2017 GlobeMed Summit Program

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BRAVERY n. the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty (Merriam-Webster) The history that brought us to a conference on leading bravely in the 21st century is a long and winding one. It is a history full of danger, fear and difficulty - from war and displacement to systemic poverty and violence. It is also a history full of people who have shown mental and moral strength against all odds. To transcend the potential for even more dangerous times ahead, we can learn from those who have exhibited - and continue to exhibit - unwavering bravery. Many of those people are among the GlobeMed network. Take Bella Chavez, for example. A senior in GlobeMed at Indiana University, Bella has stood up against police brutality and injustice toward the Latinx community since a member of her family was killed by the police in 2016. She grounds her work toward health equity in a systems lens, seeking to understand and transform the root causes of poverty and illness. Jane Ekayu and Shirley Seng, two GlobeMed partners and survivors of war, tap into their moral strength to empower and uplift other women facing dangerous and difficult situations. They use techniques as dynamic as art, community organizing, and healthcare delivery to ensure that Ugandan and Burmese women and children can live full, healthy lives. This weekend is about building relationships with and learning from people like Bella, Jane, and Shirley, of whom there are hundreds in attendance at the eleventh annual Summit. Each and every one of us has bravery within us, and examples of it all around us. To advance health equity in the 21st century, we must - and can - tap into the diversity of our experiences to garner mental and moral strength in ourselves and each other. In doing so, we can shift the status quo toward less danger, fear and difficulty, and more empathy, love, and courage.

In Solidarity, Alyssa Smaldino & the GlobeMed Team @GlobeMed












#LeadingBravely #GlobeMedSummit


Partnerships Through our model of long-term partnership, we work with organizations around the world to break the cycle of poverty and poor health.



Adonai Child Development Center Alternative for Rural Movement A Ministry of Sharing Health & Hope Asociación Maya-Mam de Investigación y Desarrollo Asociación de Personas Afectadas por Tuberculosis del Perú Asociación Tierra Sin Fines de Lucro Buddhism for Social Development Action Build Your Future Today Center Burma Humanitarian Mission ChangeALife Uganda Children of Peace Uganda Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development CHOICE Humanitarian Children’s Outreach and Vocational Education Alliance Dhulikhel Hospital Escuela de la Calle El Centro de Capacitación Campesina de la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga Gardens for Health International Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalization Health Development Initiative Himalayan HealthCare Hope Through Health Imidido Project Kachin Women’s Association Thailand Kigezi Healthcare Foundation Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization

Komera Kyetume Community Based Healthcare Programme Logan Square Neighborhood Association Mariposa Foundation Migrant Assistant Program Foundation Mission for Community Development Mpoma Community AIDS Initiative Nancholi Youth Organization Network for Eco-Farming in Africa Perkin Education Opportunities Foundation Population Education and Development Association Practical Help Achieving Self Empowerment Nepal Primeros Pasos Project Bona Fide Population Education and Development Association Sacred Valley Health Set Her Free Shirati Health, Education and Development Social Action for Women Social Organization for Voluntary Action Spark MicroGrants Trailblazer Foundation Uganda Development and Health Associates Ungano Tena Western Organization of People Living with HIV/ AIDS Wuqu’ Kawoq Young 1ove

GLOBEMED CHAPTERS Amherst College Arizona State University Bethel University Boston College Brown University City College of New York Colorado College Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth University Duke University Emory University Florida International University George Washington University Georgetown University Howard University Indiana University Lawrence University Massachusetts Insitute of Technology Middlebury College Morehouse College Morgan State University North Carolina Central University Northeastern University Northwestern University Ohio State University Princeton University Rhodes College Rutgers University

San Francisco State University Spelman College St. Edward’s University Truman State University Tufts University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado Boulder University of Denver University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Michigan University of Missouri, Kansas City University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of South Carolina University of Southern California University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at San Antonio University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin - Madison Washington University in St. Louis Wayne State University Whitman College Wilbur Wright City College


2017 Summit Theme Leading Bravely: Finding Strength in Diversity Humanity is approaching a critical tipping point. With public leaders polarizing issues and discontent rising from neighborhoods across the globe, our diverse global community could become more fragmented instead of more connected. Fear could prevail over love. Every day, however, GlobeMed provides a counterpoint to this possibility. Our commitment to working towards health equity is a vehicle to transcend fragmentation. Our network proves that it is possible to find strength in diversity. As we enter our second decade, we can become leaders who have the courage to bridge divides. We can be leaders who have the capacity to solve problems with individuals who hold opposing views. We can be leaders who advance health equity in our daily actions. This year’s Summit will create opportunities for delegates to tap into the relationships, values, and spirit of the GlobeMed network to help us lead bravely in the years ahead.

