GlobeMed Global Health Summit from idea to implementation:
securing health as a human right APRIL 2-4, 2009
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Dear Summit Participants, Welcome to the 2009 GlobeMed Global Health Summit! This year’s theme, From Idea to Implementation: Securing Health as a Human Right, will explore the discourse of human rights, the status of health, and how actors are playing a part in securing the most basic of rights in communities around the world. Keynotes, panels, breakouts, and workshops led by experts in the ďŹ eld will provide us with the opportunity to learn and discuss amongst each other. This summit is critical to our role as student leaders in the movement for health equity. Among the seventeen chapters represented is a diversity of viewpoints, individuals, and experiences. Through collaboration and idea-sharing over the next three days, we all have the opportunity to learn from each other and strengthen our role in this movement. For GlobeMed, this event is a key part of unifying our growing network. Over the last three years, this summit has grown from 40 students discussing a single mission statement in one classroom to over 140 dedicated members who exude limitless passion and a strong commitment to global health. The summit, along with the programs that our chapters have been engaging in throughout the year, is an opportunity to further both the vision of GlobeMed and the dedication of the next generation of global leaders. For us, organizing the summit has been nothing short of exciting and we have enjoyed every minute of it. We are looking forward to the discussions we will have with the speakers, the debates among our fellow GlobeMed members, and the lessons we will take away from this. Likewise, we hope that the next three days provides you all with the chance to grow as members and advocates yet also shape your individual commitment to health and social justice. Enjoy the summit! In solidarity, The GlobeMed Summit Team Peter Luckow
Divya Mallampati
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Hannah Robbins
SECURING HEALTH AS A HUMAN RIGHT The theme of the summit, A Generational Calling: Solidarity in Global Health, will guide us to explore how we can bridge organizations, communities, and individuals to address global health challenges through mutual understanding and collective action. Solidarity is about actively respecting the dignity of others and connecting people across the world to work together. Through humanity and cooperation, solidarity enables us to understand and address the root causes of global health inequities. It is through solidarity that real, sustainable change takes place. When we come together as brothers and sisters to develop a mutual understanding, exercise humility, and ďŹ ght to achieve a common cause, we become life-long partners and advocates to bring about a more just and equitable world.
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Schedule 4:30-6:30
7:30-9 PM
Location: Cafeteria, Kellogg Building
OPENING KEYNOTE Where Does the World Stand With the AIDS Pandemic? - Stephen Lewis, AIDS-Free World Location: Leverone Auditorium, Kellogg Building
Location: Cafeteria, Kellogg Building
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. - Article 25, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Schedule 8:15-9
9-10:30 AM
Location: McCormick Tribune Center Lobby
PLENARY PANEL I The Idea: Debating Health as a Human Right - Evan Lyon // Partners In Health and Health and Human Rights Journal - Nirav Shah // University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine - Laurie Zoloth // Northwestern University Center for Bioethics, Science & Society - Bechara Choucair (Moderator) // Heartland Alliance Location: McCormick Tribune Center Forum
11-12 PM
GLOBAL HEALTH BREAKOUTS - Addressing Pediatric AIDS in Romania Jeff Richardson, Abbott Fund (Annenberg G32)
- Liberation Theology and Paolo Freire: Insights on Global Health Equity Cat Quinn and John Straw (Concern America), Dan Dale (Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ) (Annenberg G28)
- Rotary International’s Global Program to Eradicate Polio: The Power of Partnerships Michael Diamond (Annenberg G30)
- The Obscene Disparity: Maternal Mortality in Haiti Stan Shaffer, Maison de Naissance (Annenberg G31)
- The Right to Water in Haiti Evan Lyon, Partners In Health (Annenberg G15)
- The Role of Power & Politics in Global Health Andrea Hanson, Christopher Nichols, Christopher Schrader, Justin Meli
