2013 - 2016 GlobeMed Strategic Plan

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2013 – 2016 Strategic Plan


The Need

Our Approach

Today, millions of people in poverty continue to suffer and die from preventable causes. It doesn’t have to be this way. For the first time in human history, we have the tools and resources to close the health gap, if we work together.

We use three strategies to strengthen the movement for global health equity. Through this approach, GlobeMed supports community health today and fosters the global health leadership and collaboration needed for tomorrow.

To achieve health equity, we need a movement of people collaborating across borders, sectors and generations to tackle challenges and develop solutions. Together, we can create the change needed at every level, from communities to global systems, to give all people the chance to live a healthy life.


Developing Students into Leaders for Global Health


Supporting the Health Impact of Grassroots Organizations


Building a Collaborative Global Network to Advance Health


A Movement for Health Today and and Health Tomorrow

Mission GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.

Vision We envision a world in which health – the ability to not only survive but thrive – is possible for all people.


How It Works

Our Network

We partner each university chapter with one grassroots organization leading change in its community. Year after year, students support the organization’s work through fundraising, research, and volunteering while developing their skills as future leaders for global health.

+ University Chapter

= Grassroots Organization

2,000 students across 55 university chapters

55 grassroots organizations in 19 countries GlobeMed Partnership

1 GlobeMed National Office providing backbone support for the network

1,000 GlobeMed alumni around the world


Our Impact Since 2007, our students and partner organizations have raised over one million dollars to implement 207 health projects around the world. By 2016, we will graduate over 2,000 alumni. In front of cameras and behind podiums, in hospitals, courtrooms, classrooms, and boardrooms, these young leaders will have the skills and commitment to change the face of global health.




2009 - 2013





Developing Students into Leaders for Global Health


93% of students report that GlobeMed strengthened their leadership abilities.


Supporting the Health Impact of Grassroots Organizations

Students + Alumni

$1.2 million raised to support 207 community-driven health projects implemented worldwide.


Students + Alumni

Building a Collaborative Global Network to Advance Health Equity 97% of alumni state that they plan to remain an advocate for global health and social justice regardless of career path.



Students + Alumni

2007 20102010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2007 2008 20082009 2009

2015 2014

2016 2015


Our Strategic Goals: 2013 - 2016 Equip 3,000 students to become leaders for global health [THRIVING CHAPTERS] • Develop 60 exceptional campus chapters by strengthening chapter model, resources, mentorship, and training. [globalhealthU 2.0: LEARNING + ACTION] • Continue to innovate on globalhealthU curriculum and training to best facilitate student leadership formation. • Integrate action for systemic change into the program. • Develop online platform to house curriculum and training. [DIVERSITY & INCLUSION] • Establish at least 10 chapters on campuses serving groups underrepresented in global health. • Cultivate a diverse and inclusive GlobeMed network across all campuses, partnerships, and programs. • Provide the resources and support for students of all levels of privilege to have the opportunity to thrive in GlobeMed.

Build a collaborative global network to advance health equity [ALUMNI COMMUNITY] • Build a strong alumni community through regional hubs, alumni events, online tools and participation in GlobeMed programs. [REGIONAL CHAPTER CONNECTIVITY] • Foster regional connectivity and relationship-building to support chapter network collaboration, and learning. [UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS] • Develop strategic relationships with chapter universities to support chapter success and student leadership development. [EVALUATION & TRANSPARENCY FOR CO-LEARNING] • Develop robust monitoring and evaluation strategies and systems to support organizational learning and innovation. • Share successes, failures, and lessons learned to facilitate colearning with peer organizations and university programs.

Support health impact of our grassroots partner organizations

Increase sustainability of GlobeMed National Office

[THRIVING PARTNERSHIPS] • Redesign project strategy to facilitate collective impact. • Strengthen GROW internship strategy to foster collective impact. • Improve guiding tools and resources for partner organizations.

[STRONG OPERATIONS] • Continue to monitor and address administrative and technological gaps to support high-quality operations.

[PARTNER ORGANIZATION LEARNING & COLLABORATION] • Provide partner trainings and forums in key geographic regions to support collective impact with GlobeMed and other supporters. • Implement an online platform for ongoing partner collaboration. [U.S. ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY] • Conduct strategic research and analyze pilot programs to determine our approach to local and domestic U.S. partnerships.

[SUSTAINABLE FUNDING DEVELOPMENT] • Maintain and increase diversity in funding sources. • Increase sustainable revenue flows and savings. [BOARD DEVELOPMENT] • Continue to develop the board of directors to support successful organizational growth and development.


www.globemed.org info@globemed.org Print Design by Olivia Koshy

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