GlobeMed Future Building Data 2016 SUMMIT FEEDBACK At our 2016 GlobeMed Summit, we compiled all the ideas and feedback from our delegates to help inform a strategic plan based on a shared vision. Delegates were introduced to four potential futures for GlobeMed, described below. The feedback on the following five pages highlights the instant responses that students provided to our questions through a texting application.
• A Glocal Network: By 2030, GlobeMed has expanded to include university chapters around the world, harnessing the skills, experience, and talent of an international group of leaders. With a flexible partnership model, chapters are able to choose if they want a local or international partner based on their students’ interests and capacity. For example, a chapter at a university in India could partner with an organization in their community, in another region of India, or in another country.
• Open Source Learning: In 2030, flexible and constantly expanding global health curriculum is
free and available to anyone in the world through an online platform for learning and collaboration. Anyone around the world can take verified courses for certificate credit, providing wide access to global health education. Through a community engagement tool, people from all over can connect around similar interests and co-develop coursework to supplement learning for their peers. Students are able to connect with young professionals and explore their future career options. International organizations are able to collaborate and learn best practices from one another.
• Advocacy for Health Justice: GlobeMed chapters have the option to partner with local
organizations challenging current power structures in their own back yard. Chapters could identify organizations leading systemic change efforts that align with their community's most pressing needs. One example could be a chapter on the south side of Chicago partnering with FLY (or Fearless Leading by the Youth) to address access to emergency care by building a level one trauma center in the epicenter of gun violence in Chicago.
• Collaboration Marketplace: In 2030, GlobeMed partnerships can be organically fostered by anyone, anywhere through an online "collaboration marketplace." Students, professionals, social businesses, grassroots organizations, and more can create profiles in the marketplace - requesting help or offering skills and resources to match other's needs.
Future Building Data
* Note: All responses are shown as percentages in charts below
This future aligns with my vision for GlobeMed in 2030. 60
Glocal Network Open Source Learning Advocacy for Health Justice Collaboration Marketplace
45 30 15 0
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I want to actively contribute to making this future a reality. 60
Glocal Network Open Source Learning Advocacy for Health Justice Collaboration Marketplace
45 30 15 0
LookingStrongly to theAgree Future… Agree
Strongly Disagree
This future would fill an existing gap toward achieving global health equity. 60
Glocal Network Open Source Learning Advocacy for Health Justice Collaboration Marketplace
45 30 15 0
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Future Building Data GLOCAL NETWORK FEEDBACK Question: I, personally, would benefit from being a part of a global network of students and alumni.
1% 1%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question: My chapter would benefit from being a part of a global network of chapters.
2% 1%
Question: My partner would benefit from having other GlobeMed chapters nearby.
1% 13%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question: GlobeMed should create regional offices to support chapters and partners in a network this large and geographically dispersed.
1% 11% 29%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Mark your calendars! AUGUST 18-20, 2016: GlobeMed Leadership Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston
GlobeMed Future Building Data GLOCAL NETWORK FEEDBACK (continued) Question: Having international chapters would require us to re-evaluate what it means to be a successful chapter.
Question: International chapters would be more successful if they partner with organizations in their same region.
5% 11% 30%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
OPEN SOURCE LEARNING FEEDBACK Question: The certiďŹ cation program provides unique resources for people interested in global health.
2% 10%
63% Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question: Getting a certiďŹ cate for participating in this program is necessary and important.
10%10% 47%
Question: I would connect with students, young professionals, and global partners through an online platform.
2% 12%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
49% Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
GlobeMed Future Building Data ADVOCACY FOR HEALTH JUSTICE FEEDBACK Question: Focusing chapter activities on activism to advance health equity locally would ďŹ ll a niche on my campus.
Question: I could gain valuable skills and experiences in this model.
1% 10%
Question: This model could attract a more diverse group of students to my chapter.
2% 16%
7% 44%
44% 49%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
COLLABORATION MARKETPLACE FEEDBACK Question: I would be more willing to engage with the Collaboration Marketplace as an individual than as part of an organization or chapter.
20% 9% 28% 44%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question: I would be more willing to form partnerships with individuals than with organizations on the Collaboration Marketplace.
18% 2%
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree