2013 GlobeMed Global Health Summit April 11-13, 2013 Northwestern University Evanston, IL
Partnerships in Africa GlobeMed at Arizona State University + ICOD Action Network $3,000 to provide housing for
GlobeMed at Brown University + Ungano Tena
GlobeMed at Colorado College + Western Organization of People Living with HIV/AIDS Kenya GlobeMed at Columbia University + Gulu Women’s Economic Development - Globalization
GlobeMed at George Washington University + Rwanda Village Concept Project $16,000 to
GlobeMed at Lawrence University + Health Development Initiative $7,500 for a sexual health
GlobeMed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology + Hope Through Health $5,000
GlobeMed at Middlebury College + Gardens for Health International $20,000 for nutrition initiatives –2–
GlobeMed at Northeastern University + Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization $7,000 for latrines, and to support hygiene and GlobeMed at Northwestern University + Adonai Child Development Center $15,000
GlobeMed at University of California - Los Angeles + Nwoya Youth Center $10,000 for
GlobeMed at University of Michigan + Tiyatien Health villages in Liberia GlobeMed at University of Missouri - Kansas City + Kabwohe Clinical Research Center
GlobeMed at University of North Carolina + Health Alert Uganda $10,000 for HIV/AIDS GlobeMed at University of Pennsylvania + Lwala Community Alliance $6,000 for safe births in Kenya GlobeMed at University of Southern California + Care Net Ghana 50 traditional birth attendants in Ghana GlobeMed at Washington University in St. Louis + Uganda Development and Health Associates GlobeMed at Wayne State University + Kigezi Healthcare Foundation $5,000 to provide –3–
Partnerships in the Americas
GlobeMed at Amherst College + Pastoral de la Salud GlobeMed at Boston College + CCCUNSCH of an elderly population in Peru GlobeMed at Cornell University + CEPAIPA
GlobeMed at DePaul University + ASOSAP
GlobeMed at Duke University + Salud Sin Limites $10,000 to build a shelter for GlobeMed at Georgetown University + Primeros Pasos $7,000 to provide health –4–
GlobeMed at Indiana University + CEMOPLAF $7,500 for transportation to
GlobeMed at Loyola University Chicago + Jambi Huasi GlobeMed at Penn State University + ACUDESBAL
GlobeMed at Princeton University + Medical AIDS Outreach $2,500 for
GlobeMed at Rhodes College + AMOS Health and Hope
GlobeMed at Truman State University + Maison de Naissance $12,000 for a baby GlobeMed at University of Chicago + ASPAT
GlobeMed at University of Rochester + Kallpa Iquitos GlobeMed at University of Texas - Austin + Clinica Ana Manganaro $15,000 to GlobeMed at Vanderbilt University + Dios es Amor
Partnerships in Asia GlobeMed at Bethel University + Rural Economic Development Association $6,000
GlobeMed at University of Colorado Boulder + Himalayan Healthcare $30,000
GlobeMed at Dartmouth College + Kachin Women’s Association Thailand $6,000 for a
GlobeMed at Emory University + Migrant Assistance Program Foundation $5,000 to
GlobeMed at Oberlin College + Center for Community Health Promotion $5,200 for
GlobeMed at Rutgers University + Cooperation for Social Services and Development $5,600 for an HIV/AIDS
GlobeMed at Tufts University + Nyaya Health $6,500 for 18 solar panels to
GlobeMed at University of Cincinnati + Social Action for Women $10,000 to train GlobeMed at University of Denver + Buddhism for Social Development Action
GlobeMed at University of Notre Dame + Promotion for Education and Development Association GlobeMed at University of South Carolina + Alternative for Rural Movement $3,000
GlobeMed at University of Virginia + Build Your Future Today GlobeMed at University of Washington + Women’s Development Association $5,000
GlobeMed at University of Wisconsin - Madison + Cambodian Organization for Women’s Support $15,000 for youth
GlobeMed at Whitman College + Burmese Women’s Union
2013 GlobeMed Global Health Summit 9
36 38
Welcome to the 2013 GlobeMed Global Health Summit!
