . I t wa s deeply meanin g f ul o ur p r e s e nc e i n this impor tan t e v e nt o r g a ni s e d b y t he Dão Region Wi ne g r o wi ng Co m m i s s i o n on th e 21s t of M a y. No t o nl y d i d we get the lar ges t num b e r o f g o l d m e d a l s bu t we wer e als o a wa r d e d t he t i t l e o f Gr eat Win e fr o m Dã o . In th is contes t, i n whi c h 1 4 o f o ur wines won gold m e d a l s , s i x f o r whi t e wines an d eigh t f o r r e d wi ne s , I believe we h ave e s t a b l i s he d o ur g r e a t pr odu ctive abili t y a nd o ur d i v e r s i t y a s well as an enor m o us p a s s i o n f o r wi ne an d for this r em a r k a b l e r e g i o n o f Dã o in which we we r e b o r n. Like tr ue amba s s a d o r s , t he wi ne s we s ell to th e four c o r ne r s o f t he wo r l d take with th em t he t e r r o i r a nd uni q ue char acter of the wi ne r e g i o n o f Dã o . Auth entic wines , f ul l o f c ha r a c t e r, that offer genu i ne a nd uni q ue e x p e r i ences an ywhere i n t he wo r l d . Thr ough ou r di ff e r e nt b r a nd s a nd wine tou r is m b us i ne s s e s , we c ha l lenge our s elves e v e r y d a y, b e c a us e we s tr ongly bel i e v e i n wha t we a r e capable of and we b e l i e v e we ho no ur ou r tr aditions a nd o r i g i ns a nd b r i ng for th a n ew tom o r r o w. We her eby in vit e y o u t o j o i n us i n t hi s futu r e.



he 626th edition of the oldest fair in Portugal has its official wine. Cabriz will be the official wine from this important cultural and social event that brings, every year, one million visitors to Viseu, and generates a turnover of 44 million euros. This is how we can sum up Feira de São Mateus: a true city within a city, with an area of over 800 thousand square feet that welcome amusement rides, great concerts, restaurants and several different stores. A grand event of popular culture that brings over 300 businesses to Viseu. This fair is part of the imaginary of most of the Portuguese and this 2018 edition will be extra special with Cabriz as the official wine of this event that will happen between the 9th of August and the 16th of September. There will be, in total, 39 days of fair, which means you will have 39 opportunities to celebrate with Cabriz in this place of reunions and memories. The brand that is the ambassador of Dão, for Portugal and the entire world, shall be, once again, closer to all the national consumers by being present in all the restaurants in the fair. The

Dão will truly be promoted at the table with Cabriz in the 626th edition of Feira de São Mateus.


Global Wines steals the show at Dão Primores And wins the Gold at the contest Vinhos de Portugal


lobal Wines won the most golden medals in the contest Dão Primores, organised by the Dão Region Winegrowing Commission (CVR in Dão) and was also awarded with the title Great Wine from Dão. Therefore, the Great Wine from Dão from 2017 is Paço dos Cunhas Red, a wine that “the company cherishes greatly, since it embodies perfectly the terroir and the character of Dão” according to the winemaker Osvaldo Amado. Intense, elegant, harmonious and with enormous potential according to Global Wines’ winemaker. However, it shall only hit the stores at 2021.

In a ceremony in Solar do Vinho do Dão, in Viseu, with the presence of 51 regional producers, Global Wines won 14 gold medals, six for white wines and eight for red wines. Gold in the contest Vinhos de Portugal But that is not all, since over 1.300 wines were tasted for the contest Vinhos de Portugal promoted by Vi n i P o r t u g a l that awarded 36 of those wines with the honourable title of Grande Ouro. Two of those

medals were given to Casa de Santar Reserva Red 2013 and to the daring Cabriz Touriga Nacional White 2017, which proves the quality of all the wines under the Global Wines brand. In the same contest, the company also received six silver medals for other wines.

These awards will, surely, make sure that these wines have a place in the biggest international events of this year like ProWine Xangai, Romantic Encounter, in Japan, Campus Hamburgo and the tastings in Warsaw, Luanda, Zurich, New York and Oslo.




ortugal is now the second favourite wine producing country for the Brazilian consumers. According to the same data from the Portuguese Institute of Wine & Vineyards (IVV) the lead belongs to the wines from Chile. In 2017, the Brazilian market’s purchases increased and the export of Portuguese wines to that country grew accordingly. Always with our eyes on the other side of the Atlantic, Global Wines works that market through the brand Vinibrasil and has been solidifying its presence in the local market. In our first trimester, we found, precisely in Brazil, one of our biggest export markets. That is why Global Wines will further invest in the internationalization strategy dedicated to this country so that it can be, without a doubt, the third largest export destination of the company, right after our national market and the north American one. That way, we shall have our three biggest export markets. That is understandable due to the increasing knowledge in the consumption of wine, even during a crisis, and a growing number of residents with increasing income and access to other types of realities.

This endeavour that Global Wines and Vinibrasil started, first began in the distribution network that this brand, as well as Rio Sol, already owned. At the moment, the company is mostly focussing is the North-western region, since Vinibrasil produces in that region, especially in the states of Pernambuco, where Global Wines is the leader and acts in a direct way, and Alagoas, through the distributor Asa Branca, a well-known company in the region. In two of the main urban centres of Brazil, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the company acts in a different way, since we have a commercial division in São Paulo, but the distributor Blend is the one that represents Global Wines in Rio de Janeiro, the wonderful city located in what is still the state that holds the strongest connection to Portugal. That is why Global Wines is reinforcing the brand Cabriz in the main retail points, in both restaurants and retail stores. And this incredible commercial dynamic will soon be enhanced by the beginning of our journey in the state of Espírito Santo, where CB Wines will represent the brand in Minas Gerais.


Global News - Number 4 / April 2018

Partnership with Loja das Conservas Cabriz, Casa de Santar, Quinta do Encontro and Monte da Cal are some of the brands that will be represented in these restaurants in Rua da Assunção and Rua do Arsenal, in Lisbon


lobal Wines and Loja das Conservas, a famous chain of stores connected to the Portuguese National Association of Canned Fish Manufactures (ANICP) that already has several stores all over the country, have established a partnership concerning their two restaurants that have just opened in the heart of Lisbon. Both spaces have the same goal: to take the experience gathered in Loja das Conservas and take it to the next level, with a menu designed around Portuguese canned fish in various dishes and starters that, somewhat, encourage a tasting session. From “bacalhau à Brás” (codfish with eggs and chips), “massada de peixe” (stew


with fish and pasta), “pataniscas de bacalhau” (codfish fritters) with bean rice to bean stew and mackerel potato pie. There will be several interpretations of traditional Portuguese dishes from the chefs Tiago Neves and André Palma that will, obviously, always start with a can. Global Wines wanted to join in on this venture, in a partnership that intends to boost the relationship between wine and gastronomy. The sommelier Manuel Moreira tasted all the dishes served in both restaurants and selected the wines that paired perfectly with each one. Therefore, the wine menu shows the diversity and potential of Global Wines’ portfolio, with wines from several brands, regions and profiles. Cabriz, Casa de Santar, Quinta do Encontro, Monte da Cal and Vinha Maria

are some of the brands present in the menu of the restaurants that are located in Rua da Assunção and Rua do Arsenal, in Lisbon. Global Wines’ wines, with exclusive presence in Loja das Conservas, are the perfect company for these complex dishes

made from canned fish and we intend to boost the promotion of this product that is so typically Portuguese and that, being affordable, it is also very healthy, versatile and gourmet. It can truly be a distinctive touch in cooking a Portuguese dish.




asa de Santar took some fans, and clients, to see the show of the “fado” singer Marco Rodrigues, author of the album “Copo Meio Cheio” and of the hit “O Tempo”, in Casa da Música in Porto, last 21st of April. In a Facebook contest, the brand offered double tickets to the fans that proved, through a creative sentence, that they deserved to watch the show. We also invited a few clients from restaurants and wine stores to join us in this memorable night.