Leadership Tracks The 2017 Summit content will allow delegates to explore four approaches for engaging with complex challenges. Every leader has a combination of these approaches within us and around us. The question is: how do we bravely tap into each approach to advance equity? Build: Learn from leaders who build systems to tackle complex challenges. For example, data analysts use this approach to structure health care policy recommendations around data. Innovate: Learn from leaders who see possibility where others do not. For example, entrepreneurs use human-centered design methods to develop urban farming products for communities with low access to fresh foods. Awaken: Learn from leaders who use creative communication to express ideas. For example, social activists use this approach to produce media to shift public dialogue. Empower: Learn from leaders who organize our communities to advance human and civil rights. For example, community organizers use this approach to inspire individuals to take targeted actions that advance systemic change.


Schedule of Events Alumni programming is marked on the schedule with open to all graduating seniors and alumni.

12:00 PM - 5:30 PM

. Alumni programming is



Delegate Registration Lobby, DoubleTree Hotel

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Facilitator Training Superior Room, DoubleTree Hotel Mandatory training for all small group and caucus facilitators.

ALYSSA SMALDINO Executive Director, GlobeMed

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Welcome Reception State Foyer, DoubleTree Hotel Grab dinner, meet fellow delegates and view an exhibit by regional artist Leon Collins.

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Opening Performance & Story Slam La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel RAPtivist Aisha Fukushima kicks off Summit with a performance before moderating the annual Summit Story Slam.

AISHA FUKUSHIMA Singer, Speaker, Educator, RAPtivist




9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Opening Session La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel The first full day of programming will open with a session that ties the Summit theme to GlobeMed’s impact, model and strategies.


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Leadership Track Workshops Explore how GlobeMed partners and alumni are leading through the following leadership approaches:



State Room, DoubleTree Hotel

La Salle Ballroom - Side II, DoubleTree Hotel

Learn how systems thinking can be a foundation for youth development in post-conflict El Salvador.

See how song, dance, and theater can be used to foster healing and growth in postconflict communities.



Facilitated by Mia Lei

Facilitated by Donya Ahmadian



La Salle Ballroom - Side I, DoubleTree Hotel

Superior Room, DoubleTree Hotel

Explore leading-edge approaches to eradicating malnutrition in Guatemala.

Discover how a movement of Burmese women organized to empower the most marginalized victims of the ongoing political conflict in Myanmar.

Amún Shéa


Chicago Council on Global Affairs

BRENT SAVOIE Primeros Pasos

Facilitated by Beth Larsen


Children of Peace Uganda


Kachin Women Association Thailand Facilitated by Fanny Lau

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM


Community Lunch Markethouse Restaurant and State Room, DoubleTree Hotel


Deepen your connection to the GlobeMed community by visiting speaker roundtables and sharing a meal with other delegates.

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM


Advocacy Theories of Change Superior Room, DoubleTree Hotel Join other health advocates to learn how a variety of advocacy strategies can complement each other to strengthen the US healthcare system.

ANKUR ASTHANA KEN PATTERSON Article 25 / GlobeMed alumnus

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM


Speed-Networking + Caucuses (Optional) Multiple Breakout Locations*, La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel *See insert ‘delegate packet’ for caucus descriptions and locations

Join a large-scale speed-networking session to get to know other delegates better, or participate in a facilitated caucus for people who have similar identities or experiences. You can also join both opportunities by switching sessions at the 35-minute mark.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Leadership Track Keynotes



Daniel Hale Williams Auditorium, McGaw Medical Center

La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel



This session will introduce a framework and a tool designed to transcend and eliminate the disparities that pervasively undermine health. The Framework, Co-Production, entails systemic engagement of patients and communities as co-producers of health and well-being. The Tool, TimeBanking, provides a medium of exchange that rewards social justice work.

Explore tools for community building and organizing through social justice storytelling. We will discuss the role of the emcee in hiphop culture and how hip hop storytelling can be used to explore questions of identity, inequality and liberation. Participants will reflect and share their own stories over beats and breaks. All levels of musical interest and experience welcome.




