2012-2013 Annual Report
GlobeMed at Duke University
Pastoral de La Salud | San Salvador, El Salvador ICOD Action Network | Lyantonde, Uganda! Rural Economic Development Association | Svay Rieng, Cambodia Ungano Tena | Nairobi, Kenya WOPLAH | Western Kenya GWED-G | Gulu, Uganda CEPAIPA | Guayaquil, Ecuador Himalayan Health Care | Jawalakhel, Nepal Courage Is Change | Denver, Colorado Kachin Women’s Association Thailand | Chiang Mai, Thailand Salud Sin Límites | Siuna, Nicaragua MAP Foundation | Chiang Mai, Thailand Rwanda Village Concept Project | Butare, Rwanda Community of Hope| Washington, D.C. Primeros Pasos | Quetzaltenango, Guatemala CEMOPLAF Cajabamba | Cajabamba, Ecuador Health Development Initiative | Kigali, Rwanda Jambi Huasi | Otovalo, Ecuador Hope Through Health | Kara, Togo Gardens for Health International | Gasabo, Rwanda Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization | Masaka, Uganda Adonai Child Development Center| Namugoga, Uganda Center for Community Health Promotion | Hanoi, Vietnam ACUDESBAL | Bajo Lempa, El Salvador Medical AIDS Outreach | Montgomery, Alabama A Ministry of Sharing Health and Hope | Managua, Nicaragua CSSD | Phnom Penh, Cambodia Maison de Naissance | Torbeck, Haiti Nyaya Health | Achham, Nepal ASPAT | Lima, Peru Social Action for Women | Mae Sot, Thailand Nwoya Youth Center | Anaka, Uganda BSDA | Kampong Cham, Cambodia Tiyatien Health | Zwedru, Liberia Joy-Southfield Community Development Corp.| Detroit, Michigan KCRC | Bushenyi District, Uganda Health Alert Uganda | Gulu, Uganda PEDA | Vientiane, Laos Lwala Community Alliance | Lwala, Kenya Kallpa Iquitos | Iquitos, Peru Alternative for Rural Movement | Odisha, India CareNet Ghana | Hohoe, Ghana Clinica Ana Manganaro | Guarjila, El Salvador Build Your Future Today Center | Siem Reap, Cambodia Women’s Development Association | Phnom Penh, Cambodia COWS | Kampong Thom, Cambodia Dios es Amor | Lima, Peru Uganda Development and Health Associates | Iganga, Uganda Kigezi Healthcare Foundation| Kabale, Uganda Burmese Women’s Union | Chiang Mai, Thailand
About GlobeMed Mission
GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people, regardless of where they call home.
We believe every human life has equal worth and every person deserves the chance to thrive. This belief has drawn together our network of students, communities, and supporters from all walks of life and from every corner of the world. Health for all is within our grasp, but we can only achieve it by working together.
Presidents’ Message GlobeMed at duke University Dear Friends of GlobeMed, This year marked wonderful achievements for GlobeMed at Duke and our partnership with Salud sin Limites (SSL) of Siuna, Nicaragua. Trying to sum up these successes is difficult when there are so many ways that we have made strides towards meeting our goals. One of our greatest achievements was beginning the construction of the shelter for victims of domestic violence in Siuna, a project for which we have been fundraising for two years. Our grant of $18,500 helped SSL leverage support from 17 other organizations in the area, which have united in the Commission for Women, Children, Adolescents, and the Disabled. The local community is in support of the project; Reina Flores, President of the Commission, described the shelter as un sueño realizado—a dream come true, and youth in the area are painting murals that raise awareness about gender violence. The students who have made this dream a reality are amazing and truly deserve praise for their enthusiasm and dedication. Four students participated in a 3-week Grassroots On-site Work internship (GROW) in Siuna, improving our partnership with SSL, learning about the community, helping to construct the shelter, and making connections with the people there. Many dedicated, bright, and passionate staff members on campus have created a strong community and stepped up to fulfill chapter leadership opportunities. Our successes have laid the foundation for the future and shown us how the growth of our chapter and partnership has created meaningful change in the world, which we are confident is only the beginning of a greater impact. In solidarity, Emily Du, Eliza Gentzler, & Allison Kratka 2012-2013 Co-Presidents
GlobeMed at duke university
About Us GlobeMed at Duke was founded in September 2010 and has since grown from 10 founding E-Board members to 35 active members. We have had two Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships in Siuna, Nicaragua. As a 2010 recipient of the Kenan-Biddle Partnership grant, our chapter established a relationship with our sister chapter, GlobeMed at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and have jointly hosted a number of public events on both of our campuses. Since 2010, our chapter has raised over $20,000 for Salud sin LĂmites.