- Behavior Change and Public Health: HIV/AIDS in Cambodia Nirav Shah, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (Annenberg 101)
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Schedule 12-2
Location: Annenberg G02
- Philosophy and Approach to Global Health - globalhealthU Topical Discussions - Position-specific Discussions Location: Hotel Orrington, Grand Ballroom
7:30-9 PM
Location: Various restaurants in Evanston
KEYNOTE ADDRESS Health and Human Rights: One Journalist’s Perspective - Christine Gorman, TIME Magazine Contributor and Blogger at Global Health Report Location: Cafeteria, Kellogg Building
People say there is no use trying to change the world. But if we don't try, will it change? - Jonathan Mann GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Schedule 8:15-9
9-10:30 AM
Location: McCormick Tribune Center Lobby
PLENARY PANEL II The Implementation: Perspectives on Global Health Delivery - Brook Baker // Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy, Northeastern University School of Law and Health GAP
- Arlan Fuller // The François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health
- Neeraj Mistry // APCO Worldwide - Brian Hanson (Moderator) // Buffett Center, Northwestern University Location: McCormick Tribune Center Forum
11-12 PM
GLOBAL HEALTH BREAKOUTS - Fighting for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Its Impact, Creation, and Future Brook Baker, Northeastern School of Law and Health GAP (Jacobs G03) - An Evidence- and Community-Based Intervention to Promote Health Equity in Detroit Dave Law, Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation (Jacobs G05) - The U.S. War in Iraq: Breaches of Medical Neutrality and Civilian Casualties Evan Lyon, Partners In Health and Health & Human Rights Journal (Jacobs G27) - Radios Populares: Using Radio to Advance Social Justice in Latin America Erin Raether, Radios Populares (Jacobs G36) - Engaging the Private Sector: The Development of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria Neeraj Mistry, APCO Worldwide (Jacobs G42) - Trauma, Depression, and HIV in Rwanda Mary Fabri, Marjorie Kovler Center (Jacobs G43) - Global Health and Congress: A Road Map for Washington Advocacy Arlan Fuller, Harvard School of Public Health (Jacobs G44) - FrontlineSMS:Medic - Our Mission To Advance Global Health Equity by Delivering Cutting Edge ICT for Pennies Lucky Gunasekara and Nadim Mahmud - Grassroot Soccer: Using the Power of Soccer to Fight HIV/AIDS Nick Colacchio, Grassroot Soccer
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Schedule 12-2
Location: Annenberg G02
- Narratives in Global Health Emily Mendenhall, author of Global Health Leaders: A Reader for Youth (Jacobs G03)
- The Awakening of Compassion and Indignation: Vocational Discernment and Social Conscience John Neafsey, author of A Sacred Voice is Calling: Personal Vocation and Social Conscience (Jacobs G05)
- Leveraging Blogs and Social Networks to Advance Global Health Nathaniel Whittemore, Change.org Social Entrepreneurship Blogger (Jacobs G27)
- Thinking Outside the Box: Career Paths in Global Health Panel of Global Health Professionals
- Creating and using social-issue-based media Inspire Films (Jacobs G42)
Location: Parkes Hall Rm. 101
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane. - Martin Luther King, Jr. GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Professor Baker is co-chair and policy analyst for Health GAP (Global Access Project) and is actively engaged in campaigns for Universal Access to treatment, prevention, and care for people living with HIV/AIDS, especially expanded and improved medical treatment. He has written and consulted extensively on intellectual property rights, trade, health financing and access to medicines, including with the African Union, ASEAN, Venezuela, CARICOM, Thailand, DfID, the World Health Organization, the Millennium Development Goals Project and others. He works on policy issues concerning the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the US PEPFAR Program, and how those priority disease initiatives might contribute more broadly to improving health care delivery in developing countries. Professor Baker works on issues involving human resources for health and health system strengthening and is a member of the executive board of the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative of the Global Health Workforce Alliance. Finally he is active in a working group challenging IMF macroeconomic policies that restrict increased government and donor spending on health and education in developing countries.