5:15 PM - 6:00 PM


Small Group Reflection Multiple Breakout Locations* *See insert ‘delegate packet’ for small group assignments and locations

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Courageous Public Leadership La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel Hear from a US Congresswoman about how she cultivates bravery to lead through a complex political climate.

JAN SCHAKOWSKY United States Congresswoman, (D-IL)




9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Creating Bridges: A Journey Towards Community (Optional) La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel

Text GIVE 11182 to 80100 to donate $10 to GlobeMed Terms: globemed.org/donate

Behind each of us is a unique and multidimensional story. In an energizing exercise, we bridge those stories together to imagine the radical possibilities in all of us. Join fellow GlobeMed students, alumni, and partners to embrace community connections and start the day off on a positive note.

GERALD GUEVARRA GlobeMed at Loyola alumnus



11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Leadership Track Keynotes




Daniel Hale Williams Auditorium, McGaw Medical Center

La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel


KELLY HAYES, The Chicago Light Brigade

Learn about creative interventions to support youth by building their skills and addressing systemic barriers that create disparities in sexual and reproductive health. This interactive session will cover methodologies and projects, games, narrative, design thinking and a deeper dive into a recent project using narrative methodologies for research on adolescents in Uttar Pradesh, India.

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM


Participate in a direct action organizing workshop. This is an entry level direct action training to those who are interested in learning more about tactical considerations, safety tips and action planning fundamentals. The material is aimed at activating the imaginations of those stepping into movement work and providing some tools for strategic analysis.

Lunch + Learn

Navigating the NGO Industrial Complex Markethouse Restaurant, DoubleTree Hotel Develop a shared understanding of the historical, political, and infrastructural complexities that shape access to funding.

ANKUR ASTHANA Article 25 / GlobeMed alumnus

MIA LEI GlobeMed at UNC alumna

Diversifying the Global Health Workforce

Searle Seminar Room, Robert Lurie Cancer Center Explore the challenges and opportunities for working in the field of global health both at home and abroad. This workshop will dive into how programs like GlobeMed and the Global Health Fellows Program II can serve and support you on your global health career trajectory.

JUAN GARCIA MARIBEL SIERRA Global Health Fellows Program II

Global Health Fellows Program II

International Chapter Growth Strategy Room 2-403, McGaw Medical Center

Join international students for a strategy session exploring the potential for GlobeMed to scale and adapt our model for university students around the world.

BONNIE KOENIG Going International




1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Lunch + Learn, continued


Storytelling for Change Gray Seminar Room, Robert Lurie Cancer Center Build an understanding of the role of storytelling in global health advocacy, discuss successful models and media, and be introduced to tactics and tools that can help you develop your own storytelling and advocacy campaigns.

LOYCE PACE Global Health Council

Leveraging your GlobeMed Experience Kellerman Classroom, McGaw Medical Center Learn how to craft medical school (and other) application materials that reflect your knowledge of ethics and best practices in global health, as well as your unique GlobeMed experience.

ROBIN YOUNG Child Family Health International

No Time to Fret: Learn How to Be Heard! Daniel Hale Williams Auditorium, McGaw Medical Center Discover strategies for building relationships with public decision makers through in-person meetings and sharing of personal stories. This hands-on advocacy training will equip you to influence policymakers on issues you care about. KEN PATTERSON RESULTS US

In Conversation with Luis Gilberto Murillo Room 2-402, McGaw Medical Center Join the Colombian Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development for a conversation about his incredible life experience, from surviving civil war and political exile to becoming one of the most prominent Afro-Colombian political leaders in the country’s history.


Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia



3:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Women Leadership in the 21st Century La Salle Ballroom, DoubleTree Hotel


Hear from two leaders who have overcome great odds to attain power and resources to uplift other women and girls in their communities.

5:00 PM - 7:15 PM



CEO and President Chicago Foundation for Women


Founder and Director Children of Peace Uganda

Alumni Reception Markethouse Restaurant, DoubleTree Hotel Graduating seniors, join GlobeMed alumni as we welcome you to the newly-launched Alumni Association! At this session we will share the exciting activities alumni are already working on, answer questions, and brainstorm new ideas for how alumni can continue to stay involved in the GlobeMed network after graduation.

6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

Small Group Reflection Multiple Breakout Locations* *See insert ‘delegate packet’ for small group assignments and locations

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Closing Dinner La Salle Ballrooom, DoubleTree Hotel Close out the weekend with new friends, good food, and lots of GlobeMed love! Look forward to our annual senior speeches and a closing address from GlobeMed’s Executive Director, Alyssa Smaldino.


