Ten Years in the Making
Developing 21st century leaders for global health
The barriers to global health equity are complex. In order to overcome them, we need a new generation of leaders who are courageous, collaborative, and skilled in systems-level thinking. At GlobeMed, we’re creating just that. GlobeMed connects university-based chapters with grassroots organizations in one-to-one, long-term partnerships to co-develop creative solutions to health challenges. Through these partnerships, students learn from grassroots leaders while shifting power and resources to local communities.
University Students
Grassroots Organizations
Collaborative Global Network
It starts with young people. GlobeMed develops university students into leaders for global health through leadership training, education, and relationship-building.
Communities drive change. GlobeMed partners each university chapter with one grassroots organization to support their health impact through resource mobilization and network-building.
We are stronger together. GlobeMed builds a global network that accelerates systemic, community-driven change.
GlobeMed Impact Report Table of Contents A Reflection on GlobeMed
What We’ve Accomplished
Our Students
Defining Our Model
Our Partners
Practicing Partnership
Student Spotlights
Expanding Our Approach
Partner Spotlights
Lessons Learned
Our Supporters
24 3
“All these years later, if an organization is still very special to someone and still drives someone’s approach to the work that they’re doing, that’s really meaningful.” Ashley Hagaman University of Michigan ‘08
GlobeMed at Loyola University Chicago partners with Jambi Huasi, in Otavalo, Ecuador to improve women’s health and build capacity at the primary care clinic. Here, Jambi Huasi’s head midwife, Mama Juanita, displays her handmade bracelets to GlobeMed at Loyola’s Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) interns.
A Reflection on GlobeMed It is difficult for me to separate myself from GlobeMed enough to understand the impact the organization has had on my life. Nearly one decade ago, I joined the chapter at George Washington University as an earnest, curious 18-yearold interested in learning how I could have a positive impact on the world. Today, my commitment to social justice and health equity are stronger than ever. Of all the things GlobeMed has taught me, the most apparent is that humans have immense potential. Through my experiences working alongside thousands of our students, alumni, and grassroots partners, I have witnessed the positive change that can occur when people work together in pursuit of a goal larger than themselves. When I reflect on the past eight and a half years, I think of meetings with women’s groups in Rwanda, India, El Salvador, and Thailand. They each unite to create plans for how to overcome community challenges, unaware of their shared global kinship and common practices, but all deeply fueled by what can be accomplished when people work together. I think of conversations with young activists in Chicago, Kampala, and Kathmandu who tap into the power of community to drive health reforms and advance human rights. These images that come to mind are those of a global community that ruthlessly pursues the potential for good within every human being. The people you’ll meet in this report are a few of the more than 6,000 people who have been directly impacted by GlobeMed’s programs, not to mention the additional 600,000 people who have been affected by the $2.4 million and countless in-kind resources our network has invested in community-driven health initiatives. As GlobeMed’s tenth year concludes, we find ourselves in a historical moment where the frequency and forms of global connectivity are transforming before our eyes. It’s easy to see this change as turmoil and chaos, but the following pages show that the next generation of leaders embodies a sense of pragmatic optimism that can harness this change for positive transformation. The GlobeMed community proves to me every day that our future is in good, loving hands. Thank you for believing in our potential and for growing with us. With love and gratitude,
Alyssa Smaldino Executive Director
What We’ve Accomplished
2,000 4,000+ students
water, sanitation, and hygiene community health
youth empowerment
where we focus food and nutrition
women’s health
environmental health
income generation
$2.4fundraised million 97% 6
of alumni state that GlobeMed has strengthened their leadership abilities
56 university chapters
countries around the world
partner organizations
For a full list of our chapters and partner organizations, visit 7
Every year, hundreds of students, partners, and alumni connect, collaborate, and build community at GlobeMed’s network wide events. Here, delegates at GlobeMed’s annual conference, the Summit, network with global health professionals and learn how to prototype ideas through human-centered design.
Our Students Through training, advising, and continuous education, GlobeMed prepares students to become lifelong advocates for health equity.
They build understanding of the systems that create barriers to health equity.
98% of alumni agree that GlobeMed has increased their knowledge of global health issues
Through globalhealthU, GlobeMed’s signature curriculum, students explore topics in global health, identifying the historical and structural factors that perpetuate social injustices.
They join a community of curious, collaborative peers.
9 annual events
GlobeMed’s annual events provide a space for students to network with future colleagues as they reflect on their own role in advancing health equity.
They gain practical experience working with grassroots organizations.
students have participated in Grassroots Onsite Work internships since 2007
98% of alumni plan to remain an advocate for global health and social justice regardless of career path
Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) internships engage students and partners in on-the-ground collaboration, where students learn to view global challenges through a human lens and develop their commitment to community-driven solutions.
They maintain a long-term commitment to advancing health equity.
93% of alumni say GlobeMed has given them skills and resources that will allow them to be successful in their future
Andrea Aguirre, a Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) intern from GlobeMed at University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), reviews women’s health education materials with Santusa, a community health promoter or “promotora” in Peru. GlobeMed at UTSA partners with Sacred Valley Health to support health education and epidemiological research for communities in and around Ollantaytambo, Peru.
Doctor of Public Health Candidate University of California, Berkeley Northwestern University ‘09 Rachel first stumbled upon GlobeMed while on a voluntourism trip in Ho, Ghana. There, a chance encounter with one of GlobeMed’s founders would shape Rachel’s views on how students could effectively work with grassroots organizations to amplify community health impact. In 2006, Rachel met Victor, one of GlobeMed’s cofounders, at Ho’s most popular internet cafe. She was there on a break from her voluntourism program. He was there brainstorming ways to transform programs like hers. Rachel’s volunteer trip had not gone as planned. Rather than making a meaningful contribution to community efforts, she felt useless. She was teaching kindergarten in a community that was not her own, in a role that she was not qualified for, in a place she was visiting only because she could afford to go. “It was a manufactured construct. It felt more about me than anything useful,” Rachel says. At the same time, Victor and his peers at GlobeMed faced a similar conflict. They had seen how student voluntourism programs and mission trips created unsustainable, and often damaging, outcomes, and they believed there was a different way students could use their skills and resources to effectively benefit communities. It relied on partnership. Upon returning to Northwestern University that fall, Rachel joined GlobeMed’s newly formed National Office (now referred to as the Global Headquarters). Alongside peers at Northwestern and other universities across the United States, she began to think about the people who knew existing problems and who could best create relevant solutions: the community. The community needed to be centered in efforts affecting their own health, something that grassroots organizations were often already doing.
“You can’t do partnership well and not value the place that everyone has and should have at the table.”
Together, this group of students would come up with GlobeMed’s one-to-one, long-term partnership model. Instead of simply volunteering abroad, they saw that students could have a much greater and longer term impact if they worked alongside grassroots organizations already embedded in their own communities. “It gave me hope that we could figure out ways, not just as students, but as global health practitioners, that we could insist upon community first and collaboration first,” Rachel says. “Especially in the face of a growing industry that recognizes that people are curious and want to get abroad, we have to remember that we have a responsibility not to do that flippantly.” Ten years later, this values-orientation still drives GlobeMed’s approach to partnership. For those who were there for GlobeMed’s beginnings, like Rachel, the organization’s growth has reiterated the power of what community-driven change can accomplish.
“GlobeMed has really influenced me and continues to do so. It shaped my approach and it allowed me to recognize what I bring to the table, what others bring to the table, and how we can both work together to make the table better. It was an incredible gift to shape the beginnings of the organization and I’m proud to have been a part of it.” This fall, Rachel will begin a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program at the University of California, Berkeley. She will focus on understanding and addressing social determinants of health and health inequities across the life course through the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, place-based and holistic community development strategies, and community-based participatory research and programmatic efforts.
Our Partners GlobeMed partners with groundbreaking grassroots organizations focused on community-driven work.
