GlobeMed at MIT 2013 – 2014 ANNUAL REPORT
Pastoral de La Salud | San Salvador, El Salvador ICOD Action Network | Lyantonde, Uganda Rural Economic Development Association | Svay Rieng, Cambodia CORD| Tamil Nadu, India Ungano Tena | Nairobi, Kenya WOPLAH | Western Kenya GWED-G | Gulu, Uganda AMMID| San Marcos, Guatemala ChangeALife Uganda | Migyera, Uganda Himalayan Health Care | Jawalakhel, Nepal Courage Is Change | Denver, Colorado Kachin Women’s Association Thailand | Chiang Mai, Thailand Salud Sin Límites | Siuna, Nicaragua MAP Foundation | Chiang Mai, Thailand Escuela de La Calle (EDELAC) | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Rwanda Village Concept Project | Butare, Rwanda Community of Hope| Washington, D.C. Primeros Pasos | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala NECOFA | Moro, Kenya CEMOPLAF Cajabamba | Cajabamba, Ecuador Health Development Initiative | Kigali, Rwanda Jambi Huasi | Otovalo, Ecuador Hope Through Health | Kara, Togo Gardens for Health International | Gasabo, Rwanda Knowledge for Children | Kumbo, Cameroon Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization | Masaka, Uganda Adonai Child Development Center| Namugoga, Uganda Center for Community Health Promotion | Hanoi, Vietnam ACUDESBAL | Bajo Lempa, El Salvador Medical AIDS Outreach | Montgomery, Alabama A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope | Managua, Nicaragua CSSD | Phnom Penh, Cambodia Light for Children | Kumasi, Ghana Burmese Women’s Union | Mae Sot, Thailand Maison de Naissance | Torbeck, Haiti Nyaya Health | Achham, Nepal ASPAT | Lima, Peru Social Action for Women | Mae Sot, Thailand Mpoma Community HIV/AIDS Initiative| Mukono, Uganda BSDA | Kampong Cham, Cambodia Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation (PEOF) | Morazán, El Salvador Joy-Southfield Community Development Corp.| Detroit, Michigan Kyetume Community Based Health Care (KCBHCP)| Mukono, Uganda Raising the Village | Kampala, Uganda PEDA | Vientiane, Laos Lwala Community Alliance | Lwala, Kenya Kallpa Iquitos | Iquitos, Peru Alternative for Rural Movement | Odisha, India CareNet Ghana | Hohoe, Ghana Clinica Ana Manganaro | Guarjila, El Salvador Build Your Future Today Center | Siem Reap, Cambodia Women’s Development Association | Phnom Penh, Cambodia COWS | Kampong Thom, Cambodia Dios es Amor | Lima, Peru Uganda Development and Health Associates | Iganga, Uganda Kigezi Healthcare Foundation| Kabale, Uganda Burma Humanitarian Mission (BHM) | Eastern Burma FORUDEF | Buea, Cameroon
About GlobeMed Mission GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
Vision We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people, regardless of where they call home.
We believe every human life has equal worth and every person deserves the chance to thrive. This belief has drawn together our network of students, communities, and supporters from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. Health for all is within our grasp, but we can only achieve it by working together.