Keynotes JANE EKAYU Founder and Executive Director, Children of Peace Uganda Jane Ekayu has extensive experience as a child trauma therapist. While working at the Rachele Rehabilitation Centre from 2004 to 2006, her role was to receive child soldiers returning from captivity, assist them in their physical, emotional, and psychological healing, and facilitate their reintegration back into the community. In three years, the Centre received over 3,000 child soldiers. Since the Rachele Center closed down in late 2006, Jane has continued her work with the children through Children of Peace Uganda. Jane is also an accomplished international spokesperson on the issues of child soldiers and war trauma recovery, and has captivated audiences in the United Nations General Assembly Hall, the International Criminal Court, the ICC Review Conference in Kampala, the Amnesty International Film Festival, the Vancouver International Film Festival, and many others. Jane earned a Bachelor’s degree in Democracy and Development from Uganda Martyrs University in Nkozi, a Diploma in Gender and Development from Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development, and a Teaching Certificate from the Institute of Teacher Education in Kyambogo.

AISHA FUKUSHIMA Singer, Speaker, Educator, and RAPtivist @aishafukushima Aisha Fukushima is a Singer, Speaker, Educator, and ‘RAPtivist’ (rap activist). Fukushima founded RAPtivism (Rap Activism), a global hip hop project spanning ten countries and four continents, highlighting the ways culture can contribute to universal efforts for freedom and justice by challenging oppression with expression. She is a multilingual, multiracial African American Japanese woman whose work is influenced by her global upbringing with roots spanning from her birthplace of Seattle, Washington to her other hometown of Yokohama, Japan. As a leader of the ‘RAPtivism’ project, Fukushima has done solidarity-building work through hip hop around the globe. Fukushima’s ‘RAPtivism’ work has been featured by Oprah Magazine, KQED Public Television, The Seattle Times, HYPE, South Africa’s #1 Hip Hop Magazine, among others. As a public speaker, Fukushima combines the art of performance and lecture. She has presented at Stanford University, the National Conference On Race and Ethnicity, People of Color in Independent Schools conferences, UMass Amherst, TEDxSitka, and TEDxWhitman, among others.


JAN SCHAKOWSKY United States Congresswoman, (D-IL) @janschakowsky Jan Schakowsky has been a lifelong consumer advocate and a champion for, what she sees as, the disappearing middle class. From her days as a young housewife who led the campaign to put expiration dates on food products to the 2008 passage of the legislation she helped write making children’s products and toys safe, Jan has worked to make life better for working and middle class Americans. Jan was elected to represent Illinois’ 9th Congressional District in 1998 after serving for eight years in the Illinois General Assembly. She is in her tenth term, serving in the House Democratic Leadership as Chief Deputy Whip and Vice Chair of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. She is a member of the House Budget Committee, as well as the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where she serves as Ranking Member of the Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection Subcommittee, and as a member of the Health and Oversight & Investigations Subcommittees. For decades, Jan identified her top priority as winning affordable, quality health care for all Americans. In 2009 and 2010, she played a leadership role in writing and passing the historic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that finally established health care as a right and not a privilege in the United States.

K. SUJATA President and CEO, Chicago Foundation for Women @k_sujata K. Sujata has been President and CEO of Chicago Foundation for Women (CFW), the leading grantmaking organization focused on basic rights and equal opportunities for women and girls in the greater Chicago area, since 2011. Sujata brings prior experience in program development at several notable Chicago nonprofits on issues such as women’s economic security, ending homelessness and addressing domestic violence. She has been the Director of Programs at the Eleanor Foundation, where she was instrumental in developing and implementing the Foundation’s unique program aimed at the economic self-sufficiency of low-income working women. As the Director of the Chicago Continuum of Care, Sujata was responsible for implementing Chicago’s Plan to End Homelessness. Sujata started her career in nonprofits as the Executive Director of Apna Ghar (Our Home), a domestic violence agency serving immigrant battered women and their children. Sujata applies her skills from manufacturing and academia to nonprofits. She earned an MBA from IIT and a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University. Sujata is a member of the Board of Forefront and Women’s Funding Network. She also serves on the Steering Committee of the Asset Funders Network. She is a founding director of the South Asian American Policy and Research Institute.


