2013 Summit Schedule

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schedule Thursday, April 11th Registration

Best Western University Plaza

Opening Dinner

Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom

12:00PM - 5:00PM

5:00PM - 7:15PM

Opening Keynote Morton Schapiro Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom - 6:00 PM

“Global Engagement and Higher Education”

Morton Schapiro is the President of Northwestern University and a Professor of Economics.

How To Survive A Plague: Film Screening

Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom

How to Survive a Plague chronicles the early years of the AIDS epidemic and the start of ACT UP, an activist organization that ultimately transformed AIDS drug policy in the U.S. The film was nominated for Best Documentary at the 85th Academy Awards. – 12 –

7:30PM - 9:30PM

Q & A: The Legacy of AIDS Activism

9:30PM - 10:00PM

Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom

After the screening, we will hold Q&A with activists from the film and from today’s student movement against AIDS.

Amirah Sequeira

Student Global AIDS Campaign

Peter Staley

Treatment Action Group

Will Oliver

National Office, Moderator

Friday, April 12th 9:00AM - 10:20AM

Youth-driven Change: Conversations with Peers and Partners

Group A: Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom Group B: Hilton Orrington Heritage Ballroom This session features peer and partner organizations whose missions center on youth participation in global change. Through a series of conversations, we will begin to discern some of the challenges and opportunities of youth-driven efforts.

Manuel Tello

Margo Watson

Hyacinthe Mushumbamwiza

Patrick Eccles

Kallpa Iquitos

Rwanda Village Concept Project

Elizabeth Newton


Center for Global Engagement, Moderator

Alyssa Smaldino

National Office, Moderator

Allowance for Good

10:30AM - 11:45AM

Educating for Global Health: The Role of Universities Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom

Representing students, faculty, and administrators, this panel aims to clarify how universities can create lifelong advocates for global health.

Evan Lyon, MD

University of Chicago

Brian Hanson Buffett Center

– 13 –

Bryan Collinsworth Universities Allied for Essential Medicines

Rachel Markon

National Office, Moderator

Friday, April 12th, cont’d 12:00PM - 1:15PM

1:30PM - 2:45PM

Lunch & Small Group Session I Fisk Hall, Room 217

globalhealthU Presentations: Human Rights in our Chapter and Partner Communities Hilton Orrington, 2nd & 9th Floor Brown University

University of Rochester

Duke University

Nupur Mital, Humma Sheikh, Halima Rafi

George Washington University

Priya Prakash

Elaine Hsiang

Phil Reinhart, Amee Tan

Caroline Hopper, Katy Stewart

Northwestern University Tade Mengesha, Katie Singh

University of Texas Austin Wayne State University Aryana Sharrak, Anita Vasudevan

Whitman College Tory Davidson, Anuradha Lingappa

3:00PM - 4:15PM

Personal Narratives: Working with Purpose

Group A: Hilton Orrington Grand Ballroom Group B: Hilton Orrington Heritage Ballroom In this series of presentations, we are featuring the diverse stories of young professionals doing values-driven work in health. In discussing their projects, we hope to understand better how our generation can innovate new approaches to persistent health problems without losing sight of purpose.

Ankur Asthana Mert Iseri

Tess Pendery

Liz Rose Chmela

Rishi Rattan, MD

Article 25

Made By We


Peter Luckow Tiyatien Health

Yuri Malina SwipeSense

– 14 –

Health Leads

Physicians for Haiti

4:15PM - 5:00PM

Small Group Session II

Hilton Orrington, 2nd & 9th Floor 5:00PM - 6:30PM

Noms on your own!

Evanston, IL - Refer to dining guide

Plenary Keynote Zeenat Rahman Alice Millar Chapel - 7:00 PM

“Youth Rising: Reimagining Global Civic Engagement” Zeenat Rahman is Secretary John Kerry’s Special Advisor on Global Youth Issues and Director of the Office of Global Youth Issues.

8:30PM - 10:15PM

Pray the Devil Back to Hell: Film Screening + Meet the Director Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington

Pray the Devil Back to Hell chronicles the remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country. The film won Best Documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2008. After the screening, we will hold Q&A with the film’s director.

Gini Reticker


Olivia Koshy

National Office, Moderator

Perhaps today more than ever before, history belongs to the youth... As we pioneer a new model of development that engages problem-solvers everywhere one thing is clear: our young people are already there. – Rajiv Shah, USAID Administrator

– 15 –

Saturday, April 13th Investing in Emerging Changemakers

10:00AM - 11:15AM

Fisk Hall, Room 217 Northwestern University

Featuring investors in media, technology, global partnership, and professional networks, this panel seeks to demonstrate how different economic sectors can be harnessed to unleash our generation’s full potential.

Paul Ellingstad

Angela Heimburger

HP Social Innovation

Ci3 University of Chicago

Jennifer Gottesfeld

Lily Mandlin

Global Health Corps

Echoing Green

Maya Cohen

National Office, Moderator

Noms on your own!

Evanston, IL - Refer to dining guide

11:15AM - 1:00PM

HONORARY Keynote Leymah Gbowee Alice Millar Chapel - 1:00 PM

“One Woman’s Journey: Peacebuilding for a Global Generation” Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian peace activist and the winner of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

Small Group Session III

Northwestern University Classrooms – 16 –

2:30PM - 3:00PM

Organizational Think Tanks

Northwestern University Classrooms

3:15PM - 4:15PM

In small group discussion and brainstorming, chapter members will share best practices and brainstorm ways they can strengthen their chapter across all programs.

The Next Chapter

Leverone Hall Northwestern University

4:30PM - 5:45PM

A panel discussion with alumni of GlobeMed will explore the next steps beyond college and a GlobeMed chapter.

Michaela Kupfer GlobeMed at WashU

Kate Mullersman

GlobeMed National Office

Paul Rotert

GlobeMed at Truman State

Kalin Werner

GlobeMed at UCLA

Jon Lichkus

GlobeMed at Penn State, Moderator

Young people have an almost biological destiny to be hopeful. – Marshall Ganz

Alumni & Seniors Reception

John Evans Alumni Center Northwestern University

Welcome to the GlobeMed Alumni network, graduating seniors! Join current alumni for a small get-together to close out the weekend. Celebrate your time in GlobeMed, and learn about how you can stay involved with the network.

Closing Dinner

Allison Hall Northwestern University – 17 –

6:00PM - 7:00PM

7:30PM - 9:30PM

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