Message from the Co-Presidents Dear Friends, We stood in awe as people filed into the large lecture hall. Students, professors, doctors, professionals, advocates, activists, families, friends, community members, over three hundred people took their seats in the Green Building on MIT’s campus as our first annual Grassroots Initiatives for Global Health conference started. We stared at each other in amazement because we could not believe that this many people were attending our event, an event that we had started planning more than seven months earlier; an event that would not have been possible two years ago, when GlobeMed had less than ten members. The conference was just one of many huge steps GlobeMed at MIT has taken in the past year, thanks to the outstanding leadership of our previous co-presidents, a dedicated executive board whose members never stop thinking outside the box, and an ever-growing staff with unparalleled enthusiasm and passion. Since being partnered with Hope Through Health, we have grown from 8 to 47 members, gained recognition on campus and in the greater Boston community, and sent four teams of students to work with AED’s clinics in Togo. Last year alone, we obtained over $32,000 in grants and donations and raised over $11,000 for Hope Through Health through campaigns. We've fostered relationships and strengthened understanding between our members and clinic staff, and are proud to have contributed to sustainable changes in healthcare management for our partner community. Our first GROW trip took place in January 2013; two students traveled to Togo to begin training clinic staff in basic computer literacy as the first step in transitioning the clinics from paper to electronic records. After the training, Hope Through Health's Monitoring, Evaluation, and Quality Improvement Director Emmanuel Kotedja remarked, "I really benefited from the training provided by the MIT students. The skills I learned have made my work so much easier. I no longer have to do long calculations from paper reports. My reports now populate and calculate the information I need automatically. Now I can spend more time on quality improvement, rather than just collecting data." After our initial computer literacy training, we continued to increase the technological capacity of AED’s clinics through the implementation of CommCare, a mobile health form building software that allows community health workers to better organize and keep track of patient visit data. Additionally, we have begun GPS mapping of patients to help AED understand the spatial layout of the population they serve and better organize home visits. We have also started professional development training with clinic staff in order to increase the efficiency of daily clinic operations, as well as to build staff leadership and management capacity. Finally, we are collecting stories of patients and clinic staff in order to raise awareness and funds. Even though we only became co-presidents in April, we have both already learned so much about leadership, management, capacity building, and the power of partnership. We are extremely excited to lead this passionate, dynamic, and fiercely determined organization in the upcoming year. We will use the lessons from our successes and failures as a chapter and as leaders to improve our efficiency, increase our contributions to sustainable development with HTH, and facilitate the growth of our members into well-educated advocates of global health. We would like to thank all our members for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. We also would like to extend our appreciation to our members’ families, friends, and the MIT community for their constructive feedback and constant support. Last, but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to the GlobeMed National Office and to Hope Through Health and AED for giving us the opportunity to make sustainable strides in improving global health equity. The power and drive of the GlobeMed network astounds us daily, and we are so excited to find out what we can accomplish in the next year.
Sincerely, Rafa Rahman & Jordan Downey Co-Presidents 2013-2014 GlobeMed at MIT
Since our founding in 2011, our chapter has grown from 8 members to 47 members.
About Us
GlobeMed at MIT
GlobeMed at MIT was founded in 2011, partnered with Maeying Huamjai Phattana. However, due to difficulty in communication and inability to allow GROW trips, we agreed to end partnership in spring 2012. We formed a new partnership with Hope Through Health in 2012 and have been able to connect MIT resources and contribute significantly to technological advancement at HTH's HIV clinics. In Spring 2013, GlobeMed at MIT won the SLA Philanthropy Award at MIT, which gave us $350 to spend at CopyTech (MIT's copy and printing services). We initiated a 10-day computer literacy training program at the HTH main clinic in Kara, Togo, which trained 18 clinic staff members in Microsoft Word and Excel. Clinic staff are able to execute basic Excel functions on their patient data and now have moved from paper-based systems to Excel workbooks. In fall 2013 and spring 2014, we continued computer literacy training and also began several new projects to help build the technological capacity of our partners’ clinics, including GPS mapping, mobile health, professional development training, and implementation of further data collection and analysis systems. In the past year, we have obtained over $26,000 worth of grants to support our summer projects, and over $8,000 worth of grants and donations to support our events and operations. In fall 2013, we hosted several exciting speaker events, including Dr. Rishi Rattan (Physicians for Haiti), Jon Shaffer (Partners in Health), and Dr. Dodji Modjinou (New York University School of Medicine). In early spring 2014, we hosted our first annual Grassroots Initiatives for Global Health conference on MIT’s campus. Over 300 people from all over the Northeast attended the day-long event, which included speakers and panelists Liana Woskie, Adam Korn, Owen Robinson, Ann Peralta, and Phil Garrity. The day also included breakout sessions and a film screening of Pray the Devil Back to Hell, followed by a Q&A with director Gini Reticker. In spring 2014 we also hosted our first Jeffersonian Dinner on advocacy, where we began discussing several promising partnerships for coming years. In spring 2014 we also won the SLA Outstanding Event Award at MIT, which gave us $1000 to put towards our next Global Health Conference. Additionally, we are currently planning our first Fall Philanthropy Gala, which will take place in October 2014.