Speakers DONYA AHMADIAN GlobeMed at Rhodes College Alumna Donya Ahmadian is a proud Memphis native and a GlobeMed alumna from Rhodes College, class of 2014. At Rhodes, she studied Neuroscience and minored in Religious Studies. During her time with GlobeMed, she served on the executive board for three years, working as Director of External Communications and globalhealthU Co-Coordinator. Thanks to GlobeMed, Donya developed an interest in public health and, after graduating, she went on to complete a fast-track masters in public health program. Currently, she is the Clinic Fellow in the Church Health Scholars Program in Memphis and is planning to attend medical school when the stars align.

RON BRENNEMAN Founder, Amún Shéa @perkinron @peofoundation Ron Brenneman grew up in a small Mennonite community in Delaware and became a builder/carpenter by trade. The Mennonite tradition of service to others led him to combine building with volunteer posts. Posts include two years in ChampaignUrbana, Illinois, a summer stint at Ocean City, Maryland, 1983 through 1986 with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the Colomoncagua Refugee Camp in Honduras and from 1986 to 1992, with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in El Salvador. Ron remained in El Salvador and owns a mountain hotel. In 2008 he began Amún Shéa, an educational program with the goal of eradicating the causes of poverty and underdevelopment in the region.

EDGAR CAHN, JD, PHD CEO, TimeBanks USA @EdgarCahn Edgar Cahn is the CEO of TimeBanks USA. He co-founded (with late wife, Jean Camper Cahn) the National Legal Services program as part of the War on Poverty (now Legal Services Corporation) and the Antioch School of Law (now the University of the District of Columbia School of Law). Edgar is regarded as a founder of poverty law, a pioneer in creating clinical legal education, the founder of a global TimeBanking movement, and a social justice innovator. His work incorporates system change in legal education and injects co-production into service delivery and community development.


LEON COLLINS Photographic Artist Leon Collins has enjoyed a multi-faceted career path, working in the corporate and nonprofit sectors domestically and internationally as an innovative executive manager, instructor, and educator. He has experience working in film, television and radio. He is co-founder of iMichiganProductions, a 501(c)(3) startup educational media production company founded by media professionals who are educators. Leon served as Director of Education and Leadership Programs for the Phelps Stokes Fund, one of North America’s oldest foundations dedicated to Education for Human Development in the African Diaspora in the Americas. Leon is a nonprofit management consultant with an emphasis on educational leadership programs, cultural competency, and the creation of media content for the development of organizations’ intellectual and social capital and marketing.

ROOPA DHATT, MD Founder, Women in Global Health @RoopaDhatt @womeninGH Dr. Roopa Dhatt is physician by training and an advocate by principle, striving for greater gender equality, health and well-being for all people through working in global health. She is the co-founder of Women in Global Health, a movement that strives to bring greater gender equality to global health leadership. She is an Internist, providing adult primary care in Washington, D.C. She completed her training at Case Western Reserve University, Department of Internal Medicine. She previously served as the President and Vice President of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations and led world-wide campaigns on global health issues. She has a B.A. and B.S. from University of California, Davis; a Master in Public Affairs from Sciences Po, Paris, France; and an M.D. from Temple University School of Medicine.

JUAN GARCIA Sr. Diversity and Communications Specialist, Global Health Fellows Program II @juangarcia202 @GHFPII Juan Garcia is the Sr. Diversity & Communications Specialist with the Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II, where he is responsible for supporting refinements to GHFP-II’s communications and diversity strategies. A native Texan, Juan moved to California to earn an engineering degree from the California Institute of Technology, before ultimately pursuing a career in communications in Washington, D.C. Juan most recently lived in Mexico City before returning to Washington, D.C., where he now lives with his husband.


MELISSA GILLIAM, MD Founder, Ci3 at the University of Chicago @MelissaGilliam1 @UChicagoCi3 In her role as Vice Provost for Academic Leadership and Development, Dr. Melissa Gilliam helps to advance the University of Chicago’s activities around developing scholars at all stages of the academic career ladder. Melissa is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics and serves as Dean for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Chicago. She is Chief of the Section of Family Planning and Contraceptive Research and Director of the Fellowship in Family Planning in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Melissa heads Ci3, a university-wide interdisciplinary research center. Within the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Gilliam leads the National Institutes of Health’s contraceptive clinical trials network and community health interventions to promote reproductive health and rights. In November 2012, she launched Ci3 at the University of Chicago to create research to describe and address the intersections between inequitable systems (e.g. education, economic, health) and the well-being of adolescents and young adults. Ci3 works with and on behalf of young people marginalized by race, class, and sexual orientation, taking an asset- rather than risk-based approach to addressing sexual and reproductive health, educational attainment, physical safety, and economic security. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree from Yale University, a master’s degree in philosophy and politics from Oxford University, her medical degree from Harvard Medical School, and a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

