March 26-28, 2015
Northwestern University
FACING INJUSTICE Partnering for Systemic Change
GlobeMed 2015 SUMMIT 1
PARTNERSHIPS IN AFRICA Arizona State University + ICOD Action Network Lyantonde, Uganda  Brown University + Ungano Tena Nairobi, Kenya  Colorado College + WOPLAH Mumias, Kenya  Columbia University + GWED-G Gulu, Uganda  George Washington University + Set Her Free Kawempe, Uganda  Lawrence University + Health Development Initiative Kigali, Rwanda  Massachusetts Institute of Technology + Hope Through Health Kara, Togo  Middlebury College + Gardens for Health International Gasabo, Rwanda  Morgan State University + Knowledge for Children Kumbo, Cameroon  North Carolina Central University + Young 1ove Gabarone, Botswana Northeastern University + Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization Masaka, Uganda
Northwestern University + Adonai Child Development Centre Namugoga, Uganda  Princeton University + COVE Alliance Kapeeka, Uganda Rutgers University + ChangeALife Uganda Migyera, Uganda Spelman College + Light for Children Kumasi, Ghana  UCLA + Mpoma HIV/AIDS Initiative Mukono, Uganda  UMKC + Kyetume CBHCP Mukono, Uganda  UNC-Chapel Hill + Raising the Village Kampala, Uganda  University of Pennsylvania + Lwala Community Alliance Lwala, Kenya  University of Southern California + Spark MicroGrants Mbale, Uganda Washington University in St. Louis + UDHA Iganga, Uganda  Wayne State University + KIHEFO Kabale, Uganda
Amherst College + Pastoral de la Salud Cuscatlán, El Salvador  City College of New York + CCC-UNSCH Ayacucho, Peru Cornell University + AMMID San Marcos, Guatemala  Duke University + ACUDESBAL Bajo Lempa, El Salvador  Florida International University + Escuela de la Calle Quezaltenango, Guatemala  Georgetown University + Primeros Pasos Quetzaltenango, Guatemala  Loyola University - Chicago + Jambi Huasi Otavalo, Ecuador  Penn State University + Feed the World Piura, Peru  Rhodes College + AMOS Health and Hope Managua, Nicaragua Truman State University + Maison de Naissance Torbeck, Haiti 4

Partnerships IN THE AMERICAS
University of Chicago + ASPAT Peru Lima, Peru  University of Michigan – Ann Arbor + Perkin Educational Opportunities Foundation Morazán, El Salvador  University of Rochester + Kallpa Iquitos Iquitos, Peru  University of Texas – Austin + Clinica Ana Manganaro Guarjila, El Salvador  Vanderbilt University + Dios es Amor Lima, Peru
Partnerships IN ASIA Bethel University + Rural Economic Development Association Svay Rieng, Cambodia  Boston College + Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development Siruvani, India  Dartmouth College + Kachin Women’s Association Thailand Chiang Mai, Thailand  Emory University + MAP Foundation Chiang Mai, Thailand  Indiana University + Trailblazer Foundation Siem Reap, Cambodia  St. Edward’s University + Burmese Women’s Union Mae Sot, Thailand  Tufts University + PHASE Nepal Kathmandu, Nepal  University of Cincinnati + Social Action for Women Mae Sot, Thailand University of Colorado - Boulder + Himalayan HealthCare Jawalakhel, Nepal  University of Denver + Buddhism for Social Development Action Kampong Cham, Cambodia  University of Notre Dame + Population Education Dev. Assoc. Vientiane, Laos  6
University of South Carolina + Alternative for Rural Movement Baliapal, India  University of Virginia + Build Your Future Today Siem Reap, Cambodia  University of Washington + MINDS Foundation Vadodara, India  University of Wisconsin – Madison + Cambodian Organization for Women’s Support Kampong Thom, Cambodia  Whitman College + Burma Humanitarian Mission Mae Sot, Thailand
table of contents
Welcome to the Summit! . . . . . . . . 9
Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Alumni & Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover
Welcome to the 2015 GlobeMed Summit! Eight years ago, 40 students from seven chapters gathered in Evanston, Illinois for the very first GlobeMed Summit, creating the initial spark that ignited the GlobeMed Network. From very humble beginnings, the 2015 Summit brings together over 275 students, alumni, grassroots partners, speakers and supporters to share, learn, celebrate and inspire. Since its founding in 2007, GlobeMed has cultivated over 3,000 leaders for global health by empowering students and communities to work together to advance health equity. We envision a world in which health—the ability to not only survive but thrive—is possible for all people. As GlobeMed continues to expand, now to over 2,000 students in 54 chapters with partners in 18 countries, we must continue to question and challenge our role in the fight for an equitable world. This year’s Summit, “Facing Injustice: Partnering for Systemic Change,” will challenge you to confront the unjust systems that place greater value on certain lives over others and understand, as university students, the role we play in breaking down these systems. The weekend will be spent investigating systems of injustice, how to build a diverse and inclusive movement, and what kind of leaders we will need to be in order to rebuild a more just and equitable world. Here at the GlobeMed National Office, we are inspired daily by the incredible work you do. We are incredibly honored and excited to have you with us this weekend to share, learn and build relationships. It is our hope that you enter this experience with an open heart and an open mind and leave with a reaffirmed commitment to social justice. Please enjoy the 2015 GlobeMed Summit! GlobeMed Love, Rosalind Dillon, Nicholas Garbaty & Priya Garigipati 2015 GlobeMed Summit Team
schedule THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Opening Dinner
5:30 - 8:00 PM | Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington
Coming Together: A Night with Ungano Tena 6:15 - 8:00 PM | Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington
Ungano Tena, GlobeMed at Brown University’s partner, is an organization that believes in creating social change through performance and youth empowerment. Chacha Musya, one of the founding members and visionaries of U-Tena, will talk about his experiences and the work U-Tena is doing to improve the lives of youth in Nairobi, Kenya. Afterwards, U-Tena will be joined by National Office Staff and delegates for a night of dancing and celebration.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Caucus Sessions (optional)
8:30 - 9:15 AM | Breakout Rooms, Hilton Orrington See insert, “Delegate Packet”, in delegate folder for details. A caucus is a space for facilitated discussion around a shared experience or identity. All caucuses are opportunities to learn from each other about how oppression acts as an obstacle to building a diverse and inclusive movement.
Partnering for Systemic Change
9:30 - 10:00 AM | Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington GlobeMed National Office Staff will share with delegates the current state of our network. From advocacy to inclusion and everything in between, delegates will gain a comprehensive understanding of what systems of injustice GlobeMed aims to shift and the role we play in creating a movement for health equity. 10
schedule Race: The Power of Illusion
10:00 - 11:30 AM |Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington This panel aims to illuminate the prevailing systems and structures that drive racial inequity. Panelists will explore the ideological construction of race and the effects and implications of this construction related to Social Justice. From this discussion, we hope that students will be able to better understand the intersection of race and health disparities, the deeper systems and structures that drive racial inequity and prejudice, and what roles and opportunities they should pursue in their development as leaders to create a more equitable society.
Dr. Badi Foster MODERATOR
Dr. Kai Green PANELIST
Ismael Reyna Jr. PANELIST
Dominique Hazzard PANELIST
Sufyan Sohel PANELIST
Small Groups
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Breakout Rooms, Hilton Orrington See insert, “Delegate Packet�, in delegate folder for details.
12:30 - 1:30 PM | Downtown Evanston
schedule GlobeMEDx Talks
1:45 - 3:00 PM | Hilton Orrington These “TEDx Style” sessions will bring together individuals working in three completely different fields, all contributing to the advancement of social justice. Each speaker will present the work they do and then all three speakers will come together for a discussion to explore the collaborative nature of social justice work. We hope that from this session we can show students that every major, concentration or profession really does have a role to play in achieving global health equity.