[Replace this picture by uploading your favorite high resolution photo taken of your partner's work and/or people]
Our Partnership Hope Through Health
Founded in 2004 Hope through Health (HTH) was created when U.S. Peace Corps volunteers joined Association Espoir pour Demain (AED-Lidaw), a group of people in northern Togo living with HIV/AIDS. The goal of HTH and AED-Lidaw was to provide the community with HIV care, which was otherwise unavailable. That same goal exists to this day, but ten years later, HTH is an ever-improving model in effective health care delivery, serving upwards of 1,700 people through five clinics (located in Kara, Kante, Ketao, Bafilo, and Kabou). Among the services offered are ARV distribution, psychosocial counseling, community health visits, ARV therapy education, a prevention of mother to child transmission program, and a program for orphans and vulnerable children. The clinics are now expanding services beyond HIV-related care, particularly in the realm of maternal and child health. GlobeMed at MIT had the great privilege of partnering with HTH September 2012.
Kara, Togo Population: ~95,000 Togo is a small nation in west Africa, bordered by Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Benin. The country declared its independence in 1960, having been a French territory known as Togoland up until that point. Politics was long dominated by the the military dictatorship of General GnassingbĂŠ Eyadema, who was in power for nearly four decades starting in 1967. Since his death in 2005, his son, Faure Gnassingbe, has been president. The country has long suffered from political unrest and questionable protection of human rights. Medical facilities are often limited in their scope and of poor quality, and the system is built on a pay-per-service model, which is too costly for the majority of the population to effectively utilize. While 62% of the nation has access to public health facilities, only 30% makes use of them (HTH 2013 Annual Report). Under-utilization may also be prompted by a lack in confidence of the medical system and doctors.
Togo receives eight times less aid than its neighbor, Ghana, even though 53% of the population lives on less than $2 a day.
Our Projects GlobeMed at MIT is performing multiple projects in Kara, Togo with the overarching goal of promoting health equity, quality of care, and community empowerment. BY THE NUMBERS:
[Replace this picture by uploading a photo from your partner/specific project]
Key metric: We raised over $11,000 for the clinics this year through campaigns and donations. Our projects benefit over 1700 people, both patients and clinic staff. What the money directly funded: 100% of donations go directly to Hope through Health, to help fund life-saving medications, community health workers, and other essential programs.
Mobile Health Communication: We are helping community health workers (CHWs) transition from paper records of home visits to CommCare, a mobile health platform. This will improve patient monitoring and evaluation, as well as allow for rapid communication with clinic-based staff. GPS Patient Mapping: Community Health Workers (CHWs) were trained how to use GPS devices to map where patients live in order to create a map of AED’s patient population. AED hopes to use these maps to demonstrate to donors, the Ministry of Health, and other organizations the reach of AED’s services and how far CHWs travel to visit patients. They also aim to use these maps to better determine where AED should concentrate outreach efforts and how to create more streamlined routes for CHWs who regularly visit patients’ homes. OEV Mentorship: AED’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OEV) program provides comprehensive care to children who are HIV positive, or who have lost parents/guardians to HIV. We are working closely with the OEV director to incorporate more educational and leadership activities into Club Hope, a once-a-month camp for children in the OEV program. Documentarian: We are working with AED patients and staff to document their experiences living with HIV in Togo, both inside and outside the clinic. To this end, we are using both written blog posts and video footage. The goal is to raise awareness about the day-to-day challenges of HIV care. Computer Literacy Project: Basic computer skills were taught to the staff members in each of AED’s clinics throughout northern Togo, in order to improve data management and record keeping. Clinic staff in Kara were also trained to use the new Web App Database, designed by GlobeMed students in January 2014. Database & Technical Infrastructure Development: This project set up a foundation for a customized Web App database and intranet system, with the goal of easing data entry while minimizing input errors via forms, generating various reports for the clinic automatically, and unifying disparate sets of patient records into one uniform database.