CHRISTINE GRAY, PHD Special Projects Coordinator, TimeBanks USA @TimeBanksUSA Ever since 2000, Christine Gray has led efforts developing TimeBanking as a tool for community building and social change. In 2016, she facilitated development, testing and distribution of state-of-the-art TimeBanking software, Community Weaver 3.0, now widely used in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. As Executive Director of TimeBanks USA from 2010 to 2011, she was primary editor shaping Edgar Cahn’s No More Throw-Away People and led the collaborative development of the authoritative TimeBank training that anchored TimeBanking in core values as operating principles. In addition to conducting innumerable workshops, Christine played a lead role in planning and conducting International TimeBanking conferences in 2007, 2009 and 2011. In 2008, she was retained by Phelps Stokes to head a unique design team partnering with former inmates to develop the National Homecomers Academy, a transformative institution that defines re-entry as homecomers on a journey of service and learning that rebuilds community. Christine currently coteaches (with Edgar Cahn) a course, Law and System Change, required for the LLM clinical law faculty at the UDC-David A. Clarke School of Law.


GERALD GUEVARRA GlobeMed at Loyola University, Chicago Alumnus @gguevarra Gerald Guevarra has previously worked as a Youth Program Advocate at Mujeres Latinas en Acciόn (MLEA), a Chicago-based organization dedicated to empowering families impacted by sexual violence. Gerald has helped MLEA earn national recognition by the National Council of La Raza for his pioneering work promoting STEM careers for underrepresented students of color and education curricula centered on empowering young girls and boys through the exploration of culture and identity. Gerald has taken his years in youth development into the field of social entrepreneurship. He currently is working on building his own lifestyle creative agency using fashion and style as a platform to communicate values related to healthy masculinity. With growth and love as pillars to his work, Gerald is excited to share in community at Summit as a GlobeMed alum from Loyola University, Chicago.

KELLY HAYES Co-Founder, The Chicago Light Brigade and Lifted Voices @MsKellyMHayes Kelly Hayes is a direct action trainer and a cofounder of The Chicago Light Brigade and the direct action collective Lifted Voices. She is a community relations associate and a contributing writer at Truthout. Her photography is featured in the ‘Freedom and Resistance’ exhibit of the DuSable Museum of African American History. Kelly’s contribution to the anthology Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect’ stems from her work as an organizer against state violence and her ongoing analysis of movements in the United States, as featured in Truthout and the blog Transformative Spaces.

BONNIE KOENIG Strategy Consultant, Going International @BonnieKoenig Bonnie Koenig is a consultant working with non-governmental organizations on developing their strategic thinking and international programs. She has worked for over 30 years with local, national and international organizations in the areas of strategic planning, organizational and program development, and other management issues. Prior to beginning her consulting practice she was the Executive Director of Zonta International, a women’s service organization with members in 65 countries. Bonnie has a M.A. in International Relations from Yale University. Her publications include the book Going Global for the Greater Good: Succeeding as a Nonprofit in the International Community, an e-book, and numerous articles about the operations of nonprofit organizations.


ELIZABETH LARSEN GlobeMed Global Headquarters Alumna Elizabeth Larsen studied Economics and Global Health at Northwestern University, as a participant in the Honors Program in Medical Education. During undergrad, she spent her time working with the Partnerships Team at GlobeMed Global Headquarters, supporting the Refugee Health Outreach Team at Heartland Alliance in Chicago, and conducting research on childhood malnutrition programs implemented by GlobeMed partners around the globe. Since graduating in 2015, Elizabeth has worked at McKinsey & Company in Chicago, focusing on healthcare and economic development projects both domestically and abroad. She is passionate about building strong health systems and working at the intersection of people, politics, and disease. She plans to return to Feinberg School of Medicine next year to pursue an MD.

FANNY LAU GlobeMed at Lawrence University Alumna @Laudandclear Chicago native Fanny Lau studied Anthropology at Lawrence University, where she was a proud member and Co-President of GlobeMed at Lawrence University. After graduating in 2014, she worked in marketing and alumni relations before joining the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign as a field organizer in Winnebago County. She is a 2017 cohort member of Emerge Wisconsin, an organization that trains Democratic women to run for office. She is a founding member of the Downtown Appleton Neighborhood Group and was recently named one of the Fox Cities Future 15 Young Professionals. Currently, Fanny works at Legal Action of Wisconsin, a non-profit law firm that provides justice to low-income individuals in Appleton, Wisconsin.