Law • Anthropology • Non-Profit Grand Ballroom
Brian Citro
Emi Kihslinger
Dr. Peter Locke
Ethel Yang
Film • Business • Advocacy Heritage Ballroom
Sarah Endres
Latifah Kiribedda
Andreas Nicholas
Ortal Ullman
Engineering • Museums • Global Health North Shore Room
Jamie Cartwright Dr. Fernando Fuentes Eric Hettler MODERATOR
Katie Smiley MUSEUMS
schedule Organizational Think Tanks
3:15 - 5:00 PM | Breakout Rooms, Hilton Orrington Through case studies, group discussions and brainstorming, chapter members will discuss common challenges, brainstorm ideas and share best practices in order to strengthen their chapter across all programs.
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Dinner & Story Slam
6:00 - 8:00 PM | Woman’s Club of Evanston We are excited to be hosting GlobeMed’s first ever Story Slam! Over dinner, GlobeMedders will step on stage to share their story about what has driven them to commit to creating a more just world.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Caucus Sessions
8:30 - 9:15 AM | Breakout Rooms, Hilton Orrington See insert, “Delegate Packet”, in delegate folder for details. A caucus is a space for facilitated discussion around a shared experience or identity. All caucuses are opportunities to learn from each other about how oppression acts as an obstacle to building a diverse and inclusive movement.
Expanding Your Network
9:30 - 10:45 AM | Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington During this networking hour, delegates will have the opportunity to interact with Summit Speakers, GlobeMed Alumni, National Office Staff and local organizations in order to learn more about the incredible work that is happening across our network. From this session, we hope that delegates will learn about opporunities to remain involved in global health and social justice in the future.
Small Groups
10:45 - 11:45 AM | Breakout Rooms, Hilton Orrington See insert, “Delegate Packet”, in delegate folder for details. 13
schedule Lunch
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | Downtown Evanston
On the Frontlines of Social Change
1:00 - 2:45 PM | Grand Ballroom, Hilton Orrington Advocacy plays an increasingly important role in changing oppressive systems. This panel will highlight the experiences of advocates that are organizing for systemic change in the local, national, and international arenas. From this discussion, we hope to show how current advocates have turned their knowledge and passion into action, and to solidify the connection between health and social justice.
Alexis Barnes MODERATOR
Gerald Guevarra PANELIST
Lisa Marchal PANELIST
Senior & Alumni Reception
3:00 - 4:15 PM | John Evans Alumni Center
Graduating GlobeMed students will join alumni for a reception to celebrate their time as chapter members and learn about how to stay connected to the network.
Systems of Injustice: Achieving Health Equity 4:30 - 6:00 PM | Alice Millar Chapel
We believe that students play an important role in dismantling oppressive systems. Dr. Joia Mukherjee, a long time friend and mentor of GlobeMed, joined us for our first ever Summit in 2007 and is back to inspire students eight years later.