Message from Hope Through Health
[Replace this picture by uploading your favorite high resolution photo taken of your partner]
Dear Friends, Letter from your partner Sincerely, Hope Through Health (HTH) is excited to share this update on our CommCare project. Thanks to a partnership with DIMAGI and generous funding from the INDIGO TRUST, HTH launched a new mHealth initiative using CommCare in the fall of 2013. In September, Dimagi Representative Kara Grijalva visited our site and spent one week working with HTH Program Director, Andrew Lopez, providing training on how to design and build applications within CommCare. In late December and January, six members of our partner, GLOBEMED AT MIT, visited Togo and contributed significantly to this mHealth project. Upon arrival to Togo, the MIT team got right to work on CommCare, a mobile health application to be used by our Community Health Workers (CHWs) to streamline data collection and management. CommCare requires that several forms be built depending on the type of patient being visited. Instead of simply building and field-testing one form, as was their goal, the MIT students were able to build multiple forms during their short stay and field test three of them. To inform this work, the MIT students met with HTH staff members and CHWs to understand the unmet needs of the current paper-based system used by the CHW Program. First, students met with Marie, the CHW Program Director. Her main concern was that she had to manually input data from the standardized paper forms at the end of each week, which was time consuming and inefficient. Marie wanted the data to be able to go directly from the CHW phones to an online database, which she could then access to inform programmatic activities. (continued)
Message from Hope Through Health continued Emmanuel, director of Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality, expressed frustration that he could not analyze the data until Marie inputs it into the system, noting the time delay of data sharing. Then of course, the MIT students met with CHWs, the people that will be directly using the CommCare application on their cell phones. Unlike Marie or Emmanuel, the CHWs were skeptical to embrace the new technology. CHWs were concerned about bringing a new piece of technology into a patient’s home, which could potentially generate suspicion and expose the patient’s HIV status to neighbors. There was also fear of being viewed as arrogant for bringing sophisticated technology into poor homes. Additionally, the CHWs expressed concern at having to learn how to effectively use CommCare. However, when the CHW Program Director and 9 CHWs received hour-long one-on-one training sessions, they found the touch screen user interface to be extremely intuitive. Each CHW was able to begin to learn how to use CommCare in the one-hour session. After this training, the 9 CHWs began to practice using CommCare on one module. An MIT student shadowed each CHW using the CommCare application at least twice. Both the MIT student and the CHWs had recommendations for revisions. These revisions, of which there were 9 rounds (one per CHW), were incorporated into the CommCare forms. Another change was a switch in the chosen technology. Preliminary research and on-site testing by one MIT student found that Android phones are a better fit for CommCare than the Nokia phones HTH had originally planned to use; thus the Nokia phones were sold and Androids were purchased at a comparable cost. In spite of the incredible progress made by HTH staff, including CHWs, thanks to the support and hard work of our MIT student partners, CommCare has yet to be rolled out. Additional rounds of field-testing remain to be completed for all of the required modules. There are also technical challenges to be resolved in order to streamline the data analysis process for HTH’s CHW Supervisor and MEQ Director. Thus, paper forms have not yet been entirely eliminated from the CHW Program. Work on this project is continuing in Togo, specifically additional training activities. MIT students are planning to return to Togo this summer to conduct further field testing once the program has been rolled out. Despite the unanticipated delays in the launch of this initiative, CommCare is still an exciting development for HTH. We hope that this initiative will ultimately improve the quality of care we provide, both in the clinic and in the home, to all of our patients. Stay tuned for more updates!
Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.
Event Title
Event Description
Art Sale
We sold handmade art brought back from Togo.
