2013 Alumni Homecoming Commitments

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2013 Alumni Homecoming Commitments ● ●

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Jake: to donate Tana: ○ Go back to chapter and say hi! ○ Organize alumni panel and reconnect alum and current Kalin ○ Plan Whirlyball and Khris Kringle market w Chi hub ○ Post + new book on UCLA alumni FB group ○ Post about Public Health Associate Program on LinkedIn and sync up w NatO re: GlobeMed Current Liv ○ Send Rachel email re: GM blurbs and goals ○ Takeaways blog post ○ Set up Razoo page for Alumni Giving ○ Look into LinkedIn and strategize w Caroline (try search function diff groups in network group, post articles/job opps) Andrea: Explore blog re: advice Kaleigh: share 5 takeaways from AHC and send emails to friends Roohie: share 5 takeaways from AHC and send emails to friends Sarah ○ Post on Rhodes FB group ○ Commit to being a stronger mentor - skype every quarter Jon: Boston alumni hub event around WDSJ Rachel ○ Talk to people at Leo re: volunteering connection and creating database for alumni (CODING!) ALL: ○ Commit to finding 1-2 other alums to donate (100 days for 100 donors holiday kick off!) ○ Share HC experiences Maya: find board match for Alumni Giving Anupa: talk to 2 Rochester alumni re: events/opps Mikey: ○ Reach out to Loyola alumni and bring up hub involvement ○ Send emails to Chi Co-Presidents re: events ○ Work on CB webinar w Caroline Caroline: ○ Type commitments and send ○ Send reminders and support to regional hubs to inspire action Maya / PDs: figure out which eboard member is responsible for alumni relations → work into chapter structure

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NatO: host 2nd Alumni Homecoming Hillary: ○ Host a TWIST (The Way I See Things) idea dinner for Chicago Hub ○ Attend a talk/speech each month and get 5 Chicago people to come Savannah ○ Meet up with NYC hub coordinator to recap our awesome alum ideas Karishma ○ Go to chapter meeting to talk about this weekend Jeni: Going to go to MR

Alum Brainstorm Action Items Ideas ● NED Talks (nerdy convo meetings) ● Attend/support local chapter events ● Email/meet local chapter Co=Prez ● Post on LinkedIn: jobs, events, speakers ● Calendar events for local chapters ● Push Alumni Homecoming for Regions ○ NatO sponsored content for kick off events ● Send Recap emails to local alumni ● Push regional hub coordinator positions to seniors (keep youth) ● Undergrad/alumni dinners ● Quarterly newsletter w content (articles, TedTalks, events)

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