Closing Dinner
6:15 - 9:00 PM | Louis Room, Norris Student Center
Dr. Joia Mukherjee CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, PARTNERS IN HEALTH Dr. Joia Mukherjee is trained in Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics at the Massachusetts General Hospital and has an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. Since 2000, Dr. Mukherjee has served as the Chief Medical Officer of Partners In Health. In this capacity, she is involved in programmatic and clinical work to provide high quality, comprehensive health care and reduce health disparities by developing public sector, community based programs with local colleagues. Dr. Mukherjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School and in the Division of Global Health Equity within the Department of Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital where she teaches infectious disease, global health delivery, and human rights to health professionals and students from around the world. Dr. Mukherjee’s scholarly work is focused upon generating a body of evidence to inform the development of health care delivery systems that can effectively address the enormous burden of disease in resource poor settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for Last Mile Health (Liberia), Village Health Works (Burundi), and Project Muso (Mali) and advises various grassroots organizations throughout the developing world in their work to deliver health care with a human rights based approach to the poorest of the poor. In addition, Dr. Mukherjee consults for the World Health Organization and other international agencies. 15
speakers Amee Amin is the Executive Director of Article 25, a people’s movement for the right to health of more than 15,000 activists across 65 countries. Amee is also a Visiting Research Fellow in the Dept. of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and she has a REAL Change Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship with the RESULTS Educational Fund. Previously Amee worked at the GlobeMed National Office as a student. She earned her BA in Cultural Anthropology and Global Health at Northwestern University in 2014. Alexis Barnes, the Director of Learning and Training for GlobeMed, has been coordinating GlobeMed’s education platform since January 2014. She has a diverse background working in various sectors of global development, including a position within the Chilean Ministry of Education, consulting for a capacity-building project in Uganda and working within the International Grants Department for a public health organization. Most recently, Alexis completed a Global Health Corps Fellowship in Uganda, working as a Program Manager for the Mpoma Community HIV/AIDS Initiative. That experience, coupled with a Masters degree in International Public Health, drives her passion to be part of a movement and generation tackling underlying causes to social injustice. Jamie Cartwright is a communications and design professional currently working as the Marketing Manager at Weidert Group, a Wisconsin-based inbound marketing agency. An alumnus of Lawrence University, he served as a GlobeMed chapter copresident in 2012-2013, and graduated with degrees in biological anthropology and human communication. Previously, Jamie worked internationally as a health communication specialist with Timmy Global Health in Ecuador. Brian Citro is a Clinical Lecturer in Law and Acting Associate Director of the International Human Rights Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School. He is also Director of Developing a Rights-Based Approach to TB, a project funded by the University of Chicago Center in Delhi and the Pozen Family Center for Human Rights. Prior to this, he worked in New Delhi, India, as a Senior Research Officer to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health and Project Manager of the “Global Health and Human Rights Database” for the Lawyers Collective, HIV/AIDS Unit. He also worked on the implementation of the report of the “Global Commission on HIV and the Law” as a Legal Consultant to the UNDP office of HIV, Health and Development. He received his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School. Sarah Endres is currently a Program Associate for Global Health Corps. Prior to joining the GHC staff, Sarah developed the early branding and design for Article 25, and worked for two years at the GlobeMed National Office advising chapters and managing GlobeMed’s communications. Sarah graduated from Rhodes College with a degree in Psychology, where she also served on the founding executive board of the GlobeMed at Rhodes College chapter. She is passionate about the role of design thinking in global health and thinks penguins are the best.
speakers Dr. Badi Foster has an extremely varied background, extending from higher education and nonprofits to the corporate world and federal government. Born in Chicago, Badi spent his adolescent years in Morocco. He earned his bachelors degree in international relations at the University of Denver and received his PhD in Politics from Princeton University. As a Fulbright fellow, his doctoral research focused on the impact of rapid urbanization in Africa. Badi has held several positions at Harvard University, including Director of Field Experience Program, Graduate School of Education and Assistant Director of the Kennedy Institute of Politics. Badi has also held teaching positions at Princeton University, Rutgers University, and the University of Massachusetts. He currently serves on the Advisory Council to the Joan Kroc Center for International Peace Studies at Notre Dame University. He is a Fellow at the W.E.B. Dubois Institute of African and African American Studies at Harvard University where he continues work on his book length manuscript on leadership and organizational change in the fight against anti Black and anti American Indian racism (1911-2011). Dr. Fernando Fuentes, Jr. began his professional career as a U.S. Army soldier. His journey included the opportunity to maximize his success. He is a former GHFP Fellow, working with Mercy Corps in Guatemala as an HIV/AIDS educator to post-conflict, rural indigenous youth. Fernando currently leads Global Health Fellows Program II’s strategies for enhancing talent diversity and fostering an inclusive work environment for participants. Among his most humbling service to his community includes being a foster parent to more than 15 children over the course of 6 years, two of whom are now a permanent part of his family! Dr. Kai M. Green is a writer, scholar, poet, filmmaker, abolitionist, feminist and whatever else it takes to make a new and more just world. For the past six years, he lived in Los Angeles building locally with Black LGBT communities, while also working to complete his dissertation, “Into the Darkness: A Black Queer (Re)Membering of Los Angeles in a Time of Crises.” Kai completed his graduate work at The University of Southern California in the Department of American Studies and Ethnicity. He also received graduate certificates in Gender Studies and Visual Anthropology. Kai is invested in developing models of healthy and loving Black masculinities. Through writing and organizing Kai has become a strong, visible voice in the Black Trans community and in the LGBT community generally. As a leader, teacher, and scholar, he is committed to raising consciousness around self-care, self-love, sexual health, emotional health, sexual and state violence, healthy masculinities, and Black feminism. He believes that writing and storytelling are revolutionary acts, especially for those who are often erased by heteronormative and Eurocentric histories. His goal is not simply to be a voice for the people; his goal is to always be making space and room for others to share their own truths and find their own voices. Kai is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Sexuality Studies and African American Studies at Northwestern.