Thanksgiving Pie Sale Sold pies by the slice or whole and handed
out pie chart infographics.
Candycane Sales
Students could buy and send candycanes to friends with messages.
Cookies and Condoms
Students could buy and send packages with a cookie & condom to a friend.
Shades Against AIDS
We sold custom-made GlobeMed sunglasses all around campus during MIT’s Campus Preview Weekend.
Thrift Shop
We collected and sold donated clothes.
Restaurant Nights
We partnered with several local restaurants who donate part of their profit on a given night.
Summit Merchandise We raised money by selling bags at our
Summit in the spring.
Individual Giving
Members reached out to family and friends.
Total funds raised for Hope Through Health in 2013-2014:
One line describing the total amount your chapter has raised for your partner org since the beginning of the partnership. “Since 2010, GlobeMed at Boston College has raised over $10,600 to support CCC-UNSCH empower the elderly in Huamanguilla, Peru and Yanama, Peru.”
Shades Against AIDS Campaign date: 4/10-4/13 This was a very fun and easy-to-run event. We did not set up a booth instead we opted to walk around the lobby area and talk to people passing by to sell the sunglasses. It was great weather, and the potential freshmen everywhere definitely made campus feel more exciting. We ended up selling out early!
Cookies and Condoms Campaign date: 2/11-2/13 This campaign was a fun way to tie in the Valentine's Day spirit with a GlobeMed campaign. We put together little packages of chocolate chip cookies (baked by us!) and condoms, along with the sender's custom message, to be delivered to living groups across campus.There were some last-minute logistical issues that came up, but the campaigns team and the rest of GlobeMed came together to make this a very successful campaign.
Community Building Through service and team-building events, community and camaraderie is fostered around global health and social justice within GlobeMed chapters, the GlobeMed network and surrounding communities.
Total number of chapter members in 2013 – 2014: 46 Number of community-building events: 10 Number of hours volunteered in the community: ~25.
This year, GlobeMed partook in MIT's CityDays event. CityDays organizes groups of MIT students to go into Boston during a day off from school and volunteer in the community. As part of the program, several GlobeMed members helped cook a meal at CASPAR (Cambridge and Somerville Program for Alcohol Rehabilitation). In addition to participation in CityDays, GlobeMed at MIT also co-sponsored a walkathon event, Strides for Solidarity, with Partners in Health (PIH). The 5K walk took place at the Johnson Track on MIT's campus in June. Although this event was during the summer while many members were away from campus, GlobeMed had a good turnout as several of our members attended the walk to raise money and awareness for PIH. With the goal of acheiving global health equity linking all GlobeMed members together, the Community Building co-directors strive to solidify the bonds between members to increase the productivity, cooperation, and effectiveness of the chapter. Each meeting is kicked off with a short icebreaker game, puzzle, or activity that allows members to get to know those who are in different grades, teams, and majors. Another CB initiative that has been continued from the previous year are GlobeMed Lunch/Coffee Dates. Multiple weeks during the year, members are organized into small groups and explore a restaurant or coffee shop around Boston while chatting and getting to know each other outside of GlobeMed. Furthermore, the Community Building Co-Directors, along with help from the Co-Presidents, organized Staff, Exec, and New Member retreats. Our new member get-together was mainly used to introduce the incoming group to one another, to GlobeMed at MIT's partner organization, and to our group's culture. With a mix of more detailed presentations on the work that we do with Hope Through Health and icebreaker/introduction events, the new members enjoyed the afternoon and submerged themselves in GlobeMed. Staff retreat was run somewhat similarly, but was centered around reflection and outlooks on what GlobeMed has done in the past and where we see ourselves going in the future. Many members expressed gratitude and inspiration after the staff retreat. We also enjoyed hearing from Jenny Schechter, the Executive Director of Hope Through Health, during one of our retreats. Her talk helped us rediscover why we are all passionate about GlobeMed's mission. In the sping we had our executive board retreat, which included modules on transitioning, outlook planning, and self-discovery. Exec members especially enjoyed taking part in an activity that revealed our personalities and preferences in working environments. It was great to better understand our own strengths and weakenesses and evaluate how we can better contribute to GlobeMed's group dynamic. In addition to continuing retreat-type events, several new community building activities were initiated this year, such as a Karaoke Party, a French Baking class taught by one of our own members, and a "Welcome Home" party celebrating the return of our GROW members after their trip in January. The GROW party was especially fun for all. After not seeing each other over our holiday break in January, we reconvened and celebrated the start of a new semester with American and Togolese food staples, Togolese music, and great conversation. Each of our staff bonding activities contributed to the overall dynamic of our staff. An increase in staff morale and a tighter knit GlobeMed community has allowed GlobeMed at MIT to be even more effective in helping our partner organization and pursuing our passions in global health.