Over the past six years, GlobeMed has strengthened
The Student
global health professionals, and grassroots leaders
2013 GlobeMed Summit Team Sarah Hersey, Olivia Koshy, Sue Kulkarni, Alaa Mohamedali, Will Oliver, Chloe Padula –9–
Be open to challenge
Write, discuss, and
Hug someone
Think big
Speak with the possibility of being heard; listen with the possibility of being changed
When you encounter an idea or perspective that is new, diffortable, lean into it. Ask questions, and don’t be shy about sharing or receiving an opposing view. Challenge yourself; challenge others.
Over the next three days, you will be presented with a massive amount of information and perspectives from leading experts in global health and fellow delegates. Take notes, share your ideas and questions, and reserve the things that have challenged or inspired you.
The Summit is an invaluable opportunity to get to know student global health leaders from across the country. The relationships formed at the Summit will bolster you as you return to your campus to advance your Talk to people, ask questions about their chapters and partnerships, and give them a hug and keep in touch!
You are part of a movement of over 1,500 students and 50 partner communities that spans the globe. You are students at incredible universities, citizens with powerful voices, and endowed with all the vigor and passion of youth. In short, your potential to make change is matched only by your responsibilpotential. Bring your boldest vision to the table.
How to Experience the Summit – 10 –
The success of the Summit rests on your willingness to be challenged, inspired, and transformed by one another. To do this, we must recognize the wisdom of others and share the unique perspectives that we have yourself.
Social Media @ the Summit Like GlobeMed and the GlobeMed Global Health Summit pages
@GlobeMed #2013summit, #studentmomentum, and #globalhealth.
Tips for Live Tweeting at the Summit
@GlobeMed and tag
before Closing Dinner
in front of their handle so it
– 11 –
schedule Thursday, April 11th Registration
Best Western University Plaza
Opening Dinner
Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom
12:00PM - 5:00PM
5:00PM - 7:15PM
Opening Keynote Morton Schapiro
Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom - 6:00 PM
“Global Engagement and Higher Education”
Morton Schapiro is the President of Northwestern University and a Professor of Economics.
How To Survive A Plague: Film Screening
Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom
chronicles the early years of the AIDS epidemic and the start of ACT UP, an activist organization that nominated for Best Documentary at the 85th Academy Awards. – 12 –
7:30PM - 9:30PM
Q & A: The Legacy of AIDS Activism
9:30PM - 10:00PM
Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom from today’s student movement against AIDS.
Amirah Sequeira
Student Global AIDS Campaign
Peter Staley
Treatment Action Group
Will Oliver
Friday, April 12th 9:00AM - 10:20AM
Youth-driven Change: Conversations with Peers and Partners
Group A: Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom Group B: Hilton Orrington Heritage Ballroom This session features peer and partner organizations whose missions center on youth participation in global change. Through a series of conversations, we will begin to discern some of the challenges and op-
Manuel Tello
Margo Watson
Hyacinthe Mushumbamwiza
Patrick Eccles
Kallpa Iquitos
Rwanda Village Concept Project
Elizabeth Newton
Center for Global Engagement, Moderator
Alyssa Smaldino
Allowance for Good
10:30AM - 11:45AM
Educating for Global Health: The Role of Universities Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom
Representing students, faculty, and administrators, this panel aims to clarify how universities can create lifelong advocates for global health.
Evan Lyon, MD
University of Chicago
Brian Hanson – 13 –
Bryan Collinsworth Universities Allied for Essential Medicines
Rachel Markon
Friday, April 12th, cont’d 12:00PM - 1:15PM
1:30PM - 2:45PM
Lunch & Small Group Session I Fisk Hall, Room 217
globalhealthU Presentations: Human Rights in our Chapter and Partner Communities Hilton Orrington, 2nd & 9th Floor Brown University
University of Rochester
Elaine Hsiang
Nupur Mital, Humma
Phil Reinhart, Amee Tan
University of Texas Austin
Duke University
George Washington University Caroline Hopper, Katy Stewart
Northwestern University Tade Mengesha, Katie Singh
Priya Prakash
Wayne State University Aryana Sharrak, Anita Vasudevan
Whitman College Tory Davidson, Anuradha Lingappa
3:00PM - 4:15PM
Personal Narratives: Working with Purpose
Group A: Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom Group B: Hilton Orrington Heritage Ballroom In this series of presentations, we are featuring the diverse stories of young professionals doing values-driven work in health. In discussing their projects, we hope to understand better how our generation can innovate new approaches to persistent health problems without losing sight of purpose.