speakers Gerald Guevarra has worked with youth for nearly four years focusing on educating young boys and men about healthy ideas of masculinity. He has implemented initiatives to engage men in dialogue about male privilege and redefining masculinity to encourage men to become active allies in ending gender-based violence in our communities. He currently works at Mujeres Latinas en Acción’s Proyecto Juventud after-school teen program as Youth Program Advocate focusing on the prevention of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang violence and school failure. He hopes to cultivate teens to become young advocates for the issues that impact them and their communities. As a GlobeMed alumnus he hopes to support other GlobeMeders on their own social justice warrior journey. Dominique Hazzard is a writer, trainer, and organizational strategist dedicated to dismantling systems of oppression. She grew up in Prince George’s County, MD, attended Wellesley College in Massachusetts, and calls D.C.’s Anacostia neighborhood home. Dominique currently writes for the feminist blog Disrupting Dinner Parties and organizes for racial justice in the District of Columbia with the Black Youth Project 100, Newsweek’s Greenest Companies, and the MSCI World ESG and Socially Responsible Indexes. Dominique was GlobeMed’s first Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator. Eric Hettler recently returned to the United States after living in East Africa for two years. In Uganda, he worked as a technical advisor for an organization to develop the market for institutional water treatment systems. In Tanzania he collaborated with a small NGO delivering water and sanitation services to refugee camps in the western part of the country. Eric has also worked in the United States as a water resources engineering specialist on projects related to stormwater runoff. He currently works for an engineering firm in Madison, WI. Emi Kihslinger grew up in small-town Wisconsin before attending the University of Wisconsin - Madison where she founded the UW-Madison chapter of GlobeMed and majored in International Relations and Applied Economics. After graduation, she spent time traveling in SE Asia, and then moved to Uganda where she worked for Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalization (GWED-G). Today, Emi is the US Country Director for Children of Rural Africa. She lives and works in New York City, where she also finds time to box, volunteer for the Red Cross as a Disaster Responder and Mass Care Manager, and get to the local Irish pubs. Latifah Kiribedda graduated with a degree in public health from St. Catherine University, Minnesota in 2012. Upon graduation, Latifah returned to Uganda as a Global Health Corps fellow to work with the United States Agency for International Development. In 2014, she fundraised over $14,000 and completed the construction of a maternal health center in Budondo village serving over 26,000 people. Currently, Latifah is pursuing her MBA in marketing and management at the University of St. Thomas, Opus College of Business.