MIA LEI GlobeMed at UNC - Chapel Hill Alumna Mia Lei studied Health Policy and Management at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. During her time in GlobeMed at UNC she served a variety of roles including Co-President. She organized the regional Eminence conference, pioneered local relationships, and cultivated the growth of staff. She served on the founding board and co-directed the American Mock WHO. She is currently a fellow with the City of San Francisco where she administers policies and programs at the intersection of environmental, animal, and human health. She ultimately seeks to dedicate her life to building people, policies, and power to achieve health equity through collaboration and civic engagement.


LUIS GILBERTO MURILLO Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia @LuisGMurillo Before being appointed to lead the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Luis Gilberto Murillo served as a Presidential Advisor to current Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, on the Strategic Development of Colombia’s Pacific Coast. In this position, Luis designed social and economic development projects for the environmentally rich and predominantly Afro-Colombian Pacific Coast. Moreover, Luis secured a US$400 million loan from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank for water, sanitation and energy projects. Luis is a well-known leader and agent of change in Colombia. He also served as Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Chocó, Deputy Director of the Environmental Agency of Bogota, and a two-term Governor of the State of Chocó. Luis’ international background includes his tenure as Vice President of Phelps Stokes, Senior Development and Human Rights Advisor for Lutheran World Relief and consultant for USAID, Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank in Washington, D.C. By training, Luis is a Mining Engineer with a Master of Science degree in Engineering.

LOYCE PACE President and Executive Director, Global Health Council @GlobalGameChngr @GlobalHealthOrg Loyce Pace is a leader who has worked on the ground in more than ten countries, delivering health programs and mobilizing advocates. She is the Global Health Council’s newly-appointed President and Executive Director. Loyce comes to the role having held leadership positions in global policy and strategic partnerships at LIVESTRONG Foundation and the American Cancer Society. Additionally, she has worked with Physicians for Human Rights and also served as an International Development Fellow for Catholic Relief Services. Loyce holds a bachelor’s degree with Honors in Human Biology from Stanford University and a master’s degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she was inducted into the Delta Omega Society. She is a member of Phillips Academy (Andover) Alumni Council.

KEN PATTERSON Director of Global Grassroots Advocacy, RESULTS US @krampatt Ken Patterson is the Director of Global Grassroots Advocacy for RESULTS US. He joined RESULTS staff in June of 2005 after several years as a volunteer. As Director he provides coaching, training, and support to a network of over 80 RESULTS globally-focused chapters around the United States. He also works with the RESULTS International Expansion Team to share the RESULTS Advocacy model with international partners. Prior to RESULTS, Ken worked as an organizational development consultant with clients like the Peace Corps, Salvation Army, Aid to Artisans and others. He graduated in May of 2005 with a Master’s in Organizational Change Management from The New School in Manhattan, New York.


SHARON RUDY, PHD Director, Global Health Fellows Program II @sharon_rudy @GHFPII Sharon Rudy is Director of the Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II at the Public Health Institute (PHI). In her previous role as Faculty/Senior Program Officer in the Center for Communication Programs at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Sharon spent almost a decade working in Anglophone Africa designing, implementing, and evaluating national behavior change communication programs and client-provider interaction interventions. She then worked in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia implementing performance improvement and training programs through IntraHealth, then based at the Medical School of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Sharon holds a PhD in Counseling and Organizational Consulting.

BRENT SAVOIE, MD, JD Co-Founder, Primeros Pasos @brentsavoie @PrimerosPasosGT Dr. Brent Savoie is a physician and legal scholar with more than a decade of experience working with rural health programs and conducting health and human rights research in Guatemala. Brent is the President of the Inter-American Health Alliance (IAHA). In this role he has helped develop a successful partnership with Vanderbilt University’s Center for Latin American Studies, collaborating on programs in Guatemala. He is the co-founder of Primeros Pasos, a rural health program in the Department of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, that provides medical care, dental care, and health education services.