GW in Canada Global Wines took some of its leading wine brands to the Vancouver International Wine Festival, the biggest wine fair in Canada and one of the largest and oldest wine events in the world. This year’s edition gathered 25 000 participants and 173 wine companies from 15 different countries. Global Wines could not fail to attend.

At the end of the show, our guests had the opportunity to have a meet and greet, where they met the singer, enjoyed a glass of Casa de Santar with him and even received a CD and a bottle of Casa de Santar autographed by him. An unforgettable moment like only Casa de Santar can provide.



t is one of the most representative and desired stores for all the brands that dwell in the wine business in the state of New York. We are, clearly, talking about Ambassador Wines & Spirits, an exquisite place that promotes the wine culture and that has, recently, had its appeal boosted by the addition of Cabriz Reserva Red. This nectar will, from now on, be available in one of the most famous neighbourhoods of the urban New York.



t is the number 28 that connects Campo de Ourique to Martin Moniz and passes through Chiado, Sé, Graça and other stops in the Portuguese capital and it takes, to all the residents and tourists, the brand that is Cabriz. The wine making brand from Dão has placed, since the beginning of April, a decorated tram running across the city of Lisbon. That way, the brand reinforces its visibility in the Portuguese capital at a time when the country is going through a particularly auspicious mo-

Tempura is eaten with Casa de Santar Reserva White Global Wines’ Casa de Santar Reserva White received the Diamond Trophy and the Special Awards Grand Prix as the best wine to accompany the Asian delicacy Tempura, one of the most famous and replicated Japanese dishes in the world. Overall, over 5.000 wines participated in the Sakura Wine Awards and only 47 received the Diamond Trophy (which means 1% of the participants) and only 14 of those were awarded the Grand Prix. Congratulations, Casa de Santar!

ment concerning tourism and consumption. Therefore, we must ask: what do we drink in Lisbon? Cabriz, of course!


Global News - Number 4 / April 2018

Wine tourism as a calling card Interview with Henrique Pereira, executive chef at Global Wines

Global Wines - What does wine tourism offer, or can offer, to a wine business such as Global Wines? Henrique Ferreira - Wine tourism is the first approach a client has with Global Wines. It’s our calling card! We work 365 days a year to showcase our wines and to complement them with our gastronomy. Wine tourism shows the practical uses of the characteristics of each wine, how to highlight them and match them. How to have the best of both worlds: gastronomy and wine. The wines from our winemaker, Osvaldo Amado, are very gastronomical and, as such, our job is to make them shine and to show how we can pair them with certain delicacies. From a business point of view, wine tourism is also a jumping point for Global Wines to promote the entire company.


GW - Can we even consider being in the winemaking business and not use its touristic side? HF - Yes, it is possible. There are several companies in this business that don’t have wine tourism, but having it is one of our assets. A wine tourist is always passionate, enthusiastic and has a deep knowledge about wine culture. That is where we come in and we add to Global Wines the tours, tastings, wine dinners and other wine/gastronomical events. GW - How do wine and gastronomy pair? HF - Traditionally, wine is the drink that accompanies all meals. In that sense, the aromas, flavours and textures of wine are also present in the dishes. It is our job to pair them perfectly. The two worlds are connect-

ed, even though they can clearly exist separately, but they enrich each other when combined. GW - Three restaurants, three concepts, the same quality. What is the concept behind each restaurant and how do we pass it on to the customer? HF - Exactly! We have three completely different restaurants that follow the concepts of the wines that named them: Quinta de Cabriz has a traditional cuisine from Beira, classical, authentic and timeless; Paço dos Cunhas has a signature cuisine based on Portuguese cuisine with premium and exquisite details; Quinta do Encontro has a bit of both worlds, traditional and signature cuisine. Even though it is in another region, it follows the same idea of the restaurants that we have in