speakers Dr. Peter Locke is a cultural and medical anthropologist focused on bringing ethnographic evidence to the comparative study of global health and humanitarian intervention in post-conflict societies. Locke’s doctoral research in Sarajevo, BosniaHerzegovina, explored how local psychosocial support organizations and poor families together cope with the legacy of war amidst a transformed state and economy. More recently, Locke has accompanied small undergraduate teams to Sierra Leone to study the encounter between the booming transnational discourses and practices of “global health” and local understandings of healing, care, and survival. Previously, Locke served as a postdoctoral research associate and then as a lecturer for Princeton University’s Program in Global Health and Health Policy. Rev. Lisa Marchal was ordained as an elder in The United Methodist Church in 2004 and has served local churches in Indiana, Ohio, and London in various capacities since 1994. She earned her B.A. in speech communication from Indiana University in 1996 and her M.Div. from Methodist Theological School in Ohio in 1999. She began with RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund in 2008 and now serves as Senior Global Grassroots Associate, supporting U.S.-based grassroots advocates who work on RESULTS’ global poverty campaigns. Andreas Nicholas is a filmmaker, entrepreneur, and storyteller whose mission is to bring underrepresented stories into the mainstream consciousness. Having been raised by two humanitarian architects, Andreas has an inherent understanding of how good design, art, and storytelling can create lasting cultural change. He is currently a partner and co-founder of AnderImage, a film production company that creates empathy-driven stories to represent marginalized truths and innovative ideas. Some recent collaborators include Caring Across Generations, the Harvard Medical School, and Wearable Intelligence/Google Glass. Ismael Reyna received a MPH from Chicago State University in 2014. During his time at the university, he leveraged his position as a Student Representative to the Board of Trustees to develop a Hispanic Serving Institution policy and a cyberbullying policy. In 2013-2014 he was selected for the Diversifying Faculty in IL Fellowship by the Illinois Board of Higher Education, as well as the Cesar Chavez activism award. In May 2014, he was the recipient of Chicago State University’s College of Health Sciences Graduate Divisional Award. Ismael is a Chicago native and attended UIC before completing his Bachelor’s degree at CSU. He is an active member of the American Public Health Association, Latino Caucus, and Student Assembly. He has presented research findings on The Impact of Globalization Efforts on the Latino Paradox and End of Life Issues that Affect Latino Communities. He has been involved in many communitybased research initiatives, has raised thousands of dollars for Latino scholarships, and has testified in front of city hall regarding zoning and development in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.
speakers Katie Smiley is a Chicago-based researcher with experience in informal learning and design. After studying anthropology, global health, and music at Northwestern, Katie started working for Garibay Group, helping educational institutions measure learning outcomes and engage underserved audiences. Next year, she will start a graduate program in industrial design and would ultimately like to pursue a career combining public health, design, and education. When not professionalizing or making things, she likes to wax poetic about caves, opera, dinosaurs, and Jeni’s ice cream. Kate is an alumna and former co-president of GlobeMed at Northwestern. Sufyan Sohel is the Deputy Director at CAIR-Chicago. Sufyan graduated from Tulane University and holds a M.S. in Finance and a J.D. from DePaul University. Prior to CAIRChicago, Sufyan worked in the finance industry. At DePaul, he worked with DePaul‘s International Human Rights Law Institute where he researched and collaborated extensively on women’s rights issues and rule of law projects in the Middle East and Asia. He spent a summer at the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights in Cairo where his focus was to educate and empower women while working with policymakers on gender reform. Sufyan serves as the President-Elect of the Indian-American Bar Association of Chicago and sits on the boards of the New Leaders Council–Chicago and the Civic Leadership Council of the Constitution Rights Foundation. Ortal Ulman works as a Community Organizer with PIH Engage, supporting grassroots teams across the U.S. to lead and grow the movement for the human right to health. After her recent graduation from the University of Southern California, where she helped lead a GlobeMed chapter, Ortal moved to DC to organize with the Student Global AIDS Campaign and Health GAP before starting work with Partners In Health. She is passionate about environmental justice, peer empowerment, and being outdoors, and believes that every policy is a public health policy. Ethel Yang is a Washington, D.C. GlobeMed Alumni Hub Co-Director and former Co-President of GlobeMed at UChicago. As an undergrad, Ethel studied biology, while completing significant coursework in foreign language at the Booth School of Business. Now, Ethel is a management consultant at Accenture. Following her GROW internship and work with ASPAT-Peru in 2013, Ethel has continued to support ASPAT-Peru in assessing and pursuing international partnership opportunities and was named a Cordes Fellow for this work in 2014. In her free time, Ethel runs, trains Muay Thai, and experiments in the kitchen. Ungano Tena (U-Tena) is Swahili for reuniting. U-Tena is a grassroots organization formed in 2005 by youth from the Viwandani-Mukuru slum in East Nairobi. U-Tena is represented at this year’s summit by Chacha Baru Musya, Vickson Odongo Machio, Peter Onchuru Mokaya and Christine Atieno Otieno. U-Tena’s mission is to educate communities about sexual and reproductive health and related issues. Using music, dance, art and theatre, U-Tena teaches communities about HIV, STIs, sexual health and reproductive health. Since the fall of 2011, U-Tena and GlobeMed at Brown University have worked in partnership. They are currently working together on a project to mentor 75 girls, 10 to 17 years of age, on issues of sexual health practices, mental health, and financial literacy.