They put community at the center of their work. GlobeMed partner organizations engage the community in every component of their programs, from strategy development to implementation.
of chapters and partner organizations communicate at least once per month
Partner Forums hosted in Latin America and Africa since 2013
They mentor students to become thoughtful, critical global health advocates. Partners maintain continuous contact with students, acting as mentors and helping students develop the complex problem solving skills that are applicable across sectors and fields.
They connect through regional events, learning from the organizations around them. Partner Forums bring together GlobeMed partners working in a particular region and provide a space for leaders to build relationships, share best practices, and identify opportunities for collaboration.
of partners feel that their organization has changed due to their partnership with GlobeMed
of partners are satisfied with their GlobeMed partnerships
of partners are satisfied with the Grassroots Onsite Work Internship program
Aung Htun Lin, Community Health Outreach Program Coordinator for Social Action for Women (SAW), and Sami Nandyal of GlobeMed at the University of Cincinnati discuss the importance of cross-cultural collaboration during their annual Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) internship. SAW utilizes partnerships from around the world to amplify their impact and create lasting change in the communities that they serve.
Ungano Tena (U-Tena), GlobeMed at Brown University’s partner organization, provides mentorship to young girls in Nairobi through their Kuza project. Here, Kuza beneficiaries display their participant manuals following their monthly bash. During bashes, girls share experiences and connect with mentors while building knowledge of sexual and reproductive health, life skills, and financial literacy.
Practicing Partnership PETER MOKAYA Resource Mobilizer Ungano Tena (U-Tena)
For U-Tena, resources were hard to come by. Donors had specific interests that often differed from community needs. Then, U-Tena and GlobeMed at Brown University formed a partnership based on flexible funding for community-driven solutions. Growing up in Nairobi, Kenya, Peter Mokaya had a passion for the performing arts. After finishing high school, Mokaya pursued this interest, meeting other young people passionate about the arts and starting a youth theater group called U-Tena, short for Ungano Tena or “uniting” in Swahili. Living in the Nairoibi slums, U-Tena members intimately understood the community’s need for sexual health education. They used their skills in dance to encourage discussion and education among youth in the area. Over time, the organization grew, becoming a resource center for their community. From performing shows on the risks of HIV/AIDS to providing programs focused on livelihood and income generation, U-Tena engaged youth in important dialogue and learning. Yet even with this growth, resources remained a challenge. Donors existed, but they wanted to support specific programs, ones that may or may not have been relevant to the communities they worked with.
“You get [proposals] from people who want to support the community but their ideas don’t conform with the community. Unless you come on the ground and see the community, you may not know.” For example, Mokaya explains that most grants aimed at addressing sexual violence are earmarked to fund programs that are intended for women and girls. Programs directed at addressing boys’ or men’s role in sexual violence have limited opportunities for international funding. “This is a problem,” Mokaya explains. “If you don’t empower boys, it will not be successful. If we are really
doing girl empowerment, then we have to empower men to end early marriage and not participate in prostitution.” In 2011, U-Tena partnered with GlobeMed at Brown University. Mokaya began to see how communities could be at the center of donor relationships. Unlike many organizations, the chapter was focused on flexible funding that addressed issues and funded solutions identified by the community.
“What I can say about the uniqueness of GlobeMed is that it is faithful. The community can dictate the projects they want to propose.” Through GlobeMed at Brown University, U-Tena received pilot funding for the Kuza Project, a mentorship program that encourages literacy, health education, and technical skills for young girls from the Mukuru slums. The seed funding helped U-Tena expand its programs and get connected to a broader donor community. “The GlobeMed students really contributed to our organization. They supported our projects immensely and put us on a global picture,” Mokaya explains. In addition to this direct community impact, Mokaya also noted the importance of working alongside young people who are still finding their roles in creating social change. Through experiential learning with their partners, ranging from budgetary assessments to monitoring and evaluating projects, students are more informed to make better decisions in the future. “Some of these students in the future will be leaders,” Mokaya says. “They will hold positions of power. They [will be] able to make decisions based on their experiences in GlobeMed and not based on literature alone. GlobeMed is instilling the value of human rights and social justice [and] creating that value for students at a tender age is something they will grow up with. [When] students are older, they will still live and advocate for social justice.”
