620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60204 T 847.467.2143 summit@globemed.org www.globemed.org
Event Schedule
April 12
11:00am – 5:00pm
Best Western University Plaza – Evanston, IL Delegates should meet at the Best Western Inn to register and receive instructions for the weekend.
3:30pm – 4:30pm
555 Clark St – Northwestern University –OPTIONAL– This session introduces delegates to basic concepts and themes in global health, with an eye toward exploring the broad movements that have characterized the past 200 years of global public health. By the end of this session, all participants should have the knowledge needed to engage actively in Summit workshops and discussions.
5:00pm – 6:15pm
Woman’s Club of Evanston – Evanston, IL
6:15pm – 7:15pm
Woman’s Club of Evanston – Evanston, IL We are excited to welcome Melissa Covelli as the Opening Keynote for the 2012 GlobeMed Global Health Summit. Ms. Covelli is the Senior Communications Officer of the Polio Strategy in Global Health for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ms. Covelli will speak about her role in the Gates Foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio. Her experiences are invaluable in telling the stories of the incredible skill and work needed to reach the last 1% of polio victims. We hope our delegates will be able to understand the complex, structural processes that perpetuate the polio virus, and how agents such as the Gates Foundation seek to address the root causes.
7:30pm – 8:30pm
Woman’s Club of Evanston – Evanston, IL While the general idea of small group sessions is for participants to reflect on the day so far, a second purpose would be to critically examine the definitions of partnership articulated by speakers – and use that conversation as a basis for further discussion. Ultimately, we hope that this will result in participants drafting a new, or modifying an existing definition of partnership.
8:45pm – 10:00pm
Fisk Hall, Room 217 – Northwestern University They Go to Die is a documentary film-in-progress investigating the life of four migrant mineworkers in South Africa and Swaziland who have contracted drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) and HIV while working in gold mines. Jonathan Smith, the filmmaker and a Yale-trained epidemiologist, will be screening the unfinished film for us after the opening sessions at the 2012 Summit. In this presentation, we hope that Mr. Smith will share his vision for how he plans to use this film to bring about change in the South African mining industry. Furthermore, GlobeMed students will have the unique opportunity to provide feedback and thoughts on the film – especially through their understanding of how poverty and structural violence contribute to health disparities.
620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60204 T 847.467.2143 summit@globemed.org www.globemed.org
Event Schedule
April 13
9:00am – 10:30am
Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL In this session, participants will receive a snapshot of 2 different cross-sector partnerships. The focus of these sessions will be to answer the following questions: the definition of partnership, the strengths and weaknesses of each, and asking the relevant players how they define partnership. In general, through these workshops, Summit participants will come to explore other types of partnerships and understand the context in which they fall.
GHU TRACK 3 TALKS 10:45am –12:30pm Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL
Delegates get a chance to learn from their fellow GlobeMed members! This session centers on a few projects from globalhealthU’s Track 3 workshops. Ten different chapters will have the opportunity to give short presentations that explain the awesome findings that came out of their investigations.
Northwestern University
12:45pm – 2:00pm 2:30pm – 3:45pm
Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL This session would introduce Summit delegates to case studies in global health, which will be led by representatives from organizations who have developed and implemented novel, cross-sector partnerships. The speaker would provide an overview of the organization and present the students with the case study, ending with a specific question for the students to consider – usually in the form of an action to be taken. The students would then break into groups, brainstorm, and present their findings to the whole group. At the end, the speaker will provide feedback on their presentation and spend the remainder of the time explaining what actually happened and answer any questions.
4:00pm – 5:15pm
Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL This Small Groups session is based on workshops that they participated in the morning. While the general idea of small group sessions is for participants to reflect on the day so far, a second purpose would be to critically examine the definitions of partnership articulated by speakers – and use that conversation as a basis for further discussion. Ultimately, we hope that this will result in participants drafting a new, or modifying an existing definition of partnership.
620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60204 T 847.467.2143 summit@globemed.org www.globemed.org
Event Schedule
April 13
Friday 7:15pm – 9:00pm
Alice Millar Chapel – Northwestern University
The 2012 Summit is poised to be a pivotal moment in GlobeMed's history and Summit participants will have a unique opportunity to bear witness to one of the Summit’s most transformative events. We are excited to announce that our honorary keynote will be a joint discussion with Pamela Barnes, CEO of EngenderHealth, and Pamela Angwech, an Ugandan grassroots activist who survived one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises and emerged as one of her community’s most prized leaders, transforming the health of hundreds of women living in poverty.