Ankur Asthana Mert Iseri
Tess Pendery
Liz Rose Chmela
Rishi Rattan, MD
Article 25
Made By We
Peter Luckow Tiyatien Health
Yuri Malina SwipeSense
– 14 –
Health Leads
Physicians for Haiti
4:15PM - 5:00PM
Small Group Session II
Hilton Orrington, 2nd & 9th Floor 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Noms on your own!
Evanston, IL - Refer to dining guide
Plenary Keynote Zeenat Rahman
Alice Millar Chapel - 7:00 PM
“Youth Rising: Reimagining Global Civic Engagement” Zeenat Rahman is Secretary John Kerry’s Special Adviser on Global Youth Issues and Director of the
8:30PM - 10:15PM
Pray the Devil Back to Hell: Film Screening + Meet the Director Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington
Pray the Devil Back to Hell chronicles the remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil Documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2008. After the screening,
Gini Reticker Filmmaker
Olivia Koshy
Perhaps today more than ever before, history belongs to the youth... As we pioneer a new model of development that engages problem-solvers everywhere one thing is clear: our young people are already there. – Rajiv Shah, USAID Administrator
– 15 –
Saturday, April 13th Investing in Emerging Changemakers
10:00AM - 11:15AM
Fisk Hall, Room 217 Northwestern University
Featuring investors in media, technology, global partnership, and professional networks, this panel seeks to demonstrate how generation’s full potential.
Paul Ellingstad
Angela Heimburger
HP Social Innovation
Ci3 University of Chicago
Jennifer Gottesfeld
Lily Mandlin
Global Health Corps
Echoing Green
Maya Cohen
Noms on your own!
Evanston, IL - Refer to dining guide
11:15AM - 1:00PM
HONORARY Keynote Leymah Gbowee
Alice Millar Chapel - 1:00 PM
“One Woman’s Journey: Peacebuilding for a Global Generation” Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian peace activist and the winner of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.
Small Group Session III
Northwestern University Classrooms – 16 –
2:30PM - 3:00PM
Organizational Think Tanks
Northwestern University Classrooms
3:15PM - 4:15PM
In small group discussion and brainstorming, chapter members will share best practices and brainstorm ways they can strengthen their chapter across all programs.
The Next Chapter
Leverone Hall Northwestern University
4:30PM - 5:45PM
A panel discussion with alumni of GlobeMed will explore the next steps beyond college and a GlobeMed chapter.
Michaela Kupfer
GlobeMed at WashU
Kate Mullersman
Paul Rotert
GlobeMed at Truman State
Kalin Werner
GlobeMed at UCLA
Jon Lichkus
GlobeMed at Penn State, Moderator
Young people have an almost biological destiny to be hopeful. – Marshall Ganz
Alumni & Seniors Reception
John Evans Alumni Center Northwestern University
Welcome to the GlobeMed Alumni network, graduating seniors! Join current alumni for a small get-together to close out the weekend. Celebrate your time in GlobeMed, and learn about how you can stay involved with the network.
Closing Dinner
Allison Hall Northwestern University – 17 –
6:00PM - 7:00PM
7:30PM - 9:30PM
3 1 d 0 e 2 beM o l G mit m s u r S ake e p S – 18 –
Leymah Gbowee Liberian Peace Activist, 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian peace activist, trained social worker, and women’s rights advocate. She is the founder and President of the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa, the head of the Liberia Reconciliation Initiative, and the co-founder and Executive Director of Women Peace and Security Network Africa (WIPSEN-A). She is also a founding member and former Liberia Coordinator of Women in Peacebuilding Network/West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WIPNET/WANEP). Gbowee’s leadership of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace brought together Christian and Muslim women in a nonviolent movement that played a pivotal role in ending Liberia’s civil war in 2003. She holds an M.A. in of Laws (LLD) honoris causa from Rhodes University in South Africa.