alumni & staff GLOBEMED ALUMNI Amee Amin ‘14 National Office
Dominique Hazzard ‘12 National Office
Bryana Schoen ‘14 Northwestern University
Jamie Cartwright ‘14 Lawrence University
Emi Kihslinger ‘13 UW-Madison
Sid Singh ‘12 National Office
Tana Chongsuwat ‘10 Loyola University - Chicago
Michelle Knopp ‘14 WashU - St. Louis
Katie Smiley ‘11 Northwestern University
Katelyn Dutton ‘14 Columbia University
Jason Pace ‘12 Rhodes College
Ortal Ullman ‘14 Univ. Southern California
Sarah Endres ‘11 Rhodes College
Hiten Patel ‘12 University of Michigan
Ethel Yang ‘13 University of Chicago
Gerald Guevarra ‘14 Loyola University - Chicago
Jennifer Perugini ‘14 University of Notre Dame
GlobeMed National Office Staff Bradley Halpern, Executive Director Alina Kostreba, Chief Operating Officer Alyssa Smaldino, Director of Partnerships Alexis Barnes, Director of Learning and Training Paris Prince, Director of Inclusion Anupa Gewali, Program Director Caroline Nguyen, Program Director Rosalind Dillon, Program Director Summit Team Nicholas Garbaty Priya Garigipati
Partnerships Team Elizabeth Larsen Leah Salama
EVANSTON Please refer to Google Maps (or Siri) if you get lost on the way to any Summit locations.
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Thank You! To you, the supporters who made 2015 GlobeMed Summit possible: Thank you! Having joined the GlobeMed team just this year, I feel profoundly inspired by this innovative, driven, inclusive network—and very fortunate to be a part of it. Together we have an immense power to redefine the systems that determine health. Because of your participating and support, we will. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Northwestern University for being our home and for its crucial support of the GlobeMed Summit. We offer special thanks to the Buffett Institute for International and Comparative Studies, the Office of the President and Provost, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, the Center for Global Health at Feinberg School of Medicine, and the many other departments and schools that graciously support our work. Northwestern truly is a place that fosters inclusive dialogue and engaged scholarship on critical global issues. We are very appreciative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Health Fellows Program-II. Through our partnership with GHFP-II, GlobeMed has been able to help remove barriers for talented students of all backgrounds to join the movement for global health equity. Together we are equipping a generation of changemakers that reflects the diversity of the American people. A heartfelt thanks to the Abbvie Foundation for their ongoing support of GlobeMed. Through their generosity, we’ve grown from an idea into a global network of students, organizations, and communities united around the common belief that health is a human right. From all those whose lives have been touched by GlobeMed’s work, thank you. Finally, thank you to our incredible students, alumni, and partner organizations who have traveled from around the world to be here this weekend. You bring the power of the Summit to life. This is a pivotal time for the GlobeMed network and a time of real movement and excitement. We look forward to many more years of progress, celebration, and partnership. Together we can build a world in which every person has the chance to live a healthy and prosperous life. Sincerely, Bradley Halpern Executive Director
Cover photo by ARTICLE25 Program Design by Jamie Cartwright