Student Spotlights
CHRISTINA AMUTAH Howard University ‘16
“GlobeMed has taught me a lot, not just about global health but about being a part of an organization that truly lives, breathes and sleeps its values.” For Christina, global health issues always hit close to home. Born in Nigeria, but raised in the United States, she saw how geography determined people’s well-being. People were still dying of preventable diseases in some parts of the world when solutions existed in others. Christina joined GlobeMed at Howard University to explore this reality. What she found surprised her. The organization wasn’t focused solely on health impact, it was also focused on approach. The partnership model seeped into every aspect of the organization, from open conversations through GlobeMed’s curriculum, globalhealthU, to the working groups that gathered student input on organizational programming. GlobeMed put action behind its values. As Christina’s involvement in the organization grew, so did her understanding of the importance of values in being an effective global health advocate. How could she address health inequities without being grounded in the core values of listening, learning, and intentionally acting? This year, Christina will serve as a Princeton in Africa Fellow with Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative in Gaborone, Botswana. Her main goal while there? To bring the lessons she learned in GlobeMed—of listening and emphasizing partnership—to her work developing health programming for HIV+ youth in the area.
University of Rochester ‘15 Global Health Fellows Program II Grantee
Northwestern University ‘11
“I love [GlobeMed’s] approach and concept of sustainability. It was something I had never really thought of before.”
“GlobeMed gave me the ethos and community of practice to check myself with.”
During Rhett’s Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) internship in Peru, he met two students that changed his perception of sustainability.
Not all GlobeMed students pursue careers in health delivery. Many pursue paths outside of the typical realm of health, but still make an impact using their unique skills and passions.
During interviews with community members, Rhett met two young students. When he asked them about their dreams, one responded that he wanted to be a police officer to protect his family and friends from harm. The other wanted to be a lawyer to change rules that weren’t fair for everyone. Rhett was moved by their responses, but troubled to hear that both were on the brink of leaving school, unable to afford transportation to the classes required to maintain their scholarships. He was at a crossroads. He could give them the money in his wallet, but how would they sustain themselves afterwards? What was the long-term solution? Rhett says this experience highlighted why sustainability is at the core of GlobeMed’s model. He alone couldn’t solve these students’ problems, but by working alongside his partner organization, which was ingrained in the community and was already developing long-term programming for youth, he could ensure that students had access to resources. He could make a larger, more lasting change. Today, Rhett continues to focus on youth empowerment as a kindergarten and elementary school English teacher in South Korea.
For Katie, GlobeMed didn’t give her interest in design, but it did help shape her approach to it. As an undergraduate student in GlobeMed, Katie was confronted by the idea that health went beyond healthcare. Through conversations in her chapter, she saw the complex layers of health and how systemic barriers, like infrastructure and policy, influenced people’s ability to thrive. She also saw how GlobeMed’s values of collaboration and partnership could apply to different fields to create sustainable change. Post graduation, Katie took these lessons to heart, as she strove to integrate this holistic approach to health with her passion for design. Currently, she is advocating for patients through experience design in health and hospital settings. Thanks to her time in GlobeMed, when Katie approaches projects, she asks: Are these solutions relevant to the community? And if she’s ever worried about her next step, she knows the GlobeMed community of shared values can help guide her way. Katie is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Industrial Design at the Rhode Island School of Design.
Expanding our Approach
MADISON LITTLE Graduate Student University of Oxford Rutgers University ‘16
A personal experience with illness gave Madison an intimate look into the United States healthcare system. It also gave him a strong commitment to change it. He just had to figure out how. That’s where GlobeMed came in. At 16, Madison developed a serious illness that left him unable to attend his last two years of high school. The experience, which resulted in a close familiarity with the healthcare industry, highlighted gaps in how people accessed the health system. With his sights set on starting college on time, Madison researched how he could pursue his newfound interest in health access. He stumbled upon GlobeMed. Immediately, he was drawn. “[GlobeMed] is not just another student organization. It’s a social movement,” Madison says. “To me, most importantly, it wasn’t an organization revolving around a savior complex. It was about empowering communities and students.” Upon arriving at Rutgers University, he joined GlobeMed. Through globalhealthU conversations in his chapter, he had critical discussions on how social identity, power, and privilege affected people’s access to healthcare. He started to see his role as not only a student, but also as an active participant within global health.