Resources Book: Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War Documentary: Pray the Twitter: @LeymahRGbowee – 19 –
Zeenat Rahman serves as Secretary John Kerry’s Special Adviser on Global Youth Issues and Youth Issues. She works evate global youth issues the State Department and vance opportunities for
to elwithin to adyoung
of Global Youth Issues empowers young people around the world, and encourages governments to respond to youth through U.S. diplomacy. Rahman is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a fellow with the American Muslim Civic Leaders Institute at the University of Southern California, and a member of the British Council’s Transatlantic Network 2020. She received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Illinois, and an M.A. in Middle Eastern studies from the University of Chicago.
Twitter: @zeenat @StateDept
Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues, Youth Issues
Zeenat Rahman – 20 –
Morton Schapiro President of Northwestern University Resources
Economist, professor, and current president of Northwestern UniverBook: College Access: sity, Schapiro has grappled with Opportunity or Privilege? questions about the role of higher Twitter: @NorthwesternU education in young people’s lives throughout his career. He focuses on university investment in today’s youth, and continually challenges others to do the same. Before stepping in as President of Northwestern University in 2009, Schapiro served as the President of Williams College. He has previously held positions as the Chair of the Economics Department and Dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at the University of Southern California. He received a B.S. in Economics from Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
– 21 –
Panel Speakers How to Survive a Plague: The Legacy of AIDS Activism
Amirah Sequeira
National Coordinator of the Student Global AIDS Campaign. She
Currently Reading: This by Junot Diaz | @miraseq | @FightGlobalAIDS
Peter staley
member of ACT UP New York, then as the founding director of the Treatment Action Group. He served on the board of the
| @peterstaley | @actupny How to Survive a Plague
Conversations with Peers and Partners
Acting Coordinator of the Rwanda Village Concept Project - GlobeMed at George Washington
– 22 –
Founder and Executive Director of Allowance for Good.
Elizabeth Newton | @allowance4good
Program Director for the Pampachica Districk of Kallpa Iquitos - GlobeMed at
Margo Watson is the Executive Director of FACE AIDS.
Manuel Tello Margo Watson
Currently Reading: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov | @MargWow | @FACEAIDS Assistant Director of the Northwestern Center for Global Engagement.
Patrick Eccles Moderator
| @CGE_NU Director of Partnerships at
Alyssa Smaldino Moderator
| @alyssasmaldino – 23 –
Educating for Global Health: The Role of Universities
Executive Director of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines
Collinsworth | @uaem
Director of Programs Research and Operations of
| @buffettcenter
Evan Lyon
Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
| @evanlyon | @UChicago
Rachel Markon
GlobeMed National
Moderator | @rachyleahm – 24 –
Personal Narratives: Working with Purpose 25,
Co-Founder of Article
Ankur Asthana Currently Reading: The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care, by T. R. Reid | @AnkurAsthana
Founder and Creative Director
Liz Rose Chmela Currently Reading: Designing for Emotion, by Aaron Walter | @Lchmela | @TweetsByWe
Co-Founder and CEO of
Mert Iseri Currently Reading: Republic, Lost, by Larry Lessig | @mhi | @SwipeSense
– 25 –
Chief Operating
Peter Luckow | @peterluckow | @TiyatienHealth
Yuri Malina
Currently Reading: , by David Deutsch
Co-Founder of Design for
Co-Founder a
| @ymalina | @SwipeSense
Tess Pendery
Operations Coordinator for Research and Development at Health Leads, an
| @TMPendery | @HealthLeadsNatl
Rishi Rattan
Advocacy Chair at Physicians for
| @P4Haiti – 26 –
Pray the Devil Back to Hell: Meet the Director Back to Hell,
Director of Pray the Devil
gini reticker
Investing in Emerging Changemakers Partnership and Program Development Director at HP Sustainability and Social Innovation.