globalhealthU globalhealthU is GlobeMed’s signature year-long global health curriculum. This student-designed and driven program equips students with the critical thinking skills that will inform a life of leadership for global health. This past year, GHU strived to give chapter members a general framework for global health and different healthcare systems across the world, so they could better understand the work GlobeMed at MIT does with Hope Through Health to support AED-Lidaw in Togo. Our weekly curriculum focused on the history of global health, the economics of healthcare, and the fight against HIV/AIDs. Our goal was to have members be able to apply this knowledge, along with a general knowledge of Togalese culture, in order to better understand our GROW team's work. Our chapter particularly enjoyed learning about the economics of large aid organizations while engaging in a mock “debate for funding.” We worked not only to educate our own chapter but also the greater MIT community about global health, through a variety of public speaker events, and our first “Grassroots Initiatives in Global Health” conference. Number of discussions held: 16 GHU lessons (~8 per semester) Number of public globalhealthU events: 3 public speaker events, 1 public conference/summit
First Annual GlobeMed at MIT Global Health Summit - "Grassroots Initiatives in Global Health" Event date: Saturday February 8th from 9am - 4pm GlobeMed at MIT's Grassroots Initiatives in Global Health conference drew nearly 300 undergraduates, graduate students, academics and professionals from throughout the Boston area and around the country. The day was filled with powerful presentations and engaging discussions, and based on the feedback we have received, it was a resounding success. Highlights from the event included: inspiring speeches by Liana Woskie of the Harvard Initiative on Global Health Equity and Peter Luckow of Last Mile Health, a question and answer panel moderated by Owen Robinson of Haiti Cardiac Alliance and featuring representatives from Save a Child’s Heart, the Peace Corps and Partners in Health, an appearance by the Oscar nominated and highly acclaimed film director Gini Reticker and engaging breakout-session presentations and discussions led by seven different groups (including two GlobeMed chapters!) currently working to establish and improve grassroots initiatives in the field of global health.
Guest Speaker from MIT JPAL -- Thomas Chupein Event date: April 27, 2014 We had approximately 30 people attend Thomas's talk about JPAL's various international projects. The talk focused on how statistical analysis is used to advise governments how to change health structures.
World Day of Social Justice February 20, 2014
What facts about HIV surprise you? # of responses: approximately 200 Post-It notes We did a Post-It note campaign across campus, where members wrote different statistics about the rates of HIV infection, facts about the virus itself and how it is transmitted, and some of the co-morbidities like TB, onto a Post-It. We then stuck them on the walls of academic buildings. This project is important to us because our partner, Hope Through Health, manages a system of community-run HIV clinics in Togo, and the clinic staff and patients face great social stigma as a result of having HIV. We wanted to remind MIT students that even though we don't see evidence of the HIV epidemic on campus everyday, and in fact many students don't know anyone who is HIVpositive personally, it has devastating effects for millions of people around the world.