Dão, as it follows the same idea as its wines: classical, bold and exclusive. The communication between the spaces is always done to highlight the wine, that is, after all, what created and defines us. That way, we make a distinction between the spaces and don’t confuse the customer. The advertising is done through our several media, mainly our social networks, websites, tourism fairs, direct contact, outdoors and, most importantly, the word of mouth of a satisfied customer. GW - The fact that the different spaces are located in different places that are associated with different wine making regions also gives way to different versions of the connection between gastronomy and wine? HF - Yes. It allows us to present ancillary visions where



we can highlight the versatility of our wines and use our creativity. We have different people in our teams that have their own interpretation and they are also capable of creating many connections between wine and gastronomy. GW - How has the chef Henrique Ferreira given his personal touch to this wine tourism project? HF - I joined Global Wines almost 10 years ago. Not always in leadership positions, but from the moment that Mr. Jorge Pina challenged me to take on the management of the restaurants of the group, our goal has always been to increase the quality, the standards and the level of professionalism. In fact, Henrique Ferreira is a face that represents, nowadays, about thirty people and this has only been possible due to the effort and devotion of my teams and I thank them greatly.


Today, we work with organised and professional teams and we always seek to use the best ingredients. Our goal is to highlight and to emphasise our wines and more importantly, our main focus, that drives all of our work, is the client’s satisfaction. That is what drives us! We have three amazing spaces and we are proud of the work we have developed. There is still much room for improvement and, in the future, we shall aim to reinforce our company and to take roots in the markets we exist in. We work with passion and discipline. Those are the main characteristics that I try to bring into wine tourism and I strive every day to pass that message to all those who work with me.

greatest strength is the art of hospitality. We are, after all, a company born in Beira! Our buildings are one of a kind, unique and exclusive in Portugal. The fact that they are all in the vicinity or close to the vineyards is also a key factor and a plus. There is also the quality of everything that we serve. However, we are a bit far from the big cities and that makes new clients hard to get and forces us use different mar-

keting strategies to promote ourselves. GW - Please tell us three things that we cannot miss in Global Wines’ wine tourism. HF - 1) Exclusive gastronomical experiences that create moments and future memories: 2) visits to unique wine cellars and estates; 3) all the references of Global Wines in a single place where you can experience them all.

GW - What is it about wine tourism in Global Wines that makes it different from all other wine tourism projects? HF - In my opinion, our




ounded four years ago by the businesswoman Johanna Lohivesi, Astra Wines currently has a team of six workers with plenty of experience in the liquor industry and are used to working, daily, with producers from all over the world. Since 2014, the company had continuously grown and in 2017 they ended the year with a record turnover. The founder, Johanna Lohivesi, likes to think of her team “as a family” in which each of the elements takes on a specific responsibility in sales. Even though each team member has its own field, the manager admits that they are all “passionate about wine”.

Their method consists in working with the Finnish government’s monopoly, Alko. To that intent, they have a vast experience and knowledge of their methods and processes. Astra Wines’ warehouse is in the south side of Finland and it covers selling and delivery to the entire Finnish territory. “We are recognized brand builders and have excellent understanding of Finnish tastes and expectations. Our hallmarks are innovation, commitment, and goal-orientation”.

This partnership with Global Wines allowed Astra Wines to offer Cabriz to the Finnish consumers. “Today we have listings at the monopoly with Cabriz Colheita Selecionada red 75cl and magnum and Cabriz organic white 75cl. Both wines are much liked by Finnish consumers. Together we promote wines at all major fairs in Finland and have regular tastings to consumers”, according to Johanna Lohivesi.

The Portuguese wines are increasingly popular in Finland and the red wines are always in the lead of the tendency with 17,9% of growth in 2017 and an increase of 23,6% between January and March when compared to last year. “Finland is still a country consuming well known or recognized brands since the knowledge of wine areas and grape varieties is very limited so we are doing very important work with our partner Global Wines promoting together the tasty soul of Portugal wine”, says the founder.


Global News - Number 4 / April 2018


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