since our founding in september 2010, our chapter has grown from 10 to 35 members.
Our Partnership Salud sin limites / Health Poverty Action Nicaragua Siuna, Nicaragua Population: 100,770 Salud Sin Limites operates in Siuna, Nicaragua, a former mining town that is part of the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN). The autonomous regions are historically neglected by the central government in terms of social services, and more than 70% of the RAAN's population lives in extreme poverty. Gender inequality and machismo are extremely common in the rural areas.
Salud Sin Limites Founded in 1993 Salud Sin Limites / Health Poverty Action is a British international organization that has been working in Nicaragua since 1993. The Siuna chapter is entirely operated by people from the Siuna community. Their mission is to provide access to healthcare and health education to historically marginalized indigenous communities, especially women, adolescents and children. They accomplish this through capacitation and construction projects in connection with other organizations, educational programs with adolescents, and radio programming.
KEY FACT: The RAAN has the highest prevalence of domestic violence in the country, at 31.6% of women. KEY FACT: Eighteen organizations in Siuna, Nicaragua have banded together to ďŹ ght this problem and construct a shelter for victims of domestic violence.
A Message from our Partner Salud sin limites Translated from a blog post in Spanish by Juan Antonio Herrera Urbina, director of programs at Salud Sin Limites, during the GROW trip: In the past days we have been working with students at Duke University in North Carolina, USA who are members of the GlobeMed chapter at Duke. For me it is interesting that these young people have been motivated to make a contribution to global health, particularly to support the construction of a shelter for women victims of violence in Siuna. According to the analyses of different local organizations working together to respond to the problems of women and children, the shelter is a priority for improving the judicial process and restoring the rights of victims. It is astounding the extent of violence against women in our communities: just this week, the media and the national police have reported two teenage women murdered, one five months pregnant, and two twelve year-old girls beaten and sexually abused by their father or stepfather. This violence continues despite the new law, law 779, which enforces harsher punishments for offenders and provides hope for victims. However, the law is not enough, because our macho culture prevails, and every case that comes to light reveals the inability of the authorities to address this public health problem. I say inability, because the situation is out of control. As a society, we share responsibility for promoting a culture of peace and harmony in our families despite difficult economic realities and inequities that impede us in private and public spheres. I sincerely thank all the young people who, not knowing anyone in our communities nor the victims, strive to give their time, resources and ideas to contribute to the wellbeing of women who have been violated and abused in a vile manner.
Our Project
Impact Area:
Capacity Building
Salud Sin Limites
to construct a secure fence around the shelter and furniture for the shelter
Why Capacity Building? One in three women in Siuna experiences domestic or partner violence in her lifetime, and many of these cases involve murder or permanent injury to the woman. Domestic violence disproportionately aects the indigenous and rural populations that Salud Sin Limites represents, and the presence of violence in the home adversely aects women and children's health in numerous ways.