2014 Summit
“Breaking Barriers, Building Connections: The Future of Global Health� The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together university students from across the nation for three days of intensive lectures and workshops with representatives from grassroots global health organizations and a range of experts. "I am privileged. It's strange to think that just by being able to consider improving others' health, I am privileged because I don't need to worry about my own. But, I don't believe privilege is something to be ashamed of; it gives us power that we can use to change the world." -- Sophia Liu, 2017
List of 2014 Summit delegates: Jordan Downey Sophia Liu
weeks (CommCare & Professional Development), 5 weeks (Documentarian) DATES OF TRAVEL:
GROW Internship Grassroots Onsite Work
Through Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships, students build capacity of their partner organization, engage in mutual learning, and ensure long-term stability of their partnership. OEV Mentorship: AED’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OEV) program provides comprehensive care to children who are HIV positive, or who have lost parents/guardians to HIV. We are working closely with the OEV director to incorporate more educational and leadership activities into Club Hope, a once-a-month camp for children in the OEV program. GPS Patient Mapping: We trained Community Health Workers (CHWs) how to use GPS devices to map where patients live in order to create a map of AED’s patient population. AED hopes to use these maps to demonstrate to donors, the Ministry of Health, and other organizations the reach of AED’s services and how far CHWs travel to visit patients. They also aim to use these maps to better determine where AED should concentrate outreach efforts and how to create more streamlined routes for CHWs who regularly visit patients’ homes. Computer Literacy Project: We taught basic computer skills to the staff members in each of AED’ s clinics throughout northern Togo, in order to improve data management and record keeping. Clinic staff in Kara were also trained to use the new Web App Database, designed by GlobeMed students in January 2014. Database & Technical Infrastructure Development: This project set up a foundation for a customized Web App database and intranet system, with the goal of easing data entry while minimizing input errors via forms, generating various reports for the clinic automatically, and unifying disparate sets of patient records into one uniform database. Professional Development: We are providing professional development and leadership training to AED staff members at every level. This will facilitate AED’s operations by enhancing communication, improving management practices, and further uniting staff members for a common purpose. Documentarian: We are working with AED patients and staff to document their experiences living with HIV in Togo, both inside and outside the clinic. GlobeMed members who are in Togo write blog posts about their experiences in the country, and several of our members collected video footage from the clinic. The goal is to raise awareness about the day-to-day challenges of HIV care.
Our Future GlobeMed at MIT
This summer, our GROW team (Emma Broderick, Kristen Finney, Maggie O’ Grady, Madeline Jenkins, Devin Williams, and Laura Stilwell) has been working to roll out CommCare, a form-building software that allows AED’s community health workers to collect and organize patient information and visit data. They have also been organizing and leading professional development lessons to build clinic staff capacity, and collecting photos and video footage in order to better tell AED’s stories. In the fall semester, GlobeMed will be focusing on beginning new advocacy initiatives, including working to help Togo obtain more international aid and increasing global health education in local public high schools. As always, will continue to focus on meeting our yearly fundraising goal of $10,000 for HTH and AED; educating ourselves, the MIT community, and the greater Boston community through GHU lessons and speaker events. We will also work to improve our current GROW initiatives while also developing new projects to further build clinic capacity. Additionally, in October, we will be hosting our first Philanthropic Fall Gala over MIT’s Parents Weekend, featuring Jane Aronson as keynote speaker. We hope to increase our presence on MIT’s campus and in the greater Boston community over the coming year, and will continue to develop new partnerships and projects to help HTH and AED better care for their patients.
“What did I get out of GlobeMed? Lifelong friendships with our amazing staff in Togo, Hope Through Health and the GlobeMed network. Experience working with diverse teams and learning how not to micromanage. Learning a wide range of lessons from Jennifer Schechter and Andrew Lopez, some of my greatest role models, in processes, program management, determination and humility. An understanding of the challenges and methods in implementing systems in Togo and leveraging available resources. An awareness of the complexity of global healthcare systems and a passion to contribute in the movement to improve them.” - Sherry Fu, Class of 2014, Former Co-President
Finances In 2013-2014, GlobeMed at 11,080 raised $11080.86 for Hope Through Health to support projects in Kara, Togo.