SHIRLEY SENG Co-Founder, Kachin Women’s Association Thailand Shirley Seng is from Burma and a Kachin by ethnicity. Known along the ThaiBurma border as Aunty Shirley, she is a founding member and executive committee member of the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT). She is also a founding member of the Women’s League of Burma (WLB). Her involvement in women’s issues spans more than 30 years. As the wife of the former Kachin Independent Organization leader who was assassinated in 1975, Shirley Seng has strengthened her resolve to continue the struggle for liberation of Kachin from the oppressive Burmese military. Shirley has traveled extensively to international forums including the UN to advocate for political and social change in Burma. She is also an advisory board member of the Ethnic Nationality Council, the common platform of all Burmese ethnic groups.


MARIBEL SIERRA Communications and Outreach Specialist, Global Health Fellows Program II @makeitmaribel @GHFPII Maribel Sierra is the Communications and Outreach Specialist for the Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II. In this role, she creates communications materials and manages the program’s social media platforms to draw talented and diverse professionals to GHFP-II’s wide ranging career opportunities in global health. Maribel has previously worked with diverse groups through her experience as an organizer at the non-profit organization Clean Water for North Carolina, and as research assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s (UNC-CH) School of Medicine. Maribel holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and Spanish from UNC-CH.

ROGER THUROW Senior Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs @RogerThurow @ChicagoCouncil Roger Thurow joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs as Senior Fellow for Global Food and Agriculture in January 2010 after three decades at The Wall Street Journal. For 20 years, he served as a Journal foreign correspondent, based in Europe and Africa. His coverage of global affairs spanned the Cold War, the reunification of Germany, the release of Nelson Mandela, the end of apartheid and the wars in the former Yugoslavia. In 2003, he and Journal colleague Scott Kilman wrote a series of stories on famine in Africa that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting. Roger’s latest book, The First 1,000 Days: A Crucial Time for Mothers and Children—And the World.

ROBIN YOUNG Director of Programs, Child Family Health International @CFHI Robin Young is the Director of Programs at Child Family Health International (CFHI) in San Francisco, where she supports nearly 40 community-based Global Health Education Programs for students and institutions through a wide network of global partners in ten countries. Robin holds an MBA from Florida International University, a BA from Lewis & Clark College, and is a former Fulbright Fellow. She is the co-author of the Cultural Detective Dominican Republic series and completed the Methods of Intercultural Training at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication (SIIC). Her previous work experiences include the Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) and Hesperian Health Guides.





Director of Communications

Executive Director

Director of Learning and Training




Director of Operational Systems

Director of Partnerships, Asia and the Americas

Director of Partnerships, Africa






Communications Fellow

Operations & Events Fellows

Partnerships Fellows

GlobeMed Alumni Association EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE








JASON PACE Membership Coordinator





Summit Map





To donate to GlobeMed online, visit bit.ly/giveglobemed




Irvin Stern Foundation

GlobeMed Board of Directors Contribution made in honor of Alyssa Smaldino’s exemplary leadership



THANK YOU On behalf of the extended GlobeMed family, immense gratitude to everybody who brought the 2017 GlobeMed Summit to life. Thank you to the foundational supporter of Summit, Northwestern University. Special thanks to the Office of the President and Provost, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, the Buffett Institute for Global Studies, the International Studies Program, Feinberg School of Medicine’s Center for Global Health, the Office of Institutional Diversity & Inclusion, the School of Education and Social Policy, and the Asian Studies Program. We also offer heartfelt thanks to our partners at the United States Agency for International Development’s Global Health Fellows Program II (GHFP-II), Irvin Stern Foundation, Medtronic, and Becton Dickinson. With your support, GlobeMed is able to increase access to the Summit for any student, regardless of financial status. Together, we are equipping a generation of diverse, courageous leaders for global health. Deepest gratitude to GlobeMed’s board of directors, global advisory council, and countless supporters who offer funding, advice, and moral strength to keep GlobeMed thriving. To our staff, fellows, and countless volunteers from the GlobeMed Alumni Association, Accenture, Kellogg Board Fellows, and more, thank you for sustaining GlobeMed’s work with perseverance, patience, and incredible amounts of passion. Finally, thanks to our incredible network of students, alumni, and partner organizations who have traveled from around the world to be here this weekend. Each year, you make Summit feel like a giant, life-giving family reunion. As we wrap up the eleventh annual Summit, we look to the future with more confidence in our purpose and potential than ever before. Together, we will find the bravery and strength to make global health equity a reality.

With gratitude, Alyssa Smaldino @alyssasmaldino


GlobeMed Global Headquarters 601 University Place Evanston, IL 60208

www.globemed.org Design by Sarah Endes, Ivana Giang, Priya Fremerman, and Balungile Belz

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