RECEPTION Parkes Hall, Room 122 – Northwestern University
9:15pm – 10:15pm
620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60204 T 847.467.2143 summit@globemed.org www.globemed.org
Event Schedule
April 14
PARTNERSHIP PANEL 9:00am – 10:15am Fisk Hall, Room 217 – Northwestern University The second day of the Summit will open with a panel illustrating the powerful reach of a partnership-driven approach to solving problems of health inequity. We will hear from representatives from Montgomery AIDS Outreach (MAO), the partner organization for GlobeMed at Princeton University. MAO is unique because not only is the partner contact a GlobeMed alumnus (Truman State University, 2011) but also they work to provide access to HIV/AIDS treatments through the Access to Care Initiative, sponsored by AIDS United. AIDS United chose to implement this program to improve access to HIV/AIDS care and support services for those considered to be hardto-reach populations, specifically like those served by MAO. Anchoring this panel will be John Damonti, the President of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, whose support has been integral both to GlobeMed at large but also our partner organizations, like MAO and AIDS United.
10:30am – 11:45am
Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL Last year, we introduced the ‘Think Tank’ model into the Summit’s sessions. Delegates were given the chance to offer insight into GlobeMed’s organizational development through targeted discussion of a few different topics. Similarly, at the 2012 Summit, participants will break into small groups to discuss how GlobeMed’s partnerships can be better strengthened in the following areas: writing effective memoranda of understanding, metrics and evaluation, partner communications, the GROW internship program, increasing partner connectivity, and serving as advocates for your partner communities at your university.
Fisk 217 – Northwestern University
12:00pm – 1:15pm 1:30pm – 2:45pm
Alice Millar Chapel – Northwestern University This year, we are honored to welcome Dr. Gary Slutkin as the plenary keynote at the Summit. Dr. Slutkin serves as the Executive Director of Ceasefire, an organization dedicated to preventing violence by treating it as an infectious disease and using disease control methods to prevent its spread. He received his M.D. from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, and did his internship and residency at San Francisco General Hospital, where he was also Chief Resident in medicine. Ceasefire has been profiled most recently in “The Interrupters,” a film that follows four ‘interrupters’ that work in communities affected by violence to contain its spread.
620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60204 T 847.467.2143 summit@globemed.org www.globemed.org
Event Schedule
April 14
3:00pm – 4:15pm PANEL DISCUSSION UPPERCLASSMEN PANEL Harris 107 – Northwestern University These panels are flighted, such that upperclassmen and underclassmen will each attend a different panel, both of which occur simultaneously. Upperclassmen will attend a panel featuring recent GlobeMed alumni, all of whom have experienced the difficulties of finding a community similar to that of GlobeMed’s after graduation. Students will understand how the alumni panelists have approached finding and joining new communities of peers after leaving college and their chapters.
Fisk 217 – Northwestern University Through this session, freshmen and sophomore members of GlobeMed chapters will hear from a panel comprising both current and former chapter members who have experience in dealing with the difficult questions required of our students. For example, while GlobeMed students are asked to participate in leadership development programs through the globalhealthU program, what does it mean to be a leader in global health as an undergraduate, without having to explicitly study be involved in global health classes or research?
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Hilton Orrington Conference Center – Evanston, IL Based on workshops that they participated in earlier that morning – one idea would be to ask speakers to articulate their ideas of partnership and use that as a basis for discussion. One result could be for delegates to draft their own definition of partnership using the definitions and explanations given by speakers.
6:00pm – 7:00pm
J.J. Java Coffeehouse – Evanston, IL
One of the Summit’s objectives is to serve as a foundation for our seniors in their life after college. The GlobeMed Alumni network, more than 300 strong, features a robust mentorship program between recent alumni and chapter members, with half a dozen regional hubs serving as central meeting points for their members. We hope this block of time will allow for our graduating members to form friendships and connections with the more than two dozen alumni members who will be attending the Summit.
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Louis Room, Norris University Center – Northwestern University