“GlobeMed provides a platform to think critically about the state of global health and the role of young people in social change. It takes our education from a theoretical framework to application.” However, it would be a challenging experience Madison’s junior year, when he was Co-President of GlobeMed at Rutgers University, that would illuminate the true
difficulties of global health work and help guide Madison’s vision for how he could address it. That year, an international grant that had been supporting GlobeMed at Rutgers University’s partner organization expired. With dwindling HIV incidence rates in Cambodia, further international funding in HIV/AIDS programming would decline, leaving the organization unable to continue its programs. Witnessing the barriers his partner organization now faced, Madison questioned the situation. Who had the power to decide how funding was allocated? Where did sustainability come into play? And ultimately, whose responsibility was it to ensure equal health access for all? In his attempts to answer these questions, Madison saw health not as a biomedical, behavioral, or even social issue. It was political. There were systems in place that caused inequities, but there were also policies that could be made to dismantle them.
“All of my experiences have highlighted the integral role that policy has had in health. The role I see for myself is looking at how evidence is used in policy formation.” For Madison, it finally made sense. He could harness his passions by focusing on policy to change the health landscape on a large-scale. This fall, Madison will head to Oxford University to pursue graduate studies in Evidence-Based Social Intervention & Policy Evaluation. He will examine the political economy of HIV and how working in an upstream approach to addressing social inequalities can comprehensively serve to drive down HIV incidence. Ultimately, his hope is that his research will contribute to the development of evidence-based policies that facilitate countries in ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
Global Health Corps Fellow Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia University of California, Los Angeles ‘12
Kalin Werner found her passion for fieldwork while on her Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) internship. There, she learned to place local communities at the heart of her work—a lesson she has taken with her throughout her career. When Kalin and her GROW team arrived in Anaka, Uganda, the uneven dynamics between donors and communities quickly became clear. On campus, her chapter, GlobeMed at UCLA, had sold its donors a “Name Your Own Goat” project aimed at providing young mothers with goats to sustain their families. On the ground with their partner, the team was startled to find that the mothers in the community had not chosen the goat project. They didn’t have the proper resources to care for the goats and they had other ideas on what would best help their families. Kalin and her team were witnessing the raw disconnect between donor and recipient perspectives, a dynamic that often favored donor interests at the expense of community-centered solutions.
“I saw this broken system that existed between a donor-end and an implementation-end; between what a community really needs and what’s sexy and nice to sell to people.” GlobeMed at UCLA didn’t have the answer to Anaka’s issues. The answers, Kalin realized, laid within the community. The mothers deserved to be an integral part of the decision-making process. They were directly affected by the outcome. “There are a lot of times when you’re not the expert and you can learn from those around you,” Kalin says. “I learned to take the backseat to other people who are
driving things. It’s helped people see me as a supporter of their work, which can come off as a surprise, especially in development work and health.” Kalin carried this lesson into her work after UCLA, as she explored a career in community health with stops ranging from Dixon, Illinois to Lusaka, Zambia. As a Public Health Associate Program fellow with the Center for Disease Control in Dixon, Kalin applied her interest in health locally as she bridged cultural differences to improve programs for chronic disease and maternal and child health. As a volunteer for a Malaysian non-profit focused on advancing the right to health for refugees, she formed strong relationships with her peers, listening to their perspectives and building her role based on the organizational needs. Most recently, during her Global Health Corps Fellowship at Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia, Kalin worked alongside local staff to write grants and develop fundraising strategies to support the organization’s programming. Even as Kalin moved from one part of the world to another, her approach has always been about taking the time to listen and learn before acting.
“A lesson that I’ve learned from GlobeMed is to really focus on social justice, to be critical about what that means, and to be sincere in both what you do and the way that you implement.” Kalin has just finished her Global Health Corps fellowship with Planned Parenthood in Zambia, and is headed to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to complete a program in Health Policy, Planning, and Financing.