Policy Director Arlan Fuller has experience in international policy, federal government operations, and legislative strategy. He has served as a public affairs consultant to the Formosan Association for Public Relations, where he worked with that Taiwanese-American organization and the Taiwanese government in coordinating their legislative efforts in the U.S. Congress. He has also been a consultant to the Citizens Trade Campaign, where he advised grassroots labor and trade organizations on strategy for legislative campaigns regarding the Chile and Singapore Free Trade Agreements. He was the Legislative Assistant for international relations and trade policy to Congressman Sherrod Brown, a senior member of the House International Relations Committee. In this role, he was responsible for the Congressman’s policy campaign to increase USAID funding for anti-tuberculosis efforts as well as organizing a legislative and whipping strategy with the House Democratic Caucus on trade policy issues. Mr. Fuller also worked for Senator Edward Kennedy, serving on the Senator’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee staff, and focused on National Institutes of Health grants. Mr. Fuller received his BA in economics from the College of the Holy Cross. He holds a Master’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and a JD from Boston College Law School.
Christine Gorman is a nationally known journalist who covered health issues, including global health matters, for more than 20 years on staff at TIME Magazine. In 2008 she received a prestigious Nieman Fellowship to study global health at Harvard University, followed by a threemonth reporting trip to investigate the nursing crisis in Malawi. Ms. Gorman was one of the first mainstream journalists in the U.S. to report in depth on the AIDS epidemic in the early-to-mid 1980s and used her fluency in both French and English to bring the international scope of the problem to the fore. She is now a freelance writer, contributor to TIME Magazine and blogs about global health at www.globalhealthreport.com.
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Mr. Stephen Lewis is Co-Director of AIDS-Free World, a new international advocacy organization that works to promote more urgent and more effective global responses to HIV/AIDS (www.aidsfreeworld.org). Among several senior UN roles that spanned over two decades, Mr. Lewis was the UN SecretaryGeneral's Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa from June 2001 until the end of 2006. From 1995 to 1999, Mr. Lewis was Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF at the organization's global headquarters in New York. From 1984 through 1988, Stephen Lewis was Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations. In addition to his work with AIDS-Free World, Mr. Lewis is a Professor in Global Health, Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and is the chair of the board of the Stephen Lewis Foundation in Canada. Mr. Lewis is the author of the best-selling book, Race Against Time. He holds 28 honorary degrees from Canadian universities and is a Companion of the Order of Canada, Canada's highest honour for lifetime achievement. In April 2005, TIME magazine listed Stephen Lewis as one of the ‘100 most influential people in the world’. In 2007, the Kingdom of Lesotho invested Mr. Lewis as Knight Commander of the Most Dignified Order of Moshoeshoe. The order, named for the founder of Lesotho, is the country's highest honour. Mr. Lewis has received a number of prestigious awards, amongst them: The Dean’s Distinguished Service Award conferred by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in recognition of outstanding contributions to public health (2003). Jonathan Mann Health and Human Rights Award from the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (2003); the International Council of Nurses’ Health and Human Rights Award, awarded quadrennially for outstanding contributions to international health and human rights (2005); the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Leadership Award, from the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas (2006); and the Health and Human Rights Award from Doctors of the World, USA (2007).
Evan Lyon, MD focuses on community-based approaches to HIV and TB treatment, providing primary care in resource-poor settings, and management of chronic disease using community health workers. He has worked in Haiti since 1996. Dr. Lyon received his MD from Harvard Medical School in 2003 and completed residency training in Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in 2007. He is currently a hospitalist on the faculty of Brigham and Women's Hospital, an Associate Physician at the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities and an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Lyon is also an editor of the journal of Health and Human Rights. Beyond working to provide care in poor communities, Dr. Lyon's research and advocacy work has focused on economic, social and political inequality, the health consequences of war and political violence - with particular emphasis on the Iraq war, the right to health, and popular, communitybased responses to global health problems.