GlobeMed at Duke University funded the construction of a shelter for victims of domestic violence in Siuna, Nicaragua. Through the construction of a shelter for victims of domestic violence, we hope to provide refuge for women who travel from rural areas to seek justice but are forced to return to their abusive homes for lack of a place to stay. GlobeMed at Duke, with $19,150, funded the construction of a secure fence around the shelter and furniture including 12 beds, an oven, refrigerator, and other essential items. With our support, Salud Sin Limites brought 18 NGOs and governmental organizations together to work towards the common goal of construction of the shelter.
Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.
Event Title
Event Description
Cozy for a Cause
An annual event filled with live performances by student performers, warm beverages, and delicious cupcakes.
GlobeMed hosts Shooters
We hosted a night at a local club and received a portion of the night’s profits.
Individual Giving
GlobeMed staff sent letters and emails to family and friends asking for donations.
Shoot for Love
We sold cupcakes and roses for Valentine’s Day and offered a special deal for those who could make a shot in the basketball hoop.
Sugarland March Madness Social Media Challenge
We competed against other local nonprofits in Sugarland Bakery’s social media challenge and won the grand prize!
GlobeMed hosts Panda Express
The restaurant donated a portion of their daily proceeds.
GlobeMed hosts Local Yogurt
We hosted an in-store profit share for which 10% of a day’s profits went to GlobeMed if we brought in a minimum of 25 people.
$576.60 $562 $3867.70
Since 2010, GlobeMed at Duke has raised over $22,000 to support Salud Sin Limites's initiatives to promote health and well-being in their community, particularly for women, youth, and children.
Campaigns Campaigns are on-campus events and initiatives that raise funds for GlobeMed partner organizations' grassroots projects abroad.
Event Title
Event Description
GlobeMed members participated in Participation in Behavioral Research a paid month-long research study and donated their earnings. Study
Kaplan MCAT Course We auctioned o an MCAT preparation course to Duke Auction
Revenue $309 $1580
Charity Revolution
An event that was held on campus and at a local restaurant where we sold cupcakes and rae tickets for a Duke basketball signed by Coach Mike Krzyzewski,
Selling t-shirts and hats
Our chapter made hand-made GlobeMed shirts and sold them to students at Duke as well as the GlobeMed National Summit in Evanston, IL in April.
Total funds raised for Salud Sin Limites in 2012-2013
$8892.50 Since 2010, GlobeMed at Duke has raised over $22,000 to support Salud Sin Limites's initiatives to promote health and well-being in their community, particularly for women, youth, and children.
Campaigns Highlights from the year 2nd Annual Cozy for a Cause November 1, 2012
Students enjoyed student performances while sipping autumn-themed beverages and enjoying gourmet cupcakes from Sugarland Bakery of Chapel Hill. GlobeMed raised money through the sale of the drinks, cupcakes, knit hats, handmade GlobeMed t-shirts and a rae of gift cards to local restaurants.
Sugarland March Madness Social Media Challenge March 2013
GlobeMed at Duke competed against other local non-proďŹ ts to see which organization could make the biggest impact on the social media stage. Throughout the month of March, we sold Sugarland cupcakes on campus and posted pictures of people enjoying their treats on facebook, twitter, and instagram. We received one point for each photo posted and one point for each like a photo received. With hundreds of photos and thousands of likes, we swept the competition and won the grand prize of $500. GlobeMed at Duke has become synonymous with one word: cupcakes!
globalhealthU globalhealthU is GlobeMed’s signature year-long global health curriculum. This student-designed and driven program equips students with the critical thinking skills that will inform a life of leadership for global health.
globalhealthU really sets GlobeMed apart from other global health organizations. The partner model may initially attract new members at interest meetings, but globalhealthU and the promise of interesting conversations keep members coming back. We discussed topics such as human rights in different populations.
2012-2013 CURRICULUM
Expanding the Dialogue on Health and Human Rights
Why do human rights exist?
Is health a human right? Who has more rights than others? How are rights influenced by one’s environment? How do we translate human rights into action?
globalhealthU Highlights from the year
Rosita Film Screening As a part of Duke Global Health Week, we hosted a documentary screening about a young Nicaraguan girl and her family’s journey after she becomes pregnant from rape. We hoped to learn more about cultural perspectives towards abortion and gender-based violence. Approximately 20 students attended the event.