Paul Ellingstad | @paulellingstad | @hpglobalcitizen
Global Health Corps,
U.S. Progam Manager for
Jennifer Gottesfeld | @jgottesfeld | @ghcorps
Executive Director of Ci3
Angela Heimburger | @UChicagoCi3
– 27 –
Lily Mandlin
Lily Mandlin is the Manager of the Social Investment Council, of Echoing Green that provides opportunities for
Currently Reading: Other People’s Money, by Charles Bagli | @echoinggreen
Maya Cohen Moderator | @GlobeMed
The Next Chapter
Michaela Kupfer
Health Care and Monitoring & Evaluation Capacity Building Fellow with Project Muso Ladamunen, an organization that
| @mzkupfer
– 28 –
Workplace Services Specialist at Google. Kate
Kate Mullersman | @mullersman
year Family Medicine Resident at University of Illinois-Chicago,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Lee County Health Department
Paul Rotert
Kalin Werner | @_kaydub_
fourth year medical student at Boston University. He is interested in pursuing a
Jon Lichkus Moderator | @jonlichkus
– 29 –
Summit Delegates Amherst College Philip Hendrix Courage Matiza
Arizona State University Hillary Carneal Lorraine Sekito Kaylin Stinski
Colorado College Rory Curtin Margaret Dillon Sarah Phillips Molly Snell
Lawrence University
Kaleigh Post Loyola University Chicago
Columbia University Menaka Dhingra
Christi Forner Deena Hasan
Diane Wang Helen Zhou
Middlebury College
Cornell University Audrey Fotouhi
University of Colorado - Boulder Sarah Ha Chris Klene
DePaul University Kaila Parker Duke University Phil Reinhart Emory University
Lillie Hodges Cate Stanton Olivia Wold
George Washington University Caroline Hopper
Bethel University Subada Soti Brown University
Kristina Mani
Indiana University
Dartmouth College Lisa Carson Harrison Han Zuo Ming Koh
Puja Sheth Melissa Wong Georgetown University
– 30 –
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Harini Suresh
Rhodes College
Allyson Moeller Stephanie Morales
Northwestern University
Leah Paz
Liz Coda Rafa Ifthikhar
Katie Singh
Abhinav Gupta
Rutgers University
University of Michigan
Kevin Riehl Selena Suhail-Sindhu
Kristin Harden Alexander Magidson
Kevin Xie University of Chicago
Truman State University
Lizzette MeloLauren Springett Cindy Sui
Kyle LaVelle Oberlin College Christopher Gould Katrina Lettang Penn State University
Tufts University
University of Cincinnati
Hannah Collins University of California - Los Angeles
Melody Qiu Daniel Sikavi
Parker Webb University of North Carolina Gihani Dissanayake Crystal Ki
Stephanie Lux Danny Rahal
Savannah Lennertz
Princeton University
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University of Notre Dame
Meagan Hennessy Avanti Kelkar Alexaya Learner
University of Denver
– 31 –
Genevieve Gill-Wiehl
Abbey Santanello
University of Southern California Sidrah Khan
University of Pennsylvania Lily Huang Gabriella Meltzer
University of Texas Austin
University of Wisconsin - Madison Karli Contreras
Anita Vasudevan Whitman College Anuradha Lingappa
Marrisa Mora
Reuben Sanon
University of Virginia University of Rochester Alysha Alani Mehr Kashyap Sarah Milligan Ria Pal Rhett Partida Mary Pilarz Madison Selby
Allie Ziegler Vanderbilt University
Farah Shah University of Washington
Alexander Kuehl
Washington University in St. Louis Carly Hubbard Marina Mai
Aneka Vo
Priya Purohit
Cal State - San Bernardino Florida International University Howard University Huston-Tillotson University Morgan State University
Paul Vergara University South Carolina
2013-2014 Chapter Founders
Spelman College Wayne State University Shreya Desai Ani Mannari Aryana Sharrak – 32 –
St. Edward’s University Ashley Cao Xavier University of Louisiana
Alumni Ankur Asthana
Ankur is building a digital platform enabling communities to advocate for their right to health. He most recently worked at Mosaic, a crowd-funding platform for solar projects, and served as the Development Director of GlobeMed. Ankur has served as a technology advisor to various global health organizations. He holds a B.S. in biomedical engineering from Northwestern University.
Ian Buller
Chapter: CU-Boulder Ian will be starting a Ph.D. in Environmental Health Science at Emory University. He studies the impact of the environment on parasites and human health. For four years he worked in the CU-Boulder chapter, including a stint as globalhealthU coordinator. In his spare time, he’s an avid skier, cyclist, and backpacker.