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Dr. Neeraj Mistry is a South African-born public health physician, based at the New York headquarters of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. He leads the technical assistance to GBC member companies, focusing on policy, program design, and implementation in the workplace and community. Following the completion of his medical training (MBBCh/MD) at the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Mistry's clinical experience focused on HIV/AIDS, occupational health, family practice, medical administration, and sexual and reproductive health in both the public and private health sectors. During his time in London he worked in the NHS (National Health Service) and private health sector in internal medicine, surgery and psychiatry, and has a Masters in International Health Policy and Health Economics (MPH) from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Upon graduating he completed an internship at Merck & Co., Inc. New Jersey, USA, in the department of Public Aairs for Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
Dr. Nirav Shah holds an M. Phil in Economics from Oxford University and both medical and law degrees from The University of Chicago. From 2001-2003, he served as the Chief Economist of the Ministry of Health of Cambodia. In that position, he instituted a program that stemmed corruption in the public health system by reducing the number of administrative steps in the supply chain. He is currently a Lecturer at The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
Laurie Zoloth is a Professor of Medical Humanities, Bioethics, Jewish Studies and Religion. She is also the Director of the Northwestern University Center for Bioethics, Science and Society, and Director of the Brady Program for Ethics and Civic Life, in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Professor Zoloth is the former President of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities as well as serving on its founding board for two terms and receiving the Society's award for Distinguished Service to the Field in 2007. She is the chair of the Howard Hughes Bioethics Advisory Board and has served on the NASA National Advisory Council, receiving NASA’s National Public Service award. Professor Zoloth received an M.A. from San Francisco State University and a second M.A. and Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union.
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Summit Participants
BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY Alyson Cobb Sean Collins Dan Ryan Jordan Sukys
DEPAUL UNIVERSITY Samantha Brant Devin Meyer Tom Mullenix Ashley Snouffer Rachelle Snyder
THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Blair Bainbridge Regina Grossman Jacob Jones Amanda Paternostro Caleb Reinhold
Michelle Clark Lindsay Pingel
Vanessa Dopker Gabriela Escobar Fizza Hussain Jacob Kneeman Nikita Kohli Vanessa Lee Sarah Mihalov Carol Park Lalith Polepeddi Sana Rahim Laura Ruch Lily Ryzhkova Jon Shaffer Kathryn Smiley Tiffany Wong
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY Evelyn Angulo Sean Arora Catherine Checiek Tana Chongsuwat Christian Hyun Marko Mamic Allen Ramirez Nick Reynolds Scott Sandilands Sharika Sanku Jeni Servoss Anna Wilewska
NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Tina Dardeno Nicolas Moretti Sagar Pathak Isabelle Wiles
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
PENN STATE UNIVERSITY Brian Beachler Melinda Bothe Hillary Darville Rachel Darville Christine Fagioletti Emily Fetterhoff Jonathan Lichkus Megan Metzger Sylvia Ranjeva
RHODES COLLEGE Brent Butgereit Maria Cartagena Sarah Endres Shannon Fuller Dev Varma
TRUMAN STATE Ann-Elise Baiotto Ann Bruno Patrick Casey Emily Denight Rachel Flinn Natalie Graf Hazar Khidir Jonathan Leisinger Christine Lin Erin Medin Michelle Riefe Justine Leo Torregosa Syed Mehdi Zaidi
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES Rachel Albert Courtney Armstrong Allison Bamberg Sagar Desai Turquoise GriďŹƒth Mandip Kaur Jason Lu Amanda Salazar TatianaYanuaria
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL Hanna Ali Meagan Cannady Julie Golding Kristin Kennedy Elliot Montpellier Bianca Nguyen Yelena Pecheny Madelynn Simmons Aurelien Vetil
Visiting Students & Alumni
Shridevi Bajaj Philicia Castillo Saw Htun Barbara Jenkins Kristie Wang Chris Yang
Aleena Agrawal Molly Alawode Micaela Atkins Devika Bagchi Evan Blank Preethi Kambaiya Anupam Kumar Michaela Kupfer Akhila Narla Elizabeth Riley
Evan Blank Chris Wichterman
Alexandra Midgley Juliana Shulman
GLOBEMED ALUMNI Maggie Carlin Paul Rotert Kristina Redgrave
Ankur Asthana Rachel Berkowitz Greg Freedman Ashley Hagaman Jennifer Lien Peter Luckow Divya Mallampati Hannah Robbins Victor Roy
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
Thank you to our sponsors!
Buett Center Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences OďŹƒce of International Program Development International Studies Program Medill School of Journalism Masters in Public Health Program Department of Anthropology Program of African Studies
GlobeMed Global Health Summit
United Nations Association Of The United States of America Greater Chicago Chapter