Partner Spotlights
During her Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) internship, Michelle Zhang of GlobeMed at the University of Texas at Austin explores Guatemala with Sandra, the bilingual secretary of her partner organization, Wuqu’ Kawoq. Together, GlobeMed at the University of Texas at Austin and Wuqu’ Kawoq provide clean water programs for communities in and around Tecpan, Guatemala.
Founder Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation
Founder Build Your Future Today
“We put GlobeMed into the role to fund things that other people didn’t think we could do. It really kickstarted the project.”
“I believe that through working together, students and my staff both gain knowledge. I see them become more confident, brighter, and more knowledgeable.”
As the founder of the Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation (PEOF), a small non-profit in El Salvador, Ron values opportunities for students to solve real life problems through experiential learning. One of his recent ideas was to start an aquaponics project. The project would provide students with a nutritious, sustainable source of food while also serving as a real biology laboratory where they could learn how to manage food production.
For Sedtha Long and Build Your Future Today (BFT), working with GlobeMed opened up new opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration and technical support that would accelerate the organization’s growth.
The only problem was that no one thought a school could do a project like this. It wasn’t traditional and it hadn’t been done before.
The staff, many of whom had grown up in BFT’s youth center and orphanage, had a close knowledge of the community’s needs yet they lacked the grasp of English to apply for international grants. The students did not have first hand experience in the community, but they did have the technical writing and research skills to expand BFT’s grant writing and communications capacity.
While PEOF had never worked with an international organization before, Ron saw the value of GlobeMed students’ collaborative approach and applied to be a partner organization. Soon after, PEOF became partnered with GlobeMed at the University of Michigan. The students, well-versed in collaboration having worked with a previous grassroots partner, would become the first funders of the aquaponics project. The partnership catalyzed PEOF’s high potential projects, giving them the kickstart they needed to test their innovative ideas. Through their experience working with GlobeMed, the organization also practiced working with international donors and learned how to articulate their story to solicit support for future projects. Today, the aquaponics project provides a sustainable source of food for the Amún Shéa School in Perkin, El Salvador. Next up, the partnership aims to create a makerspace so students can practice designing and prototyping ideas through hands-on learning.
When GlobeMed at the University of Virginia’s first Grassroots Onsite Work (GROW) team arrived in Cambodia to work with BFT, Sedtha was surprised by how easily the team and his staff worked together.
With a similar lens towards partnership, the two teams built on each other’s skills to advance the organization. Together, they successfully secured a four-year grant from Depuy Synthes to reduce infant, childhood, and maternal mortality in rural villages in Cambodia. After the process, Sedtha notes, staff members were more equipped to work with international teams and students gained on-the-ground experience to complement their academic studies. Both became more confident in what they can achieve, especially when working together. Today, GlobeMed at the University of Virginia and Build Your Future Today continue their partnership, collaborating on nutritional programs for communities in Cambodia.
Lessons Learned While we are excited to celebrate the milestones of our last decade, we know that our story cannot be fully told without acknowledging the challenges that we’ve faced in our journey here. Here are some of the biggest lessons we’ve learned over the last 10 years.
Partnerships are challenging. While we work with dedicated university students and grassroots leaders, collaborating across borders, languages, and cultures can be difficult. Over the last decade, we’ve re-partnered over half of our university chapters and grassroots organizations to facilitate the most productive partnerships possible. We discussed the challenges of collaboration with Ricardo Ortiz, an alumnus who experienced re-partnership during his time in GlobeMed. Here are two of his biggest takeaways on partnership:
Communication is key. Working with a Spanish-speaking organization in El Salvador, Ricardo’s chapter faced challenges with language, transparency, and infrastructural capacity. Due to limited internet access and language fluency, communication became fragmented, hampering the partners’ ability to form a stable, trusting relationship with one another.
