GlobeMed GlobeMed
University students advancing the movement for global health equity
MISSION AND OVERVIEW GlobeMed is a network of university students who partner with grassroots organizations around the world to improve the health of people living in poverty. Through their involvement today, students commit to a life of leadership in global health and social justice. The GlobeMed Network currently includes 46 chapters at university campuses throughout the country. The Network is coordinated and supported by our National Office in Evanston, IL. The grassroots health organizations supported by our chapters span the world from Rwanda to Detroit.
THE GLOBEMED MODEL GlobeMed’s student-led chapters partner with grassroots organizations, primarily in developing countries. Chapters: - Fund health projects that help partner organizations achieve their mission - Educate students about global health issues through a yearlong Global Health Education and Leadership Development Curriculum and on-campus events.
Four leaders from GlobeMed at The George Washington University with their partner organization, the Rwandan Village Concept Project. Together, they are working to improve access to maternal health care in the Huye District of Rwanda.
I was drawn to GlobeMed because it was the first student organization I found on campus where I felt that my energy would really make an impact.
- Intern on-site with partner organizations This approach empowers students and communities to work together to improve the lives of impoverished people around the world. Through their involvement in GlobeMed, students are equipped to become lifelong advocates for global health equity.
OUR RESULTS GlobeMed’s model has shown tangible results: - In the past four years, GlobeMed has grown from 350 students to nearly 1000 students and from 17 to 46 chapters. The demand for our mission is growing among students across the country, with over 50 new universities applying to start chapters each year. - GlobeMed chapters have positively impacted 33 communities by supporting public health projects and have sent 70 students abroad to intern with their partner organizations on-site this year. - Since 2006, our network of chapters has raised over $450,000 for health projects in their partner communities. - We have expanded our team at the National Office, currently composed of 4 full-time staff, along with 19 volunteers who each devote 10+ hours a week.
Students from UNC - Chapel Hill stand in solidarity with those who suffer from HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day. The chapter has mobilized hundreds of students and raised more than $20,000 for their partner, Health Alert in Gulu, Uganda over the past two years.
of students reported that GlobeMed had significantly impact their career direction
say they plan to stay committed to global health throughout their lives
GlobeMed | 620 Library Place | Evanston, IL | 60208 | | | +1 847 467 2143
THE GLOBEMED GLOBAL HEALTH SUMMIT The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together GlobeMed members from universities across the country for several days of intensive lectures and workshops with leaders in global health. The Summit is designed to educate students with a foundational understanding of relevant issues in global health and prepare them with the skills needed to make an impact today. Previous Summits, Activism for Health Equity (2007), A Generational Calling: Solidarity in Global Health (2008), From Idea to Implementation: Securing Health as a Human Right (2009), Ubuntu and Social Justice: Building global partnerships for a more equitable world (2010), and A Call to Action: Leveraging History to Build a Movement (2011), have brought together over 850 students from 32 universities. Featured speakers have included representatives from the Harvard School of Public Health, Partners In Health, Global Fund for Women, AIDS-Free World, and other leading global health organizations.
OUR NETWORK Currently there are GlobeMed chapters at 46 universities. Each chapter is partnered with a unique grassroots health organization in locations around the world including: Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda, Liberia, Kenya, India, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the U.S.
Dr. Paul Farmer gave the Honorary Keynote at the 2010 GlobeMed Global Health Summit, addressing more than 1000 students, faculty, and community members at Northwestern University.
The Summit was amazing. It not only deepened my knowledge of global health, but also showed me the incredible passion of the GlobeMed Network and our power to effect real change. I learned that weekend that we truly are a movement.