Katie Coakley
Chapter: Loyola University Chicago
Katie attended Loyola University Chicago from 2009-2012 and her degree is in Biology. GlobeMed was the best part
of her college experience! She currently works as a caregiver at Misericordia, a residential facility for people with developmental disabilities, and plans to pursue occupational therapy.
Hillary Darville
Chapter: Penn State
Hillary is earning a masters in International Public Service at DePaul University. Last summer Hillary worked at NU’s Center for Civic Engagement. She earned a B.S. in Biobehavioral Health from Penn State University in 2011, and served as Co-President of Penn State’s GlobeMed chapter.
Sagar Desai
Chapter: UCLA
Sagar graduated from UCLA in the Spring of 2012. She has been a part of GlobeMed at UCLA since its birth in 2008-2009. She is currently a Teach For America teacher at a charter high school in southwest Chicago, where she teaches Physics.
Laura Edison
Chapter: WashU in STL
Laura is a second-year Master of Public Health student at Washington University in – 33 –
St. Louis. Her passion for health equity in nutrition was sparked by her involvement in GlobeMed, and she is now working on nutrition and tobacco policy research studies garden and healthy corner store initiatives.
Ghislaine Feussom
Chapter: Loyola University Chicago
Ghislaine is a woman of the world with African (Cameroon) origins. Caring for others has always been second nature to her. Ghislaine’s mission focuses on providing health care to the under-served populations, because health care is a right, not a privilege.
Alexis Fogel
Chapter: UCLA
Alexis is a graduate of UCLA working in Los Angeles for the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Ronald Reagan Hospital. Before beginning her Master of Public Health in Global Health this fall, she will spend the summer in Tel Aviv, Israel doing community programming for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim schoolchildren and teaching African refugees English.
Matthew Goers
Chapter: UMKC
school at UMKC and will be
attending the University of Minnesota next year for Internal Medicine. He hopes one day to continue to work with partners in developing countries, and bring public health, health equity, and social justice to the forefront of our global discussion.
Regina Grossman
Meghan Kennedy Chapter: UCLA
Meghan is a recent UCLA grad who majored in biology and minored in anthropology. After getting hooked on GlobeMed her freshman year, she’s loved every minute, including visiting their partner in northern Uganda and interning at the
Chapter: GWU
Regina is originally from Miami, FL and currently works at Amnesty International USA. She graduated from the George Washington University in 2010 and then got her Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan in 2012. Prior to working at Amnesty, Regina worked with community based organizations in Detroit and Rwanda.
April Harrison Chapter: Duke
to write, which has been one of my best decisions of all time. At Duke, I studied English and Spanish and committed all free thoughts, space, and time to GlobeMed-- and now I’m so proud of how much our chapter has grown! At the end of the year, I’m applying to MPH getting a job.
next trip or laying out in the California sunshine.
Michaela Kupfer
Chapter: WashU in STL
Michaela Kupfer is the Health Care and Monitoring & Evaluation Capacity Building Fellow with Project Muso Ladamunen, an organization that targets poverty and its through community-based health care, participatory She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in May of 2012 with a major in Anthropology and minors in Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Fine Art. Michaela is interested in how we translate grand beliefs in social justice into health care programs.
Jon Lichkus
Chapter: Penn State
Jonathan Lichkus is a medical – 34 –
student at Boston University. He is pursuing a career in global primary care and has interests in quality improvement and health innovation. He is pursuing an MPH in Health Care Management and Policy from the Harvard School of Public Health and is striving to achieve his life-long dream of dunking a basketball.
Chris Moore
Chapter: Rhodes College
After graduating Rhodes College in 2011, where he served as the internal co-president of the GltobeMed chapter, Chris joined the Dallas - Fort Worth Teach For America corps. Chris currently teaches biology and AP biology at W.W. Samuell High School in Dallas, Texas. When he is not teaching, Chris enjoys running, climbing and playing with his dog Hollis.
Kate Mullersman Kate is a Northwestern ‘12 grad who has made her way out to California to work at a tech company and avoid Midwestern winters. She is former Political Science major who dabbled in Global Health, Sociology, and a whole lot of indecision. Right how to make people healthier and happier at work and at home.