It takes mutual investment. “In order for a partnership to work,” Ricardo says, “there must be equal investment on both sides.” Students must recognize their responsibility to the partnership. Even with competing priorities on campus, students have a duty to fulfill their commitments. From meeting fundraising goals to addressing challenges head on, students’ involvement and investment are pillars of a strong partnership. Similarly, partner organizations must value students’ roles within their organization. There needs to be transparency about the organization’s priorities and how GlobeMed fits within them. Beyond resource mobilization, organizations should be clear on how students can best contribute to their work.
With these lessons in hand, GlobeMed works hard to recruit and vet students and organizations that are ready to work through the challenges of partnership. Through a competitive application process, continous advising, and yearly evaluation, we help students and partner organizations address challenges at hand so that they can become stronger, more effective partners in the future.
Pennsylvania State University ‘15 Global Health Fellows Program II Grantee
[ re-partnership ] :
The process of dissolving a partnership between a university chapter and a grassroots organization and re-partnering the chapter and/or grassroots organization with a different partner.
Inclusion must be at the forefront of global health work. When people come together from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, conversations are richer and solutions are more viable. Yet when we look at global health leadership around the world, it’s often dominated by similar voices. In order to solve the world’s complex challenges, we’re investing in inclusive communities that are rich in diversity. That’s why we’re proud to work alongside the Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II to enhance the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) efforts to advance diversity in international development by connecting underrepresented communities—often African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders, Veterans and people living with disabilities—with careers in global health.
Through a partnership with the Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II, GlobeMed enhances the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) efforts to advance diversity in international development by connecting underserved communities with careers in global health.
Throughout the last five years, GlobeMed and the Global Health Fellows Program II have:
Using a pipeline approach with two of its four partners that focuses on entry-level professionals, undergraduates, and high school students, GHFP-II, with prime implementer Public Health Institute (PHI), takes a life-cycle approach to building the next generation of diverse global health professionals. GHFP-II engages with future global health leaders from the moment they are able to make career choices, helping them broaden their options and pursue their interest in global health. GlobeMed plays a key role in GHFP-II’s life-cycle approach by connecting undergraduate students with leadership development and in-country immersion experiences in global health. Through this hands on training and experience, students develop the key competencies— including interpersonal effectiveness, cultural sensitivity, and collaboration—needed for a successful career in global health. Together, we’re building a generation of diverse, collaborative, and culturally competent students who have the skills and experience to become successful leaders in global health.
Grassroots Onsite Work interns with immersive global health experiences
Increased the ethnic diversity of GlobeMed’s student network by
Increased the ethnic diversity of GlobeMed GROW interns by
Expanded the GlobeMed network to
Minority Serving Institutions
Through the support of GHFP-II, GlobeMed has expanded to 10 Minority Serving Institutions across the United States.
Through GHFP-II, USAID is fostering the next generation of diverse global health professionals to support and sustain the effectiveness of its current and future health programs.
Our Supporters We are only a strong as our community of support. The generosity of our supporters has allowed us to grow from an idea to a movement. From all of us whose lives have been touched by GlobeMed, thank you.