Community Building Through service and team-building events, community and camaraderie is fostered around global health and social justice within GlobeMed chapters, the GlobeMed network and surrounding communities.
Staff members built a strong camaraderie this year with the goal of creating an environment conducive to open dialogue, strong personal connections, and efficient task completion. We made staff meetings engaging with "icebreaker" activities, met for group meals and brunch occasionally throughout the year, and volunteered together at the Ronald McDonald House of Durham. One of the highlights of Community Building this year was the staff retreat at Falls Lake State Park in Raleigh, NC, where we played games, conducted a session of ghU, and had a barbecue.
GROW Internship Grassroots On-site Work
04 LENGTH OF STAY: 3 weeks
MAY 2013– JUNE 2013
The purpose of GROW in 2013 was primarily to connect with the people of Siuna and learn as much as we possibly could. We met with representatives of many of the 18 organizations that are helping with the shelter and traveled to a domestic violence shelter 8 hours away to bring back best practices. In addition, we helped in any way we could with the construction of the fence, and helped to pick out the furniture for the shelter.
Through Grassroots On-site Work (GROW) internships, students build capacity of their partner organization, engage in mutual learning, and ensure long-term stability of their partnership. This is amazing – our cupcake-selling and picturetaking and constant Facebook posting about Kaplan courses has actually paid off in such a huge way. I wish I could be here to see the shelter completed, and hope to return to Siuna after I graduate to see the real difference that GlobeMed has made in the lives of women that suffer such horrific violence.– Eliza Gentzler, c/o 2014
World Day of Social Justice “INJUSTICE anywhere is a THREAT to JUSTICE everywhere.”
GLOBEMED AT DUKE UNIVERSITY joined 49 other GlobeMed chapters across the nation in a network-wide commemoration of the 5rd Annual World Day of Social Justice on February 20, 2013, by asking students, professors, and community members on campus an open-ended, thought provoking question relating to social justice. OUR QUESTION
What human right is more important to you? BEHIND THE SCENES: We painted this question in the tunnel connecting Duke’s East and West campuses, through which thousands of students pass daily while riding the bus. We chose this question because it not only encourages students to think about what human rights are, but also the value and significance of these rights in maintaining a person’s dignity.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed February 20th as World Day of Social Justice in 2007. Observation of WDSJ supports efforts of the international community in poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.
2013 Summit The student momentum The annual GlobeMed Global Health Summit brings together university students from across the nation for three days of intensive lectures and workshops with representatives from grassroots global health organizations and a range of experts.
2013 DELEGATES: Amee Tan, Phil Reinhart
Summit challenged us to rethink what we are doing with our time in college. It can be so easy to do what we think we should do, but what is it that we really want to do? Duke is a place where we are encouraged to dream, but it is also easy to get disheartened from time to time. So when I begin to doubt that I will be able to make a difference, I’ll remember Leymah Gbowee’s words: “You’re never too small to have an effect—if you think you’re small, trying sleeping in a bed with a mosquito. – Amee Tan, c/o 2015
Our Future GlobeMed at duke University GlobeMed was one of the elements that defined my college experience. From Director of Community Building to Internal CoPresident, I found great friends through GlobeMed. There was always someone with similar interests who was passionate and driven, waiting to have an interesting conversation on just about anything. – Allison Kratka, c/o 2013
The incoming executive board for 2013-2014 shared ideas about the future of our chapter at a retreat in the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. Our discussion focused heavily on the desired direction of our chapter, and we asked ourselves, “How can we better serve and connect with our partner community, as well as our local community? How will we build a dedicated, informed, and passionate team of young people in which GlobeMed equips them with the vision and leadership skills to do even greater things in their futures?” We came up with a variety of tangible ways to address these challenging questions. Within the chapter, we will make our weekly ghU program more engaging for staff members, provide more local volunteering opportunities in Durham, NC, and introduce professional development for staff members. To improve the relationship with our partner, we will make our next GROW internship sustainable for participants through the university or external funding sources, set a fundraising goal of $10,000, and determine a financial plan for maintaining the shelter while launching new projects as well. The limits of our chapter lie beyond the sky. If you would like to support us in our endeavors, please visit our online donation platform: http://www.razoo.com/story/ Globemed-At-Duke.