Bianca Nguyen Chapter: UNC &
the MD/MPH program at Tufts University School of Medicine. In 2007, she co-founded the GlobeMed chapter at UNCChapel Hill. After graduating from UNC in 2010 with a B.S. in Radiologic Science, Bianca became a full-time Program Director and later Director of Development.
Paul Rotert
Chapter: Truman State
Paul’s journey with GlobeMed started after a trip to rural Haiti in 2006 to work at a birthing home called Maison de Naissance (MN). He returned to Truman State where he founded the GlobeMed chapter and created a partnership Family Medicine Resident at University of Illinois-Chicago, will be participating in their Global Community Health Track starting next year, and plans to complete a combined MPH program beginning the following year.
Mizuki Sato
Chapter: UCLA
Mizuki attended UCLA, where she competed in gymnastics and hung out with GlobeMed. She’s currently learning about
operations at her job. When she’s not working you can watching TED talks, or mentally mapping out her dream travel locales.
Jon Shaffer
Chapter: Northwestern Engagement Coordinator at Partners In Health. In this role, he is working to build a community organizing strategy that can strengthen the growing movement for global health equity. Jon served for two years as the Executive Director of GlobeMed.
Sid Singh Sid graduated from Northwestern in 2012. Sid was a member of the Summit After graduating, Sid joined Cardinal Health as an analyst in Operations Research & Analytics. Now he works at a Chicago-based healthcare startup. Sid enjoys learning keyboard shortcuts and trying to (so far unsuccessfully) recreate the Chipotle burrito at home.
Katie Smiley
Chapter: Northwestern
When she wasn’t supporting the fabulous GlobeMed at – 35 –
Northwestern, Katie studied Cultural Anthropology, Global Health, and Music. She does audience research for museums and informal learning environments. The past year she has also been a part of PIH | Engage Chicago Community.
Kalin Werner Chapter: UCLA
Kalin is a Bay Area hippy child relocated to Illinois. She’s addicted to travel and new experiences. Kalin is passionate about cheese, trees, public health, Rodin sculptures, and Tina Fey.
Thank You
We are only as strong as our community of
We give heartfelt thanks to Abbott for their ongoing support of
Maya Cohen Executive Director – 36 –
Supporters & Sponsors
Additional support from:
– 37 –
Map of Evanston Leverone Hall
University Hall
Kresge Hall Allison Dining Hall
Alice Millar Chapel & Parkes Hall
Fisk Hall
Hilton Orrington John Evans Center
Davis “L” Stop
Key Locations
Best Western
1501 Sherman Avenue
1710 Orrington Avenue
1870 Sheridan Road
1845 Sheridan Road
1880 Campus Drive
1897 Sheridan Road
1820 Chicago Avenue
2001 Sheridan Road
– 38 –
Things to do in Evanston & Chicago Cloudgate (The Bean)
See a movie
Century Cinemark Theaters
Debrief and unwind over coffee Kafein Starbucks
Hang out at the beach Clark Street Beach
– 39 –
– 40 –
– 41 –
Special thanks to the GlobeMed Summit Team for their hard work and dedication! Will Oliver, Co-Director Will is a sophomore at Northwestern studying Biological Sciences and Science in Human Culture.
Sue Kulkarni, Co-Director Sue is a senior at Northwestern majoring in Political Science.
Sarah Hersey, Co-Director Sarah is a sophomore at Northwestern studying Anthropology and Dance.
Chloe Padula Chloe is a sophomore at Northwestern majoring in Political Science and International Studies.
Alaa Mohamedali Alaa is a freshman at Northwestern majoring in Biological Sciences.
Olivia Koshy Olivia is GlobeMed’s Director of Development. She graduated from University of Texas Austin with a degree in Marketing in 2012.
– 42 –
GlobeMed National Executive Director Director of Development Director of Partnerships Program Director Program Director
Maya Cohen Olivia Koshy
globalhealthU Kathleen Ferraro
Harika Rayala
Mahati Pidaparti
Professional Development Adarsh Shah
Strategic Planning
Global Advisory Council
Board of Directors
– 43 –
Students and communities improving health around the world