Revenue Events (Campaigns)
University (including grants and donations from university affiliates, used for chapter events, GROW travel, and project funding)
Corporations Foundations (grants received from foundations and outside organizations, used for chapter events, GROW travel, and project funding)
Internal Chapter Revenue National Office Launch Grant TOTAL REVENUE
$34,964.22 $0 $37,172.00 $0 NO $84,112.244
Expenses Campaigns
Sent to Partner Total sent to partner that was fundraised in the 2012-2013 academic year Total sent to partner that was fundraised prior to the 2012-2013 academic year TOTAL SENT TO PARTNER IN 2012-2013 Current Cash Position
$11,080.86 $6314.98 $17,395.84 $8732
Stay Connected GlobeMed at MIT
Read more about our partner and project, and the GlobeMed network “Like� us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events.
Follow us on twitter at globemedatmit
Follow our blog and join in on the discussion. Find our chapter on and make a donation to support our partner and project today.
Email us at to find out how you can get involved!
Executive Board GlobeMed at MIT
External Co-President
Rafa Rahman
Internal Co-President
Jordan Downey
Madeline H Jenkins
globalhealthU Coordinator
Deepti Raghavan
globalhealthU Coordinator
Sophia Liu
Campaign Coordinator
Amanda J Liu
| ajliu@mit.eedu
Campaign Coordinator
Sarah J Toledano
Director of Sponsorships
Shivani Kaushal
Director of Sponsorships
Julia Heyman
Director of Community Building
Devin M Williams
Director of Community Building
Christine W Jiang
Director of Finances
Kristen Finney
Director of Publicity
Maggie O'Grady
Director of Grant Writing
Melodi Anahtar
Director of Grant Writing
Cathy Yu
Events Coordinator
Liz Shanahan
Events Coordinator
Iris Zhuang
GROW Coordinator
A sincere thanks to the following advocates, mentors, donors, and colleagues for making our 2013 – 2014 year a great success: INDIVIDUALS Jenny Liu, Erica James, Alicia Singham Goodwin, Leonid Grinberg, Sherry Fu, Ethel Yang, May Fu, Emily Kuo, Hilary Mulholland, Abubakar Abid, Alana Peters, Laura Stilwell, Christopher Jenkins, Celeste Ross, Dustin Edwards, Dora NgWong, Dennis Wong, Linda Ho, Nuray and Yuvaz Anahtar, Lisa Liebman, Esther John, Aart de Geus, Susan Traintafillou, Marvin Downey, Susan Jordan, Sames Williams, Misti Mukherhee, Richard and Anne Heyman, Emma Broderick, Donna and James Stilwell, Clifton and Janet Finney, Jason Finney, Sandip Mukherjee, Eric Penanhoat, Shanti Singham, Daniel Goodwin, Ginger Green, Joseph and Sandra Strubinger, Edward Cheatham, Darin Omura, Lena Omura, Kimsey Ruttiman, Enoch Hsiao, Anshu Batra, Sunil and Vibha Kaushal, Baruch Toledano, Pamela Toledano, Lauran and Antoine LevyLambert, Thuan Ha, Farzana Musawwir, Elaine Rossi, Kavita Raghavan, Srinivasa Sundaram, Matt Nord, Samina Jahangir, David Schoen, Anjuli Basilisco, Mohammed Rahman, Romena Rakib, Katy Gero, Yawar Shams, Madeline OGrady, Mary Harding, Martina de Geus16
ORGANIZATIONS MIT Public Service Center, Partners In Health, Shaw's, Modern Pastry, Lyndell's Bakery, Hubway, Whole Foods, Artist and Craftsman, Blick Art Supplies, The Coop, Generous U, Dunkin Donuts, Powerade, CitySports, MIT Copytech, Trader Joe's, Uno's, Cosi, MIT School of Engineering, MIT CEHS, Grad Friendly, MIT FL&L, MIT Anthropology, MIT Biological Engineering, Boston Network for International Development, MIT HASS, SA+P, MIT UA
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