Public Health Institute / Global Health Fellows Program II
AbbVie Foundation Segal Family Foundation
$25,000+ AbbVie Northwestern University
$10,000+ Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Irvin Stern Foundation Jeff Richardson Judy Casten
$5,000+ Abbott Laboratories Brian and Karen Hanson Keith Sarpolis Marjorie C. Benton Medtronic Sherry and Russ Galloway Stainman Family Foundation
$1,000+ Accenture Anne Donnelly Armin & Esther Hirsch Foundation Bank of America Becton, Dickinson and Company Burson-Marsteller Casten Family Foundation Charles Richardson
$1,000+ (cont’d)
$500+ (cont’d)
David Walton Greg Stults Hanson Family Foundation James Mahady Jamie Cartwright Jeff Stewart John Tinder Keith Sarpolis Leslie Larson and Donald Katz Morris Goodman Nabil Foster O Olopade Patricia Soussloff Paurvi Bhatt Rabin Martin Richard A Moser Richard Aaronson and Linda Loving Sheila B Kennedy Sidney Lee Dream Foundation, Inc. Tana Chongsuwat Tony and Karen Smaldino William and Margaret Dicuccio William McLean
Susan Hayes Tom Hirons Tracie Haas
$500+ Alexis Hansen Amy Schuman Arlen Dominek Constance Hazzard David and Julie Jacobson David Cromer Ethel Yang Gary Fresen Jeff Sturchio John Matthews Jonathan and Celia Nelson Nick Brown Schwab Charitable Sheila Roche Shirley Brown Suki McClatchey
$100+ Adam Voegele Adele Infante Aileen Parker Al Lipton and Kathleen Roseborough Amazing Graces Chic Boutique Amy Singh Amy Yang Anita Bose Ankur Asthana Ann Baglier Ann Matz-Tirado Ann Whitmer Anne Gross Annika Lane Anonymous Barry and Susan Hootman Becca Condon Benevity Community Imact Bethany Larsen Bev Beaudreault Bianca Nguyen Bruce Doblin Casey Klarich Casey Marsh Catherine Gould Charles McCandless Chetan and Jignasa Desai Christina Mahady Cindy H. Hwang Colm O’Muircheartaigh Courtney Piron Dale Kempf Daniel Hayes David and Susan Barkhausen David Fremerman
$100+ (cont’d)
$100+ (cont’d)
$100+ (cont’d)
David Shaffer Daylon Edwards Deborah Danson Denis Pierce Denny Baglier Dirk Van Eeden Don Rawson E. Ronald Culp Eileen Dolan-Heitlinger Elizabeth Larsen Elysia Griffiths Randolf Emilia Kihslinger Emily Garanados Ervin and Daphne Denham Ethel Gofen Evelyn Lee Fanny Lau Fred Logan Gabriel Rodriguez Gail A Paserba Gerald Guevarra Glenn Nyre Howard Brown Health Center Iris Witkowsky Jacob Gayle James Embrescia James and Kathleen Hardgrove Jan Carl Park Janet and Clifton Finney Jaquelin Finley Jason Pace Jason Penchoff Jean Claude Mugunga Jenna Daugherty Jennifer Cruz Jennifer Perugini Jessica Evert Jessica Masuga Joan Olcott Joe Daab Joel Goldman John and Denise Stilley John and Eileen Dolan-Heitlinger John and Jennifer Ivory John and Rona Grence John Peller
John Weatherly Jon Dutcher Jonathan Shaffer Joseph and Ilana Harrow Judith Waltz Julie Sharp Julie Tanner Karen Dorn Karen Kaul Karen O’Mara Karim Ahamed Katharine Jensen Kathryn Smiley Kathy Kerney Katie Ozamiz Kenneth Lema Kenton and Janet Foutty Kimberly A. Bush Kimberly and Joseph Willen Kris Hoult Kristine Geerds Kurt Ebenhoch Laureen M. Cassidy Lawrence Gamble Leigh-Ann Pogue Lincoln Janus Linda Pullekines Lona Leigh McManus Lori McLaughlin Louis Redmond Lucy Ann Rosellini Lynn and Mark Gendleman Marilee Fraser Mary Mahady Maura Powell Maya McAllister Meg Dolan Menno and Susan Scholten Michael and Rhoda Kamin Michael Diamond Michael Garbaty Michael Johnston Nancy Cunniff and Alan Zunamon Neil Thivalapill Niamh King Nina Vukicevic
Pamela Switalski Pat Varda Patrick Spain Paul Luckow Prabhakant and Anita Sinha Priya Fremerman Rachel Sellstone Rafael Tirado Rekha Bhatt Robert Dintruff Sarah Endres Saurabh and Jayshri Patel Scott and Livia Krzeminski Shaun and Padma Kondamuri Shengxiao Yu Sheryl Ault Simon Goldberg Stephanie Christine Lux Sue Kulkarni Susan Payne Tahirih Foster Tammy L. Kirby Terry Unterman Thad Smith Theodore Shen Thomas Forsythe Thomas Kawalec Tim Silverstein Tom Collinger Tori Richardson Victor Barnes Victor Roy Whitcomb Hayslip William Heyman William Widmer Xinyi Sui
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