Finances In 2012 – 2013, GlobeMed at Duke raised $8968.58 for Salud Sin Limites to support projects in Siuna, Nicaragua. Revenue Events (Campaigns)
Internal Chapter Revenue
National Office Launch Grant
Expenses Campaigns
Sent to Partner Total sent to partner that was fundraised in the 2012-2013 academic year
Total sent to partner that was fundraised prior to the 2012-2013 academic year
TOTAL SENT TO PARTNER IN 2012-2013 Current Cash Position
$18500 $3606.57
Stay Connected Read more about our partner and project, and the GlobeMed network: globemed.org/impact/duke “Like” us on Facebook to find out about upcoming events. facebook.com/pages/GlobeMed-at-Duke/270943382926600
Follow us on twitter at @globemedduke Follow our blog and join in on the discussion. sites.duke.edu/globemedatduke
Check out our photos on globemed.smugmug.com/GlobeMed-at-Duke. Find our chapter on razoo.com/story/Globemed-At-Duke and make a donation to support our partner and project today. Email us at duke@globemed.org to find out how you can get involved!
Executive Board Co-President
Eliza Gentzler
| eliza.gentzler@duke.edu
Allison Kratka (Fall 2012)
| allison.kratka@duke.edu
Emily Du (Spring 2013)
Phil Reinhart
Christina Chen
| christina.chen@duke.edu
Campaign Coordinator
Emily Du (Fall 2012)
Campaign Coordinator
Amee Tan (Spring 2013)
| amee.tan@duke.edu
Campaign Coordinator
Jessica Adimora
| jessica.adimora@duke.edu
Sarah Wang
| xueyang.wang@duke.edu
Erica Morales-Jobse
| erica.morales.jobse@duke.edu
Director of Finances
Ilene Chen (Fall2012)
| ilene.chen@duke.edu
Director of Finances
Alexandra Huttler (Spring 2013) | alexandra.huttler@duke,edu
GROW Coordinator globalhealthU Coordinator
Director of Communications Director of Community Building
Director of Small Business
Cassidy Fox
Supporters INDIVIDUALS Jason Cross (faculty advisor), Kevin Flebbe, Leah Bergman, Cynthia Halaby, Dinah Du, Jyl Gentzler, Christianne Kratka, Vera Parker, Andrea Brandt, Rick Gentzler, Sukdeep Patel, Baljit Birk, Cynamon Chawla, Kathleen Hunnell, Grace Apple, Mary Ellen Player, Kristine Chu, Hailey Diaz, Jean Beckham, Lisa Minuto, Terry Brooks, Emma Beckham, Carolyn Bernstein, Guynoir Bowen, Nicholas Halaby, Ed Goss, Lois Tan, Ara Tourian
| cassidyfox91@gmail.com A sincere thanks to the following advocates, mentors, donors, and colleagues for making our 2012 – 2013 year a great success:
ORGANIZAITONS Cuban Revolution Restaurant, Duke Partnership for Service, Duke Student Organization Financing Committee, Duke University Stores, Kaplan Test Preparation Center, Local Yogurt, Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers, Panda Express Restaurant, Shooter's II, Sugarland Bakery, Toast Restaurant, Ronald McDonald House of Durham
GlobeMed National Office 620 Library Place Evanston, IL 60201 847-467-2143 www.globemed.org
Copyright 2013 © GlobeMed. All rights reserved.